function set_session($k, $v) { if ('' === $v || is_NULL($v)) { unset($_SESSION($k)); } else { $_SESSION[$k] = $v; } }
/** * Compile coffe script * * @param string * @param bool|NULL * * @return string */ protected function compileCoffee($source, $bare = NULL) { if (is_NULL($bare)) { $bare = $this->bare; } $cmd = $this->bin . ' -p -s' . ($bare ? ' -b' : ''); return $this->run($cmd, $source); }
/** * Logs the memory usage of the provided variable, or entire script * * @param string $name Optional name used to group variables and scripts together * @param mixed $variable Optional variable to log the memory usage of * * @return void */ public function log_memory($name = 'Memory usage at this point', $variable = NULL) { if (!is_NULL($variable)) { $this->log_var_memory($name, $variable); } $log_item = array('data' => memory_get_usage(), 'name' => $name); $this->_write('memory', $log_item); }
/** * Sets the configuration options for this object and sets the start time. * * Possible configuration options include: * query_explain_callback - Callback used to explain queries. Follow format used by call_user_func * * @param array $config List of configuration options * @param int $start_time Time to use as the start time of the profiler */ private function __construct(array $config = array(), $start_time = NULL) { if (is_NULL($start_time)) { $start_time = microtime(TRUE); } $this->_start_time = $start_time; $this->_config = $config; $this->_console = new Profiler_Console(); }
public function __construct() { $gridfs_conf = Core::config('gridfs_servers'); $mongo = new \MongoClient($gridfs_conf['host'], $gridfs_conf['opt']); $this->conn = $mongo->selectDB($gridfs_conf['db']['file']); if (!is_NULL($gridfs_conf['user']) && !is_NULL($gridfs_conf['pwd'])) { $this->conn->authenticate($gridfs_conf['user'], $gridfs_conf['pwd']); } }
function set_session($k, $v) { global $session_prefix; if (is_NULL($v) || $v === '') { unset($_SESSION[$session_prefix . $k]); } else { $_SESSION[$session_prefix . $k] = $v; } }
public function getlist($content = NULL, $data = NULL, $select = '*') { $this->db->select($select); if (!is_NULL($this->offset)) { $this->offset > 0 && ($this->offset = ($this->offset - 1) * $this->limit); $this->db->offset($this->offset); } !is_NULL($this->limit) && $this->db->limit($this->limit); if (!is_NULL($content) || !is_NULL($data)) { $this->db->where($content, $data); } $this->db->order_by($this->order_by); return $this->db->get($this->table_name)->result_array(); }
/** * Crea una nueva conexión con la base de datos, de existir, una conexión no hace nada * * @author **/ static function ConectarBD() { if (!isset(self::$mysqli_obj) || is_NULL(self::$mysqli_obj)) { $nombreDB = constant('NOMBRE_BASE_DATOS'); $usuario = constant('USUARIO'); $host = constant('HOST'); $clave = constant('PASSWORD'); self::$mysqli_obj = new mysqli($host, $usuario, $clave, $nombreDB); /* check connection */ if (self::$mysqli_obj->connect_errno) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", self::$mysqli_obj->connect_error); exit; } } }
public function __construct($sourcePath, $logPath = NULL) { if (empty($sourcePath)) { $this->srcPath = getcwd(); } else { $this->srcPath = $sourcePath; } if (is_NULL($logPath)) { $this->logPath = getcwd() . "/fo_integration.log"; echo "DB: logpath is:{$this->logPath}\n"; } else { $this->logPath = $logPath; echo "DB: logpath is:{$this->logPath}\n"; } $this->LOGFD = fopen($this->logPath, 'a+'); if ($this->LOGFD === FALSE) { $error = "Error! cannot open {$this->logPath}" . " File: " . __FILE__ . " on line: " . __LINE__; throw new exception($error); } }
