function knproxy_translate($text, $lang, $replacement) { $a = knproxy_i18n($text, $lang); if ($a) { return $a; } else { return $replacement; } }
<?php include_once 'knproxy_i18n.php'; include_once '../conf.php'; $_LANG = KNPROXY_LANGUAGE; $_KNPROXY_NAVIGATOR_PAGE = 'navigator_bar.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" ""> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<!-- function url_change(URL){fixed.KN_BFORM.url.value=URL;} //--> </script> <TITLE><?php echo knproxy_i18n('title', $_LANG); ?> </TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET rows="45,*" FRAMEBORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0" BORDER="0" name="KNBROWSER_MAIN"> <FRAME name="fixed" src="<?php echo $_KNPROXY_NAVIGATOR_PAGE; ?> " marginwidth="2" marginheight="6" frameborder="0" noresize scrolling="no" > <FRAME name="dynamic" src="dynami_index.php" frameborder="0" marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" > </FRAMESET> </HTML>
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?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <style> .copyright{font: 0.8em Verdana, "Lucida Grande", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} .options{font-size:0.95em; font-family:"Microsoft Yahei",Simsun,Simhei,Verdana,"Lucida Grande", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .urlbox{background-color:#FFFFCC;color: #FF0000;font-family: Arial;font-weight: bold;font-size: 1em;} <?php echo knproxy_translate('css', $_LANG, '.mymsg{font-family:Simhei,Verdana;}'); ?> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="FFFFFF"> <br> <p align="center"><img src="../logo_new.png" width="320" height="150"></p> <h1 align="center" class="mymsg"><?php echo knproxy_i18n('message', $_LANG); ?> </h1> <div align="center"> <table border="0" width="50%" id="table1" class="copyright"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center">Copyright <?php echo date('Y'); ?> - Knh Internet Services Limited</td> </tr> </table> </div> </body>
function print_about_page($aboutType) { if (defined('DISABLE_ABOUT_PAGES') && DISABLE_ABOUT_PAGES == 'true') { exit; } header('Content-Type: text/html'); $a = substr($aboutType, 6, strlen($aboutType)); switch (strtolower($a)) { case 'cookies': echo base64_decode(knproxy_i18n('cookie_manager', KNPROXY_LANGUAGE)); break; case 'sysinternals': echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <title>Internal Server Error - KnProxy</title> <style> body {font-family: Arial,Verdana, "Lucida Grande","微软雅黑","Microsoft Yahei", Helvetica, sans-serif} h2 { color:#FF0000; } em {color:#0000FF; } .a {color:#FF0000;} table td,table th{border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;} th{background:#ccccff;} </style> </head> <body><h2>About : SysInternals</h2><p>Here you can find default values for your installation of KnProxy. To disable this page, please set \'DISABLE_ABOUT_PAGES\' to true in the conf.php file!</p><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; echo '<tr><th width="300px">Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Version</td><td>KnProxy 4.5</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>GUI Language</td><td>' . KNPROXY_LANGUAGE . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Navbar Enabled</td><td>' . KNPROXY_NAVBAR . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>GZIP Output</td><td>' . KNPROXY_USE_GZIP . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>GZIP Input</td><td>' . KNPROXY_ACCEPT_GZIP . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Warn on HTTPS</td><td>' . KNPROXY_HTTPS_WARNING . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Cache ETag</td><td>' . KNPROXY_ETAG . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Cache Mode</td><td>' . KNPROXY_CACHE_MODE . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Referer mode</td><td>' . KNPROXY_REFERER . '</td></tr>'; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { echo '<tr><td>cURL enabled?</td><td style="color:#00a000;">true</td></tr>'; $cv = curl_version(); echo '<tr><td>cURL Version</td><td>' . $cv['version'] . '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>cURL enabled?</td><td style="color:#ff0000;">false</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td>Stream Mode</td><td>' . KNPROXY_STREAMING_AVAILABLE . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>PHP Version</td><td>' . phpversion() . '</td></tr>'; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { echo '<tr><td>Memory Usage</td><td>' . memory_get_usage() . ' bytes</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td>Memory Limits</td><td>' . @ini_get('memory_limit') . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<a href="javascript:history.back();"><br>Go Back to Previous Page</a></p> </body></html>'; break; case 'debugging': echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <title>Internal Server Error - KnProxy</title> <style> body {font-family: Arial,Verdana, "Lucida Grande","微软雅黑","Microsoft Yahei", Helvetica, sans-serif} h2 { color:#FF0000; } em {color:#0000FF; } .a {color:#FF0000;} table td,table th{border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;} th{background:#ccccff;} </style> </head> <body><h2>Debugging Interface</h2><p>Debugging interface is where developers can use direct connections to fetch data. You may set up your own HTTP request headers and fetch raw return data.</p></body></html>'; break; case 'stream_cache': echo '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <title>Internal Server Error - KnProxy</title> <style> body {font-family: Arial,Verdana, "Lucida Grande","微软雅黑","Microsoft Yahei", Helvetica, sans-serif} h2 { color:#FF0000; } em {color:#0000FF; } .a {color:#FF0000;} table td,table th{border:1px solid #000;padding:3px;} th{background:#ccccff;} </style> </head> <body><h2>Stream Mode Cache</h2><p>Due to limitations in PHP, stream mode requires a cache to function. Files that have been streamed should be cleared from the cache, but interruptions may cause this to malfunction. Here is a list of the uncleaned cache files: </p><ul>'; $count = 0; $size = 0; if ($handle = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/temp/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != '..' && $file != 'index.php') { echo '<li>' . $file . ' (' . filesize(dirname(__FILE__) . '/temp/' . $file) . ' bytes)</li>'; $size += filesize(dirname(__FILE__) . '/temp/' . $file); $count++; } } } echo '</ul><p>Total: ' . $count . ' file(s), taking up ' . $size . ' bytes.</p>'; echo '<p><form action="" method="post"><input type="button" name="do" value="Clean Up Now"/></form></p>'; echo '</body></html>'; break; case 'blank': default: echo ''; } }