Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Return the Indicia form code.
  * Expects there to be a sample attribute with caption 'Email' containing the email
  * address.
  * @param array $args Input parameters.
  * @param array $node Drupal node object
  * @param array $response Response from Indicia services after posting a verification.
  * @return HTML string
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response)
     iform_load_helpers(array('data_entry_helper', 'map_helper', 'report_helper'));
     $auth = data_entry_helper::get_read_write_auth($args['website_id'], $args['password']);
     //Clear Verifier Tasks automatically when they open the screen if the option is set.
     if ($args['clear_verification_task_notifications'] && hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id')) {
     // set some defaults, applied when upgrading from a form configured on a previous form version.
     if (empty($args['email_subject_send_to_recorder'])) {
         $args['email_subject_send_to_recorder'] = 'Record of %taxon% requires confirmation (ID:%id%)';
     if (empty($args['email_body_send_to_recorder'])) {
         $args['email_body_send_to_recorder'] = 'The following record requires confirmation. Please could you reply to this email stating how confident you are that the record is correct ' . 'and any other information you have which may help to confirm this.' . "\n\n%record%";
     if (isset($_POST['enable'])) {
         drupal_set_message(lang::get('The Indicia AJAX Proxy module has been enabled.', 'info'));
     } elseif (!defined('IFORM_AJAXPROXY_PATH')) {
         $r = '<p>' . lang::get('The Indicia AJAX Proxy module must be enabled to use this form. This lets the form save verifications to the ' . 'Indicia Warehouse without having to reload the page.') . '</p>';
         $r .= '<form method="post">';
         $r .= '<input type="hidden" name="enable" value="t"/>';
         $r .= '<input type="submit" value="' . lang::get('Enable Indicia AJAX Proxy') . '"/>';
         $r .= '</form>';
         return $r;
     if (function_exists('drupal_add_js')) {
     // fancybox for popup comment forms etc
     global $user, $indicia_templates;
     $indicia_user_id = self::get_indicia_user_id($args);
     data_entry_helper::$js_read_tokens = $auth['read'];
     // Find a list of websites we are allowed verify
     $websiteIds = iform_get_allowed_website_ids($auth['read'], 'verification');
     if (function_exists('module_exists') && module_exists('easy_login')) {
         if (strpos($args['param_presets'] . $args['param_defaults'], 'expertise_location') === false) {
             $args['param_presets'] .= "\nexpertise_location={profile_location_expertise}";
         if (strpos($args['param_presets'] . $args['param_defaults'], 'expertise_taxon_groups') === false) {
             $args['param_presets'] .= "\nexpertise_taxon_groups={profile_taxon_groups_expertise}";
         if (strpos($args['param_presets'] . $args['param_defaults'], 'expertise_surveys') === false) {
             $args['param_presets'] .= "\nexpertise_surveys={profile_surveys_expertise}";
     $args['sharing'] = 'verification';
     $opts = array_merge(iform_report_get_report_options($args, $auth['read']), array('id' => 'verification-grid', 'reportGroup' => 'verification', 'rowId' => 'occurrence_id', 'paramsFormButtonCaption' => lang::get('Filter'), 'paramPrefix' => '<div class="report-param">', 'paramSuffix' => '</div>', 'sharing' => 'verification', 'ajax' => TRUE, 'callback' => 'verificationGridLoaded', 'rowClass' => 'zero-{zero_abundance}'));
     $opts['columns'][] = array('display' => '', 'template' => '<div class="nowrap"><button class="default-button quick-verify tools-btn" type="button" id="quick-{occurrence_id}" title="Record tools">...</button>' . '<input type="hidden" class="row-input-form" value="{rootFolder}{input_form}"/><input type="hidden" class="row-belongs-to-site" value="{belongs_to_site}"/><ul class="verify-tools"><li><a href="#" class="quick-verify-tool">Bulk verify similar records</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#" class="trust-tool">Recorder\'s trust settings</a></li><li><a href="#" class="edit-record">Edit record</a></li></ul>' . '<input type="checkbox" class="check-row no-select" style="display: none" value="{occurrence_id}" /></div>');
     $params = self::report_filter_panel($args, $auth['read']);
     $opts['zoomMapToOutput'] = false;
     $grid = report_helper::report_grid($opts);
     $r = str_replace(array('{grid}', '{paramsForm}'), array($grid, $params), self::get_template_with_map($args, $auth['read'], $opts['extraParams'], $opts['paramDefaults']));
     $link = data_entry_helper::get_reload_link_parts();
     global $user;
     data_entry_helper::$js_read_tokens = $auth['read'];
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.nid = "' . $node->nid . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.username = "******"\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.userId = "' . $indicia_user_id . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.rootUrl = "' . $link['path'] . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.website_id = ' . $args['website_id'] . ";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.ajaxFormPostUrl="' . iform_ajaxproxy_url($node, 'occurrence') . "&user_id={$indicia_user_id}&sharing=verification\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.ajaxUrl="' . url('iform/ajax/verification_4') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.autoDiscard = ' . $args['auto_discard_rows'] . ";\n";
