Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Creates the cache folder version of the image, including watermarking
 * @param string $newfilename the name of the file when it is in the cache
 * @param string $imgfile the image name
 * @param array $args the cropping arguments
 * @param bool $allow_watermark set to true if image may be watermarked
 * @param bool $force_cache set to true to force the image into the cache folders
 * @param string $theme the current theme
function cacheImage($newfilename, $imgfile, $args, $allow_watermark = false, $force_cache = false, $theme)
    @(list($size, $width, $height, $cw, $ch, $cx, $cy, $quality, $thumb, $crop, $thumbstandin, $thumbWM, $adminrequest) = $args);
    // Set the config variables for convenience.
    $image_use_side = getOption('image_use_side');
    $upscale = getOption('image_allow_upscale');
    $allowscale = true;
    $sharpenthumbs = getOption('thumb_sharpen');
    $sharpenimages = getOption('image_sharpen');
    $newfile = SERVERCACHE . $newfilename;
    if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
        debugLog("cacheImage(\$imgfile=" . basename($imgfile) . ", \$newfilename={$newfilename}, \$allow_watermark={$allow_watermark}, \$force_cache={$force_cache}, \$theme={$theme}) \$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy}, \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop} \$image_use_side={$image_use_side}; \$upscale={$upscale};");
    // Check for GD
    if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
        imageError(gettext('The GD Library is not installed or not available.'), 'err-nogd.gif');
    // Check for the source image.
    if (!file_exists($imgfile) || !is_readable($imgfile)) {
        imageError(gettext('Image not found or is unreadable.'), 'err-imagenotfound.gif');
    $rotate = false;
    if (function_exists('imagerotate') && getOption('auto_rotate')) {
        $rotate = getImageRotation($imgfile);
    if ($im = get_image($imgfile)) {
        if ($rotate) {
            $newim_rot = imagerotate($im, $rotate, 0);
            $im = $newim_rot;
        $w = imagesx($im);
        $h = imagesy($im);
        // Give the sizing dimension to $dim
        $ratio_in = '';
        $ratio_out = '';
        $crop = $crop || $cw != 0 || $ch != 0;
        if (!empty($size)) {
            $dim = $size;
            $width = $height = false;
            if ($crop) {
                $dim = $size;
                if (!$ch) {
                    $ch = $size;
                if (!$cw) {
                    $cw = $size;
        } else {
            if (!empty($width) && !empty($height)) {
                $ratio_in = $h / $w;
                $ratio_out = $height / $width;
                if ($ratio_in > $ratio_out) {
                    // image is taller than desired, $height is the determining factor
                    $thumb = true;
                    $dim = $width;
                    if (!$ch) {
                        $ch = $height;
                } else {
                    // image is wider than desired, $width is the determining factor
                    $dim = $height;
                    if (!$cw) {
                        $cw = $width;
            } else {
                if (!empty($width)) {
                    $dim = $width;
                    $size = $height = false;
                } else {
                    if (!empty($height)) {
                        $dim = $height;
                        $size = $width = false;
                    } else {
                        // There's a problem up there somewhere...
