function ShowReminded() { if ((int) $this->Config['ajax_topic_time'] < 1) { exit; } $uid = max(0, (int) $this->Post['uid']); if ($uid < 1) { exit; } $fcode = jpost('fcode'); $all_topic_notice = 'topicnew' == $fcode; $__my = jsg_member_info($uid); if (!$__my) { exit; } $time = TIMESTAMP; $is_uptime = $this->Post['is_uptime']; if ($is_uptime == 1) { DB::query("update `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "members` set `lastactivity`='{$time}' where `uid`='{$uid}'"); cache_db('rm', "{$uid}-topic-%", 1); echo '<success></success>'; echo "<script language='Javascript'>"; echo "listTopic(0,0);"; echo "</script>"; exit; } $total_record = jlogic('buddy')->check_new_topic($uid, 0, 0, $all_topic_notice); jsg_setcookie('topnotice', 'block'); include template('ajax_reminded'); }
function add($tag, $uid = MEMBER_ID) { $tag = jfilter($tag, 'txt'); $uid = jfilter($uid, 'int'); $info = $this->info($tag, $uid); if ($info) { return $info; } if ($uid < 1) { return jerror('请指定一个正确的UID'); } $uinfo = jsg_member_info($uid); if (!$uinfo) { return jerror('指定的UID已经不存在了'); } if (!$tag) { return jerror('请指定一个正确的话题'); } $tinfo = jtable('tag')->info(array('name' => $tag)); if (!$tinfo) { return jerror('指定的话题已经不存在了'); } $data = array('tag' => $tag, 'uid' => $uid, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); $id = $this->db->insert($data, 1, 1, 1); if ($id > 0) { $this->_rm_my_cache($uid); jtable('members')->update_count($uid, 'tag_favorite_count', '+1'); jtable('tag')->update_count(array('name' => $tag), 'tag_count', '+1'); $info = $this->info($tag, $uid); } return $info; }
function Main() { $uid = MEMBER_ID; if ($uid < 1) { $this->Messager("请先<a href='index.php?mod=login'>点此登录</a>或者<a href='index.php?mod=member'>点此注册</a>一个帐号", 'index.php?mod=login'); } $member = jsg_member_info($uid); $sql = "select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "blacklist` where `uid` = '" . MEMBER_ID . "' "; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $uids = array(); while (false != ($row = $query->GetRow())) { $uids[$row['touid']] = $row['touid']; } if ($uids) { $where = "where `uid` in (" . jimplode($uids) . ")"; $member_list = $this->_MemberList($where); if ($uids && MEMBER_ID > 0) { $sql = "select `uid`,`tid`,`content`,`dateline` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "topic` where `uid` in (" . jimplode($uids) . ") group by `uid` order by `dateline` desc"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $topic_list = array(); while (false != ($row = $query->GetRow())) { $row['content'] = cut_str($row['content'], 100); $row['dateline'] = my_date_format2($row['dateline']); $topic_list[] = $row; } } } $group_list = jlogic('buddy_follow_group')->get_my_group(MEMBER_ID); $this->Title = '黑名单'; include template('social/blacklist'); }
function Modify() { $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $theme_id = $this->Member['theme_id']; $theme_bg_image = $this->Member['theme_bg_image']; $theme_bg_color = $this->Member['theme_bg_color']; $theme_text_color = $this->Member['theme_text_color']; $theme_link_color = $this->Member['theme_link_color']; $theme_bg_image_type = $this->Member['theme_bg_image_type']; $theme_bg_repeat = $this->Member['theme_bg_repeat']; $theme_bg_fixed = $this->Member['theme_bg_fixed']; $open_theme_list = jconf::get('theme'); $themelist = $open_theme_list['theme_list']; $count = 0; foreach ($themelist as $k => $v) { $v['element'] = "{$v[theme_bg_color]},{$v[theme_text_color]},{$v[theme_link_color]},{$v[theme_id]},{$v[theme_bg_image_type]}"; $themelist[$k] = $v; $count = $count + 1; } $prepage = 8; $page_count = ceil($count / $prepage); $page = 1; if ($count > $perpage) { $multi .= '<a href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'pre("pre");\'>上一页</a>'; $multi .= ' <a href=\'javascript:;\' onclick=\'pre("next");\'>下一页</a>'; } $my_bg_image = RELATIVE_ROOT_PATH . 'images/theme/' . face_path(MEMBER_ID) . MEMBER_ID . '_o.jpg'; if (is_file($my_bg_image)) { $my_bg_image = $this->Config['site_url'] . "/" . $my_bg_image; } else { $my_bg_image = ''; } $this->Title = "个人模板设置"; include template('topic_theme'); }
