Ejemplo n.º 1
if (isset($_GET['delete']) && isnum($_GET['delete']) && dbcount("(thread_id)", DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY, "thread_id='" . $_GET['delete'] . "' AND notify_user='******'user_id'] . "'")) {
    $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY . " WHERE thread_id=" . $_GET['delete'] . " AND notify_user="******"SELECT tn.thread_id FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY . " tn\n            INNER JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " tt ON tn.thread_id = tt.thread_id\n            INNER JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tt.forum_id = tf.forum_id\n            WHERE tn.notify_user="******" AND " . groupaccess('forum_access') . " AND tt.thread_hidden='0'");
$rows = dbrows($result);
if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) or !isnum($_GET['rowstart']) or $_GET['rowstart'] > $rows) {
    $_GET['rowstart'] = 0;
$info['post_rows'] = $rows;
if ($rows) {
    require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
    $info['page_nav'] = $rows > 10 ? makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], 16, $rows, 3, FUSION_REQUEST, "rowstart") : "";
    $result = dbquery("\n                SELECT tf.forum_id, tf.forum_name, tf.forum_access, tf.forum_type, tf.forum_mods,\n                tn.thread_id, tn.notify_datestamp, tn.notify_user,\n                ttc.forum_id AS forum_cat_id, ttc.forum_name AS forum_cat_name,\n                tp.post_datestamp, tp.post_message,\n                tt.thread_subject, tt.forum_id, tt.thread_lastpost, tt.thread_lastpostid, tt.thread_lastuser, tt.thread_postcount, tt.thread_views, tt.thread_locked,\n                tt.thread_author, tt.thread_poll, tt.thread_sticky,\n                uc.user_id AS s_user_id, uc.user_name AS author_name, uc.user_status AS author_status, uc.user_avatar AS author_avatar,\n                u.user_id, u.user_name as last_user_name, u.user_status as last_user_status, u.user_avatar as last_user_avatar,\n                count(v.post_id) AS vote_count,\n                count(a1.attach_mime) 'attach_image',\n\t\t\t\tcount(a2.attach_mime) 'attach_files'\n                FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY . " tn\n                INNER JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " tt ON tn.thread_id = tt.thread_id\n                INNER JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tt.forum_id = tf.forum_id\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " ttc ON ttc.forum_id = tf.forum_cat\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " uc ON tt.thread_author = uc.user_id\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON tt.thread_lastuser = u.user_id\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " tp ON tt.thread_id = tp.thread_id\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = tt.thread_id AND tp.post_id = v.post_id\n                LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = tt.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = tt.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n                WHERE tn.notify_user="******" AND " . groupaccess('forum_access') . " AND tt.thread_hidden='0'\n                GROUP BY tn.thread_id\n                ORDER BY tn.notify_datestamp DESC\n                LIMIT " . $_GET['rowstart'] . ",16\n            ");
    $i = 0;
    while ($threads = dbarray($result)) {
        // opt for moderators.
        $this->forum_info['moderators'] = \PHPFusion\Forums\Moderator::parse_forum_mods($threads['forum_mods']);
        $icon = "";
        $match_regex = $threads['thread_id'] . "\\|" . $threads['thread_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $threads['forum_id'];
        if ($threads['thread_lastpost'] > $this->forum_info['lastvisited']) {
            if (iMEMBER && ($threads['thread_lastuser'] == $userdata['user_id'] || preg_match("(^\\.{$match_regex}\$|\\.{$match_regex}\\.|\\.{$match_regex}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('thread') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0261'] . "'></i>";
            } else {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('new') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "'></i>";
        $author = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_author'], 'user_name' => $threads['author_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['author_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['author_avatar']);
        $lastuser = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_lastuser'], 'user_name' => $threads['last_user_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['last_user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['last_user_avatar']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
// Count Max
$result = dbquery("SELECT tp.post_id FROM " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " tp\n\tINNER JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " tt ON tp.thread_id = tt.thread_id\n\tINNER JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tp.forum_id = tf.forum_id\n\t" . (multilang_table("FO") ? "WHERE tf.forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('forum_access') . "\n\tAND tt.thread_postcount='1' AND tt.thread_locked='0' AND post_hidden='0' AND thread_hidden='0'\n\tGROUP BY tt.thread_id\n\t");
$this->forum_info['post_rows'] = dbrows($result);
if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
    if (!isset($_GET['rowstart']) || !isnum($_GET['rowstart'])) {
        $_GET['rowstart'] = 0;
    require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
    $result = dbquery("\n\t\tSELECT tp.forum_id, tp.thread_id, tp.post_id, tp.post_author, tp.post_message, tp.post_datestamp,\n\t\tt.*, tf.*,\n\t\ttu1.user_name AS author_name, tu1.user_status AS author_status, tu1.user_avatar as author_avatar,\n\t\ttu2.user_name AS last_user_name, tu2.user_status AS last_user_status, tu2.user_avatar AS last_user_avatar,\n\t\tp.forum_poll_title,\n\t\tcount(v.post_id) AS vote_count,\n\t\ta1.attach_name, a1.attach_id,\n\t\ta2.attach_name, a2.attach_id,\n\t\tcount(a1.attach_mime) 'attach_image',\n\t\tcount(a2.attach_mime) 'attach_files'\n\t\tFROM " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " tp\n\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tp.forum_id=tf.forum_id\n\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t ON tp.thread_id=t.thread_id\n\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id #issue 323\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND tp.post_id = v.post_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t" . (multilang_table("FO") ? "WHERE tf.forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . "\n\t\tAND t.thread_postcount='1' AND t.thread_locked='0'\n\t\tAND post_hidden='0' AND thread_hidden='0'\n\t\tGROUP BY t.thread_id\n\t\tORDER BY tp.post_datestamp DESC LIMIT " . $_GET['rowstart'] . "," . $forum_settings['posts_per_page'] . "\n\t\t");
    while ($threads = dbarray($result)) {
        // opt for moderators.
        $this->forum_info['moderators'] = \PHPFusion\Forums\Moderator::parse_forum_mods($threads['forum_mods']);
        $icon = "";
        $match_regex = $threads['thread_id'] . "\\|" . $threads['thread_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $threads['forum_id'];
        if ($threads['thread_lastpost'] > $this->forum_info['lastvisited']) {
            if (iMEMBER && ($threads['thread_lastuser'] == $userdata['user_id'] || preg_match("(^\\.{$match_regex}\$|\\.{$match_regex}\\.|\\.{$match_regex}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('thread') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0261'] . "'></i>";
            } else {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('new') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "'></i>";
        $author = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_author'], 'user_name' => $threads['author_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['author_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['author_avatar']);
        $lastuser = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_lastuser'], 'user_name' => $threads['last_user_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['last_user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['last_user_avatar']);
        $threads += array("thread_link" => array("link" => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'], "title" => $threads['thread_subject']), "forum_type" => $threads['forum_type'], "thread_pages" => makepagenav(0, $forum_settings['posts_per_page'], $threads['thread_postcount'], 3, FORUM . "viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'] . "&amp;"), "thread_icons" => array('lock' => $threads['thread_locked'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('lock') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0263'] . "'></i>" : '', 'sticky' => $threads['thread_sticky'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('sticky') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0103'] . "'></i>" : '', 'poll' => $threads['thread_poll'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('poll') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0314'] . "'></i>" : '', 'hot' => $threads['thread_postcount'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('hot') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'reads' => $threads['thread_views'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('reads') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'image' => $threads['attach_image'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('image') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0313'] . "'></i>" : '', 'file' => $threads['attach_files'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('file') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0312'] . "'></i>" : '', 'icon' => $icon), "thread_starter" => $locale['forum_0006'] . timer($threads['post_datestamp']) . " " . $locale['by'] . " " . profile_link($author['user_id'], $author['user_name'], $author['user_status']) . "</span>", "thread_author" => $author, "thread_last" => array('avatar' => display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', ''), 'profile_link' => profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']), 'time' => $threads['post_datestamp'], 'post_message' => parseubb(parsesmileys($threads['post_message'])), "formatted" => "<div class='pull-left'>" . display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', '') . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overflow-hide'>" . $locale['forum_0373'] . " <span class='forum_profile_link'>" . profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']) . "</span><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . timer($threads['post_datestamp']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get thread posts info
 private function get_thread_post()
     global $forum_settings, $locale, $userdata;
     $user_sig_module = \PHPFusion\UserFields::check_user_field('user_sig');
     $user_web_module = \PHPFusion\UserFields::check_user_field('user_web');
     $userid = isset($userdata['user_id']) ? (int) $userdata['user_id'] : 0;
     switch ($this->thread_info['section']) {
         case 'oldest':
             $sortCol = 'post_datestamp ASC';
         case 'latest':
             $sortCol = 'post_datestamp DESC';
         case 'high':
             $sortCol = 'vote_points DESC';
             $sortCol = 'post_datestamp ASC';
     // @todo: where to calculate has voted without doing it in while loop?
