Ejemplo n.º 1
function deleteImageFile($post_id)
    if (file_exists(image_name($post_id))) {
        return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function image_panels($admin_images, $node = array())
     $phtml = "";
     // add a text filter like other site pages
     $phtml .= "<label for='filter' id='image_filter_name'>filter images by typing (searches name, gallery status and main status):</label>";
     $phtml .= "<input id='image_list_filter' class='filter form_field' type='text' autofocus='autofucus'/>";
     $phtml .= "<script type='text/javascript'>";
     $phtml .= "    \$('.filter').on('keyup',filter);";
     $phtml .= "    function filter()";
     $phtml .= "    {";
     $phtml .= "        var value=\$('.filter').val();";
     $phtml .= "        if (value!='')";
     $phtml .= "        {         ";
     $phtml .= "            \$('.image_panel_list .aim_panel').css('display','none');\t";
     $phtml .= "            value=value.replace(/\\W/g,'').toLowerCase();";
     $phtml .= "            \$('.image_panel_list [id*='+value+']').css('display','block');";
     $phtml .= "        }";
     $phtml .= "        else";
     $phtml .= "        {";
     $phtml .= "            \$('.image_panel_list .aim_panel').css('display','block');";
     $phtml .= "        }";
     $phtml .= "    }";
     $phtml .= "</script>";
     foreach ($admin_images as $ai) {
         // a jsid for filtering
         if (1 == $ai['in_gallery'] ? $gal = 'ingallery' : ($gal = '')) {
         if (1 == $ai['main'] ? $main = 'main' : ($main = '')) {
         $jsid = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $ai['image_name'] . $ai['image_ext'] . $gal . $main));
         // set up the variables for this loop
         if ($ai["main"] == 1 ? $main = ' checked ' : ($main = '')) {
         if ($ai["in_gallery"] == 1 ? $gallery = " checked='checked' " : ($gallery = '')) {
         $id = $ai["node_id"];
         $name = $ai["image_name"];
         $display_name = image_name($ai);
         $src = "/user_img/" . $ai['user_id'] . "/" . $ai['image_filename'] . "t300" . $ai['image_ext'];
         // set the image dimensions for the thumbnail panels
         $thumb_ratio = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $src);
         if (is_numeric($this->config->item('aim_list_size')) ? $thumb_size = $this->config->item('aim_list_size') : ($thumb_size = 180)) {
         if ($thumb_ratio[0] >= $thumb_ratio[1] ? $image_wh = " width='" . $thumb_size . "' height='' " : ($image_wh = " width='' height='" . $thumb_size . "' ")) {
         // image tag
         $thumbnail_tag = "<img src='" . $src . "' " . $image_wh . "/>";
         // classes for marking main and gallery
         if ($ai["main"] == 1 ? $extra_classes = ' main_mark ' : ($extra_classes = ' ')) {
         if ($ai["in_gallery"] == 1 ? $extra_classes .= " gallery_mark " : ($extra_classes .= ' ')) {
         // open panel
         $phtml .= "<span id='" . $jsid . "' class='aim_panel " . $extra_classes . "'>";
         // remove check, not for main image, or all images list
         if (1 == $ai["main"] or 0 == count($node)) {
             $phtml .= "<div class='aim_remove'>&nbsp;</div>";
         } else {
             $phtml .= "<div class='aim_remove'><input id='remove" . $id . "' type='checkbox' name='" . $id . "remove' onclick='mark_remove()'/> <label for='remove" . $id . "'>remove</label></div>";
         // thumbnail image and edit link
         $phtml .= "<span class='aim_thumb'><a href='/images/edit/" . $ai['node_id'] . "'>" . $thumbnail_tag . "</a></span>";
         // name with counter and javascript function for processing count
         $phtml .= "<input id='" . $id . "name' class='aim_name form_field' type='text' name='" . $id . "name' value='" . $name . "' maxlength='140' onkeyup='char_count(\"" . $id . "\",\"name\",140)'/>";
         $phtml .= "<div id='" . $id . "name_count' class='char_counter chars_ok'></div>";
         $phtml .= "<script type='text/javascript'>";
         $phtml .= "if (window.focus)";
         $phtml .= "{";
         $phtml .= "\$('#" . $id . "name_count').html(140-\$('#" . $id . "name').val().length);";
         $phtml .= "}";
         $phtml .= "</script>";
         // main and gallery buttons
         $phtml .= "<div class='aim_buttons'>";
         if (count($node)) {
             $phtml .= "<div class='aim_main'><input id='main" . $id . "' type='radio' name='main' value='" . $id . "' " . $main . "/> <label for='main" . $id . "'>main</label></div>";
         $phtml .= "<div class='aim_ingallery'><input id='gallery" . $id . "' type='checkbox' name='" . $id . "gallery' " . $gallery . "/> <label for='gallery" . $id . "'>in gallery</label></div>";
         $phtml .= "</div>";
         // close panel
         $phtml .= "</span>";
     return $phtml;
function image_url($post_id)
    return url() . "/" . image_name($post_id);