function ModuleObject($config) { $this->MasterObject($config); $qun_setting = $this->Config['qun_setting']; if (MEMBER_ROLE_TYPE != 'admin') { if (!$qun_setting['qun_open']) { $this->Messager('站点暂时不开放' . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . '功能', 'index.php'); } } $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); $this->my = array(); if (MEMBER_ID < 1 && $this->Code) { $this->Messager("请先<a href='index.php?mod=login'>点此登录</a>或者<a href='index.php?mod=member'>点此注册</a>一个帐号", 'index.php?mod=login'); } $this->my = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $this->ShowConfig = jconf::get('show'); Load::logic('qun'); $this->QunLogic = new QunLogic(); ob_start(); $code = $this->Code; if (!empty($this->Get['qid']) && empty($code)) { $code = 'view'; $this->Code = $code; } if (method_exists('ModuleObject', $code)) { $this->{$code}(); } else { $this->Code = 'index'; $this->index(); } $body = ob_get_clean(); $this->ShowBody($body); }
public function get_at_my_topic($p) { $rets = array(); $uid = isset($p['uid']) ? (int) $p['uid'] : MEMBER_ID; $member = jsg_member_info($uid); if ($member) { if ($member['at_new'] > 0) { jlogic('member')->clean_new_remind('at_new', $member['uid']); } $rets = $this->get_at_my_tid($p, 1); if ($rets && is_array($rets)) { if (!$rets['error']) { $rets['member'] = $member; $rets['list'] = $rets['count'] > 0 && $rets['ids'] ? jlogic('topic')->Get($rets['ids']) : array(); if ($rets['list']) { if ($GLOBALS['_J']['config']['is_topic_user_follow'] && !$GLOBALS['_J']['disable_user_follow']) { if (true === IN_JISHIGOU_WAP) { $rets['list'] = buddy_follow_html($rets['list'], 'uid', 'wap_follow_html'); } else { $rets['list'] = jlogic('buddy')->follow_html2($rets['list']); } } $rets['parent_list'] = jlogic('topic')->get_parent_list($rets['list']); } if (true === IN_JISHIGOU_WAP) { $rets = wap_iconv($rets); } } } } else { return jerror('您无权查看该信息,请先登录', -1); } return $rets; }
function reminded() { $my = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); if (!$my) { Mobile::error("No User", 300); } $ret = array('at_count' => $my['at_new'], 'comment_count' => $my['comment_new'], 'pm_count' => $my['newpm'], 'total' => (string) ($my['at_new'] + $my['comment_new'] + $my['newpm'])); Mobile::output($ret); }
public function new_tc($p) { $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $province_id = max(0, (int) $p['province_id']); $city_id = max(0, (int) $p['city_id']); $area_id = max(0, (int) $p['area_id']); if ($province_id < 1) { if ($province = $member['province']) { $province_id = jlogic('common_district')->get_id_by_name($province); if ($province_id > 0 && ($city = $member['city'])) { $city_id = jlogic('common_district')->get_id_by_name($city); if ($city_id > 0) { $area = $member['area']; } } } } else { $province = jlogic('common_district')->get_name_by_id($province_id); if ($province && $city_id > 0) { $city = jlogic('common_district')->get_name_by_id($city_id); if ($city && $area_id > 0) { $area = jlogic('common_district')->get_name_by_id($area_id); } } } $ps = array('cache_time' => max(0, (int) $p['cache_time']), 'cache_key' => 'topic-new_tc-' . "{$province}-{$city}-{$area}", 'page_url' => $p['page_url'], 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'type' => get_topic_type(), 'vip' => $GLOBALS['_J']['config']['only_show_vip_topic']); if (isset($p['perpage'])) { $ps['perpage'] = (int) $p['perpage']; if ($ps['perpage'] < 1) { $ps['perpage'] = 20; } } $rets = jlogic('topic_list')->get_tc_data($ps); if (is_array($rets)) { $rets['province'] = $province; $rets['city'] = $city; $rets['area'] = $area; $rets['province_id'] = $province_id; $rets['city_id'] = $city_id; $rets['area_id'] = $area_id; if ($member) { $rets['member'] = $member; } if ($rets['list']) { $rets['parent_list'] = jlogic('topic')->get_parent_list($rets['list']); $rets['relate_list'] = jlogic('topic')->get_relate_list($rets['list']); if ($GLOBALS['_J']['plugins']['func']['printtopic']) { foreach ($rets['list'] as $row) { jlogic('plugin')->hookscript('printtopic', 'funcs', $row, 'printtopic'); } } } } return $rets; }
