function google_link()
     $fields = Kirki::fields()->get_all();
     // Early exit if no fields are found.
     if (!$fields || empty($fields)) {
     // Get an array of all the google fonts
     $google_fonts = Kirki::fonts()->get_google_fonts();
     $fonts = array();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($field['output'])) {
             // Check if this is a font-family control
             $is_font_family = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-family' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
             // Check if this is a font-weight control
             $is_font_weight = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-weight' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
             // Check if this is a font subset control
             $is_font_subset = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-subset' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
             if ($is_font_family || $is_font_weight || $is_font_subset) {
                 // The value of this control
                 $value = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw']);
                 if ($is_font_family) {
                     $fonts[]['font-family'] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($is_font_weight) {
                         $fonts[]['font-weight'] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($is_font_subset) {
                             $fonts[]['subsets'] = $value;
     foreach ($fonts as $font) {
         if (isset($font['font-family'])) {
             $font_families = !isset($font_families) ? array() : $font_families;
             $font_families[] = $font['font-family'];
             if (Kirki::fonts()->is_google_font($font['font-family'])) {
                 $has_google_font = true;
         if (isset($font['font-weight'])) {
             $font_weights = !isset($font_weights) ? array() : $font_weights;
             $font_weights[] = $font['font-weight'];
         if (isset($font['subsets'])) {
             $font_subsets = !isset($font_subsets) ? array() : $font_subsets;
             $font_subsets[] = $font['subsets'];
     $font_families = !isset($font_families) || empty($font_families) ? false : $font_families;
     $font_weights = !isset($font_weights) || empty($font_weights) ? '400' : $font_weights;
     $font_subsets = !isset($font_subsets) || empty($font_subsets) ? 'all' : $font_subsets;
     if (!isset($has_google_font) || !$has_google_font) {
         $font_families = false;
     return $font_families ? Kirki::fonts()->get_google_font_uri($font_families, $font_weights, $font_subsets) : false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function test_kirki_get_option()
     $this->assertEquals('foo', kirki_get_option('the_mod_option'));
     set_theme_mod('the_mod_option', 'bar');
     $this->assertEquals('bar', kirki_get_option('the_mod_option'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
function tg_related_products_args($args)
    //Check if display related products
    $tg_shop_related_products = kirki_get_option('tg_shop_related_products');
    if (!empty($tg_shop_related_products)) {
        $args['posts_per_page'] = 3;
        // 4 related products
        $args['columns'] = 3;
        // arranged in 2 columns
    } else {
        $args['posts_per_page'] = 0;
    return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Custom CSS
function kirki_artOuro_custom_css()
    // Early exit if Kirki is not installed
    if (!function_exists('kirki_get_option')) {
    // Add custom CSS for layouts
    $css = '';
    if ('full' == kirki_get_option('layout')) {
        $css .= '#primary{width:100%;}';
    } elseif ('left-sidebar' == kirki_get_option('layout')) {
        $css .= '#primary{float:right;}#secondary{float:left;}';
    wp_add_inline_style('artOuro-style', $css);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function test()
     $this->assertEquals(kirki_get_option(), Kirki::get_option());
     $this->assertEquals(kirki_sanitize_hex('#ffffff'), Kirki_Color::sanitize_hex('#ffffff'));
     $this->assertEquals(kirki_get_rgb('#ffffff'), Kirki_Color::get_rgb('#ffffff'));
     $this->assertEquals(kirki_get_rgba('#ffffff'), Kirki_Color::get_rgba('#ffffff'));
     $this->assertEquals(kirki_get_brightness('#ffffff'), Kirki_Color::get_brightness('#ffffff'));
     $font_registry = Kirki_Toolkit::fonts();
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_all_fonts(), $font_registry->get_all_fonts());
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_font_choices(), $font_registry->get_font_choices());
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::is_google_font('foo'), $font_registry->is_google_font('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_google_font_uri(array('foo')), $font_registry->get_google_font_uri(array('foo')));
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_google_font_subsets(), $font_registry->get_google_font_subsets());
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::choose_google_font_variants('Roboto'), $font_registry->choose_google_font_variants('Roboto'));
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_standard_fonts(), $font_registry->get_standard_fonts());
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_font_stack('foo'), $font_registry->get_font_stack('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::sanitize_font_choice('foo'), $font_registry->sanitize_font_choice('foo'));
     $this->assertEquals(Kirki_Fonts::get_google_fonts(), $font_registry->get_google_fonts());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function display_element($element, &$children_elements, $max_depth, $depth = 0, $args, &$output)
     if ($this->counter == 3) {
         $tg_retina_logo = kirki_get_option('tg_retina_logo');
         if (!empty($tg_retina_logo)) {
             $output .= '<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom" id="menu-item-image" style="display: none !important"> ';
             $output .= '<a href="' . home_url() . '" style="vertical-align: middle;line-height: 18px;padding-top: 13px;padding-bottom: 13px;">';
             $output .= '<img src="' . esc_url($tg_retina_logo) . '" alt="' . esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name')) . '" width="154"/>';
             $output .= '</a></li>';
     $id_field = $this->db_fields['id'];
     if (!empty($children_elements[$element->{$id_field}])) {
         $element->classes[] = 'arrow';
         //enter any classname you like here!