     require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
     $result = dbquery("\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT p.*,\n\t\t\t\t\tt.thread_id,\n\t\t\t\t\tu.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status, u.user_avatar, u.user_level, u.user_posts, u.user_groups, u.user_joined, u.user_lastvisit, u.user_ip,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($user_sig_module ? " u.user_sig," : "") . ($user_web_module ? " u.user_web," : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t\tu2.user_name AS edit_name, u2.user_status AS edit_status,\n\t\t\t\t\tcount(a1.attach_id) 'attach_image_count',\n\t\t\t\t\tcount(a2.attach_id) 'attach_files_count',\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(v.vote_points) as vote_points, count(v2.thread_id) as has_voted\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t ON t.thread_id = p.thread_id\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.post_id = p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v2 on v2.thread_id = p.thread_id AND v2.vote_user = '******'\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON p.post_author = u.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u2 ON p.post_edituser = u2.user_id AND post_edituser > '0'\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.post_id = p.post_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.post_id = p.post_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.thread_id='" . intval($_GET['thread_id']) . "' AND post_hidden='0'\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($this->thread_info['thread']['forum_type'] == '4' ? "OR p.post_id='" . intval($this->thread_info['post_firstpost']) . "'" : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP by p.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sortCol} LIMIT " . intval($_GET['rowstart']) . ", " . intval($forum_settings['posts_per_page']));
     $this->thread_info['post_rows'] = dbrows($result);
     if ($this->thread_info['post_rows'] > 0) {
         /* Set Threads Navigation */
         $this->thread_info['thread_posts'] = format_word($this->thread_info['post_rows'], $locale['fmt_post']);
         $this->thread_info['page_nav'] = '';
         if ($this->thread_info['max_post_items'] > $this->thread_info['posts_per_page']) {
             $this->thread_info['page_nav'] = "<div class='pull-right'>" . makepagenav($_GET['rowstart'], $this->thread_info['posts_per_page'], $this->thread_info['max_post_items'], 3, INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $this->thread_info['thread']['thread_id'] . (isset($_GET['highlight']) ? "&amp;highlight=" . urlencode($_GET['highlight']) : '') . "&amp;") . "</div>";
         $i = 1;
         while ($pdata = dbarray($result)) {
             // Format Post Message
             $post_message = $pdata['post_smileys'] ? parsesmileys($pdata['post_message']) : $pdata['post_message'];
             $post_message = nl2br(parseubb($post_message));
             if (isset($_GET['highlight'])) {
                 $post_message = "<div class='search_result'>" . $post_message . "</div>\n";
             // Marker
             $marker = array('link' => "#post_" . $pdata['post_id'], "title" => "#" . ($i + $_GET['rowstart']), 'id' => "post_" . $pdata['post_id']);
             $post_marker = "<a class='marker' href='" . $marker['link'] . "' id='" . $marker['id'] . "'>" . $marker['title'] . "</a>";
             $post_marker .= "<a title='" . $locale['forum_0241'] . "' href='#top'><i class='entypo up-open'></i></a>\n";
             // Post Attachments
             $post_attachments = "";
             if ($pdata['attach_files_count'] || $pdata['attach_image_count']) {
                 if ($this->getThreadPermission("can_download_attach")) {
                     $attachResult = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " WHERE post_id='" . intval($pdata['post_id']) . "'");
                     if (dbrows($attachResult) > 0) {
                         $aImage = "";
                         $aFiles = "";
                         while ($attachData = dbarray($attachResult)) {
                             if (in_array($attachData['attach_mime'], img_mimeTypes())) {
                                 $aImage .= display_image_attach($attachData['attach_name'], "50", "50", $pdata['post_id']) . "\n";
                             } else {
                                 $aFiles .= "<div class='display-inline-block'><i class='entypo attach'></i><a href='" . FUSION_SELF . "?thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;getfile=" . $attachData['attach_id'] . "'>" . $attachData['attach_name'] . "</a>&nbsp;";
                                 $aFiles .= "[<span class='small'>" . parsebytesize(filesize(INFUSIONS . "forum/attachments/" . $attachData['attach_name'])) . " / " . $attachData['attach_count'] . $locale['forum_0162'] . "</span>]</div>\n";
                         if (!empty($aFiles)) {
                             $post_attachments .= "<div class='emulated-fieldset'>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "<span class='emulated-legend'>" . profile_link($pdata['user_id'], $pdata['user_name'], $pdata['user_status']) . $locale['forum_0154'] . ($pdata['attach_files_count'] > 1 ? $locale['forum_0158'] : $locale['forum_0157']) . "</span>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "<div class='attachments-list m-t-10'>" . $aFiles . "</div>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "</div>\n";
                         if (!empty($aImage)) {
                             $post_attachments .= "<div class='emulated-fieldset'>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "<span class='emulated-legend'>" . profile_link($pdata['user_id'], $pdata['user_name'], $pdata['user_status']) . $locale['forum_0154'] . ($pdata['attach_image_count'] > 1 ? $locale['forum_0156'] : $locale['forum_0155']) . "</span>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "<div class='attachments-list'>" . $aImage . "</div>\n";
                             $post_attachments .= "</div>\n";
                             if (!defined('COLORBOX')) {
                                 define('COLORBOX', TRUE);
                                 add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . INCLUDES . "jquery/colorbox/colorbox.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />");
                                 add_to_head("<script type='text/javascript' src='" . INCLUDES . "jquery/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js'></script>");
                                 add_to_jquery("\$('a[rel^=\"attach\"]').colorbox({ current: '" . $locale['forum_0159'] . " {current} " . $locale['forum_0160'] . " {total}',width:'80%',height:'80%'});");
                     } else {
                         $post_attachments = "Failed to fetch the attachment";
                 } else {
                     $post_attachments = "<small><i class='fa fa-clipboard'></i> " . $locale['forum_0184'] . "</small>\n";
             $pdata += array("user_online" => $pdata['user_lastvisit'] >= time() - 3600 ? TRUE : FALSE, "is_first_post" => $pdata['post_id'] == $this->thread_info['post_firstpost'] ? TRUE : FALSE, "is_last_post" => $pdata['post_id'] == $this->thread_info['post_lastpost'] ? TRUE : FALSE, "user_profile_link" => profile_link($pdata['user_id'], $pdata['user_name'], $pdata['user_status']), "user_avatar_image" => display_avatar($pdata, '40px', FALSE, FALSE, 'img-rounded'), "user_ip" => $forum_settings['forum_ips'] && iMOD ? $locale['forum_0268'] . ' ' . $pdata['post_ip'] : '', "user_post_count" => format_word($pdata['user_posts'], $locale['fmt_post']), "print" => array('link' => BASEDIR . "print.php?type=F&amp;item_id=" . $_GET['thread_id'] . "&amp;post=" . $pdata['post_id'] . "&amp;nr=" . ($i + $_GET['rowstart']), 'title' => $locale['forum_0179']), "post_marker" => $post_marker, "marker" => $marker, "post_attachments" => $post_attachments);
             $pdata['post_message'] = $post_message;
              * User Stuffs, Sig, User Message, Web
             // Quote & Edit Link
             if ($this->getThreadPermission("can_reply")) {
                 if (!$this->thread_info['thread']['thread_locked']) {
                     $pdata['post_quote'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?action=reply&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'] . "&amp;quote=" . $pdata['post_id'], 'title' => $locale['forum_0266']);
                     if (iMOD || ($forum_settings['forum_edit_lock'] == TRUE && $pdata['is_last_post'] || $forum_settings['forum_edit_lock'] == FALSE) && $userdata['user_id'] == $pdata['post_author'] && ($forum_settings['forum_edit_timelimit'] <= 0 || time() - $forum_settings['forum_edit_timelimit'] * 60 < $pdata['post_datestamp'])) {
                         $pdata['post_edit'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?action=edit&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'], 'title' => $locale['forum_0265']);
                     $pdata['post_reply'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?action=reply&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'], 'title' => $locale['forum_0509']);
                 } elseif (iMOD) {
                     $pdata['post_edit'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?action=edit&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'], 'title' => $locale['forum_0265']);
             // rank img
             if ($pdata['user_level'] <= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
                 if ($forum_settings['forum_ranks']) {
                     $pdata['user_rank'] = show_forum_rank($pdata['user_posts'], $pdata['user_level'], $pdata['user_groups']);
                     // in fact now is get forum rank
                 } else {
                     $pdata['user_rank'] = getuserlevel($pdata['user_level']);
             } else {
                 if ($forum_settings['forum_ranks']) {
                     $pdata['user_rank'] = iMOD ? show_forum_rank($pdata['user_posts'], 104, $pdata['user_groups']) : show_forum_rank($pdata['user_posts'], $pdata['user_level'], $pdata['user_groups']);
                 } else {
                     $pdata['user_rank'] = iMOD ? $locale['userf1'] : getuserlevel($pdata['user_level']);
             // Website
             if ($pdata['user_web'] && (iADMIN || $pdata['user_status'] != 6 && $pdata['user_status'] != 5)) {
                 $user_web_url_prefix = !preg_match("@^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/@i", $pdata['user_web']) ? "http://" . $pdata['user_web'] : $pdata['user_web'];
                 $pdata['user_web'] = array('link' => $user_web_url_prefix . $pdata['user_web'], 'title' => $locale['forum_0364']);
             } else {
                 $pdata['user_web'] = array('link' => '', 'title' => '');
             // PM link
             $pdata['user_message'] = array('link' => '', 'title' => '');
             if (iMEMBER && $pdata['user_id'] != $userdata['user_id'] && (iADMIN || $pdata['user_status'] != 6 && $pdata['user_status'] != 5)) {
                 $pdata['user_message'] = array('link' => BASEDIR . 'messages.php?msg_send=' . $pdata['user_id'], "title" => $locale['send_message']);
             // User Sig
             if ($pdata['user_sig'] && isset($pdata['post_showsig']) && $pdata['user_status'] != 6 && $pdata['user_status'] != 5) {
                 $pdata['user_sig'] = nl2br(parseubb(parsesmileys(stripslashes($pdata['user_sig'])), "b|i|u||center|small|url|mail|img|color"));
             } else {
                 $pdata['user_sig'] = "";
             // Voting - need up or down link - accessible to author also the vote
             // answered and on going questions.
