Ejemplo n.º 1
 function nodes_list()
     global $db;
     global $geocalc;
     global $srtm;
     global $vars;
     $this->aCounter = 0;
     $a_node = get('a_node');
     $this->template['a_node'] = $a_node;
     if ($this->template['a_node'] != '') {
         $a_node_data = $db->get('id, name, latitude, longitude, elevation', 'nodes', "id = '" . $this->template['a_node'] . "'", '', 'name');
         $a_node_data = $a_node_data[0];
         $this->template['a_node_output'] = $a_node_data['name'] . ' (#' . $a_node_data['id'] . ')';
     $this->result = "<table width=\"100%\"  border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"table-list\">\n    <tr>\n    <td width=\"100%\" class=\"table-list-title\">LOS from " . $this->template['a_node_output'] . "</td>\n    <td width=\"200\"></td>         </tr>\n    <tr>\n    <td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">\n    <table width=\"100%\"  border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n    <tr>\n    <td class=\"table-list-top-cell\">\n    Node name\n    </td>\n    <td class=\"table-list-top-cell\">\n    Lat\n    </td><td class=\"table-list-top-cell\">\n    Long\n    </td>" . "<td class=\"table-list-top-cell\">\n    Elevation\n    </td>" . "<td class=\"table-list-top-cell\">\n    Distance\n    </td>" . "<td class=\"table-list-top-cell\" colspan=\"2\">\n    LOS\n    </td>\n    </tr>";
     $a_node = $db->get('latitude, longitude, elevation', 'nodes', "id = '" . $_GET["a_node"] . "'");
     $SQL_select = "SELECT distinct(a.id), a.*, (1000 * acos(\n      cos( radians(" . $a_node[0]['latitude'] . ") )\n      * cos( radians( latitude ) )\n      * cos( radians( longitude )\n      - radians(" . $a_node[0]['longitude'] . ") )\n      + sin( radians(" . $a_node[0]['latitude'] . ") )\n      * sin( radians( latitude ) )\n      )\n      ) AS distance\n    ";
     $SQL = " FROM nodes a LEFT JOIN links b ON a.id = b.node_id and b.type in ('ap','p2p'" . (get('showall') == '' ? "" : ",'client'") . ") and b.status='active' \n      WHERE a.id != " . $_GET["a_node"] . " AND not b.node_id is null " . sprintf("and a.latitude between %.2f and %.2f ", min($vars['map']['bounds']['min_latitude'], $vars['map']['bounds']['max_latitude']), max($vars['map']['bounds']['min_latitude'], $vars['map']['bounds']['max_latitude'])) . sprintf("and a.longitude between %.2f and %.2f ", min($vars['map']['bounds']['min_longitude'], $vars['map']['bounds']['max_longitude']), max($vars['map']['bounds']['min_longitude'], $vars['map']['bounds']['max_longitude']));
     //echo $SQL_select.$SQL;
     $limitRows = isset($vars['constructor']['max_rows']) ? $vars['constructor']['max_rows'] : 20;
     $r = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT (a.id) ) AS number " . $SQL);
     //echo "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT (a.id) ) AS number ".$SQL;
     while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
         $nodesNum = $ROW['number'];
     $sqldo = $SQL_select . $SQL . " order by distance asc\n      limit " . (isset($_REQUEST['pg']) ? $_REQUEST['pg'] * $limitRows - $limitRows . ",{$limitRows}" : $limitRows);
     //echo $sqldo;
     $RES = mysql_query($sqldo);
     $a_node = $db->get('latitude, longitude, elevation', 'nodes', "id = '" . $_GET["a_node"] . "'");
     $width = 570;
     $height = 250;
     while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($RES)) {
         $this->image = imagecreate($width, $height);
         $b_node = $ROW[0];
         $this->template['b_node'] = $b_node;
         if ($this->template['b_node'] != '') {
             $b_node_data = $db->get('id, name, latitude, longitude, elevation', 'nodes', "id = '" . $this->template['b_node'] . "'");
             $b_node_data = $b_node_data[0];
             $this->template['b_node_output'] = $b_node_data['name'] . ' (#' . $b_node_data['id'] . ')';
         $b_node = $db->get('latitude, longitude, elevation', 'nodes', "id = '" . $ROW[0] . "'");
         $antenna_a = $a_node[0]["elevation"];
         $antenna_b = $b_node[0]["elevation"];
         $point_a = new coordinate($a_node[0]['latitude'], $a_node[0]['longitude']);
         $point_b = new coordinate($b_node[0]['latitude'], $b_node[0]['longitude']);
         $distance = $geocalc->GCDistance($point_a->lat, $point_a->lon, $point_b->lat, $point_b->lon) * 1000;
         $ground_pad = $height * (1 / 20);
         $sky_pad = $height * (1 / 20);
         $left_pad = 0;
         $right_pad = 0;
         $width = $width - $left_pad - $right_pad;
