Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Execute one or multiple migrations.
 public function perform()
     if (!$this->migrator()->isConfigured()) {
         if ($this->option('quiet')) {
             $this->writeln("<comment>Migrator does not configured, skipping.</comment>");
         } else {
             $this->writeln("<fg=red>Migrator does not configured, unable to proceed.</fg=red`>");
     if (!$this->verifyEnvironment()) {
         //Making sure we can safely migrate in this environment
     $found = false;
     $count = $this->option('one') ? 1 : PHP_INT_MAX;
     while ($count > 0 && ($migration = $this->migrator()->run())) {
         $found = true;
         $this->writeln(interpolate("<info>Migration <comment>{name}</comment> was successfully executed.</info>", ['name' => $migration->getStatus()->getName()]));
     if (!$found) {
         $this->writeln("<fg=yellow>No outstanding migrations were found.</fg=yellow>");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static function makeGradient($start, $end, $steps)
     $theColorBegin = hexdec($start);
     $theColorEnd = hexdec($end);
     $theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
     $theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff00) >> 8;
     $theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff) >> 0;
     $theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
     $theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff00) >> 8;
     $theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff) >> 0;
     function interpolate($pBegin, $pEnd, $pStep, $pMax)
         if ($pBegin < $pEnd) {
             return ($pEnd - $pBegin) * ($pStep / $pMax) + $pBegin;
         } else {
             return ($pBegin - $pEnd) * (1 - $pStep / $pMax) + $pEnd;
     $grad = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $steps; $i++) {
         $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $i, $steps);
         $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $i, $steps);
         $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $i, $steps);
         $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
         $grad[] = sprintf("#%06X", $theVal);
     return $grad;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function save_log($action, $array = [])
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $log = ['action' => interpolate($action, $array), 'ip' => $CI->input->ip_address()];
Ejemplo n.º 4
function gradient(&$colorindex, $pos, $theColorBegin, $theColorEnd, $theNumSteps)
    //just check function so that the values are not less
    $theColorBegin = $theColorBegin >= 0x0 && $theColorBegin <= 0xffffff ? $theColorBegin : 0x0;
    $theColorEnd = $theColorEnd >= 0x0 && $theColorEnd <= 0xffffff ? $theColorEnd : 0xffffff;
    $theNumSteps = $theNumSteps > 0 && $theNumSteps < 256 ? $theNumSteps : 256;
    $theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff) >> 0;
    $theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff) >> 0;
    // generate gradient swathe now
    //echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='8' style='border-collapse:collapse'>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $theNumSteps; $i++) {
        $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $i, $theNumSteps);
        $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $i, $theNumSteps);
        $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $i, $theNumSteps);
        $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
        $theTDTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X'>", $theVal);
        $theTDARTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X' align='right'>", $theVal);
        $temp = dechex($theVal);
        while (strlen($temp) < 6) {
            $temp = '0' . $temp;
        $colorindex[$i + $pos] = $temp;
        $theFC0Tag = "<font color='#000000'>";
        $theFC1Tag = "<font color='#ffffff'>";
        //printf("<tr>$theTDTag$theFC0Tag%d</font></td>$theTDTag$theFC0Tag%d%%</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC0Tag%d</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC0Tag%06X</font></td>", $i, ($i/$theNumSteps) * 100, $theVal, $theVal);
        //printf("$theTDTag$theFC1Tag%06X</font></td>$theTDTag$theFC1Tag%d</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC1Tag%d%%</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC1Tag%d</font></td></tr>\n", $theVal, $theVal, ($i/$theNumSteps) * 100, $i);
    //echo "</table>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function getLinearPosition($p, $i, $points)
     $angleBetweenPoints = 2 * M_PI / count($points);
     $fraction = $i / $this->segments;
     $startAngle = $p * $angleBetweenPoints;
     $endAngle = ($p + 1) * $angleBetweenPoints;
     $startPositionX = sin($startAngle) * $points[$p];
     $startPositionY = -cos($startAngle) * $points[$p];
     $endPositionX = sin($endAngle) * $points[$p + 1];
     $endPositionY = -cos($endAngle) * $points[($p + 1) % count($points)];
     return [interpolate($fraction, $startPositionX, $endPositionX), interpolate($fraction, $startPositionY, $endPositionY)];
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param InspectionsConfig $config
  * @param ODM               $odm
  * @param ORM               $orm
 public function perform(InspectionsConfig $config, ODM $odm, ORM $orm)
     $inspector = $this->createInspector($config, $odm, $orm);
     if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
         $table = $this->tableHelper(['Entity', 'Rank', 'Fields', 'Fillable', 'Validated']);
         foreach ($inspector->getInspections() as $inspection) {
             $table->addRow([$inspection->getName(), $this->describeRank($inspection->getRank()), $inspection->countFields(), $inspection->countFillable(), $inspection->countValidated()]);
     $this->writeln(interpolate("Inspected entities <fg=yellow>{count}</fg=yellow>, average rank {level} ({rank}).", ['count' => number_format($inspector->countInspections()), 'level' => $this->describeRank($inspector->getRank()), 'rank' => number_format($inspector->getRank(), 2)]));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Execute one or multiple migrations.
