Ejemplo n.º 1
 * widget function
 * works for select menus and some input fields
 * @param string $title 
 * @param string $function 
 * @param string $name 
 * @param string $value 
 * @param string $attr 
 * @param string $type 
 * @param string $subtitle 
 * @param string $req 
 * @param string $tag 
 * @param string $tag_attr 
 * @param string $extra 
 * @param string $afterwards 
 * @return string
 * @author edited by Peng Wang <*****@*****.**>
function ips($title, $function, $name, $value = '', $attr = '', $type = '', $subtitle = '', $req = '', $tag = '', $tag_attr = '', $extra = '', $afterwards = '')
    $OBJ =& get_instance();
    global $error_msg, $go;
    // set a default
    // we might want div later
    if (!$tag) {
        $tag = 'label';
    $tag_attr ? $tag_attr = "{$tag_attr}" : ($tag_attr = '');
    $OBJ->access->prefs['user_help'] == 1 ? $help = showHelp($title) : ($help = '');
    $afterwards ? $afterwards = $afterwards : ($afterwards = '');
    if (isset($error_msg[$name])) {
        $msg = span($error_msg[$name], "class='error'");
    } else {
        $msg = null;
    $subtitle ? $subtitle = span($subtitle, "class='small-txt'") : ($subtitle = '');
    $title ? $title = label($title . ' ' . $subtitle . ' ' . $help . $msg) : ($title = '');
    $req ? $req = showerror($msg) : ($req = '');
    $extra ? $add = $extra : ($add = '');
    $value = showvalue($name, $value);
    if ($function === 'input') {
        $function = input($name, $type, attr($attr), $value);
    } else {
        $function ? $function = $function($value, $name, attr($attr), $add) : ($function = null);
    return $title . "\n" . $function;
function ctrl_input_field($errors, $inputType, $isRequired, $name, $labelText, $className, $originalValue = null)
    if ('REQUIRED' == $isRequired) {
        $divClassName = 'requiredField';
    } else {
        $divClassName = 'optionalField';
    echo "<div class = '{$divClassName}'>";
    if (sent_value($name) != null) {
        $value = sent_value($name);
    } else {
        $value = $originalValue;
    if ('hidden' != $inputType) {
        //checkboxes look better if the box is on the left
        if ('checkbox' != $inputType) {
            label($name, $labelText);
            echo "<input type =\"{$inputType}\" id = \"{$name}\" name = \"{$name}\" value = \"{$value}\" class = \"{$className}\"/>";
        } else {
            echo "<input type =\"{$inputType}\" id = \"{$name}\" name = \"{$name}\" value = \"{$value}\" class = \"{$className}\"/>";
            label($name, $labelText);
        error_label($errors, $name);
    } else {
        //hidden fields don't have labels or error labels
        echo "<input type =\"{$inputType}\" id = \"{$name}\" name = \"{$name}\" value = \"{$value}\" class = \"{$className}\"/>";
    echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function tablaDescarga()
     if (isset($_POST['miHtml'])) {
         $htmlEntrada = $_POST['miHtml'];
         $titulo = $_POST['titulo'];
         $str = $htmlEntrada;
         $table = str_get_html($str);
         $rowData = array();
         foreach ($table->find('tr') as $row) {
             // initialize array to store the cell data from each row
             $flight = array();
             foreach ($row->find('td') as $cell) {
                 // push the cell's text to the array
                 $flight[] = trim($cell->plaintext);
             $rowData[] = $flight;
         ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
         ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
         // date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London');
         if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
             die('This example should only be run from a Web Browser');
         $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
         // ->setSubject("Prueba de descarga de tabla de personas")
         // ->setDescription("Documento de prueba de descarga de tabla de excel desde PHP")
         // ->setKeywords("office 2007 openxml php")
         // ->setCategory("Documento de prueba");
         $hoja = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
         $hoja->fromArray($rowData, '', 'A1');
         $cantidadColumnas = count(array_shift($rowData));
         $abcd = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's');
         $ultimaColumna = $abcd[$cantidadColumnas - 1];
         $header = 'a1:' . $ultimaColumna . '1';
         $style = array('font' => array('bold' => true), 'alignment' => array('horizontal' => \PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER));
         for ($col = ord('a'); $col <= ord('z'); $col++) {
         header('Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel');
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $titulo . '.xls"');
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
         header('Cache-Control: max-age=1');
         // header ('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past
