function iteminfo($id, $level = 0) { global $item_cols; global $DB; $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT i.?#, i.entry { , l.name_loc?d AS name_loc , l.description_loc?d AS description_loc } FROM ?_icons, item_template i { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ? } WHERE (i.entry=?d and id=displayid) LIMIT 1 ', $item_cols[2 + $level], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); return iteminfo2($row, $level); }
function loot_table($table, $lootid, $max_percent = 100) { // Все элементы global $DB; global $loot_groups; global $item_cols; $loot = array(); $groups = array(); // Мего запрос :) $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT l.Chance, l.MinCount, l.MaxCount as `d-max`, l.groupid, ?#, i.Entry, i.MaxCount {, loc.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM ?# l LEFT JOIN (?_icons a, item_template i) ON l.item=i.entry AND {LEFT JOIN (locales_item loc) ON loc.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE l.entry=?d {LIMIT ?d} ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $table, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); // Перебираем foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { if ($row['mincountOrRef'] > 0) { // Не ссылка! if ($row['groupid'] > 0) { // Групповой лут! $groups[$row['groupid']][] = array('mincount' => $row['mincountOrRef'], 'maxcount' => $row['d-max'], 'percent' => $row['ChanceOrQuestChance'] * $max_percent / 100, 'item' => iteminfo2($row, 0)); // Общее число элементов группы с равнозначным шансом if (!isset($group_idx[$row['groupid']]['num-equal'])) { $group_idx[$row['groupid']]['num-equal'] = 0; } // Общий шанс дропа для группового лута if (!isset($group_idx[$row['groupid']]['percent'])) { $group_idx[$row['groupid']]['percent'] = 0; } // Если шанс дропа=0, значит это равнозначный лут в группе // Иначе, увеличиваем зарезервированный шанс для элементов лута с четко определенным шансом дропа if ($row['ChanceOrQuestChance'] == 0) { $group_idx[$row['groupid']]['num-equal']++; } else { $group_idx[$row['groupid']]['percent'] += abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']); } } else { // Старый добрый обычный лут :) $loot[] = array_merge(array('percent' => $max_percent != 100 ? $max_percent : $row['ChanceOrQuestChance'], 'mincount' => $row['mincountOrRef'], 'maxcount' => $row['d-max'], 'group' => 0), iteminfo2($row, 0)); } } else { // Ссылка! // Вот если это ссылка, то ###### // Наша задача - вызвать эту же функцию, но с предопределенным значением percent и maxcount for ($j = 1; $j <= $row['d-max']; $j++) { $loot = array_merge($loot, loot_table($table, -$row['mincountOrRef'], $row['ChanceOrQuestChance'])); } } } // Перебираем группы лута foreach ($groups as $groupid => $group) { foreach ($group as $field => $group_item) { if (isset($group_item['item'])) { $loot[] = array_merge(array('mincount' => $group_item['mincount'], 'maxcount' => $group_item['maxcount'], 'percent' => $group_item['percent'] == 0 ? ($max_percent - $group_idx[$groupid]['percent']) / $group_idx[$groupid]['num-equal'] : $group_item['percent'], 'group' => $loot_groups, 'grouppercent' => $group_idx[$groupid]['num-equal'] > 0 ? $max_percent : $group_idx[$groupid]['percent']), $group_item['item']); } } $loot_groups++; } return $loot; }
} } $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT i.?# {, l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM ?_icons a, item_template i {LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE ( LIKE ? {OR i.entry IN (?a)}) AND = i.displayid; ', $item_cols[3], $m ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $m ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $nsearch, $m ? $m : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); unset($m); unset($t); unset($tmp); foreach ($rows as $numRow => $row) { $found['item'][] = iteminfo2($row); } // Ищем NPC: if ($_SESSION['locale'] > 0) { $tmp = $DB->select(' SELECT entry FROM locales_creature WHERE name_loc?d LIKE ? OR subname_loc?d LIKE ? ', $_SESSION['locale'], $nsearch, $_SESSION['locale'], $nsearch); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $m[] = $t['entry']; } } $rows = $DB->select('
// Альянс(1)/Орда(2) if ($row['side'] != 0) { $faction['side'] = $row['side']; } // Итемы с requiredreputationfaction $item_rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, entry FROM item_template i, ?_icons a WHERE i.RequiredReputationFaction=?d AND ', $item_cols[2], $id); if ($item_rows) { $faction['items'] = array(); foreach ($item_rows as $i => $row) { $faction['items'][] = iteminfo2($row, 0); } unset($faction['items']); } // Персонажи, состоящие во фракции $creature_rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, entry FROM creature_template, ?_factiontemplate WHERE faction_A IN (SELECT factiontemplateID FROM ?_factiontemplate WHERE factionID=?d) AND factiontemplateID=faction_A ', $npc_cols[0], $id); if ($creature_rows) { $faction['creatures'] = array(); foreach ($creature_rows as $i => $row) { $faction['creatures'][] = creatureinfo2($row);