 public function perform()
     if (!$this->verifyConfigured() || !$this->verifyEnvironment()) {
     $found = false;
     $count = $this->option('one') ? 1 : PHP_INT_MAX;
     while ($count > 0 && ($migration = $this->migrator->run())) {
         $found = true;
         $this->writeln(interpolate("<info>Migration <comment>{name}</comment> was successfully executed.</info>", ['name' => $migration->getMeta()->getName()]));
     if (!$found) {
         $this->writeln("<fg=red>No outstanding migrations were found.</fg=red>");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Perform command.
 public function perform()
     if (!$this->verifyEnvironment()) {
         //Making sure we can safely migrate in this environment
     $found = false;
     $count = !$this->option('all') ? 1 : PHP_INT_MAX;
     while ($count > 0 && ($migration = $this->migrator()->rollback())) {
         $found = true;
         $this->writeln(interpolate("<info>Migration <comment>{name}</comment> was successfully rolled back.</info>", ['name' => $migration->getStatus()->getName()]));
     if (!$found) {
         $this->writeln("<fg=red>No executed migrations were found.</fg=red>");
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Check if current environment is safe to run migration.
  * @return bool
 protected function verifyEnvironment()
     if ($this->option('safe')) {
         //Safe to run
         return true;
     if (in_array($this->core->environment(), $this->migrator()->config()['environments'])) {
         //Safe to run
         return true;
     $this->writeln(interpolate("<fg=red>Application environment '{environment}' does not allowed to run migrations.</fg=red>", ['environment' => $this->core->environment()]));
     if (!$this->ask()->confirm("Do you wish to continue?")) {
         $this->writeln("<comment>Cancelling operation.</comment>");
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @param number $factor
  * @return string
 public function color($factor)
     $factor = max(0.0, min(1.0, $factor));
     $color1 = $color2 = $this->gradient['0.0'];
     $f1 = 0;
     foreach ($this->gradient as $f => $color) {
         if ($factor <= $f) {
             $color2 = $color;
             if ($f1 != $f) {
                 $factor = ($factor - $f1) / ($f - $f1);
             } else {
                 $factor = $f;
         $color1 = $color;
         $f1 = $f;
     return hex2str(interpolate($color1, $color2, $factor));
Ejemplo n.º 11
function color_pie_chart($ret)
    $theColorBegin = hexdec('BC2800');
    $theColorEnd = hexdec('D8D0D0');
    $theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff) >> 0;
    $theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff) >> 0;
    $ix = 0;
    $theNumSteps = count($ret);
    foreach ($ret as $ret_k => $ret_v) {
        $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $ix, $theNumSteps);
        $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $ix, $theNumSteps);
        $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $ix, $theNumSteps);
        $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
        $theVal = sprintf("#%06X", $theVal);
        $ret[$ret_k]['color'] = $theVal;
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
foreach (array_reverse($stacktrace) as $index => $trace) {
    if (empty($trace['file']) && isset($stacktrace[$index - 1]['file'])) {
        $trace['file'] = $stacktrace[$index - 1]['file'];
        $trace['line'] = $stacktrace[$index - 1]['line'];
    if (!isset($stacktrace[$index + 1])) {
        $trace['file'] = $exception->getFile();
        $trace['line'] = $exception->getLine();
    if (!isset($trace['function']) || !isset($trace['file'])) {
    $function = '<strong>' . $trace['function'] . '</strong>';
    if (isset($trace['type']) && isset($trace['class'])) {
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($trace['class']);
        $function = interpolate("<span title=\"{title}\">{class}</span>{type}{function}", ['title' => $reflection->getName(), 'class' => $reflection->getShortName(), 'type' => $trace['type'], 'function' => $function]);
    $arguments = [];
    if (isset($trace['args'])) {
        $arguments = $argumenter($trace['args']);
                    <div class="call">
                        <div class="function">
    echo $function;
(<span class="arguments"><?php 
    echo join(', ', $arguments);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * @param \Throwable $exception
  * @return string
 public static function createMessage($exception)
     return interpolate('{exception}: {message} in {file} at line {line}', ['exception' => get_class($exception), 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'file' => $exception->getFile(), 'line' => $exception->getLine()]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
foreach ($polygons as $index => $item) {
    $item['start'] = $item['colors'][0];
    $item['index'] = $index;
    $item['animate'] = '';
    if (count($item['colors']) > 1) {
        $item['colors'][] = $item['colors'][0];
        $item['colors'] = implode('; ', $item['colors']);
        $item['begin'] = rand(0, 2);
        $item['dur'] = rand(3, 6);
        $item['animate'] = interpolate($animateTemplate, $item);
    $templateData['polygons'][] = interpolate($polyTemplate, $item);
$templateData['polygons'] = implode("\n", $templateData['polygons']);
$svg = file_get_contents('template.svg');
