private function generate($person) { $txt = array(); $txt[] = "BEGIN:VCARD"; $txt[] = "VERSION:2.1"; $txt[] = "N:{$person['last_name']};{$person['first_name']}"; $txt[] = "FN:{$person['first_name']} {$person['last_name']}"; $txt[] = "ORG:{$person['company']}"; $txt[] = "TITLE:Shrimp Man"; $txt[] = "PHOTO;GIF:"; $txt[] = "TEL;WORK;VOICE:{$person['office_tel']}"; //$txt[] = "TEL;HOME;VOICE:(404) 555-1212"; //$txt[] = "ADR;WORK:;;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America"; //$txt[] = "LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:100 Waters Edge=0D=0ABaytown, LA 30314=0D=0AUnited States of America"; //$txt[] = "ADR;HOME:;;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of America"; //$txt[] = "LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:42 Plantation St.=0D=0ABaytown, LA 30314=0D=0AUnited States of America"; $txt[] = "EMAIL;PREF;"; $txt[] = "REV:20080424T195243Z"; $txt[] = "END:VCARD"; return imPlode("\r\n", $txt); }
/** * Checks all the values, builds appropriate defaults for * missing values and generates the vcard data string. * Inspired by: * * @param array $data Personal data */ private function buildOne($data) { $txt = array(); # edit and complete data to correct form if (!$data['display_name']) { $data['display_name'] = $data['first_name'] . ' ' . $data['last_name']; } if (!$data['sort_string']) { $data['sort_string'] = $data['last_name']; } if (!$data['sort_string']) { $data['sort_string'] = $data['company']; } if (!$data['timezone']) { $data['timezone'] = date("O"); // Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours } # generate string $txt[] = "BEGIN:VCARD"; $txt[] = "VERSION:3.0"; $txt[] = "CLASS:PUBLIC"; //$txt[] = "PRODID:-//class_vCard from Sekiphp//NONSGML Version 1//EN"; $txt[] = "REV:" . $this->revision_date . ""; $txt[] = "FN:" . $data['display_name'] . ""; $txt[] = "N:" . $data['last_name'] . ";" . $data['first_name'] . ";" . $data['additional_name'] . ";" . $data['name_prefix'] . ";" . $data['name_suffix'] . ""; if ($data['nickname']) { $txt[] = "NICKNAME:" . $data['nickname'] . ""; } if ($data['title']) { $txt[] = "TITLE:" . $data['title'] . ""; } // Example: ORG:Hutchinson;quality if ($data['company'] || $data['department']) { $txt[] = "ORG:" . $data['company'] . ";" . $data['department'] . ""; } # work address if ($data['work_po_box'] || $data['work_extended_address'] || $data['work_address'] || $data['work_city'] || $data['work_state'] || $data['work_postal_code'] || $data['work_country']) { $txt[] = "ADR;type=WORK:" . $data['work_po_box'] . ";" . $data['work_extended_address'] . ";" . $data['work_address'] . ";" . $data['work_city'] . ";" . $data['work_state'] . ";" . $data['work_postal_code'] . ";" . $data['work_country'] . ""; } # home address if ($data['home_po_box'] || $data['home_extended_address'] || $data['home_address'] || $data['home_city'] || $data['home_state'] || $data['home_postal_code'] || $data['home_country']) { $txt[] = "ADR;type=HOME:" . $data['home_po_box'] . ";" . $data['home_extended_address'] . ";" . $data['home_address'] . ";" . $data['home_city'] . ";" . $data['home_state'] . ";" . $data['home_postal_code'] . ";" . $data['home_country'] . ""; } if ($data['email1']) { $txt[] = "EMAIL;type=INTERNET,pref:" . $data['email1'] . ""; } if ($data['email2']) { $txt[] = "EMAIL;type=INTERNET:" . $data['email2'] . ""; } if ($data['office_tel']) { $txt[] = "TEL;type=WORK,voice:" . $data['office_tel'] . ""; } if ($data['home_tel']) { $txt[] = "TEL;type=HOME,voice:" . $data['home_tel'] . ""; } if ($data['cell_tel']) { $txt[] = "TEL;type=CELL,voice:" . $data['cell_tel'] . ""; } if ($data['fax_tel']) { $txt[] = "TEL;type=WORK,fax:" . $data['fax_tel'] . ""; } if ($data['pager_tel']) { $txt[] = "TEL;type=WORK,pager:" . $data['pager_tel'] . ""; } if ($data['url']) { $txt[] = "URL;type=WORK:" . $data['url'] . ""; } if ($data['birthday']) { $txt[] = "BDAY:" . date('Y-m-d', strToTime($data['birthday'])) . ""; } if ($data['role']) { $txt[] = "ROLE:" . $data['role'] . ""; } if ($data['note']) { $txt[] = "NOTE:" . $data['note'] . ""; } if ($data['photo']) { $file = file_get_contents($data['photo']); if ($file) { $ext = pathinfo($data['photo'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $txt[] = "PHOTO;TYPE={$ext};ENCODING=B:" . base64_encode($file) . ""; } } $txt[] = "TZ:" . $data['timezone'] . ""; $txt[] = "END:VCARD"; return imPlode("\r\n", $txt); }