// Продает: $rows_s = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, i.entry, i.maxcount, n.`maxcount` as `drop-maxcount` {, l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM ?_npc_vendor n, ?_aowow_icons, ?_item_template i {LEFT JOIN (?_locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE n.entry=? AND i.entry=n.item AND id=i.displayid ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); if ($rows_s) { $npc['sells'] = array(); foreach ($rows_s as $numRow => $row) { $npc['sells'][$numRow] = array(); $npc['sells'][$numRow] = iteminfo2($row); $npc['sells'][$numRow]['maxcount'] = $row['drop-maxcount']; $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost'] = array(); /* if ($row['ExtendedCost']) [NOTE] overwrite with honor points? { $extcost = $DB->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_aowow_item_extended_cost WHERE extendedcostID=?d LIMIT 1', $row['ExtendedCost']); if ($extcost['reqhonorpoints']>0) $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['honor'] = (($npc['A']==1)? 1: -1) * $extcost['reqhonorpoints']; if ($extcost['reqarenapoints']>0) $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['arena'] = $extcost['reqarenapoints']; $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['items'] = array(); for ($j=1;$j<=5;$j++) if (($extcost['reqitem'.$j]>0) and ($extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]>0)) { allitemsinfo($extcost['reqitem'.$j], 0); $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['items'][] = array('item' => $extcost['reqitem'.$j], 'count' => $extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]);
if (!($items = load_cache(7, $cache_key))) { unset($items); // Составляем запрос к БД, выполняющий поиск по заданным классу и подклассу $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, i.entry, maxcount {, l.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM ?_icons, item_template i {LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE id=displayid { AND class = ? } { AND subclass = ? } { AND InventoryType = ? } ORDER BY quality DESC, name { LIMIT ?d } ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($class) ? $class : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($subclass) ? $subclass : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($type) ? $type : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $items = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $items[] = iteminfo2($row); } save_cache(7, $cache_key, $items); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $smarty->get_config_vars('Items'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'typeid' => 0, 'path' => path(0, 0, $type, $subclass, $class)); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Статистика выполнения mysql запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); $smarty->assign('items', $items); // Загружаем страницу $smarty->display('items.tpl');
$rows_cpi = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` } FROM ?_udwbase_icons, ?_item_template c { LEFT JOIN (?_locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE BagFamily=?d AND ContainerSlots>0 AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $item['BagFamily']); if ($rows_cpi) { $item['canbeplacedin'] = array(); foreach ($rows_cpi as $numRow => $row) { $item['canbeplacedin'][] = iteminfo2($row, 0); } } unset($rows_cpi); } // Реагент для... $rows_r = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, spellID FROM ?_udwbase_spell s, ?_udwbase_spellicons i WHERE (( reagent1=?d OR reagent2=?d OR reagent3=?d OR reagent4=?d OR reagent5=?d OR reagent6=?d
{LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE (iec.reqitem1=? OR iec.reqitem2=? OR iec.reqitem3=? OR iec.reqitem4=? OR iec.reqitem5=?) AND iec.extendedcostID=ABS(n.ExtendedCost) AND i.entry=n.item AND id=i.displayid ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry']); if ($rows_cf) { $item['currencyfor'] = array(); foreach ($rows_cf as $row) { $id = $row['entry']; $item['currencyfor'][$id] = array(); $item['currencyfor'][$id] = iteminfo2($row); $item['currencyfor'][$id]['maxcount'] = $row['drop-maxcount']; $item['currencyfor'][$id]['cost'] = array(); if ($row['BuyPrice'] > 0) { $npc['sells'][$id]['cost']['money'] = $row['BuyPrice']; } if ($row['reqhonorpoints'] > 0) { $item['currencyfor'][$id]['cost']['honor'] = $row['reqhonorpoints']; } //FIXME_BUG if ($row['reqarenapoints'] > 0) { $item['currencyfor'][$id]['cost']['arena'] = $row['reqarenapoints']; } $item['currencyfor'][$id]['cost']['items'] = array(); for ($j = 1; $j <= 5; $j++) { if ($row['reqitem' . $j] > 0 and $row['reqitemcount' . $j] > 0) {