$svg = interpolate($svg, $templateData);
file_put_contents('test.svg', $svg);
* Interpolates context values into the message placeholders.
function interpolate($message, array $context = array())
    // build a replacement array with braces around the context keys
    $replace = array();
    foreach ($context as $key => $val) {
        $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val;
    // interpolate replacement values into the message and return
    return strtr($message, $replace);
function hexPoints($start)
Ejemplo n.º 15
function getSeverity($value, $steps, $startHex, $endHex)
    $x = round($value);
    $start = hexdec($startHex);
    $end = hexdec($endHex);
    if ($x >= $steps) {
        $x = $steps;
    $theR0 = ($start & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG0 = ($start & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB0 = ($start & 0xff) >> 0;
    $theR1 = ($end & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG1 = ($end & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB1 = ($end & 0xff) >> 0;
    $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $x, $steps);
    $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $x, $steps);
    $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $x, $steps);
    $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
    $result = sprintf("#%06X", $theVal);
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: qt.php Proyecto: rdmpage/afd
function draw($j)
    global $config;
    $quantum = 75;
    $spacing = 10;
    $half_spacing = $spacing / 2;
    $aspect_ratio = 0.8;
    $cell_w = $quantum * $aspect_ratio + $spacing;
    $cell_h = $quantum + $spacing;
    echo '<div style="top:' . $half_spacing . 'px;left:' . $half_spacing . 'px;position:absolute;">';
    // Use a colour gradient to colour cells
    $theColorBegin = 0xdddddd;
    $theColorEnd = 0x0;
    $theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff) >> 0;
    $theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    $theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff00) >> 8;
    $theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff) >> 0;
    $n = count($j->sizes);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        $num_rows = ceil($j->sizes[$i] / $j->rects[$i]->w);
        // Background colour
        $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $i, $n);
        $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $i, $n);
        $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $i, $n);
        $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
        $colour = sprintf("background-color: #%06X; ", $theVal);
        // Cell holding quanta
        echo '<div style="position:absolute;' . 'left:' . $j->rects[$i]->x * $cell_w . 'px;' . 'top:' . $j->rects[$i]->y * $cell_h . 'px;' . 'width:' . $j->rects[$i]->w * $cell_w . 'px;' . 'height:' . $j->rects[$i]->h * $cell_h . 'px;' . 'background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, from(#CCDEFD), to(#FFFFFF));' . 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(-45deg, #aaa, #fff);' . 'filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr=\'#aaaaaa\', EndColorStr=\'#ffffff\');' . '">';
        // Draw individual quanta
        $k = 0;
        $row = 0;
        $col = 0;
        while ($k < $j->sizes[$i]) {
            echo '<div style="position:absolute;' . 'left:' . ($col * $cell_w + $half_spacing) . 'px;' . 'top:' . ($row * $cell_h + $half_spacing) . 'px;' . 'width:' . $quantum * $aspect_ratio . 'px;' . 'height:' . $quantum . 'px;' . 'overflow:hidden;' . 'line-height:' . $quantum . 'px;' . 'text-align:center;' . 'font-family:Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;font-size:10px;' . '"' . '>';
            if (isset($j->rects[$i]->ids)) {
                echo '<a href="id/' . $j->rects[$i]->ids[$k] . '">';
                echo '<img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="' . $config['web_server'] . $config['web_root'] . 'thumbnail.php?id=' . $j->rects[$i]->ids[$k] . '" height="' . $cell_h . '" border="0" />';
                echo '</a>';
            echo '</div>';
            if ($col == $j->rects[$i]->w) {
                $col = 0;
        // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3793204/click-through-div-with-an-alpha-channel
        // pointer-events:none;
        echo '<div style="pointer-events:none;position:absolute;z-index:10;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial;overflow:hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;opacity:0.6;' . 'width:' . $j->rects[$i]->w * $cell_w . 'px;' . '">' . $j->rects[$i]->label . '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function test_interpolate()
     $a = array('x' => 'test', 'y' => "foo'bar", 'z' => 'jan";fu');
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('', $a) == '');
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('x', $a) == 'x');
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('$x', $a) == $a['x']);
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('$y', $a) == $a['y']);
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('$z', $a) == $a['z']);
     $this->assertTrue(interpolate('"$z', $a) == '"' . $a['z']);
Ejemplo n.º 18

## Обработка плейсхолдеров
function interpolate($message, array $context = [])
    // Построение массива подстановки с фигурными скобками
    // вокруг значений ключей массива context.