function get($p = array()) { $uid = (int) $p['uid']; $uid = $uid > 0 ? $uid : MEMBER_ID; if ($uid < 1) { return jerror('获取用户粉丝列表数据时,UID不能为空或您没有登录系统', -1); } $member = jsg_member_info($uid); if (empty($member)) { return jerror('您要查看的用户已经不存在了,UID错误', -2); } $count = (int) $member['fans_count']; if ($count < 1) { return array(); } $page_num = 10; if (isset($p['page_num'])) { $page_num = (int) $p['page_num']; if ($page_num < 1 || $page_num > 100) { return jerror('请设置每页显示的数量在 1 ~ 100 之间', -3); } } $ps = array('result_count' => $count, 'page_num' => $page_num, 'page_url' => $p['page_url'], 'sql_field' => ' M.* ', 'sql_table' => ' `' . DB::table($this->db->table_name($uid)) . '` AS BF LEFT JOIN `' . DB::table('members') . '` AS M ON M.`uid`=BF.`touid` ', 'sql_where' => " BF.`uid`='{$uid}' AND M.`uid` IS NOT NULL ", 'sql_order' => ' BF.`dateline` DESC ', 'result_list_row_make_func' => 'jsg_member_make', 'result_list_make_func' => 'buddy_follow_html'); if (true === IN_JISHIGOU_WAP) { unset($ps['result_list_make_func']); } if (jallow($uid)) { if ($member['fans_new'] > 0) { jlogic('member')->clean_new_remind('fans_new', $uid); } if ($p['nickname']) { $nickname = jfilter($p['nickname'], 'txt'); if (strlen($nickname) < 3 || strlen($nickname) > 15) { return jerror('搜索用户昵称时,字数请控制在 3 ~ 15 个字符之间', -4); } unset($ps['result_count']); $ps['cache_time'] = 600; $ps['sql_where'] .= ' AND ' . build_like_query(' M.`nickname` ', $nickname); } if ($p['order'] && in_array($p['order'], array('lastpost', 'fans_count'))) { $p['sql_order'] = ' M.`' . $p['order'] . '` DESC '; } } $rets = $this->db->get($ps); if (is_array($rets)) { $rets['member'] = $member; } if (true === IN_JISHIGOU_WAP) { if ($rets['list']) { $rets['list'] = buddy_follow_html($rets['list'], 'uid', 'wap_follow_html'); } $rets = wap_iconv($rets); } return $rets; }
public function get_goods_list($exp = '', $order = "`order` desc,id desc", $limit = 12) { if ('all' == $exp) { return jtable("mall_goods")->get(array("sql_where" => 'expire > ' . TIMESTAMP, "sql_order" => $order, "page_num" => $limit)); } elseif ('exp' == $exp) { $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $config = jconf::get('mall'); $sql_where = "expire > " . TIMESTAMP . " AND credit <= " . $member['credits'] . " AND price <= " . $member[$config['credits']]; return jtable("mall_goods")->get(array("sql_where" => $sql_where, "sql_order" => $order, "page_num" => $limit)); } else { return jtable("mall_goods")->get(array("sql_order" => "id desc", "page_num" => $limit)); } }
function show_user($member = array()) { if (MEMBER_ID < 0) { $this->other_login(); return FALSE; } if (empty($member)) { $uid = MEMBER_ID; $member = jsg_member_info($uid); } include template('login/login_index_other'); exit; }
public function get_my_tag_topic($p) { $uid = isset($p['uid']) ? (int) $p['uid'] : MEMBER_ID; if (jdisallow($uid)) { return jerror('您无权查看'); } $member = jsg_member_info($uid); if ($member['topic_new']) { jlogic('member')->clean_new_remind('topic_new', $uid); } $rets = $this->get_my_tag_tid($p, 1); if (is_array($rets)) { $rets['member'] = $member; } return jlogic('topic')->get_by_ids($rets); }
function main() { $option = array(); $option['page_url'] = 'admin.php?mod=reward'; $id = (int) get_param('id'); if ($id) { $option['id'] = $id; $option['page_url'] .= "&id={$id}"; } else { unset($id); } $title = trim(get_param('title')); if (isset($title)) { $option['title'] = $title; $option['page_url'] .= "&title={$title}"; } $timefrom = get_param('timefrom'); $fromt = strtotime($timefrom); if ($fromt) { $option['fromt'] = $fromt; $option['page_url'] .= "&timefrom={$timefrom}"; } $timeto = get_param('timeto'); $tot = strtotime($timeto); if ($tot) { $option['tot'] = $tot; $option['page_url'] .= "&timeto={$timeto}"; } $nickname1 = trim(get_param('nickname')); $uid = DB::result_first(" select `uid` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "members` where `nickname` = '{$nickname1}'"); if ($uid > 0) { $option['uid'] = $uid; $option['page_url'] .= "&nickname={$nickname1}"; $nickname = $nickname1; } $option['page'] = true; $option['per_page_num'] = min(500, max((int) $_GET['per_page_num'], (int) $_GET['pn'], 20)); $option['_config'] = array('return' => 'array'); $option['page_set'] = '20 30 40 50 100 200'; extract(jlogic('reward')->getRewardList($option)); $count = $count ? $count : 0; $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $this->Title = '有奖转发'; include template('admin/reward_mian'); }
function qun_announcement_index() { $this->Title = $this->Config['changeword']['weiqun'] . '公告'; $qid = jget('qid', 'int'); $id = jget('id', 'int'); if ($id < 1) { $id = jget('ids', 'int'); if ($id < 1) { $id = jget('code', 'int'); } } if ($id > 0) { $qun_announcement_info = jtable('qun_announcement')->info($id); $author_member = jsg_member_info($qun_announcement_info['author_id']); $this->Title .= ' - ' . cutstr(trim(strip_tags($qun_announcement_info['message'])), 30); } include template('qun/qun_announcement_index'); }
