Ejemplo n.º 1
* @license ./docs/license.txt
// not for directly open
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
#turn time-limit off
#get current case
$case = false;
if (isset($_GET['case'])) {
    $case = htmlspecialchars($_GET['case']);
#set form ket
$GET_FORM_KEY = kleeja_add_form_key_get('REPAIR_FORM_KEY');
//check _GET Csrf token
if ($case && in_array($case, array('clearc', 'sync_files', 'sync_images', 'sync_users', 'tables', 'sync_sizes', 'status_file'))) {
    if (!kleeja_check_form_key_get('REPAIR_FORM_KEY')) {
        kleeja_admin_err($lang['INVALID_GET_KEY'], true, $lang['ERROR'], true, basename(ADMIN_PATH), 2);
switch ($case) {
        # Get real number from database right now
        $all_files = get_actual_stats('files');
        $all_images = get_actual_stats('imgs');
        $all_users = get_actual_stats('users');
        $all_sizes = Customfile_size(get_actual_stats('sizes'));
        $del_cache_link = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=r_repair&case=clearc&' . $GET_FORM_KEY;
Ejemplo n.º 2
# hurry, hurry section, get languages
$hurry_lang_link = ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=g_users&smt=general&smt=group_data&' . $GET_FORM_KEY . '&lang_change=';
$hurry_langs_list = array();
if ($dh = @opendir(PATH . 'lang')) {
    while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        if (strpos($file, '.') === false && $file != '..' && $file != '.') {
            $hurry_langs_list[] = $file;
# hurry, hurry section, links
$del_cache_link = ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=r_repair&case=clearc&' . kleeja_add_form_key_get('REPAIR_FORM_KEY');
# get stats filter so we can draw a chart for the user
$stats_chart = false;
$cf_query = array('SELECT' => 'f.filter_uid, f.filter_value, f.filter_time', 'FROM' => "{$dbprefix}filters f", 'WHERE' => "f.filter_type = 'stats_for_acp'", 'ORDER BY' => 'f.filter_time DESC');
$cf_result = $SQL->build($cf_query);
$cf_num = $SQL->num($cf_result);
if ($cf_num > 4) {
    $stats_chart = 'arrayOfDataMulti = new Array(';
    $comma = false;
    #get currently right now stats, not cached one
    $prv_files = get_actual_stats('files');
    $prev_imgs = get_actual_stats('imgs');
    $prev_date = date('d-n-Y');
    while ($row = $SQL->fetch($cf_result)) {
        #jump today
        if ($prev_date == $row['filter_uid']) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
//prevent notice
if (!isset($_GET['sty_t'])) {
    $_GET['sty_t'] = null;
#current secondary menu action
$current_smt = isset($_GET['smt']) ? preg_match('![a-z0-9_]!i', trim($_GET['smt'])) ? trim($_GET['smt']) : 'general' : 'general';
switch ($_GET['sty_t']) {
    case 'st':
        //for style ..
        $stylee = "admin_styles";
        $action = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&sty_t=st' . '&smt=' . $current_smt;
        $edit_tpl_action = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&sty_t=style_orders&style_id=' . $config['style'] . '&smt=' . $current_smt . '&method=1&tpl_choose=';
        $show_all_tpls_action = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&style_choose=' . $config['style'] . '&method=1' . '&smt=' . $current_smt;
        $GET_FORM_KEY = kleeja_add_form_key_get('adm_style_del_edit');
        $H_FORM_KEYS2 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_style_order_add');
        $H_FORM_KEYS3 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_style_order_bkup');
        //kleeja depend on its users .. and kleeja love them .. so let's tell them about that ..
        $klj_d_s = $lang['KLJ_MORE_STYLES'][rand(0, sizeof($lang['KLJ_MORE_STYLES']) - 1)];
        //get styles
        $arr = array();
        if ($dh = @opendir(PATH . 'styles')) {
            while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if (strpos($file, '.') === false && $file != '..' && $file != '.') {
                    $arr[] = array('style_name' => $file, 'is_default' => $config['style'] == $file ? true : false, 'link_show_tpls' => basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&sty_t=st&style_choose=' . $file . '&method=1&smt=curstyle', 'link_mk_default' => basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&sty_t=st&style_choose=' . $file . '&method=2&smt=curstyle');
        //after submit
Ejemplo n.º 4
// not for directly open
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
//for style ..