         header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         // always modified
         header('Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate');
         // HTTP/1.1
         header('Pragma: public');
         // HTTP/1.0
         $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: boot.php Proyecto: xtha/salt
function uriboot($label, $uri, $args)
    echo "  kernel " . $uri . "\n";
    if ($args) {
        echo "  append " . $args . "\n";
function render_meta_box($post)
    $templates = Template::getTodosArray();
    $select = input_select_simples('id_template', "Template de Evento", $templates);
    echo label("template", "Template de Evento", $select);
    $input = input_texto_simples('post_title', 'Título do Evento', 30);
    echo label("titulo", "Título do Evento", $input);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Shunichiro AKI
 * Date: 2015/09/18
 * Time: 23:19
function message($id, $transParameters = [], $rawParameters = [])
    $mergeParameters = [];
    foreach ($transParameters as $key => $value) {
        $mergeParameters[$key] = label($value);
    $mergeParameters += $rawParameters;
    return trans('messages.' . $id, $mergeParameters);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function add_field($f, $id, $label = "", $req = false, $class = "", $type = "text")
    $in = make_tag("input", $class);
    $in["attribs"]["type"] = $type;
    $in["attribs"]["id"] = $id;
    $in["attribs"]["name"] = $id;
    $in["attribs"]["placeholder"] = $label;
    !$req || ($in["attribs"]["required"] = "");
    $f["children"][] = label($id, $label);
    $f["children"][] = $in;
    return $f;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private function compile(array $tokens)
     $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSlice($tokens), 'parsers' => []];
     traverse(rtoken('/^(T_\\w+)·(\\w+)$/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) {
         $token = $result->token();
         $id = $this->lookupCapture($token);
         $type = $this->lookupTokenType($token);
         $cg->parsers[] = token($type)->as($id);
     }), ($parser = chain(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')->as('type'), token('('), optional(ls(either(future($parser)->as('parser'), chain(token(T_FUNCTION), parentheses()->as('args'), braces()->as('body'))->as('function'), string()->as('string'), rtoken('/^T_\\w+·\\w+$/')->as('token'), rtoken('/^T_\\w+$/')->as('constant'), rtoken('/^·this$/')->as('this'), label()->as('label'))->as('parser'), token(',')))->as('args'), commit(token(')')), optional(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')->as('label'), null)))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) {
         $cg->parsers[] = $this->compileParser($result->type, $result->args, $result->label);
     }), $this->layer('{', '}', braces(), $cg), $this->layer('[', ']', brackets(), $cg), $this->layer('(', ')', parentheses(), $cg), rtoken('/^···(\\w+)$/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) {
         $id = $this->lookupCapture($result->token());
         $cg->parsers[] = layer()->as($id);
     }), token(T_STRING, '·')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) {
         $offset = \count($cg->parsers);
         if (0 !== $this->dominance || 0 === $offset) {
             $this->fail(self::E_BAD_DOMINANCE, $offset, $result->token()->line());
         $this->dominance = $offset;
     }), rtoken('/·/')->onCommit(function (Ast $result) {
         $token = $result->token();
         $this->fail(self::E_BAD_CAPTURE, $token, $token->line());
     }), any()->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) {
         $cg->parsers[] = token($result->token());
     // check if macro dominance '·' is last token
     if ($this->dominance === \count($cg->parsers)) {
         $this->fail(self::E_BAD_DOMINANCE, $this->dominance, $cg->ts->last()->line());
     $this->specificity = \count($cg->parsers);
     if ($this->specificity > 1) {
         if (0 === $this->dominance) {
             $pattern = chain(...$cg->parsers);
         } else {
               dominat macros are partially wrapped in commit()s and dominance
               is the offset used as the 'event horizon' point... once the entry
               point is matched, there is no way back and a parser error arises
             $prefix = array_slice($cg->parsers, 0, $this->dominance);
             $suffix = array_slice($cg->parsers, $this->dominance);
             $pattern = chain(...array_merge($prefix, array_map(commit::class, $suffix)));
     } else {
           micro optimization to save one function call for every token on the subject
           token stream whenever the macro pattern consists of a single parser
         $pattern = $cg->parsers[0];
     return $pattern;
Ejemplo n.º 9
function echolabel($blockarr, $theblcokvalue)
    if (!empty($blockarr) && is_array($blockarr)) {
        foreach ($blockarr as $bkey => $bvalue) {
            if (!isset($bvalue['alang'])) {