function goodsinfo() { $id = jget('id'); $info = jlogic('mall')->get_info($id); if ($info) { $config = jconf::get('mall'); $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); if ($info['expire'] < TIMESTAMP) { $info['exp'] = '商品已过期'; } elseif ($info['price'] > $member[$config['credits']]) { $info['exp'] = '您的' . $config['credits_name'] . '不够'; } elseif ($info['credit'] > $member['credits']) { $info['exp'] = '您的总积分不够'; } else { $info['exp'] = ''; } $info['expire'] = my_date_format($info['expire']); $info['desc'] = nl2br($info['desc']); $this->Title = '商品详情 —— ' . $info['name']; $this->MetaKeywords = '积分兑换,商品详情'; $this->MetaDescription = $info['name']; $top_credit_members = jlogic('mall')->get_top_member_credits(); $feeds = jlogic('feed')->get_feed(5, "`action`='兑换了'"); $css['mall'] = ' class="current"'; $this->item = 'mall'; $this->item_id = $id; $h_key = 'mall'; $gets = array('mod' => 'mall', 'code' => 'goodsinfo', 'id' => $id); $page_url = 'index.php?' . url_implode($gets); $tids = jlogic('mall')->get_topic_by_goodsid($id); $options = array('tid' => $tids, 'perpage' => 5, 'page_url' => $page_url); $topic_info = jlogic('topic_list')->get_data($options); $topic_list = array(); if (!empty($topic_info)) { $topic_list = $topic_info['list']; $page_arr['html'] = $topic_info['page']['html']; } $albums = jlogic('image')->getalbum(); include template('mall_info'); } else { header('Location: ' . jurl('index.php?mod=mall')); } }
public function outbox($p) { $uid = isset($p['uid']) ? (int) $p['uid'] : MEMBER_ID; if (jdisallow($uid)) { return jerror('您没有权限进行此操作', -1); } $member = jsg_member_info($uid); $pn = (int) $p['page_num']; if ($pn < 1) { $pn = 10; } $ps = array('type' => array('both', 'reply'), 'page_num' => $pn); if (isset($p['page_url'])) { $ps['page_url'] = $p['page_url']; } $rets = jtable('member_topic')->get_tids($uid, $ps, 1); if (is_array($rets)) { $rets['member'] = $member; } return jlogic('topic')->get_by_ids($rets); }
function Main() { $this->Title = "我的标签"; $this->Code = 'user_tag'; $uids = (int) MEMBER_ID; $member = jsg_member_info($uids); if ($member['validate'] && $member['validate_extra']) { $act_list['validate_extra'] = '专题设置'; } $sql = "Select * From `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_tag` Where id >= (Select floor(RAND() * (Select MAX(id) From `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_tag`))) Order By id Limit 20;"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $user_tag = array(); while (false != ($row = $query->GetRow())) { $user_tag[] = $row; } $sql = "select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_tag_fields` where `uid` = '" . MEMBER_ID . "'"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $user_tag_fields = array(); while (false != ($row = $query->GetRow())) { $user_tag_fields[] = $row; } include template('topic_user_tag'); }
function admin_check_allow($uid, $is_role_id = 0) { global $_J; if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { return false; } if (true === JISHIGOU_FOUNDER) { return true; } $uid = is_numeric($uid) ? $uid : 0; if ($uid > 0) { if (!$is_role_id) { if ($uid == MEMBER_ID) { return true; } if (true === jsg_member_is_founder($uid)) { return false; } $info = jsg_member_info($uid); $role_id = $info['role_id']; } else { $role_id = $uid; } if ('normal' == $_J['member']['role_type']) { return false; } if ($role_id == $_J['member']['role_id']) { return false; } $role_info = jsg_role_info($role_id); if ('admin' == $role_info['type']) { return false; } } return true; }
function Send() { $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); if ($member['medal_id']) { $medal_list = $TopicLogic->GetMedal($member['medal_id'], $member['uid']); } $topic_selected = 'pm'; $this->Title = '发送新消息'; $action = "index.php?mod=pm&code=dosend"; $to_user = jget('to_user', 'txt'); if (empty($to_user)) { $to_user = jget('nickname', 'txt'); if (empty($to_user)) { $to_user = jget('to', 'txt'); } } $message = jget('message'); $subject = $this->Get['subject'] ? $this->Get['subject'] : $this->Post['subject']; $to_admin = jget('to_admin', 'int'); $to_admin_id = jget('to_admin_id', 'int'); if ($this->ID != 1) { $sql = "select msgtoid,msgfrom,subject,message from " . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pms' . " where pmid = '{$this->ID}'"; $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql); $pm = $query->GetRow(); if ($pm != false) { $to_user = $pm['msgfrom']; $subject = "回复:" . $pm['subject']; $pm['message'] = $pm['message']; } } $left_menu = $this->LeftMenu(); $my_grouplist = jlogic('buddy_follow_group')->get_my_group(MEMBER_ID); include template('pm/pm_write'); }