/** * Obtains a salting hashing method instance. * * This function will return an instance of a class that implements * tx_saltedpasswords_abstract_salts. * * Use parameter NULL to reset the factory! * * @param string $saltedHash (optional) Salted hashed password to determine the type of used method from or NULL to reset the factory * @param string $mode (optional) The TYPO3 mode (FE or BE) saltedpasswords shall be used for * @return tx_saltedpasswords_abstract_salts an instance of salting hashing method object */ public static function getSaltingInstance($saltedHash = '', $mode = TYPO3_MODE) { // Creating new instance when // * no instance existing // * a salted hash given to determine salted hashing method from // * a NULL parameter given to reset instance back to default method if (!is_object(self::$instance) || !empty($saltedHash) || is_NULL($saltedHash)) { // Determine method by checking the given hash if (!empty($saltedHash)) { $result = self::determineSaltingHashingMethod($saltedHash); if (!$result) { self::$instance = NULL; } } else { $classNameToUse = \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Utility\SaltedPasswordsUtility::getDefaultSaltingHashingMethod($mode); $availableClasses = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/saltedpasswords']['saltMethods']; self::$instance = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUserObj($availableClasses[$classNameToUse], 'tx_'); } } return self::$instance; }
/** * fillGroupForm($groupName, $user) * \breif fill in the manage group fields * * @param string $groupName the name of the group to create * @param string $user the user who will admin the group. * * @return NULL on success, string on error */ public function fillGroupForm($groupName, $user) { global $URL; if (is_NULL($groupName)) { $msg = "FATAL! no group name to set\n"; $this->fail($msg); return $msg; } if (is_NULL($user)) { $msg = "FATAL! no user name to set\n"; $this->fail($msg); return $msg; } // make sure we are on the page $page = $this->mybrowser->get("{$URL}?mod=group_manage"); $this->assertTrue($this->myassertText($page, '/Manage Group/'), "Did NOT find Title, 'Manage Group'"); $this->assertTrue($this->myassertText($page, '/Add a Group/'), "Did NOT find phrase, 'Add a Group'"); // set the fields $groupNotSet = 'FATAL! Could Not set the groupname field'; if (!empty($groupName)) { $this->assertTrue($this->mybrowser->setField('groupname', $groupName), $groupNotSet); } if (!empty($user)) { $userNotSet = 'FATAL! Could Not set the userid field in select'; $this->assertTrue($this->mybrowser->setField('userid', $user), $userNotSet); //return($userNotSet); } return NULL; }
/** * Evaluate postfix notation * * @param array $tokens * The list of tokens that make up the expression. * @param array $vars * The list of variables set previously. * * @return number * The final result of the evaluation. */ private function postfixEvaluate($tokens, $vars = array()) { if ($tokens == FALSE) { return FALSE; } $stack = new EvalMathStack(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (in_array($token, array('+', '-', '*', '/', '^'))) { if (is_NULL($op2 = $stack->pop())) { return $this->trigger(t('internal error')); } if (is_NULL($op1 = $stack->pop())) { return $this->trigger(t('internal error')); } switch ($token) { case '+': $stack->push($op1 + $op2); break; case '-': $stack->push($op1 - $op2); break; case '*': $stack->push($op1 * $op2); break; case '/': if ($op2 == 0) { return $this->trigger(t('division by zero')); } $stack->push($op1 / $op2); break; case '^': $stack->push(pow($op1, $op2)); break; } } elseif ($token == "_") { $stack->push(-1 * $stack->pop()); } elseif (preg_match("/^([a-z]\\w*)\\(\$/", $token, $matches)) { $fnn = $matches[1]; if (array_key_exists($fnn, $this->funcAliases)) { $fnn = $this->funcAliases[$fnn]; } if (array_key_exists($fnn, $this->funcBuildIn)) { $argCount = $this->funcBuildIn[$fnn]; $args = array(); for ($i = $argCount; $i > 0; $i--) { $arg = $stack->pop(); if (is_NULL($arg)) { return $this->trigger(t('internal error: argument is null')); } $args[] = $arg; $args = array_reverse($args); } $stack->push(call_user_func_array($fnn, $args)); } elseif (array_key_exists($fnn, $this->funcUser)) { $args = array(); for ($i = count($this->funcUser[$fnn]['args']) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (is_NULL($args[$this->funcUser[$fnn]['args'][$i]] = $stack->pop())) { return $this->trigger(t('internal error: argument is null')); } } $stack->push($this->postfixEvaluate($this->funcUser[$fnn]['func'], $args)); } } else { if (is_numeric($token)) { $stack->push($token); } elseif (array_key_exists($token, $this->variables)) { $stack->push($this->variables[$token]); } elseif (array_key_exists($token, $vars)) { $stack->push($vars[$token]); } else { return $this->trigger(t('undefined variable "%token"', array('%token' => $token))); } } } if ($stack->getCount() != 1) { return $this->trigger(t('internal error, stack not empty')); } return $stack->pop(); }