$current_template = "users.php";
$current_smt = isset($_GET['smt']) ? preg_match('![a-z0-9_]!i', trim($_GET['smt'])) ? trim($_GET['smt']) : 'general' : 'general';
$action = ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : '');
$action .= isset($_GET['search_id']) ? '&search_id=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['search']) : '';
$action .= (isset($_GET['qg']) ? '&qg=' . intval($_GET['qg']) : '') . '&smt=' . $current_smt;
$action_all = ADMIN_PATH . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&smt=' . $current_smt . (isset($_GET['page']) ? '&page=' . intval($_GET['page']) : '');
//if not noraml user system
$user_not_normal = (int) $config['user_system'] != 1 ? true : false;
$is_search = $affected = $is_asearch = $GE_INFO = false;
$isn_search = true;
$GET_FORM_KEY = kleeja_add_form_key_get('adm_users');
$H_FORM_KEYS = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users');
$H_FORM_KEYS2 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_newuser');
$H_FORM_KEYS3 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_newgroup');
$H_FORM_KEYS4 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_delgroup');
$H_FORM_KEYS5 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_editacl');
$H_FORM_KEYS6 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_editdata');
$H_FORM_KEYS7 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_editexts');
$H_FORM_KEYS8 = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_users_edituser');
// Check form key
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (!kleeja_check_form_key('adm_users')) {
        kleeja_admin_err($lang['INVALID_FORM_KEY'], true, $lang['ERROR'], true, $action, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
!defined('LAST_VISIT') ? define('LAST_VISIT', time() - 3600 * 12) : '';
//last visit
$last_visit = defined('LAST_VISIT') && preg_match('/[0-9]{10}/', LAST_VISIT) ? kleeja_date(LAST_VISIT) : false;
//path of admin extensions
$path_adm = PATH . 'includes/adm';
//exception extentions
$ext_expt = array();
$ext_expt[] = 'start';
$ext_expt[] = 'php_info';
$ext_expt[] = 'b_lgoutcp';
$ext_expt[] = 'i_exts';
//confirm msgs
$ext_confirm = array();
//$ext_confirm[]	= 'repair';
//formkey extension, Csrf protection
$GET_FORM_KEY_GLOBAL = kleeja_add_form_key_get('GLOBAL_FORM_KEY');
$ext_formkey = array();
//$ext_formkey[] = 'repair';
($hook = kleeja_run_hook('begin_admin_page')) ? eval($hook) : null;
//run hook
//We hide list of admin menu and show only if there is auth.
$SHOW_LIST = true;
//get adm extensions
if (($dh = @opendir($path_adm)) !== false) {
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        if (strpos($file, '.php') !== false) {
            $adm_extensions[] = str_replace('.php', '', $file);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    if (!$icon) {
        $icon = file_get_contents($STYLE_PATH_ADMIN . 'images/default_plguin_icon.png');
    header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
    header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($icon));
    header('Content-Type: image/png');
    echo $icon;
#security vars
$H_FORM_KEYS = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_plugins');
$GET_FORM_KEY = kleeja_add_form_key_get('adm_plugins');
#initiate plugins class
include PATH . 'includes/plugins.php';
$plg = new kplugins();
//return values of ftp from config, if not get suggested one
$ftp_info = array('host', 'user', 'pass', 'path', 'port');
if (!empty($config['ftp_info'])) {
    $ftp_info = @unserialize($config['ftp_info']);
} else {
    //todo : make sure to figure this from OS, and some other things
    $ftp_info['path'] = str_replace('/includes/adm', '', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/';
    if (strpos($ftp_info['path'], 'public_html') !== false) {
        $ftppath_parts = explode('public_html', $ftp_info['path']);
        $ftp_info['path'] = '/public_html' . $ftppath_parts[1];
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 7
//helpls kleeja to be up to date!
//copyright 2007-2009 Kleeja.com ..
//license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
//$Author: $ , $Rev: $,  $Date:: $
// not for directly open
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
//update in 5 steps so we can reduce the load and knows errors when they occurs
$v = @unserialize($config['new_version']);
if (!version_compare(strtolower(KLEEJA_VERSION), strtolower($v['version_number']), '<')) {
#security vars
$H_FORM_KEYS = kleeja_add_form_key('adm_aupdate');
$GET_FORM_KEY = kleeja_add_form_key_get('adm_aupdate');
$current_step = isset($_GET['astep']) ? preg_match('![a-z0-9_]!i', trim($_GET['astep'])) ? trim($_GET['astep']) : 'general' : 'general';
$action = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '&amp;astep=' . $current_step;
if ($current_step != 'general') {
    //check _GET Csrf token
    //remember to add token at every m=? request !
    if (!kleeja_check_form_key_get('adm_aupdate')) {
        kleeja_admin_err($lang['INVALID_GET_KEY'], true, $lang['ERROR'], true, basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__FILE__, '.php'), 2);
include PATH . 'includes/update.php';
//for style ..
$stylee = 'admin_aupdate';
//$action = basename(ADMIN_PATH) . '?cp=' . basename(__file__, '.php') .'&amp;sty_t=style_orders';
$ups = new kupdate();