function check_new_topic($uid = MEMBER_ID, $update_lastactivity = 0, $return_tids = 0, $all_topic_notice = 0) { $uid = (int) ($uid ? $uid : MEMBER_ID); if ($uid < 1) { return 0; } $info = jsg_member_info($uid); if (!$info) { return 0; } $t = $info['lastactivity']; $count = 0; $tids = array(); if ($t > 0 && $t + 29 < TIMESTAMP) { if ($all_topic_notice) { $sql = TABLE_PREFIX . "topic` WHERE `type`!='reply' AND `dateline`>'{$t}'"; $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(1) AS `count` FROM `" . $sql); if ($return_tids) { $query = DB::query("SELECT tid FROM `" . $sql); while (false != ($row = DB::fetch($query))) { $tids[] = $row['tid']; } } } else { $p = array('uid' => $uid, 'count' => 100, 'buddy_lastuptime' => $t); $buddy_uids = $this->get_buddyids($p); if ($buddy_uids) { $sql = TABLE_PREFIX . "topic` WHERE `uid` IN ('" . implode("','", $buddy_uids) . "') AND `type`!='reply' AND `dateline`>'{$t}'"; $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(1) AS `count` FROM `" . $sql); if ($return_tids) { $query = DB::query("SELECT tid FROM `" . $sql); while (false != ($row = DB::fetch($query))) { $tids[] = $row['tid']; } } } } } if ($update_lastactivity) { jtable('members')->update_count($uid, 'lastactivity', TIMESTAMP); } if ($return_tids) { return array('count' => $count, 'tids' => $tids); } else { return $count; } }
function UpdateRole($uid) { $ret = 0; $member_info = jsg_member_info($uid); if (!$member_info) { return 0; } $credits = (int) $member_info['credits']; $role_id = max(0, (int) $member_info['role_id']); if ('normal' == $member_info['role_type']) { $role_c = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('role') . " where `id`='{$role_id}'"); } else { $role_c = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('role') . " where `rank`='{$member_info['level']}' and `type`='normal' order by `creditshigher` desc, `creditslower` desc, `rank` desc limit 1"); } $role_c_max = $role_c['creditshigher']; $role_c_min = $role_c['creditslower']; $role_level = $role_c['rank']; $role_n = array(); if ($role_c_max && $credits < $role_c_max) { $role_n = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('role') . " where `creditshigher`<'{$role_c_max}' and `type`='normal' order by `creditshigher` desc, `creditslower` desc, `rank` desc limit 1"); } elseif ($role_c_min && $credits > $role_c_min) { $role_n = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('role') . " where `creditshigher`>='{$role_c_min}' and `type`='normal' order by `creditshigher` asc, `creditslower` asc, `rank` asc limit 1"); } $role_n_id = $role_n['id']; if ($role_n && $role_n_id > 0) { $role_level = $role_n['rank']; if ('normal' == $member_info['role_type'] && $role_n_id != $member_info['role_id']) { $ret = DB::query("update " . DB::table('members') . " set `role_id`='{$role_n_id}' where `uid`='{$uid}'"); } } if ($role_level != $member_info['level']) { $ret = DB::query("update " . DB::table('members') . " set `level`='{$role_level}' where `uid`='{$uid}'"); } return $ret; }
function listcompany() { $gid = jget('gid'); $info = jlogic('mall')->get_info($gid); $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); $config = jconf::get('mall'); if (MEMBER_ID == 0) { echo '<center><br><br><font color=red onclick="ShowLoginDialog(); return false;" style="font-weight:600;cursor: pointer;font-size:14px;">请先登录!</font><br><br><br><br></center>'; } elseif (TIMESTAMP > $info['expire']) { echo '<center><br><br><font color=red>您要兑换的商品已过期下架,无法兑换!</font><br><br><br><br></center>'; } elseif ($info['credit'] > $member['credits']) { echo '<center><br><br><font color=red>您的总积分没有达到兑换该商品的总积分要求!</font><br><br><br><br></center>'; } elseif ($info['price'] > $member[$config['credits']]) { echo '<center><br><br><font color=red>您的' . $config['credits_name'] . '不足,没有达到兑换该商品所需要的' . $config['credits_name'] . '!</font><br><br><br><br></center>'; } elseif ($num > $info['total']) { echo '<center><br><br><font color=red>您要兑换的商品库存不足!</font><br><br><br><br></center>'; } else { $company_enable = $GLOBALS['_J']['config']['company_enable']; if ($company_enable && @is_file(ROOT_PATH . 'include/logic/cp.logic.php')) { $companyid = $GLOBALS['_J']['member']['companyid']; $companyselect = jlogic('cp')->get_cp_html($companyid); } include template('mall_ajax_bak'); } }
