Ejemplo n.º 1
function alert($values)
    <script language="javascript">
    echo jsAddSlashes($values);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function encrypt($str)
    global $encryption_key;
    $str = str_replace(' ', '-', $str);
    $encryption_key = str_replace(chr(32), '', $encryption_key);
    if (strlen($encryption_key) < 8) {
        exit(jsAddSlashes('<b>HashOver - Error:</b> Key error, make sure it\'s at least 8 characters long.', 'single'));
    $kl = strlen($encryption_key) < 32 ? strlen($encryption_key) : 32;
    $k = array();
    for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $kl; $i2++) {
        $k[$i2] = ord($encryption_key[$i2]) & 0x1f;
    $j = 0;
    for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < strlen($str); $i2++) {
        $e = ord($str[$i2]);
        $str[$i2] = $e & 0xe0 ? chr($e ^ $k[$j]) : chr($e);
        $j = $j == $kl ? 0 : $j;
    return $str;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$parse_url = parse_url($page_url);
// Turn page URL into array
$ref_queries = isset($parse_url['query']) ? explode('&', $parse_url['query']) : array();
//this is needed for other scripts
//using page, so it is compatible with WonderCMS
if (isset($parse_url['query'])) {
    parse_str($parse_url['query'], $ref_parsed);
    if (isset($ref_parsed['page'])) {
        $ref_path = $ref_parsed['page'];
if (!isset($ref_path)) {
    $ref_path = $parse_url['path'] == '/' ? 'home' : str_replace(array('/', '.', '='), '-', substr($parse_url['path'], 1));
//remove hashover_reply and hashover_edit
$ignore_queries = array('hashover_reply', 'hashover_edit');
$parse_url['query'] = '';
for ($q = 0; $q <= count($ref_queries) - 1; $q++) {
    if (!in_array($ref_queries[$q], $ignore_queries) and !empty($ref_queries[$q])) {
        $ref_parts = explode('=', $ref_queries[$q]);
        if (!in_array(basename($ref_queries[$q], '=' . end($ref_parts)), $ignore_queries)) {
            $parse_url['query'] .= ($q > 0 and !empty($parse_url['query'])) ? '&' . $ref_queries[$q] : $ref_queries[$q];
// Page comments directory
if ($ref_path != 'hashover-php') {
    $dir = 'comments/' . $ref_path;
} else {
    exit(jsAddSlashes('<b>HashOver - Error:</b> Failure setting comment directory name'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
foreach ($mFIELDS as $v) {
    echo $v;
    echo jsAddSlashes($ra[0][$v]);
    echo $v;
    echo jsAddSlashes($ra[0][$v]);
       format:'Y-m-d H:i:s'
       format:'Y-m-d H:i:s'
Ejemplo n.º 5
        } else {
            exit(jsAddSlashes('<a href="' . $_GET['count_link'] . '#comments">Post Comment</a>', 'single'));
// Clear message cookie
if (isset($_COOKIE['message']) and !empty($_COOKIE['message'])) {
    setcookie('message', '', 1, '/', str_replace('www.', '', $domain));
// Check if either a comment or reply failed to post
if (isset($_COOKIE['success']) and $_COOKIE['success'] == 'no') {
    setcookie('success', '', 1, '/', str_replace('www.', '', $domain));
    if (isset($_COOKIE['replied']) and !empty($_COOKIE['replied'])) {
        $text['comment_form'] = $text['reply_form'];
        $text['post_button'] = $text['post_reply'];
        setcookie('replied', '', 1, '/', str_replace('www.', '', $domain));
// Check if visitor is on mobile device
if (preg_match('/android/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or preg_match('/blackberry/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or preg_match('/phone/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
    $is_mobile = 'yes';
} else {
    $is_mobile = 'no';
read_comments($dir, 'yes');
// Run read_comments function
// Sort popular comments
if (!(include './scripts/php-mode.php')) {
    exit(jsAddSlashes('<b>HashOver - Error:</b> file "php-mode.php" could not be included!', 'single'));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    echo jsAddSlashes('<option value="bylikes">' . $text['sort_bylikes'] . '</option>\\n');
    echo jsAddSlashes('</select>\\n</span>\\n') . PHP_EOL;
    echo jsAddSlashes('<div id="sort_div">\\n') . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'for (var comment in comments) {' . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\t" . 'parse_template(comments[comment], false);' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    echo jsAddSlashes('</div>\\n') . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo jsAddSlashes('<div style="margin: 16px 0px 12px 0px;" class="cmtdiv">\\n');
    echo jsAddSlashes('<span class="cmtnumber"><img width="' . $icon_size . '" height="' . $icon_size . '" src="/hashover/images/first-comment.png"></span>\\n');
    echo jsAddSlashes('<div style="height: ' . $icon_size . 'px;" class="cmtbubble">\\n');
    echo jsAddSlashes('<b class="cmtnote cmtfont" style="color: #000000;">Be the first to comment!</b>\\n</div>');
echo jsAddSlashes('</div><br>\\n') . PHP_EOL;
echo jsAddSlashes('<center>\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('HashOver Comments &middot;\\n');
if (!empty($show_cmt)) {
    echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.php?rss=' . $page_url . '" target="_blank">RSS Feed</a> &middot;\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.zip" rel="hashover-source" target="_blank">Source Code</a> &middot;\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.php" rel="hashover-javascript" target="_blank">JavaScript</a> &middot;\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://tildehash.com/hashover/changelog.txt" target="_blank">ChangeLog</a> &middot;\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://tildehash.com/hashover/archives/" target="_blank">Archives</a><br>\\n');
echo jsAddSlashes('</center>\\n');
// Script execution ending time
$exec_time = explode(' ', microtime());
$exec_end = $exec_time[1] + $exec_time[0];
$exec_time = $exec_end - $exec_start;
