Ejemplo n.º 1
function html_import_options_page()
	<div class="wrap">
		<form method="post" id="html_import" action="options.php">
    $options = html_import_get_options();
    //$msg .= '<pre>'. print_r( $options, true ) .'</pre>';
    //echo esc_html( $msg );

	<div class="ui-tabs">
    _e('HTML Import Settings', 'import-html-pages');
    if ($options['firstrun'] === true) {
        echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Welcome to HTML Import! This is a complicated importer with many options. Please look through all the tabs on this page before running your import.', 'import-html-pages'), 'options-general.php?page=html-import.php') . '</p>';
		<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
		<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-1"><?php 
    _e("Files", 'import-html-pages');
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-2"><?php 
    _e("Content", 'import-html-pages');
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-3"><?php 
    _e("Title &amp; Metadata", 'import-html-pages');
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-4"><?php 
    _e("Custom Fields", 'import-html-pages');
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-5"><?php 
    _e("Categories &amp; Tags", 'import-html-pages');
			<li><a class="nav-tab" href="#tabs-6"><?php 
    _e("Tools", 'import-html-pages');
		<!-- FILES -->
		<div id="tabs-1">
    _e("Files", 'import-html-pages');
			<table class="form-table ui-tabs-panel" id="files">
		        <tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Directory to import", 'import-html-pages');
			        <td><p><label><input type="text" name="html_import[root_directory]" id="root_directory"
    echo esc_attr($options['root_directory']);
" class="widefloat" />
							</label><br />
							<span class="description">
    _e('The absolute path to the files you want to import.', 'html-import-pages');
<br />
    printf(__('Hint: the absolute path to this WordPress installation is: %s', 'html-import-pages'), '<kbd>' . rtrim(ABSPATH, '/') . '</kbd>');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Old site URL", 'import-html-pages');
			        <td><p><label><input type="text" name="html_import[old_url]" id="old_url" 
    echo esc_attr($options['old_url']);
" class="widefloat" /> </label><br />
						<span class="description">
    _e('This will be used only to generate accurate <kbd>.htaccess</kbd> redirects. The importer will not search for files here.', 'html-import-pages');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Default file", 'import-html-pages');
			        <td><p><label><input type="text" name="html_import[index_file]" id="index_file" 
    echo esc_attr($options['index_file']);
" class="widefloat" /> </label><br />
						<span class="description">
    _e("Enter the name of the default file ( index.html, default.htm ) for directories on this server.", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("File extensions to include", 'import-html-pages');
			        <td><p><label><input type="text" name="html_import[file_extensions]" id="file_extensions" 
    echo esc_attr($options['file_extensions']);
" class="widefloat" /> </label><br />
						<span class="description">
    _e("File extensions, without periods, separated by commas. All other file types will \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbe ignored.", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Directories to exclude", 'import-html-pages');
			        <td><p><label><input type="text" name="html_import[skipdirs]" id="skipdirs" 
    echo esc_attr($options['skipdirs']);
" class="widefloat" />  </label><br />
						<span class="description">
    _e("Directory names, without slashes, separated by commas. All files in these directories \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twill be ignored.", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Preserve file names", 'import-html-pages');
						<label><input name="html_import[preserve_slugs]" id="preserve_slugs" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
    _e("Use the file's name as the imported page's slug", 'import-html-pages');
						<br />
						<span class="description">
    _e("The slug will not include the file extension. To completely mimic your old URLs, add the extension to your permalink structure.", 'import-html-pages');