             // Answer rating
             $pdata['vote_message'] = '';
             //echo $data['forum_type'] == 4 ? "<br/>\n".(number_format($data['thread_postcount']-1)).$locale['forum_0365']."" : ''; // answers
             // form components
             $pdata['post_checkbox'] = iMOD ? "<input type='checkbox' name='delete_post[]' value='" . $pdata['post_id'] . "'/>" : '';
             $pdata['post_votebox'] = '';
             if ($this->thread_info['thread']['forum_type'] == 4) {
                 if ($this->getThreadPermission("can_rate")) {
                     // can vote.
                     $pdata['vote_up'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/postify.php?post=voteup&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'], "title" => $locale['forum_0265']);
                     $pdata['vote_down'] = array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/postify.php?post=votedown&amp;forum_id=" . $pdata['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $pdata['thread_id'] . "&amp;post_id=" . $pdata['post_id'], "title" => $locale['forum_0265']);
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] = "<div class='text-center'>\n";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "<a href='" . $pdata['vote_up']['link'] . "' class='btn btn-default btn-xs m-b-5 p-5' title='" . $locale['forum_0265'] . "'>\n<i class='entypo up-dir icon-xs'></i></a>";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "<h3 class='m-0'>" . (!empty($pdata['vote_points']) ? $pdata['vote_points'] : 0) . "</h3>\n";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "<a href='" . $pdata['vote_down']['link'] . "' class='btn btn-default btn-xs m-t-5 p-5' title='" . $locale['forum_0265'] . "'>\n<i class='entypo down-dir icon-xs'></i></a>";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "</div>\n";
                 } else {
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] = "<div class='text-center'>\n";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "<h3 class='m-0'>" . (!empty($pdata['vote_points']) ? $pdata['vote_points'] : 0) . "</h3>\n";
                     $pdata['post_votebox'] .= "</div>\n";
             // Edit Reason - NOT WORKING?
             $pdata['post_edit_reason'] = '';
             if ($pdata['post_edittime']) {
                 $edit_reason = "<div class='edit_reason m-t-10'><small>" . $locale['forum_0164'] . profile_link($pdata['post_edituser'], $pdata['edit_name'], $pdata['edit_status']) . $locale['forum_0167'] . showdate("forumdate", $pdata['post_edittime']) . "</small>\n";
                 if ($pdata['post_editreason'] && iMEMBER) {
                     $edit_reason .= "<br /><a id='reason_pid_" . $pdata['post_id'] . "' rel='" . $pdata['post_id'] . "' class='reason_button small' data-target='reason_div_pid_" . $pdata['post_id'] . "'>";
                     $edit_reason .= "<strong>" . $locale['forum_0165'] . "</strong>";
                     $edit_reason .= "</a>\n";
                     $edit_reason .= "<div id='reason_div_pid_" . $pdata['post_id'] . "' class='reason_div small'>" . $pdata['post_editreason'] . "</div>\n";
                 $edit_reason .= "</div>\n";
                 $pdata['post_edit_reason'] = $edit_reason;
                 $this->edit_reason = TRUE;
             // Custom Post Message Link/Buttons
             $pdata['post_links'] = '';
             $pdata['post_links'] .= !empty($pdata['post_quote']) ? "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' title='" . $pdata['post_quote']["title"] . "' href='" . $pdata['post_quote']['link'] . "'>" . $pdata['post_quote']['title'] . "</a>\n" : '';
             $pdata['post_links'] .= !empty($pdata['post_edit']) ? "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' title='" . $pdata['post_edit']["title"] . "' href='" . $pdata['post_edit']['link'] . "'>" . $pdata['post_edit']['title'] . "</a>\n" : '';
             $pdata['post_links'] .= !empty($pdata['print']) ? "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' title='" . $pdata['print']["title"] . "' href='" . $pdata['print']['link'] . "'>" . $pdata['print']['title'] . "</a>\n" : '';
             $pdata['post_links'] .= !empty($pdata['user_web']) ? "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' class='forum_user_actions' href='" . $pdata['user_web']['link'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $pdata['user_web']['title'] . "</a>\n" : '';
             $pdata['post_links'] .= !empty($pdata['user_message']) ? "<a class='btn btn-xs btn-default' href='" . $pdata['user_message']['link'] . "' target='_blank'>" . $pdata['user_message']['title'] . "</a>\n" : '';
             // Post Date
             $pdata['post_date'] = $locale['forum_0524'] . " " . timer($pdata['post_datestamp']) . " - " . showdate('forumdate', $pdata['post_datestamp']);
             $pdata['post_shortdate'] = $locale['forum_0524'] . " " . timer($pdata['post_datestamp']);
             $pdata['post_longdate'] = $locale['forum_0524'] . " " . showdate('forumdate', $pdata['post_datestamp']);
             $this->thread_info['post_items'][$pdata['post_id']] = $pdata;
Ejemplo n.º 4
| Filename: laft.php
| Author: Chan (Frederick MC Chan)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
$_GET['rowstart'] = 0;
$userdata = fusion_get_userdata();
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$result = dbquery("\n\tSELECT t.*, tf.*,\n\ttu1.user_name AS author_name, tu1.user_status AS author_status, tu1.user_avatar as author_avatar,\n\ttu2.user_name AS last_user_name, tu2.user_status AS last_user_status, tu2.user_avatar AS last_user_avatar,\n\tp1.post_datestamp, p1.post_message,\n\tp.forum_poll_title,\n\tcount(v.post_id) AS vote_count,\n\ta1.attach_name, a1.attach_id,\n\ta2.attach_name, a2.attach_id,\n\tcount(a1.attach_mime) 'attach_image',\n\tcount(a2.attach_mime) 'attach_files',\n\tmin(p2.post_datestamp) 'first_post_datestamp'\n\tFROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tf.forum_id = t.forum_id\n\tINNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id #issue 323\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p1 ON p1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p2 ON p2.thread_id = t.thread_id\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = v.post_id\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t" . (multilang_table("FO") ? "WHERE tf.forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . "\n\t" . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . " AND t.thread_hidden='0'\n\t" . (isset($_POST['filter']) && $_POST['filter'] ? "AND t.thread_lastpost < '" . (time() - $_POST['filter'] * 24 * 3600) . "'" : '') . "\n\tGROUP BY thread_id ORDER BY t.thread_lastpost LIMIT " . $_GET['rowstart'] . ", " . $forum_settings['threads_per_page']);
// link also need to change
$this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'] = dbrows($result);
if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
    while ($threads = dbarray($result)) {
        // opt for moderators.
