Ejemplo n.º 1
 function resetpwd()
     global $db;
     !isset($_SESSION['user']) && exit('Please login!');
     if (!isset($_POST['update'])) {
     $post = htmlescape($_POST, 'yes');
     $rs = $db->row_query_one("SELECT * FROM user WHERE user='******'user']}'");
     if (!isset($rs['passwd']) || $rs['passwd'] != md5($post['passwd'])) {
         show('提示', '原密码输入错误', '-1');
     $arr = array('user' => $post['user'], 'passwd' => md5($post['newpwd']));
     $rs = $db->row_update('user', $arr, "user='******'user']}'");
     if ($rs) {
         $_SESSION['user'] = $post['user'];
         show('提示', '修改成功,下次登陆请使用新密码', '?module=admin&act=right');
     } else {
         show('提示', '修改密码失败,请稍后再试', '-1');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function createItems($rss, $items)
     $dom = $this->document;
     foreach ($items as $_item) {
         $item = $dom->createElement("item");
         if (isset($_item["title"])) {
             $title = $dom->createElement("title");
             $title->nodeValue = htmlescape($_item["title"]);
         if (isset($_item["uri"])) {
             $link = $dom->createElement("link");
             $link->nodeValue = $_item["uri"];
         if (isset($_item["date"])) {
             $pubDate = $dom->createElement("pubDate");
             $pubDate->nodeValue = date("r", strtotime($_item["date"]));
         $content = $_item["content"];
         if (isset($_item["summary"])) {
             $content = $_item["summary"];
         $desc = $dom->createElement("description");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * ------------------------------
 * 去除html标签并mysql转义关键字符
 * ------------------------------
 * @param  string/array $str 字符串或数组
 * @param  string  $trim yes/no 是否去空格
 * @return string/array
function htmlescape($str, $trim = 'no')
    if (is_array($str)) {
        foreach ($str as $k => $v) {
            $str[$k] = htmlescape($v);
        return $str;
    } else {
        $a = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
        if ($trim == 'yes') {
            $str = trim($str);
        if ($a == 1) {
            return htmlspecialchars($str);
        } elseif ($a == 0) {
            return addslashes(htmlspecialchars($str));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function createItems($feed, $items)
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $itemElem = $feed->addChild("entry");
         if (array_isset("title", $item)) {
         $link = $itemElem->addChild("link");
         $link->at("rel", "alternate")->at("type", "text/html")->at("href", $item["link"]);
         if (array_isset("description", $item)) {
         if (array_isset("content", $item)) {
             $content = $itemElem->addChild("content");
             $content->at("type", "text")->at("mode", "escaped");
             $content->setNodeValue($item["content"], true);
         if (array_isset("date", $item)) {
             $itemElem->addChild("updated")->setNodeValue(date("c", strtotime($item["date"])));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function createItems($feed, $items)
     $dom = $this->document;
     foreach ($items as $_item) {
         $item = $dom->createElement("entry");
         if (isset($_item["title"])) {
             $title = $dom->createElement("title");
             $title->nodeValue = htmlescape($_item["title"]);
         if (isset($_item["uri"])) {
             $link = $dom->createElement("link");
             $link->setAttribute("rel", "alternate");
             $link->setAttribute("type", "text/html");
             $link->setAttribute("href", $_item["uri"]);
         if (isset($_item["date"])) {
             $modified = $dom->createElement("modified");
             $modified->nodeValue = date("c", strtotime($_item["date"]));
         if (isset($_item["summary"])) {
             $summary = $dom->createElement("summary");
             $summary->setAttribute("type", "text/plain");
             $summary->nodeValue = htmlescape($_item["summary"]);
         if (isset($_item["content"])) {
             $content = $dom->createElement("content");
             $content->setAttribute("type", "text/html");
             $content->setAttribute("mode", "escaped");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function getHtmlWriter($name, $inputName, $id = null, $class = null)
     if ($name !== "" && !in_array($name, $this->allowCols, true)) {
         $this->allowCols[] = $name;
     static $htmlWriter = null;
     $value = null;
     if ($htmlWriter === null) {
         $htmlWriter = new Form_Html();
     } else {
     $value = $this->get($name);
     if (isset($this->columns[$name]) && $this->columns[$name]->isBool()) {
         if ($value !== null) {
             $value = $value ? 1 : 0;
     } elseif (is_string($value)) {
         $value = htmlescape($value);
