function TFm2() { global $str, $actions; TTable::TTable(); $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('title' => array('Файловый менеджер', 'File Manager'))); $field = get('field', false, 'gp'); if ($field) { $actions[$this->name]['return'] = array('OK', 'OK', 'link' => "cnt.sendValues(); ", 'img' => '../third/restore_f2.png', 'display' => 'none'); } $actions[$this->name]['load'] = array('Загрузить', 'Load', 'link' => "\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.document.getElementById('createForm').style.visibility='hidden';\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.direction = -1;\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.startMainLoad();\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.showDownloadFrom();\n\t\t\t\t ", 'img' => '../third/filesave.png', 'display' => 'none'); $actions[$this->name]['create'] = array('Создать директорию', 'Create', 'link' => "\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.document.getElementById('downloadForm').style.visibility='hidden';\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.direction = -1;\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.startMainLoad();\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.showCreateFrom();", 'img' => '../third/add_section.png', 'display' => 'none'); $actions[$this->name]['delete'] = array('Удалить', 'Delete', 'link' => "cnt.Delete();", 'img' => '../third/cancel_f2.png', 'display' => 'none'); $actions[$this->name]['rename'] = array('Переименовать', 'Rename', 'link' => "\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.document.getElementById('changenameForm').style.visibility='hidden';\n\t\t\t\t \t cnt.direction = -1;\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.startMainLoad();\n\t\t\t\t\t cnt.showChangenameForm();", 'img' => '../third/menu.png', 'display' => 'none'); $data = $this->ReadIni('modules/' . $this->name . '/module.ini'); if (isset($data['module']['watermark']) && $data['module']['watermark']) { $actions[$this->name]['watermark'] = array('Водяной знак', 'Water Mark', 'link' => "\n\t\t\t\t\t \t cnt.document.getElementById('watermarkForm').style.visibility='hidden';\n\t\t\t\t\t \t cnt.direction = -1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t cnt.startMainLoad();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t cnt.showWatermarkForm();", 'img' => '../third/generic.png', 'display' => 'block'); } $data['dirs'] = array(); $data['defaults'] = array(); $dir = FILES_DIR . domainRootId(); if (!is_dir($dir) || is_root()) { $dir = FILES_DIR; } $data['dirs'][] = $dir; $data['defaults']['dir'] = $dir; $this->config = $data; }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } $this->SetValues(); require_once core('ajax_table'); $data['thisname'] = $this->name; $data['root'] = is_root(); $this->AddStrings($data); $_tables = sql_getRows('SHOW tables'); foreach ($_tables as $key => $val) { $tables[$val] = $val; } $_transactions = sql_getColumn('SELECT distinct action FROM ' . $this->table . ' ORDER BY action'); foreach ($_transactions as $key => $val) { $transactions[$val] = $val; } $where = ''; if ($this->from_date && $this->to_date) { $where = ' UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)>=' . $this->from_date . ' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)<=' . $this->to_date; } $data['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'user', 'display' => 'user', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'object', 'display' => 'object', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER | FLAG_SEARCH, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $tables, 'filter_rule' => 'find_in_set'), array('select' => 'action', 'display' => 'action', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER | FLAG_SEARCH, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $transactions), array('select' => 'description', 'display' => 'description', 'type' => 'description', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'date', 'display' => 'date', 'type' => 'datetime', 'width' => '100px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT)), 'from' => $this->table, 'where' => $where, 'orderby' => 'date DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'dblclick' => '', 'click' => ''), $this); $data['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(); return $this->parse($data, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core('list_table'); $data['thisname'] = $this->name; $logins = array('' => '-') + sql_getRows('SELECT DISTINCT login FROM ' . $this->table . ' ORDER BY login', true); $data['root'] = is_root(); $this->AddStrings($data); $data['table'] = list_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'login', 'display' => 'login', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH | FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => $logins), array('select' => 'ip', 'display' => 'ip', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'date', 'display' => 'date', 'type' => 'datetime', 'width' => '100px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT)), 'from' => ' log_access ', 'orderby' => 'date DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'dblclick' => '', 'click' => ''), $this); $this->AddStrings($data); return $this->Parse($data, LIST_TEMPLATE); }
function Show() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $action = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($action) { if ($this->Allow($action)) { return $this->{$action}(); } else { return $this->alert_method_not_allowed(); } } } require_once core('ajax_table'); $client_id = get('client_id', 0, 'g'); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name; $ret['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => '', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => 'COUNT(*)', 'as' => 'em_count'), array('select' => 'CONCAT(,CHAR(32),cl.lname,CHAR(32),"<",cl.login,">")', 'as' => 'to_field', 'display' => $client_id ? NULL : 'to', 'type' => 'to'), array('select' => '', 'display' => $client_id || is_root() ? 'from' : NULL, 'type' => 'from'), array('select' => 'em.subject', 'display' => 'subject'), array('select' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(', 'as' => 'from_date', 'display' => 'date', 'type' => 'datetime'), array('select' => 'CONCAT(u.fullname,CHAR(32),"<",u.login,">")', 'as' => 'u_fullname')), 'from' => $this->table . ' AS em LEFT JOIN email_log AS log ON LEFT JOIN auth_users AS cl ON LEFT JOIN users AS u ON', 'where' => $client_id ? 'log.client_id=' . $client_id : '', 'orderby' => ' DESC', 'groupby' => '', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show', 'client_id' => $client_id), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value;', 'dblclick' => 'editItem(id)'), $this); return $this->Parse($ret, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function DownloadFile() { if (!is_root()) { return; } if (!$this->makeDir(BACKUP_DIR)) { return; } $filename = clearFileName($_GET['name']); if (!isBackupPathCorrect($filename)) { exit; } $dotpos = strrpos($filename, '.'); switch (substr($filename, $dotpos + 1, strlen($filename) - $dotpos - 1)) { case "bz2": $mime_type = "application/x-bzip"; break; case "gz": $mime_type = "application/x-gzip"; default: $mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } if (!file_exists(BACKUP_DIR . '/' . $filename)) { exit; } ob_end_clean(); Header('Content-Encoding: none'); Header("Content-Type: " . $mime_type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $filename . "\""); header("Expires: 0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $fp = fopen(BACKUP_DIR . '/' . $filename, 'rb'); while (!feof($fp)) { echo fread($fp, 10240); } fclose($fp); exit; }
