function find_reference($journal, $volume, $page, $year = '') { global $db; $references = array(); $hits = array(); if ($journal == '' || $volume == '' || $page == '') { //echo "journal=$journal\n"; return $hits; } $series = ''; $issn = ''; $oclc = 0; if (preg_match('/^(?<journal>.*),\\s+ser\\.\\s+(?<series>.*)$/', $journal, $m)) { $journal = $m['journal']; $series = $m['series']; } if (preg_match('/^(?<journal>.*),\\s+(ns|n.s.)$/', $journal, $m)) { $journal = $m['journal']; //$series = $m['series']; } if (preg_match('/^(?<page>\\d+),(.*)$/', $page, $m)) { $page = $m['page']; } $issn = issn_from_title($journal); if ($issn == '') { $oclc = oclc_for_title($journal); } //echo $issn; //echo $oclc; $sql = ''; if ($issn != '') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE issn=' . $db->qstr($issn) . ' AND volume=' . $db->qstr($volume) . ' AND ' . $page . ' BETWEEN spage AND epage'; } if ($oclc != '') { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM rdmp_reference WHERE oclc=' . $db->qstr($oclc) . ' AND volume=' . $db->qstr($volume) . ' AND ' . $page . ' BETWEEN spage AND epage'; } if ($sql != '') { if ($series != '') { $sql .= ' AND series=' . $db->qstr($series); } if ($year != '') { $sql .= ' AND year=' . $db->qstr($year); } $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } while (!$result->EOF) { $references[] = $result->fields['reference_id']; $result->MoveNext(); } } foreach ($references as $reference_id) { $hits[] = reference_to_bibjson(db_retrieve_reference($reference_id)); } return $hits; }
function matching_pages($publication, $year) { global $debug; $pages = array(); $matches = array(); $matched = false; // Parse citation if (!$matched) { //echo $publication; if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*)\\s+(?<volume>\\d+):\\s*(?<page>\\d+)\\.?$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(\\((?<series>.*)\\)\\s+)?(?<volume>\\d+),(\\s+\\((?<issue>\\d+)\\))?\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\.$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { //echo $publication; if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*)\\s+(?<volume>\\d+):\\s*(?<page>\\d+)\\s+(?<year>[0-9]{4})/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(?<volume>\\d+),\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\.$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(?<volume>\\d+),\\s+(?<page>\\d+)/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(?<volume>\\d+),\\s+(?<page>\\d+),/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } // Proc. U.S. nat. Mus., 99, no. 3247, 475. if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(?<volume>\\d+), no. (?<issue>\\d+),\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\.$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*),\\s+(?<volume>\\d+) \\((?<issue>\\d+)\\),\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\.$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } // Spixiana 7 (2): 125. if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*)\\s+(?<volume>\\d+) \\((?<issue>\\d+)\\):\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\.$/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } // Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , ser. 8 vol. 13 p. 436 if (!$matched) { if (preg_match('/(?<journal>.*)\\s*,\\s+ser.\\s+(?<series>\\d+)\\s+vol.\\s*(?<volume>\\d+)\\s+p.\\s+(?<page>\\d+)\\s+(?<year>[0-9]{4})/Uu', $publication, $matches)) { $matched = true; } } print_r($matches); echo $publication; if (!$matched) { } else { $reference = reference_from_matches($matches); if (!isset($reference->issn)) { // Try and get ISSN from bioGUID $issn = issn_from_title($reference->secondary_title); if ($issn != '') { $reference->issn = $issn; } else { // No luck with ISSN, look for OCLC if (!isset($reference->oclc)) { $oclc = oclc_for_title($reference->secondary_title); if ($oclc != 0) { $reference->oclc = $oclc; } } } } //print_r($reference); $atitle = ''; if (isset($reference->title)) { $atitle = $reference->title; } $search_hits = bhl_find_article($atitle, $reference->secondary_title, $reference->volume, $reference->spage, isset($reference->series) ? $reference->series : '', isset($reference->year) ? $reference->year : ''); if (count($search_hits) == 0) { // try alternative way of searching using article title $search_hits = bhl_find_article_from_article_title($atitle, $reference->secondary_title, $reference->volume, $reference->spage, isset($reference->series) ? $reference->series : ''); } //print_r($search_hits); foreach ($search_hits as $hit) { $pages[] = $hit->PageID; } } print_r($pages); return $pages; }