     return $htmlWriter->setName($inputName)->setValue($value)->setId($id)->setClass($class);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function parse_radio_tag($basedir, $tpl_path, $hf, $attrs)
    global $CONFIG;
    $sel_value = hfvalue($attrs['radio'], $hf);
    $name = $attrs['name'];
    $delim = htmlescape_back($attrs['delim']);
    if (!preg_match("/^\\//", $tpl_path)) {
        $tpl_path = "{$basedir}/{$tpl_path}";
    $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", file_get_contents($CONFIG['SITE_TEMPLATES'] . $tpl_path));
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
        list($value, $desc) = preg_split("/\\|/", $lines[$i]);
        if (!strlen($value) && !strlen($desc)) {
        $desc = parse_cache_template($desc, $hf);
        if (!array_key_exists('noescape', $attrs)) {
            $value = htmlescape($value);
            $desc = htmlescape($desc);
        $str_checked = '';
        if ($value == $sel_value) {
            $str_checked = " checked='checked' ";
        $result .= "<label class='radio {$delim}'><input type='radio' name=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\" {$str_checked}>{$desc}</label>";
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
                                $images[] = $thumbDiv . '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $match['kid'] . '/e/' . $kid . '/">
								<img class="essayImg" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($match['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($match['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($match['Title'])) . '" />
				     			<div class="clearboth"><strong>' . $match['Title'] . '</strong><br />' . '
                            } else {
                                $fields = array('Title', 'Image');
                                $query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "!=", " ");
                                $multiObj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $multPartID, $query, $fields);
                                $m[] = array();
                                foreach ($multiObj as $mpo) {
                                    $m[] = $mpo['kid'];
                                $assocObj = array_intersect($match['Multi-Part Associator'], $m);
                                $images[] = $thumbDiv . '<a href="' . baseURL . pfolder . 'object/' . $assocObj[0] . '/y/' . $kid . '/">
								<img class="essayImg" src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($multiObj[$assocObj[0]]['Title'])) . '" />
				     			<div class="clearboth"><strong>' . $match['Title'] . '</strong><br />' . '
                        echo "";
                echo "<div>";
                echo str_replace($totalReplacements, $images, $value['Description']) . '<br />';
                echo "</div>";
            } else {
                echo "<div>";
                echo fixTags($value['Description']) . '<br />';
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected function getHtmlWriter($name, $inputName, $attrs = "")
     static $htmlWriter = null;
     if ($htmlWriter === null) {
         $htmlWriter = new Form_Html();
     } else {
     $value = $this->get($name);
     if (is_string($value)) {
         $value = htmlescape($value, APP_ENCODING);
     return $htmlWriter->setName($inputName)->setValue($value)->setAttributes($attrs);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function checkbox($data)
     static $chknm = 0;
     $html = array();
     $name = $this->name;
     $value = $this->value;
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = array();
     // remove id.
     $attrs = preg_replace('/(^id="[^"]*"| id="[^"]*")/', '', $this->attributes);
     foreach ($data as $v => $text) {
         $_id = "checkbox_" . $chknm++;
         $check = $this->openTag("input", 'id="' . $_id . '" ' . $attrs) . 'type="checkbox" ';
         $check .= 'name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . htmlescape($v) . '"';
         if (!is_empty($value) && in_array($v, $value)) {
             $check .= ' checked="checked"';
         $check .= ' /><label for="' . $_id . '">' . htmlescape($text) . '</label>';
         $html[] = $check;
     return implode("&nbsp;" . PHP_EOL, $html);
Ejemplo n.º 11
                        $imageHeader = true;
                    if (!empty($value['Object Type']) && $value['Object Type'] == "Image" && $value['Image Gallery'] != 'True') {
                        // At the start of each 3 associated objects, start a new row
                        if ($i == 0) {
                            echo "\n<tr>";
                        echo '<td valign="top">';
                        if (!empty($value['Title'])) {
                            if (!empty($value['Image'])) {
                                $thumbWidth = 1500;