/** * Method to return a language text element. * * @param string $itemName The language code for the item to be looked up * @param string $modulename The module name that owns the string * @param bool $default Default text * * @return string The language element */ protected function l($itemName, $modulename = NULL, $default = FALSE) { if (!defined('CHISIMBA_CONTROLLER_OBJLANGUAGE_CREATED')) { define('CHISIMBA_CONTROLLER_OBJLANGUAGE_CREATED', TRUE); $this->_objLanguage = $this->getObject('language', 'language'); } $module = is_NULL($modulename) ? $this->moduleName : $modulename; return $this->_objLanguage->languageText($itemName, $module, $default); }
/** * 更新商品的货品信息,对应操作5 * 干掉该商品的所有货品,再将平台上该商品的货品下载下来 * * @param int $supplier_id * @param int $supplier_goods_id * @param int $command_id,更新列表的id * @return array ,array( * 'type' => array( * $type_id => $type_name, * $type_id => $type_name * ), * 'spec' => array( * $spec_id => $spec_name, * $spec_id => $spec_name * ), * 'brand' => array( * 'add' => array( * $brand_id => $brand_name, * $brand_id => $brand_name, * ), * 'update' => array( * $brand_id => $brand_name, * $brand_id => $brand_name, * ) * ), * 'cat' => array( * $cat_id => $cat_path, * $cat_id => $cat_path * ), * 'locals' => array( * 'local_type_id' => $local_type_id, * 'local_spec_id' => $local_spec_id, * 'local_brand_id' => $local_brand_id * ) * ) */ function updateGoodsProduct($supplier_id, $supplier_goods_id, $command_id) { $return = $this->preDownload($supplier_id, $supplier_goods_id, $command_id); $local_goods_info = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE supplier_id=" . floatval($supplier_id) . " AND supplier_goods_id=" . intval($supplier_goods_id)); $local_goods_id = $local_goods_info['goods_id']; $local_product_info = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM sdb_products WHERE goods_id=" . $local_goods_id); /* //先删除商品的所有货品(比较流氓,开会讨论结果)、sdb_goods_spec_index记录、sdb_supplier_pdtbn记录 $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_supplier_pdtbn WHERE local_bn IN (SELECT bn FROM sdb_products WHERE goods_id=".intval($local_goods_id).")"); $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_products WHERE goods_id=".intval($local_goods_id)); $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_goods_spec_index WHERE goods_id=".intval($local_goods_id)); */ //根据货号获取可对应的本地product_id,将对应不到的product_id删除相关记录 $products = $this->api->getApiData('getProductsByGoodsID', API_VERSION, array('supplier_id' => $supplier_id, 'id' => $supplier_goods_id), true, true); $tmp_product_id = array(); if (!empty($products)) { foreach ($products as $v) { $tmp = $this->db->selectrow("SELECT p.product_id FROM sdb_products AS p,sdb_supplier_pdtbn AS sp WHERE sp.source_bn='" . $v['bn'] . "' AND sp.supplier_id=" . intval($supplier_id) . " AND"); if ($tmp) { $tmp_product_id[] = $tmp['product_id']; } } } foreach ($local_product_info as $v) { if (!in_array($v['product_id'], $tmp_product_id)) { $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_supplier_pdtbn WHERE local_bn='" . $v['bn'] . "'"); $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_products WHERE product_id=" . $v['product_id']); $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sdb_goods_spec_index WHERE product_id=" . $v['product_id']); } } //删除商品的pdt_desc,spec_desc $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE supplier_id=" . $supplier_id . " AND