     Walker_Nav_Menu::display_element($element, $children_elements, $max_depth, $depth, $args, $output);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Display social icons which are set in customizer.
function gently_social_links()
    $links_string = kirki_get_option('social_links');
    $links = preg_split('/$\\R?^/m', $links_string);
    if ($links) {
        echo '<div class="social-links">';
    foreach ($links as $link) {
        if (filter_var($link, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
            $link = esc_url($link);
            $color = kirki_get_option('header_icons_color_original') ? 'orig-col' : '';
            printf('<a href="%1$s" class="sc-link">
						<i class="fa %2$s" aria-hidden="true"></i>
						<span class="screen-reader-text">%3$s</span>
					</a>', $link, $color, esc_html__('Social media page', 'gently'));
    if ($links) {
        echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Add sidebar position classes to body.
 * @param array $classes Classes for the body element.
 * @return array
function genlty_sidebar_position($classes)
    $sidebar_pos = kirki_get_option('sidebar_position');
    if ($sidebar_pos == 'left') {
        $classes[] = 'sidebar-left';
    } else {
        $classes[] = 'sidebar-right';
    $sidebar_collapse = kirki_get_option('sidebar_collapse');
    $sidebar_collapse = explode(',', $sidebar_collapse[0]);
    if (is_home() && in_array('home', $sidebar_collapse)) {
        $classes[] = 'sidebar-closed';
    } else {
        if (is_single() && in_array('single', $sidebar_collapse)) {
            $classes[] = 'sidebar-closed';
        } else {
            if (is_archive() && in_array('archive', $sidebar_collapse)) {
                $classes[] = 'sidebar-closed';
    return $classes;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/img/logo.svg" alt="Logo" class="logo-img">
					<!-- /logo -->
					<!-- menu para escolher portal -->
					<ul class="qualPortal">
						<li><a href="">Institucional</a></li>
						<li><a class="current" href="#">Pré-fabricado de concreto</a></li>
						<li><a href="">Venda de imóveis</a></li>
					<!-- /menu para escolher portal -->

					<!-- telefone -->
					<div id="telefoneHead"><h2><span>(31)</span> <?php 
if (kirki_get_option('telefone')) {
    echo kirki_get_option('telefone');

					<!-- nav
					<nav class="nav" role="navigation">
					<!-- /nav -->

Ejemplo n.º 10
function tg_masonry_gallery_func($atts, $content)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('gallery_id' => '', 'layout' => 'wide', 'columns' => 4), $atts));
    $images_arr = get_post_meta($gallery_id, 'wpsimplegallery_gallery', true);
    $images_arr = pp_resort_gallery_img($images_arr);
    $return_html = '';
    $custom_id = time() . rand();
    if (!is_numeric($columns)) {
        $columns = 4;
    $wrapper_class = '';
    $grid_wrapper_class = '';
    $column_class = '';
    switch ($columns) {
        case 2:
            $wrapper_class = 'two_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic2_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_half gallery2';
        case 3:
            $wrapper_class = 'three_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic3_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_third gallery3';
        case 4:
            $wrapper_class = 'four_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic4_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_fourth gallery4';
    if (!empty($images_arr)) {
        if ($layout == 'contain') {
            $return_html .= '<div class="standard_wrapper">';
        $return_html .= '<div id="' . $custom_id . '" class="portfolio_filter_wrapper gallery ' . esc_attr($wrapper_class) . ' ' . esc_attr($layout) . '" data-columns="' . esc_attr($columns) . '">';
        wp_enqueue_script("script-gallery-grid" . $custom_id, get_template_directory_uri() . "/templates/script-gallery-grid.php?id=" . $custom_id, false, THEMEVERSION, true);
        foreach ($images_arr as $key => $image) {
            $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, 'original', true);
