$getcontent = _fetch($qrycontent); $custom_clan .= show(_profil_edit_custom, array("name" => pfields_name($getcustom['name']) . ":", "feldname" => $getcustom['feldname'], "value" => re($getcontent[$getcustom['feldname']]))); } $clan = show($dir . "/edit_clan", array("clan" => _profil_clan, "pstatus" => _profil_status, "pexclans" => _profil_exclans, "status" => $status, "exclans" => $get['ex'], "custom_clan" => $custom_clan)); } list($steamid1, $steamid2, $steamid3) = explode(':', $get['steamid']); list($bdayday, $bdaymonth, $bdayyear) = explode('.', $get['bday']); if ($_GET['show'] == "gallery") { $qrygl = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['usergallery'] . "\n WHERE user = '******'\n ORDER BY id DESC"); while ($getgl = _fetch($qrygl)) { $pic = show(_gallery_pic_link, array("img" => $getgl['pic'], "user" => $userid)); $delete = show(_gallery_deleteicon, array("id" => $getgl['id'])); $edit = show(_gallery_editicon, array("id" => $getgl['id'])); $class = $color % 2 ? "contentMainSecond" : "contentMainFirst"; $color++; $gal .= show($dir . "/edit_gallery_show", array("picture" => img_size("inc/images/uploads/usergallery" . "/" . $userid . "_" . $getgl['pic']), "beschreibung" => bbcode($getgl['beschreibung']), "class" => $class, "delete" => $delete, "edit" => $edit)); } $show = show($dir . "/edit_gallery", array("galleryhead" => _gallery_head, "pic" => _gallery_pic, "new" => _gallery_edit_new, "del" => _deleteicon_blank, "edit" => _editicon_blank, "beschr" => _gallery_beschr, "showgallery" => $gal)); } else { $dropdown_age = show(_dropdown_date, array("day" => dropdown("day", $bdayday, 1), "month" => dropdown("month", $bdaymonth, 1), "year" => dropdown("year", $bdayyear, 1))); $qrycustom = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['profile'] . "\n\t \t\t \t\t WHERE kid = '1' AND shown = '1'\n ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($getcustom = _fetch($qrycustom)) { $qrycontent = db("SELECT " . $getcustom['feldname'] . " FROM " . $db['users'] . "\n\t \t\t\t \t WHERE id = '" . $userid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT 1"); $getcontent = _fetch($qrycontent); $custom_about .= show(_profil_edit_custom, array("name" => re(pfields_name($getcustom['name'])) . ":", "feldname" => $getcustom['feldname'], "value" => re($getcontent[$getcustom['feldname']]))); } $qrycustom = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['profile'] . "\n\t \t \t\t\t WHERE kid = '3' AND shown = '1'\n ORDER BY id ASC"); while ($getcustom = _fetch($qrycustom)) { $qrycontent = db("SELECT " . $getcustom['feldname'] . " FROM " . $db['users'] . "\n\t \t\t \t\t WHERE id = '" . $userid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t LIMIT 1"); $getcontent = _fetch($qrycontent); $custom_contact .= show(_profil_edit_custom, array("name" => re(pfields_name($getcustom['name'])) . ":", "feldname" => $getcustom['feldname'], "value" => re($getcontent[$getcustom['feldname']])));
<?php if (empty($is_modal)) { echo render('_parts/comment/load_template'); } ?> <script> function getConfigSlide(key) { var config = { uploadUriBasePath: '<?php echo FBD_URI_PATH . Site_Upload::get_uploaded_file_path('', img_size('ai', 'L'), 'img', false, true); ?> ', slideLimit: <?php echo conf('display_setting.slide.limit', 'album'); ?> , sort: '<?php echo !empty($is_desc) ? 'desc' : 'asc'; ?> ' }; return config[key]; } </script> <?php echo Asset::js('site/modules/album/common/slide.js'); ?>
} elseif (cnt($db['usergallery'], " WHERE user = "******"/inc/images/uploads/usergallery/" . $userid . "_" . $_FILES['file']['name'])) { $index = error(_upload_file_exists, 1); } else { copy($tmpname, basePath . "/inc/images/uploads/usergallery/" . $userid . "_" . $_FILES['file']['name']); @unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $qry = db("INSERT INTO " . $db['usergallery'] . "\n SET `user` = '" . (int) $userid . "',\n `beschreibung` = '" . up($_POST['beschreibung'], 1) . "',\n `pic` = '" . up($_FILES['file']['name']) . "'"); $index = info(_info_upload_success, "../user/?action=editprofile&show=gallery"); } } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "edit") { $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['usergallery'] . "\n WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['gid']) . "'"); $get = _fetch($qry); if ($get['user'] == $userid) { $infos = show(_upload_usergallery_info, array("userpicsize" => $upicsize)); $index = show($dir . "/usergallery_edit", array("uploadhead" => _upload_head_usergallery, "file" => _upload_file, "showpic" => img_size("inc/images/uploads/usergallery/" . $get['user'] . "_" . $get['pic']), "id" => $_GET['gid'], "showbeschreibung" => re($get['beschreibung']), "name" => "file", "upload" => _button_value_edit, "beschreibung" => _upload_beschreibung, "info" => _upload_info, "infos" => $infos)); } else { $index = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1); } } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "editfile") { $tmpname = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $name = $_FILES['file']['name']; $type = $_FILES['file']['type']; $size = $_FILES['file']['size']; $endung = explode(".", $_FILES['file']['name']); $endung = strtolower($endung[count($endung) - 1]); $qry = db("SELECT pic FROM " . $db['usergallery'] . "\n WHERE id = '" . intval($_POST['id']) . "'"); $get = _fetch($qry); if (!empty($_FILES['file']['size'])) { $unlinkgallery = show(_gallery_edit_unlink, array("img" => $get['pic'], "user" => $userid)); @unlink($unlinkgallery);
public static function get_image_uri4file_name($file_name, $size = 'L', $additional_table = '') { if (!$file_name) { return ''; } if (strlen($file_name) < 4) { return ''; } $file_cate = Site_Upload::get_file_cate_from_filename($file_name); $file_size = img_size($file_cate, $size, $additional_table); return Site_Upload::get_uploaded_file_path($file_name, $file_size, 'img', false, true); }
function img_uri($filename = '', $size_key = '', $is_profile = false, $is_return_file_info = false) { if (strlen($filename) <= conf('upload.file_category_max_length')) { $file_cate = $filename; $filename = ''; } else { $file_cate = Site_Upload::get_file_cate_from_filename($filename); } $additional_table = ''; if ($is_profile) { if (conf('upload.types.img.types.m.save_as_album_image') && $filename != '' && $file_cate != 'm') { $size_key = 'P_' . $size_key; $additional_table = 'profile'; if (!$file_cate) { $file_cate = 'ai'; } } } if (!($size = img_size($file_cate, $size_key, $additional_table))) { $size = $size_key; } $file_path = Site_Upload::get_uploaded_file_path($filename, $size, 'img', false, true); if ($is_return_file_info) { return array($file_path, $filename, $file_cate, $size); } return $file_path; }
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel carousel-flex slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <?php $i = 0; foreach ($list as $album_image) { ?> <div class="item<?php if (!$i) { ?> active<?php } ?> "> <?php echo img($album_image->get_image(), img_size('ai', 'L'), 'album/image/' . $album_image->id); if (!empty($album_image->name)) { ?> <div class="carousel-caption"> <p><?php echo $album_image->name; ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php $i++; }