                $bvalue['alang'] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['options'])) {
                $bvalue['options'] = array();
            if (!isset($bvalue['other'])) {
                $bvalue['other'] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['text'])) {
                $bvalue['text'] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['check'])) {
                $bvalue['check'] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['radio'])) {
                $bvalue['radio'] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['size'])) {
                $bvalue['size'] = '';
            if (!isset($theblcokvalue[$bkey])) {
                $theblcokvalue[$bkey] = '';
            if (!isset($bvalue['width'])) {
                $bvalue['width'] = '';
            $labelarr = array('type' => $bvalue['type'], 'alang' => $bvalue['alang'], 'name' => $bkey, 'size' => $bvalue['size'], 'text' => $bvalue['text'], 'check' => $bvalue['check'], 'radio' => $bvalue['radio'], 'options' => $bvalue['options'], 'other' => $bvalue['other'], 'width' => $bvalue['width'], 'value' => $theblcokvalue[$bkey]);
            if ($bkey == 'order') {
                if (!isset($theblcokvalue['order'])) {
                    $theblcokvalue['order'] = '';
                if (!isset($theblcokvalue['sc'])) {
                    $theblcokvalue['sc'] = '';
                $labelarr['order'] = $theblcokvalue['order'];
                $labelarr['sc'] = $theblcokvalue['sc'];
            echo label($labelarr);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function typeAsLabel()
     // Grab the type
     $type = $this->type();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'info':
             $content = "Info";
         case 'warning':
             $content = "Warning";
         case 'danger':
             $content = "Critical";
     return label($type, $content);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator
 protected function getValidatorInstance()
     $validator = parent::getValidatorInstance();
     // 写真のバリデーション
     $validator->each('picture', 'image');
     $pictureKeys = $this->getPictureKeys();
     $attributeNames = [];
     foreach ($pictureKeys as $key) {
         $attributeNames['picture.' . $key] = label('picture');
     $validator->after(function ($validator) use(&$pictureKeys) {
         $messages = $validator->messages();
         foreach ($pictureKeys as $key) {
             if ($messages->has('picture.' . $key)) {
                 // BootFormで表示できるよう、pictureにメッセージをコピー
                 $validator->errors()->add('picture', $messages->first('picture.' . $key));
     return $validator;
    <h2>Envio de SMS</h2>

    <form method="post">
        <div id="poststuff">
            <div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-2">
                <div id="post-body-content">
                    <div class="postbox-container">
                        <div class="postbox">
                            <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
echo $titulo;
                            <div class="inside">
                                <form method="post" action="">
echo label('mensagem', 'Mensagem', input_textarea_simples('mensagem', 2, ''), "Variáveis disponíveis para utilização:<br>" . getVariaveis($event));

                            <div id="major-publishing-actions">
                                <div id="publishing-action">
                                    <span class="spinner"></span>
                                    <input type="submit" name="publish" id="publish" class="button button-primary button-large" value="Enviar" accesskey="p"></div>
                                <div class="clear"></div>

Ejemplo n.º 13
   <div id="botonEliminar" class="modal-footer black-text">
      <a href="" class="waves-effect waves-red btn-flat modal-action modal-close"><?php 
echo label('aceptar');
<div id="eliminarFase" class="modal">
   <div class="modal-header">
echo label('nombreSistema');
      <a class="modal-action modal-close cerrar-modal"><i class="mdi-content-clear"></i></a>
   <div class="modal-content">
echo label('confirmarEliminarFase');
   <div id="botonEliminar" class="modal-footer black-text">
      <a href="" class="waves-effect waves-red btn-flat modal-action modal-close"><?php 
echo label('aceptar');
<!-- Fin lista modals -->
Ejemplo n.º 14

$string = "<!-- Main content -->\n        <section class='content'>\n          <div class='row'>\n            <div class='col-xs-12'>\n              <div class='box'>\n                <div class='box-header'>\n                \n                  <h3 class='box-title'>" . strtoupper($table_name) . "</h3>\n                      <div class='box box-primary'>";
$string .= "\n        <form action=\"<?php echo \$action; ?>\" method=\"post\">";
$string .= "<table class='table table-bordered'>";
foreach ($non_pk as $row) {
    if ($row["data_type"] == 'text') {