         $color_sky = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 99, 200, 248);
         $color_ground = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 177, 125, 86);
         $color_antenna = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
         $color_sea = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 0, 0, 200);
         $black = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
         $color_link_on = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 57, 187, 77);
         $color_link_off = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, 211, 97, 97);
         $step_lat = ($point_b->lat - $point_a->lat) / ($width - 1);
         $step_log = ($point_b->lon - $point_a->lon) / ($width - 1);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
             $elevations[$i] = $srtm->get_elevation($point_a->lat + $step_lat * $i, $point_a->lon + $step_log * $i, FALSE);
             if ($point_a->lat == '' || $point_a->lon == '' || $point_b->lat == '' || $point_b->lon == '' || $elevations[$i] === FALSE) {
                 imagestring($this->image, 5, 10, 10, "Data error!", $black);
                 return $this->image;
             if ($elevations[$i] < -32000) {
                 $elevations[$i] = $elevations[$i - 1];
         $max_el = max($elevations) + max($antenna_a, $antenna_b);
         $min_el = min($elevations);
         $step_elevation = ($max_el - $min_el) / ($height - $ground_pad - $sky_pad);
         $antenna_a_se = $antenna_a / $step_elevation;
         $antenna_b_se = $antenna_b / $step_elevation;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
             $pixels_el = ($elevations[$i] - $min_el) / $step_elevation;
             $y1 = $height - 1 - $ground_pad - $pixels_el;
             $y2 = $height - 1;
             imagelinethick($this->image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $y2, $color_ground);
             if ($elevations[$i] < 0) {
                 $pixels_el = (0 - $min_el) / $step_elevation;
                 $y2 = $y1;
                 $y1 = $height - 1 - $ground_pad - $pixels_el;
                 imagelinethick($this->image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $y2, $color_sea);
             //ANTENNA A
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $ant_a = $y1 - $antenna_a_se;
             //ANTENNA B
             if ($i == $width - 2) {
                 $ant_b = $y1 - $antenna_b_se;
         // End for
         $color_link = $color_link_on;
         $start = $color_link;
         $pf = "<div style='color:green;font-weight:bold'>PASS</div>";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
             if (imagecolorat($this->image, $left_pad + $i, $ant_a + $i * ($ant_b - $ant_a) / ($width - 1)) == $color_ground) {
                 $color_link = $color_link_off;
                 if ($start != $color_link) {
                     $pf = "<div style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>FAIL</div>";
         //echo $start." = ".$color_link."<br>";
         $this->aDistance[$this->aCounter] = number_format($distance / 1000, 2);
         $this->aResult[$this->aCounter] = $pf;
         $this->aNodeName[$this->aCounter] = $this->template["b_node_output"];
         $this->aLat[$this->aCounter] = $point_b->lat;
         $this->aLong[$this->aCounter] = $point_b->lon;
         $this->aElev[$this->aCounter] = $antenna_b;
         $this->aID[$this->aCounter] = $this->template['a_node'];
         $this->bID[$this->aCounter] = $this->template['b_node'];
     foreach ($this->aDistance as $key => $val) {
         $this->result .= "<tr class=\"table-list-list1\">\n        <td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        <a href=\"\" onclick=\"javascript: t = window.open('?page=nodes&amp;subpage=plot_link&amp;a_node=" . $this->aID[$key] . "&amp;b_node=" . $this->bID[$key] . "', 'popup_plot_link', 'width=600,height=420,toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); t.focus(); return false;\">" . $this->aNodeName[$key] . "</a>\n        </td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        " . $this->aLat[$key] . "\n        </td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        " . $this->aLong[$key] . "\n        </td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        " . $this->aElev[$key] . "\n        </td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        " . $this->aDistance[$key] . " km\n        </td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">" . $this->aResult[$key] . "</td><td class=\"table-list-cell\">\n        <img src=\"" . make_ref(get_path(), array("page" => "nodes", "subpage" => "plot", "a_node" => $this->aID[$key], "b_node" => $this->bID[$key], "width" => 400, "height" => 150)) . "\"/>\n        </td>\n        </tr>";