function QunSearch() { $qun_setting = $this->Config['qun_setting']; if (!$qun_setting['qun_open']) { $this->Messager("当前站点没有开放" . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . "功能"); } $perpage = 10; $q = trim($this->Get['q']); $q = get_safe_code($q); $gets = array('mod' => 'search', 'code' => 'qun', 'q' => $this->Get['q']); $page_url = 'index.php?' . url_implode($gets); $count = 0; if (!empty($q)) { $q = $this->_filterKeyword($q); $search_keyword = $q; $QunLogic = jlogic('qun'); $where = ' gview_perm=0 AND ' . build_like_query('name', $q) . ' '; $order = " ORDER BY dateline DESC "; $cache_time = 3600; if ($cache_time > 0) { $cache_key = "qun-search-{$q}"; if (false === ($qids = cache_db('mget', $cache_key))) { $query = DB::query("SELECT `qid` FROM " . DB::table('qun') . " WHERE {$where} {$order} LIMIT {$this->cache_ids_limit} "); $qids = array(); while (false != ($row = DB::fetch($query))) { $qids[$row['qid']] = $row['qid']; } cache_db('mset', $cache_key, $qids, $cache_time); } $where = $qids ? " `gview_perm`='0' AND `qid` IN ('" . implode("','", $qids) . "') " : ""; } $qun_list = array(); if ($where) { $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('qun') . " WHERE {$where}"); if ($count > 0) { $page_arr = page($count, $perpage, $page_url, array('return' => 'array')); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('qun') . " WHERE {$where} {$order} {$page_arr['limit']}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (empty($value['icon'])) { $value['icon'] = $QunLogic->qun_avatar($value['qid'], 's'); } $value['dateline'] = my_date_format2($value['dateline']); $qun_list[] = $value; } } } } $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); if ($member['medal_id']) { $medal_list = $this->TopicLogic->GetMedal($member['medal_id'], $member['uid']); } $this->Title = $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . '搜索'; include template('social/search_list'); }
function _member() { $member = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); return $member; }
function join() { $qid = empty($this->Post['qid']) ? 0 : intval(trim($this->Post['qid'])); if ($qid == 0) { json_error('错误的操作'); } $qun_info = $this->QunLogic->get_qun_info($qid); if (empty($qun_info)) { json_error('当前' . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . '不存在或已经被删除'); } $r = $this->QunLogic->is_qun_member($qid, MEMBER_ID); if ($r) { json_error('你已经是当前' . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . '成员了'); } $join_type = $qun_info['join_type']; $tmp = $GLOBALS['_J']['member']; if (2 == $join_type) { json_error('当前' . $this->Config[changeword][weiqun] . '已禁止任何人再加入'); } $message = ''; if ($join_type == 1) { $message = trim($this->Post['message']); if (empty($message)) { $message = '什么都没有写'; } $message = getstr($message, 280, 1, 1); } $member = array('uid' => MEMBER_ID, 'username' => $tmp['username'], 'message' => $message); unset($tmp); $level = $this->QunLogic->qun_level($qid); if ($level['member_num'] <= $qun_info['member_num']) { json_error('已经达到人数上限无法再加入'); } $this->QunLogic->join_qun($qid, $member, $join_type); if ($join_type == 0) { $nickname = DB::result_first("SELECT nickname\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM " . DB::table('members') . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE uid='{$qun_info['founderuid']}'"); $data = array('qid' => $qid, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'qun_name' => $qun_info['name']); $txt_content = $this->_recd_msg('join_success', $data); $recd = true; $value = $txt_content; include template('qun/response_join'); } else { if ($join_type == 1) { $sendMessage = "我申请加入" . $qun_info['name'] . "。申请理由:" . $message . ",请点击审核!" . jurl("index.php?mod=qun&code=manage&op=check_member&qid=" . $qun_info['qid']); $founderinfo = jsg_member_info($qun_info['founderuid']); $sendR = jlogic("pm")->pmSend(array('to_user' => $founderinfo['nickname'], 'message' => $sendMessage)); json_result('申请加入成功,正在等待审核'); } } exit; }