            $small_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, 'gallery_masonry', true);
            $image_caption = get_post_field('post_excerpt', $image);
            $image_alt = get_post_meta($image, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
            $tg_lightbox_enable_caption = kirki_get_option('tg_lightbox_enable_caption');
            $return_html .= '<div class="element grid  ' . esc_attr($grid_wrapper_class) . '">';
            $return_html .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($column_class) . ' static filterable gallery_type animated' . esc_attr($key + 1) . '">';
            $return_html .= '<a class="fancy-gallery" href="' . esc_url($image_url[0]) . '" ';
            if (!empty($tg_lightbox_enable_caption)) {
                $return_html .= 'title="' . esc_attr($image_caption) . '" ';
            $return_html .= '>';
            $return_html .= '<img src="' . esc_url($small_image_url[0]) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($image_alt) . '"/>';
            $return_html .= '</a>';
            $return_html .= '</div>';
            $return_html .= '</div>';
        $return_html .= '</div>';
        if ($layout == 'contain') {
            $return_html .= '</div>';
    } else {
        $return_html .= __('Empty gallery item. Please make sure you have upload image to it or check the short code.', PLUGINDOMAIN);
    return $return_html;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    //Get portfolio category page template
    $obj_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, 'portfoliosets');
    $term_meta = get_option("taxonomy_term_{$obj_term->term_id}");
    $tg_page_template = $term_meta['portfoliosets_template'];
    if (file_exists(get_template_directory() . "/" . $tg_page_template . ".php")) {
    } else {
} elseif ($post_type == 'galleries') {
    //Get gallery category page template
    $obj_term = get_term_by('slug', $term, 'gallerycat');
    $term_meta = get_option("taxonomy_term_{$obj_term->term_id}");
    $tg_page_template = $term_meta['gallerycat_template'];
    if (file_exists(get_template_directory() . "/" . $tg_page_template . ".php")) {
    } else {
} else {
    //Get archive page layout setting
    $tg_blog_archive_layout = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_archive_layout');
    $located = locate_template($tg_blog_archive_layout . '.php');
    if (!empty($located)) {
    } else {
        echo 'Error can\'t find page template you selected';
*	Get current page id
if (!is_null($post) && isset($page_obj->ID)) {
    $current_page_id = $page_obj->ID;
global $page_content_class;
$page_content_class = 'wide';
//Include custom header feature

<!-- Begin content -->
//Get number of portfolios per page
$tg_portfolio_items = kirki_get_option('tg_portfolio_items');
//Get all portfolio items for paging
global $wp_query;
if (is_front_page()) {
    $paged = get_query_var('page') ? get_query_var('page') : 1;
} else {
    $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$query_string = 'paged=' . $paged . '&orderby=menu_order&order=ASC&post_type=portfolios&numberposts=-1&suppress_filters=0&posts_per_page=' . $tg_portfolio_items;
if (!empty($term)) {
    $ob_term = get_term_by('slug', get_query_var('term'), get_query_var('taxonomy'));
    $custom_tax = $wp_query->query_vars['taxonomy'];
    $query_string .= '&posts_per_page=-1&' . $custom_tax . '=' . $term;
//Include project filterable options
Ejemplo n.º 13

header("Content-Type: text/css");
$absolute_path = __FILE__;
$path_to_file = explode('wp-content', $absolute_path);
$path_to_wp = $path_to_file[0];
require_once $path_to_wp . '/wp-load.php';
//Check if hide portfolio navigation
$pp_portfolio_single_nav = get_option('pp_portfolio_single_nav');
if (empty($pp_portfolio_single_nav)) {
.portfolio_nav { display:none; }
$tg_fixed_menu = kirki_get_option('tg_fixed_menu');
if (!empty($tg_fixed_menu)) {
	position: fixed;
	animation-name: fadeIn;
	-webkit-animation-name: fadeIn;	
	animation-duration: 0.5s;	
	-webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;
	visibility: visible !important;

  * Get the styles for a single field.
