<?php get_header(); ?> <div id="feature" class="responsive-background" style="background-image:url(<?php background_featured_image(); ?> )"> <div class="slider-container"> <div class="column row"> <?php if (is_plugin_active('LayerSlider/layerslider.php')) { layerslider(1); } ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end #feature --> <?php if (is_active_sidebar('homepage_callout')) { ?> <div class="homepage-callout lower-shadow"> <div class="row"> <?php dynamic_sidebar('homepage_callout'); ?>
function om_layerslider($id = 0, $page = '') { global $wpdb; $exists = $wpdb->get_row("\n\t\t\tSELECT EXISTS(\n\t\t\t\tSELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "layerslider\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = " . (int) $id . " AND flag_hidden = '0'\tAND flag_deleted = '0'\n\t\t\t)", ARRAY_N); if ($exists[0] && function_exists('layerslider')) { //om_layerslider_enqueue(); layerslider($id, $page); } }
function slideshow($element) { extract($element['saved'][0]); $output = '<div class="span' . $dynamic_size . ' dynamic_slideshow">'; switch ($dynamic_which_post_page) { case 'post': $query_id = $dynamic_post_id; $type = 'post'; break; case 'page': $query_id = $dynamic_page_id; $type = 'page'; break; case 'self': $query_id = $this->post_id; $type = get_post_type($this->post_id); break; } $query_post = array('p' => $query_id, 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'post_type' => $type); $additional_loop = new WP_Query($query_post); if ($additional_loop->have_posts()) { while ($additional_loop->have_posts()) { $additional_loop->the_post(); if ($dynamic_which_post_page != 'self' && $query_id != $this->post_id) { global $more; $more = 0; } if (!$additional_loop->post->post_excerpt || $query_id == $this->post_id) { if (themeple_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_slideshow_type') != 'layer_slider' || $type == 'post') { $slider = new themeple_slideshow(get_the_ID(), themeple_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_slideshow_type')); if ($slider) { $sliderHtml = $slider->display(); $output .= $sliderHtml; } } else { if (themeple_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_slideshow_type') == 'layer_slider') { $slider = new themeple_slideshow(get_the_ID(), 'layer_slider'); if ($slider) { $slider->options['layer_slider_id'] = themeple_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_slideshow_layer_slider'); ob_start(); layerslider($slider->options['layer_slider_id'] + 1); $output .= ob_get_clean(); } } } } } } $output .= '</div>'; return $output; }
<figure class="full-width"> <?php the_post_thumbnail(Everything::to_('general/layout')->value() == 'boxed' ? 'max-width' : 'full-hd'); ?> </figure> <?php } elseif ($banner['type'] == 'slider' && preg_match('/^(?P<type>(layer|master|rev)slider)-(?P<id>[0-9]+)$/', $banner['slider'], $m)) { // Slider ?> <?php switch ($m['type']) { case 'layerslider': if (Everything::isPluginActive('layerslider')) { layerslider($m['id']); } break; case 'masterslider': if (Everything::isPluginActive('masterslider')) { masterslider($m['id']); } break; case 'revslider': if (Everything::isPluginActive('revslider')) { putRevSlider($m['id']); } break; } ?>
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); $slider = yit_slide_get('layer_slider_layer-slider'); ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class(); ?> > <div class="shadowWrapper"> <?php layerslider($slider); ?> <div class="shadow-left"></div> <div class="shadow-right"></div> </div> </div> <!-- END SLIDER -->
/** * Slideshow controller. * */ function presscore_slideshow_controller() { global $post; $config = Presscore_Config::get_instance(); if ('slideshow' != $config->get('header_title')) { return; } $slider_id = $config->get('slideshow_sliders'); // turn off regular titles and breadcrumbs remove_action('presscore_before_main_container', 'presscore_page_title_controller', 16); if (dt_get_paged_var() > 1) { return; } switch ($config->get('slideshow_mode')) { case 'porthole': $class = 'fixed' == $config->get('slideshow_layout') ? 'class="fixed" ' : ''; $height = absint($config->get('slideshow_slider_height')); $width = absint($config->get('slideshow_slider_width')); if (!$height) { $height = 500; } if (!$width) { $width = 1200; } printf('<div id="main-slideshow" %sdata-width="%d" data-height="%d" data-autoslide="%d" data-scale="%s" data-paused="%s"></div>', $class, $width, $height, absint($config->get('slideshow_autoslide_interval')), 'fit' == $config->get('slideshow_slider_scaling') ? 