                                $thumbHeight = 1500;
                                //highslide display for SINGLE image
                                echo '<div id="object">';
                                echo '<a class="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: \'imgGroup-' . $imageGroupNo . '\' })" href="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], 1500, 1500) . '">
					<img src="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" title="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($value['Title'])) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($value['Title'])) . '" />
					<div class="highslide-heading">' . $value['Title'] . '</div>
					<div class="highslide-caption"><a href="' . baseURL . 'sidiyyababa/object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">View Full Record</a><br />
                                //echo '<div class="clearboth"></div>';
                                echo '</div>';
                        if (!empty($value['Title'])) {
                            if (!empty($value['Image'])) {
                                echo '<a href="' . getThumbnailKORA($value['Image']['localName'], 1500, 1500) . '" onclick="return hs.expand(this, { slideshowGroup: \'imgGroup-' . $imageGroupNo . '\' })">' . $value['Title'] . '</a>
					<div class="highslide-heading">' . htmlChars($value['Title']) . '</div>
					<div class="highslide-caption"><a href="' . baseURL . 'sidiyyababa/object/' . $value['kid'] . '/">View Full Record</a><br />
					' . '</div>
Ejemplo n.º 12
                $mult_fields = array('Part Number', 'Image', 'Title', 'Total Parts', 'Segment Title', 'Transcript', 'Translation', 'Start Time', "End Time");
                $mult_order[] = array('field' => 'Part Number', 'direction' => SORT_ASC);
                $mult_query = new KORA_Clause("KID", "IN", $mult_assocs);
                $mult_obj = KORA_Search(token, $projID, $multPartID, $mult_query, $mult_fields, $mult_order);
                $i = 0;
                $j = 0;
                $segmentHeader = false;
                foreach ($mult_obj as $m) {
                    echo "<div>";
                    if (!empty($m['Image'])) {
                        $thumbWidth = 150;
                        $thumbHeight = 150;
                        echo '<div class="object"><a class="highslide" href="' . getFullURLFromFileName($m['Image']['localName'], 1500, 1500) . '" onclick="return hs.expand(this)">';
                        //echo '<img src="'.getThumbnailKORA($m['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight).'" alt="'.htmlescape(htmlChars($m['Title'])).'" width="95" /></a>
                        echo '<img src="' . getThumbURLFromFileName($m['Image']['localName'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight) . '" alt="' . htmlescape(htmlChars($m['Title'])) . '" width="95" /></a>

					<div class="highslide-heading">' . htmlChars($m['Title']) . '</div>
					<div class="highslide-caption">Total Pages: ' . $m['Total Parts'] . '</div>
                        if ($i == 3 - 1) {
                            echo '<div class="clearboth"></div>';
                            $i = -1;
                    if (!empty($m['Segment Title'])) {
                        if (!$segmentHeader) {
                            //echo "click sub-title for interview segments<br />";
                            $segmentHeader = true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
function AddRes($CryptKey, $BoardPath, $BoardID, $ThreadID, $FROM, $mail, $MESSAGE)
    $Subject = file_get_contents($BoardPath . "/" . $BoardID . "/subject.txt", true);
    $Num = GetResNumber($BoardPath, $BoardID, $ThreadID) + 1;
    SetResNumber($BoardPath, $BoardID, $ThreadID, $Num);
    $DatFile = $BoardPath . "/" . $BoardID . "/dat/" . $ThreadID . ".dat";
    if (strpos($FROM, "#") !== FALSE) {
        $FROMTripKey = substr($FROM, strpos($FROM, "#"), strlen($FROM));
        $Trip = MakeTrip($FROMTripKey);
        $FROMTrip = str_replace($FROMTripKey, $Trip, $FROM);
    } else {
        $FROMTrip = $FROM;
    $htmlFROM = htmlescape($FROMTrip);
    $htmlmail = htmlescape($mail);
    $ID = MakeID($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $CryptKey);
    $Date = date("Y/m/d(w) H:i:s.00", time());
    $DateJP = preg_replace("/\\((.+?)\\)/", "(" . JapaneseDay(date("w")) . ")", $Date);
    $BRMESSAGE = \str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), "<br>", htmlescape($MESSAGE));
    $WriteData = "{$htmlFROM}<>{$htmlmail}<>{$DateJP} ID:{$ID}<>{$BRMESSAGE}<>\n";
    $sfp = fopen($DatFile, "a");
    fwrite($sfp, $WriteData);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function action()
     global $db;
     !isset($_SESSION['user']) && exit('Please login!');
     if (isset($_GET['tid']) && $_GET['tid'] > 0 && $_GET['tid'] <= 3) {