     $this->result .= "</table></td></tr>\n    <tr><td><br />\n    <div style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold;'>Page ";
     $pgs = $nodesNum / $limitRows;
     $pg = !isset($_REQUEST['pg']) || $_REQUEST['pg'] < 1 ? "1" : $_REQUEST['pg'];
     for ($x = 1; $x <= $pgs; $x++) {
         $this->result .= $x == $pg ? "{$x} " : "<a href='" . make_ref(get_path(), array("page" => "nodes", "subpage" => "list", "a_node" => $this->aID[$key], "pg" => $x)) . "'>{$x} </a>";
     $this->result .= "</div><br /><br /></td><td></td></tr></table>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Generate a random string, and create a CAPTCHA image out of it
function create_image()
    // generate pronouncable pass
    $pass = genPassword(5, 6);
    $font = './captcha.ttf';
    $maxsize = 50;
    $sizeVar = 25;
    $rotate = 20;
    $bgcol = 50;
    // + 50
    $bgtextcol = 80;
    // + 50
    $textcol = 205;
    // + 50
    // remember the pass
    $_SESSION["captcha"] = $pass;
    // calculate dimentions required for pass
    $box = @imageTTFBbox($maxsize, 0, $font, $pass);
    $minwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
    $minheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]);
    // allow spacing for rotating letters
    $width = $minwidth + 100;
    $height = $minheight + rand(5, 15);
    // give some air for the letters to breathe
    // create initial image
    $image = ImageCreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
        imageantialias($image, true);
    // define background color - never the same, close to black
    $clr_black = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30), rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30), rand($bgcol, $bgcol + 30));
    imagefill($image, 0, 0, $clr_black);
    // calculate starting positions for letters
    $x = rand(10, 25);
    //($width / 2) - ($minwidth / 2);
    $xinit = $x;
    $y = $minheight - abs($box[1]) + ($height - $minheight) / 2;
    // fill the background with big letters, colored a bit lightly, to vary the bg.
    $bgx = $x / 2;
    $size = rand($maxsize - 10, $maxsize);
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pass); $i++) {
        // modify color a bit
        $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50), rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50), rand($bgtextcol, $bgtextcol + 50));
        $angle = rand(0 - $rotate, $rotate);
        $letter = substr($pass, $i, 1);
        imagettftext($image, $size * 2, $angle, $bgx, $y, $clr_white, $font, $letter);
        list($x1, $a, $a, $a, $x2) = @imageTTFBbox($size, $angle, $font, $letter);
        $bgx += abs($x2 - $x1);
    // for each letter, decide a color, decide a rotation, put it on the image,
    //     and figure out width to place next letter correctly
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pass); $i++) {
        // modify color a bit
        $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand($textcol, $textcol + 50), rand($textcol, $textcol + 50), rand($textcol, $textcol + 50));
        $angle = rand(0 - $rotate, $rotate);
        $letter = substr($pass, $i, 1);
        $size = rand($maxsize - $sizeVar, $maxsize);
        $tempbox = @imageTTFBbox($size, $angle, $font, $letter);
        $y = abs($tempbox[5] - $tempbox[1]) + ($height - abs($tempbox[5] - $tempbox[1])) / 2;
        imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $clr_white, $font, $letter);
        $x += abs($tempbox[4] - $tempbox[0]);
    // figure out final width (same space at the end as there was at the beginning)
    $width = $xinit + $x;
    // throw in some lines
    $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200));
    imagelinethick($image, rand(0, 10), rand(0, $height / 2), rand($width - 10, $width), rand($height / 2, $height), $clr_white, rand(1, 2));
    $clr_white = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200), rand(160, 200));
    imagelinethick($image, rand($width / 2 - 10, $width / 2), rand($height / 2, $height), rand($width / 2 + 10, $width), rand(0, $height / 2), $clr_white, rand(1, 2));
    // generate final image by cropping initial image to the proper width,
    //     which we didn't know till now.