                        imageError(gettext("Unknown error! Please report to the developers at <a href=\"http://www.zenphoto.org/\">www.zenphoto.org</a>"), 'err-imagegeneral.gif');
        $sizes = propSizes($size, $width, $height, $w, $h, $thumb, $image_use_side, $dim);
        list($neww, $newh) = $sizes;
        if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
            debugLog("cacheImage:" . basename($imgfile) . ": \$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$w={$w}; \$h={$h}; \$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy}, \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$newh={$newh}, \$neww={$neww}, \$dim={$dim}, \$ratio_in={$ratio_in}, \$ratio_out={$ratio_out} \$upscale={$upscale} \$rotate={$rotate} \$force_cache={$force_cache}");
        if (!$upscale && $newh >= $h && $neww >= $w) {
            // image is the same size or smaller than the request
            if (!getOption('watermark_image') && !($crop || $thumb || $rotate || $force_cache)) {
                // no processing needed
                if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                    debugLog("Serve " . basename($imgfile) . " from original image.");
                if (getOption('album_folder_class') != 'external') {
                    // local album system, return the image directly
                    $image = substr(strrchr($imgfile, '/'), 1);
                    $album = substr($imgfile, strlen(getAlbumFolder()));
                    $album = substr($album, 0, strlen($album) - strlen($image) - 1);
                    header("Location: " . getAlbumFolder(FULLWEBPATH) . pathurlencode($album) . "/" . rawurlencode($image));
                } else {
                    // the web server does not have access to the image, have to supply it
                    $suffix = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1));
                    $fp = fopen($imgfile, 'rb');
                    // send the right headers
                    header("Content-Type: image/{$suffix}");
                    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($imgfile));
                    // dump the picture and stop the script
            $neww = $w;
            $newh = $h;
            $allowscale = false;
            if ($crop) {
                if ($width > $neww) {
                    $width = $neww;
                if ($height > $newh) {
                    $height = $newh;
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog("cacheImage:no upscale " . basename($imgfile) . ":  \$newh={$newh}, \$neww={$neww}");
        // Crop the image if requested.
        if ($crop) {
            if ($cw > $ch) {
                $ir = $ch / $cw;
            } else {
                $ir = $cw / $ch;
            if ($size) {
                $ts = $size;
                $neww = $size;
                $newh = $ir * $size;
            } else {
                $neww = $width;
                $newh = $height;
                if ($neww > $newh) {
                    $ts = $neww;
                    if ($newh === false) {
                        $newh = $ir * $neww;
                } else {
                    $ts = $newh;
                    if ($neww === false) {
                        $neww = $ir * $newh;
            $cr = min($w, $h) / $ts;
            if (!$cx) {
                if (!$cw) {
                    $cw = $w;
                } else {
                    $cw = round($cw * $cr);
                $cx = round(($w - $cw) / 2);
            } else {
                // custom crop
                if (!$cw || $cw > $w) {
                    $cw = $w;
            if (!$cy) {
                if (!$ch) {
                    $ch = $h;
                } else {
                    $ch = round($ch * $cr);
                $cy = round(($h - $ch) / 2);
            } else {
                // custom crop
                if (!$ch || $ch > $h) {
                    $ch = $h;
            if ($cw + $cx > $w) {
                $cx = $w - $cw;
            if ($cx < 0) {
                $cw = $cw + $cx;
                $cx = 0;
            if ($ch + $cy > $h) {
                $cy = $h - $ch;
            if ($cy < 0) {
                $ch = $ch + $cy;
                $cy = 0;
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog("cacheImage:crop " . basename($imgfile) . ":\$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$cw={$cw}, \$ch={$ch}, \$cx={$cx}, \$cy={$cy}, \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$rotate={$rotate}");
            $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($neww, $newh);
            imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, $cx, $cy, $neww, $newh, $cw, $ch);
        } else {
            if ($allowscale) {
                $sizes = propSizes($size, $width, $height, $w, $h, $thumb, $image_use_side, $dim);
                list($neww, $newh) = $sizes;
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog("cacheImage:no crop " . basename($imgfile) . ":\$size={$size}, \$width={$width}, \$height={$height}, \$dim={$dim}, \$neww={$neww}; \$newh={$newh}; \$quality={$quality}, \$thumb={$thumb}, \$crop={$crop}, \$rotate={$rotate}; \$allowscale={$allowscale};");