    $replace = [];
    foreach ($context as $key => $val) {
        $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val;
    // Подстановка значений в сообщение и возврат результата.
    return strtr($message, $replace);
// Сообщение с плейсхолдером, имя которого обрамлено
// фигурными скобками.
$message = "User {username} created";
// Массив context с данными для замены плейсхолдера на
// итоговое значение.
$context = ['username' => 'bolivar'];
// Результат: "User bolivar created"
echo interpolate($message, $context);
Ejemplo n.º 19
$theNumSteps = $theNumSteps > 0 && $theNumSteps < 256 ? $theNumSteps : 16;
printf("<p>values are: (color begin: 0x%06X), (color end: 0x%06X), (number of steps: %d)</p>\n", $theColorBegin, $theColorEnd, $theNumSteps);
$theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
$theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff00) >> 8;
$theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff) >> 0;
$theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
$theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff00) >> 8;
$theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff) >> 0;
// return the interpolated value between pBegin and pEnd
function interpolate($pBegin, $pEnd, $pStep, $pMax)
    if ($pBegin < $pEnd) {
        return ($pEnd - $pBegin) * ($pStep / $pMax) + $pBegin;
    } else {
        return ($pBegin - $pEnd) * (1 - $pStep / $pMax) + $pEnd;
// generate gradient swathe now
echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='8' style='border-collapse:collapse'>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $theNumSteps; $i++) {
    $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $i, $theNumSteps);
    $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $i, $theNumSteps);
    $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $i, $theNumSteps);
    $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
    $theTDTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X'>", $theVal);
    $theTDARTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X' align='right'>", $theVal);
    $theFC0Tag = "<font color='#000000'>";
    $theFC1Tag = "<font color='#ffffff'>";
    printf("\"%06X\",<br/>", $theVal);
echo "</table>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 20
// the treemap appear below the treemap (rather than being obscured).
echo '<div style="color:white;font-family:Arial;position:relative;font-size:10px;height:' . $tm_height . 'px;margin-left:20px">';
$theNumSteps = count($items);
$count = 0;
foreach ($items as $i) {
    // Note that each treemap cell has position:absolute
    echo '<div id="div' . $i->id . '" class="cell" style="opacity:0.6;filter:alpha(opacity=60);position: absolute; overflow:hidden;text-align:center;';
    echo ' left:' . $i->bounds->x . 'px;';
    echo ' top:' . $i->bounds->y . 'px;';
    echo ' width:' . $i->bounds->w . 'px;';
    echo ' height:' . $i->bounds->h . 'px;';
    echo ' border:1px solid white;';
    // Background colour
    $theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $count, $theNumSteps);
    $theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $count, $theNumSteps);
    $theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $count, $theNumSteps);
    $theVal = ($theR << 8 | $theG) << 8 | $theB;
    printf("background-color: #%06X; ", $theVal);
    echo '" ';
    // Mouse activity
    echo ' onMouseOver="mouse_over(\'div' . $i->id . '\');" ';
    echo ' onMouseOut="mouse_out(\'div' . $i->id . '\');" ';
    // Link to drill down
    if (!$i->isLeaf) {
        echo ' onClick="document.location=\'?node=' . $i->id;
        if (!$show_text) {
            echo '&showtext=false';
        echo '\';" ';
    echo ' >';
Ejemplo n.º 21
                dur="{duration}s" /></polygon>
foreach ($points as $item) {
    $c = array_merge([], $colors);
    $c[] = $c[0];
    $values = ['start' => $c[0], 'colors' => implode('; ', $c), 'middle' => rand(4, 6), 'delay' => rand(0, 2), 'duration' => rand(3, 6)];
    $values['points'] = $item;
    while ($values['start'] == $values['end']) {
        $values['end'] = $colors[array_rand($colors)];
    echo interpolate($template, $values);
* Interpolates context values into the message placeholders.