if ($ftp->is_my_ftp($ftp_id) || is_root() || is_admin() && $ftp->is_my_ftp($ftp_id)) { $ftp->set_id($ftp_id); $ftp->get_ftp(); echo $layout->title(txt('edit_ftp'), 'icon.png'); echo $layout->txtdesc(txt('dsc_ftp_title')); echo helper_result('update_ftp'); $form = new phpos_forms(); echo $form->form_start('update_ftp', helper_ajax('section.edit_account.php'), array('app_params' => '')); $form->reload_after_submit(array('nowy')); $form->input('hidden', 'action', '', '', 'update_ftp'); echo $layout->column('50%'); $form->title($ftp->get_title(), null, ICONS . 'edit.png'); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . txt('title')); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_title', txt('title'), txt('dsc_ftp_name'), $ftp->get_title()); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_desc', txt('desc'), txt('dsc_ftp_desc'), $ftp->get_desc()); if (is_root() || is_admin()) { $items = array('0' => txt('no'), '1' => txt('yes')); $form->radio('ftp_new_public', txt('ftp_form_public'), txt('ftp_form_public_desc'), $items, $ftp->get_is_public()); } else { $form->input('hidden', 'ftp_new_public', '', '', '0'); } echo $form->render(); echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->column('50%'); $form->title(txt('ftp_authentication'), '', ICONS . 'system_info/key_icon.png'); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . 'Host'); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_host', 'Host/IP', txt('dsc_ftp_host'), $ftp->get_host()); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . 'Login'); $form->input('text', 'ftp_new_login', 'Login', txt('dsc_ftp_login'), $ftp->get_login()); $form->condition('not_null', true, txt('form_empty_field') . txt('password')); $form->input('password', 'ftp_new_pass', txt('password'), txt('dsc_ftp_pass'), $ftp->get_password());
die('<strong style="color:orangered">[ ! ] Cannot create cache folder. Please create it manually. It should have this address: <i>' . CACHE_DIR . '</i></strong>'); } } ?> <?php $cnx = db_connect(); // is already installed? if (mysql_query("DESCRIBE " . TBL_PREFIX . TBL_RECORDS, $cnx)) { ?> <h3 class="ko">smt2 is already installed</h3> <?php // help the root user to unistall smt2 stuff $msg = is_root() ? 'you need to <a href="uninstall.php">uninstall here</a> first' : 'please delete all <em>' . TBL_PREFIX . '</em> tables from database'; ?> <p> If you want to re-install it, <?php echo $msg; ?> . </p> <?php } else { // before installing, ask user email (will be inserted on DB) if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = trim($_POST['email']); } // however, it can be changed later, so it won't be validated
<?php if (empty($_POST)) { exit; } // server settings are required - relative path to smt2 root dir require '../../../config.php'; // protect extension from being browsed by anyone require SYS_DIR . 'logincheck.php'; // only the root user can delete logs if (!is_root()) { die_msg($_loginMsg["NOT_ALLOWED"]); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $logQuery = "id='" . (int) $_GET['id'] . "'"; } else { if (isset($_GET['cid'])) { $logQuery = "client_id='" . $_GET['cid'] . "'"; } else { if (isset($_GET['pid'])) { $pageId = (int) $_GET['pid']; $logQuery = "cache_id='" . $pageId . "'"; // delete cached file $cacheQuery = "id='" . $pageId . "'"; $page = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, "file", $cacheQuery); if (is_file(CACHE_DIR . $page['file'])) { unlink(CACHE_DIR . $page['file']); } // now delete cache log db_delete(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, $cacheQuery); }
break; } if (defined('DESKTOP')) { $explorer->config('icon_size_class', 'phpos_icon_desktop_size_medium'); } /* ************************** */ // Shortcucts for params $action_id = $my_app->get_param('action_id'); $dir_id = $my_app->get_param('dir_id'); $root_id = $my_app->get_param('root_id'); /* ************************** */ if (globalconfig('readonly') && !is_root()) { $my_app->set_param('readonly', 1); $readonly = 1; cache_param('readonly'); } /* ************************** */ // Actions (new dir, upload, etc) include MY_APP_DIR . 'controllers/explorerControllerActions.php'; /* ************************** */ // Reset params $my_app->set_param('action_id', null); $my_app->set_param('action_param', null);
?> startmenu/switch_arrow_right.png" id="desktop_switch_right" title="<?php echo txt('desktop_switch_tray_to_local'); ?> "/> </div> </div> <div id="phpos-menustart_Window_container"></div> <div id="phpos-menustart_WindowApps_container"> <?php require_once PHPOS_DIR . 'controllers/menu_startAppsController.php'; ?> </div> <?php if (globalconfig('demo_mode') == 1 && !is_root()) { echo '<div id="phpos-menustart_Desktop_demo"><span style="font-size:24px">' . txt('demo_mode') . '</span><br />' . txt('demo_mode_desc') . '</div>'; } ?> <div id="phpos-menustart_Desktop_info"><img src="<?php echo ICONS; ?> desktop_switcher/db.png" style="display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; padding-right:5px" /><b><?php echo txt('desktop_switch_up_desktop'); ?> </b> <?php echo txt('desktop_switch_up_db'); ?> </div> <script>
/** * Построение дерева * * @param int $id - от какого элемента строить дерево * @param int $level * @param int $hidden - если hidden=0, то не показываем скрытые разделы * @param int root_id * @param array $params * @return unknown */ function GetTree($id, $level = -1, $hidden = 1, $root_id, $params = array()) { global $user; $level++; $root_id = $root_id ? $root_id : domainRootID(); $deny_ids = ''; if (!is_root() && !empty($user['deny_ids'])) { $deny_ids = $user['deny_ids']; } if (defined('LANG_SELECT') && LANG_SELECT) { $name_select = "IF (name_" . lang() . " <> '', name_" . lang() . ", name_" . LANG_DEFAULT . ") as name"; } else { $name_select = "name"; } if ($this->department_id) { $sql = "\n \t\t\tSELECT\n \t\t\t\tid, {$name_select}, next, visible, pid, priority, page, type, root_id, pids, level, dir, protected, is_link\n \t\t\tFROM\n \t\t\t\t" . $this->table . "\n \t\t\tWHERE\n pid<>id\n " . ($this->pids[0] == $this->department_id && (int) $this->pids[$level] ? " AND pid=" . (int) $this->pids[$level] : ' AND pid=' . $this->department_id) . "\n " . (!