        $this->forum_info['moderators'] = \PHPFusion\Forums\Moderator::parse_forum_mods($threads['forum_mods']);
        $icon = "";
        $match_regex = $threads['thread_id'] . "\\|" . $threads['thread_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $threads['forum_id'];
        if ($threads['thread_lastpost'] > $this->forum_info['lastvisited']) {
            if (iMEMBER && ($threads['thread_lastuser'] == $userdata['user_id'] || preg_match("(^\\.{$match_regex}\$|\\.{$match_regex}\\.|\\.{$match_regex}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('thread') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0261'] . "'></i>";
            } else {
                $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('new') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "'></i>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Get thread structure when given specific tag id
  * @param string     $tag_id
  * @param bool|FALSE $filter
  * @return array
 public static function get_tag_thread($tag_id = '0', $filter = FALSE)
     $info = array();
     $locale = fusion_get_locale("", FORUM_LOCALE);
     $forum_settings = ForumServer::get_forum_settings();
     $userdata = fusion_get_userdata();
     $userdata['user_id'] = !empty($userdata['user_id']) ? (int) intval($userdata['user_id']) : 0;
     $lastVisited = isset($userdata['user_lastvisit']) && isnum($userdata['user_lastvisit']) ? $userdata['user_lastvisit'] : time();
      * Get threads with filter conditions (XSS prevention)
     $thread_query = "\n        SELECT\n        count(t.thread_id) 'thread_max_rows',\n        count(a1.attach_id) 'attach_image',\n        count(a2.attach_id) 'attach_files'\n        FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t\n        LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tf.forum_id = t.forum_id\n        INNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n        #LEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id\n        LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p1 ON p1.thread_id = t.thread_id and p1.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n        LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n        #LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = v.post_id\n        LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n        LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n        WHERE " . in_group('t.thread_tags', intval($tag_id), '.') . " AND t.thread_hidden='0' AND " . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . "\n        " . (isset($filter['condition']) ? $filter['condition'] : '') . "\n        GROUP BY tf.forum_id\n        ";
     $thread_result = dbquery($thread_query);
     $thread_rows = dbrows($thread_result);
     $count = array("thread_max_rows" => 0, "attach_image" => 0, "attach_files" => 0);
     $info['item'][$tag_id]['forum_threadcount'] = 0;
     $info['item'][$tag_id]['forum_threadcount_word'] = format_word($count['thread_max_rows'], $locale['fmt_thread']);
     if ($thread_rows > 0) {
         $count = dbarray($thread_result);
         $info['item'][$tag_id]['forum_threadcount'] = 0;
         $info['item'][$tag_id]['forum_threadcount_word'] = format_word($count['thread_max_rows'], $locale['fmt_thread']);
     $info['thread_max_rows'] = $count['thread_max_rows'];
     if ($info['thread_max_rows'] > 0) {
         $info['threads']['pagenav'] = "";
         $info['threads']['pagenav2'] = "";
         // anti-XSS filtered rowstart
         $_GET['thread_rowstart'] = isset($_GET['thread_rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['thread_rowstart']) && $_GET['thread_rowstart'] <= $count['thread_max_rows'] ? $_GET['thread_rowstart'] : 0;
         $thread_query = "\n            SELECT t.*, tf.forum_type, tf.forum_name, tf.forum_cat,\n            tu1.user_name ' author_name', tu1.user_status 'author_status', tu1.user_avatar 'author_avatar',\n            tu2.user_name 'last_user_name', tu2.user_status 'last_user_status', tu2.user_avatar 'last_user_avatar',\n            p1.post_datestamp, p1.post_message,\n            IF (n.thread_id > 0, 1 , 0) 'user_tracked',\n            count(v.vote_user) 'thread_rated',\n            count(pv.forum_vote_user_id) 'poll_voted',\n            p.forum_poll_title,\n            count(v.post_id) AS vote_count,\n            a1.attach_name, a1.attach_id,\n            a2.attach_name, a2.attach_id,\n            count(a1.attach_mime) 'attach_image',\n            count(a2.attach_mime) 'attach_files',\n            min(p2.post_datestamp) 'first_post_datestamp'\n            FROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tf.forum_id = t.forum_id\n            INNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p1 ON p1.thread_id = t.thread_id and p1.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p2 ON p2.thread_id = t.thread_id\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n            #LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = v.post_id\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v on v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND v.vote_user='******'user_id'] . "' AND v.forum_id = t.forum_id AND tf.forum_type='4'\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLL_VOTERS . " pv on pv.thread_id = t.thread_id AND pv.forum_vote_user_id='" . $userdata['user_id'] . "' AND t.thread_poll=1\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n            LEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREAD_NOTIFY . " n on n.thread_id = t.thread_id and n.notify_user = '******'user_id'] . "'\n            WHERE " . in_group('t.thread_tags', intval($tag_id), '.') . " AND t.thread_hidden='0' AND " . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . "\n            " . (isset($filter['condition']) ? $filter['condition'] : '') . "\n            " . (multilang_table("FO") ? "AND tf.forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "'" : '') . "\n            GROUP BY t.thread_id\n            " . (isset($filter['order']) ? $filter['order'] : '') . "\n            LIMIT " . intval($_GET['thread_rowstart']) . ", " . $forum_settings['threads_per_page'];
         $cthread_result = dbquery($thread_query);
         if (dbrows($cthread_result) > 0) {
             while ($threads = dbarray($cthread_result)) {
                 $icon = "";
                 $match_regex = $threads['thread_id'] . "\\|" . $threads['thread_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $threads['forum_id'];
                 if ($threads['thread_lastpost'] > $lastVisited) {
                     if (iMEMBER && ($threads['thread_lastuser'] == $userdata['user_id'] || preg_match("(^\\.{$match_regex}\$|\\.{$match_regex}\\.|\\.{$match_regex}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                         $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('thread') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0261'] . "'></i>";
                     } else {
                         $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('new') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "'></i>";
                 $author = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_author'], 'user_name' => $threads['author_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['author_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['author_avatar']);
                 $lastuser = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_lastuser'], 'user_name' => $threads['last_user_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['last_user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['last_user_avatar']);
                 $threads += array("thread_link" => array("link" => FORUM . "viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'], "title" => $threads['thread_subject']), "forum_type" => $threads['forum_type'], "thread_pages" => makepagenav(0, $forum_settings['posts_per_page'], $threads['thread_postcount'], 3, FORUM . "viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'] . "&amp;"), "thread_icons" => array('lock' => $threads['thread_locked'] ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('lock') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0263'] . "'></i>" : '', 'sticky' => $threads['thread_sticky'] ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('sticky') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0103'] . "'></i>" : '', 'poll' => $threads['thread_poll'] ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('poll') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0314'] . "'></i>" : '', 'hot' => $threads['thread_postcount'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('hot') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'reads' => $threads['thread_views'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('reads') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'image' => $threads['attach_image'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('image') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0313'] . "'></i>" : '', 'file' => $threads['attach_files'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . self::get_forumIcons('file') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0312'] . "'></i>" : '', 'icon' => $icon), "thread_starter" => $locale['forum_0006'] . timer($threads['first_post_datestamp']) . " " . $locale['by'] . " " . profile_link($author['user_id'], $author['user_name'], $author['user_status']) . "</span>", "thread_author" => $author, "thread_last" => array('avatar' => display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', ''), 'profile_link' => profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']), 'time' => $threads['post_datestamp'], 'post_message' => parseubb(parsesmileys($threads['post_message'])), "formatted" => "<div class='pull-left'>" . display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', '') . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overflow-hide'>" . $locale['forum_0373'] . " <span class='forum_profile_link'>" . profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']) . "</span><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . timer($threads['post_datestamp']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"));
                 if ($threads['thread_sticky']) {
                     $info['threads']['sticky'][$threads['thread_id']] = $threads;
                 } else {
                     $info['threads']['item'][$threads['thread_id']] = $threads;
         if ($info['thread_max_rows'] > $forum_settings['threads_per_page']) {
             $info['threads']['pagenav'] = makepagenav($_GET['thread_rowstart'], $forum_settings['threads_per_page'], $info['thread_max_rows'], 3, clean_request("", array("thread_rowstart"), FALSE) . "&amp;", "thread_rowstart");
             $info['threads']['pagenav2'] = makepagenav($_GET['thread_rowstart'], $forum_settings['threads_per_page'], $info['thread_max_rows'], 3, clean_request("", array("thread_rowstart"), FALSE) . "&amp;", "thread_rowstart", TRUE);
     return (array) $info;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function set_ForumInfo()
     global $forum_settings, $userdata, $locale;
     if (stristr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'forum_id')) {
         if ($_GET['section'] == 'latest') {
             redirect(INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php?section=latest');
         if ($_GET['section'] == 'mypost') {
             redirect(INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php?section=mypost');
         if ($_GET['section'] == 'tracked') {
             redirect(INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php?section=tracked');
     // security boot due to insufficient access level
     if (isset($_GET['viewforum']) && !verify_forum($_GET['forum_id'])) {
         redirect(INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php');
     // Xss sanitization
     $this->forum_info = array('forum_id' => isset($_GET['forum_id']) ? $_GET['forum_id'] : 0, 'parent_id' => isset($_GET['parent_id']) && verify_forum($_GET['parent_id']) ? $_GET['parent_id'] : 0, 'forum_branch' => isset($_GET['forum_branch']) && verify_forum($_GET['forum_branch']) ? $_GET['forum_branch'] : 0, 'new_thread_link' => '', 'lastvisited' => isset($userdata['user_lastvisit']) && isnum($userdata['user_lastvisit']) ? $userdata['user_lastvisit'] : time(), 'posts_per_page' => $forum_settings['posts_per_page'], 'threads_per_page' => $forum_settings['threads_per_page'], 'forum_index' => dbquery_tree(DB_FORUMS, 'forum_id', 'forum_cat'), 'threads' => array(), 'section' => isset($_GET['section']) ? $_GET['section'] : 'thread');
     // Set Max Rows -- XSS