function interpolate($message, array $context = array())
    // build a replacement array with braces around the context keys
    $replace = array();
    foreach ($context as $key => $val) {
        $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val;
    // interpolate replacement values into the message and return
    return strtr($message, $replace);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Render configuration file content with it's header and data (can be automatically merged with
  * original configuration). Config content will be merged based on merge rule.
  * @param mixed $original
  * @return string
  * @throw ConfigWriterException
  * @throws SerializeException
 protected function renderConfig($original = null)
     $config = $this->config;
     if (!empty($original)) {
         //Merging configs
         $config = $this->mergeConfigs($config, $original);
     return interpolate("{header}return {config};", ['header' => $this->header, 'config' => $this->serializer->serialize($config)]);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Prepares some rainbow colors for the nodes of the graph
  * and stores them in an array which may be accessed with
  * <code>getColor</code>.
 function createColors()
     $predefcolors = array(array('red' => 255, 'green' => 0, 'blue' => 0), array('red' => 255, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 0), array('red' => 0, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 0), array('red' => 0, 'green' => 255, 'blue' => 255), array('red' => 0, 'green' => 0, 'blue' => 255), array('red' => 100, 'green' => 100, 'blue' => 100));
     $steps = 2;
     $numberofcolors = count($predefcolors) * $steps;
     $promille = -1;
     foreach ($predefcolors as $color) {
         if ($promille < 0) {
             $oldcolor = $color;
             $promille = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++) {
             $this->ColorTab[++$promille / $numberofcolors * 1000] = array(floor(interpolate($oldcolor['red'], $color['red'], $i / $steps)), floor(interpolate($oldcolor['green'], $color['green'], $i / $steps)), floor(interpolate($oldcolor['blue'], $color['blue'], $i / $steps)));
         $oldcolor = $color;
     //echo"<pre>";  var_dump($this->ColorTab); echo "</pre>";
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * Text translation (I18n)
 * @param string $message
 * @param array $context
 * @return string
 * <code>
 * echo __('Hello');
 * echo __('There are {number} persons logged', array('number' => 7));
 * </code>
function __($message, array $context = array())
    $translator = \App\Container\AppContainer::getInstance()->translator;
    $message = $translator->trans($message);
    if (!empty($context)) {
        $message = interpolate($message, $context);
    return $message;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Parses the jsdoc comments into a markdown file.
 * @param {String} $filepath The relative path to the .js file.
 * @returns {String} The generated markdown.