/** * @brief Handle OpenURL request * * We may have more than one parameter with same name, so need to access QUERY_STRING, not _GET * * */ function main() { global $config; global $debug; global $format; $id = 0; $callback = ''; // If no query parameters if (count($_GET) == 0) { display_form(); exit(0); } if (isset($_GET['format'])) { switch ($_GET['format']) { case 'html': $format = 'html'; break; case 'json': $format = 'json'; break; default: $format = 'html'; break; } } if (isset($_GET['callback'])) { $callback = $_GET['callback']; } $debug = false; if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $debug = true; } // Handle query and display results. $query = explode('&', html_entity_decode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); $params = array(); foreach ($query as $param) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param); $key = preg_replace('/^\\?/', '', urldecode($key)); $params[$key][] = trim(urldecode($value)); } if ($debug) { echo '<h1>Params</h1>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($params); echo '</pre>'; } // This is what we got from user $referent = new stdclass(); parse_openurl($params, $referent); // Flesh it out // If we are looking for an article we need an ISSN, or at least an OCLC // Ask whether have this in our database (assumes we have ISSN) if (!isset($referent->issn)) { // Try and get ISSN from bioGUID $issn = issn_from_title($referent->secondary_title); if ($issn != '') { $referent->issn = $issn; } else { // No luck with ISSN, look for OCLC if (!isset($referent->oclc)) { $oclc = oclc_for_title($referent->secondary_title); if ($oclc != 0) { $referent->oclc = $oclc; } } } } if ($debug) { echo '<h1>Referent</h1>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($referent); echo '</pre>'; } // Handle identifiers if (isset($referent->url)) { // BHL URL, for example if we have already mapped article to BHL // in Zotero, if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/(www\\.)?\\/page\\/(?<pageid>[0-9]+)/', $referent->url, $matches)) { //print_r($matches); $PageID = $matches['pageid']; $references = bhl_reference_from_pageid($PageID); //print_r($references); if (count($references) == 0) { // We don't have an article for this PageID $search_hit = bhl_score_page($PageID, $referent->title); // Store $id = db_store_article($referent, $PageID); } else { // Have a reference with this PageID already // Will need to handle case where > 1 article on same page, e.g. // $id = $references[0]; } // Did we get a hit? if ($id != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($id); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Redirect to reference display header('Location: ' . $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $id . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } } } // OK, we're not forcing a match to BHL, so do we have this article? $id = db_find_article($referent); //echo "<b>id=$id</b><br/>"; if ($id != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($id); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Twitter as log if ($config['twitter']) { $tweet_this = false; $tweet_this = isset($_GET['rfr_id']); if ($tweet_this) { $url = $config['web_root'] . 'reference/' . $id . ' '; // . '#openurl'; // url + hashtag $url = $id; $url_len = strlen($url); $status = ''; //$text = $_GET['rfr_id']; $text = '#openurl ' . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; //$text .= ' @rdmpage'; if (isset($article->title)) { } $status = $text; $status_len = strlen($status); $extra = 140 - $status_len - $url_len - 1; if ($extra < 0) { $status_len += $extra; $status_len -= 1; $status = substr($status, 0, $status_len); $status .= '…'; } $status .= ' ' . $url; tweet($status); } } // Redirect to reference display header('Location: reference/' . $id . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } // OK, not found, so let's go look for it... // Search BHL $atitle = ''; if (isset($referent->title)) { $atitle = $referent->title; } $search_hits = bhl_find_article($atitle, $referent->secondary_title, $referent->volume, isset($referent->spage) ? $referent->spage : $referent->pages, isset($referent->series) ? $referent->series : '', isset($referent->date) ? $referent->date : '', isset($referent->issn) ? $referent->issn : ''); if (count($search_hits) == 0) { // try alternative way of searching using article title $search_hits = bhl_find_article_from_article_title($referent->title, $referent->secondary_title, $referent->volume, isset($referent->spage) ? $referent->spage : $referent->pages, isset($referent->series) ? $referent->series : '', isset($referent->issn) ? $referent->issn : ''); } // At this point if we haven't found it in BHL we could go elsewhere, e.g. bioGUID, // in which case we'd need to take this into account when displaying HTML and JSON if ($debug) { echo '<h3>Search hits</h3>'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($search_hits); echo '</pre>'; } if (1) { // Check whether we already have an article that starts on this foreach ($search_hits as $hit) { $references = bhl_reference_from_pageid($hit->PageID); //print_r($references); if (count($references) != 0) { // We have this reference in our database switch ($format) { case 'json': // Display object $reference = db_retrieve_reference($references[0]); header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n\n"); if ($callback != '') { echo $callback . '('; } echo json_format(json_encode($reference)); if ($callback != '') { echo ')'; } break; case 'html': default: // Redirect to reference display header('Location: reference/' . $references[0] . "\n\n"); break; } exit; } } } // Output search results in various formats... switch ($format) { case 'json': display_bhl_result_json($referent, $search_hits, $callback); break; case 'html': default: display_bhl_result_html($referent, $search_hits); break; } }
/** * @brief Find article in BHL database * * @param title Title of journal * @param volume Volume containing article * @param page Page of article (typically this will be the first page in the article * @param series Optional series, used in cases where journal has multiple series with same * volume numbers * * @return Search results as array of objects containing BHL PageID, score of article title match * (default = -1) and snippet showing alignment of article title to BHL text (empty string if no * article title supplied. * * <pre> * Array * ( * [0] => stdClass Object * ( * [PageID] => 4467383 * [score] => 0.583333333333 * [snippet] => Kansas Lawrence, Kansas NUMBER 31... * ) * ) * */ function bhl_find_article($atitle, $title, $volume, $page, $series = '', $date = '', $issn = '') { global $db; global $debug; // Data structure to hold search result $obj = new stdclass(); $obj->TitleID = 0; $obj->ISSN = $issn; $obj->ItemIDs = array(); $obj->hits = array(); // hack if ($title == 'Transactions of the Geological Society of London') { $title = 'Transactions of the Geological Society'; } // Step one // -------- // Map journal title to BHL titles. We try to achieve this by first finding ISSN for title, // then querying BHL for that ISSN in the bhl_title_identifier table. If we don't have an ISSN, // or BHL doesn't have this ISSN then we try approximate string matching. This may return multiple // hits, for now we take the best one. If we still haven't found the title, it may be in the // VolumeInfo field (for example, large articles or monographs may be bound separately and hence // treated as individual titles, rather than as items of a title (e.g., Fieldiana). If still no // hits, we abandon search. // Can we do this via ISSN? if ($obj->ISSN == '') { $obj->ISSN = issn_from_title($title); } if ($obj->ISSN != '') { $obj->TitleID = bhl_titleid_from_issn($obj->ISSN); } if ($debug) { echo __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . ' ISSN = ' . $obj->ISSN . "\n"; } // Special cases where mapping is tricky switch ($obj->ISSN) { // Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris case '0366-3515': $obj->TitleID = 9580; break; // Bulletin Du Museum Paris // Bulletin Du Museum Paris case '1148-8425': $obj->TitleID = 5943; break; // Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Zoology series // Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Zoology series case '0968-0470': $obj->TitleID = 62642; break; // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences case '0038-3872': $obj->TitleID = 4949; break; // Gayana // Gayana case '0016-531X': $obj->TitleID = 39684; break; // Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde // Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde case '0341-0145': $obj->TitleID = 49174; break; // Transactions American Microscopical Society // Transactions American Microscopical Society case '0003-0023': $obj->TitleID = 37912; break; // Transactions of the Linnean Society // Transactions of the Linnean Society case '1945-9432': $obj->TitleID = 2203; break; case '0771-0488': $obj->TitleID = 10603; break; case '1019-8563': $obj->TitleID = 15675; break; case '0177-7424': $obj->TitleID = 42670; break; // Scientific papers of the Natural History Museum, University of Kansas // Scientific papers of the Natural History Museum, University of Kansas case '1094-0782': $hits = bhl_title_lookup($atitle); if (count($hits) > 0) { if ($hits[0]['sl'] > 90) { $obj->TitleID = $hits[0]['TitleID']; } } break; case '0375-099X': $obj->TitleID = 10294; break; // Spixiana // Spixiana case '0341-8391': $obj->TitleID = 40214; break; // Iheringia. Série zoologia // Iheringia. Série zoologia case '0073-4721': $obj->TitleID = 50228; break; case '0084-5620': $obj->TitleID = 45493; break; // Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology. // Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology. case '1945-9440': $obj->TitleID = 51416; break; // Zoological Science (Tokyo) // Zoological Science (Tokyo) case '0289-0003': $obj->TitleID = 61647; break; // Fieldiana // Fieldiana case '0015-0754': $obj->TitleID = 5132; break; default: break; } if ($debug) { echo __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . ' TitleID = ' . $obj->TitleID . "\n"; } /*$obj->ISSN = '0150-9322'; $obj->TitleID = 4647;*/ // If no ISSN, or no mapping available via ISSN, so try string matching if ($obj->TitleID == 0) { $hits = bhl_title_lookup($title); if ($debug) { echo __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . "\n"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($hits); echo '</pre>'; } if (count($hits) > 0) { $obj->TitleID = $hits[0]['TitleID']; } } if ($debug) { echo __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . ' TitleID = ' . $obj->TitleID . "\n"; } // Special cases where title is in VolumeInfo (e.g., article is treated as a monograph) if ($obj->TitleID == 0) { if (isset($obj->ISSN)) { switch ($obj->ISSN) { case '0015-0754': //echo $title . "\n"; //echo "Handle Fieldiana...\n"; $obj->ItemIDs = bhl_itemid_from_pattern('Fieldiana% Zoology%', '/^Fieldiana\\.? Zoology/', $volume); break; default: break; } } } // At this point if we have a title we then want to find items for this title if ($obj->TitleID != 0) { bhl_title_retrieve($obj->TitleID, $obj); // Problem -- volume info varies across titles (and sometimes within...) if ($debug) { echo __LINE__ . "<br/>TitleID:" . $obj->TitleID . "<br/>Volume: " . $volume . "<br/>Series: " . $series . "<br/>"; } $volume_offset = 0; $obj->ItemIDs = bhl_itemid_from_volume($obj->TitleID, $volume, $series); if ($debug) { echo __LINE__ . " ItemIDs<br/>\n"; print_r($obj->ItemIDs); } // Special cases where VolumeInfo is year, not volume if (count($obj->ItemIDs) == 0 && $date != '') { $year = substr($date, 0, 4); switch ($obj->TitleID) { case 11516: $obj->ItemIDs = bhl_itemid_from_year($obj->TitleID, $year); break; default: break; } } // Special cases where we know there are problems. For example, there may be multiple titles // that correspond to the same journal. In these cases we clear the item list, and add to it // items from all titles that match our query $title_list = array(); switch ($obj->TitleID) { // Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux case 4199: case 16235: $title_list = array(4199, 16235); break; // American journal of conchology // American journal of conchology case 15900: case 7077: $title_list = array(7077, 15900); break; // The American journal of science // The American journal of science case 14965: case 60982: $title_list = array(14965, 60982); break; // Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova // Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova case 7929: case 9576: case 43408: $title_list = array(7929, 9576, 43408); break; // Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique // Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique case 11933: case 11938: $title_list = array(11933, 11938); break; // Annales de la Société royale malacologique de Belgique // Annales de la Société royale malacologique de Belgique case 6301: case 6205: case 7031: $title_list = array(6301, 6205, 7031); break; // Atti della Società italiana di scienze // Atti della Società italiana di scienze case 9586: case 16255: case 16213: $title_list = array(9586, 16255, 16213); break; // Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. // Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique. case 51679: case 11933: $title_list = array(51679, 11933); break; // Annales des Sciences naturelles // Annales des Sciences naturelles case 6343: case 2205: case 13266: case 4647: case 5010: $title_list = array(6343, 2205, 13266, 4647, 5010); break; // Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. // Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. case 2195: case 15774: $title_list = array(2195, 15774); break; // Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina // Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina case 44792: case 51644: case 3630: $title_list = array(44792, 51644, 3630); break; // Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires // Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires case 5595: case 5597: $title_list = array(5595, 5597); break; // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences case 4382: case 51004: $title_list = array(4382, 51004); break; // Annals of the South African Museum // Annals of the South African Museum case 62815: case 6928: $title_list = array(62815, 6928); break; // Annales des sciences naturelles, Zoologie // Annales des sciences naturelles, Zoologie case 13266: case 4647: $title_list = array(4647, 13266); break; // Archiv für Naturgeschichte // Archiv für Naturgeschichte case 6638: case 7051: case 2371: case 5923: case 12937: case 12938: $title_list = array(6638, 7051, 