$hidden ? " AND visible>'0'" : " AND visible>='0'") . "\n \t\t\t\t" . ($deny_ids ? " AND id NOT IN (" . $deny_ids . ")" : "") . "\n \t\t\tORDER BY\n \t\t\t\tpriority, name\n \t\t"; } else { $sql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tid, {$name_select}, next, visible, pid, priority, page, type, root_id, pids, level, dir, protected, is_link\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . $this->table . "\n\t\t\tWHERE\n root_id='" . $root_id . "'\n " . ($this->pids[0] == $root_id && (int) $this->pids[$level] ? " AND pid=" . (int) $this->pids[$level] : ' AND pid=' . $root_id) . " AND pid<>id\n " . (!$hidden ? " AND visible>'0'" : " AND visible>='0'") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . ($deny_ids ? " AND id NOT IN (" . $deny_ids . ")" : "") . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tpriority, name\n\t\t"; } $rows = sql_getRows($sql); $items = array(); if ($rows) { $hidden_url = !$hidden ? "&hidden=0" : ""; foreach ($rows as $row) { $items[$row['id']] = $this->getOneItem($id, $row, $root_id, $hidden_url, $params); if ($this->department_root) { if (is_array($this->pids) && $this->pids['0'] == $root_id && in_array($row['id'], $this->pids) && $row['id'] != $row['pid']) { $items[$row['id']]['subtree'] = $this->GetTree($id, $level, $hidden, $root_id, $params); } } else { if (is_array($this->pids) && $this->pids['0'] == $this->department_id && in_array($row['id'], $this->pids) && $row['id'] != $row['pid']) { $items[$row['id']]['subtree'] = $this->GetTree($id, $level, $hidden, $root_id, $params); } } } } $items_data['items'] =& $items; if (count($rows) && $level > 0) { $items_data['ul_open'] = '<ul>'; $items_data['ul_close'] = '</ul>'; } $tpl = 'tree/tree.items.tmpl'; if ($params['copy']) { $tpl = 'tree/tree.items_copy.tmpl'; } elseif ($params['treeurl']) { $tpl = 'tree/treeurl/treeurl.items.tmpl'; } elseif ($params['treeid']) { $tpl = 'tree/treeid/treeid.items.tmpl'; } elseif ($params['checkboxtree']) { $tpl = 'tree/treecheck/treecheck.items.tmpl'; } $tree = Parse($items_data, $tpl); return $tree; }
<div class="nav_icons_container"> <?php echo $html['navbar']; ?> </div> <div class="nav_address_container"> <?php echo $html['addressbar']; ?> </div> </div> <?php if (APP_ACTION == 'index' && $my_app->get_param('fs') == 'ftp' || $my_app->get_param('fs') == 'local_files' && (!$readonly && globalconfig('disable_upload') != 1 || is_root())) { ?> <div id="phpos_explorer_uploader_container" class="easyui-tooltip" title="<?php echo txt('tip_explorer_upload_file'); ?> "> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo helper_post('null', array('fs' => $app_param['fs'])); ?> " id="upload" style="background: transparent"> <input type="hidden" name="phpos_upload" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="posttest" value="postyes"> <img style="height:29px" valign="middle" src="<?php echo PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL;
* * изменения by 2006-08: * + дамп работает как подключаемый файл в движке * + вывод кешируется в файл * + соединение поддерживается передачей символов раз в секунду * - исключен формат .zip * + файл не отдается пользователю сразу, он сбрасывается на сервер * и js возвращает ссылку для его загрузки *****************************************************************************/ /** * Get the variables sent or posted to this script and a core script */ $GLOBALS['ob_mode'] = 1; $GLOBALS['gzip'] = false; # check rights if (!is_root() && $user['rights']['mysqldump'] != 15) { die("Access denied."); } define("EXT_INC_COL", 100); # max allowed count of extended insert syntax $db = $_POST["db"]; $GLOBALS['asfile'] = $asfile = $_POST["as"] != "data"; header('Content-Encoding: none'); ob_end_clean(); echo "<html><head><title>Processing database</title></head>\n<body>Dumping: \n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r"; flush(); function first_replace($from, $to, $str) { $pos = strpos($str, $from); $start = substr($str, 0, $pos); $end = substr($str, $pos + strlen($from), strlen($str) - $pos - strlen($from));
********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } global $my_app; $workgroup_id = $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id'); $app_menu = array('title:' . txt('my_server') . ',action:actionGoServer,icon:icon-myserver'); if (is_root() || is_admin()) { $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('group_section_new_group') . ',action:actionNewGroup,icon:icon-edit_add'; $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('group_section_list') . ',action:actionManageGroups,icon:icon-group'; } if (!empty($workgroup_id)) { $check_group = new phpos_groups(); if (is_root() || is_admin() && $check_group->im_owner($workgroup_id)) { $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('group_section_edit_group') . ',action:actionEditGroup,icon:icon-edit'; $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('group_section_group_users') . ',action:actionEditGroupUsers,icon:icon-user'; } } function actionEditGroup($menu_item) { global $my_app; $j = winopen(txt('group_section_edit_group'), 'cp', 'app_id:groups@groups_admin', 'section:edit_group,group_id:' . $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id')); return $j; } function actionEditGroupUsers($menu_item) { global $my_app; $j = winopen(txt('group_section_edit_group'), 'cp', 'app_id:groups@groups_admin', 'section:group_users,group_id:' . $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id')); return $j;
*/ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } $tray_icons = glob(PHPOS_DIR . 'plugins/tray.*.php'); $tray_data = array(); foreach ($tray_icons as $tray_plugin) { $tray = array(); include $tray_plugin; $tray_data[] = $tray; } $c = count($tray_data); if ($c != 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $this_tray = $tray_data[$i]; if ($this_tray['access_level'] < 2 || $this_tray['access_level'] == 2 && is_admin() || is_root()) { $wintask = new api_wintask(); $wintask->setContextMenu($this_tray['context_menu']); $js_context_menu .= $wintask->contextMenuRender('phpos_tray_icon_' . $this_tray['id'], 'img', 'left'); $txt = ''; if (!empty($this_tray['txt'])) { $txt = '<span>' . $this_tray['txt'] . '</span>'; } if ($this_tray['use_custom_icons']) { echo '<div id="phpos_tray_icon_' . $this_tray['id'] . '" title="' . $this_tray['title'] . '" class="phpos_tray_item phpos_tray_item_mouseleave"><img src="' . $this_tray['icons'][0] . '" />' . $txt . '</div>'; } else { echo '<div id="phpos_tray_icon_' . $this_tray['id'] . '" title="' . $this_tray['title'] . '" class="phpos_tray_item phpos_tray_item_mouseleave"><img src="' . PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . '_phpos/icons_tray/' . $this_tray['icons'][0] . '" />' . $txt . '</div>'; } } } }
