public function parseParams() { $params = array(); if ($this->uri) { $params = array_values(array_filter(explode('/', $this->uri), function ($v) { return false == is_blank($v); })); } array_walk($params, function (&$v) { $v = rawurldecode($v); }); if ($this->mapkey) { $segments = array_values(array_filter(explode('/:', $this->mapkey), function ($v) { return false == is_blank($v) and $v != '/'; })); foreach ($segments as $k => $p) { if (isset($params[$k])) { $params[$p] = $params[$k]; unset($params[$k]); } else { $params[$p] = null; } } } return $params; }
/** * gets Unix timestamp from date string * @param string $p_date A valid date/time string (see * @return false|int a timestamp on success, null date when $p_date is blank or false on failure. * @access public */ function date_strtotime($p_date) { if (is_blank($p_date)) { return date_get_null(); } return strtotime($p_date); }
function email_queue_add($p_email_data) { $t_email_data = email_queue_prepare_db($p_email_data); # email cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->email)) { error_parameters(lang_get('email')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } # subject cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->subject)) { error_parameters(lang_get('subject')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } # body cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->body)) { error_parameters(lang_get('body')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } $t_email_table = config_get('mantis_email_table'); $c_email = $t_email_data->email; $c_subject = $t_email_data->subject; $c_body = $t_email_data->body; $c_metadata = serialize($t_email_data->metadata); $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_email_table}\r\n\t\t\t\t ( email,\r\n\t\t\t\t subject,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t body,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t submitted,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t metadata)\r\n\t\t\t\t VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t ( '{$c_email}',\r\n\t\t\t\t '{$c_subject}',\r\n\t\t\t\t '{$c_body}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t " . db_now() . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t '{$c_metadata}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)"; db_query($query); return db_insert_id($t_email_table); }
public function validate() { if (is_blank($this->tmp_name)) { $this->errors->add('파일을 선택해 주세요.'); return false; } if (!empty($this->validate_types) && !in_array($this->type, $this->validate_types)) { //$this->errors->add('"' . $this->type . '"은 허용된 파일 타입이 아닙니다.'); $this->errors->add('허용된 파일 타입이 아닙니다.'); return false; } $names = explode('.', $this->name); $extension = end($names); if (!empty($this->validate_extensions) && !preg_grep("/{$extension}/i", $this->validate_extensions)) { //$this->errors->add('"' . end(explode('.', $this->name)) . '"은 허용된 파일 타입이 아닙니다.'); $this->errors->add('허용된 파일 타입이 아닙니다.'); return false; } if ($this->size > $this->max_upload_size) { $this->errors->add('최대 크기를 초과하였습니다.'); return false; } if ($this->error > 0) { $this->errors->add('파일 업로드 중 오류가 발생하였습니다.'); return false; } return true; }
function custom_function_default_roadmap_print_issue($p_issue_id, $p_issue_level = 0) { static $t_status; $t_bug = bug_get($p_issue_id); if (bug_is_resolved($p_issue_id)) { $t_strike_start = '<strike>'; $t_strike_end = '</strike>'; } else { $t_strike_start = $t_strike_end = ''; } if ($t_bug->category_id) { $t_category_name = category_get_name($t_bug->category_id); } else { $t_category_name = ''; } $t_category = is_blank($t_category_name) ? '' : '<b>[' . string_display_line($t_category_name) . ']</b> '; echo utf8_str_pad('', $p_issue_level * 6, ' '), '- ', $t_strike_start, string_get_bug_view_link($p_issue_id), ': ', $t_category, string_display_line_links($t_bug->summary); if ($t_bug->handler_id != 0) { echo ' (', prepare_user_name($t_bug->handler_id), ')'; } if (!isset($t_status[$t_bug->status])) { $t_status[$t_bug->status] = get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status, auth_get_current_user_id(), $t_bug->project_id); } echo ' - ', $t_status[$t_bug->status], $t_strike_end, '.<br />'; }