 public function setting_styles($field, $styles = '', $element = '', $property = '', $units = '', $prefix = '', $suffix = '', $callback = false)
     $value = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw']);
     $value = $callback ? call_user_func($callback, $value) : $value;
     $element = $prefix . $element;
     $units = $units . $suffix;
     // Color controls
     if ('color' == $field['type']) {
         $color = Kirki_Color::sanitize_hex($value);
         $styles[$element][$property] = $color . $units;
     } elseif ('background' == $field['type']) {
         if (isset($field['default']['color'])) {
             $color_mode = false !== strpos($field['default']['color'], 'rgba') ? 'color-alpha' : 'color';
             $value = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_color');
             if ('color-alpha' == $color_mode) {
                 $bg_color = kirki_sanitize_rgba($value);
             } else {
                 $bg_color = Kirki_Color::sanitize_hex($value);
         if (isset($field['default']['image'])) {
             $bg_image = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_image');
             $bg_image = esc_url_raw($bg_image);
         if (isset($field['default']['repeat'])) {
             $bg_repeat = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_repeat');
             $bg_repeat = kirki_sanitize_bg_repeat($bg_repeat);
         if (isset($field['default']['size'])) {
             $bg_size = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_size');
             $bg_size = kirki_sanitize_bg_size($bg_size);
         if (isset($field['default']['attach'])) {
             $bg_attach = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_attach');
             $bg_attach = kirki_sanitize_bg_attach($bg_attach);
         if (isset($field['default']['position'])) {
             $bg_position = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_position');
             $bg_position = kirki_sanitize_bg_position($bg_position);
         if (isset($field['default']['opacity']) && $field['default']['opacity']) {
             $bg_opacity = kirki_get_option($field['settings_raw'] . '_opacity');
             $bg_opacity = kirki_sanitize_number($bg_opacity);
             if (isset($bg_color)) {
                 // If we're using an opacity other than 100, then convert the color to RGBA.
                 $bg_color = 100 != $bg_opacity ? Kirki_Color::get_rgba($bg_color, $bg_opacity) : $bg_color;
             } elseif (isset($bg_image)) {
                 $element_opacity = $bg_opacity / 100;
         if (isset($bg_color)) {
             $styles[$element]['background-color'] = $bg_color . $units;
         if (isset($bg_image) && '' != $bg_image) {
             $styles[$element]['background-image'] = 'url("' . $bg_image . '")' . $units;
             if (isset($bg_repeat)) {
                 $styles[$element]['background-repeat'] = $bg_repeat . $units;
             if (isset($bg_size)) {
                 $styles[$element]['background-size'] = $bg_size . $units;
             if (isset($bg_attach)) {
                 $styles[$element]['background-attachment'] = $bg_attach . $units;
             if (isset($bg_position)) {
                 $styles[$element]['background-position'] = str_replace('-', ' ', $bg_position) . $units;
     } elseif (array($field['output']) && isset($field['output']['property']) && in_array($field['output']['property'], array('font-family', 'font-size', 'font-weight'))) {
         $is_font_family = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-family' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
         $is_font_size = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-size' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
         $is_font_weight = isset($field['output']['property']) && 'font-weight' == $field['output']['property'] ? true : false;
         if ('font-family' == $property) {
             $styles[$field['output']['element']]['font-family'] = $value . $units;
         } else {
             if ('font-size' == $property) {
                 // Get the unit we're going to use for the font-size.