        $string .= "\n\t    <tr><td>" . label($row["column_name"]) . " <?php echo form_error('" . $row["column_name"] . "') ?></td>\n            <td><textarea class=\"form-control\" rows=\"3\" name=\"" . $row["column_name"] . "\" id=\"" . $row["column_name"] . "\" placeholder=\"" . label($row["column_name"]) . "\"><?php echo \$" . $row["column_name"] . "; ?></textarea>\n        </td></tr>";
    } else {
        $string .= "\n\t    <tr><td>" . label($row["column_name"]) . " <?php echo form_error('" . $row["column_name"] . "') ?></td>\n            <td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"" . $row["column_name"] . "\" id=\"" . $row["column_name"] . "\" placeholder=\"" . label($row["column_name"]) . "\" value=\"<?php echo \$" . $row["column_name"] . "; ?>\" />\n        </td>";
$string .= "\n\t    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $pk . "\" value=\"<?php echo \$" . $pk . "; ?>\" /> ";
$string .= "\n\t    <tr><td colspan='2'><button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\"><?php echo \$button ?></button> ";
$string .= "\n\t    <a href=\"<?php echo site_url('" . $c_url . "') ?>\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Cancel</a></td></tr>";
$string .= "\n\t\n    </table></form>\n    </div><!-- /.box-body -->\n              </div><!-- /.box -->\n            </div><!-- /.col -->\n          </div><!-- /.row -->\n        </section><!-- /.content -->";
$hasil_view_form = createFile($string, $target . "views/" . $v_form_file);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        <li class="li-hover">
            <div class="divider"></div>
if ($rolCotizador) {
            <li class="li-hover"><p class="ultra-small margin more-text"><?php 
    echo label('masOpciones');
                <a href="<?php 
    echo base_url();
                    <i class="mdi-action-swap-vert-circle"></i><?php 
    echo label('agregarCotizacion');
    <a href="#" class="sidebar-collapse btn-floating btn-medium waves-effect waves-light hide-on-large-only darken-2"
        <i class="mdi-navigation-menu"></i>
Ejemplo n.º 16
                        case '0'://Error en la transacción
echo label('login_errorTransaccion');
                        case '1'://no existe
echo label('login_usuarioNoExiste');
                            // alert(response);
                        case '2'://si existe pero contrasena mala
echo label('login_contrasenaIncorrecta');
                            // alert(response);
                        case '3'://correcto
//                            $('#mensajeValidacion').text('correcto');
//                            alert('login en prueba');
if (isset($urlInicial)) {
                                window.location.href = "<?php 
    echo $urlInicial;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    return $text ? 'true' : 'false';
function text2text($text)
    return $text ? $text : 'false';
function js2bool2text($function)
    return '<script type="text/javascript">
document.write(' . $function . '() ? "true" : "false");
function js2text($function)
    return '<script type="text/javascript">
var t;
if(t = ' . $function . '())
echo HTML_Decorator::html_start()->render();
echo Site_Decorator::head()->set_title('MWF About')->render();
echo HTML_Decorator::body_start()->render();
echo Site_Decorator::header()->set_title('MWF Device')->render();
echo Site_Decorator::content_full()->set_padded()->add_header('The Framework')->add_subheader('Server Info')->add_section(label('User Agent') . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])->add_section(label('IP Address') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])->add_subheader('JS Classification')->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isMobile()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isMobile'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isBasic()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isBasic'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isStandard()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isStandard'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isFull()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isFull'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isOverride()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isOverride'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isPreview()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isPreview'))->add_subheader('PHP Classification')->add_section(label('Classification::is_mobile()') . bool2text(Classification::is_mobile()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_basic()') . bool2text(Classification::is_basic()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_standard()') . bool2text(Classification::is_standard()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_full()') . bool2text(Classification::is_full()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_override()') . bool2text(Classification::is_override()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_preview()') . bool2text(Classification::is_preview()))->add_subheader('JS