2371, 5923, 12937, 12938); break; // Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale // Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale case 5559: case 7065: $title_list = array(5559, 7065); break; // Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas // Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas case 11824: case 7400: $title_list = array(11824, 7400); break; // Bericht der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main // Bericht der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main case 14292: case 8745: $title_list = array(14292, 8745); break; // Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift // Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift case 46204: case 46202: case 8267: $title_list = array(8267, 46202, 46204); break; // Boletin de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción // Boletin de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción case 45409: case 51419: $title_list = array(45409, 51419); break; // Brotéria // Brotéria case 5931: case 7952: case 7861: $title_list = array(5931, 7952, 7861); break; // Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg // Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg case 42575: case 49351: case 10614: $title_list = array(42575, 49351, 10614); break; // Bollettino dei musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino // Bollettino dei musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino case 14698: case 10776: $title_list = array(14698, 10776); break; // Bulletin de la Société botanique de France //case 5064: //case 9580: $title_list = array(5064, 9580); break; // Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris // Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris case 9580: case 5064: $title_list = array(9580, 5064); break; // Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France // Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France case 51699: case 7415: case 10614: $title_list = array(51699, 7415, 10614); break; // Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle // Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle case 14109: case 5943: case 14964: case 12908: case 13855: $title_list = array(14109, 5943, 14964, 12908, 13855); break; // Bulletin international de l'Académie des sciences de Cracovie // Bulletin international de l'Académie des sciences de Cracovie case 5605: case 5607: case 13192: $title_list = array(51699, 5605, 5607); break; // Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. // Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. case 8260: case 46639: case 62378: $title_list = array(8260, 46639, 62378); break; // Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History // Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History case 5041: case 8196: $title_list = array(5041, 8196); break; // Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Entomology) // Bulletin of the Natural History Museum (Entomology) case 2192: case 2201: case 53882: case 62492: // supplement $title_list = array(2192, 2201, 53882, 62492); break; // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences // Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences case 4949: case 50446: case 60457: $title_list = array(4949, 50446, 60457); break; // Bulletin of zoological nomenclature // Bulletin of zoological nomenclature case 11541: case 51603: $title_list = array(11541, 51603); break; // The Canadian field-naturalist // The Canadian field-naturalist case 1929: case 39970: $title_list = array(1929, 39970); break; // Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des scien... // Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des scien... case 7014: case 4466: case 1590: $title_list = array(4466, 7014, 1590); break; // Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales. // Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales. case 5068: case 8070: $title_list = array(5068, 8070); break; // Discovery Reports // Discovery Reports case 6168: case 15981: $title_list = array(6168, 15981); break; // Entomological News // Entomological News case 34360: case 2356: case 2359: $title_list = array(34360, 2356, 2359); break; // Fieldiana // Fieldiana case 5132: case 42256: $title_list = array(5132, 42256); break; // Gayana // Gayana case 39684: case 39988: $title_list = array(39988, 39684); break; // Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten // Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten case 7925: case 9594: $title_list = array(7925, 9594); break; // Journal für Ornithologie. // Journal für Ornithologie. case 11280: case 47027: $title_list = array(11280, 47027); break; // Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal // Journal and proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal // Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal // Journal and proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal case 51678: case 47024: $title_list = array(47024, 51678); break; // Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences // Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences case 2087: case 60244: $title_list = array(2087, 60244); break; // Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar // Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar case 2512: case 12549: case 50688: $title_list = array(2512, 12549, 50688); break; // London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science // London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science case 2440: case 58332: case 3735: $title_list = array(2440, 58332, 3735); break; // Memoirs And Proceedings of The Manchester Literary And Philosophical Society // Memoirs And Proceedings of The Manchester Literary And Philosophical Society case 50366: case 9535: $title_list = array(50366, 9535); break; // Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. // Mem. Calif. Acad. Sci. case 3955: case 3949: $title_list = array(3955, 3949); break; // Memoirs of the Queensland Museum // Memoirs of the Queensland Museum case 12912: case 60751: case 61449: $title_list = array(12912, 60751, 61449); break; // Misc Pub Kansas (some of these are treated as individual titles) // Misc Pub Kansas (some of these are treated as individual titles) case 4050: case 16171: case 16222: case 5474: $title_list = array(4050, 16171, 16222, 5474); break; // Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg // Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg case 8009: case 9579: case 42281: $title_list = array(8009, 9579, 42281); break; // Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. // Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. case 11448: case 42540: $title_list = array(11448, 42540); break; // Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark // Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark case 12305: case 42384: $title_list = array(12305, 42384); break; // Meddelanden af Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica // Meddelanden af Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica case 3613: case 13470: $title_list = array(3613, 13470); break; // Mémoires du Muséum d'histoire naturelle. // Mémoires du Muséum d'histoire naturelle. case 4501: case 50067: $title_list = array(4501, 50067); break; // Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria // Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne // Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne // Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria // Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne // Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne case 58640: case 13041: case 57949: case 59883: $title_list = array(58640, 13041, 57949, 59883); break; // Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin // Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin case 48522: case 51443: $title_list = array(48522, 51443); break; // Natural history report. // Natural history report. case 1163: case 42665: $title_list = array(1163, 42665); break; // Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History // Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History case 7539: case 50720: $title_list = array(7539, 50720); break; // Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences // Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences case 4672: case 5584: $title_list = array(4672, 5584); break; // Occasional papers of the Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas. // Occasional papers of the Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas. case 7410: case 15798: $title_list = array(7410, 15798); break; // Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar // Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-akademiens forhandlingar case 2515: case 15534: $title_list = array(2515, 15534); break; // Ornithologische Monatsberichte // Ornithologische Monatsberichte case 8609: case 46941: $title_list = array(8609, 46941); break; // Notes from the Leyden Museum // Notes from the Leyden Museum case 8740: case 12935: $title_list = array(8740, 12935); break; // The Philippine journal of science // The Philippine journal of science case 69: case 50545: $title_list = array(69, 50545); break; // The Philosophical magazine // The Philosophical magazine case 982: case 58331: case 58328: $title_list = array(982, 58331, 58328); break; // Pom // Pom case 9567: case 8154: case 12098: $title_list = array(9567, 8154, 12098); break; // Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington // Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington case 2211: case 3622: case 50687: $title_list = array(2211, 3622, 50687); break; // Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences // Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences case 3952: case 7411: case 15816: case 3966: case 4274: case 3943: case 12931: case 45400: $title_list = array(3952, 7411, 15816, 3966, 4274, 3943, 12931, 45400); break; // Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales // Proceedings of The Linnean Society of New South Wales case 6525: case 60468: $title_list = array(6525, 60468); break; // Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London // Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London case 1594: case 44963: $title_list = array(1594, 44963); break; // Quarterly journal of microscopical science // Quarterly journal of microscopical science case 13831: case 14014: $title_list = array(13831, 14014); break; // Records of the Indian Museum // Records of the Indian Museum case 53477: case 10294: $title_list = array(53477, 10294); break; // Records of the South Australian Museum // Records of the South Australian Museum case 14053: case 42375: case 61893: $title_list = array(14053, 42375, 61893); break; // Report of the Commissioner for ... // Report of the Commissioner for ... case 6927: case 15220: $title_list = array(6927, 15220); break; // Revue d'entomologie // Revue d'entomologie case 10428: case 11902: case 14588: $title_list = array(10428, 11902, 14588); break; // Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée // Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée case 51560: case 51630: case 2744: case 2212: $title_list = array(2744, 51630, 51560, 2212); break; // Revue suisse de zoologie // Revue suisse de zoologie case 8981: case 62174: $title_list = array(8981, 62174); break; // The Scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society // The Scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society case 14895: case 44062: $title_list = array(14895, 44062); break; // Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin // Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin case 9584: case 7922: $title_list = array(7922, 9584); break; // Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe // Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe case 6884: case 8219: case 6888: case 6776: case 8100: $title_list = array(6884, 8219, 6888, 6776, 8100); break; // Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung // Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung case 8630: case 8641: $title_list = array(8630, 8641); break; // Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde // Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde case 49392: case 51723: case 49174: case 43750: $title_list = array(49392, 51723, 49174, 43750); break; // Tijdschrift voor entomologie. // Tijdschrift voor entomologie. case 10088: case 39564: $title_list = array(10088, 39564); break; // Transactions and proceedings and report of the Royal Society of South Australia (Incorporated) // Transactions and proceedings and report of the Royal Society of South Australia (Incorporated) case 51476: case 16197: case 16190: $title_list = array(51476, 16197, 16190); break; // Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute // Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute case 48984: case 4095: $title_list = array(48984, 4095); break; // Transactions of Kansas Academy of Sciences // Transactions of Kansas Academy of Sciences case 8255: case 8256: $title_list = array(8255, 8256); break; // Transactions of the American Entomological Society // Transactions of the American Entomological Society case 7830: case 7549: case 5795: $title_list = array(5795, 7549, 7830); break; // Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences // Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences case 7541: case 5604: case 13505: $title_list = array(7541, 5604, 13505); break; // Transactions of The Linnean Society of London // Transactions of The Linnean Society of London case 2203: //-> 683 //-> 683 case 8257: //-> -> 51416 //-> -> 51416 case 683: case 51416: $title_list = array(683, 51416); break; // Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia // Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia case 16197: case 16186: case 51127: case 16190: case 62638: case 63905: case 63906: $title_list = array(16197, 16186, 51127, 16190, 62638, 63905, 63906); break; // Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History // Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History case 51441: case 3144: $title_list = array(51441, 3144); break; // Transactions of the Zoological Society of London // Transactions of the Zoological Society of London case 12650: case 45493: $title_list = array(12650, 45493); break; // The Kansas University science bulletin // The Kansas University science