    $finalimage = ImageCreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
        imageantialias($finalimage, true);
    imagecopy($finalimage, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
    // clear some memory
    // dump image
    // clear some more memory
Ejemplo n.º 3
    if (($delta_x == 0) and ($delta_y == 0)){ 

    $pixel_x = round($last_lat_x + ($cur_lat - $last_lat)/$GradPerPixel,3);
    $pixel_y = round($last_long_y + ($cur_long - $last_long)*cos(deg2rad($cur_lat))/$GradPerPixel,3);

    $delta_x=sprintf("%01.0f",($pixel_x - $last_lat_x));
    $delta_y=sprintf("%01.0f",($pixel_y - $last_long_y));
    if (($delta_x == 0) and ($delta_y == 0)){ 

    imagelinethick($image, $last_lat_x, $last_long_y, $pixel_x, $pixel_y, $white, "2");
//    imageline($image, $last_lat_x, $last_long_y, $pixel_x, $pixel_y, $white);



$image = imagerotate($image, 90, 0);
imagejpeg($image, $trackfile, 100);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function plotlink($width, $height, $point_a, $point_b, $antenna_a = 0, $antenna_b = 0)
     global $geocalc, $srtm;
     $distance = $geocalc->GCDistance($point_a->lat, $point_a->lon, $point_b->lat, $point_b->lon) * 1000;
     $image = imagecreate($width, $height);
     $ground_pad = $height * (1 / 20);
     $sky_pad = $height * (1 / 20);
     $left_pad = 0;
     $right_pad = 0;
     $width = $width - $left_pad - $right_pad;
     $color_sky = ImageColorAllocate($image, 99, 200, 248);
     $color_ground = ImageColorAllocate($image, 177, 125, 86);
     $color_antenna = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_sea = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 200);
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $color_link_on = ImageColorAllocate($image, 57, 187, 77);
     $color_link_off = ImageColorAllocate($image, 211, 97, 97);
     $step_lat = ($point_b->lat - $point_a->lat) / ($width - 1);
     $step_log = ($point_b->lon - $point_a->lon) / ($width - 1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
         $elevations[$i] = $srtm->get_elevation($point_a->lat + $step_lat * $i, $point_a->lon + $step_log * $i, FALSE);
         if ($point_a->lat == '' || $point_a->lon == '' || $point_b->lat == '' || $point_b->lon == '' || $elevations[$i] === FALSE) {
             imagestring($image, 5, 10, 10, "Data error!", $black);
             return $image;
         if ($elevations[$i] < -32000) {
             $elevations[$i] = $elevations[$i - 1];
     $max_el = max($elevations) + max($antenna_a, $antenna_b);
     $min_el = min($elevations);
     $step_elevation = ($max_el - $min_el) / ($height - $ground_pad - $sky_pad);
     //$step_elevation = $distance / $width; //step_elevation for real distances plotting
     $antenna_a_se = $antenna_a / $step_elevation;
     $antenna_b_se = $antenna_b / $step_elevation;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
         $pixels_el = ($elevations[$i] - $min_el) / $step_elevation;
         $y1 = $height - 1 - $ground_pad - $pixels_el;
         $y2 = $height - 1;
         imagelinethick($image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $y2, $color_ground);
         if ($elevations[$i] < 0) {
             $pixels_el = (0 - $min_el) / $step_elevation;
             $y2 = $y1;
             $y1 = $height - 1 - $ground_pad - $pixels_el;
             imagelinethick($image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $y2, $color_sea);
         //ANTENNA A
         if ($i == 0) {
             $ant_a = $y1 - $antenna_a_se;
             imagelinethick($image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $ant_a, $color_antenna, 2);
         //ANTENNA B
         if ($i == $width - 2) {
             $ant_b = $y1 - $antenna_b_se;
             imagelinethick($image, $left_pad + $i, $y1, $left_pad + $i, $ant_b, $color_antenna, 2);
     $color_link = $color_link_on;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
         if (imagecolorat($image, $left_pad + $i, $ant_a + $i * ($ant_b - $ant_a) / ($width - 1)) == $color_ground) {