     if (!empty($args['indicia_species_layer_feature_type']) && !empty(data_entry_helper::$geoserver_url)) {
         data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.indiciaSpeciesLayer = {\n" . '  "title":"' . lang::get('Online recording data for this species') . "\",\n" . '  "featureType":"' . $args['indicia_species_layer_feature_type'] . "\",\n" . '  "wmsUrl":"' . data_entry_helper::$geoserver_url . "wms\",\n" . '  "cqlFilter":"website_id IN (' . implode(',', $websiteIds) . ') AND ' . $args['indicia_species_layer_filter_field'] . "='{filterValue}'\",\n" . '  "filterField":"' . $args['indicia_species_layer_ds_filter_field'] . "\",\n" . '  "sld":"' . (isset($args['indicia_species_layer_sld']) ? $args['indicia_species_layer_sld'] : '') . "\"\n" . "};\n";
     if (!empty($args['additional_wms_species_layer_title'])) {
         data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.wmsSpeciesLayers = [{"title":"' . $args['additional_wms_species_layer_title'] . '",' . '"url":"' . $args['additional_wms_species_layer_url'] . '",' . '"settings":' . $args['additional_wms_species_layer_settings'] . ',' . '"olSettings":' . $args['additional_wms_species_layer_ol_settings'] . "}];\n";
     // output some translations for JS to use
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.popupTranslations = {};\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.title="' . lang::get('Add {1} comment') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.save="' . lang::get('Save and {1}') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.verbV="' . lang::get('verify') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.verbR="' . lang::get('reject') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.verbD="' . lang::get('query') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.V="' . lang::get('Verification') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.R="' . lang::get('Rejection') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.D="' . lang::get('Query') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.emailTitle="' . lang::get('Email record details for checking') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.sendEmail="' . lang::get('Send Email') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.emailSent="' . lang::get('The email was sent successfully.') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.requestManualEmail="' . lang::get('The webserver is not correctly configured to send emails. Please send the following email usual your email client:') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.popupTranslations.multipleWarning="' . lang::get('You are about to verify multiple records. Please note that this comment will apply to all the ticked records. ' . 'If you did not intend to do this, please close this box and turn off the Select Records tool before proceeding.') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.statusTranslations = {};\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.V = "' . lang::get('Verified') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.R = "' . lang::get('Rejected') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.D = "' . lang::get('Query') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.I = "' . lang::get('In progress') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.T = "' . lang::get('Test record') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.S = "' . lang::get('Sent for verification') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.statusTranslations.C = "' . lang::get('Awaiting verification') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.commentTranslations = {};\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.commentTranslations.emailed = "' . lang::get('I emailed this record to {1} for checking.') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.commentTranslations.recorder = "' . lang::get('the recorder') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.commentTranslations.expert = "' . lang::get('an expert') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.email_subject_send_to_verifier = "' . $args['email_subject_send_to_verifier'] . "\";\n";
     $body = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', '\\n'), $args['email_body_send_to_verifier']);
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.email_body_send_to_verifier = "' . $body . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.email_subject_send_to_recorder = "' . $args['email_subject_send_to_recorder'] . "\";\n";
     $body = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', '\\n'), $args['email_body_send_to_recorder']);
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.email_body_send_to_recorder = "' . $body . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.str_month = "' . lang::get('month') . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.expertise_location = "' . $opts['extraParams']['expertise_location'] . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.expertise_surveys = "' . $opts['extraParams']['expertise_surveys'] . "\";\n";
     data_entry_helper::$javascript .= 'indiciaData.expertise_taxon_groups = "' . $opts['extraParams']['expertise_taxon_groups'] . "\";\n";
     return $r;
  * Return the generated form output.
  * @param array $args List of parameter values passed through to the form depending on how the form has been configured.
