Ejemplo n.º 1
function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left, $downloaded = 0, $uploaded = 0, $upid = '')
    global $BASEURL, $db;
    if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && $GLOBALS["ip_override"]) {
        // compact check: valid IP address:
        if ($_GET["ip"] != long2ip(ip2long($_GET["ip"]))) {
            showError("Invalid IP address. Must be standard dotted decimal (hostnames not allowed)");
        $ip = $db->real_escape_string($_GET["ip"]);
    } else {
        $ip = vars::$ip;
    $ip = $db->real_escape_string($ip);
    $agent = $db->real_escape_string($agent);
    $remotedns = gethostbyaddr($ip);
    if (isset($_GET["ip"])) {
        $nuIP = $db->real_escape_string($_GET["ip"]);
    } else {
        $nuIP = '';
    if ($remotedns == $nuIP) {
        $remotedns = "AA";
    } else {
        $remotedns = strtoupper($remotedns);
        preg_match('/^(.+)\\.([A-Z]{2,3})$/', $remotedns, $tldm);
        if (!empty($tldm[2])) {
            $remotedns = $db->real_escape_string($tldm[2]);
        } else {
            $remotedns = "AA";
    if ($left == 0) {
        $status = "seeder";
    } else {
        $status = "leecher";
    if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port)) {
        $nat = "Y";
    } else {
        $nat = "N";
    $compact = $db->real_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port));
    $peerid = $db->real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $no_peerid = $db->real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $results = @$db->query("INSERT INTO peers SET infohash = '" . $info_hash . "', peer_id = '" . $peer_id . "', port = '" . $port . "', ip = '" . $ip . "', lastupdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes = '" . $left . "', status = '" . $status . "', natuser = '******', client = '" . $agent . "', dns = '" . $remotedns . "', downloaded = " . $downloaded . ", uploaded = " . $uploaded . ", pid = '" . $upid . "'");
    // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
    if (!$results) {
        if ($db->connect_errno == 1062) {
            // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
            $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
            if ($ip == $peer["ip"]) {
                // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
                return "WHERE natuser = '******'";
            // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
            quickQuery("UPDATE peers SET ip = '" . $ip . "', compact = '" . $compact . "', with_peerid = '" . $peerid . "', without_peerid = '" . $no_peerid . "' WHERE peer_id = '" . $peer_id . "' AND infohash = '" . $info_hash . "'");
            return "WHERE natuser = '******'";
        error_log("BtiTracker: start: " . $db->error);
        show_error("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
    $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = $db->insert_id;
    @$db->query("UPDATE peers SET sequence = '" . $GLOBALS['trackerid'] . "', compact = '" . $compact . "', with_peerid = '" . $peerid . "', without_peerid = '" . $no_peerid . "' WHERE peer_id = '" . $peer_id . "' AND infohash = '" . $info_hash . "'");
    if ($left == 0) {
        summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
        MCached::del('peers::count::' . $info_hash);
        return "WHERE status = 'leecher' AND natuser = '******'";
    } else {
        summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
        MCached::del('peers::count::' . $info_hash);
        return "WHERE natuser = '******'";
function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left, $uploaded, $clientVer)
    if ($left == 0) {
        $status = "seeder";
    } else {
        $status = "leecher";
    if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port)) {
        $nat = "'Y'";
    } else {
        $nat = "'N'";
    $results = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO x{$info_hash} SET peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\", port=\"{$port}\", ip=\"{$ip}\", lastupdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes=\"{$left}\", status=\"{$status}\", natuser={$nat}, uploaded={$uploaded}, clientversion=\"{$clientVer}\"");
    // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
    if (!$results) {
        $error = mysql_error();
        if (stristr($error, "key")) {
            // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
            $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
            if ($ip == $peer["ip"]) {
                // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
                updatePeer($peer_id, $info_hash);
                return "WHERE natuser='******'";
            //showError("Duplicated peer_id or changed IP address. Please restart BitTorrent.");
            // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
            quickQuery("UPDATE x{$info_hash} SET ip=\"{$ip}\", uploaded={$uploaded}, clientversion=\"{$clientVer}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\"");
            return "WHERE natuser='******'";
        error_log("PHPBTTracker: start: " . $error);
        showError("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
    $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = mysql_insert_id();
    if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"]) {
        $compact = mysql_real_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port));
        $peerid = mysql_real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
        $no_peerid = mysql_real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO y{$info_hash} SET sequence=\"{$GLOBALS["trackerid"]}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\"");
        // Let's just assume success... :/
    if ($left == 0) {
        summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
        return "WHERE status=\"leecher\" AND natuser='******'";
    } else {
        summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
        return "WHERE natuser='******'";
Ejemplo n.º 3
function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left)
    if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
        foreach (explode(",", $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) as $address) {
            $addr = ip2long(trim($address));
            if ($addr != -1) {
                if ($addr >= -1062731776 && $addr <= -1062666241) {
                    // 192.168.x.x
                } else {
                    if ($addr >= -1442971648 && $addr <= -1442906113) {
                        // 169.254.x.x
                    } else {
                        if ($addr >= 167772160 && $addr <= 184549375) {
                            // 10.x.x.x
                        } else {
                            if ($addr >= 2130706432 && $addr <= 2147483647) {
                            } else {
                                if ($addr >= -1408237568 && $addr <= -1407188993) {
                                    // 172.[16-31].x.x
                                } else {
                                    // Finally, we can accept it as a "real" ip address.