/** * Add to email queue * @param EmailData $p_email_data * @return int */ function email_queue_add($p_email_data) { $t_email_data = email_queue_prepare_db($p_email_data); # email cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->email)) { error_parameters(lang_get('email')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } # subject cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->subject)) { error_parameters(lang_get('subject')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } # body cannot be blank if (is_blank($t_email_data->body)) { error_parameters(lang_get('body')); trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR); } $t_email_table = db_get_table('email'); $c_email = $t_email_data->email; $c_subject = $t_email_data->subject; $c_body = $t_email_data->body; $c_metadata = serialize($t_email_data->metadata); $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_email_table}\n\t\t\t\t ( email,\n\t\t\t\t subject,\n\t\t\t\t\t body,\n\t\t\t\t\t submitted,\n\t\t\t\t\t metadata)\n\t\t\t\t VALUES\n\t\t\t\t ( " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t " . db_param() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t)"; db_query_bound($query, array($c_email, $c_subject, $c_body, db_now(), $c_metadata)); return db_insert_id($t_email_table, 'email_id'); }
public function validate_register() { if (is_blank($this->comment)) { $this->errors->add('댓글을 입력해 주세요.'); return false; } return true; }
function fill_blank_array($mas, $str) { foreach ($mas as $key => $value) { if (is_blank($value)) { $mas[$key] = $str; } } return $mas; }
function print_unread_icon($p_unread = READ) { $t_icon_path = config_get('icon_path'); $t_unread_icon_arr = config_get('unread_icon_arr'); $t_none = NONE; if (!is_blank($t_unread_icon_arr[$p_unread])) { print "<img src=\"{$t_icon_path}{$t_unread_icon_arr[$p_unread]}\" alt=\"\" />"; } else { print "<img src=\"{$t_icon_path}{$t_status_icon_arr[$t_none]}\" alt=\"\" />"; } }
function wiki_mediawiki_get_url_for_page_id($p_page_id) { $t_root_url = config_get_global('wiki_engine_url'); $t_root_namespace = config_get('wiki_root_namespace'); if (is_blank($t_root_namespace)) { $t_page_id = $p_page_id; } else { $t_page_id = $t_root_namespace . ':' . $p_page_id; } return $t_root_url . 'index.php/' . urlencode($t_page_id); }
public function url_repo($p_repo, $p_changeset = null) { $t_rev = ''; $t_path = ''; if (!is_null($p_changeset)) { $t_rev = '&rev=' . urlencode($p_changeset->revision); } if (!is_blank($p_repo->info['websvn_path'])) { $t_path = '&path=' . urlencode($p_repo->info['websvn_path']); } return $p_repo->info['websvn_url'] . 'listing.php?repname=' . urlencode($p_repo->info['websvn_name']) . "{$t_path}{$t_rev}&sc=1"; }
public function validate_register() { if (is_blank($this->subject)) { $this->errors->add('제목을 입력해 주세요.'); return false; } if (is_blank($this->content)) { $this->errors->add('내용을 입력해 주세요.'); return false; } return true; }
/** * Log an event * @param int $p_level * @param string $p_msg * @return null */ function log_event($p_level, $p_msg) { global $g_log_levels; # check to see if logging is enabled $t_sys_log = config_get_global('log_level'); if (0 == ($t_sys_log & $p_level)) { return; } $t_now = date(config_get_global('complete_date_format')); $t_level = $g_log_levels[$p_level]; $t_plugin_event = '[' . $t_level . '] ' . $p_msg; if (function_exists('event_signal')) { event_signal('EVENT_LOG', array($t_plugin_event)); } $t_php_event = $t_now . ' ' . $t_level . ' ' . $p_msg; $t_log_destination = config_get_global('log_destination'); if (is_blank($t_log_destination)) { $t_destination = ''; } else { # Use @ to avoid error when there is no delimiter in log destination @(list($t_destination, $t_modifiers) = explode(':', $t_log_destination, 2)); } switch ($t_destination) { case 'file': error_log($t_php_event . PHP_EOL, 3, $t_modifiers); break; case 'firebug': if (!class_exists('FirePHP')) { if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'FirePHPCore' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'FirePHP.class.php')) { require_once BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'FirePHPCore' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'FirePHP.class.php'; } } if (class_exists('FirePHP')) { static $firephp; if ($firephp === null) { $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true); } $firephp->log($t_php_event); return; } // if firebug is not available, fall through // if firebug is not available, fall through default: # use default PHP error log settings error_log($t_php_event . PHP_EOL); break; } # If running from command line, echo log event to stdout if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { echo $t_php_event . PHP_EOL; } }