		<!-- CONTENT -->	
		<div id="tabs-2">
    _e("Content", 'import-html-pages');
			<table class="form-table ui-tabs-panel" id="content">
				<tr valign="top" id="contentselect">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Select content by", 'import-html-pages');
						<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_content]"
							value="tag" <?php 
    checked($options['import_content'], 'tag');
 class="showrow" title="content" />
    _e('HTML tag', 'import-html-pages');
						<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_content]"
							value="region" <?php 
    checked($options['import_content'], 'region');
 class="showrow" title="content" />
    _e('Dreamweaver template region', 'import-html-pages');
						<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_content]"
							value="file" <?php 
    checked($options['import_content'], 'file');
 class="showrow" title="content" />
    _e('Import entire file', 'import-html-pages');
						<tr id="content-tag" <?php 
    if ($options['import_content'] != 'tag') {
        echo 'style="display: none;"';
				     	<td class="taginput">
    _e("Tag", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				            <input type="text" name="html_import[content_tag]" id="content_tag" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['content_tag']);
" />
				            <br />
				            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("The HTML tag, without brackets", 'import-html-pages');
						<td class="taginput">
    _e("Attribute", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				            <input type="text" name="html_import[content_tagatt]" id="content_tagatt" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['content_tagatt']);
" />
				            <br />
				            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Leave blank to use a tag without an attribute, or when the attributes don't matter, such as &lt;body&gt;", 'import-html-pages');
						<td class="taginput">
    _e("= Value", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				            <input type="text" name="html_import[content_attval]" id="content_attval" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['content_attval']);
" />
				            <br />
				            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Enter the attribute's value ( such as width, ID, or class name ) without quotes", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr id="content-region" <?php 
    if ($options['import_content'] != 'region') {
        echo 'style="display: none;"';
					<td colspan="3">
    _e("Dreamweaver template region", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				        <input type="text" name="html_import[content_region]" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['content_region']);
" />  
				        </label><br />
				        <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("The name of the editable region ( e.g. 'Main Content' )", 'import-html-pages');

    _e("More content options", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[import_images]" id="import_images"  type="checkbox" value="1" 
    checked($options['import_images'], '1');
 /> <?php 
    _e("Import linked images", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[import_documents]" id="import_documents" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
 class="toggle" /> 
    _e("Import linked documents", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr class="import_documents" 
    if (isset($options['import_documents']) && !$options['import_documents']) {
        echo 'style="display:none;"';
    _e("Allowed file types", 'import-html-pages');
			 			<input type="text" name="html_import[document_mimes]" id="document_mimes" 
    echo esc_attr($options['document_mimes']);
" class="widefloat" />  </label><br />
		            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Enter file extensions without periods, separated by commas. File types not listed here will not be imported to the media library. <br />\n\t\tSuggested: rtf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx, pdf, zip, wmv, avi, flv, mov, mpeg, mp3, m4a, wav<br />", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[fix_links]" id="fix_links" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
    _e("Update internal links", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[meta_desc]" id="meta_desc" value="1" type="checkbox" <?php 
    _e("Use meta description as excerpt", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[encode]" id="encode"  type="checkbox" value="1" 
    checked($options['encode'], '1');
 /> <?php 
    _e("Convert special characters ( accents and symbols )", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input name="html_import[clean_html]" id="clean_html"  type="checkbox" value="1" 
    checked($options['clean_html'], '1');
 class="toggle" />
    _e("Clean up bad ( Word, Frontpage ) HTML", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr class="clean_html" <?php 
    if (!$options['clean_html']) {
        echo 'style="display:none;"';
    _e("Allowed HTML", 'import-html-pages');
			            <td>    <label>
			                <input type="text" name="html_import[allow_tags]" id="allow_tags" 
    echo esc_attr($options['allow_tags']);
" class="widefloat" />  </label><br />
			                <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Enter tags ( with brackets ) to be preserved. All tags not listed here will be removed. <br />Suggested: ", 'import-html-pages');
			                <br />

    _e("If you have data tables, also include:", 'import-html-pages');
					<tr class="clean_html" <?php 
    if (!$options['clean_html']) {
        echo 'style="display:none;"';
    _e("Allowed attributes", 'import-html-pages');
				 			<input type="text" name="html_import[allow_attributes]" id="allow_attributes" 
    echo esc_attr($options['allow_attributes']);
" class="widefloat" />  </label><br />
			            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Enter attributes separated by commas. All attributes not listed here will be removed. <br />Suggested: href, src, alt, title<br />\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t<em>If you have data tables, also include:</em> summary, rowspan, colspan, span", 'import-html-pages');