             $color_link = $color_link_off;
     imagelinethick($image, $left_pad + 0, $ant_a, $left_pad + $width - 1, $ant_b, $color_link, 1);
     $freq = (int) $_GET['frequency'];
     if ($freq <= 0) {
         $freq = 2450;
     $ant_a_r = round($ant_a);
     $ant_b_r = round($ant_b);
     $p_correction = 0;
     $p06_correction = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i < $width - 1; $i++) {
         $a_total = $elevations[0] + $antenna_a;
         $b_total = $elevations[$width - 1] + $antenna_b;
         $d1 = $i / $width * $distance;
         if ((int) ($i / 2) % 2 == 0) {
             // dashed line
             $fresnel = 17.32 * sqrt($d1 * ($distance - $d1) / ($freq * $distance));
             $correction = sqrt(pow($b_total - $a_total, 2) * pow($fresnel, 2) / (pow($distance, 2) + pow($b_total - $a_total, 2)));
             $fresnel = sqrt(pow($fresnel, 2) - pow($correction, 2));
             $correction = round($correction / $step_elevation) * ($b_total > $a_total ? -1 : 1);
             $fresnel = $fresnel / $step_elevation;
             imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i - $correction, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) + $fresnel), $color_link);
             imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i + $correction, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) - $fresnel), $color_link);
             if ($p_correction < $correction) {
                 imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i + $correction - 1, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) - $fresnel), $color_link);
             $p_correction = $correction;
         $fresnel06 = 0.6 * 17.32 * sqrt($d1 * ($distance - $d1) / ($freq * $distance));
         $correction = sqrt(pow($b_total - $a_total, 2) * pow($fresnel06, 2) / (pow($distance, 2) + pow($b_total - $a_total, 2)));
         $fresnel06 = sqrt(pow($fresnel06, 2) - pow($correction, 2));
         $correction = round($correction / $step_elevation) * ($b_total > $a_total ? -1 : 1);
         $fresnel06 = $fresnel06 / $step_elevation;
         //echo $fresnel06."-".$correction."-".$ant_a."-".($ant_a + $i * ($ant_b - $ant_a) / ($width - 1))."<br />";
         imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i - $correction, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) + $fresnel06), $color_link);
         imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i + $correction, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) - $fresnel06), $color_link);
         if ($p06_correction < $correction) {
             imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i + $correction - 1, round($ant_a_r + $i * ($ant_b_r - $ant_a_r) / ($width - 1) - $fresnel06), $color_link);
         //imagesetpixel($image, $left_pad + $i, round($ant_a) + round($i * (round($ant_b) - round($ant_a)) / ($width-1)), $color_ground);
         $p06_correction = $correction;
     return $image;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function getFullGraph($grdata, $height, $width, $imageurl, $winStreak, $loseStreak)
    require './../variables.php';
    // BackGround color
    if (!empty($_GET["bgc"])) {
        $bgcolor["r"] = hexdec(substr($_GET["bgc"], 0, 2));
        $bgcolor["g"] = hexdec(substr($_GET["bgc"], 2, 2));
        $bgcolor["b"] = hexdec(substr($_GET["bgc"], 4, 2));
    } else {
        $bgcolor = array("r" => 243, "g" => 243, "b" => 255);
        //DEFAULT BG Color
    // Line color
    $fcolor = array("r" => 0, "g" => 0, "b" => 0);
    // DEFAULT Line Color
    // Image Height
    if (!empty($height)) {
        $img_height = $height;
    } else {
        $img_height = 30;
        // DEFAULT
    if ($grdata == null) {
        $img_width = $width;
        if ($imageurl == null) {
            $img = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height);
            //CREATE image
            $img_bgc = imagecolorallocate($img, $bgcolor["r"], $bgcolor["g"], $bgcolor["b"]);
            imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $img_width, $img_height, $img_bgc);
            // Draw background color over image
        } else {
            $img = imagecreatefrompng($imageurl);
        $font_line1 = 3;
        $offset_left = $img_width - 70;
        $offset_line1 = $img_height - 20;
        $string_line1 = "no data";
        $fontcolor_normal = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
        imagestring($img, $font_line1, $offset_left, $offset_line1, $string_line1, $fontcolor_normal);
        return $img;
    if (!empty($width)) {
        $img_width = $width;
    } else {
        $img_width = round($img_height) * sizeof($grdata);
        // DEFAULT
    $itemVal = 0;
    $data_max = 0;
    $data_min = 0;
    $stepData = array();
    foreach ($grdata as $item) {
        $itemVal += $item[0];
        $stepData[] = $itemVal;
        $dbgStr .= "<br> item:" . $item[0] . " val:" . $itemVal . "<br>";
        if ($itemVal > $data_max) {
            $data_max = $itemVal;
        } else {
            if ($itemVal < $data_min) {
                $data_min = $itemVal;
    if ($data_max == $data_min) {
        // MAX and MIN is same => CENTER THE LINE
        $data_max = $data_max + 1;
        $data_min = $data_min - 1;
    $data_const = $img_height / ($data_max - $data_min);
    //ReCalculating CONST (used to center graph (y-array)
    $dbgStr .= "data_max: " . $data_max . " data_min: " . $data_min . " data_const: " . $data_const;
    if (sizeof($grdata) > 1) {
        $data_step = $img_width / (sizeof($grdata) - 1);
        // STEP for drawing (x-array)
    } else {
        $data_step = $img_width;
    if (!empty($stepData)) {
        foreach ($stepData as $value) {
            // ReCalculate data array to fit the image
            $res = round(($value - $data_min) * $data_const, 3);
            $res = $img_height - $res;
            if ($res < 0) {
            if ($res >= $img_height) {
            $data_gr[] = $res;
    if ($imageurl == null) {
        $img = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height);
        //CREATE image
        $img_bgc = imagecolorallocate($img, $bgcolor["r"], $bgcolor["g"], $bgcolor["b"]);
        $img_fc = imagecolorallocate($img, $fcolor["r"], $fcolor["g"], $fcolor["b"]);
        imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $img_width, $img_height, $img_bgc);
        // Draw background color over image
    } else {
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($imageurl);
    $x = 0;
    // draw helper
    $y = $data_gr[0];
    // DATA helper (first value)
    $dbgStr .= "<br>grdata: " . print_r($grdata, true) . "<br>";
    $dbgStr .= "<br>data_gr: " . print_r($data_gr, true) . "<br>";
    for ($loop = 1; $loop < sizeof($grdata); $loop++) {
        // LineDrawing LOOP
        $x_start = $x;
        $y_start = $y;
        $dbgStr .= "------------------------------ grdata: <b>" . $grdata[$loop] . "</b> - data_gr: <b>" . $data_gr[$loop] . "</b><Br>";
        $dbgStr .= "x_start: <b>" . $x_start . "</b> - y_start: <b>" . $y_start . "</b><br>";
        $x = $x + $data_step;
        $y = $data_gr[$loop];
        $colorHex = $grdata[$loop - 1][1];
        $color = imagecolorallocate($img, hexdec(substr($colorHex, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($colorHex, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($colorHex, 4, 2)));
        $dbgStr .= "x: <b>" . $x . "</b> - y: <b>" . $y . "</b><p>";
        if (strcmp($colorHex, $graph_red) == 0 || strcmp($colorHex, $graph_green) == 0) {
            $thickness = 1.5;
        } else {
            $thickness = 1;
        imagelinethick($img, $x_start, $y_start, $x, $y, $color, $thickness);
        $streak = $grdata[$loop - 1][2];
        if ($streak > 0) {
            if (strcmp($colorHex, $graph_red) == 0) {
                $offx = 0;
                $offy = -13;
            } else {
                $offx = -10;
                $offy = -13;
            $font = 1;