function parse($filepath)
    $api = array();
    $openTag = "<!-- div -->";
    $closeTag = "<!-- /div -->";
    $result = array("# Benchmark.js API documentation", "");
    // load file and extract comment blocks
    $source = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "\n", file_get_contents($filepath));
    preg_match_all("#/\\*(?![-!])[\\s\\S]*?\\*/\\s*[^=\n;]+#", $source, $entries);
    $entries = array_pop($entries);
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        // parse flags
        $isCtor = strripos($entry, "@constructor") !== false;
        $isPrivate = strripos($entry, "@private") !== false;
        $isStatic = strripos($entry, "@static") !== false;
        // parse @member(s)
        preg_match("/@member ([^\n]+)/", $entry, $members);
        if ($members = array_pop($members)) {
            $members = preg_split("/,\\s*/", $members);
        if ($isCtor) {
            preg_match("#\\*/\\s*function ([^(]+)#", $entry, $name);
            $name = array_pop($name);
            if ($members) {
                $members = array($members[0] . '.' . $name);
            } else {
                $members = array($name);
        // skip private
        if ($isPrivate || !$members) {
        foreach ($members as $member) {
            // find line number
            preg_match_all("/\n/", substr($source, 0, strrpos($source, $entry) + strlen($entry)), $lines);
            $lines = array_pop($lines);
            $ln = count($lines) + 1;
            // parse #{call}
            preg_match("@\\*/\\s*(?:function ([^(]*)|(?:" . $member . "\\.)?([^:=,]*))@", $entry, $call);
            if ($call = array_pop($call)) {
                $call = trim(trim($call), "'");
            // parse #{name}
            preg_match("/@name ([^\n]+)/", $entry, $name);
            if (!($name = array_pop($name))) {
                $name = $call;
            // set isStatic in cases where it isn't explicitly stated
            $oldStatic = $isStatic;
            if (!$isStatic && !$isCtor && preg_match("/[#.]/", $member)) {
                $parentMember = preg_replace("/[#.][^#.]+\$/", "", $member);
                $parentAPI = $api[$parentMember]["plugin"];
                $ownMember = substr($member, strlen($parentMember) + 1);
                // if ownMember exits on its parent then its not a constructor and has static properties
                foreach ($parentAPI as $parentEntry) {
                    if ($parentEntry["name"] == $ownMember) {
                        $isStatic = true;
            // parse #{type}
            preg_match("/@type ([^\n]+)/", $entry, $type);
            $type = array_pop($type);
            $type = $type ? $type : "Function";
            // parse #{desc}
            preg_match("#/\\*\\*([^@]+)#", $entry, $desc);
            if ($desc = array_pop($desc)) {
                $desc = preg_replace("/\n\\s*\\*\\s*/", "\n", $desc);
                $desc = ($type == "Function" ? "" : "(" . $type . "): ") . trim($desc);
            // parse @example
            preg_match("#@example([\\s\\S]*)?(?=\\*\\s\\@[a-z]|\\*/)#", $entry, $example);
            if ($example = array_pop($example)) {
                $example = "    " . trim(preg_replace("/\n\\s*\\* ?/", "\n    ", $example));
            // parse @param
            preg_match_all("/@param \\{([^}]+)\\} (\\[[^]]+\\]|\\w+) ([^\n]+)/", $entry, $args);
            $args = array_filter($args);
            if (count($args)) {
                // compile "call"
                $call = array($call);
                // compile "args"
                foreach ($args as $arr) {
                    foreach ($arr as $index => $value) {
                        if (!is_array($args[0][$index])) {
                            $args[0][$index] = array();
                        if (count($args[0][$index]) == 1) {
                            $call[] = $value;
                        $args[0][$index][] = $value;
                // format "call"
                $call = array_shift($call) . "(" . implode($call, ", ") . ")";
                $call = str_replace(", [", " [, ", str_replace("], [", ", ", $call));
                // flatten "args"
                array_splice($args, 1);
                $args = array_pop($args);
            // parse @returns
            preg_match("/@returns \\{([^}]+)\\} ([^*]+)/", $entry, $returns);
            if (count($returns)) {
                $returns = array_map("trim", $returns);
            // define #{separator}
            if ($isCtor) {
                $separator = "";
            } else {
                $separator = !$isStatic && strpos($member, "#") === false ? "#" : ".";
            // define #{hash}
            $hash = str_replace("#", ":", $member) . ($isCtor ? "" : ($isStatic ? "." : ":") . $name);
            // define #{link}
            $link = "https://github.com/mathiasbynens/benchmark.js/blob/master/benchmark.js#L" . $ln;
            // create entry
            $item = array("args" => $args, "call" => $call, "desc" => $desc, "example" => $example, "hash" => $hash, "link" => $link, "ln" => $ln, "name" => $name, "member" => $member, "separator" => $separator, "returns" => $returns, "type" => $type);
            // create api category arrays
            if (!isset($api[$member]["ctor"])) {
                $api[$member]["ctor"] = array();
            if (!isset($api[$member]["static"])) {
                $api[$member]["static"] = array();
            if (!isset($api[$member]["plugin"])) {
                $api[$member]["plugin"] = array();