'fit' : 'fill', 'paused' == $config->get('slideshow_autoplay') ? 'true' : 'false'); add_action('wp_footer', 'presscore_render_porthole_slider_data', 15); break; case 'photo_scroller': $slides = array(); $slideshow = Presscore_Inc_Slideshow_Post_Type::get_by_id($slider_id); // prepare data if ($slideshow->have_posts()) { while ($slideshow->have_posts()) { $slideshow->the_post(); $media_items = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_dt_slider_media_items', true); if (empty($media_items)) { continue; } $slides = array_merge($slides, $media_items); } wp_reset_postdata(); } $photo_scroller = new Presscore_PhotoScroller($slides, array('wrap_class' => 'fullscreen' == $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.layout') ? 'fullscreen-scroller' : '', 'background_color' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.background.color'), 'padding_top' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.padding.top'), 'padding_bottom' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.padding.bottom'), 'padding_side' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.padding.side'), 'autoplay' => 'play' == $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.autoplay.mode'), 'autoplay_speed' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.autoplay.speed'), 'thumbnails_visibility' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.thumbnails.visibility'), 'thumbnails_width' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.thumbnail.width'), 'thumbnails_height' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.thumbnail.height'), 'portrait_images_view' => array('max_width' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.portrait.width.max'), 'min_width' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.portrait.width.min'), 'fill_desktop' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.portrait.fill.desktop'), 'fill_mobile' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.portrait.fill.mobile')), 'landscape_images_view' => array('max_width' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.landscape.width.max'), 'min_width' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.landscape.width.min'), 'fill_desktop' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.landscape.fill.desktop'), 'fill_mobile' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.behavior.landscape.fill.mobile')), 'inactive_opacity' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.inactive.opacity'), 'show_overlay' => $config->get('slideshow.photo_scroller.overlay.enabled'), 'show_post_navigation' => false, 'show_share_buttons' => false)); if ($photo_scroller->have_slides()) { echo $photo_scroller->get_html(); } break; /* case 'metro': $slideshow = Presscore_Inc_Slideshow_Post_Type::get_by_id( $slider_id ); // prepare data if ( $slideshow->have_posts() ) { $slideshow_objects = array(); while ( $slideshow->have_posts() ) { $slideshow->the_post(); $media_items = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_dt_slider_media_items', true ); if ( empty($media_items) ) { continue; } $attachments_data = presscore_get_attachment_post_data( $media_items ); if ( count($attachments_data) > 1 ) { $object = array(); foreach ( $attachments_data as $array ) { $object[] = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object( $array ); } } else { $object = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object( current($attachments_data) ); } $slideshow_objects[] = $object; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::get_html( $slideshow_objects ); } break; */ /* case 'metro': $slideshow = Presscore_Inc_Slideshow_Post_Type::get_by_id( $slider_id ); // prepare data if ( $slideshow->have_posts() ) { $slideshow_objects = array(); while ( $slideshow->have_posts() ) { $slideshow->the_post(); $media_items = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_dt_slider_media_items', true ); if ( empty($media_items) ) { continue; } $attachments_data = presscore_get_attachment_post_data( $media_items ); if ( count($attachments_data) > 1 ) { $object = array(); foreach ( $attachments_data as $array ) { $object[] = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object( $array ); } } else { $object = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object( current($attachments_data) ); } $slideshow_objects[] = $object; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::get_html( $slideshow_objects ); } break; */ case '3d': $class = ''; $data_attr = ''; $slider_layout = $config->get('slideshow_3d_layout'); if (in_array($slider_layout, array('prop-fullwidth', 'prop-content-width'))) { $class = 'prop-fullwidth' == $slider_layout ? 