supplier_goods_id=" . $supplier_goods_id); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, array('spec' => '', 'pdt_desc' => '', 'spec_desc' => '')); if ($sql) { $this->db->exec($sql); } $this->addProducts($supplier_id, $supplier_goods_id, $local_goods_id); //获取货品的总库存数,取货品最小销售价作为商品销售价,最小重量作为商品重量 $product_info = $this->db->select("SELECT store,price,weight,cost FROM sdb_products WHERE goods_id=" . intval($local_goods_id)); $store = 0; $price = NULL; $weight = NULL; $min_cost = NULL; foreach ($product_info as $product) { if (is_null($product['store']) || $product['store'] === '') { $store = NULL; } else { if (!is_null($store)) { $store += $product['store']; } } if (is_null($price)) { $price = empty($product['price']) ? 0.0 : $product['price']; } else { $price = min($price, $product['price']); } if (is_null($weight)) { $weight = empty($product['weight']) ? 0.0 : $product['weight']; } else { $weight = min($weight, $product['weight']); } if (is_NULL($min_cost)) { $min_cost = $product['cost']; } else { $min_cost = min($min_cost, $product['cost']); } } $rs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sdb_goods WHERE goods_id=" . intval($local_goods_id)); $update_info = array('store' => $store, 'price' => $price, 'weight' => $weight, 'cost' => $min_cost); $sql = $this->db->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $update_info); $this->db->exec($sql); return $return; }
/** * Retorna uma lista de registros filtrados de acordo com os parâmetros * @return array */ function lista($int_cod_compensado = NULL, $int_ref_cod_escola = NULL, $int_ref_ref_cod_instituicao = NULL, $int_ref_cod_servidor = NULL, $int_ref_usuario_exc = NULL, $int_ref_usuario_cad = NULL, $date_data_inicio_ini = NULL, $date_data_inicio_fim = NULL, $date_data_fim_ini = NULL, $date_data_fim_fim = NULL, $date_data_cadastro_ini = NULL, $date_data_cadastro_fim = NULL, $date_data_exclusao_ini = NULL, $date_data_exclusao_fim = NULL, $int_ativo = NULL) { $sql = "SELECT {$this->_campos_lista} FROM {$this->_tabela}"; $filtros = ''; $whereAnd = ' WHERE '; if (is_numeric($int_cod_compensado)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} cod_compensado = '{$int_cod_compensado}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_numeric($int_ref_cod_escola)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ref_cod_escola = '{$int_ref_cod_escola}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_numeric($int_ref_ref_cod_instituicao)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ref_ref_cod_instituicao = '{$int_ref_ref_cod_instituicao}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_numeric($int_ref_cod_servidor)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ref_cod_servidor = '{$int_ref_cod_servidor}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_numeric($int_ref_usuario_exc)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ref_usuario_exc = '{$int_ref_usuario_exc}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_numeric($int_ref_usuario_cad)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ref_usuario_cad = '{$int_ref_usuario_cad}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_inicio_ini)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_inicio >= '{$date_data_inicio_ini}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_inicio_fim)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_inicio <= '{$date_data_inicio_fim}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_fim_ini)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_fim >= '{$date_data_fim_ini}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_fim_fim)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_fim <= '{$date_data_fim_fim}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_cadastro_ini)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_cadastro >= '{$date_data_cadastro_ini}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_cadastro_fim)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_cadastro <= '{$date_data_cadastro_fim}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_exclusao_ini)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_exclusao >= '{$date_data_exclusao_ini}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_string($date_data_exclusao_fim)) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} data_exclusao <= '{$date_data_exclusao_fim}'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } if (is_NULL($int_ativo) || $int_ativo) { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ativo = '1'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } else { $filtros .