            // append entry to api category
            if ($isCtor) {
                $api[$member]["ctor"] = array($item);
            } else {
                if ($isStatic) {
                    $api[$member]["static"][] = $item;
                } else {
                    $api[$member]["plugin"][] = $item;
            // reset isStatic
            $isStatic = $oldStatic;
    // sort classes
    foreach ($api as &$object) {
        // make "plugin" the last type key
        $object["temp"] = $object["plugin"];
        $object["plugin"] = $object["temp"];
        // sort entries
        foreach ($object as &$entries) {
            $sortByA = array();
            $sortByB = array();
            $sortByC = array();
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                // functions w/o ALL-CAPs names are last
                $sortByA[] = $entry["type"] == "Function" && !preg_match("/^[A-Z_]+\$/", $entry["name"]) ? 1 : 0;
                // ALL-CAPs properties first
                $sortByB[] = preg_match("/^[A-Z_]+\$/", $entry["name"]);
                // alphanumerically
                $sortByC[] = $entry["name"];
            array_multisort($sortByA, SORT_ASC, $sortByB, SORT_DESC, $sortByC, SORT_ASC, $entries);
    // move object entries into the top of their own api category
    foreach ($api as $member => &$object) {
        if (preg_match("/[#.]/", $member)) {
            $parentMember = preg_replace("/[#.][^#.]+\$/", "", $member);
            $parentType = substr(substr($member, strlen($parentMember)), 0, 1) == "#" ? "plugin" : "static";
            $parentAPI =& $api[$parentMember];
            $ownMember = substr($member, strlen($parentMember) + 1);
            foreach ($parentAPI[$parentType] as $index => $parentEntry) {
                if ($parentEntry["name"] == $ownMember) {
                    array_unshift($object["static"], $parentEntry);
        unset($object, $parentAPI);
    // compile TOC
    $started = false;
    $result[] = $openTag;
    foreach ($api as $member => $object) {
        foreach ($object as $type => $entries) {
            if (count($entries)) {
                if ($type == "ctor") {
                    if ($started) {
                        $result[] = $closeTag;
                    $started = true;
                    array_push($result, $openTag, "## `" . $member . "`", interpolate("* [`#{member}`](##{hash})", $entries[0]));
                } else {
                    if ($type == "plugin") {
                        if ($started) {
                            $result[] = $closeTag;
                        $started = true;
                        array_push($result, $openTag, "## `" . $member . ".prototype`");
                    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                        $result[] = interpolate("* [`#{member}#{separator}#{name}`](##{hash})", $entry);
    array_push($result, $closeTag, $closeTag, "", "");
    // compile content
    $started = false;
    $result[] = $openTag;
    foreach ($api as $member => $object) {
        foreach ($object as $type => $entries) {
            // title
            if (count($entries)) {
                if ($type == "ctor") {
                    if ($started) {
                        array_push($result, $closeTag, "", "");
                    $started = true;
                    array_push($result, $openTag, "## `" . $member . "`");
                } else {
                    if ($type == "plugin") {
                        if ($started) {
                            array_push($result, $closeTag, "", "");
                        $started = true;
                        array_push($result, $openTag, "## `" . $member . ".prototype`");
            // body
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                array_push($result, $openTag);
                // description
                if ($entry["name"]) {
                    if ($type == "ctor") {
                        // clip "call"
                        $entry["call"] = substr($entry["call"], strpos($entry["call"], "("));
                        $result[] = interpolate("### <a id=\"#{hash}\" href=\"#{link}\" title=\"View in source\">`" . "#{member}#{call}`</a>\n#{desc}\n[&#9650;][1]", $entry);
                    } else {
                        $result[] = interpolate("### <a id=\"#{hash}\" href=\"#{link}\" title=\"View in source\">`" . "#{member}#{separator}#{call}`</a>\n#{desc}\n[&#9650;][1]", $entry);
                // @param
                if (count($entry["args"])) {
                    array_push($result, "", "#### Arguments");
                    foreach ($entry["args"] as $index => $arr) {
                        $result[] = interpolate("#{num}. `#{name}` (#{type}): #{desc}", array("desc" => $arr[2], "name" => $arr[1], "num" => $index + 1, "type" => $arr[0]));
                // @returns
                if (count($entry["returns"])) {
                    array_push($result, "", "#### Returns", interpolate("(#{type}): #{desc}", array("desc" => $entry["returns"][1], "type" => $entry["returns"][0])));
                // @example
                if ($entry["example"]) {
                    array_push($result, "", "#### Example", $entry["example"]);
                array_push($result, $closeTag, "");
    // close tags add TOC link reference
    array_push($result, $closeTag, $closeTag, "", "  [1]: #readme \"Jump back to the TOC.\"");
    // cleanup whitespace
    return trim(preg_replace("/ +\n/", "\n", join($result, "\n")));