Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: lib.php Proyecto: r007/PMoodle
function journal_cron()
    // Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
    // Finds all journal notifications that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them
    global $CFG, $USER;
    $cutofftime = time() - $CFG->maxeditingtime;
    if ($entries = journal_get_unmailed_graded($cutofftime)) {
        $timenow = time();
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            echo "Processing journal entry {$entry->id}\n";
            if (!($user = get_record("user", "id", "{$entry->userid}"))) {
                echo "Could not find user {$entry->userid}\n";
            $USER->lang = $user->lang;
            if (!($course = get_record("course", "id", "{$entry->course}"))) {
                echo "Could not find course {$entry->course}\n";
            if (!isstudent($course->id, $user->id) and !isteacher($course->id, $user->id)) {
                // Not an active participant
            if (!($teacher = get_record("user", "id", "{$entry->teacher}"))) {
                echo "Could not find teacher {$entry->teacher}\n";
            if (!($mod = get_coursemodule_from_instance("journal", $entry->journal, $course->id))) {
                echo "Could not find course module for journal id {$entry->journal}\n";
            $journalinfo->teacher = fullname($teacher);
            $journalinfo->journal = format_string($entry->name, true);
            $journalinfo->url = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/view.php?id={$mod->id}";
            $modnamepl = get_string('modulenameplural', 'journal');
            $msubject = get_string('mailsubject', 'journal');
            $postsubject = "{$course->shortname}: {$msubject}: " . format_string($entry->name, true);
            $posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> {$modnamepl} -> " . format_string($entry->name, true) . "\n";
            $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            $posttext .= get_string("journalmail", "journal", $journalinfo) . "\n";
            $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            if ($user->mailformat == 1) {
                // HTML
                $posthtml = "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}\">{$course->shortname}</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/index.php?id={$course->id}\">journals</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/view.php?id={$mod->id}\">" . format_string($entry->name, true) . "</a></font></p>";
                $posthtml .= "<hr /><font face=\"sans-serif\">";
                $posthtml .= "<p>" . get_string("journalmailhtml", "journal", $journalinfo) . "</p>";
                $posthtml .= "</font><hr />";
            } else {
                $posthtml = "";
            if (!email_to_user($user, $teacher, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml)) {
                echo "Error: Journal cron: Could not send out mail for id {$entry->id} to user {$user->id} ({$user->email})\n";
            if (!set_field("journal_entries", "mailed", "1", "id", "{$entry->id}")) {
                echo "Could not update the mailed field for id {$entry->id}\n";
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function journal_cron()
    // Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
    // Finds all journal notifications that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
    $cutofftime = time() - $CFG->maxeditingtime;
    if ($entries = journal_get_unmailed_graded($cutofftime)) {
        $timenow = time();
        $usernamefields = get_all_user_name_fields();
        $requireduserfields = 'id, auth, mnethostid, email, mailformat, maildisplay, lang, deleted, suspended, ' . implode(', ', $usernamefields);
        // To save some db queries.
        $users = array();
        $courses = array();
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            echo "Processing journal entry {$entry->id}\n";
            if (!empty($users[$entry->userid])) {
                $user = $users[$entry->userid];
            } else {
                if (!($user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id" => $entry->userid), $requireduserfields))) {
                    echo "Could not find user {$entry->userid}\n";
                $users[$entry->userid] = $user;
            $USER->lang = $user->lang;
            if (!empty($courses[$entry->course])) {
                $course = $courses[$entry->course];
            } else {
                if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $entry->course), 'id, shortname'))) {
                    echo "Could not find course {$entry->course}\n";
                $courses[$entry->course] = $course;
            if (!empty($users[$entry->teacher])) {
                $teacher = $users[$entry->teacher];
            } else {
                if (!($teacher = $DB->get_record("user", array("id" => $entry->teacher), $requireduserfields))) {
                    echo "Could not find teacher {$entry->teacher}\n";
                $users[$entry->teacher] = $teacher;
            // All cached.
            $coursejournals = get_fast_modinfo($course)->get_instances_of('journal');
            if (empty($coursejournals) || empty($coursejournals[$entry->journal])) {
                echo "Could not find course module for journal id {$entry->journal}\n";
            $mod = $coursejournals[$entry->journal];
            // This is already cached internally.
            $context = context_module::instance($mod->id);
            $canadd = has_capability('mod/journal:addentries', $context, $user);
            $entriesmanager = has_capability('mod/journal:manageentries', $context, $user);
            if (!$canadd and $entriesmanager) {
                // Not an active participant
            $journalinfo = new stdClass();
            $journalinfo->teacher = fullname($teacher);
            $journalinfo->journal = format_string($entry->name, true);
            $journalinfo->url = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/view.php?id={$mod->id}";
            $modnamepl = get_string('modulenameplural', 'journal');
            $msubject = get_string('mailsubject', 'journal');
            $postsubject = "{$course->shortname}: {$msubject}: " . format_string($entry->name, true);
            $posttext = "{$course->shortname} -> {$modnamepl} -> " . format_string($entry->name, true) . "\n";
            $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            $posttext .= get_string("journalmail", "journal", $journalinfo) . "\n";
            $posttext .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            if ($user->mailformat == 1) {
                // HTML
                $posthtml = "<p><font face=\"sans-serif\">" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}\">{$course->shortname}</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/index.php?id={$course->id}\">journals</a> ->" . "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/journal/view.php?id={$mod->id}\">" . format_string($entry->name, true) . "</a></font></p>";
                $posthtml .= "<hr /><font face=\"sans-serif\">";
                $posthtml .= "<p>" . get_string("journalmailhtml", "journal", $journalinfo) . "</p>";
                $posthtml .= "</font><hr />";
            } else {
                $posthtml = "";
            if (!email_to_user($user, $teacher, $postsubject, $posttext, $posthtml)) {
                echo "Error: Journal cron: Could not send out mail for id {$entry->id} to user {$user->id} ({$user->email})\n";
            if (!$DB->set_field("journal_entries", "mailed", "1", array("id" => $entry->id))) {
                echo "Could not update the mailed field for id {$entry->id}\n";
    return true;