            $fontcolor = $color;
            $offset_left = $x + $offx;
            $offset_top = $y + $offy;
            if ($offset_top < 15) {
                $offset_top = $offset_top + 20;
            imagestring($img, $font, $offset_left, $offset_top, $streak, $fontcolor);
    return $img;
Ejemplo n.º 6
$period = 24 * 3600;
//création du fond de la carte
$im = ImageCreate(2 * $larg + $decall + 60, 2 * $larg + $decalv + 20) or die("Erreur lors de la création de l'image");
$fond = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 255, 255, 127);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $fond);
//couleurs de base
$bleu = ImageColorAllocate($im, 17, 17, 150);
$bleu_c = ImageColorAllocate($im, 100, 117, 200);
for ($i = 1; $i < $nb_pt; $i++) {
    // imageline($im, $coord[2*$i-2]*$coeff+$decall+$larg, -$coord[2*$i-1]*$coeff+$decalv+$larg, $coord[2*$i]*$coeff+$decall+$larg, -$coord[2*$i+1]*$coeff+$decalv+$larg, $bleu_c );
    $dx = $coord[2 * $i] - $coord[2 * $i - 2];
    $dy = $coord[2 * $i + 1] - $coord[2 * $i - 1];
    //Détermination de la forme du trajet
    if (abs($dx) < abs($dy)) {
        $x_inter = $coord[2 * $i];
        $y_inter = $dy < 0 ? $coord[2 * $i - 1] - abs($dx) : $coord[2 * $i - 1] + abs($dx);
    } else {
        $x_inter = $dx > 0 ? $coord[2 * $i - 2] + abs($dy) : $coord[2 * $i - 2] - abs($dy);
        $y_inter = $coord[2 * $i + 1];
    //Affichage des lignes
    imagelinethick($im, $coord[2 * $i - 2] * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$coord[2 * $i - 1] * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, $x_inter * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$y_inter * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, $bleu_c, 2);
    imagelinethick($im, $x_inter * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$y_inter * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, $coord[2 * $i] * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$coord[2 * $i + 1] * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, $bleu_c, 2);
    //affichage des points
    ImageFilledEllipse($im, $coord[2 * $i] * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$coord[2 * $i + 1] * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, 6, 6, $bleu_c);
ImageFilledEllipse($im, $coord[0] * $coeff + $decall + $larg, -$coord[1] * $coeff + $decalv + $larg, 6, 6, $bleu_c);
ImageColorTransparent($im, $blanc);
//export image
header("Content-type: image/png");
Ejemplo n.º 7
// $y_hr = $r_hr * sin(deg2rad(($hours-3) * (360/12))) + 224;
// imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_sec, $y_sec, $red);
// imagesetthickness($img, 3);
// imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_min, $y_min, $black);
// imagesetthickness($img, 5);
// imageline($img, 224, 224, $x_hr, $y_hr, $black);
// header("Content-type: image/png");
// imagepng($img);
// imagedestroy($img);
function imagelinethick($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $thick = 1)
    /* 下面两行只在线段直角相交时好使
       imagesetthickness($image, $thick);
       return imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
    if ($thick == 1) {
        return imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
    $t = $thick / 2 - 0.5;
    if ($x1 == $x2 || $y1 == $y2) {
        return imagefilledrectangle($image, round(min($x1, $x2) - $t), round(min($y1, $y2) - $t), round(max($x1, $x2) + $t), round(max($y1, $y2) + $t), $color);
    $k = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1);
    //y = kx + q
    $a = $t / sqrt(1 + pow($k, 2));
    $points = array(round($x1 - (1 + $k) * $a), round($y1 + (1 - $k) * $a), round($x1 - (1 - $k) * $a), round($y1 - (1 + $k) * $a), round($x2 + (1 + $k) * $a), round($y2 - (1 - $k) * $a), round($x2 + (1 - $k) * $a), round($y2 + (1 + $k) * $a));
    imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, 4, $color);
    return imagepolygon($image, $points, 4, $color);
imagelinethick($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $thick = 1);