                 $units = empty($units) ? 'px' : $units;
                 $styles[$element]['font-size'] = $value . $units;
             } else {
                 if ('font-weight' == $property) {
                     $styles[$element]['font-weight'] = $value . $units;
     } else {
         $styles[$element][$property] = $value . $units;
     return $styles;
Ejemplo n.º 15
					<a class="bg-cor" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(kirki_get_option('fast_link_2'));
    echo esc_textarea($title);
if ($title = kirki_get_option('fast_link_3_title')) {
					<a class="bg-cor" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(kirki_get_option('fast_link_3'));
    echo esc_textarea($title);
			</div><!-- .col-md-4 links-rapidos -->
			<div class="col-md-4 agenda">
				<header class="col-md-12">
					<h3 class="col-md-6"><?php 
_e('Agenda de Ações', 'odin');
Ejemplo n.º 16
						<ul class="default-menu">
        echo wp_list_pages('title_li=');
						</ul><!-- default-menu -->
			</div><!-- .row -->
		</div><!-- .container -->
	</nav><!-- #menu-top.col-md-12 -->

if ($logo = kirki_get_option('logo')) {
		<div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 pull-left wrap-logo">
			<div class="logo">
				<img src="<?php 
    echo esc_url($logo);
" alt="<?php 
" />
			</div><!-- .logo -->
		</div><!-- .col-sm-12 pull-left -->
function ppb_gallery_archive_func($atts, $content)
    //extract short code attr
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('size' => 'one', 'slug' => '', 'title' => '', 'cat' => '', 'items' => '', 'layout' => 'contain', 'columns' => 3, 'custom_css' => ''), $atts));
    if (!is_numeric($items)) {
        $items = 3;
    if (!is_numeric($columns)) {
        $columns = 3;
    $sec_id = '';
    if (!empty($slug)) {
        $sec_id = 'id="' . esc_attr($slug) . '"';
    $return_html = '<div ' . $sec_id . ' class="' . esc_attr($size) . '" ';
    if (!empty($custom_css)) {
        $return_html .= 'style="' . urldecode(esc_attr($custom_css)) . '" ';
    $return_html .= '>';
    //Display galleries items
    $args = array('numberposts' => $items, 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => array('galleries'), 'suppress_filters' => 0);
    if (!empty($cat)) {
        $args['gallerycat'] = $cat;
    $galleris_arr = get_posts($args);
    $wrapper_class = '';
    $grid_wrapper_class = '';
    $column_class = '';
    switch ($columns) {
        case 2:
            $wrapper_class = 'two_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic2_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_half gallery2';
        case 3:
            $wrapper_class = 'three_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic3_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_third gallery3';
        case 4:
            $wrapper_class = 'four_cols';
            $grid_wrapper_class = 'classic4_cols';
            $column_class = 'one_fourth gallery4';
    if (!empty($galleris_arr) && is_array($galleris_arr)) {
        if ($layout == 'contain') {
            $return_html .= '<div class="standard_wrapper">';
        //Check if disable slideshow hover effect
        $tg_gallery_hover_slide = kirki_get_option("tg_gallery_hover_slide");
        if (!empty($tg_gallery_hover_slide)) {
            wp_enqueue_script("jquery.cycle2.min", get_template_directory_uri() . "/js/jquery.cycle2.min.js", false, THEMEVERSION, true);
            wp_enqueue_script("custom_cycle", get_template_directory_uri() . "/js/custom_cycle.js", false, THEMEVERSION, true);
        //Get random ID for this element
        $custom_id = time() . rand();
        $return_html .= '<div id="' . $custom_id . '" class="portfolio_filter_wrapper gallery ' . esc_attr($wrapper_class) . ' ' . esc_attr($layout) . '" data-columns="' . esc_attr($columns) . '">';
        wp_enqueue_script("script-gallery-grid" . $custom_id, get_template_directory_uri() . "/templates/script-gallery-grid.php?id=" . $custom_id, false, THEMEVERSION, true);
        foreach ($galleris_arr as $key => $gallery) {
            $image_url = '';
            $gallery_ID = $gallery->ID;
            if (has_post_thumbnail($gallery_ID, 'original')) {
                $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($gallery_ID);
                $small_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'gallery_grid', true);
            $permalink_url = get_permalink($gallery_ID);
            $return_html .= '<div class="element grid  ' . esc_attr($grid_wrapper_class) . '">';
            $return_html .= '<div class="' . esc_attr($column_class) . ' static filterable gallery_type animated' . esc_attr($key + 1) . ' archive">';
            if (!empty($small_image_url[0])) {
                $all_photo_arr = array();
                if (!empty($tg_gallery_hover_slide)) {
                    //Get gallery images
                    $all_photo_arr = get_post_meta($gallery_ID, 'wpsimplegallery_gallery', true);
                    //Get only 5 recent photos
                    $all_photo_arr = array_slice($all_photo_arr, 0, 5);
                $return_html .= '<a href="' . esc_url($permalink_url) . '"><div class="gallery_archive_desc">
							    <h4>' . $gallery->post_title . '</h4>
								<div class="post_detail">' . $gallery->post_excerpt . '</div></div>';
                if (!empty($all_photo_arr)) {
                    $return_html .= '<ul class="gallery_img_slides">';
                    foreach ($all_photo_arr as $photo) {
                        $slide_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($photo, 'gallery_grid', true);
                        $return_html .= '<li><img src="' . esc_url($slide_image_url[0]) . '" alt="" class="static"/></li>';
                    $return_html .= '</ul>';
                $return_html .= '<img src="' . esc_url($small_image_url[0]) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($gallery->post_title) . '"/></a>';
            $return_html .= '</div>';
            $return_html .= '</div>';
        $return_html .= '</div>';
        if ($layout == 'contain') {
            $return_html .= '</div>';
    $return_html .= '</div>';
    return $return_html;
 * Template Name: Gallery Archive 2 Columns Wide
 * The main template file for display gallery page.