User Agent')->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOS()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOS'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion'))->add_subheader('PHP User Agent')->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os_version()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()))->add_subheader('JS Screen')->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getHeight()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getHeight'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getWidth()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getWidth'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio'))->add_subheader('PHP Screen')->add_section(label('Screen::get_height()') . text2text(Screen::get_height()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_width()') . text2text(Screen::get_width()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_pixel_ratio()') . text2text(Screen::get_pixel_ratio()))->render();
echo Site_Decorator::button_full()->set_padded()->add_option(Config::get('global', 'back_to_home_text'), Config::get('global', 'site_url'))->render();
echo Site_Decorator::default_footer()->render();
echo HTML_Decorator::body_end()->render();
echo HTML_Decorator::html_end()->render();
Ejemplo n.º 18

                <div class="input-field col s12">
                    <input id="impuesto_valor" name="impuesto_valor" type="number">
                    <label for="impuesto_valor"><?php 
echo label('formImpuesto_valor');
                    <span class="icono-porcentaje-descuento">%</span>
            <div class="row">
              <!--<a  style="font-size: larger;float: left;text-decoration: underline;"
                 class="modal-action modal-close"><?php 
echo label('cancelar');
              <a onclick="$(this).closest('form').submit()" class="waves-effect btn modal-action" style="margin: 0 20px;">
echo label('impuesto_guardarCambios');

<!-- Fin lista modals -->
Ejemplo n.º 19
        var name = file.name;
        var size = file.size;
        var type = file.type;
        var t = type.split('/');
        var ext = t.slice(1, 2);
        if(size > 2097150) { //2097152
echo label('usuarioErrorTamanoArchivo');
            document.getElementById('userfile').value = '';
        var valid_ext = ['image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg'];
        if(valid_ext.indexOf(type)==-1) {
echo label('usuarioErrorTipoArchivo');
            document.getElementById('userfile').value = '';
        if(document.getElementById('userfile').value == ''){
            $('#imagen_seleccionada').attr('src', '<?php 
echo base_url();
        } else {
            $('#usuario_fotografia').attr('value', ext);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        if ($value['formtype'] == 'file') {
            $fileurl = S_URL . '/batch.modeldownload.php?hash=' . rawurlencode(authcode($nameid . ',' . $item[$value['fieldname']], 'ENCODE'));
        } else {
            $fileurl = A_URL . '/' . $item[$value['fieldname']];
        if (preg_match("/^(img|flash|file)\$/i", $value['formtype'])) {
            $value['formtype'] = 'file';
        if ($op == "add") {
            $valued = $value['fielddefault'];
        } else {
            $valued = $item[$value['fieldname']];
        if ($value['formtype'] != 'timestamp') {
            $htmlarr[$value['id']]['input'] = label(array('type' => $value['formtype'], 'alang' => $value['fieldcomment'], 'name' => $value['fieldname'], 'options' => $temparr2, 'rows' => 10, 'width' => '30%', 'size' => '60', 'value' => $valued, 'other' => $other, 'fileurl' => $fileurl), 0);
        } else {
            $item[$value['fieldname']] = sgmdate($item[$value['fieldname']]);
            $htmlarr[$value['id']]['input'] = <<<EOF
\t\t\t<input type="text" name="{$value['fieldname']}" id="{$value['fieldname']}" readonly="readonly" value="{$item[$value['fieldname']]}" /><img src="{$siteurl}/admin/images/time.gif" onClick="getDatePicker('{$value['fieldname']}', event, 21)" />
} elseif ($op == 'view') {
    if (empty($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) {
    $item['subject'] = shtmlspecialchars($item['subject']);
    if (!empty($item['subjectimage'])) {
        $fileext = fileext($item['subjectimage']);
        $item['subjectimage'] = $item['subjectthumb'] = A_URL . '/' . $item['subjectimage'];
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Create a checkbox field given a field name and value
  * @param string $name field name
  * @param string $text field label
  * @param integer $value 1 for checked
  * @param array $args future use
 function bw_checkbox($name, $text, $value = 1, $args = NULL)
     $lab = label($name, $text);
     $icheckbox = icheckbox($name, $value);
     bw_tablerow(array($lab, $icheckbox));
Ejemplo n.º 22
function label($string = "")
    echo "\n\n{$string}\n\n";
$mapClass = new map();
$map = openMapFile($prompt);
// repeat while map not found and input was not interrupted by user