     $this->forum_info['forum_max_rows'] = dbcount("('forum_id')", DB_FORUMS, (multilang_table("FO") ? "forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : '') . "\n\t\tforum_cat='" . $this->forum_info['parent_id'] . "' AND " . groupaccess('forum_access') . "");
     // Sanitize Globals
     $_GET['forum_id'] = $this->forum_info['forum_id'];
     $_GET['rowstart'] = isset($_GET['rowstart']) && $_GET['rowstart'] <= $this->forum_info['forum_max_rows'] ? $_GET['rowstart'] : 0;
     $this->ext = isset($this->forum_info['parent_id']) && isnum($this->forum_info['parent_id']) ? "&amp;parent_id=" . $this->forum_info['parent_id'] : '';
     add_to_title($locale['global_200'] . $locale['forum_0000']);
     add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php', 'title' => $locale['forum_0000']));
     // Set Meta data
     if ($this->forum_info['forum_id'] > 0) {
         $meta_result = dbquery("SELECT forum_meta, forum_description FROM " . DB_FORUMS . " WHERE forum_id='" . intval($this->forum_info['forum_id']) . "'");
         if (dbrows($meta_result) > 0) {
             $meta_data = dbarray($meta_result);
             if ($meta_data['forum_description'] !== '') {
                 set_meta('description', $meta_data['forum_description']);
             if ($meta_data['forum_meta'] !== '') {
                 set_meta('keywords', $meta_data['forum_meta']);
     // Additional Sections in Index View
     if (isset($_GET['section'])) {
         switch ($_GET['section']) {
             case 'participated':
                 include INFUSIONS . "forum/sections/participated.php";
                 add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_024']);
                 add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?section=participated", 'title' => $locale['global_024']));
                 set_meta("description", $locale['global_024']);
             case 'latest':
                 include INFUSIONS . "forum/sections/latest.php";
                 add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_021']);
                 add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?section=latest", 'title' => $locale['global_021']));
                 set_meta("description", $locale['global_021']);
             case 'tracked':
                 include INFUSIONS . "forum/sections/tracked.php";
                 add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_056']);
                 add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?section=tracked", 'title' => $locale['global_056']));
                 set_meta("description", $locale['global_056']);
             case "unanswered":
                 include INFUSIONS . "forum/sections/unanswered.php";
                 add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_027']);
                 add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?section=unanswered", 'title' => $locale['global_027']));
                 set_meta("description", $locale['global_027']);
             case "unsolved":
                 include INFUSIONS . "forum/sections/unsolved.php";
                 add_to_title($locale['global_201'] . $locale['global_028']);
                 add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?section=unsolved", 'title' => $locale['global_028']));
                 set_meta("description", $locale['global_028']);
     } else {
         // Switch between view forum or forum index -- required: $_GET['viewforum']
         if ($this->forum_info['forum_id'] && isset($this->forum_info['parent_id']) && isset($_GET['viewforum'])) {
              * View Forum Additional Views - add Filter Initialization
             $time = isset($_GET['time']) ? $_GET['time'] : '';
             $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : '';
             $sort = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : '';
             $order = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : '';
             $timeCol = '';
             $typeCol = '';
             if ($time) {
                 $time_array = array('today' => strtotime('today'), '2days' => strtotime('-2 day'), '1week' => strtotime('-1 week'), '2week' => strtotime('-2 week'), '1month' => strtotime('-2 month'), '2month' => strtotime('-2 month'), '3month' => strtotime('-2 month'), '6month' => strtotime('-6 month'), '1year' => strtotime('-1 year'));
                 $time_stop = '';
                 foreach ($time_array as $key => $value) {
                     if ($time == $key) {
                         $time_stop = prev($time_array);
                 if ($time !== 'today') {
                     $timeCol = "AND ((post_datestamp >= '" . $time_array[$time] . "' OR t.thread_lastpost >= '" . $time_array[$time] . "') AND (post_datestamp <= '" . $time_stop . "' OR t.thread_lastpost <= '" . $time_stop . "')) ";
                 } else {
                     $timeCol = "AND (post_datestamp >= '" . $time_array[$time] . "' OR t.thread_lastpost >= '" . $time_array[$time] . "') ";
             if ($type) {
                 $type_array = array('all' => '', 'discussions' => "AND (a1.attach_name IS NULL or a1.attach_name='') AND (a2.attach_name IS NULL or a2.attach_name='') AND (forum_poll_title IS NULL or forum_poll_title='')", 'attachments' => "AND a1.attach_name !='' OR a2.attach_name !='' AND (forum_poll_title IS NULL or forum_poll_title='')", 'poll' => "AND (a1.attach_name IS NULL or a1.attach_name='') AND (a2.attach_name IS NULL or a2.attach_name='') AND forum_poll_title !=''", 'solved' => "AND t.thread_answered = '1'", 'unsolved' => "AND t.thread_answered = '0'");
                 $typeCol = $type_array[$type];
             $sortCol = "ORDER BY t.thread_lastpost ";
             $orderCol = 'ASC';
             if ($sort) {
                 $sort_array = array('author' => 't.thread_author', 'time' => 't.thread_lastpost', 'subject' => 't.thread_subject', 'reply' => 't.thread_postcount', 'view' => 't.thread_views');
                 $sortCol = "ORDER BY " . $sort_array[$sort] . " ";
             if ($order) {
                 $order_array = array('ascending' => 'ASC', 'descending' => 'DESC');
                 $orderCol = $order_array[$order];
             $sql_condition = $timeCol . $typeCol;
             $sql_order = $sortCol . $orderCol;
             // Filter Links
             $timeExt = isset($_GET['time']) ? "&amp;time=" . $_GET['time'] : '';
             $typeExt = isset($_GET['type']) ? "&amp;type=" . $_GET['type'] : '';
             $sortExt = isset($_GET['sort']) ? "&amp;sort=" . $_GET['sort'] : '';
             $orderExt = isset($_GET['order']) ? "&amp;order=" . $_GET['order'] : '';
             $baseLink = INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php?viewforum&amp;forum_id=' . $_GET['forum_id'] . '' . (isset($_GET['parent_id']) ? '&amp;parent_id=' . $_GET['parent_id'] . '' : '');
             $timeLink = $baseLink . $typeExt . $sortExt . $orderExt;
             $this->forum_info['filter']['time'] = array($locale['forum_3006'] => INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php?viewforum&amp;forum_id=' . $_GET['forum_id'] . '' . (isset($_GET['parent_id']) ? '&amp;parent_id=' . $_GET['parent_id'] . '' : ''), $locale['forum_3007'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=today', $locale['forum_3008'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=2days', $locale['forum_3009'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=1week', $locale['forum_3010'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=2week', $locale['forum_3011'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=1month', $locale['forum_3012'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=2month', $locale['forum_3013'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=3month', $locale['forum_3014'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=6month', $locale['forum_3015'] => $timeLink . '&amp;time=1year');
             $typeLink = $baseLink . $timeExt . $sortExt . $orderExt;
             $this->forum_info['filter']['type'] = array($locale['forum_3000'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=all', $locale['forum_3001'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=discussions', $locale['forum_3002'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=attachments', $locale['forum_3003'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=poll', $locale['forum_3004'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=solved', $locale['forum_3005'] => $typeLink . '&amp;type=unsolved');
             $sortLink = $baseLink . $timeExt . $typeExt . $orderExt;
             $this->forum_info['filter']['sort'] = array($locale['forum_3016'] => $sortLink . '&amp;sort=author', $locale['forum_3017'] => $sortLink . '&amp;sort=time', $locale['forum_3018'] => $sortLink . '&amp;sort=subject', $locale['forum_3019'] => $sortLink . '&amp;sort=reply', $locale['forum_3020'] => $sortLink . '&amp;sort=view');
             $orderLink = $baseLink . $timeExt . $typeExt . $sortExt;
             $this->forum_info['filter']['order'] = array($locale['forum_3021'] => $orderLink . '&amp;order=descending', $locale['forum_3022'] => $orderLink . '&amp;order=ascending');
             // Forum SQL
             $result = dbquery("SELECT f.*, f2.forum_name AS forum_cat_name,\n\t\t\t\tt.thread_id, t.thread_lastpost, t.thread_lastpostid, t.thread_subject,\n\t\t\t\tcount(t.thread_id) as forum_threadcount, p.post_message,\n\t\t\t\tu.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_status, u.user_avatar\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_FORUMS . " f\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " f2 ON f.forum_cat = f2.forum_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t ON t.forum_id = f.forum_id\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p on p.thread_id = t.thread_id and p.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " u ON f.forum_lastuser=u.user_id  ## -- redo this part -- ##\n\t\t\t\t" . (multilang_table("FO") ? "WHERE f.forum_language='" . LANGUAGE . "' AND" : "WHERE") . " " . groupaccess('f.forum_access') . "\n\t\t\t\tAND f.forum_id='" . intval($this->forum_info['forum_id']) . "' OR f.forum_cat='" . intval($this->forum_info['forum_id']) . "' OR f.forum_branch='" . intval($this->forum_info['forum_branch']) . "'\n\t\t\t\tgroup by f.forum_id ORDER BY forum_cat ASC\n\t\t\t\t");
             $refs = array();
             if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
                 while ($row = dbarray($result) and checkgroup($row['forum_access'])) {
                     // Calculate Forum New Status
                     $newStatus = "";
                     $forum_match = "\\|" . $row['forum_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $row['forum_id'];
                     $last_visited = isset($userdata['user_lastvisit']) && isnum($userdata['user_lastvisit']) ? $userdata['user_lastvisit'] : time();
                     if ($row['forum_lastpost'] > $last_visited) {
                         if (iMEMBER && ($row['forum_lastuser'] !== $userdata['user_id'] || !preg_match("({$forum_match}\\.|{$forum_match}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                             $newStatus = "<span class='forum-new-icon'><i title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "' class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('new') . "'></i></span>";
                     // Calculate lastpost information
                     $lastPostInfo = array();
                     if ($row['forum_lastpostid']) {
                         $last_post = array('avatar' => '', 'avatar_src' => $row['user_avatar'] && file_exists(IMAGES . 'avatars/' . $row['user_avatar']) && !is_dir(IMAGES . 'avatars/' . $row['user_avatar']) ? IMAGES . 'avatars/' . $row['user_avatar'] : '', 'message' => fusion_first_words(parseubb(parsesmileys($row['post_message'])), 10), 'profile_link' => profile_link($row['forum_lastuser'], $row['user_name'], $row['user_status']), 'time' => timer($row['forum_lastpost']), 'date' => showdate("forumdate", $row['forum_lastpost']), 'thread_link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=" . $row['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $row['thread_id'], 'post_link' => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=" . $row['forum_id'] . "&amp;thread_id=" . $row['thread_id'] . "&amp;pid=" . $row['thread_lastpostid'] . "#post_" . $row['thread_lastpostid']);
                         if ($forum_settings['forum_last_post_avatar']) {
                             $last_post['avatar'] = display_avatar($row, '30px', '', '', 'img-rounded');
                         $lastPostInfo = $last_post;
                      * Default system icons - why do i need this? Why not let themers decide?