/** * Trae los clientes compuestos del totvs de la base de datos SQL * @param bool $id */ function getClientesCompuestosTotvs($codigocc) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `acsa_totvs_clientes_compuestos` WHERE codigocc = '" . $codigocc . "'"; $conn = getConnection(); $result = executeSelect($sql, $conn); $clientes = array(); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $clientes[] = array('codigocc' => trim($row['codigocc']), 'lojacc' => trim($row['lojacc']), 'codigo' => trim($row['codigo']), 'loja' => trim($row['loja']), 'nombre' => trim(is_blank(utf8_encode(stripslashes(str_replace("'", "", $row['nombre'])))))); } } echo json_encode($clientes); }
/** * Get the custom field id given an object ref. The id is set based on the following algorithm: * - id from objectref (if not zero). * - id corresponding to name in object ref. * - 0, if object ref doesn't contain an id or a name. * * @param ObjectRef $p_object_ref An associate array with "id" and "name" keys. */ function mci_get_custom_field_id_from_objectref($p_object_ref) { if ((int) $p_object_ref['id'] != 0) { $t_id = (int) $p_object_ref['id']; } else { if (!is_blank($p_object_ref['name'])) { $t_id = custom_field_get_id_from_name($p_object_ref['name']); } else { $t_id = 0; } } return $t_id; }
/** * A method that takes in a text argument and extracts all candidate @ mentions * from it. The return list will not include the @ sign and will not include * duplicates. This method is mainly for testability and it doesn't take into * consideration whether the @ mentions features is enabled or not. * * @param string $p_text The text to process. * @return array of @ mentions without the @ sign. * @private */ function mention_get_candidates($p_text) { if (is_blank($p_text)) { return array(); } static $s_pattern = null; if ($s_pattern === null) { $t_quoted_tag = preg_quote(mentions_tag()); $s_pattern = '/(?:' . '(?<=^|[^\\w])' . '(?<!' . $t_quoted_tag . ')' . $t_quoted_tag . ')' . '([\\w.]*[\\w])' . '(?=[^\\w@]|$)' . '(?!$t_quoted_tag)' . '/'; } preg_match_all($s_pattern, $p_text, $t_mentions); return array_unique($t_mentions[1]); }
function email_group_reminder($p_user_id, $issues) { $t_username = user_get_field($p_user_id, 'username'); $t_email = user_get_email($p_user_id); $t_message = $issues; $t_subject = config_get('plugin_Reminder_reminder_subject'); if (!is_blank($t_email)) { email_store($t_email, $t_subject, $t_message); if (OFF == config_get('email_send_using_cronjob')) { email_send_all(); } } }
function query($p_filter_input) { $invoice = $p_filter_input; if (is_blank($invoice)) { return; } plugin_push_current('CustomerManagement'); if (access_has_global_level(plugin_config_get('view_customer_fields_threshold'))) { $t_query = CustomerManagementDao::buildFilterArrayForInvoice($invoice); } plugin_pop_current(); return $t_query; }
function check_urls($t_urls_in) { $t_urls_in = explode("\n", $t_urls_in); $t_urls_out = array(); foreach ($t_urls_in as $t_url) { $t_url = trim($t_url); if (is_blank($t_url) || in_array($t_url, $t_urls_out)) { continue; } $t_urls_out[] = $t_url; } return $t_urls_out; }
function print_version_header($p_version_id) { $t_project_id = version_get_field($p_version_id, 'project_id'); $t_version_name = version_get_field($p_version_id, 'version'); $t_project_name = project_get_field($t_project_id, 'name'); $t_release_title = string_display($t_project_name) . ' - ' . string_display($t_version_name); echo $t_release_title, '<br />'; echo str_pad('', strlen($t_release_title), '='), '<br />'; $t_description = version_get_field($p_version_id, 'description'); if ($t_description !== false && !is_blank($t_description)) { echo string_display("<br />{$t_description}<br /><br />"); } }
/** * Get the custom field id given an object ref. The id is set based on the following algorithm: * - id from objectref (if not zero). * - id corresponding to name in object ref. * - 0, if object ref doesn't contain an id or a name. * * @param stdClass $p_object_ref An associate array with "id" and "name" keys. * @return integer */ function mci_get_custom_field_id_from_objectref(stdClass $p_object_ref) { $p_object_ref = SoapObjectsFactory::unwrapObject($p_object_ref); if (isset($p_object_ref['id']) && (int) $p_object_ref['id'] != 0) { $t_id = (int) $p_object_ref['id']; } else { if (!is_blank($p_object_ref['name'])) { $t_id = custom_field_get_id_from_name($p_object_ref['name']); } else { $t_id = 0; } } return $t_id; }