echo PHP_EOL . '// Place all content on page' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'document.getElementById("hashover").innerHTML = show_cmt;' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '// Script Execution Time: ' . round($exec_time, 5) . ' Seconds';
Ejemplo n.º 7
      var tmp = "";
      tmp = sprintf("<div style='text-align:center;width:%dpx;height:%dpx;overflow:auto;'><img style='background-color:white;width='%s' src='%s'></div>",
      (window['wh']['width']*80/100 ),
      (window['wh']['height']*80/100 ),
      (window['wh']['width']*50/100 ),$(this).attr('src'));
echo jsAddSlashes(urldecode(htmlspecialchars_decode($POSTS['searchcode'])));
      var o = new Object();
      var new_search_code = myAjax("<?php 
echo $base_url;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    echo '];' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// Display comments, if there are no comments display a note
if (!empty($show_cmt)) {
    echo jsAddSlashes('<div id="sort_div">\\n') . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'for (var comment in comments) {' . PHP_EOL;
    echo "\t" . 'parse_template(comments[comment], false);' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    echo jsAddSlashes('</div>\\n') . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    //echo jsAddSlashes('<div style="margin: 16px 0px 12px 0px;" class="cmtdiv">\n');
    //echo jsAddSlashes('<span class="cmtnumber"><img width="' . $icon_size . '" height="' . $icon_size . '" src="/hashover/images/first-comment.png"></span>\n');
    //echo jsAddSlashes('<div style="height: ' . $icon_size . 'px;" class="cmtbubble">\n');
    //echo jsAddSlashes('<b class="cmtnote cmtfont" style="color: #000000;">Be the first to comment!</b>\n</div>');
echo jsAddSlashes('</div><br>\\n') . PHP_EOL;
//	echo jsAddSlashes('<center>\n');
//	echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://tildehash.com" target="_blank">HashOver Comments</a>\n');
//if (!empty($show_cmt)) echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.php?rss=' . $page_url . '" target="_blank">RSS Feed</a> &middot;\n');
//echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.zip" rel="hashover-source" target="_blank">Source Code</a> &middot;\n');
//echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://' . $domain . '/hashover.php" rel="hashover-javascript" target="_blank">JavaScript</a> &middot;\n');
//echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://tildehash.com/hashover/changelog.txt" target="_blank">ChangeLog</a> &middot;\n');
//echo jsAddSlashes('<a href="http://tildehash.com/hashover/archives/" target="_blank">Archives</a><br>\n');
//	echo jsAddSlashes('</center>\n');
// Script execution ending time
$exec_time = explode(' ', microtime());
$exec_end = $exec_time[1] + $exec_time[0];
$exec_time = $exec_end - $exec_start;
echo PHP_EOL . '// Place all content on page' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'document.getElementById("hashover").innerHTML = show_cmt;' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '// Script Execution Time: ' . round($exec_time, 5) . ' Seconds';
Ejemplo n.º 9
function requestip(&$p, &$w, $ds, $cust)
    // get all request records
    $sqllastmod = $ds->ds->SQLDate("M d Y H:i:s", 'lastmod');
    $result = $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT requestindex, requestdesc, userinf, location, telno, \n                             descrip, hname, macaddr, {$sqllastmod} AS lastmod, info\n                           FROM requestip\n                           WHERE customer={$cust}");
    // emulate for databases that do not have RecordCount
    // not records, do nothing
    if (!$result->PO_RecordCount("requestip", "customer={$cust}")) {
    // if a specific network template exists, use that, else use generic template
    $savtemplate = new IPplanIPTemplate("iptemplate", $cust);
    $err = $savtemplate->is_error();
    $lst = array();
    $jsarr = "";
    $lst["0"] = "No request";
    $cnt = 0;
    while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
        $template = $savtemplate;
        // reset template - additional fields could have been added
        $col = $row["requestindex"];
        $lst["{$col}"] = $row["requestdesc"];
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}]=new Array();\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][1]=\"" . jsAddSlashes($row["userinf"]) . "\";\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][2]=\"" . jsAddSlashes($row["location"]) . "\";\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][3]=\"" . jsAddSlashes($row["descrip"]) . "\";\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][4]=\"" . jsAddSlashes($row["hname"]) . "\";\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][5]=\"" . jsAddSlashes($row["telno"]) . "\";\n";
        $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][6]=\"" . jsAddSlashes(substr(chunk_split($row["macaddr"], 2, ':'), 0, -1)) . "\";\n";
        // no template error
        if (!$err) {
            $cnt2 = ADD_INFO;
            $jsset = "";
            foreach ($template->userfld as $arr) {
                $jsarr .= "    dbf[{$col}][{$cnt2}]=\"" . jsAddSlashes(preg_replace('/(\\r\\n)|\\n|\\r/m', '\\n', isset($arr["value"]) ? $arr["value"] : "")) . "\";\n";
                $jsset .= "    parent.document.MODIFY.elements[{$cnt2}].value=dbf[idx][{$cnt2}];\n";
    insert($p, script('
function modifyipform() {

   dbf=new Array();
   ' . $jsarr . '


   if ((idx) == 0) return;

   ' . $jsset . '

} ', array("language" => "JavaScript", "type" => "text/javascript")));
    insert($w, $f = form(array("name" => "REQUESTIP", "method" => "get", "action" => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])));
    insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset")));
    insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend")));
    insert($legend, text(my_("Requested addresses")));
    insert($con, selectbox($lst, array("name" => "request", "onChange" => "modifyipform()")));