function getRewardList($param) { $where = ''; if ($fromt = $param['fromt']) { $where_arr['fromt'] = " `fromt` > '{$fromt}' "; } if ($tot = $param['tot']) { $where_arr['tot'] = " `tot` < '{$tot}' "; } if ($param['id']) { if (is_array($param['id'])) { $where_arr['id'] = " `id` in('" . implode("','", $param['id']) . "') "; } else { $where_arr['id'] = " `id` = '{$param[id]}' "; } } if ($param['uid']) { if (is_array($param['uid'])) { $where_arr['uid'] = " `uid` in('" . implode("','", $param['uid']) . "') "; } else { $where_arr['uid'] = " `uid` = '{$param['uid']}' "; } } if ($param['recd']) { $where_arr['recd'] = " `recd` = '{$param['recd']}' "; } if ($param['where']) { $where_arr['where'] = $param['where']; } if (isset($param['verify'])) { $where_arr['verify'] = " `verify` = '{$param[verify]}' "; } else { $where_arr['verify'] = ' `verify` = 1 '; } if ($where_arr) { $where = ' where ' . implode(' and ', $where_arr); } if ($param['page']) { $count = DB::result_first(" select count(*) from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "reward` {$where} "); if ($count) { $page_arr = page($count, $param['per_page_num'], $param['page_url'], $param['_config'], $param['page_set']); } $limit = $page_arr['limit']; } else { if ($param['limit']) { $limit = ' limit ' . $param['limit']; } else { return array(); } } $order = ' order by ' . ($param['order'] ? $param['order'] : ' `id` desc '); $sql = " select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "reward` {$where} {$order} {$limit} "; $query = DB::query($sql); $reward_list = array(); while ($rs = DB::fetch($query)) { $reward_list[$rs['id']] = $rs; $reward_list[$rs['id']]['from_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rs['fromt']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['to_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rs['tot']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['post_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $rs['posttime']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['postip'] = long2ip($rs['postip']); if ($image_id = $rs['image']) { $reward_list[$rs['id']]['image'] = DB::result_first(" select `image` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "reward_image` where `id` = '{$image_id}'"); } if ($eventImageID = $rs['event_image']) { $reward_list[$rs['id']]['event_image_path'] = DB::result_first(" select `image` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "reward_image` where `id` = '{$eventImageID}'"); } #默认图片 $reward_list[$rs['id']]['image'] = $reward_list[$rs['id']]['image'] ? $reward_list[$rs['id']]['image'] : './images/reward_noPic.gif'; $reward_list[$rs['id']]['event_image_path'] || ($reward_list[$rs['id']]['event_image_path'] = $reward_list[$rs['id']]['image']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['content_cut'] = cut_str(strip_tags($rs['content']), 20); $member = jsg_member_info($rs['uid']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['username'] = $member['username']; $reward_list[$rs['id']]['nickname'] = $member['nickname']; $reward_list[$rs['id']]['face'] = face_get($rs['uid']); $reward_list[$rs['id']]['validate_html'] = $member['validate_html']; if ($rs['recd']) { $reward_list[$rs['id']]['recd_checked'] = 'checked'; } } return array('reward_list' => $reward_list, 'page_arr' => $page_arr, 'count' => $count ? $count : $limit); }
?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".t_setting").mouseover(function(){$(".t_member_box").show();$(".t_setting").addClass("on");}); $(".t_setting").mouseout(function(){$(".t_member_box").hide();$(".t_setting").removeClass("on");}); $(".t_news").mouseover(function(){$(".t_news_box").show();$(".t_news").addClass("onn");}); $(".t_news").mouseout(function(){$(".t_news_box").hide();$(".t_news").removeClass("onn");}); }); </script> <?php if ($member['uid'] == MEMBER_ID) { $_mymember = $member; } ?> <?php if ($member['uid'] != MEMBER_ID) { $_mymember = jsg_member_info(MEMBER_ID); } ?> <li class="t_member" onclick="location='index.php?mod=<?php echo MEMBER_NAME; ?> '" title="我是<?php echo MEMBER_NICKNAME; ?> ,点此访问个人主页" style="cursor:pointer;"> <!--<b class="member_name"><?php echo MEMBER_NICKNAME; ?> </b>--> <img class="member" src="<?php echo $_mymember['face_original']; ?> " onerror="javascript:faceError(this);"/> </li> <li class="t_write t_sub" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="showMainPublishBox('<?php