function ldap_authenticate($p_login_name, $p_password) { # if password is empty and ldap allows anonymous login, then # the user will be able to login, hence, we need to check # for this special case. if (is_blank($p_password)) { return false; } $t_authenticated = new stdClass(); $t_authenticated->status_ok = TRUE; $t_authenticated->status_code = null; $t_authenticated->status_verbose = ''; $authCfg = config_get('authentication'); $t_ldap_organization = $authCfg['ldap_organization']; $t_ldap_root_dn = $authCfg['ldap_root_dn']; $t_ldap_uid_field = $authCfg['ldap_uid_field']; // 'uid' by default $t_username = $p_login_name; $t_search_filter = "(&{$t_ldap_organization}({$t_ldap_uid_field}={$t_username}))"; $t_search_attrs = array($t_ldap_uid_field, 'dn'); $t_connect = ldap_connect_bind(); if ($t_connect->status == 0) { $t_ds = $t_connect->handler; # Search for the user id $t_sr = ldap_search($t_ds, $t_ldap_root_dn, $t_search_filter, $t_search_attrs); $t_info = ldap_get_entries($t_ds, $t_sr); $t_authenticated->status_ok = false; $t_authenticated->status_code = ERROR_LDAP_AUTH_FAILED; $t_authenticated->status_verbose = 'ERROR_LDAP_AUTH_FAILED'; if ($t_info) { # Try to authenticate to each until we get a match for ($idx = 0; $idx < $t_info['count']; $idx++) { $t_dn = $t_info[$idx]['dn']; # Attempt to bind with the DN and password if (@ldap_bind($t_ds, $t_dn, $p_password)) { $t_authenticated->status_ok = true; break; # Don't need to go any further } } } ldap_free_result($t_sr); ldap_unbind($t_ds); } else { $t_authenticated->status_ok = false; $t_authenticated->status_code = $t_connect->status; $t_authenticated->status_verbose = 'LDAP CONNECT FAILED'; } return $t_authenticated; }
public function where($where, $params = array()) { // '$where' is empty? if (!is_array($where) && is_blank($where)) { return; } // '$where' is id? if (is_numeric($where) || is_numeric_array($where)) { $this->where = "{$this->from}.id" . self::id_condition($where); return; } // etc $this->where = Context::get('db')->bind_params($where, $params); }
public function addVersion($projID, $version) { if (MANTIS_LOCAL) { if (version_add($projID, $version, true, $version)) { $t_version_id = version_get_id($version, $projID); if (!is_blank($v_date_order)) { $t_version = version_get($t_version_id); $t_version->date_order = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($v_date_order)); version_update($t_version); } } } else { $this->client->mc_project_version_add(MANTIS_USER, MANTIS_PWD, array('name' => $version, 'project_id' => $projID, 'description' => $version, 'released' => true)); } }
function custom_function_default_roadmap_print_issue($p_issue_id, $p_issue_level = 0) { $t_bug = bug_get($p_issue_id); if (bug_is_resolved($p_issue_id)) { $t_strike_start = '<strike>'; $t_strike_end = '</strike>'; } else { $t_strike_start = $t_strike_end = ''; } $t_category = is_blank($t_bug->category) ? '' : '<b>[' . $t_bug->category . ']</b> '; echo str_pad('', $p_issue_level * 6, ' '), '- ', $t_strike_start, string_get_bug_view_link($p_issue_id), ': ', $t_category, string_display_line_links($t_bug->summary); if ($t_bug->handler_id != 0) { echo ' (', prepare_user_name($t_bug->handler_id), ')'; } echo ' - ', get_enum_element('status', $t_bug->status), $t_strike_end, '.<br />'; }
function email_is_valid($p_email) { # if we don't validate then just accept if (OFF == config_get('validate_email')) { return true; } if (is_blank($p_email) && ON == config_get('allow_blank_email')) { return true; } # Use a regular expression to check to see if the email is in valid format # etc. if (preg_match(email_get_rfc822_regex(), $p_email, $t_check)) { $t_local = $t_check[1]; $t_domain = $t_check[2]; # see if we're limited to one domain if (ON == config_get('limit_email_domain')) { if (0 != strcasecmp($t_limit_email_domain, $t_domain)) { return false; } } if (preg_match('/\\[(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\]/', $t_domain, $t_check)) { # Handle domain-literals of the form '[]' # as long as each segment is less than 255, we're ok if ($t_check[1] <= 255 && $t_check[2] <= 255 && $t_check[3] <= 255 && $t_check[4] <= 255) { return true; } } else { if (ON == config_get('check_mx_record')) { # Check for valid mx records if (getmxrr($t_domain, $temp)) { return true; } else { $host = $t_domain . '.'; # for no mx record... try dns check if (checkdnsrr($host, 'ANY')) { return true; } } } else { # Email format was valid but did't check for valid mx records return true; } } } # Everything failed. The email is invalid return false; }