  * This array always contains a value for language.
  * @param object $node The Drupal node object.
  * @param array $response When this form is reloading after saving a submission, contains the response from the service call.
  * Note this does not apply when redirecting (in this case the details of the saved object are in the $_GET data).
  * @return Form HTML.
  * @todo: Implement this method 
 public static function get_form($args, $node, $response = null)
     iform_load_helpers(array('report_helper', 'map_helper'));
     $conn = iform_get_connection_details($node);
     $readAuth = report_helper::get_read_auth($conn['website_id'], $conn['password']);
     $r = '<div id="leftcol">';
     $reportOptions = iform_report_get_report_options($args, $readAuth);
     $reportOptions = array_merge(array('rowId' => 'external_key', 'columns' => array(), 'callback' => 'grid_load', 'rememberParamsReportGroup' => 'explore', 'paramsFormButtonCaption' => lang::get('Filter')), $reportOptions);
     $reportOptions['rowId'] = 'external_key';
     $imgPath = empty(report_helper::$images_path) ? report_helper::relative_client_helper_path() . "../media/images/" : report_helper::$images_path;
     $reportOptions['columns'][] = array('actions' => array(array('img' => "{$imgPath}/add.png", 'caption' => 'Click to add this species to the map')));
     $r .= report_helper::report_grid($reportOptions);
     $r .= '</div>';
     $args['indicia_species_layer_slds'] = report_helper::explode_lines($args['indicia_species_layer_slds']);
     $r .= '<div id="rightcol">';
     $r .= '<div id="layerbox">';
     $r .= '<p id="instruct">' . lang::get('Click on the + buttons in the grid to add species layers to the map. You can add up to {1} layers at a time.', count($args['indicia_species_layer_slds']));
     $r .= '<p id="instruct2" style="display: none">' . lang::get('Use the - buttons to permanently remove layers, or untick the box in the legend to temporarily hide them.');
     $mapOptions = iform_map_get_map_options($args, $readAuth);
     $mapOptions['clickForSpatialRef'] = false;
     $olOptions = iform_map_get_ol_options($args, $readAuth);
     $r .= map_helper::layer_list(array('layerTypes' => array('overlay'), 'includeSwitchers' => true, 'includeHiddenLayers' => true));
     $r .= '</div>';
     $r .= map_helper::map_panel($mapOptions, $olOptions);
     $r .= '</div>';
     $websiteIds = iform_get_allowed_website_ids($readAuth);
     if (!empty($args['indicia_species_layer_feature_type']) && !empty(report_helper::$geoserver_url)) {
         $training = function_exists('hostsite_get_user_field') && hostsite_get_user_field('training') ? 't' : 'f';
         $cql = 'website_id IN (' . implode(',', $websiteIds) . ') AND ' . $args['indicia_species_layer_filter_field'] . "='{filterValue}' AND record_status NOT IN ('R', 'I', 'T') AND training='{$training}'";
         if (isset($_POST[$reportOptions['reportGroup'] . '-quality'])) {
             $quality = $_POST[$reportOptions['reportGroup'] . '-quality'];
         } else {
             $quality = $reportOptions['extraParams']['quality'];
         // logic here must match the quality_check function logic on the database.
         switch ($quality) {
             case 'V':
                 $cql .= " AND record_status='V'";
             case 'C':
                 $cql .= " AND (record_status='V' OR certainty='C')";
             case 'L':
                 $cql .= " AND (record_status='V' OR ((certainty <> 'U' OR certainty IS NULL) AND record_status <> 'D'))";
             case '!D':
                 $cql .= " AND record_status<>'D'";
             case '!R':
                 // nothing to add - rejects are always excluded
         report_helper::$javascript .= "indiciaData.indiciaSpeciesLayer = {\n" . '  "title":"' . lang::get('{1}') . "\",\n" . '  "myRecords":"' . lang::get('my records') . "\",\n" . '  "userId":"' . hostsite_get_user_field('indicia_user_id') . "\",\n" . '  "featureType":"' . $args['indicia_species_layer_feature_type'] . "\",\n" . '  "wmsUrl":"' . data_entry_helper::$geoserver_url . "wms\",\n" . "  \"cqlFilter\":\"{$cql}\",\n" . "  \"filterField\":\"taxon_meaning_id\",\n" . '  "slds":' . json_encode($args['indicia_species_layer_slds']) . "\n" . "};\n";
     return $r;