<?php $mouseFollowFacesLocation = '/includes/mouseFollowFaces/img/followMouse_faces'; $successFacesNames = array('tricia_mcfadden', 'chris_phelan', 'chris_savage'); $isIe = false; $isChrome = false; $isChromeFrame = false; $isFirefox = false; include 'funcs.php'; /* BROWSER DETECTION */ if (isIe()) { $isIe = true; } else { if (isChrome()) { $isChrome = true; } else { if (isChromeFrame()) { $isChromeFrame = true; } else { if (isFirefox()) { $isFirefox = true; } } } } $ieVersion = ieVersion(); if ($isIe && !$isChromeFrame) { /* COMPILE LESS TO CSS IF LESS FILE HAS BEEN UPDATED */ include '/includes/lessphp/lessc.inc.php'; lessc::ccompile('/styles/x.less', '/styles/x.css'); lessc::ccompile('/styles/googleChromeFrame.less', '/styles/googleChromeFrame.css');
function canStreamNative() { // Chrome can display the stream, but then it blocks everything else (Chrome bug 5876) return( ZM_WEB_CAN_STREAM == "yes" || ( ZM_WEB_CAN_STREAM == "auto" && (!isInternetExplorer() && !isChrome()) ) ); }
/** */ protected function _completeTemplateVars($_params) { global $PIVOTX; $pivotx_url = $PIVOTX['paths']['pivotx_url']; $params = $_params; if (!isset($params['max_file_size'])) { $ini_size = strtolower(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if (strpos('kmg', substr($ini_size, -1)) !== false) { $ini_size .= 'b'; // add a "b" to get kb/mb/gb $ini_unit = substr($ini_size, -1) . 'b'; } if (is_numeric($ini_size)) { $ini_size = floor($ini_size / 1024) . 'kb'; $ini_unit = 'kb'; } // get config option and compare to server value $upl_size = getDefault($PIVOTX['config']->get('upload_max_filesize'), -1); if ($upl_size > 0) { if ($ini_unit == 'gb') { $upl_size = floor($upl_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) . 'gb'; } else { if ($ini_unit == 'mb') { $upl_size = floor($upl_size / 1024 / 1024) . 'mb'; } else { $upl_size = floor($upl_size / 1024) . 'kb'; } } if (substr($upl_size, 0, -2) < substr($ini_size, 0, -2)) { $ini_size = $upl_size; } } $params['max_file_size'] = $ini_size; } if (!isset($params['url'])) { $params['url'] = $pivotx_url . 'fileupload.php'; } if (!isset($params['jsdir'])) { $params['jsdir'] = $pivotx_url . 'includes/js/plupload'; } if (!isset($params['filters'])) { $params['filters'] = array(); /* No filters for any file upload $params['filters'] = array( array ( 'title'=>'Images files', 'extensions'=>'jpg,jpeg,gif,png' ), array ( 'title'=>'Archive files', 'extensions'=>'zip,tgz,gz,bz2,dmg,7z,sit,iso' ), array ( 'title'=>'Document files', 'extensions'=>'doc,docx,rtf,pdf,txt' ), array ( 'title'=>'Office files', 'extensions'=>'doc,xls,csv' ), array ( 'title'=>'Text files', 'extensions'=>'txt' ), ); */ } if (!isset($params['progress_selector'])) { $params['progress_selector'] = '#plupload-progress'; } if (!isset($params['runtimes'])) { $params['runtimes'] = trim($PIVOTX['config']->get('plupload_runtimes')); if ($params['runtimes'] == '') { if (isChrome()) { $params['runtimes'] = 'html5,flash,silverlight,gears,browserplus'; } else { $params['runtimes'] = 'flash,html5,silverlight,gears,browserplus'; } } } debug("Plupload runtime order: " . $params['runtimes']); $params['upload_var'] = 'uploader' . rand(10000, 99999); $params['sessionid'] = session_id(); $params['paths'] = $PIVOTX['paths']; return $params; }