function faq_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'faq'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'faq'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_ARTICLES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_faq\n\t\t\tWHERE starttime!=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_FAQ', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'faq'); }
function content_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'content'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'content'); if (in_template(array('COUNT', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_content\n\t\t\tWHERE active=1\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'content'); }
$tabledata[$i]['CATICON'] = $catinfo[$res['catid']]['icon']; //Produkt $tabledata[$i]['PRODUCT_ID'] = $res['prodid']; //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['videos']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('videos', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('videos.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'videos,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('VIDEO.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'VIDEO.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'VIDEO.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } //Bewertungen if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['videos']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php'; if (!isset($rate)) { $rate = new ratings('videos', $res['id']); } else { $rate->mid = $res['id']; } $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display(); $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
function downloads_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'downloads'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'downloads'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATEGORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_downloads_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATEGORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_DOWNLOADS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_downloads\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_DOWNLOADS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'downloads'); }
if (in_array('PRODUCT.RELEASE', $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['RELEASE'] = $releaseinfo[$res['id']]; } //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['products']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('products', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('products.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'products,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('PRODUCT.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'PRODUCT.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'PRODUCT.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } //Bewertungen if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['products']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php'; if (!isset($rate)) { $rate = new ratings('products', $res['id']); } else { $rate->mid = $res['id']; } $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display(); $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
function forum_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'forum'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'forum'); if (in_array('COUNT_POSTS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(postid) FROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts WHERE del=0"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_POSTS', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_THREADS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(threadid), avg(views) FROM " . PRE . "_forum_threads\n\t\t\tWHERE del=0 AND moved=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_THREADS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'forum'); }
//Tags $tabledata[$i]['TAG'] = $tagdata; $tabledata[$i]['TAG_IDS'] = $tagids; $tabledata[$i]['KEYWORDS'] = $keywords; //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['gallery']['galcoms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('galleryself', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('gallery.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'gallery,list' . $res['id'] . ',1' . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('GALLERY.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'GALLERY.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'GALLERY.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } $laststamp = date('Y/m/d', $res['starttime'] - TIMEDIFF); } } $apx->tmpl->assign('GALLERY', $tabledata); $apx->tmpl->parse('index'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require 'lib/_end.php'; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SCRIPT BEENDEN /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_TITLE'] = $galinfo['title']; $tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_LINK'] = mklink('gallery.php?id=' . $galinfo['id'], 'gallery,list' . $galinfo['id'] . ',1' . urlformat($galinfo['title']) . '.html'); } //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['downloads']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('downloads', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('downloads.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'downloads,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('DOWNLOAD.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'DOWNLOAD.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'DOWNLOAD.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } //Bewertungen if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['downloads']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php'; if (!isset($rate)) { $rate = new ratings('downloads', $res['id']); } else { $rate->mid = $res['id']; } $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display(); $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
$tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_TITLE'] = $galinfo['title']; $tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_LINK'] = mklink('gallery.php?id=' . $galinfo['id'], 'gallery,list' . $galinfo['id'] . ',1' . urlformat($galinfo['title']) . '.html'); } //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['articles']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('articles', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink($link2file . '.php?id=' . $res['id'], $link2file . ',id' . $res['id'] . ',1' . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('ARTICLE.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'ARTICLE.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'ARTICLE.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } //Bewertungen if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['articles']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php'; if (!isset($rate)) { $rate = new ratings('articles', $res['id']); } else { $rate->mid = $res['id']; } $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display(); $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
$tabledata[$i]['TAG'] = $tagdata; $tabledata[$i]['TAG_IDS'] = $tagids; $tabledata[$i]['KEYWORDS'] = $keywords; //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['glossar']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('glossar', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('glossar.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'glossar,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('INDEX.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'INDEX.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'INDEX.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } //Bewertungen if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['glossar']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php'; if (!isset($rate)) { $rate = new ratings('glossar', $res['id']); } else { $rate->mid = $res['id']; } $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display(); $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
function user_blogs_last($count = 5, $start = 0, $friendsonly = false, $userid = 0, $template = 'lastblogs') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $count = (int) $count; $start = (int) $start; $userid = (int) $userid; //Verwendete Variablen auslesen $parse = $apx->tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'user'); //Nach Freunde filtern $friendfilter = ''; if ($friendsonly) { $friends = $user->get_buddies(); $friends[] = -1; $friendfilter = " AND userid IN (" . implode(',', $friends) . ") "; } //Nach Benutzer filtern $userfilter = ''; if ($userid) { $userfilter = " AND userid='" . $userid . "'"; } $data = $db->fetch("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_user_blog WHERE 1 " . $userfilter . $friendfilter . " ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count); if (count($data)) { //Benutzer-Infos auslesen $userdata = array(); if (in_template(array('BLOG.USERNAME', 'BLOG.REALNAME', 'BLOG.AVATAR', 'BLOG.AVATER_TITLE'), $parse)) { $userids = get_ids($data, 'userid'); $userdata = $user->get_info_multi($userids, 'username,realname,avatar,avatar_title'); } //Blogs auflisten $tabledata = array(); foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $link = mklink('user.php?action=blog&id=' . $res['userid'] . '&blogid=' . $res['id'], 'user,blog,' . $res['userid'] . ',id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); //Text $text = ''; if (in_array('BLOG.TEXT', $parse)) { $text = $res['text']; $text = badwords($text); $text = replace($text, 1); $text = dbsmilies($text); $text = dbcodes($text); } $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['id']; $tabledata[$i]['TITLE'] = replace($res['title']); $tabledata[$i]['TEXT'] = $res['text']; $tabledata[$i]['LINK'] = $link; $tabledata[$i]['TIME'] = $res['time']; //Userinfo $userinfo = $userdata[$res['userid']]; $tabledata[$i]['USERID'] = $res['userid']; $tabledata[$i]['USERNAME'] = replace($userinfo['username']); $tabledata[$i]['REALNAME'] = replace($userinfo['realname']); $tabledata[$i]['AVATAR'] = $user->mkavatar($userinfo); $tabledata[$i]['AVATAR_TITLE'] = $user->mkavtitle($userinfo); //Kommentare if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $res['allowcoms']) { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php'; if (!isset($coms)) { $coms = new comments('userblog', $res['id']); } else { $coms->mid = $res['id']; } $link = mklink('user.php?action=blog&id=' . $res['userid'] . '&blogid=' . $res['id'], 'user,blog,' . $res['userid'] . ',id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link); $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1; if (in_template(array('BLOG.COMMENT_LAST_USERID', 'BLOG.COMMENT_LAST_NAME', 'BLOG.COMMENT_LAST_TIME'), $parse)) { $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name(); $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time(); } } } } $tmpl->assign('BLOG', $tabledata); //Template ausgeben $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'user'); }
function gallery_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'gallery'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'gallery'); if (in_array('COUNT_GALLERIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_gallery\n\t\t\tWHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_GALLERIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_PICTURES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(, avg(p.hits) FROM " . PRE . "_gallery_pics AS p\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_gallery AS g ON\n\t\t\tWHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN g.starttime AND g.endtime AND\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PICTURES', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'gallery'); }
function poll_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'poll'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'poll'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_POLLS', 'AVG_VOTES'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(a1_c+a2_c+a3_c+a4_c+a5_c+a6_c+a7_c+a8_c+a9_c+a10_c+a11_c+a12_c+a13_c+a14_c+a15_c+a16_c+a17_c+a18_c+a19_c+a20_c) FROM " . PRE . "_poll\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_POLLS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_VOTES', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'poll'); }
function calendar_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'calendar'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'calendar'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_EVENTS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events\n\t\t\tWHERE active!=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_EVENTS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'calendar'); }