'class="fixed-height" ' : 'class="fixed" '; $width = $config->get('slideshow_3d_slider_width'); $height = $config->get('slideshow_3d_slider_height'); $data_attr = sprintf(' data-width="%d" data-height="%d"', $width ? absint($width) : 2500, $height ? absint($height) : 1200); } printf('<div id="main-slideshow" %s><div class="three-d-slider"%s><span id="loading">0</span></div></div>', $class, $data_attr); add_action('wp_footer', 'presscore_render_3d_slider_data', 15); break; case 'revolution': $rev_slider = $config->get('slideshow_revolution_slider'); if ($rev_slider && function_exists('putRevSlider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow">'; putRevSlider($rev_slider); echo '</div>'; } break; case 'layer': $layer_slider = $config->get('slideshow_layer_slider'); $layer_bg_and_paddings = $config->get('slideshow_layer_bg_and_paddings'); if ($layer_slider && function_exists('layerslider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow"' . ($layer_bg_and_paddings ? ' class="layer-fixed"' : '') . '>'; layerslider($layer_slider); echo '</div>'; } } // switch }
/** * Slideshow controller. * */ function presscore_slideshow_controller() { global $post; $config = Presscore_Config::get_instance(); if ('slideshow' != $config->get('header_title')) { return; } // turn off regular titles and breadcrumbs remove_action('presscore_before_main_container', 'presscore_page_title_controller', 16); if (dt_get_paged_var() > 1) { return; } switch ($config->get('slideshow_mode')) { case 'revolution': $rev_slider = $config->get('slideshow_revolution_slider'); if ($rev_slider && function_exists('putRevSlider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow">'; putRevSlider($rev_slider); echo '</div>'; } break; case 'layer': $layer_slider = $config->get('slideshow_layer_slider'); $layer_bg_and_paddings = $config->get('slideshow_layer_bg_and_paddings'); if ($layer_slider && function_exists('layerslider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow"' . ($layer_bg_and_paddings ? ' class="layer-fixed"' : '') . '>'; layerslider($layer_slider); echo '</div>'; } } // switch do_action('presscore_do_header_slideshow', $config->get('slideshow_mode')); }
<?php /** * Template Name: Home * The template for displaying pages * * This is the template that displays all pages by default. * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages and that * other "pages" on your WordPress site will use a different template. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Sixteen * @since Twenty Sixteen 1.0 */ get_header(); layerslider(3); ?> <!--<div class="fb-like" data-share="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"> </div>--> <div class="html-content"> <h1 style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-size: 18pt; font-family: georgia, palatino;"><span style="color: #ff0000;">Những dự án nổi bật</span> </span></h1> <h1 class="viewall" style="color: #ff0000;"><a href="/tu-thien"><span style="color: #ff0000;">Xem Thêm</span> </span></a></h1> </div> <section class="main bg-gray"> <div class="container"> <!-- <div class="html-content">
} else { if ($layerslider_id == '-1') { // For non-selected slider $layerslider_id = '-1'; $no_slider_class = ' class="no-slider" '; } } echo '<div id="uxb-layerslider-container" ' . $slider_header_footer_style . ' >'; echo '<div id="uxb-layerslider"' . $no_slider_class . '>'; // If the user hasn't selected any active slider yet if ($layerslider_id == '-1') { echo '<div class="info box no-layerslider-box">' . __('You have not yet selected which LayerSlider to be used here. Please go to: "Theme Options > Home Slider > LayerSlider for Homepage".', 'uxbarn') . '</div>'; } else { // else if it's selected, display on screen. if (function_exists('layerslider')) { layerslider((int) $layerslider_id); } } echo '</div>'; // close id="uxb-layerslider" echo '</div>'; // close id="uxb-layerslider-container" ?> <?php } // END: if($slider_type == 'basic-slider') ?> <!-- END::HOME-SLIDER --> <!-- PAGE-SLIDER --> <?php
?> <header id="header-main" class="slide-menu"> <?php putRevSlider($smof_data['revolution_slider']); ?> </header> <?php } ?> <?php if ($smof_data['type_home_section'] == 'layerslider') { ?> <header id="header-main" class="slide-menu"> <?php layerslider($smof_data['layer_slider']); ?> </header> <?php } } } if ($smof_data['menu_position'] == 'after_header_menu') { ?> <!-- MAIN MENU --> <div id="nav-main" class="sticky-menu"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="logo-container"><div class="tb"><div class="tb-cell"> <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?> "> <?php if ($smof_data['logo_image']) { ?>