         $tid = ceil($_GET['tid']);
     if (isset($_POST['tid']) && $_POST['tid'] > 0 && $_POST['tid'] <= 3) {
         $tid = ceil($_POST['tid']);
     !isset($tid) && exit('tid不合法!');
     (!isset($_GET['tb']) || $_GET['tb'] == '' || $_GET['tb'] == 0) && exit('tb error!');
     $tables = Cache::R('tables', 5000);
     if (!$tables) {
         $tables = $db->row_select('tables');
         @Cache::W('tables', $tables);
     $tb = intval($_GET['tb']);
     !($tbname = get_table_name($tb, $tables)) && exit('tb error!');
     if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do'] == 'add') {
         $arr = array('id' => '', 'tid' => $tid, 'sub' => '添加', 'do' => 'add', 'tb' => $tb);
         tpl($tbname . '_edit', 'arr', $arr);
     if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do'] == 'edit') {
         (!isset($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] == '') && show('', '操作错误!缺少id', '-1');
         $id = ceil($_GET['id']);
         $arr = $db->row_select_one($tbname, "id={$id}");
         $arr['sub'] = '修改';
         $arr['do'] = 'edit';
         $arr['tb'] = $tb;
         tpl($tbname . '_edit', 'arr', $arr);
     if (isset($_POST['add'])) {
         $Model = new Model($tbname);
         if (isset($_POST['content'])) {
             $Model->_validate = array(array('content', ''));
         $rs = $Model->insert();
         $Model->msg($rs, '数据添加成功!', '数据添加失败!', URL);
     if (isset($_POST['edit'])) {
         $Model = new Model($tbname);
         if (isset($_POST['list_id'])) {
             $id = ceil($_POST['id']);
             $list_id = ceil($_POST['list_id']);
             $post = htmlescape($_POST);
             $arr = array('id' => $list_id, 'name' => $post['name'], 'introduction' => $post['introduction'], 'say' => $post['say'], 'img' => $post['img']);
             $rs = $db->row_update('teacher', $arr, "id={$id}");
             $Model->msg($rs, '数据修改成功!', '数据修改失败!', URL);
         if (isset($_POST['content'])) {
             $Model->_validate = array(array('content', ''));
         $rs = $Model->update();
         if ($tbname == 'studio') {
             $Model->msg($rs, '数据修改成功!', '数据修改失败', '?module=admin&act=action&tb=10&tid=1&do=edit&id=1');
         $Model->msg($rs, '数据修改成功!', '数据修改失败!', URL);
     if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
         $title = htmlescape($_POST['title']);
         $rs = $db->row_update('classes', array('title' => $title), "id=-1");
         if ($rs) {
             show('', '修改开班信息标题成功!', URL);
         } else {
             show('', '修改失败,请稍后再试!', '-1');
     if (isset($_GET['do']) && $_GET['do'] == 'del') {
         (!isset($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] == '') && show('', '操作错误!缺少id', '-1');
         $id = ceil($_GET['id']);
         $rs = $db->row_delete($tbname, "id={$id}");
         if ($rs) {
             show('提示', '删除成功!', "index.php?module=admin&act=action&tid={$tid}&tb={$tb}");
         } else {
             show('提示', '删除失败!', '-1');
     if (isset($_POST['del'])) {
         !isset($_POST['id']) && show('', '没有选中项', '-1');
         $rs = $db->delete_row($tbname, number($_POST['id']));
         if ($rs) {
             show('提示', '批量删除成功!', URL);
         } else {
             show('提示', '批量删除失败!', '-1');
     $Page = new Page($tbname, "tid={$tid}");
     $pageInfo = $Page->get_basic_info();
     $data = $Page->get_data();
     $buttonBasic = $Page->button_basic(0, 0);
     $buttonSelect = $Page->button_select();
     $arr = array('pageInfo' => $pageInfo, 'data' => $data, 'buttonBasic' => $buttonBasic, 'buttonSelect' => $buttonSelect, 'tid' => $tid, 'tb' => $tb);
     tpl($tbname, 'arr', $arr);
Ejemplo n.º 15
function h($string, $charset = APP_ENCODING)
    return htmlescape($string, $charset);
Ejemplo n.º 16
function h($string, $charset = null)
    return htmlescape($string, $charset);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected function createItems($rdf, $items)
     $dom = $this->document;
     foreach ($items as $_item) {
         $item = $dom->createElement("item");
         if (isset($_item["title"])) {
             $title = $dom->createElement("title");
             $title->nodeValue = htmlescape($_item["title"]);
         if (isset($_item["uri"])) {
             $link = $dom->createElement("link");
             $link->nodeValue = $_item["uri"];
             $item->setAttribute("rdf:about", $_item["uri"]);
         if (isset($_item["date"])) {
             $date = $dom->createElement("dc:date");
             $date->nodeValue = date("c", strtotime($_item["date"]));
         if (isset($_item["summary"])) {
             $desc = $dom->createElement("description");
             $desc->nodeValue = htmlescape($_item["summary"]);
         if (isset($_item["content"])) {
             $content = $dom->createElement("content:encoded");