function calendar_events_from_day($thisdaystamp, $parse, $parseprefix = 'DAY.') { global $set, $apx, $db, $user; static $eventcache, $catdata; if (!isset($eventcache)) { $eventcache = array(); } //Termin-Kategorien auslesen if (!isset($catdata)) { $catdata = array(); if (in_template(array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.CATTITLE', $parseprefix . 'EVENT.CATICON'), $parse)) { $catdata = $db->fetch_index("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_cat", 'id'); } } //Modefilter if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'private') { $modefilter = " AND a.private='1' AND a.userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' "; } else { $modefilter = " AND a.private='0' "; } //Sortby if ($set['calendar']['sortby'] == 2) { $sortby = " title ASC "; } else { $sortby = " startday DESC, starttime ASC "; } //Termine auslesen $edata = $db->fetch("SELECT a.*,b.username FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b USING(userid) WHERE '" . $thisdaystamp . "' BETWEEN startday AND endday AND!=0 " . section_filter(true, 'a.secid') . " " . $modefilter . " ORDER BY " . $sortby); $eventdata = array(); if (count($edata)) { foreach ($edata as $res) { ++$i; //Termin wurde schon verarbeitet => Übernehmen und fertig if (isset($eventcache[$res['id']])) { $eventdata[$i] = $eventcache[$res['id']]; continue; } //Kategorie-Info $catinfo = $catdata[$res['catid']]; //Link zum Termin $link = mklink('events.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'events,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); //Aufmacher $picture = $picture_popup = $picture_popuppath = ''; if (in_template(array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.PICTURE', $parseprefix . 'EVENT.PICTURE_POPUP', $parseprefix . 'EVENT.PICTURE_POPUPPATH'), $parse)) { list($picture, $picture_popup, $picture_popuppath) = calendar_pic($res['picture']); } //Start berechnen $startday = $starttime = $endday = $endtime = 0; if (in_template(array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.STARTDAY', $parseprefix . 'EVENT.STARTTIME'), $parse)) { $startday = calendar_stamp2time($res['startday']); if ($res['starttime'] != -1) { $time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['startday']); $tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['starttime']); $time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2); $time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2); $starttime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF; } } //Ende berechnen (falls nötig) if (in_template(array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.ENDDAY', $parseprefix . 'EVENT.ENDTIME'), $parse)) { if ($res['endday'] != $res['startday'] || $res['endtime'] != -1) { $endday = calendar_stamp2time($res['endday']); if ($res['endtime'] != -1) { $time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['endday']); $tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['endtime']); $time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2); $time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2); $endtime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF; } } } //Username + eMail if ($res['userid']) { $username = $res['username']; $email = iif(!$res['pub_hidemail'], $res['email']); } else { $username = $res['send_username']; $email = $res['send_email']; } //Text $eventtext = ''; if (in_array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.TEXT', $parse)) { $eventtext = mediamanager_inline($res['text']); } //Tags if (in_array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.TAG', $parse) || in_array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.TAG_IDS', $parse) || in_array($parseprefix . 'EVENT.KEYWORDS', $parse)) { list($tagdata, $tagids, $keywords) = calendar_tags($res['id']); } $event = array(); $event['ID'] = $res['id']; $event['TITLE'] = $res['title']; $event['TEXT'] = $eventtext; $event['LINK'] = $link; $event['PRIORITY'] = $res['priority']; $event['RESTRICTED'] = $res['restricted']; $event['LOCATION'] = compatible_hsc($res['location']); $event['LOCATION_LINK'] = compatible_hsc($res['location_link']); $event['PRIVATE'] = $res['private']; $event['HITS'] = $res['hits']; $event['RELATED'] = calendar_links($res['links']); $event['PICTURE'] = $picture; $event['PICTURE_POPUP'] = $picture_popup; $event['PICTURE_POPUPPATH'] = $picture_popuppath; $event['STARTDAY'] = $startday; $event['STARTTIME'] = $starttime; $event['ENDDAY'] = $endday; $event['ENDTIME'] = $endtime; $event['USERID'] = $res['userid']; $event['USERNAME'] = replace($username); $event['EMAIL'] = replace($email); $event['EMAIL_ENCRYPTED'] = replace(cryptMail($email)); $event['CATID'] = $res['catid']; $event['CATTITLE'] = $catinfo['title']; $event['CATICON'] = $catinfo['icon']; //Tags $event['TAG'] = $tagdata; $event['TAG_IDS'] = $tagids; $event['KEYWORDS'] = $keywords; $eventcache[$res['id']] = $event; $eventdata[$i] = $event; } } return $eventdata; }
function products_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'products'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'products'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_PRODUCTS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_products\n\t\t\tWHERE active=1\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PRODUCTS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $types = array('normal', 'game', 'music', 'movie', 'book', 'software', 'hardware'); foreach ($types as $type) { $varname = 'COUNT_PRODUCTS_' . strtoupper($type); if (in_array($varname, $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_products\n\t\t\t\tWHERE active=1 AND type='" . $type . "'\n\t\t\t"); $tmpl->assign($varname, $count); } } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'products'); }
function articles_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'articles'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'articles'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_articles_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_ARTICLES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_ARTICLES', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } if (in_array('COUNT_NORMAL', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='normal'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_NORMAL', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_REVIEWS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='review'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_REVIEWS', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_PREVIEWS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='preview'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PREVIEWS', $count); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'articles'); }