do {
    if ($map) {
        label("O U T P U T");
        echo "highest elevation : " . $mapClass->MAX . "\n X-coordinate: " . $mapClass->X . "\n Y-coordinate: " . $mapClass->Y . "\n Drop = " . $mapClass->DROP . "\n Length = " . $mapClass->LENGTH;
        echo "\n\nAnswer Email : " . $mapClass->LENGTH . $mapClass->DROP . "@redmart.com";
    } else {
        if (prompt("File not found. Do you want to try again? (y/n) : ") === "y") {
            $map = openMapFile($prompt);
            if ($map) {
                label("O U T P U T");
                echo "highest elevation : " . $mapClass->MAX . "\n X-coordinate: " . $mapClass->X . "\n Y-coordinate: " . $mapClass->Y . "\n Drop = " . $mapClass->DROP . "\n Length = " . $mapClass->LENGTH;
                echo "\n\nAnswer Email : " . $mapClass->LENGTH . $mapClass->DROP . "@redmart.com";
        } else {
            echo "Thank you for using my program!";
} while (!$map);
print "\n\n";
Ejemplo n.º 23
echo label('formPlan_beneficio3');
                                        <div class="input-field col s12">
                                            <input id="plan_beneficio4" type="checkbox">
                                            <label for="plan_beneficio4"><?php 
echo label('formPlan_beneficio4');

                                        <div class="input-field col s12 envio-formulario">
                                            <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light right" type="submit"
echo label('formPlan_agregar');
    <!--end container-->
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function typeAsLabel()
     switch ($this->entity->type->name) {
         case 'Skin':
             $class = 'info';
         case 'Rank Set':
             $class = 'success';
         case 'MOD':
             $class = 'danger';
     return label($class, $this->entity->type->present()->name);
Ejemplo n.º 25
                $type = gettype($compare);
    } elseif ($type === 'equal') {
        $type = gettype($compare);
    // do the check
    if ($type === 'length' || $type === 'scalar') {
        $is_scalar = is_scalar($var);
        if ($is_scalar && $type === 'length') {
            return (bool) strlen($var);
        return $is_scalar;
    if ($type === 'numeric') {
        return is_numeric($var);
    if (gettype($var) === $type) {
        return true;
    return false;
$var = user_input();
// symbolic
$type = user_input();
// symbolic
$compare = user_input();
// symbolic
$result = PMA_isValid($var, $type, $compare);
Ejemplo n.º 26
$string .= "\n\t    );\n            \$this->load->view('{$v_form}', \$data);\n        } else {\n            \$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Record Not Found');\n            redirect(site_url('{$c_url}'));\n        }\n    }\n    \n    public function update_action() \n    {\n        \$this->_rules();\n\n        if (\$this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {\n            \$this->update(\$this->input->post('{$pk}', TRUE));\n        } else {\n            \$data = array(";
foreach ($non_pk as $row) {
    $string .= "\n\t\t'" . $row['column_name'] . "' => \$this->input->post('" . $row['column_name'] . "',TRUE),";
$string .= "\n\t    );\n\n            \$this->" . $m . "->update(\$this->input->post('{$pk}', TRUE), \$data);\n            \$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Update Record Success');\n            redirect(site_url('{$c_url}'));\n        }\n    }\n    \n    public function delete(\$id) \n    {\n        \$row = \$this->" . $m . "->get_by_id(\$id);\n\n        if (\$row) {\n            \$this->" . $m . "->delete(\$id);\n            \$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Delete Record Success');\n            redirect(site_url('{$c_url}'));\n        } else {\n            \$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Record Not Found');\n            redirect(site_url('{$c_url}'));\n        }\n    }\n\n    public function _rules() \n    {";
foreach ($non_pk as $row) {
    $int = $row3['data_type'] == 'int' || $row['data_type'] == 'double' || $row['data_type'] == 'decimal' ? '|numeric' : '';
    $string .= "\n\t\$this->form_validation->set_rules('" . $row['column_name'] . "', '" . strtolower(label($row['column_name'])) . "', 'trim|required{$int}');";
$string .= "\n\n\t\$this->form_validation->set_rules('{$pk}', '{$pk}', 'trim');";
$string .= "\n\t\$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class=\"text-danger\">', '</span>');\n    }";
if ($export_excel == '1') {
    $string .= "\n\n    public function excel()\n    {\n        \$this->load->helper('exportexcel');\n        \$namaFile = \"{$table_name}.xls\";\n        \$judul = \"{$table_name}\";\n        \$tablehead = 0;\n        \$tablebody = 1;\n        \$nourut = 1;\n        //penulisan header\n        header(\"Pragma: public\");\n        header(\"Expires: 0\");\n        header(\"Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0\");\n        header(\"Content-Type: application/force-download\");\n        header(\"Content-Type: application/octet-stream\");\n        header(\"Content-Type: application/download\");\n        header(\"Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\" . \$namaFile . \"\");\n        header(\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary \");\n\n        xlsBOF();\n\n        \$kolomhead = 0;\n        xlsWriteLabel(\$tablehead, \$kolomhead++, \"No\");";