public function render_address_links() { $links = $this->get_address_links(); $c = count($links); $separator = '<img class="arrow" src="' . THEME_URL . 'icons/arrow_small_right.png">'; global $my_app; $tmp_shared_id = $my_app->get_param('tmp_shared_id'); if (!empty($tmp_shared_id)) { $shared = new phpos_shared(); $shared->set_id($tmp_shared_id); $shared->get_shared(); $shared_dir = $shared->get_folder_id(); } $in_shared = $my_app->get_param('in_shared'); /*.............................................. */ // If not in shared: if (!$in_shared) { if ($c != 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $item = $this->filesystem->get_file_info($links[$i]); if ($item['id'] != $shared_dir) { if (is_root()) { $item = $this->root_homedir_address_parse($item); } $address .= '<a onclick="' . helper_reload(array('dir_id' => $item['id'])) . '" href="javascript:void(0);">' . $item['basename'] . '</a>' . $separator; } } } } $address_start = '<a onclick="' . helper_reload(array('dir_id' => $this->filesystem->get_root_directory_id())) . '" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $this->filesystem->protocol_name . '</b></a>'; /*.............................................. */ if (APP_ACTION == 'my_server') { $address_start = '<a onclick="' . helper_reload(array('dir_id' => $this->filesystem->get_root_directory_id())) . '" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . txt('my_server') . '</b></a>'; } /*.............................................. */ if (APP_ACTION == 'cp') { $address_start = '<a onclick="' . helper_reload(array('dir_id' => $this->filesystem->get_root_directory_id())) . '" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . txt('control_panel') . '</b></a>'; } /*.............................................. */ if (APP_ACTION == 'shared') { $group = new phpos_groups(); $group_id = $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id'); if (!empty($group_id)) { $group->set_id($group_id); $group->get_group(); $group_user = new phpos_users(); $id_user = $my_app->get_param('workgroup_user_id'); $group_user->set_id_user($id_user); $group_user->get_user_by_id(); $address_start = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'workgroup\', \'workgroup_id:' . $group_id . ',fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $group->get_title() . '</b></a>' . $separator . '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'shared\', \'workgroup_id:' . $group_id . ',workgroup_user_id:' . $id_user . ',fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $group_user->get_user_login() . '</b></a>'; } else { $id_user = logged_id(); $group_user = new phpos_users(); $group_user->set_id_user($id_user); $group_user->get_user_by_id(); $address_start = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'shared\', \'workgroup_id:0,fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $group_user->get_user_login() . '</b></a>'; } } /*.............................................. */ if (APP_ACTION == 'workgroup') { $group = new phpos_groups(); $group_id = $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id'); if (!empty($group_id)) { $group->set_id($group_id); $group->get_group(); $address_start = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'workgroup\', \'workgroup_id:' . $group_id . ',fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $group->get_title() . '</b></a>'; } else { $address_start = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'workgroup\', \'workgroup_id:0,fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>Workgroups</b></a>'; } } $in_shared = $my_app->get_param('in_shared'); $tmp_shared_id = $my_app->get_param('tmp_shared_id'); /*.............................................. */ if (APP_ACTION == 'index' && (defined('SHARED') || $in_shared)) { $group = new phpos_groups(); $group_id = $my_app->get_param('workgroup_id'); $group->set_id($group_id); $group->get_group(); $shared_id = $my_app->get_param('tmp_shared_id'); $shared = new phpos_shared(); $shared->set_id($shared_id); $shared->get_shared(); $group_user = new phpos_users(); $id_user = $shared->get_id_user(); $group_user->set_id_user($id_user); $group_user->get_user_by_id(); $address_start = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'shared\', \'workgroup_id:' . $group_id . ',workgroup_user_id:' . $id_user . ',fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $group_user->get_user_login() . '</b></a>' . $separator . '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'index\', \'shared_id:' . $shared_id . ',in_shared:1,fs:local_files\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $shared->get_title() . '</b></a>'; } /*.............................................. */ //if(APP_ACTION != 'index') $address = ''; $address_bar = $address_start . $separator . $address; $ftp_id = $my_app->get_param('ftp_id'); if (!empty($ftp_id)) { $ftp = new phpos_ftp(); $ftp->set_id($ftp_id); $ftp->get_ftp(); $address_bar = '<a onclick="phpos.windowActionChange(\'' . WIN_ID . '\', \'index\', \'dir_id:.,ftp_id:' . $ftp_id . ',in_shared:1,fs:ftp\')" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $ftp->get_login() . '@' . $ftp->get_host() . '</b></a>' . $separator; } return $address_bar; }
<?php // server settings are required - relative path to smt2 root dir require '../../../config.php'; // protect extension from being browsed by anyone require SYS_DIR . 'logincheck.php'; // now you have access to all CMS API include INC_DIR . 'header.php'; // only root user can perform certain operations $ROOT = is_root(); // load maintenance configuration require 'config.php'; ?> <h1 id="orphanlogs">Orphan cache logs</h1> <?php echo check_notified_request("orphanlogs"); ?> <?php // get cache logs id $cached = db_select_all(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, "id", 1); $cached = array_flatten($cached); // get records cache id $records = db_select_all(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_RECORDS, "cache_id", 1); $records = array_flatten($records); // compute difference $diff = array_diff($cached, $records); $num = count($diff); if ($num > 0) { ?>
function Editp() { $root = is_root(); $whom = $_SESSION['user']['login']; $temp = sql_getRow("SELECT *,(total - bonus) as total FROM bills WHERE id=" . $_POST['id']); $client = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM auth_users WHERE id=" . $temp['client_id']); $order = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM cart as c LEFT JOIN products as p on WHERE c.order_id=" . $temp['order_id']); if (!$root) { if ($temp['received'] < $temp['total']) { if ($_POST['fld']['received'] + $temp['received'] > $temp['total']) { return "<script>alert('" . $this->str('rec_big') . "');</script>"; } } else { return "<script>alert('" . $this->str('rec_big2') . "');</script>"; } } if ($_POST['fld']['received'] > 0 || $root) { //--- notify --- $this->emailNotify($temp, 'bills_money'); //-------------- $temp['received'] += $_POST['fld']['received']; if ($_POST['fld']['received'] != 0) { $this->in_history('change_money', 'bill', $temp['client_id'], $temp['id'], $_POST['fld']); if ($temp['received'] >= $temp['total'] & !empty($order)) { $_POST['fld']['status'] = 'paid'; //--- notify --- $this->emailNotify($temp, 'bills_status'); //-------------- $this->in_history('auto_ch_status', 'bill', $temp['client_id'], $temp['id'], $_POST['fld']); } elseif ($temp['received'] < $temp['total']) { $_POST['fld']['status'] = 'new'; if ($_POST['fld']['status'] != $temp['status']) { //--- notify --- $this->emailNotify($temp, 'bills_status'); //-------------- $this->in_history('auto_ch_status_no_money', 'bill', $temp['client_id'], $temp['id'], $_POST['fld']); } } elseif (empty($order)) { $_POST['fld']['status'] = 'new'; //--- notify --- $this->emailNotify($temp, 'bills_status'); //-------------- if ($_POST['fld']['status'] != $temp['status']) { $this->in_history('auto_ch_status_no_bill', 'bill', $temp['client_id'], $temp['id'], $_POST['fld']); } } } } //только root может отнимать от суммы if ($_POST['fld']['received'] < 0 && !