Ejemplo n.º 1
# repository connection parameters
$url = 'localhost:8080/fedora';
$username = '******';
$password = '******';
# set up connection and repository variables
$connection = new RepositoryConnection($url, $username, $password);
$repository = new FedoraRepository(new FedoraApi($connection), new SimpleCache());
$root_pid = drush_shift();
$parent_obj = $repository->getObject($root_pid);
$itql = 'select $page_itql from <#ri>
        where $page_itql <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf> <info:fedora/' . $root_pid . '>
        order by $page_itql';
$page_objects = $repository->ri->itqlQuery($itql, 'unlimited', '0');
foreach ($page_objects as $page) {
    $page_pid = $page['page_itql']['value'];
    $object = islandora_object_load($page_pid);
    if (!$object->getDataStream('JP2')) {
        echo "regenerating OBJ for {$page_pid}\n";
        $obj_ds = $object['OBJ'];
        //url of image... http://fedora_repo_url:8080/objects/[pid]/datastreams/OBJ/content
        $file_url = $repo_url . '/objects/' . $page_pid . '/datastreams/OBJ/content';
        $drupal_result = drupal_http_request($file_url);
        if (!empty($drupal_result->data)) {
            //create a temporary file
            $new_file = file_save_data($drupal_result->data, file_default_scheme() . '://');
            $path = drupal_realpath($new_file->uri);
            //replace file...
            //delete temporary file
            echo "regenerating OBJ for {$page_pid} completed\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Implements hook_CMODEL_PID_islandora_solr_object_result_alter().
 * Replaces the url for the search result to be the book's url, not the page.
 * The page is added as a fragment at the end of the book url.
function barnard_theme_islandora_pageCModel_islandora_solr_object_result_alter(&$search_results, $query_processor)
    // Grab the names of the appropriate solr fields from the db.
    $parent_book_field_name = variable_get('islandora_book_parent_book_solr_field', 'RELS_EXT_isMemberOf_uri_ms');
    $page_number_field_name = variable_get('islandora_paged_content_page_number_solr_field', 'RELS_EXT_isSequenceNumber_literal_ms');
    // If:
    // there's an object url AND
    // there's a solr doc AND
    // the solr doc contains the parent book AND
    // the solr doc contains the page number...
    if (isset($search_results['object_url']) && isset($search_results['solr_doc']) && isset($search_results['solr_doc'][$parent_book_field_name]) && count($search_results['solr_doc'][$parent_book_field_name]) && isset($search_results['solr_doc'][$page_number_field_name]) && count($search_results['solr_doc'][$page_number_field_name])) {
        // Replace the result url with that of the parent book and add the page
        // number as a fragment.
        $book_pid = preg_replace('/info\\:fedora\\//', '', $search_results['solr_doc'][$parent_book_field_name][0], 1);
        $page_number = $search_results['solr_doc'][$page_number_field_name][0];
        if (islandora_object_access(ISLANDORA_VIEW_OBJECTS, islandora_object_load($book_pid))) {
            $search_results['object_url'] = "islandora/object/{$book_pid}";
            $view_types = array("1" => "1up", "2" => "2up", "3" => "thumb");
            $ia_view = variable_get('islandora_internet_archive_bookreader_default_page_view', "1");
            $search_results['object_url_fragment'] = "page/{$page_number}/mode/{$view_types[$ia_view]}";
            $field_match = array('catch_all_fields_mt', 'OCR_t', 'text_nodes_HOCR_hlt');
            $field_term = '';
            $fields = preg_split('/OR|AND|NOT/', $query_processor->solrQuery);
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                if (preg_match('/^(.*):\\((.*)\\)/', $field, $matches)) {
                    if (isset($matches[1]) && in_array($matches[1], $field_match)) {
                        $field_term = isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] ? $matches[2] : '';
            if ($field_term) {
                $search_term = trim($field_term);
            } elseif ($query_processor->solrDefType == 'dismax' || $query_processor->solrDefType == 'edismax') {
                $search_term = trim($query_processor->solrQuery);
            if (!empty($search_term)) {
                $search_results['object_url_fragment'] .= "/search/" . rawurlencode($search_term);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Theme the page selector.
function UofM_2_islandora_newspaper_page_select(array $variables)
    module_load_include('inc', 'islandora_custom_solr', 'includes/newspaper');
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora_newspaper');
    drupal_add_js($path . '/js/islandora_newspaper.js');
    $object = $variables['object'];
    $results = $object->relationships->get(ISLANDORA_RELS_EXT_URI, 'isPageOf');
    $result = reset($results);
    $parent = $result ? islandora_object_load($result['object']['value']) : FALSE;
    $pages = $parent ? islandora_custom_solr_newspaper_get_pages($parent) : FALSE;
    if (!$pages) {
    $variables = array('#options' => array(), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('page-select')), '#value' => $object->id);
    foreach ($pages as $pid => $page) {
        $variables['#options'][$pid] = $page['page'];
    $prefix = '<strong>' . t('Page') . ':</strong> ';
    return $prefix . t('!page_selector of @total', array('!page_selector' => theme('select', array('element' => $variables)), '@total' => count($pages)));