= "{$whereAnd} ativo = '0'"; $whereAnd = ' AND '; } $db = new clsBanco(); $countCampos = count(explode(',', $this->_campos_lista)); $resultado = array(); $sql .= $filtros . $this->getOrderby() . $this->getLimite(); $this->_total = $db->CampoUnico("SELECT COUNT(0) FROM {$this->_tabela} {$filtros}"); $db->Consulta($sql); if ($countCampos > 1) { while ($db->ProximoRegistro()) { $tupla = $db->Tupla(); $tupla['_total'] = $this->_total; $resultado[] = $tupla; } } else { while ($db->ProximoRegistro()) { $tupla = $db->Tupla(); $resultado[] = $tupla[$this->_campos_lista]; } } if (count($resultado)) { return $resultado; } return FALSE; }
/** * PHP Calendar (version 2.3), written by Keith Devens * * see example at * License: * * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month * @param array $days * @param integer $day_name_length * @param mixed $month_href * @param integer $first_day * @param array $pn * @return */ public function generateCalendar($year, $month, $days = array(), $day_name_length = 3, $month_href = null, $first_day = 0, $pn = array()) { $first_of_month = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); // remember that mktime will automatically correct if invalid dates are entered // for instance, mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) will be the date for Jan 1, 1998 // this provides a built in "rounding" feature to generate_calendar() $day_names = array(); //generate all the day names according to the current locale for ($n = 0, $t = (3 + $first_day) * 86400; $n < 7; $n++, $t += 86400) { $day_names[$n] = ucfirst(gmstrftime('%A', $t)); } //%A means full textual day name list($month, $year, $month_name, $weekday) = explode(',', gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%B,%w', $first_of_month)); $weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $first_day) % 7; //adjust for $first_day $title = htmlentities(ucfirst($month_name)) . ' ' . $year; //note that some locales don't capitalize month and day names // Begin calendar. Uses a real <caption>. See @(list($p, $pl) = each($pn)); @(list($n, $nl) = each($pn)); //previous and next links, if applicable if ($p) { $p = '<span class="calendar-prev">' . ($pl ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pl) . '">' . $p . '</a>' : $p) . '</span> '; } if ($n) { $n = ' <span class="calendar-next">' . ($nl ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($nl) . '">' . $n . '</a>' : $n) . '</span>'; } $calendar = '<table class="calendar">' . "\n" . '<caption class="calendar-month">' . $p . ($month_href ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($month_href) . '">' . $title . '</a>' : $title) . $n . "</caption>\n<tr>"; if ($day_name_length) { // if the day names should be shown ($day_name_length > 0) // if day_name_length is >3, the full name of the day will be printed foreach ($day_names as $d) { $calendar .= '<th abbr="' . htmlentities($d) . '">' . htmlentities($day_name_length < 4 ? substr($d, 0, $day_name_length) : $d) . '</th>'; } $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; } if ($weekday > 0) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $weekday; $i++) { $calendar .= '<td class="noDay"> </td>'; } } for ($day = 1, $days_in_month = gmdate('t', $first_of_month); $day <= $days_in_month; $day++, $weekday++) { if ($weekday == 7) { $weekday = 0; //start a new week $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; } if (isset($days[$day]) and is_array($days[$day])) { @(list($link, $classes, $content) = $days[$day]); if (is_NULL($content)) { $content = $day; } $calendar .= '<td' . ($classes ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($classes) . '">' : '>') . ($link ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '">' . $content . '</a>' : $content) . '</td>'; } else { $calendar .= "<td>{$day}</td>"; } } if ($weekday != 7) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 7 - $weekday; $i++) { $calendar .= '<td class="noDay"> </td>'; } } return $calendar . "</tr>\n</table>\n"; }