$root) { return "<script>alert('" . $this->str('error') . "');</script>"; } /*Бонусная система*/ if ($client['otkat'] != 0) { //убираем участие в бриз клубе и перестаем считать откаты if ($client['briz_club'] == 1) { my_query("UPDATE auth_users SET briz_club = 0, bonus_bill = 0 WHERE id=" . $client['id']); } } else { //проверяем, является ли клиент участником клуба if ($client['briz_club'] != 1) { //смотри, если текущих денег хватит для оплаты, то не собираем все счета за 2 месяца if ($temp['received'] < 3000) { //проверяем оплаченные счета за 2 месяца, на предмет добавления в клуб $date = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 61); //время 61 день назад $sql = 'SELECT sum(total) FROM `bills` WHERE client_id=' . $client['id'] . ' and status = "paid" and date_pay > "' . $date . '"'; if (sql_getValue($sql) >= 3000) { $client['briz_club'] = 1; } } else { $client['briz_club'] = 1; } //елси его добавляем в клуб то устанавливаем значение для $client['briz_club'] if ($client['briz_club'] == 1) { my_query("UPDATE auth_users SET bonus_bill = 0, briz_club = 1 WHERE id=" . $client['id']); } } if ($client['briz_club'] == 1) { //зачисляем бонусы на счет $money = $_POST['fld']['received']; if (!empty($money)) { if (abs($money) >= 3000 && abs($money) < 4999) { $bonus = $money * 0.01; } if (abs($money) >= 5000 && abs($money) < 9999) { $bonus = $money * 0.02; } if (abs($money) >= 10000) { $bonus = $money * 0.03; } if (isset($bonus)) { $bonus = round($bonus); //округляем //зачисляем на счет my_query("UPDATE auth_users SET bonus_bill = bonus_bill + " . $bonus . " WHERE id=" . $client['id']); //--- notify --- $array = array('bonus' => $bonus, 'client' => $client); SendNotify('SEND_ADD_BONUS', $client['id'], $array); } } } } if ($_POST['fld']['received'] == "0") { $_POST['fld']['date_pay'] = "0"; } else { $_POST['fld']['date_pay'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $_POST['fld']['received'] = $temp['received']; //---- Сохранение ---- $res = $this->Commit(); if (is_int($res)) { return "<script>alert('" . $this->str('saved') . "');try{;window.parent.location.reload();}catch(e){window.parent.location.reload();}finally{}</script>"; } return $this->Error($res); }
if ($cloud->new_cloud($tmp_title, $tmp_desc, $tmp_cloud, $tmp_login, $tmp_pass, $tmp_public, $tmp_url, $tmp_param1, $tmp_param2, $tmp_param3, $tmp_param4)) { helper_result('new_cloud', 'ok', txt('created')); helper_result('new_cloud_result', 'result', 'success'); helper_result('new_cloud_id', 'var', 1); } else { helper_result('new_cloud_result', 'result', 'error'); helper_result('new_cloud', 'error', txt('error')); } $_POST['action'] = null; } } // update if (form_submit('update_cloud')) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'update_cloud') { $cloud = new phpos_clouds(); if ($cloud->is_my_cloud($cloud_id) || is_root() || is_admin()) { $tmp_title = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_title']); $tmp_desc = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_desc']); $tmp_login = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_login']); $tmp_pass = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_pass']); $tmp_url = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_url']); //$tmp_cloud = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_type']); $tmp_public = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_public']); $tmp_param1 = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_param1']); $tmp_param2 = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_param2']); $tmp_param3 = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_param3']); $tmp_param4 = strip_tags($_POST['cloud_new_param4']); $cloud->set_id($cloud_id); if ($cloud->update_cloud($cloud_id, $tmp_title, $tmp_desc, $tmp_login, $tmp_pass, $tmp_public, $tmp_url, $tmp_param1, $tmp_param2, $tmp_param3, $tmp_param4)) { helper_result('update_cloud', 'ok', txt('updated')); helper_result('update_cloud_result', 'result', 'success');
function EditForm() { global $directories; $id = (int) get('id'); if ($id) { $row['order'] = $this->getRow($id); } $row['id'] = $id; $row['root'] = is_root(); $new = (int) get('new'); if ($new) { $row['new'] = $new; $row['payment_types'] = $directories['payment_type']; } ################################################## // дата оформления заказа $row['order']['order_date'] = date('d.m.Y', $row['order']['order_date']); // получем список товаров по данному заказу if (isset($row['order']['id'])) { $this->getProductList($row, $row['order']['id']); /* $row['product_list']=sql_getRows(" SELECT c.*,p.*, as manufacturer FROM cart as c LEFT JOIN products as p on LEFT JOIN manufacturers as m on WHERE c.order_id=".$row['order']['id']); // считаем кол-во продуктов в заказе $row['count']=0; foreach ($row['product_list'] as $key=>$item){ $row['count']+=$item['quantity']; } pr($row['product_list']); */ } ################ Доставка ################# $i = 1; if ($row['order']['payment_type'] == 'Bank') { foreach ($directories['shipping_type'] as $k => $v) { $row['shipping_types'][$k] = $v . " (" . $i . ")"; $i++; } } else { $row['shipping_types']['none'] = $directories['shipping_type']['none'] . " (3)"; } $shipping_type = get('shipping_type', NULL, 'g'); if (!isset($shipping_type)) { $shipping_type = $row['order']['shipping_type']; } $shipping = get('shipping', NULL, 'g'); if (!isset($shipping)) { $shipping = $row['order']['shipping']; } $row['shipping_type'] = $shipping_type; $row['shipping'] = $shipping; $row['delivery_type'] = $directories['delivery_type'][$row['order']['delivery_type']]; ############################################# ##################### Баланс ###################### //------ Полученные средства по счетам клиента $row['balans']['received'] = sql_getValue("SELECT SUM(received) FROM bills WHERE `client_id`=" . $row['order']['client_id'] . " AND `type`!='bonus'"); //------ Сумма всех стоимостей заказов $row['balans']['orders'] = sql_getValue("SELECT SUM(total) - SUM(bonus) FROM orders WHERE `client_id`=" . $row['order']['client_id'] . " AND (`status`='CompletePaid' OR `status`='ReadyPaid' OR `status`='Delivered')"); //------ Сумма бонусных счетов //$row['balans']['bonus']=sql_getValue("SELECT SUM(total) FROM bills WHERE `client_id`=".