		<!-- TITLE AND META -->
		<div id="tabs-3">
    _e("Title &amp; Metadata", 'import-html-pages');
		<table class="form-table ui-tabs-panel" id="title">
			<tr valign="top" id="titleselect">
		        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Select title by", 'import-html-pages');
					<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_title]"
						value="tag" <?php 
    checked($options['import_title'], 'tag');
 class="showrow" title="title" />
    _e('HTML tag', 'import-html-pages');
					<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_title]"
						value="region" <?php 
    checked($options['import_title'], 'region');
 class="showrow" title="title" />
    _e('Dreamweaver template region', 'import-html-pages');
					<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_title]"
						value="filename" <?php 
    checked($options['import_title'], 'filename');
 class="showrow" title="title" />
    _e('File name', 'import-html-pages');
					<tr id="title-tag" <?php 
    if ($options['import_title'] !== 'tag') {
        echo 'style="display:none;"';
					     	<td class="taginput">
    _e("Tag", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
					            <input type="text" name="html_import[title_tag]" id="title_tag" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['title_tag']);
" />
					            <br />
					            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("The HTML tag, without brackets", 'import-html-pages');
							<td class="taginput">
    _e("Attribute", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
					            <input type="text" name="html_import[title_tagatt]" id="title_tagatt" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['title_tagatt']);
" />
					            <br />
					            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Leave blank to use a tag without an attribute, or when the attributes don't matter, such as &lt;title&gt;", 'import-html-pages');
							<td class="taginput">
    _e("= Value", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
					            <input type="text" name="html_import[title_attval]" id="title_attval" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['title_attval']);
" />
					            <br />
					            <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Enter the attribute's value ( such as width, ID, or class name ) without quotes", 'import-html-pages');

						<tr id="title-region" <?php 
    if ($options['import_title'] !== 'region') {
        echo 'style="display:none;"';
						     	<td class="taginput">
							<td colspan="3">
    _e("Dreamweaver template region", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
						        <input type="text" name="html_import[title_region]" id="title_region" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['title_region']);
" />  
						        </label><br />
						        <span class="description"><?php 
    _e("The name of the editable region ( e.g. 'Page Title' )", 'import-html-pages');

			<tr valign="top">
    _e("Phrase to remove from page title: ", 'import-html-pages');
					<label><input type="text" name="html_import[remove_from_title]" id="remove_from_title" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['remove_from_title']);
" class="widefloat" />  </label><br />
					<span class="description"><?php 
    _e("Any common title phrase ( such as the site name, which most themes will print automatically )", 'import-html-pages');
    _e("Title position", 'import-html-pages');
				<label><input name="html_import[title_inside]" id="title_inside"  type="checkbox" value="1" 
    checked($options['title_inside'], '1');
 /> <?php 
    _e("The title is inside the content area and should be removed from the post body", 'import-html-pages');
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Import files as", 'import-html-pages');
    // support all public post types
    $typeselect = '';
    $post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true), 'objects');
    foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
        if ($post_type->name != 'attachment') {
            $typeselect .= '<label><input name="html_import[type]" type="radio" value="' . esc_attr($post_type->name) . '" ' . checked($options['type'], $post_type->name, false);
            if (is_post_type_hierarchical($post_type->name)) {
                $typeselect .= "onclick=\"javascript: jQuery( '#hierarchy' ).show( 'fast' );jQuery( '#page-template' ).show( 'fast' );\"";
            } else {
                $typeselect .= "onclick=\"javascript: jQuery( '#hierarchy' ).hide( 'fast' );jQuery( '#page-template' ).hide( 'fast' );\"";
            $typeselect .= '> ' . esc_html($post_type->labels->name) . '</label> &nbsp;&nbsp;';
    echo $typeselect;
    _e("Set status to", 'import-html-pages');
					<select name="html_import[status]" id="status">
				    	<option value="publish" <?php 
    selected('publish', $options['status']);
    _e("publish", 'import-html-pages');
				        <option value="draft" <?php 
    selected('draft', $options['status']);
    _e("draft", 'import-html-pages');
				        <option value="private" <?php 
    selected('private', $options['status']);
    _e("private", 'import-html-pages');
				        <option value="pending" <?php 
    selected('pending', $options['status']);
    _e("pending", 'import-html-pages');
    _e("Set timestamps to", 'import-html-pages');
					<select name="html_import[timestamp]" id="timestamp">
				    	<option value="now" <?php 
    if ($options['timestamp'] == 'now') {
        echo 'selected="selected"';
    _e("now", 'import-html-pages');
				        <option value="filemtime" <?php 
    if ($options['timestamp'] == 'filemtime') {
        echo 'selected="selected"';
    _e("last time the file was modified", 'import-html-pages');
						<option value="customfield" <?php 
    if ($options['timestamp'] == 'customfield') {
        echo 'selected="selected"';
    _e("custom field", 'import-html-pages');
    _e("Set author to", 'import-html-pages');
    wp_dropdown_users(array('selected' => $options['user'], 'name' => 'html_import[user]', 'who' => 'authors'));