                                    $ip = mysql_escape_string(trim($address));
    if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && $GLOBALS["ip_override"]) {
        // compact check: valid IP address:
        if (ip2long($_GET["ip"]) == -1) {
            showError("Invalid IP address. Must be standard dotted decimal (hostnames not allowed)");
        $ip = mysql_escape_string($_GET["ip"]);
    if ($left == 0) {
        $status = "seeder";
    } else {
        $status = "leecher";
    if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port)) {
        $nat = "'Y'";
    } else {
        $nat = "'N'";
    $results = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO x{$info_hash} SET peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\", port=\"{$port}\", ip=\"{$ip}\", lastupdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes=\"{$left}\", status=\"{$status}\", natuser={$nat}");
    // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
    if (!$results) {
        $error = mysql_error();
        if (stristr($error, "key")) {
            // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
            $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
            if ($ip == $peer["ip"]) {
                // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
                updatePeer($peer_id, $info_hash);
                return "WHERE natuser='******'";
            //showError("Duplicated peer_id or changed IP address. Please restart BitTorrent.");
            // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
            quickQuery("UPDATE x{$info_hash} SET ip=\"{$ip}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\"");
            return "WHERE natuser='******'";
        error_log("PHPBTTracker: start: " . $error);
        showError("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
    $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = mysql_insert_id();
    if ($GLOBALS["peercaching"]) {
        $compact = mysql_escape_string(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port));
        $peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
        $no_peerid = mysql_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO y{$info_hash} SET sequence=\"{$GLOBALS["trackerid"]}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\"");
        // Let's just assume success... :/
    if ($left == 0) {
        summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
        return "WHERE status=\"leecher\" AND natuser='******'";
    } else {
        summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
        return "WHERE natuser='******'";
Ejemplo n.º 4
function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left, $downloaded = 0, $uploaded = 0, $upid = "")
    if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && $GLOBALS["ip_override"]) {
        // compact check: valid IP address:
        if ($_GET["ip"] != long2ip(ip2long($_GET["ip"]))) {
            show_error("Invalid IP address. Must be standard dotted decimal (hostnames not allowed)");
        $ip = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ip"]);
    } else {
        $ip = getip();
    $ip = mysql_real_escape_string($ip);
    $agent = mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
    $remotedns = gethostbyaddr($ip);
    if (isset($_GET["ip"])) {
        $nuIP = $_GET["ip"];
    } else {
        $nuIP = "";
    if ($remotedns == $nuIP) {
        $remotedns = "AA";
    } else {
        $remotedns = strtoupper($remotedns);
        preg_match('/^(.+)\\.([A-Z]{2,3})$/', $remotedns, $tldm);
        if (!empty($tldm[2])) {
            $remotedns = mysql_real_escape_string($tldm[2]);
        } else {
            $remotedns = "AA";
    if ($left == 0) {
        $status = "seeder";
    } else {
        $status = "leecher";
    if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port)) {
        $nat = "Y";
    } else {
        $nat = "N";
    $compact = mysql_real_escape_string(str_pad(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port), 6));
    $peerid = mysql_real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $no_peerid = mysql_real_escape_string('2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $results = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET infohash=\"{$info_hash}\", peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\", port=\"{$port}\", ip=\"{$ip}\", lastupdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes=\"{$left}\", status=\"{$status}\", natuser=\"{$nat}\", client=\"{$agent}\", dns=\"{$remotedns}\", downloaded={$downloaded}, uploaded={$uploaded}, pid=\"{$upid}\"");
    // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
    if (!$results) {
        if (mysql_errno() == 1062) {
            // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
            $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
            if ($ip == $peer["ip"]) {
                // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
                return "WHERE natuser='******'";
            // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
            quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET ip=\"{$ip}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\"  AND infohash=\"{$info_hash}\"");
            return "WHERE natuser='******'";
        error_log("BtiTracker: start: " . mysql_error());
        show_error("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
    $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = mysql_insert_id();
    @mysql_query("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET sequence=\"" . $GLOBALS["trackerid"] . "\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\" AND infohash=\"{$info_hash}\"");
    if ($left == 0) {
        summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
        return "WHERE status=\"leecher\" AND natuser='******'";
    } else {
        summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