if ($drops_mi) { $item['milledfrom'] = array(); foreach ($drops_mi as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d AS name_loc } FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry=?d AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid); foreach ($rows as $row) { $item['milledfrom'][] = array_merge(iteminfo2($row, 0), $drop); } } unset($rows); unset($lootid); unset($drop); } unset($drops_mi); // Цель критерии $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT, a.faction, a.name_loc?d AS name, a.description_loc?d AS description, a.category, a.points, s.iconname, z.areatableID FROM ?_spellicons s, ?_achievementcriteria c, ?_achievement a LEFT JOIN (?_zones z) ON != -1 AND = z.mapID WHERE a.icon = AND = c.refAchievement
unset($usedbynpc); } // Используется вещями: $usedbyitem = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, c.entry { , name_loc?d AS name_loc } FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON c.entry = l.entry AND ? } WHERE (spellid_1 = ?d OR (spellid_2 = ?d AND spelltrigger_2!=6) OR spellid_3 = ?d OR spellid_4 = ?d OR spellid_5 = ?d) AND id=displayID ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry']); if ($usedbyitem) { $spell['usedbyitem'] = array(); foreach ($usedbyitem as $i => $row) { $spell['usedbyitem'][] = iteminfo2($row, 0); } unset($usedbyitem); } // Используется наборами вещей: $usedbyitemset = $DB->select(' SELECT * FROM ?_itemset WHERE spell1 = ?d OR spell2 = ?d OR spell3 = ?d OR spell4 = ?d OR spell5 = ?d OR spell6 = ?d OR spell7 = ?d OR spell8 = ?d ', $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry']); if ($usedbyitemset) { $spell['usedbyitemset'] = array(); foreach ($usedbyitemset as $i => $row) { $spell['usedbyitemset'][] = itemsetinfo2($row); } unset($usedbyitemset);
function loot($table, $lootid, $group = 0) { global $DB, $item_cols; // Мего запрос :) $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT l.ChanceOrQuestChance, l.mincountOrRef, l.maxcount as `d-max`, l.groupid, ?#, i.entry, i.maxcount {, loc.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM ?# l LEFT JOIN (?_icons a, item_template i) ON l.item=i.entry AND {LEFT JOIN (locales_item loc) ON loc.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE l.entry=?d AND l.entry <> 0 { AND l.groupid = ?d } {LIMIT ?d} ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $table, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid, $group ? $group : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); // Подсчитываем нужную информацию о группах $groupchance = array(); $groupzero = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['mincountOrRef'] >= 0) { $gid = $row['groupid']; if (!isset($groupchance[$gid])) { $groupchance[$gid] = 0; } if (!isset($groupzero[$gid])) { $groupzero[$gid] = 0; } if ($row['ChanceOrQuestChance'] == 0) { $groupzero[$gid]++; } else { $groupchance[$gid] += abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']); } } } // Присваиваем каждой группе номер от 1 $maxgroup = 0; $groupnum = array(); foreach ($groupchance as $id => $group) { if ($id) { $groupnum[$id] = ++$maxgroup; } else { $groupnum[$id] = ""; } } // Cохраняем весь нессылочный лут $loot = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['mincountOrRef'] > 0) { $chance = $row['ChanceOrQuestChance']; if ($chance == 0) { $chance = (100 - $groupchance[$row['groupid']]) / $groupzero[$row['groupid']]; if ($chance < 0) { $chance = 0; } if ($chance > 100) { $chance = 100; } } $item = $row['entry'] . '.' . $row['groupid']; // Это чтобы отделить предметы в разных группах if (isset($loot[$item])) { $loot[$item]['mincount'] = min($row['mincountOrRef'], $loot[$item]['mincount']); if ($row['groupid']) { $loot[$item]['maxcount'] = max($loot[$item]['maxcount'], $row['d-max']); } else { $loot[$item]['maxcount'] = $loot[$item]['maxcount'] + $row['d-max']; } $loot[$item]['percent'] = 1 - (1 - abs($chance)) * (1 - abs($loot[$item]['percent'])); } else { $loot[$item] = iteminfo2($row, 0); $loot[$item]['mincount'] = $row['mincountOrRef']; $loot[$item]['maxcount'] = $row['d-max']; $loot[$item]['percent'] = $chance; $loot[$item]['group'] = $groupnum[$row['groupid']]; $loot[$item]['groupcount'] = 1; } } } // И наконец, добавляем весь лут со ссылок foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['mincountOrRef'] < 0) { $newmax = $maxgroup; $tmploots = loot('reference_loot_template', -$row['mincountOrRef'], $row['groupid']); foreach ($tmploots as $tmploot) { if ($tmploot['group']) { $tmploot['group'] += $maxgroup; if ($newmax < $tmploot['group']) { $newmax = $tmploot['group']; } $tmploot['groupcount'] = $tmploot['groupcount'] * $row['d-max']; } else { $tmploot['maxcount'] *= $row['d-max']; } $tmploot['percent'] *= abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']) / 100; $loot[] = $tmploot; } $maxgroup = $newmax; } } return $loot; }