				<tr id="hierarchy" <?php 
    if (!is_post_type_hierarchical($options['type'])) {
        echo "style=display:none;";
    _e("Import pages as children of: ", 'import-html-pages');
    $pages = wp_dropdown_pages(array('echo' => 0, 'selected' => $options['root_parent'], 'name' => 'html_import[root_parent]', 'show_option_none' => __('None ( top level )', 'import-html-pages'), 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title'));
    if (empty($pages)) {
        $pages = "<select name=\"root_parent\"><option value=\"0\">" . __('None ( top level )', 'import-html-pages') . "</option></select>";
    echo $pages;

				<tr id="page-template" <?php 
    if (!is_post_type_hierarchical($options['type'])) {
        echo "style=display:none;";
    _e("Template for imported pages: ", 'import-html-pages');
			        <select name="html_import[page_template]" id="page_template">
					<option value='0'><?php 
    _e('Default Template');

		<!-- CUSTOM FIELDS -->
		<div id="tabs-4">
    _e("Custom Fields", 'import-html-pages');
		<table class="form-table ui-tabs-panel striped" id="customfields">
			<tr valign="top" id="customdatefield">
		        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Select date by", 'import-html-pages');
		        <td colspan="2"><p><label>
					<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_date]"
						value="tag" <?php 
    checked($options['import_date'], 'tag');
 class="showrow" title="date" />
    _e('HTML tag', 'import-html-pages');
					<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_date]"
						value="region" <?php 
    checked($options['import_date'], 'region');
 class="showrow" title="date" />
    _e('Dreamweaver template region', 'import-html-pages');
					<tr id="date-tag" <?php 
    if ($options['import_date'] !== 'tag') {
        echo 'style="display: none;"';
			     	<td class="taginput">
    _e("Tag", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
			            <input type="text" name="html_import[date_tag]" id="date_tag" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['date_tag']);
" />
					<td class="taginput">
    _e("Attribute", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
			            <input type="text" name="html_import[date_tagatt]" id="date_tagatt" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['date_tagatt']);
" />
					<td class="taginput">
    _e("= Value", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
			            <input type="text" name="html_import[date_attval]" id="date_attval" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['date_attval']);
" />
			<tr id="date-region" <?php 
    if ($options['import_date'] !== 'region') {
        echo 'style="display: none;"';
				<td colspan="3">
    _e("Dreamweaver template region", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
			        <input type="text" name="html_import[date_region]" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($options['date_region']);
" />  
	<tr valign="top">
		<th colspan="3">
    _e("Custom fields", 'import-html-pages');

    if (!empty($options['customfield_name']) && is_array($options['customfield_name'])) {
        foreach ($options['customfield_name'] as $index => $fieldname) {
		<tr valign="top" class="clone" id="customfield<?php 
            echo $index;
			<th><a class="button-secondary delRow" title="Remove field">&times;</a></th>
            _e('Custom field name', 'import-html-pages');
<br />
					<input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_name][<?php 
            echo $index;
            echo esc_attr($options['customfield_name'][$index]);
" />
					</label><br />
						<input type="checkbox" name="html_import[customfield_html][<?php 
            echo $index;
]" value="1" <?php 
            checked('1', $options['customfield_html'][$index]);
            _e('Allow HTML', 'import-html-pages');