                     switch ($row['forum_type']) {
                         case '1':
                             $forum_icon = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('forum') . " fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                             $forum_icon_lg = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('forum') . " fa-3x fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                         case '2':
                             $forum_icon = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('thread') . " fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                             $forum_icon_lg = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('thread') . " fa-3x fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                         case '3':
                             $forum_icon = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('link') . " fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                             $forum_icon_lg = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('link') . " fa-3x fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                         case '4':
                             $forum_icon = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('question') . " fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                             $forum_icon_lg = "<i class='" . Functions::get_forumIcons('question') . " fa-3x fa-fw m-r-10'></i>";
                             $forum_icon = "";
                             $forum_icon_lg = "";
                     $row += array("forum_moderators" => Functions::parse_forumMods($row['forum_mods']), "forum_new_status" => $newStatus, "forum_link" => array("link" => INFUSIONS . "forum/index.php?viewforum&amp;forum_id=" . $row['forum_id'] . "&amp;parent_id=" . $row['forum_cat'], "title" => $row['forum_name']), "forum_description" => nl2br(parseubb($row['forum_description'])), "forum_postcount_word" => format_word($row['forum_postcount'], $locale['fmt_post']), "forum_threadcount_word" => format_word($row['forum_threadcount'], $locale['fmt_thread']), "last_post" => $lastPostInfo, "forum_icon" => $forum_icon, "forum_icon_lg" => $forum_icon_lg, "forum_image" => $row['forum_image'] && file_exists(FORUM . "images/" . $row['forum_image']) ? $row['forum_image'] : "");
                     $this->forum_info['forum_moderators'] = $row['forum_moderators'];
                     // child hierarchy data.
                     $thisref =& $refs[$row['forum_id']];
                     $thisref = $row;
                     if ($row['forum_cat'] == $this->forum_info['parent_id']) {
                         $this->forum_info['item'][$row['forum_id']] =& $thisref;
                         // will push main item out.
                     } else {
                         $refs[$row['forum_cat']]['child'][$row['forum_id']] =& $thisref;
                      * The current forum
                     if ($row['forum_id'] == $this->forum_info['forum_id']) {
                         require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
                         // do the full string of checks for forums access
                         // Generate Links
                         if ($this->getForumPermission("can_post")) {
                             $this->forum_info['new_thread_link'] = INFUSIONS . "forum/newthread.php?forum_id=" . $row['forum_id'];
                          * Get threads with filter conditions
                         $count = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(t.thread_id) 'thread_max_rows',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(a1.attach_id) 'attach_image',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(a2.attach_id) 'attach_files'\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tf.forum_id = t.forum_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id #issue 323\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p1 ON p1.thread_id = t.thread_id and p1.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = v.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.forum_id='" . $this->forum_info['forum_id'] . "' AND t.thread_hidden='0' AND " . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . " {$sql_condition}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t##GROUP BY t.thread_id {$sql_order}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"));
                         $this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'] = $count['thread_max_rows'];
                         if ($this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'] > 0) {
                             $this->forum_info['threads']['pagenav'] = "";
                             $this->forum_info['threads']['pagenav2'] = "";
                             // anti-XSS filtered rowstart
                             $_GET['thread_rowstart'] = isset($_GET['thread_rowstart']) && isnum($_GET['thread_rowstart']) && $_GET['thread_rowstart'] <= $this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'] ? $_GET['thread_rowstart'] : 0;
                             $t_result = dbquery("\n                                SELECT t.*, tu1.user_name AS author_name, tu1.user_status AS author_status, tu1.user_avatar as author_avatar,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttu2.user_name AS last_user_name, tu2.user_status AS last_user_status, tu2.user_avatar AS last_user_avatar,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp1.post_datestamp, p1.post_message,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tp.forum_poll_title,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(v.post_id) AS vote_count,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta1.attach_name, a1.attach_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta2.attach_name, a2.attach_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(a1.attach_mime) 'attach_image',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcount(a2.attach_mime) 'attach_files'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB_FORUM_THREADS . " t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUMS . " tf ON tf.forum_id = t.forum_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu1 ON t.thread_author = tu1.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu2 ON t.thread_lastuser = tu2.user_id #issue 323\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POSTS . " p1 ON p1.thread_id = t.thread_id and p1.post_id = t.thread_lastpostid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_POLLS . " p ON p.thread_id = t.thread_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_VOTES . " v ON v.thread_id = t.thread_id AND p1.post_id = v.post_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a1 on a1.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a1.attach_mime IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " a2 on a2.thread_id = t.thread_id AND a2.attach_mime NOT IN ('" . implode(",", img_mimeTypes()) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.forum_id='" . $this->forum_info['forum_id'] . "' AND t.thread_hidden='0' AND " . groupaccess('tf.forum_access') . " {$sql_condition}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY t.thread_id {$sql_order} LIMIT " . intval($_GET['thread_rowstart']) . ", " . $this->forum_info['threads_per_page']);
                             $thread_rows = dbrows($t_result);
                             if ($thread_rows > 0) {
                                 while ($threads = dbarray($t_result)) {
                                     $icon = "";
                                     $match_regex = $threads['thread_id'] . "\\|" . $threads['thread_lastpost'] . "\\|" . $threads['forum_id'];
                                     if ($threads['thread_lastpost'] > $this->forum_info['lastvisited']) {
                                         if (iMEMBER && ($threads['thread_lastuser'] == $userdata['user_id'] || preg_match("(^\\.{$match_regex}\$|\\.{$match_regex}\\.|\\.{$match_regex}\$)", $userdata['user_threads']))) {
                                             $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('thread') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0261'] . "'></i>";
                                         } else {
                                             $icon = "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('new') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0260'] . "'></i>";
                                     $author = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_author'], 'user_name' => $threads['author_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['author_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['author_avatar']);
                                     $lastuser = array('user_id' => $threads['thread_lastuser'], 'user_name' => $threads['last_user_name'], 'user_status' => $threads['last_user_status'], 'user_avatar' => $threads['last_user_avatar']);
                                     $threads += array("thread_link" => array("link" => INFUSIONS . "forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'], "title" => $threads['thread_subject']), "forum_type" => $row['forum_type'], "thread_pages" => makepagenav(0, $forum_settings['posts_per_page'], $threads['thread_postcount'], 3, FORUM . "viewthread.php?thread_id=" . $threads['thread_id'] . "&amp;"), "thread_icons" => array('lock' => $threads['thread_locked'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('lock') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0263'] . "'></i>" : '', 'sticky' => $threads['thread_sticky'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('sticky') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0103'] . "'></i>" : '', 'poll' => $threads['thread_poll'] ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('poll') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0314'] . "'></i>" : '', 'hot' => $threads['thread_postcount'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('hot') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'reads' => $threads['thread_views'] >= 20 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('reads') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0311'] . "'></i>" : '', 'image' => $threads['attach_image'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('image') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0313'] . "'></i>" : '', 'file' => $threads['attach_files'] > 0 ? "<i class='" . get_forumIcons('file') . "' title='" . $locale['forum_0312'] . "'></i>" : '', 'icon' => $icon), "thread_starter" => $locale['forum_0006'] . timer($threads['post_datestamp']) . " " . $locale['by'] . " " . profile_link($author['user_id'], $author['user_name'], $author['user_status']) . "</span>", "thread_author" => $author, "thread_last" => array('avatar' => display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', ''), 'profile_link' => profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']), 'time' => $threads['post_datestamp'], 'post_message' => parseubb(parsesmileys($threads['post_message'])), "formatted" => "<div class='pull-left'>" . display_avatar($lastuser, '30px', '', '', '') . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='overflow-hide'>" . $locale['forum_0373'] . " <span class='forum_profile_link'>" . profile_link($lastuser['user_id'], $lastuser['user_name'], $lastuser['user_status']) . "</span><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . timer($threads['post_datestamp']) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>"));
                                     //if ($threads['thread_status']['reads']) $threads['thread_status']['icon'] = $threads['thread_status']['reads'];
                                     //if ($threads['thread_status']['hot']) $threads['thread_status']['icon'] = $threads['thread_status']['hot'];