bulletin case 3179: case 15415: $title_list = array(3179, 15415); break; // Tulane // Tulane case 3119: case 5361: $title_list = array(3119, 5361); break; // Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. // Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. case 8939: case 46540: $title_list = array(8939, 46540); break; // Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien // Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien case 11285: case 13275: $title_list = array(11285, 13275); break; // Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München // Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München case 39971: case 51449: $title_list = array(39971, 51449); break; // The Victorian Naturalist // The Victorian Naturalist case 5027: case 8941: case 60605: case 43746: $title_list = array(5027, 8941, 60605, 43746); break; // Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening // Videnskabelige meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske forening case 7547: case 52368: case 2226: $title_list = array(7547, 52368, 2226); break; // Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie // Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie case 2334: case 9197: $title_list = array(2334, 9197); break; // Zoologische Jahrbücher // Zoologische Jahrbücher case 8980: case 13352: $title_list = array(8980, 13352); break; default: break; } if (count($title_list) != 0) { $obj->ItemIDs = array(); foreach ($title_list as $id) { //echo "<h2>Title list $id</h2>"; $obj->ItemIDs = array_merge(bhl_itemid_from_volume($id, $volume, $series), $obj->ItemIDs); } } } //echo __LINE__; if ($debug) { echo "Line " . __LINE__ . "<br/>"; echo '<h2>Title list</h2>'; print_r($title_list); print_r($obj->ItemIDs); } // At this point if we have any items then we have a potential hit. For each item in the list we // query the BHL database and look for pages with PageNumber matching our query $num_items = count($obj->ItemIDs); if ($num_items != 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_items; $i++) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bhl_page INNER JOIN page USING(PageID) WHERE (bhl_page.ItemID = ' . $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->ItemID . ') AND (PageNumber = ' . $db->qstr($page) . ') OR (PageNumber = ' . $db->qstr('%[' . $page . ']') . ') ORDER BY SequenceOrder'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM bhl_page INNER JOIN page USING(PageID) WHERE (bhl_page.ItemID = ' . $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->ItemID . ') AND (PageNumber = ' . $db->qstr($page) . ') ORDER BY SequenceOrder'; //echo $sql; $result = $db->Execute($sql); if ($result == false) { die("failed [" . __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "]: " . $sql); } $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages = array(); switch ($result->NumRows()) { case 0: //no hit :( // Try and handle case where page one is a title page $guess = bhl_step_back($obj->ItemIDs[$i]->ItemID, $page, $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->volume_offset); if ($guess != 0) { $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages[] = $guess; $obj->hits[] = $guess; $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->PageID = $guess; } break; case 1: // unique hit $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages[] = $result->fields['PageID']; $obj->hits[] = $result->fields['PageID']; $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->PageID = $result->fields['PageID']; break; default: // More than one hit, for example if Item has multiple volumes, hence potentially // more than one page with this number. while (!$result->EOF) { $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages[] = $result->fields['PageID']; $obj->hits[] = $result->fields['PageID']; $result->MoveNext(); } // Assume page in nth volume is nth page in SequenceOrder // (but actually we store all hits and use string matching on title to filter) $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->PageID = $obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages[$obj->ItemIDs[$i]->volume_offset]; break; } } } if ($debug) { echo __LINE__; echo '<pre>'; print_r($obj); echo '</pre>'; } // Summarise results as array of hits $search_results = array(); // Post process hits, filtering by title match... $n = count($obj->ItemIDs); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { foreach ($obj->ItemIDs[$i]->pages as $page) { $search_hit = bhl_score_page($page, $atitle); /* new stdclass; $search_hit->PageID = $page; $search_hit->score = -1; $search_hit->snippet = ''; // Score title match if ($atitle != '') { $search_hit->score = bhl_score_string( $search_hit->PageID, $atitle, $search_hit->snippet ); } */ $search_results[] = $search_hit; } } //return $obj; return $search_results; }