    foreach ($non_pk as $row) {
        $column_name = label($row['column_name']);
        $string .= "\n\txlsWriteLabel(\$tablehead, \$kolomhead++, \"{$column_name}\");";
    $string .= "\n\n\tforeach (\$this->" . $m . "->get_all() as \$data) {\n            \$kolombody = 0;\n\n            //ubah xlsWriteLabel menjadi xlsWriteNumber untuk kolom numeric\n            xlsWriteNumber(\$tablebody, \$kolombody++, \$nourut);";
    foreach ($non_pk as $row) {
        $column_name = $row['column_name'];
        $xlsWrite = $row['data_type'] == 'int' || $row['data_type'] == 'double' || $row['data_type'] == 'decimal' ? 'xlsWriteNumber' : 'xlsWriteLabel';
        $string .= "\n\t    " . $xlsWrite . "(\$tablebody, \$kolombody++, \$data->{$column_name});";
    $string .= "\n\n\t    \$tablebody++;\n            \$nourut++;\n        }\n\n        xlsEOF();\n        exit();\n    }";
if ($export_word == '1') {
    $string .= "\n\n    public function word()\n    {\n        header(\"Content-type: application/vnd.ms-word\");\n        header(\"Content-Disposition: attachment;Filename={$table_name}.doc\");\n\n        \$data = array(\n            '" . $table_name . "_data' => \$this->" . $m . "->get_all(),\n            'start' => 0\n        );\n        \n        \$this->load->view('" . $v_doc . "',\$data);\n    }";
if ($export_pdf == '1') {
    $string .= "\n\n    function pdf()\n    {\n        \$data = array(\n            '" . $table_name . "_data' => \$this->" . $m . "->get_all(),\n            'start' => 0\n        );\n        \n        ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');\n        \$html = \$this->load->view('" . $v_pdf . "', \$data, true);\n        \$this->load->library('pdf');\n        \$pdf = \$this->pdf->load();\n        \$pdf->WriteHTML(\$html);\n        \$pdf->Output('" . $table_name . ".pdf', 'D'); \n    }";
Ejemplo n.º 27
        echo '<tr' . $class . '>';
        echo '<td>' . $listvalue['fileext'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td>' . $listvalue['maxsize'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td align="center"><img src="' . S_URL . '/images/base/icon_edit.gif" align="absmiddle"> <a href="' . $newurl . '&op=edit&id=' . $listvalue['id'] . '">' . $alang['space_edit'] . '</a> <img src="' . S_URL . '/images/base/icon_delete.gif" align="absmiddle"><a href="' . $newurl . '&op=delete&id=' . $listvalue['id'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $alang['delete_all_note'] . '\');">' . $alang['space_delete'] . '</a></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo label(array('type' => 'table-end'));
    if (!empty($multipage)) {
        echo label(array('type' => 'table-start', 'class' => 'listpage'));
        echo '<tr><td>' . $multipage . '</td></tr>';
        echo label(array('type' => 'table-end'));
if (is_array($thevalue) && $thevalue) {
    $maxsizearr = array('512' => $alang['attachmenttype_maxsize_0_5'], '1024' => $alang['attachmenttype_maxsize_1'], '1536' => $alang['attachmenttype_maxsize_1_5'], '2048' => $alang['attachmenttype_maxsize_2'], '0' => $alang['attachmenttype_maxsize_0']);
    echo label(array('type' => 'form-start', 'name' => 'thevalueform', 'action' => $theurl, 'other' => ' onSubmit="return validate(this)"'));
    echo label(array('type' => 'div-start'));
    echo label(array('type' => 'table-start'));
    echo label(array('type' => 'input', 'alang' => 'attachmenttype_title_fileext', 'name' => 'fileext', 'size' => 10, 'width' => '30%', 'value' => $thevalue['fileext']));
    echo label(array('type' => 'select-input', 'alang' => 'attachmenttype_title_maxsize', 'name' => 'maxsize', 'options' => $maxsizearr, 'size' => 10, 'value' => $thevalue['maxsize']));
    echo label(array('type' => 'table-end'));
    echo label(array('type' => 'div-end'));
    echo '<div class="buttons">';
    echo label(array('type' => 'button-submit', 'name' => 'thevaluesubmit', 'value' => $alang['common_submit']));
    echo label(array('type' => 'button-reset', 'name' => 'thevaluereset', 'value' => $alang['common_reset']));
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value="' . $thevalue['id'] . '" />';
    echo '<input name="valuesubmit" type="hidden" value="yes" />';
    echo label(array('type' => 'form-end'));
Ejemplo n.º 28
function createFileBox($num)
    $OBJ =& get_instance();
    $s = label($OBJ->lang->word('title') . span(' ' . $OBJ->lang->word('optional')));
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $num; $i++) {
        $i > 0 ? $style = " style='display:none'" : ($style = '');