                                     //if ($threads['thread_status']['sticky']) $threads['thread_status']['icon'] = $threads['thread_status']['sticky'];
                                     //if ($threads['thread_status']['lock']) $threads['thread_status']['icon'] = $threads['thread_status']['lock'];
                                     // Threads Customized Output
                                     										$attach_image = 0;
                                     										$attach_file = 0;
                                     										$a_result = dbquery("SELECT attach_id, attach_mime FROM ".DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS." WHERE thread_id ='".$threads['thread_id']."'");
                                     										if (dbrows($a_result) > 0) {
                                     											require_once INCLUDES."mimetypes_include.php";
                                     											while ($adata = dbarray($a_result)) {
                                     												if (in_array($adata['attach_mime'], img_mimeTypes())) {
                                     													$attach_image = $attach_image+1;
                                     												} else {
                                     													$attach_file = $attach_file+1;
                                     if ($threads['thread_sticky']) {
                                         $this->forum_info['threads']['sticky'][$threads['thread_id']] = $threads;
                                     } else {
                                         $this->forum_info['threads']['item'][$threads['thread_id']] = $threads;
                             if ($this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'] > $this->forum_info['threads_per_page']) {
                                 $this->forum_info['threads']['pagenav'] = makepagenav($_GET['thread_rowstart'], $this->forum_info['threads_per_page'], $this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'], 3, clean_request("", array("thread_rowstart"), FALSE) . "&amp;", "thread_rowstart");
                                 $this->forum_info['threads']['pagenav2'] = makepagenav($_GET['thread_rowstart'], $this->forum_info['threads_per_page'], $this->forum_info['thread_max_rows'], 3, clean_request("", array("thread_rowstart"), FALSE) . "&amp;", "thread_rowstart", TRUE);
             } else {
                 redirect(INFUSIONS . 'forum/index.php');
         } else {
             $this->forum_info['forums'] = Functions::get_forum();
Ejemplo n.º 7
echo form_select('download_visibility', $locale['download_0205'], $data['download_visibility'], array('options' => fusion_get_groups(), 'placeholder' => $locale['choose'], 'width' => '100%'));
if ($dl_settings['download_screenshot']) {
    if (!empty($data['download_image']) && !empty($data['download_image_thumb'])) {
        echo "<div class='clearfix list-group-item m-b-20'>\n";
        echo "<div class='pull-left m-r-10'>\n";
        echo thumbnail(DOWNLOADS . "images/" . $data['download_image_thumb'], '80px');
        echo "</div>\n";
        echo "<div class='overflow-hide'>\n";
        echo "<span class='text-dark strong'>" . $locale['download_0220'] . "</span>\n";
        echo form_checkbox('del_image', $locale['download_0216'], '');
        echo form_hidden('download_image', '', $data['download_image']);
        echo form_hidden('download_image_thumb', '', $data['download_image_thumb']);
        echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
    } else {
        require_once INCLUDES . "mimetypes_include.php";
        $file_options = array('upload_path' => DOWNLOADS . "images/", 'max_width' => $dl_settings['download_screen_max_w'], 'max_height' => $dl_settings['download_screen_max_w'], 'max_byte' => $dl_settings['download_screen_max_b'], 'type' => 'image', 'delete_original' => 0, 'thumbnail_folder' => '', 'thumbnail' => 1, 'thumbnail_suffix' => '_thumb', 'thumbnail_w' => $dl_settings['download_thumb_max_w'], 'thumbnail_h' => $dl_settings['download_thumb_max_h'], 'thumbnail2' => 0, 'valid_ext' => implode('.', array_keys(img_mimeTypes())), "width" => "100%", "template" => "modern");
        echo form_fileinput('download_image', $locale['download_0220'], '', $file_options);
        // all file types.
        echo "<div class='m-b-10'>" . sprintf($locale['download_0219'], parsebytesize($dl_settings['download_screen_max_b']), str_replace(',', ' ', ".jpg,.gif,.png"), $dl_settings['download_screen_max_w'], $dl_settings['download_screen_max_h']) . "</div>\n";
echo form_button('save_download', $locale['download_0212'], $locale['download_0212'], array('class' => 'btn-success m-r-10', 'icon' => 'fa fa-check-square-o'));
echo form_checkbox('download_allow_comments', $locale['download_0223'], $data['download_allow_comments'], array('class' => 'm-b-0'));
echo form_checkbox('download_allow_ratings', $locale['download_0224'], $data['download_allow_ratings'], array('class' => 'm-b-0'));
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") {
    echo form_checkbox('update_datestamp', $locale['download_0213'], '', array('class' => 'm-b-0'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /** The master form for Adding or Editing Dynamic Fields */
 private function quantum_dynamics_form()
     global $aidlink, $defender;
     $config = array();
     $config_1 = array();
     $config_2 = array('field_thumbnail' => 0, 'field_thumbnail_2' => 0);
     $form_action = FUSION_SELF . $aidlink;
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'field_edit' && isset($_GET['field_id']) && self::validate_field($_GET['field_id'])) {
         $form_action .= "&amp;action=" . $_GET['action'] . "&amp;field_id=" . $_GET['field_id'];
         $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $this->field_db . " WHERE field_id='" . intval($_GET['field_id']) . "'");
         if (dbrows($result) > 0) {
             $this->field_data = dbarray($result);
             if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') {
                 $this->field_data += unserialize($this->field_data['config']);
                 // uncompress serialized extended information.
                 if ($this->debug) {
         } else {
             if (!$this->debug) {
                 redirect(FUSION_SELF . $aidlink);
     $this->field_data['field_type'] = isset($_POST['add_field']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['add_field'], '') : $this->field_data['field_type'];
     if (isset($_POST['save_field'])) {
         $this->field_data = array('field_type' => isset($_POST['add_field']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['add_field'], '') : $this->field_data['field_type'], 'field_id' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_id'], '0', 'field_id'), 'field_title' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_title'], '', 'field_title', 1), 'field_name' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_name'], '', 'field_name'), 'field_cat' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_cat'], '0', 'field_cat'), 'field_options' => isset($_POST['field_options']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_options'], '', 'field_options') : $this->field_data['field_options'], 'field_default' => isset($_POST['field_default']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_default'], '', 'field_default') : $this->field_data['field_default'], 'field_error' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_error'], '', 'field_error'), 'field_required' => isset($_POST['field_required']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_log' => isset($_POST['field_log']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_registration' => isset($_POST['field_registration']) ? 1 : 0, 'field_order' => form_sanitizer($_POST['field_order'], '0', 'field_order'));
         $this->field_data['field_name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->field_data['field_name']);
         // make sure no space.
         if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') {
             $max_b = isset($_POST['field_max_b']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_max_b'], '', 'field_max_b') : 150000;
             $calc = isset($_POST['field_calc']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_calc'], '', 'field_calc') : 1;
             $config = array('field_max_b' => isset($_POST['field_max_b']) && isset($_POST['field_calc']) ? $max_b * $calc : $this->field_data['field_max_b'], 'field_upload_type' => isset($_POST['field_upload_type']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_upload_type'], '', 'field_upload_type') : $this->field_data['field_upload_type'], 'field_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_upload_path']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_upload_path'], '', 'field_upload_path') : $this->field_data['field_upload_path']);
             $config_1['field_valid_file_ext'] = isset($_POST['field_valid_file_ext']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'file' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_valid_file_ext'], '', 'field_valid_file_ext') : $this->field_data['field_valid_file_ext'];
             $config_2 = array('field_valid_image_ext' => isset($_POST['field_valid_image_ext']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_valid_image_ext'], '', 'field_valid_image_ext') : $this->field_data['field_valid_image_ext'], 'field_image_max_w' => isset($_POST['field_image_max_w']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_image_max_w'], '', 'field_image_max_w') : $this->field_data['field_image_max_w'], 'field_image_max_h' => isset($_POST['field_image_max_h']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_image_max_h'], '', 'field_image_max_h') : $this->field_data['field_image_max_h'], 'field_thumbnail' => isset($_POST['field_thumbnail']) ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumbnail'], 0, 'field_thumbnail') : $this->field_data['field_thumbnail'], 'field_thumb_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_upload_path']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_upload_path'], '', 'field_thumb_upload_path') : $this->field_data['field_thumb_upload_path'], 'field_thumb_w' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_w']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_w'], '', 'field_thumb_w') : $this->field_data['field_thumb_w'], 'field_thumb_h' => isset($_POST['field_thumb_h']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb_h'], '', 'field_thumb_h') : $this->field_data['field_thumb_h'], 'field_thumbnail_2' => isset($_POST['field_thumbnail_2']) ? 1 : isset($_POST['field_id']) ? 0 : $this->field_data['field_thumbnail_2'], 'field_thumb2_upload_path' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_upload_path']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail_2'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_upload_path'], '', 'field_thumb2_upload_path') : $this->field_data['field_thumb2_upload_path'], 'field_thumb2_w' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_w']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail_2'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_w'], '', 'field_thumb2_w') : $this->field_data['field_thumb2_w'], 'field_thumb2_h' => isset($_POST['field_thumb2_h']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' && $config_2['field_thumbnail_2'] ? form_sanitizer($_POST['field_thumb2_h'], '', 'field_thumb2_h') : $this->field_data['field_thumb2_h'], 'field_delete_original' => isset($_POST['field_delete_original']) && $config['field_upload_type'] == 'image' ? 1 : isset($_POST['field_id']) ? 0 : $this->field_data['field_delete_original']);
             if ($config['field_upload_type'] == 'file') {
                 $config = array_merge($config, $config_1);
             } elseif ($config['field_upload_type'] == 'image') {
                 // upload path must be required.