 * @package WordPress
*	Get Current page object
$ob_page = get_page($post->ID);
$current_page_id = '';
if (isset($ob_page->ID)) {
    $current_page_id = $ob_page->ID;
//Check if disable slideshow hover effect
$tg_gallery_hover_slide = kirki_get_option("tg_gallery_hover_slide");
if (!empty($tg_gallery_hover_slide)) {
    wp_enqueue_script("jquery.cycle2.min", get_template_directory_uri() . "/js/jquery.cycle2.min.js", false, THEMEVERSION, true);
    wp_enqueue_script("custom_cycle", get_template_directory_uri() . "/js/custom_cycle.js", false, THEMEVERSION, true);

global $page_content_class;
$page_content_class = 'wide';
//Include custom header feature

<!-- Begin content -->
Ejemplo n.º 19
    echo $text;
								</div><!-- .col-md-12 -->
if (kirki_get_option('box3_btn_url')) {
							<a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(kirki_get_option('box3_btn_url'));
    echo kirki_get_option('box3_btn');
					</div><!--servicos interno-->
					<div id="slider">
						<h2 class="section-title">
_e('Destaques', 'odin');
						</h2><!-- .section-title -->
						<div class="col-md-12 clear"></div><!-- .col-md-12 clear -->
" width="154" height="59"/>
    	<!-- End logo -->
//Check if enable main menu
$tg_main_menu = kirki_get_option('tg_main_menu');
if (THEMEDEMO && isset($_GET['menu']) && !empty($_GET['menu'])) {
    $tg_main_menu = false;
if (!empty($tg_main_menu)) {
        <div id="menu_wrapper">
	        <div id="nav_wrapper">
	        	<div class="nav_wrapper_inner">
	        		<div id="menu_border_wrapper">
    //Check if has custom menu
    if (is_object($post) && $post->post_type == 'page') {
        $page_menu = get_post_meta($current_page_id, 'page_menu', true);
    if (empty($page_menu)) {
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Add the required script.
 function customize_controls_print_footer_scripts()
     $fields = Kirki::fields()->get_all();
     // Early exit if no controls are defined
     if (empty($fields)) {
     $script = '';
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $required = isset($field['required']) ? $field['required'] : false;
         if ($required) {
             $show = false;
             foreach ($required as $dependency) {
                 // Find the type of the dependency control
                 $type = $fields[$dependency['setting']]['type'];
                 // If "operator" is not set then set it to "=="
                 if (!isset($dependency['operator'])) {
                     $dependency['operator'] = '==';
                 $dependency['operator'] = esc_js($dependency['operator']);
                 // Set the control type
                 $type = 'dropdown-pages' == $type ? 'select' : $type;
                 $type = 'radio-image' == $type ? 'radio' : $type;
                 $type = 'radio-buttonset' == $type ? 'radio' : $type;
                 $type = 'toggle' == $type ? 'checkbox' : $type;
                 $type = 'switch' == $type ? 'checkbox' : $type;
                 // Set the controller used in the script
                 $controller = '#customize-control-' . $dependency['setting'] . ' input';
                 if ('select' == $type) {
                     $controller = '#customize-control-' . $dependency['setting'] . ' select';
                 } elseif ('radio' == $type) {
                     $controller = '#customize-control-' . $dependency['setting'] . ' input[value="' . $dependency['value'] . '"]';
                 // The target element
                 $target = '#customize-control-' . $field['settings'];
                 // if this is a background control then make sure we target all sub-controls
                 if ('background' == $field['type']) {
                     $target = '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_color, ';
                     $target .= '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_image, ';
                     $target .= '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_repeat, ';
                     $target .= '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_size, ';
                     $target .= '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_position, ';
                     $target .= '#customize-control-' . $control['settings'] . '_attach';
                 if (!isset($dependency['operator'])) {
                     $dependency['operator'] = '==';
                 $action_1 = '.show()';
                 $action_2 = '.hide()';
                 // Allow checking both checked and unchecked checkboxes
                 if ('checkbox' == $type) {
                     if (0 == $dependency['value'] && '==' == $dependency['operator']) {