/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { $view = $this->getView(); $CssClass = NULL; if ($this->sbLeft) { $CssClass = 'sb-slidebar sb-left'; if ($this->sbStatic) { $CssClass .= ' sb-static'; } if ($this->sbStylePush) { $CssClass .= ' sb-style-push'; } else { $CssClass .= ' sb-style-overlay'; } if (!is_null($this->sbWidth)) { $CssClass .= ' sb-width-custom'; } echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => $CssClass, is_NULL($this->sbWidth) ? NULL : 'data-sb-width' => $this->sbWidth]) . "\n"; if (isset($view->blocks['sb-left'])) { echo $view->blocks['sb-left']; } echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n"; } if ($this->sbRight) { $CssClass = 'sb-slidebar sb-right'; if ($this->sbStatic) { $CssClass .= ' sb-static'; } if ($this->sbStylePush) { $CssClass .= ' sb-style-push'; } else { $CssClass .= ' sb-style-overlay'; } if (!is_null($this->sbWidth)) { $CssClass .= ' sb-width-custom'; } echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => $CssClass, is_NULL($this->sbWidth) ? NULL : 'data-sb-width' => $this->sbWidth]) . "\n"; if (isset($view->blocks['sb-right'])) { echo $view->blocks['sb-right']; } echo Html::endTag('div') . "\n"; } $this->registerPlugin(); }
</p> <?php //create connection $db_connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "cs143", ""); //check connection if (!$db_connection) { $errmsg = mysql_error($db_connection); print "Connection failed: {$errmsg} <br/>"; exit(1); } //Choose db $query = $_GET["query"]; echo "{$query}" . "<br/>"; //if(mysql_errno($db_connection)!=0){ if (!is_NULL($query)) { mysql_select_db("CS143", $db_connection); mysql_query($query, $db_connection); echo "<h3>Result from MySQL: </h3>" . mysql_error($db_connection) . "<br/>"; } $rs = mysql_query($query, $db_connection); /*if (!is_null($query) && !mysql_errno($db_connection) && !$rs) { echo '<b>Sorry! Could not run this query. </b>' ; exit(1); }*/ echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; //$row =mysql_fetch_row($rs) while ($col = mysql_fetch_field($rs)) { echo "<th>" . "{$col->name}" . "</th>"; }
/** * \brief meta function to process cunit reports * * @param string $unitTest the unit test to process * * @return mixed NULL on success, newline terminated string on failure */ function processCUnit($unitTest) { global $failures; global $other; $unitTest = preg_replace('#/#', '-', $unitTest); $libphp = "lib-php"; /** ignore lib/php/tests */ if ($libphp === $unitTest) { return NULL; } if (empty($unitTest)) { return "Error! no valid input at line " . __FILE__ . " at line " . __LINE__ . "\n"; } foreach (glob("{$unitTest}*.xml") as $fName) { $fileName = lcfirst($fName); // Skip Listing files if (preg_grep("/Listing/", array($fileName))) { $rmlast = exec("rm {$fileName}", $rmOut, $rmRtn); continue; } if (!tweakCUnit($fileName)) { return "Error! could not save processed xml file, they may not display properly\n"; } $errors = array(); // defect: if the report is corrupt, checkCUnit will say everything is OK. $errors = checkCUnit($fileName); //echo "DB: after checkCUnit, errors for $unitTest are\n";print_r($errors) . "\n"; if (is_object($errors[0])) { $failures++; echo "There were Unit Test Failures in {$unitTest}\n"; //print_r($errors) . "\n"; } else { if (!is_NULL($errors)) { // if we can't even check the file, then skip making the report $failures++; return "Failure: Could not check file {$fileName} for failures is the file corrupt?\n"; } } if (!genCunitRep($fileName)) { return "Error!, could not generate html report for {$unitTest}\n"; } } // foreach return NULL; }