                 $config = array_merge($config, $config_2);
             } else {
                 addNotice('danger', $this->locale['fields_0108']);
             if (\defender::safe()) {
                 $this->field_data['config'] = serialize($config);
         $this->create_fields($this->field_data, 'dynamics');
     echo "<div class='m-t-20'>\n";
     echo openform('fieldform', 'post', $form_action, array('max_tokens' => 1));
     echo form_button('save_field', $this->locale['fields_0488'], 'save', array('input_id' => "save_field2", 'class' => 'btn-primary m-b-20'));
     $disable_opts = array();
     foreach ($this->page_list as $index => $v) {
         $disable_opts[] = $index;
     // ok the value generated needs to be parsed by quantum
     echo form_select_tree('field_cat', $this->locale['fields_0450'], $this->field_data['field_cat'], array('no_root' => 1, 'width' => '100%', 'disable_opts' => $disable_opts), $this->category_db, 'field_cat_name', 'field_cat_id', 'field_parent');
     echo self::quantum_multilocale_fields('field_title', $this->locale['fields_0451'], $this->field_data['field_title'], array('required' => 1));
     echo form_text('field_name', $this->locale['fields_0453'], $this->field_data['field_name'], array('placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0454'], 'required' => 1));
     if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'select') {
         echo form_select('field_options', $this->locale['fields_0455'], $this->field_data['field_options'], array('required' => 1, 'tags' => 1, 'multiple' => 1));
     if ($this->field_data['field_type'] == 'upload') {
         require_once INCLUDES . 'mimetypes_include.php';
         $file_type_list = array();
         $file_image_list = array();
         foreach (mimeTypes() as $file_ext => $occ) {
             if (!in_array($file_ext, array_flip(img_mimeTypes()))) {
                 $file_type_list[] = '.' . $file_ext;
         foreach (img_mimeTypes() as $file_ext => $occ) {
             $file_image_list[] = '.' . $file_ext;
         function calculate_byte($download_max_b)
             $calc_opts = array(1 => $this->locale['fields_0490'], 1000 => $this->locale['fields_0491'], 1000000 => $this->locale['fields_0492']);
             foreach ($calc_opts as $byte => $val) {
                 if ($download_max_b / $byte <= 999) {
                     return $byte;
             return 1000000;
         $calc_opts = array(1 => $this->locale['fields_0490'], 1000 => $this->locale['fields_0491'], 1000000 => $this->locale['fields_0492']);
         $calc_c = calculate_byte($config['field_max_b']);
         $calc_b = $config['field_max_b'] / $calc_c;
         $file_upload_type = array('file' => $this->locale['fields_0456'], 'image' => 'Image Only');
         echo form_select('field_upload_type', $this->locale['fields_0457'], $config['field_upload_type'], array("options" => $file_upload_type));
         echo form_text('field_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0458'], $config['field_upload_path'], array('placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0459'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "<label for='field_max_b'>" . $this->locale['fields_0460'] . "</label>\n<br/>";
         echo "<div class='row'>\n";
         echo "<div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_max_b', '', $calc_b, array('class' => 'm-b-0', 'number' => 1, 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div><div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 p-l-0'>\n";
         echo form_select('field_calc', '', $calc_c, array('options' => $calc_opts, 'width' => '100%'));
         echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
         // File Type
         echo "<div id='file_type'>\n";
         echo form_select('field_valid_file_ext', $this->locale['fields_0461'], $config_1['field_valid_file_ext'], array('options' => $file_type_list, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'tags' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE));
         echo "</div>\n";
         // Image Type
         echo "<div id='image_type'>\n";
         echo form_select('field_valid_image_ext', $this->locale['fields_0462'], $config_2['field_valid_image_ext'], array('options' => $file_image_list, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'tags' => TRUE, 'required' => TRUE));
         echo "<label>" . $this->locale['fields_0463'] . "</label>\n<br/>";
         echo "<div class='row'>\n";
         echo "<div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_image_max_w', $this->locale['fields_0464'], $config_2['field_image_max_w'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div><div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 p-l-0'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_image_max_h', $this->locale['fields_0465'], $config_2['field_image_max_h'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
         echo form_checkbox('field_thumbnail', $this->locale['fields_0467'], $config_2['field_thumbnail']);
         echo "<div id='field_t1'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0468'], $config_2['field_thumb_upload_path'], array('placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0469'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "<label>" . $this->locale['fields_0470'] . "</label>\n<br/>";
         echo "<div class='row'>\n";
         echo "<div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb_w', $this->locale['fields_0471'], $config_2['field_thumb_w'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div><div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 p-l-0'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb_h', $this->locale['fields_0472'], $config_2['field_thumb_h'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
         echo "</div>\n";
         echo form_checkbox('field_thumbnail_2', $this->locale['fields_0473'], $config_2['field_thumbnail_2']);
         echo "<div id='field_t2'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb2_upload_path', $this->locale['fields_0474'], $config_2['field_thumb2_upload_path'], array('placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0469'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "<label>" . $this->locale['fields_0475'] . "</label>\n<br/>";
         echo "<div class='row'>\n";
         echo "<div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb2_w', $this->locale['fields_0476'], $config_2['field_thumb2_h'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div><div class='col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 p-l-0'>\n";
         echo form_text('field_thumb2_h', $this->locale['fields_0477'], $config_2['field_thumb2_h'], array('number' => 1, 'placeholder' => $this->locale['fields_0466'], 'required' => 1));
         echo "</div>\n</div>\n";
         echo "</div>\n";
         echo form_checkbox('field_delete_original', $this->locale['fields_0478'], $config_2['field_delete_original']);
         echo "</div>\n";
         add_to_jquery("\n\t\t\tif (\$('#field_upload_type').select2().val() == 'image') {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#image_type').show();\n\t\t\t\t\$('#file_type').hide();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#image_type').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\$('#file_type').show();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\$('#field_upload_type').bind('change', function() {\n\t\t\t\tif (\$(this).select2().val() == 'image') {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#image_type').show();\n\t\t\t\t\$('#file_type').hide();\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#image_type').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\$('#file_type').show();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t// thumbnail\n\t\t\t\$('#field_thumbnail').is(':checked') ? \$('#field_t1').show() : \$('#field_t1').hide();\n\t\t\t\$('#field_thumbnail').bind('click', function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$(this).is(':checked') ? \$('#field_t1').show() : \$('#field_t1').hide();\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t// thumbnail 2\n\t\t\t\$('#field_thumbnail_2').is(':checked') ? \$('#field_t2').show() : \$('#field_t2').hide();\n\t\t\t\$('#field_thumbnail_2').bind('click', function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$(this).is(':checked') ? \$('#field_t2').show() : \$('#field_t2').hide();\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t");
     } else {
         // @todo add config for textarea
         if ($this->field_data['field_type'] !== 'textarea') {
             echo form_text('field_default', $this->locale['fields_0480'], $this->field_data['field_default']);
         echo form_text('field_error', $this->locale['fields_0481'], $this->field_data['field_error']);
     echo form_checkbox('field_required', $this->locale['fields_0482'], $this->field_data['field_required']);
     echo form_checkbox('field_log', $this->locale['fields_0483'], $this->field_data['field_log']);
     echo form_text('field_order', $this->locale['fields_0484'], $this->field_data['field_order'], array('number' => 1));
     echo form_checkbox('field_registration', $this->locale['fields_0485'], $this->field_data['field_registration']);
     echo form_hidden('add_field', '', $this->field_data['field_type']);
     echo form_hidden('field_id', '', $this->field_data['field_id']);
     echo form_button('save_field', $this->locale['fields_0488'], 'save', array('class' => 'btn-sm btn-primary'));
     echo closeform();
     echo "</div>\n";