public function jsg_get_wechat_openid($openid) { $openid = trim($openid); if ($openid) { if (empty($openid)) { return FALSE; } $r = DB::query("select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "wechat` where wechat_id = '" . $openid . "'"); $r = DB::fetch($r); if ($r) { $member = jsg_member_info($r['jsg_id']); return array($member['uid'], $member['password']); } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } }
function SmsReset() { if (!sms_init()) { $this->Messager('还没有开启手机短信功能', null); } $sms = jpost('sms', 'txt'); $key = jpost('key', 'txt'); $rets = sms_check_verify($sms, $key); if ($rets['error']) { $this->Messager($rets['result'] . " 请返回重试,或者<a href='index.php?mod=get_password'>点此重新发起验证</a>", "index.php?mod=get_password&code=sms_send&sms={$sms}&key={$key}"); } else { if (jpost('reset_pwd_submit')) { $pwd = jpost('password'); if (empty($pwd) || $pwd != jpost('confirm') || strlen($pwd) < 6) { $this->Messager('两次输入的密码不一致!请设置5位以上的密码!', 'index.php?mod=get_password'); } $info = sms_bind_info($sms); $uid = $info['uid']; if (empty($info) || $uid < 1) { $this->Messager('此手机号未绑定任何帐号', null); } $member = jsg_member_info($uid); if (!$member) { $this->Messager("用户ID【{$uid}】已经不存在了", null); } sms_enter_verify($sms); jsg_member_edit($member['nickname'], '', '', $pwd, '', '', 1); $msg = "【{$member['uid']}】{$member['nickname']},您的新密码已重新设置为 {$pwd} ,请注意保管!"; sms_send($sms, $msg, 0); $this->Messager("新密码设置成功,现在为您转入登录界面.", $this->Config['site_url'] . "/index.php?mod=login"); } else { $act_name = '重设您的新密码'; include template('get_password_sms_reset'); } } }
function HasPermission($mod, $code, $is_admin = 0, $uid = 0) { $MemberFields = array(); if ($uid) { if (is_array($uid)) { $MemberFields = $uid; } elseif (($uid = max(0, (int) $uid)) > 0 && $uid != $this->MemberFields['uid']) { $MemberFields = jsg_member_info($uid); } if ($MemberFields && ($_role_info = jtable('role')->row($MemberFields['role_id']))) { $MemberFields = array_merge($MemberFields, $_role_info); } } if (!$MemberFields || $MemberFields['uid'] < 1) { $MemberFields = $this->MemberFields; } $mod = trim($mod); $action = trim($code); $role_id = (int) $MemberFields['role_id']; $role_name = $MemberFields['role_name']; $role_privilege = $MemberFields['role_privilege']; if ($role_id < 1 && true !== JISHIGOU_FOUNDER) { $this->_SetError("角色编号不能为空,或者该编号在服务器上已经删除"); return false; } $is_admin = $is_admin ? 1 : 0; if (!isset($this->ActionList[$mod])) { $this->ActionList[$mod] = jtable('role_action')->get_list($mod, $is_admin); } $current_action = array(); if (($current_action_id = $this->ActionList[$mod]['index'][$action]) !== null || ($current_action_id = $this->ActionList[$mod]['index']["*"]) !== null) { $current_action = $this->ActionList[$mod]['info'][$current_action_id]; $current_action['id'] = $current_action_id; $current_action['mod'] = $mod; $this->_SetCurrentAction($current_action); if (true === JISHIGOU_FOUNDER) { return true; } if ($current_action['allow_all'] == 1) { return true; } if ($current_action['allow_all'] == '-1') { $this->_SetError("系统已经禁止<B>{$current_action['name']}</B>的任何操作"); return false; } if ($MemberFields['role_privilege'] == "*") { return true; } if (false === jsg_find($role_privilege, $current_action_id, ',')) { if ($ActionList[$current_action_id]['message']) { $message = $ActionList[$current_action_id]['message']; } else { $message = "您的角色({$role_name})没有{$current_action['name']}权限"; if (5 == $role_id) { $message .= ";<br />请先通过<a href='index.php?mod=settings#modify_email_area'>邮件验证</a>或者<a href='index.php?mod=other&code=contact'>联系我们</a>"; } } $this->_SetError($message); return false; } } else { $this->_SetCurrentAction($current_action); if (!$GLOBALS['_J']['config']['safe_mode']) { return true; } if (!$is_admin) { return true; } if ('POST' != $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { return true; } if (!$GLOBALS['_J']['config']['jishigou_founder']) { return true; } $error = "操作模块:{$mod}<br>操作指令:{$action}<br><br>"; $error .= "由于此操作在系统中没有权限控制,您暂时无法执行该操作,请联系网站的超级管理员。"; $this->_SetError($error); return false; } return true; }