/** * Get Connection * * Get a valid database connection * * @return MongoConnection */ protected final function _getConnection() { if (is_NULL(self::$_conn)) { if (is_NULL(self::$_host)) { self::$_host = 'localhost'; } self::$_conn = new Mongo(self::$_host); } if (isset($this)) { $dbname = $this->getDatabaseName(); } else { $dbname = self::getDatabaseName(); } if (!isset(self::$_dbs[$dbname])) { self::$_dbs[$dbname] = self::$_conn->selectDB($dbname); } if (!is_null(self::$_user) && !is_null(self::$_pwd)) { self::$_dbs[$dbname]->authenticate(self::$_user, self::$_pwd); } return self::$_dbs[$dbname]; }
/** * Load an xml locallang file * * @param string $LLFile * @param string $langKey * @param array $confLL * @return array */ public function loadLL($LLFile, $langKey = null, $confLL = null) { $tsfeLoaded = isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']) && is_object($GLOBALS['TSFE']); $langLoaded = isset($GLOBALS['LANG']) && is_object($GLOBALS['LANG']); // Lang detection if (is_NULL($langKey)) { if ($tsfeLoaded) { $langKey = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lang; } elseif ($langLoaded) { $langKey = $GLOBALS['LANG']->lang; } } // Render Charset if ($langLoaded) { $renderCharset = $GLOBALS['LANG']->charSet; } elseif ($tsfeLoaded) { $renderCharset = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->renderCharset; } // Language list $LLArray = array(); $langLoadList = array_unique(array('default', $langKey)); // Loads locallang file if (@is_file($LLFile)) { $useXliff = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::compat_version('4.6'); if ($useXliff) { $localizationParser = TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Localization\\Parser\\LocallangXmlParser'); $LOCAL_LANG_xliff = $localizationParser->getParsedData($LLFile, end($langLoadList), $renderCharset); $LOCAL_LANG = array(); foreach ($LOCAL_LANG_xliff as $currentLang => $langElements) { foreach ($langElements as $key => $value) { $LOCAL_LANG[$currentLang][$key] = !empty($value[0]['target']) ? $value[0]['target'] : $value[0]['source']; } } } else { $parser = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Localization\\Parser\\LocallangXmlParser'); $LOCAL_LANG = $parser->getParsedData($LLFile, $GLOBALS['LANG']->lang); } } else { $LOCAL_LANG = array(); } // Process default langage and requested langage foreach ($langLoadList as $tLangKey) { if (isset($LOCAL_LANG[$tLangKey]) && is_array($LOCAL_LANG[$tLangKey])) { $LLArray[$tLangKey] = count($LLArray[$tLangKey]) ? array_merge($LLArray[$tLangKey], $LOCAL_LANG[$tLangKey]) : $LOCAL_LANG[$tLangKey]; } } // Merge arrays (requested langage(s) overrides default language) $finalRes = array(); foreach ($langLoadList as $v) { if (isset($LLArray[$v])) { $finalRes = array_merge($finalRes, $LLArray[$v]); unset($LLArray[$v]); // Overlaying labels from TypoScript if (is_array($confLL)) { if (!empty($confLL[$v . '.'])) { $finalRes = array_merge($finalRes, $confLL[$v . '.']); } } } } unset($LLArray); return $finalRes; }
<?php include 'cd.php'; ini_set('max_execution_time', '3600'); ob_start(); $CurrentUser = Authentication::Authenticate(); if (!$CurrentUser->hasPermission(RIGHT_EXPORT_CSV)) { $e = new Error(RIGHTS_ERR_USERNOTALLOWED); Error::AddError($e); HTMLstuff::RefererRedirect(); } $ModelID = Utils::SafeIntFromQS('model_id'); $includepath = Utils::SafeIntFromQS('includepath'); $includepath = in_array($includepath, array(EXPORT_PATH_OPTION_NONE, EXPORT_PATH_OPTION_RELATIVE, EXPORT_PATH_OPTION_FULL)) ? $includepath : EXPORT_PATH_OPTION_NONE; $Models = Model::GetModels(new ModelSearchParameters(is_NULL($ModelID) ? FALSE : $ModelID)); $Sets = Set::GetSets(new SetSearchParameters(FALSE, FALSE, is_null($ModelID) ? FALSE : $ModelID)); $outfile = 'CandyDollDB.csv'; if ($ModelID && count($Models) > 0) { $Model = $Models[0]; $outfile = sprintf('CandyDollDB %1$s.csv', $Model->GetFullName()); } header(sprintf('Content-type: %1$s', Utils::GetMime('csv'))); header(sprintf('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%1$s"', $outfile)); $commentarray = array(sprintf("Generated by CandyDollDB v%1\$s on %2\$s at %3\$s", CANDYDOLLDB_VERSION, date('Y-m-d'), date('H:i;s')), sprintf("Author: %1\$s", $CurrentUser->getUserName()), "Project website:"); $commentcount = count($commentarray); $x = 0; /* @var $Model Model */ foreach ($Models as $Model) { if ($ModelID && $Model->getID() !== $ModelID) { continue; }