SELECT ?#, i.entry, maxcount {, l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM ?_aowow_icons, ?_item_template i {LEFT JOIN (?_locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE id=displayid { AND class=? } { AND subclass=? } ORDER BY quality DESC, name LIMIT 200 ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $class != '' ? $class : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $subclass != '' ? $subclass : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $i = 0; $items = array(); foreach ($rows as $numRow => $row) { $items[$i] = array(); $items[$i] = iteminfo2($row); $i++; } save_cache(7, $cache_str, $items); } global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $smarty->get_config_vars('Items'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'typeid' => 0, 'path' => "[0, 0, " . $class . ", " . $subclass . "]"); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Статистика выполнения mysql запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); // Если хоть одна информация о вещи найдена - передаём массив с информацией о вещях шаблонизатору if (count($allitems) >= 0) { $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); } if (count($items >= 0)) { $smarty->assign('items', $items);
function loot($table, $lootid, $mod = 1) { // Все элементы global $DB, $item_cols; $loot = array(); $groups = array(); // Мего запрос :) $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT l.ChanceOrQuestChance, l.mincountOrRef, l.maxcount, l.groupid, ?#, i.entry {, loc.name_loc?d AS name_loc} FROM ?# l LEFT JOIN (?_icons a, item_template i) ON l.item=i.entry AND {LEFT JOIN (locales_item loc) ON loc.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE l.entry=?d ORDER BY groupid ASC, ChanceOrQuestChance DESC {LIMIT ?d} ', $item_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $table, $_SESSION['locale'] ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid, $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $last_group = 0; $last_group_equal_chance = 100; // Перебираем foreach ($rows as $row) { // Не группа if ($row['groupid'] == 0) { // Ссылка if ($row['mincountOrRef'] < 0) { add_loot($loot, loot('reference_loot_template', -$row['mincountOrRef'], abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']) / 100 * $row['maxcount'] * $mod)); } else { // Обыкновенный дроп add_loot($loot, array(array_merge(array('percent' => max(abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']) * $mod, 0) * sign($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']), 'mincount' => $row['mincountOrRef'], 'maxcount' => $row['maxcount']), iteminfo2($row, 0)))); } } else { $chance = abs($row['ChanceOrQuestChance']); // Новая группа? if ($row['groupid'] != $last_group) { $last_group = $row['groupid']; $last_group_equal_chance = 100; } // Шанс лута задан if ($chance > 0) { $last_group_equal_chance -= $chance; $last_group_equal_chance = max($last_group_equal_chance, 0); // Ссылка if ($row['mincountOrRef'] < 0) { add_loot($loot, loot('reference_loot_template', -$row['mincountOrRef'], $chance / 100 * $row['maxcount'] * $mod)); } else { add_loot($loot, array(array_merge(array('percent' => $chance * $mod, 'mincount' => $row['mincountOrRef'], 'maxcount' => $row['maxcount']), iteminfo2($row, 0)))); } } else { $groups[$last_group][] = array_merge(array('mincount' => $row['mincountOrRef'], 'maxcount' => $row['maxcount'], 'groupchance' => $last_group_equal_chance * $mod), iteminfo2($row, 0)); } } } // Перебираем и добавляем группы foreach ($groups as $group) { $num = count($group); foreach ($group as $item) { $item['percent'] = $item['groupchance'] / $num; add_loot($loot, array($item)); } } return $loot; }
/** * * @param type $id * @param type $level * @return type */ function iteminfo($id, $level = 0) { global $item_cols; global $DB; $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT i.?#, i.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc' . $_SESSION['locale'] . ' as `name_loc` , l.description_loc' . $_SESSION['locale'] . ' as `description_loc` , ? } FROM ?_aowow_icons, ?_item_template i { LEFT JOIN (?_locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ? } WHERE (i.entry=?d and id=displayid) LIMIT 1 ', $item_cols[2 + $level], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id); return iteminfo2($row, $level); }