            $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($neww, $newh);
            imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $w, $h);
        if ($thumb && $sharpenthumbs || !$thumb && $sharpenimages) {
            unsharp_mask($newim, getOption('sharpen_amount'), getOption('sharpen_radius'), getOption('sharpen_threshold'));
        $watermark_image = false;
        if ($thumbWM) {
            if ($thumb || !$allow_watermark) {
                $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/watermarks/' . UTF8ToFileSystem($thumbWM) . '.png';
                if (!file_exists($watermark_image)) {
                    $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/imageDefault.png';
        } else {
            if ($allow_watermark) {
                $watermark_image = getOption('fullimage_watermark');
                if ($watermark_image) {
                    $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/watermarks/' . UTF8ToFileSystem($watermark_image) . '.png';
                    if (!file_exists($watermark_image)) {
                        $watermark_image = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/imageDefault.png';
        if ($watermark_image) {
            $offset_h = getOption('watermark_h_offset') / 100;
            $offset_w = getOption('watermark_w_offset') / 100;
            $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_image);
            $watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);
            $watermark_height = imagesy($watermark);
            $imw = imagesx($newim);
            $imh = imagesy($newim);
            $percent = getOption('watermark_scale') / 100;
            $r = sqrt($imw * $imh * $percent / ($watermark_width * $watermark_height));
            if (!getOption('watermark_allow_upscale')) {
                $r = min(1, $r);
            $nw = round($watermark_width * $r);
            $nh = round($watermark_height * $r);
            if ($nw != $watermark_width || $nh != $watermark_height) {
                $watermark = imageResizeAlpha($watermark, $nw, $nh);
            // Position Overlay in Bottom Right
            $dest_x = max(0, floor(($imw - $nw) * $offset_w));
            $dest_y = max(0, floor(($imh - $nh) * $offset_h));
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog("Watermark:" . basename($imgfile) . ": \$offset_h={$offset_h}, \$offset_w={$offset_w}, \$watermark_height={$watermark_height}, \$watermark_width={$watermark_width}, \$imw={$imw}, \$imh={$imh}, \$percent={$percent}, \$r={$r}, \$nw={$nw}, \$nh={$nh}, \$dest_x={$dest_x}, \$dest_y={$dest_y}");
            imagecopy($newim, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $nw, $nh);
        // Create the cached file (with lots of compatibility)...
        if (imagejpeg($newim, $newfile, $quality)) {
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog('Finished:' . basename($imgfile));
        } else {
            if (DEBUG_IMAGE) {
                debugLog('cacheImage: failed to create ' . $newfile);
        @chmod($newfile, 0666 & CHMOD_VALUE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Функция для работы с изображениями PNG, для сохранения Alpha - канала при уменьшении картинки
  * @param resource $src   Ресурс картинки
  * @param resource $ovr   Возвращает работу функции imageResizeAlpha()
  * @param integer  $ovr_x Ширина начального файла
  * @param integer  $ovr_y Высота начального файла
  * @param integer  $ovr_w Ширина конечного файла (если false не учитывается)
  * @param integer  $ovr_h Высота конечного файла (если fakse не учитывается)
 function imageComposeAlpha(&$src, &$ovr, $ovr_x, $ovr_y, $ovr_w = false, $ovr_h = false)
     if ($ovr_w && $ovr_h) {
         $ovr = imageResizeAlpha($ovr, $ovr_w, $ovr_h);
     /* Noew compose the 2 images */
     imagecopy($src, $ovr, $ovr_x, $ovr_y, 0, 0, imagesx($ovr), imagesy($ovr));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $offset_h = getOption('watermark_h_offset') / 100;
    $offset_w = getOption('watermark_w_offset') / 100;
    $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_path);
    $watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);
    $watermark_height = imagesy($watermark);
    $imw = imagesx($newim);
    $imh = imagesy($newim);
    $percent = getOption('watermark_scale') / 100;
    $r = sqrt($imw * $imh * $percent / ($watermark_width * $watermark_height));
    if (!getOption('watermark_allow_upscale')) {
        $r = min(1, $r);
    $nw = round($watermark_width * $r);
    $nh = round($watermark_height * $r);
    if ($nw != $watermark_width || $nh != $watermark_height) {
        $watermark = imageResizeAlpha($watermark, $nw, $nh);
    // Position Overlay in Bottom Right
    $dest_x = max(0, floor(($imw - $nw) * $offset_w));
    $dest_y = max(0, floor(($imh - $nh) * $offset_h));
    imagecopy($newim, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $nw, $nh);
$quality = getOption('full_image_quality');
switch ($suffix) {
    case 'jpeg':
        imagejpeg($newim, $cache_path, $quality);
    case 'png':
        if ($quality = 100) {
            $quality = 0;