/** * soll später einen mysql query verlinken um seine ergebnisse angezeigt zu bekommen * * @return string * @author annemarie **/ function link_querys($old_query, $key = NULL, $function = NULL, $href = 'javascript:FUNCTION;') { if (preg_match('/(javascript:)(FUNCTION)(;)/i', $href, $match) and !is_NULL($function) or preg_match('/(javascript:)(FUNCTION)(;)/i', $href, $match)) { $href = $match[1] . 'alert(' . $key . ')' . $match[3]; } $new_query = ''; $new_query = '<a href="'; $new_query .= $href; $new_query .= '" title="Query ausführen">QUERY #' . $key . ' ' . $old_query; $new_query .= '</a>'; return $new_query; }
function json_encode($data) { if (is_object($data)) { //对象转换成数组 $data = get_object_vars($data); } else { if (!is_array($data)) { // 普通格式直接输出 return format_json_value($data); } } // 判断是否关联数组 if (empty($data) || is_numeric(implode('', array_keys($data)))) { $assoc = FALSE; } else { $assoc = TRUE; } // 组装 Json字符串 $json = $assoc ? '{' : '['; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (!is_NULL($val)) { if ($assoc) { $json .= "\"{$key}\":" . json_encode($val) . ","; } else { $json .= json_encode($val) . ","; } } } if (strlen($json) > 1) { // 加上判断 防止空数组 $json = substr($json, 0, -1); } $json .= $assoc ? '}' : ']'; return $json; }
/** * creates the JSON for the dhtmlx tree object * @param integer $id The id of the current id * @param integer $rootId The id of the shown root node * @return JSON Returns a json array, that can be parsed by dhtmlx tree component */ public function actionJsontreeview($id = NULL, $rootId = NULL) { $data = array(); if (!is_NULL($rootId) and is_null($id)) { $data = Page::rootTreeAsArray($rootId); } else { $data = Page::nodeChildren($id, true); } return Yii::$app->response->sendContentAsFile(Json::encode($data), 'tree.json', 'application/json'); exit; }
/** * Method sets minimum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching. * * @param int $minHashCount Minimum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching to set * @see MIN_HASH_COUNT * @see $minHashCount * @see getMinHashCount() */ public function setMinHashCount($minHashCount = NULL) { self::$minHashCount = !is_NULL($minHashCount) && is_int($minHashCount) ? $minHashCount : self::MIN_HASH_COUNT; }
/** * list all tables in the current database * * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ public function listDbTables() { if ($this->dbLayer === 'MDB2') { $ret = $this->_db->mgListTables(); return $ret; } elseif ($this->dbLayer === 'PDO') { if ($this->objEngine->pdsn['phptype'] == 'pgsql') { $sql = "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public' and table_type='BASE TABLE'"; try { $ret = $this->query($sql); } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new customException($e->getMessage()); customException::cleanUp(); exit; } foreach ($ret as $tables) { $tbls[] = $tables['table_name']; } return $tbls; } elseif ($this->objEngine->pdsn['phptype'] == 'mysql' || $this->objEngine->pdsn['phptype'] == 'mysqli') { $query = "SHOW /*!50002 FULL*/ TABLES"; if (!is_NULL($this->objEngine->pdsn['database'])) { $database = $this->objEngine->pdsn['database']; $query .= " FROM {$database}"; } $query .= "/*!50002 WHERE Table_type = 'BASE TABLE'*/"; try { $ret = $this->query($query); } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new customException($e->getMessage()); customException::cleanUp(); exit; } foreach ($ret as $tables) { $tbls[] = $tables[0]; } return $tbls; } } }