                         $action_1 = '.hide()';
                         $action_2 = '.show()';
                         $show = true;
                     if (1 == $dependency['value'] && '!=' == $dependency['operator']) {
                         $action_1 = '.hide()';
                         $action_2 = '.show()';
                 // Get the initial status
                 $value = kirki_get_option($field['settings']);
                 if ('==' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] == $value ? true : $show;
                 } elseif ('!=' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] != $value ? true : $show;
                 } elseif ('>=' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] >= $value ? true : $show;
                 } elseif ('<=' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] <= $value ? true : $show;
                 } elseif ('>' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] > $value ? true : $show;
                 } elseif ('<' == $dependency['operator']) {
                     $show = $show && $dependency['value'] < $value ? true : $show;
                 // if initial status is hidden then hide the control
                 if (false == $show) {
                     $script .= '$("' . $target . '").hide();';
                 $script .= '$("' . $controller . '").';
                 $script .= 'checkbox' == $type ? 'click' : 'change';
                 $script .= '(function(){';
                 $script .= 'if ($("' . $controller . '").';
                 $script .= 'checkbox' == $type ? 'is(":checked") ) {' : 'val() ' . $dependency['operator'] . ' "' . $dependency['value'] . '") {';
                 $script .= '$("' . $target . '")' . $action_1 . ';';
                 $script .= '} else {';
                 $script .= '$("' . $target . '")' . $action_2 . ';';
                 $script .= '}});';
                 $script .= 'checkbox' != $type ? '$("' . $controller . '").trigger("change");' : '';
     // If there's a script then echo it wrapped.
     if (!empty($script)) {
         echo ScriptRegistry::prepare($script);
Ejemplo n.º 22
*	Get Current page object
if (!is_null($post)) {
    $page_obj = get_page($post->ID);
$current_page_id = '';
*	Get current page id
if (!is_null($post) && isset($page_obj->ID)) {
    $current_page_id = $page_obj->ID;
//Include post featured slider
$tg_blog_slider_layout = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_slider_layout');
if (THEMEDEMO && isset($_GET['slider'])) {
    $tg_blog_slider_layout = $_GET['slider'];
if (!empty($tg_blog_slider_layout)) {
    get_template_part("/templates/template-" . $tg_blog_slider_layout);
$is_display_page_content = TRUE;
$is_standard_wp_post = FALSE;
if (is_tag()) {
    $is_display_page_content = FALSE;
    $is_standard_wp_post = TRUE;
} elseif (is_category()) {
    $is_display_page_content = FALSE;
    $is_standard_wp_post = TRUE;
} elseif (is_archive()) {
            echo esc_html($author_name);
            echo esc_html($author_info);
        $tg_blog_display_related = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_display_related');
        if ($tg_blog_display_related) {
            //for use in the loop, list 9 post titles related to post's tags on current post
            $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
            if ($tags) {
                $tag_in = array();
                //Get all tags
                foreach ($tags as $tags) {
                    $tag_in[] = $tags->term_id;
                $args = array('tag__in' => $tag_in, 'post__not_in' => array($post->ID), 'showposts' => 3, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC');
                $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
                $i_post = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
function tg_menu_layout()
    $tg_menu_layout = kirki_get_option('tg_menu_layout');
    if (THEMEDEMO && isset($_GET['menulayout']) && !empty($_GET['menulayout'])) {
        $tg_menu_layout = $_GET['menulayout'];
    return $tg_menu_layout;
Ejemplo n.º 25
function register_mobile_css()
    //Check if enable responsive layout
    $tg_mobile_responsive = kirki_get_option('tg_mobile_responsive');
    if (!empty($tg_mobile_responsive)) {
        //enqueue frontend css files
        $pp_advance_combine_css = get_option('pp_advance_combine_css');
        if (!empty($pp_advance_combine_css)) {
            wp_enqueue_style('responsive', get_template_directory_uri() . "/templates/responsive-css.php", false, "", "all");
        } else {
            wp_enqueue_style('responsive', get_template_directory_uri() . "/css/grid.css", false, "", "all");