$row['order']['client_id']." AND `type`='bonus'"); //------ Баланс клиента $row['balans']['total'] = $row['balans']['received'] - $row['balans']['orders']; //-$row['balans']['bonus']; // получаем счет по данному заказу (только один может быть не отмененный) $row['bill'] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM bills WHERE status != 'canceled' AND order_id=" . $row['id']); //pr($row['bill']); // получаем значение currency $row['currency'] = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM currency WHERE name='" . $row['order']['currency'] . "'"); #################### Actions ##################### if ($row['balans']['total'] - $row['order']['total'] * $row['currency']['value'] >= '0' || !in_array($row['order']['status'], $this->normal_status)) { $temp = 1; } else { $temp = 0; } // создаем экшены и меню для админа if ($row['root']) { // если админ if (empty($row['bill'])) { $row['upactions'] = '1,1,1'; } else { $row['upactions'] = '0,1,1'; } // Не даем добавлять товары, если счет выписан foreach ($this->actions[$row['order']['payment_type']]['0'] as $key => $value) { $row['actions'][$key] = $this->str($key); } foreach ($this->actions[$row['order']['payment_type']]['1'] as $key => $value) { $row['actions'][$key] = $this->str($key); } foreach ($this->order_actions as $key => $value) { $row['upactions'] .= ',0'; } } else { // если любой кроме админа if (empty($row['bill'])) { $row['upactions'] = '1,0,1'; } else { $row['upactions'] = '0,0,1'; } // Не даем добавлять товары, если счет выписан foreach ($this->statuses as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $this->actions[$row['order']['payment_type']][$temp][$row['order']['status']])) { $row['upactions'] .= ',1'; } else { $row['upactions'] .= ',0'; } } } // добавляем экшены для счетов $row['edit'] = true; if ($row['order']['status'] != 'Canceled') { if (!empty($row['bill'])) { // Если поступили средства, то не разрешаем аннулировать if ($row['bill']['received'] > 0) { $row['upactions'] .= ',1,0,0'; } else { $row['upactions'] .= ',1,1,0'; } $row['edit'] = false; } else { $row['upactions'] .= ',0,0,1'; } } else { $row['upactions'] .= ',0,0,0'; } $row['order']['status2'] = $this->str($row['order']['status']); $row['order']['payment_type_display'] = $this->str($row['order']['payment_type']); $row['order']['payment_types'] = $directories['payment_type']; // добавляем в шаблон переменную и парсим $this->AddStrings($row); return $this->Parse($row, $this->name . '.editform.tmpl'); }
global $readonly, $my_app, $context_fs, $tmp_shared_id; $app_menu = array('title:' . txt('new_folder') . ',action:actionNewFolder,icon:icon-folder_files', 'title:' . txt('my_server') . ',action:actionGoServer,icon:icon-myserver', 'title:' . txt('control_panel') . ',action:actionGoCP,icon:icon-login'); if (!empty($tmp_shared_id)) { $shared = new phpos_shared(); if ($shared->is_my($tmp_shared_id)) { $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('stop_share_folder') . ',action:actionStopShare,icon:icon-cancel'; } } if (!$readonly && $context_fs != 'db_mysql') { $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('upload') . ',action:actionUpload,icon:icon-download'; } $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('icon_size') . ',action:actionChangeIcons,icon:icon-application'; $app_menu[] = array('title:' . txt('icon_size_s') . ',icon_size:small,check:icon_size,if:' . $my_app->get_param('icon_size') . ',action:actionChangeIcons', 'title:' . txt('icon_size_m') . ',icon_size:medium,check:icon_size,if:' . $my_app->get_param('icon_size') . ',action:actionChangeIcons'); if ($context_fs == 'ftp') { $check_ftp = new phpos_ftp(); if (is_root() || $check_ftp->is_my($my_app->get_param('ftp_id'))) { $app_menu[] = 'title:' . txt('dsc_ftp_a_edit') . ',action:actionEditFtp,icon:icon-edit'; } } function actionEditFtp($menu_item) { global $my_app; $j = winopen(txt('dsc_ftp_a_edit'), 'cp', 'app_id:ftp@index', 'section:edit_account,ftp_id:' . $my_app->get_param('ftp_id')); return $j; } function actionNewFolder($menu_item) { global $context_location, $context_dir_id; $j = winmodal(txt('new_folder'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',back:null, dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID); return $j; }
function format_fields($user, $isAdmin) { global $ROLES, $ROOT; $rnd = mt_rand(); // to match correctly label with id $self = $user['login'] === $_SESSION['login']; $f = ""; if (!$isAdmin && $user !== null) { $role = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_ROLES, "*", "id='" . $user['role_id'] . "'"); if ($role) { $f .= 'Your current role is <strong>' . $role['name'] . '</strong>'; if (!empty($role['description'])) { $f .= ' (' . $role['description'] . ').'; } } else { $f .= 'You do not have a role assigned.'; } } if ($isAdmin) { $f .= '<div class="wrapper smallround pl">' . PHP_EOL; } // check user status if ($user !== null) { $timediff = time() - strtotime($user['last_access']); if ($timediff < 5 * 60) { $status = "online"; } else { if ($timediff < 10 * 60) { $status = "away"; } else { $status = "offline"; } } if ($isAdmin) { // show pretty dates instead of timestamps if PHP >= 5.2.0 if (check_systemversion("php", "5.2.0")) { $usePrettyDate = true; require_once SYS_DIR . 'prettyDate.php'; } if ($user !== null) { $reg = $usePrettyDate ? prettyDate::getStringResolved($user['registered']) : $user['registered']; $upd = $usePrettyDate ? prettyDate::getStringResolved($user['last_access']) : $user['last_access']; $accesses = ' <small class="mini">Registered ' . $reg . '. Last access: <em>' . $upd . '</em>.</small>'; } } $f .= '<h2>'; $f .= '<img src="' . ADMIN_PATH . 'css/user-' . $status . '.png" alt="[' . $status . ']" title="User ' . $status . '" /> '; $f .= $user['login'] . $accesses; $f .= '</h2>' . PHP_EOL; } // create form --------------------------------------------------------------- $f .= '<form action="saveaccount.php" method="post">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<fieldset>' . PHP_EOL; // the superadmin user cannot change its own role if ($ROOT && !$self) { $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="role_id' . $rnd . '">role</label>' . PHP_EOL; // begin select ------------------------------------------------------------ $f .= '<select id="role_id' . $rnd . '" name="role_id" class="text block">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<option value="0">...</option>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($ROLES as $role) { $selected = $user['role_id'] == $role['id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : null; $f .= '<option value="' . $role['id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $role['name'] . '</option>' . PHP_EOL; } $f .