        $s .= div(input("media_title[{$i}]", 'text', "size='20' maxlength='35'", null) . '&nbsp;' . input("filename[{$i}]", 'file', "size='20'", null), "class='attachFiles' id='fileInput{$i}'{$style}");
    $s .= p(href($OBJ->lang->word('attach more'), 'javascript:AddFileInput()'), "class='attachMore' id='attachMoreLink'");
    return $s;
} else {

                                <h3 class="hndle"><span>Inserir Badge</span></h3>
                                <div class="inside">
    echo label('description', 'Descrição', input_textarea_simples('description', 5, $_POST['description']));
    echo label('alias', 'Alias', input_texto_simples('alias', 'Alias', 40, $_POST['alias']));
    echo label('allow_repetitions', 'Permite Repetição', input_checkbox_padrao('allow_repetitions', 'Permite Repetição'));
    echo label('reach_required_repetitions', 'Repetições Requeridas', input_texto_simples('reach_required_repetitions', '', 5, $_POST['reach_required_repetitions']));
    // Badge
    $badges = Gamification::getInstance()->getBadgesArray();
    echo label('id_each_badge', 'Badge - para cada', input_select_simples('id_each_badge', 'Badge - para cada', $badges));
    echo label('id_reach_badge', 'Badge - ao alcançar', input_select_simples('id_reach_badge', 'Badge - ao alcançar', $badges));
    echo label('each_points', 'Pontos - para cada', input_texto_simples('each_points', '', 5, $_POST['each_points']));
    echo label('reach_points', 'Pontos - ao alcançar', input_texto_simples('reach_points', '', 5, $_POST['reach_points']));
    //            'each_callback' => 'Callback - para cada',
    //            'reach_callback' => 'Callback - ao alcançar',

                                <div id="major-publishing-actions">
                                    <div id="publishing-action">
                                        <span class="spinner"></span>
                                        <input type="submit" name="publish" id="publish"
                                               class="button button-primary button-large" value="Salvar" accesskey="p">
                                    <div class="clear"></div>

Ejemplo n.º 30
    echo '<input type="reset"  value="' . $alang['common_reset'] . '">';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</form>';
if (!empty($thevalue)) {
    echo '<form method="post" action="' . $theurl . '" name="thevalueform" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="formhash" value="' . formhash() . '">';
    echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"  class="maintable">';
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_name'] . '</th><td><input type="text" name="mapname" size="30" value="' . $thevalue['mapname'] . '"></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_type'] . '</th><td><input type="radio" name="maptype" size="30" value="baidu" ' . ($thevalue['maptype'] == 'baidu' ? 'checked' : '') . ' onclick="changemaptype(this)">Baidu <input type="radio" name="maptype" size="30" value="google" ' . ($thevalue['maptype'] == 'google' ? 'checked' : '') . ' onclick="changemaptype(this)">Google</td></tr>';
    echo '<tbody id="typehtml_baidu" style="display:' . $baidu_style . '">';
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_changefreq'] . '</th><td><input type="text" name="changefreq_baidu" value="' . (is_numeric($thevalue['changefreq']) ? $thevalue['changefreq'] : 15) . '" id="changefreq_baidu"></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_num'] . '</th><td><input type="text" name="mapnum_baidu" size="30" value="' . (empty($thevalue['mapnum']) ? 100 : $thevalue['mapnum']) . '"></td>';
    echo '</tbody>';
    echo '<tbody id="typehtml_google" style="display:' . $google_style . '">';
    echo label(array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'changefreq_google', 'options' => $options, 'value' => $thevalue['changefreq'], 'alang' => $alang['sitemap_changefreq']));
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_num'] . '</th><td><input type="text" name="mapnum_google" size="30" value="' . (empty($thevalue['mapnum']) ? 5000 : $thevalue['mapnum']) . '"></td>';
    echo '</tbody>';
    echo '<tr id="tr_subject"><th>' . $alang['sitemap_createtype'] . '</th><td><input id="createtype_baidu" type="radio" name="createtype" size="30" value="0" ' . ($thevalue['createtype'] == 0 ? 'checked' : '') . ' ' . $disabled . '>' . $alang['sitemap_createtype_0'] . ' <input id="createtype_google" type="radio" name="createtype" size="30" value="1" ' . ($thevalue['createtype'] == 1 ? 'checked' : '') . ' ' . $disabled . '>' . $alang['sitemap_createtype_1'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<div class="buttons">';
    if ($_GET['op'] == 'edit') {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="slogid" value="' . $thevalue['slogid'] . '">';
    echo '<input type="submit" name="thevalue" value="' . $alang['common_submit'] . '" class="submit"> ';
    echo '<input type="reset"  value="' . $alang['common_reset'] . '">';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</form>';
function write($text, $n = 0)