/** * Add an attachment to an existing project. * * @param string $p_username The name of the user trying to add an attachment to an issue. * @param string $p_password The password of the user. * @param integer $p_project_id The id of the project to add the attachment to. * @param string $p_name The name of the file. * @param string $p_title The title for the attachment. * @param string $p_description The description for the attachment. * @param string $p_file_type The mime type of the file. * @param base64Binary $p_content The attachment to add. * @return integer The id of the added attachment. */ function mc_project_attachment_add($p_username, $p_password, $p_project_id, $p_name, $p_title, $p_description, $p_file_type, $p_content) { $t_user_id = mci_check_login($p_username, $p_password); if ($t_user_id === false) { return mci_soap_fault_login_failed(); } # Check if project documentation feature is enabled. if (OFF == config_get('enable_project_documentation')) { return mci_soap_fault_access_denied($t_user_id); } if (!access_has_project_level(config_get('upload_project_file_threshold'), $p_project_id, $t_user_id)) { return mci_soap_fault_access_denied($t_user_id); } if (is_blank($p_title)) { return SoapObjectsFactory::newSoapFault('Client', 'Title must not be empty.'); } return mci_file_add($p_project_id, $p_name, $p_content, $p_file_type, 'project', $p_title, $p_description, $t_user_id); }
/** * show list */ public function index($page = '1') { $page_size = 5; // page size $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size; $input_keyword = _get('input_keyword'); $where = array(); if (!is_blank($input_keyword)) { $where[] = "(blog.subject like '%" . Context::get('db')->escape_string($input_keyword) . "%'" . " OR blog.content like '%" . Context::get('db')->escape_string($input_keyword) . "%'" . " OR user.nickname like '%" . Context::get('db')->escape_string($input_keyword) . "%')"; } $where = implode(' AND ', $where); // get id(s) in the page $blogs = Blog::neo()->join('user')->select('')->where($where)->limit($offset, $page_size)->find('all'); $ids = extract_property($blogs); // get blogs in the page $this->blogs = Blog::neo()->join('user')->join('blog_comment')->order(' DESC')->where($ids)->find('all'); $this->paging = new Paging(Blog::neo()->count(), $page_size, "/blog/index/<page>?input_keyword={$input_keyword}", $page); }
/** * Translates the default date value entered by the creator of the custom * field into a date value. For example, translate '=tomorrow' to tomorrow's * date. * @param $p_value The default date string. * @returns The calculated default date value if $p_value starts with '=', * otherwise, returns $p_value. */ function cfdef_prepare_date_default($p_value) { if (is_blank($p_value)) { return ''; } $t_value = trim($p_value); $t_value_length = utf8_strlen($t_value); # We are expanding {tomorrow}, {yesterday}, {+3 days}, {-7 days}, {next week} # See strtotime() for more details about supported formats. if ($t_value_length >= 3 && $t_value[0] == '{' && $t_value[$t_value_length - 1] == '}') { $t_value = utf8_substr($t_value, 1, $t_value_length - 2); $t_value = @strtotime($t_value); # Different versions of PHP return different values in case of error. if ($t_value == -1 || $t_value === false) { return ''; } } return $t_value; }
/** * The input $p_dir is either ASC or DESC * The inputs $p_sort_by and $p_field are compared to see if they match * If the fields match then the sort icon is printed * This is a convenience feature to push the comparison code into this * function instead of in the page(s) * $p_field is a constant and $p_sort_by is whatever the page happens to * be sorting by at the moment * Multiple sort keys are not supported * @param int $p_dir * @param string $p_sort_by * @param string $p_field * @return null * @access public */ function print_sort_icon($p_dir, $p_sort_by, $p_field) { $t_icon_path = config_get('icon_path'); $t_sort_icon_arr = config_get('sort_icon_arr'); if ($p_sort_by != $p_field) { return; } if ('DESC' == $p_dir || DESCENDING == $p_dir) { $t_dir = DESCENDING; } else { $t_dir = ASCENDING; } $t_none = NONE; if (!is_blank($t_sort_icon_arr[$t_dir])) { echo "<img src=\"{$t_icon_path}{$t_sort_icon_arr[$t_dir]}\" alt=\"\" />"; } else { echo "<img src=\"{$t_icon_path}{$t_status_icon_arr[$t_none]}\" alt=\"\" />"; } }