= '</select>' . PHP_EOL; // end select -------------------------------------------------------------- $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } $disabled = $ROOT || ($user['role_id'] != 1 || $self) ? null : ' disabled="disabled"'; // diplay login if ($user === null) { $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="login' . $rnd . '">login</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="text" id="login' . $rnd . '" name="login" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; } // common fields $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="name' . $rnd . '">full name</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="text" id="name' . $rnd . '" name="name" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' value="' . $user['name'] . '" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="email' . $rnd . '">email</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="text" id="email' . $rnd . '" name="email" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' value="' . $user['email'] . '" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="website' . $rnd . '">website</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="text" id="website' . $rnd . '" name="website" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' value="' . $user['website'] . '" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; // user password prefix $display = $user === null ? "set" : "change"; $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="pass1' . $rnd . '">' . $display . ' password</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="password" id="pass1' . $rnd . '" name="pass1" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; // password must be verified $f .= '<div class="fl mr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<label for="pass2' . $rnd . '">retype password</label>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="password" id="pass2' . $rnd . '" name="pass2" class="text block"' . $disabled . ' />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</fieldset>' . PHP_EOL; // float right $f .= '<div class="fr">' . PHP_EOL; $form = $user === null ? "create" : "manage"; $f .= '<input type="hidden" name="form" value="' . $form . '" />' . PHP_EOL; // override user login if admin is going to update if ($user !== null) { $f .= '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="' . $user['login'] . '" />' . PHP_EOL; } $display = $user === null ? "Create" : "Update"; $f .= '<input type="submit" class="button round"' . $disabled . ' value="' . $display . '" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL; // the superadmin user cannot delete itself if (is_root() && !$self && $user !== null) { $f .= '<form action="saveaccount.php" method="post">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<div class="fr">' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="hidden" name="login" value="' . $user['login'] . '" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="hidden" name="form" value="delete" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '<input type="submit" class="button round delete conf" value="Delete" />' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; $f .= '</form>' . PHP_EOL; } // insert a small padding $f .= '<p class="clear"></p>' . PHP_EOL; if ($isAdmin) { $f .= '</div><!-- end wrapper -->' . PHP_EOL; } return $f; }
function ShowRecipients() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core_file('table.lib'); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name; $ret['table'] = table(array('from' => "clients", 'columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => 'CONCAT(cont_name,CHAR(32),cont_lname)', 'display' => 'client', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'email', 'display' => 'email', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'reg_date', 'display' => 'registered', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'registered')), 'where' => 'visible=1 AND LENGTH(email)>0 ' . (is_root() ? '' : 'AND (admin_id IS NULL OR admin_id IN (' . join(',', $this->user['subst']) . '))'), 'orderby' => 'id', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'showrecipients'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value;', 'dblclick' => 'PasteRecipients(id)'), $this); return Parse($ret, $this->name . '.recipients.tmpl'); }
<body> <div id="global"> <h1><strong>smt2</strong> installer</h1> <?php $cnx = db_connect(); // is already installed? if (mysql_query("DESCRIBE " . TBL_PREFIX . TBL_RECORDS, $cnx)) { ?> <h3 class="ko">smt2 is already installed</h3> <?php // help the root user to unistall smt2 stuff $msg = is_root() ? 'use <a href="uninstall.php">this script</a>' : 'please delete all <em>' . TBL_PREFIX . '</em> tables from database'; ?> <p> If you want to re-install it, <?php echo $msg; ?> . </p> <?php } else { // before installing, ask user email (will be inserted on DB) if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = trim($_POST['email']); } // however, it can be changed later, so it won't be validated
$list .= '<tbody>'; foreach ($notes as $note) { $user = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_USERS, "login", "id='" . $note['uid'] . "'"); // build row $list .= '<tr>'; $list .= '<td>' . $user['login'] . '</td>'; $qs = array('id' => $id, 'start' => $note['pos']); $list .= '<td><a href="../track.php?' . http_build_query($qs) . '" class="track">' . $note['pos'] . '</a></td>'; $list .= '<td>' . trim_text(strip_tags($note['txt']), 10) . '</td>'; $list .= '<td>'; $qs = array('id' => $id, 'login' => $user['login'], 'time' => $note['pos']); $list .= '<a href="read.php?' . http_build_query($qs) . '">read</a>'; if ($_SESSION['login'] == $user['login'] || is_admin()) { $list .= ' | <a href="edit.php?' . http_build_query($qs) . '">edit</a>'; } if (is_root()) { $list .= ' | <a class="conf" href="delete.php?' . http_build_query($qs) . '">delete</a>'; } $list .= '</td>'; $list .= '</tr>'; } $list .= '</tbody>'; $list .= '</table>'; echo $list; } else { echo "No hypernotes were found for this movie."; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() {
MIT License (c) 2013 Marcin Szczyglinski GitHUB: File version: 1.0.0, 2013.10.08 ********************************** */ if (!defined('PHPOS')) { die; } if (APP_ACTION == 'index') { switch ($my_app->get_param('fs')) { case 'local_files': $html['right_items_title'] = txt('explorer_right_local'); if (!$readonly || is_root()) { $html['right_items_desc'] = txt('explorer_right_local_desc_drag_active'); } else { $html['right_items_desc'] = '<span style="color:#7f1f1d">' . txt('readonly_right_msg') . '</span>'; } $html['right_items_img'] = 'hdd.png'; break; case 'db_mysql': $html['right_items_title'] = txt('explorer_right_db'); $html['right_items_desc'] = txt('explorer_right_db_desc'); $html['right_items_img'] = 'db.png'; break; case 'ftp': $html['right_items_title'] = txt('explorer_right_ftp'); $html['right_items_desc'] = $ftp_connect_status . txt('explorer_right_local_desc_drag_active'); $html['right_items_img'] = 'ftp.png';
msg::error(txt('access_denied')); } } else { $my_app->set_param('action_status', 'error'); $my_app->set_param('action_status_msg', txt('access_denied')); cache_param('action_status'); cache_param('action_status_msg'); msg::error(txt('access_denied')); } unset($_FILES); } /* ************************** */ //echo $_SESSION['ftp'].'<br>'; if (globalconfig('demo_mode') != 1 || is_root()) { if (form_submit('new_rename')) { if ($readonly != 1) { if ($phposFS->rename(strip_tags($_POST['edit_id']), filter::fname($_POST['new_folder_name']))) { $my_app->set_param('action_status', 'ok'); $my_app->set_param('action_status_msg', txt('renamed')); cache_param('action_status'); cache_param('action_status_msg'); msg::ok($txt('updated')); } } else { $my_app->set_param('action_status', 'error'); $my_app->set_param('action_status_msg', txt('access_denied')); cache_param('action_status'); cache_param('action_status_msg'); msg::error($txt('access_denied'));