/** * Slideshow controller. * */ function presscore_slideshow_controller() { global $post; $config = Presscore_Config::get_instance(); if ('slideshow' != $config->get('header_title')) { return; } $slider_id = $config->get('slideshow_sliders'); // turn off regular titles and breadcrumbs remove_action('presscore_before_main_container', 'presscore_page_title_controller', 16); if (dt_get_paged_var() > 1) { return; } switch ($config->get('slideshow_mode')) { case 'porthole': $class = 'fixed' == $config->get('slideshow_layout') ? 'class="fixed" ' : ''; $height = absint($config->get('slideshow_slider_height')); $width = absint($config->get('slideshow_slider_width')); if (!$height) { $height = 500; } if (!$width) { $width = 1200; } printf('<div id="main-slideshow" %sdata-width="%d" data-height="%d" data-autoslide="%d" data-scale="%s" data-paused="%s"></div>', $class, $width, $height, absint($config->get('slideshow_autoslide_interval')), 'fit' == $config->get('slideshow_slider_scaling') ? 'fit' : 'fill', 'paused' == $config->get('slideshow_autoplay') ? 'true' : 'false'); add_action('wp_footer', 'presscore_render_porthole_slider_data', 15); break; case 'metro': $slideshow = Presscore_Inc_Slideshow_Post_Type::get_by_id($slider_id); // prepare data if ($slideshow->have_posts()) { $slideshow_objects = array(); while ($slideshow->have_posts()) { $slideshow->the_post(); $media_items = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_dt_slider_media_items', true); if (empty($media_items)) { continue; } $attachments_data = presscore_get_attachment_post_data($media_items); if (count($attachments_data) > 1) { $object = array(); foreach ($attachments_data as $array) { $object[] = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object($array); } } else { $object = Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::array_to_object(current($attachments_data)); } $slideshow_objects[] = $object; } wp_reset_postdata(); echo Presscoe_Inc_Classes_SwapperSlider::get_html($slideshow_objects); } break; case '3d': $class = ''; $data_attr = ''; $slider_layout = $config->get('slideshow_3d_layout'); if (in_array($slider_layout, array('prop-fullwidth', 'prop-content-width'))) { $class = 'prop-fullwidth' == $slider_layout ? 'class="fixed-height" ' : 'class="fixed" '; $width = $config->get('slideshow_3d_slider_width'); $height = $config->get('slideshow_3d_slider_height'); $data_attr = sprintf(' data-width="%d" data-height="%d"', $width ? absint($width) : 2500, $height ? absint($height) : 1200); } printf('<div id="main-slideshow" %s><div class="three-d-slider"%s><span id="loading">0</span></div></div>', $class, $data_attr); add_action('wp_footer', 'presscore_render_3d_slider_data', 15); break; case 'revolution': $rev_slider = $config->get('slideshow_revolution_slider'); if ($rev_slider && function_exists('putRevSlider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow">'; putRevSlider($rev_slider); echo '</div>'; } break; case 'layer': $layer_slider = $config->get('slideshow_layer_slider'); $layer_bg_and_paddings = $config->get('slideshow_layer_bg_and_paddings'); if ($layer_slider && function_exists('layerslider')) { echo '<div id="main-slideshow"' . ($layer_bg_and_paddings ? ' class="layer-fixed"' : '') . '>'; layerslider($layer_slider); echo '</div>'; } } // switch }
</div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($slider == "yes") { ?> <!-- BEGIN .slider-content --> <div class="slider-content"> <!-- BEGIN .wrapper --> <div class="wrapper"> <?php layerslider($sliderId); ?> <!-- END .wrapper --> </div> <!-- END .slider-content --> </div> <?php } ?> <!-- BEGIN .content --> <div class="content"> <!-- BEGIN .wrapper -->
<?php /* Template Name: Front Page With Layer/Revolution Slider */ get_header(); // slider $type = get_field('slider_type'); if ('layer' === $type && function_exists('layerslider')) { // layer slider layerslider((int) get_field('layerslider_id')); } else { if ('revolution' === $type && function_exists('putRevSlider')) { // revolution slider putRevSlider(get_field('revolution_slider_alias')); } } ?> <div class="container" role="main"> <?php if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); the_content(); } } ?> </div> <?php