Ejemplo n.º 26
//Get page header display setting
$page_show_title = get_post_meta($current_page_id, 'page_show_title', true);
if (empty($page_show_title)) {
    //Get current page tagline
    $page_tagline = get_post_meta($current_page_id, 'page_tagline', true);
    $pp_page_bg = '';
    //Get page featured image
    if (has_post_thumbnail($current_page_id, 'full')) {
        $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($current_page_id);
        $image_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'full', true);
        if (isset($image_thumb[0]) && !empty($image_thumb[0])) {
            $pp_page_bg = $image_thumb[0];
    //Check if add blur effect
    $tg_page_title_img_blur = kirki_get_option('tg_page_title_img_blur');
    global $global_pp_topbar;
<div id="page_caption" class="<?php 
    if (!empty($pp_page_bg)) {
hasbg parallax <?php 
    if (!empty($global_pp_topbar)) {

//Display top social icons
//Check if open link in new window
$tg_topbar_social_link = kirki_get_option('tg_topbar_social_link');
<div class="social_wrapper">
$pp_facebook_url = get_option('pp_facebook_url');
if (!empty($pp_facebook_url)) {
    	<li class="facebook"><a <?php 
    if (!empty($tg_topbar_social_link)) {
    echo esc_url($pp_facebook_url);
"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li>
$pp_twitter_username = get_option('pp_twitter_username');
if (!empty($pp_twitter_username)) {
    	<li class="twitter"><a <?php 
    if (!empty($tg_topbar_social_link)) {

<!-- Begin content -->
<div class="inner">

	<div class="inner_wrapper nopadding">
	<div id="page_main_content" class="sidebar_content full_width nopadding fixed_column">
	<div id="portfolio_filter_wrapper" class="gallery three_cols portfolio-content section content clearfix" data-columns="3">
$tg_full_image_caption = kirki_get_option('tg_full_image_caption');
$counter = rand(0, 2);
foreach ($all_photo_arr as $key => $photo_id) {
    $small_image_url = '';
    $image_url = '';
    if (!empty($photo_id)) {
        $image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($photo_id, 'original', true);
        $image_class = '';
        switch ($counter) {
            case 0:
                $image_class = 'gallery_masonry';
            case 1:
                $image_class = 'gallery_masonry1';
            case 2:

//Get all project service and sorting option
$tg_portfolio_filterable = kirki_get_option('tg_portfolio_filterable');
//Get all sets and sorting option
$tg_portfolio_filterable_sort = kirki_get_option('tg_portfolio_filterable_sort');
//Check filterable link option
$tg_portfolio_filterable_link = kirki_get_option('tg_portfolio_filterable_link');
//Get all portfolio sets
$sets_arr = get_terms('portfoliosets', 'hide_empty=0&hierarchical=0&parent=0&orderby=' . $tg_portfolio_filterable_sort);
if (!empty($tg_portfolio_filterable) && !empty($sets_arr) && empty($term)) {
<ul id="portfolio_wall_filters" class="portfolio-main filter full"> 
	<li class="all-projects active">
		<a class="active" href="javascript:;" data-filter="*"><?php 
    echo _e('All', THEMEDOMAIN);
		<span class="separator">/</span>
    foreach ($sets_arr as $key => $set_item) {
        $filter_link_url = 'javascript:;';
        if (!empty($tg_portfolio_filterable_link)) {
            $filter_link_url = get_term_link($set_item);
	<li class="cat-item <?php 
        echo esc_attr($set_item->slug);
" data-type="<?php 
    $order = 'DESC';
    if (THEMEDEMO) {
        $order = 'ASC';
    //Get post featured category
    $query_string = 'orderby=date&order=' . $order . '&post_type=post&suppress_filters=0';
    //Check if filter slider posts by selected category
    $tg_blog_slider_cat = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_slider_cat');
    if (THEMEDEMO) {
        $tg_blog_slider_cat = 9;
    if (!empty($tg_blog_slider_cat)) {
        $query_string .= '&cat=' . $tg_blog_slider_cat;
    //Check slider post items
    $tg_blog_slider_items = kirki_get_option('tg_blog_slider_items');
    if (!empty($tg_blog_slider_items) && is_numeric($tg_blog_slider_items)) {
        $query_string .= '&posts_per_page=' . $tg_blog_slider_items;
    } else {
        $query_string .= '&posts_per_page=5';
    wp_enqueue_script("flexslider-js", get_template_directory_uri() . "/js/flexslider/jquery.flexslider-min.js", false, THEMEVERSION, true);
    wp_enqueue_script("script-gallery-flexslider", get_template_directory_uri() . "/templates/script-slider-flexslider.php", false, THEMEVERSION, true);
	<div id="post_featured_slider" class="slider_wrapper">
		<div class="flexslider" data-height="550">
			<ul class="slides">
    //Display slide content
    if (have_posts()) {