helper_result('new_ftp_result', 'result', 'success'); helper_result('new_ftp_id', 'var', 1); savelog('FTP_ACCOUNT_CREATE#SUCCESS'); } else { savelog('FTP_ACCOUNT_CREATE#FAILED'); helper_result('new_ftp_result', 'result', 'error'); helper_result('new_ftp', 'error', txt('error')); } $_POST['action'] = null; } } // update if (form_submit('update_ftp')) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'update_ftp') { $ftp = new phpos_ftp(); if ($ftp->is_my_ftp($ftp_id) || is_root() || is_admin()) { $tmp_title = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_title']); $tmp_desc = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_desc']); $tmp_host = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_host']); $tmp_login = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_login']); $tmp_pass = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_pass']); $tmp_port = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_port']); $tmp_public = strip_tags($_POST['ftp_new_public']); $ftp->set_id($ftp_id); if ($ftp->update_ftp($ftp_id, $tmp_title, $tmp_desc, $tmp_host, $tmp_login, $tmp_pass, $tmp_port, $tmp_public, null)) { helper_result('update_ftp', 'ok', txt('updated')); helper_result('update_ftp_result', 'result', 'success'); helper_result('update_ftp_id', 'var', 1); savelog('FTP_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_ID_' . $ftp_id . '#SUCCESS'); } else { helper_result('update_ftp_result', 'result', 'error');
case 'local_files': $contextMenus['FILE'] = array('open::' . txt('open') . '::explorer_open_in_browser("' . $icons[$i]['id'] . '");::folder_open', '---', 'open_with::' . txt('open_with') . '::alert();::icon', array('openwith1::' . txt('in_web_browser') . '::explorer_open_in_browser("' . $icons[$i]['id'] . '");')); if (!$readonly || is_root()) { $contextMenus['FILE'][] = '---'; $contextMenus['FILE'][] = 'rename::' . txt('rename') . '::' . winmodal(txt('rename'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',edit_id:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['id']) . ',old_name:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['basename']) . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::edit'; } $contextMenus['FILE'][] = '---'; $contextMenus['FILE'][] = 'download::' . txt('download') . '::' . browser_url(PHPOS_WEBROOT_URL . 'phpos_downloader.php?hash=' . md5(PHPOS_KEY) . '&download_type=' . base64_encode('local_file') . '&file=' . base64_encode(str_replace(PHPOS_WEBROOT_DIR, '', $icons[$i]['id']))) . '::download'; $contextMenus['DIR'] = array('open::' . txt('open') . '::alert("normalopen' . $item . '");::folder_open', 'open_with::' . txt('open_with') . '::alert();::icon', array('openwith1::' . txt('in_new_win') . '::explorer_open_in_browser("' . $icons[$i]['id'] . '");')); if (!$readonly || is_root()) { $contextMenus['DIR'][] = '---'; $contextMenus['DIR'][] = 'rename::' . txt('rename') . '::' . winmodal(txt('rename'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',edit_id:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['id']) . ',old_name:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['basename']) . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::edit'; } if (!$readonly || is_root()) { $contextMenus['WINDOW'][] = 'newfolder::' . txt('new_folder') . '::' . winmodal(txt('new_folder'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',back:null, dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::folder_files'; if (globalconfig('disable_upload') != 1 || is_root()) { $contextMenus['WINDOW'][] = 'upload::' . txt('upload_here') . '::' . winmodal('Nowa ikona', 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@upload,width:300,height:350', 'desktop:1,location:' . $context_location . ',back:null,dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::disk'; } } else { $contextMenus['WINDOW'] = array('read::This folder is readonly::;::login'); } break; case 'ftp': $contextMenus['FILE'] = array('open::' . txt('open') . '::explorer_ftp_view("' . $icons[$i]['id'] . '", "' . $icons[$i]['basename'] . '", "' . $my_app->get_param('fs') . '");::folder_open', '---', 'download::' . txt('download') . '::explorer_ftp_download("' . $icons[$i]['id'] . '", "' . $icons[$i]['basename'] . '", "' . $my_app->get_param('fs') . '");::download', '---', 'rename::' . txt('rename') . '::' . winmodal(txt('rename'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',action_id:null,edit_id:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['id']) . ',old_name:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['basename']) . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::edit'); $contextMenus['DIR'] = array('open::' . txt('open') . '::alert("normalopen' . $item . '");::folder_open', '---', 'rename::' . txt('rename') . '::' . winmodal(txt('rename'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',action_id:null,edit_id:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['id']) . ',old_name:' . base64_encode($icons[$i]['basename']) . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::edit'); $contextMenus['WINDOW'] = array('newfolder::' . txt('new_folder') . '::' . winmodal(txt('new_folder'), 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@folder', 'location:' . $context_location . ',back:null, dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::folder_files', 'upload::' . txt('upload_here') . '::' . winmodal('Nowa ikona', 'app', 'app_id:shortcuts@upload,width:300,height:350', 'desktop:1,location:' . $context_location . ',back:null,dir_id:' . $context_dir_id . ',after_reload:' . WIN_ID) . '::disk'); break; } if (APP_ACTION == 'desktop') { //$contextMenus['WINDOW'][] = '---'; $contextMenus['WINDOW'][] = 'wallpaper::' . txt('change_desktop_wallpaper') . '::' . winopen(txt('account_settings'), 'cp', 'app_id:users@index', 'section:wallpapers') . '::application';
} else { echo $layout->txtdesc(txt('dsc_ftp_list_public_user')); } $ftp = new phpos_ftp(); $ftp_ids = $ftp->get_public_ftp(); $c = count($ftp_ids); if ($c != 0) { echo $layout->tbl_start(); $layout->td_classes(array('', '', 'tbl_grey')); echo $layout->head(array('<img src="' . ICONS . 'server/ftp.png" />' => '20%', txt('ftp_account') => '40%', 'Host' => '40%')); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { $f = new phpos_ftp(); $f->set_id($ftp_ids[$i]['id']); $f->get_ftp(); //$usr_count = $f->count_users(); $u = new phpos_users(); $u->set_id_user($group_ids[$i]['id_owner']); $u->get_user_by_id(); if (is_root() || $f->is_my($ftp_ids[$i]['id'])) { $item = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="' . helper_reload(array('section' => 'edit_account', 'ftp_id' => $f->get_id())) . '">' . $f->get_title() . '</a>'; } else { $item = $f->get_title(); } echo $layout->row(array('<img src="' . ICONS . 'server/ftp.png" style="height:20px"/>', $item, $f->get_host()), $f->get_desc()); } echo $layout->tbl_end(); } else { echo $layout->empty_list(); } echo $layout->end('column'); echo $layout->clr();