        return "WHERE natuser='******'";
Ejemplo n.º 5
function start($info_hash, $ip, $port, $peer_id, $left, $downloaded = 0, $uploaded = 0, $upid = "")
    if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && $GLOBALS["ip_override"]) {
        // compact check: valid IP address:
        if ($_GET["ip"] != long2ip(ip2long($_GET["ip"]))) {
            show_error("Invalid IP address. Must be standard dotted decimal (hostnames not allowed)");
        $ip = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $_GET["ip"]);
    } else {
        $ip = getip();
    $ip = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $ip);
    $agent = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
    $remotedns = gethostbyaddr($ip);
    if (isset($_GET["ip"])) {
        $nuIP = $_GET["ip"];
    } else {
        $nuIP = "";
    if ($remotedns == $nuIP) {
        $remotedns = "AA";
    } else {
        $remotedns = strtoupper($remotedns);
        preg_match('/^(.+)\\.([A-Z]{2,3})$/', $remotedns, $tldm);
        if (!empty($tldm[2])) {
            $remotedns = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, $tldm[2]);
        } else {
            $remotedns = "AA";
    if ($left == 0) {
        $status = "seeder";
    } else {
        $status = "leecher";
    if (@isFireWalled($info_hash, $peer_id, $ip, $port)) {
        $nat = "Y";
    } else {
        $nat = "N";
    $compact = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, str_pad(pack('Nn', ip2long($ip), $port), 6));
    $peerid = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, '2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . '7:peer id20:' . hex2bin($peer_id) . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $no_peerid = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBDT, '2:ip' . strlen($ip) . ':' . $ip . "4:porti{$port}e");
    $results = @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET infohash=\"{$info_hash}\", peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\", port=\"{$port}\", ip=\"{$ip}\", lastupdate=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), bytes=\"{$left}\", status=\"{$status}\", natuser=\"{$nat}\", client=\"{$agent}\", dns=\"{$remotedns}\", downloaded={$downloaded}, uploaded={$uploaded}, pid=\"{$upid}\"");
    // max torrents per usergroup
    $getlevel = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id_level,id,username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE pid='{$upid}' AND id > 1 LIMIT 1");
    $level = mysqli_fetch_row($getlevel);
    $getmax = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT maxtorrents FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level WHERE id='{$level['0']}'");
    $az = mysqli_fetch_row($getmax);
    $allowedtorrents = $az[0];
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers WHERE pid='{$upid}'") or show_error("Tracker error 051");
    $row = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
    $activetorrents = $row[0];
    if ($activetorrents > $allowedtorrents) {
        show_error("Sorry, " . $allowedtorrents . " active torrents are all that you get !");
    // vip torrent
    global $btit_settings;
    $resvp = do_sqlquery("SELECT vip_torrent FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}files WHERE info_hash='{$info_hash}'");
    $rowvp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resvp);
    $getlevelvp = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id_level FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE pid='{$upid}'");
    $levelvp = mysqli_fetch_assoc($getlevelvp);
    if ($btit_settings["vip_one"] == false) {
        if ($rowvp["vip_torrent"] == 1 and $levelvp["id_level"] < $btit_settings["vip_get"]) {
            show_error("VIP only torrent");
    if ($btit_settings["vip_one"] == true) {
        if ($rowvp["vip_torrent"] == 1 and $levelvp["id_level"] != $btit_settings["vip_get_one"]) {
            show_error("VIP only torrent");
    // vip torrent end
    // Special case: duplicated peer_id.
    if (!$results) {
        if ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_errno($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_errno()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)) == 1062) {
            // Duplicate peer_id! Check IP address
            $peer = getPeerInfo($peer_id, $info_hash);
            if ($ip == $peer["ip"]) {
                // Same IP address. Tolerate this error.
                return "WHERE natuser='******'";
            // Different IP address. Assume they were disconnected, and alter the IP address.
            quickQuery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET ip=\"{$ip}\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\"  AND infohash=\"{$info_hash}\"");
            return "WHERE natuser='******'";
        error_log("BtiTracker: start: " . (is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)));
        show_error("Tracker/database error. The details are in the error log.");
    $GLOBALS["trackerid"] = is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? false : $___mysqli_res;
    if ($GLOBALS["NAT"]) {
        $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT `id` FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` WHERE " . ($PRIVATE_ANNOUNCE ? "`pid`='{$upid}'" : "`cip`='{$ip}'"));
        $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
        @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}users` SET `connectable`='" . ($nat == "Y" ? "no" : "yes") . "' WHERE `id`=" . $row["id"]);
    @mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}peers SET sequence=\"" . $GLOBALS["trackerid"] . "\", compact=\"{$compact}\", with_peerid=\"{$peerid}\", without_peerid=\"{$no_peerid}\" WHERE peer_id=\"{$peer_id}\" AND infohash=\"{$info_hash}\"");
    if ($left == 0) {
        summaryAdd("seeds", 1);
        return "WHERE status=\"leecher\" AND natuser='******'";
    } else {
        summaryAdd("leechers", 1);
        return "WHERE natuser='******'";