				Select field by:<br />
				<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_field][<?php 
            echo $index;
					value="tag" class="showrow" title="customfield" <?php 
            checked($options['import_field'][$index], 'tag');
            _e('HTML tag', 'import-html-pages');
				<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_field][<?php 
            echo $index;
					value="region" class="showrow" title="customfield" <?php 
            checked($options['import_field'][$index], 'region');
            _e('Dreamweaver template region', 'import-html-pages');

				<tr id="customfield-tag" <?php 
            if ($options['import_field'][$index] == 'region') {
                echo 'style="display: none;"';
		     	<td class="taginput">
            _e("Tag", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_tag][<?php 
            echo $index;
            echo esc_attr($options['customfield_tag'][$index]);
" />

				<td class="taginput">
            _e("Attribute", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_tagatt][<?php 
            echo $index;
            echo esc_attr($options['customfield_tagatt'][$index]);
" />

				<td class="taginput">
            _e("= Value", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_attval][<?php 
            echo $index;
            echo esc_attr($options['customfield_attval'][$index]);
" />

				<tr id="customfield-region" <?php 
            if ($options['import_field'][$index] == 'tag') {
                echo 'style="display: none;"';
					<td colspan="3">
            _e("Dreamweaver template region", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				        <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_region][<?php 
            echo $index;
            echo esc_attr($options['customfield_region'][$index]);
" />  

    } else {
		<tr valign="top" class="clone" id="customfield0">
				<a class="button-secondary delRow" title="Remove field">&times;</a></th>
        _e('Custom field name', 'import-html-pages');
<br />
					<input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_name][]" value="" />
					</label><br />
						<input type="checkbox" name="html_import[customfield_html][<?php 
        echo $index;
]" value="1" <?php 
        checked('1', $options['customfield_html'][$index]);
        _e('Allow HTML', 'import-html-pages');

				Select field by:<br />
				<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_field][]"
					value="tag" class="showrow" title="customfield" />
        _e('HTML tag', 'import-html-pages');
				<input type="radio" name="html_import[import_field][]"
					value="region" class="showrow" title="customfield" />
        _e('Dreamweaver template region', 'import-html-pages');

				<tr id="customfield-tag">
		     	<td class="taginput">
        _e("Tag", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_tag][]" value="" />

				<td class="taginput">
        _e("Attribute", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_tagatt][]" value="" />

				<td class="taginput">
        _e("= Value", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
		            <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_attval][]" value="" />

				<tr id="customfield-region" style="display: none;">
					<td colspan="3">
        _e("Dreamweaver template region", 'import-html-pages');
<br />
				        <input type="text" name="html_import[customfield_region][]" value="" />  

    // else no custom fields

<tr><td colspan="2"><a class="button-secondary cloneTableRows" href="#">Add a custom field</a></td>
		<!-- TAXONOMIES -->
		<div id="tabs-5">
    _e("Taxonomies", 'import-html-pages');
		<div class="ui-tabs-panel" id="taxonomies">
    // support all public taxonomies
    $nonhierarchical = '';
    $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('public' => true), 'objects', 'and');
    if (is_array($taxonomies)) {
        _e('Here, you may assign categories, tags, and custom taxonomy terms to all your imported posts.', 'import-html-pages');
        _e('To import tags from a region in each file, use a custom field with the name <kbd>post_tag</kbd>.', 'import-html-pages');
        foreach ($taxonomies as $tax) {
            if (isset($options[$tax->name])) {
                $value = esc_attr($options[$tax->name]);
            } else {
                $value = '';
            if (!is_taxonomy_hierarchical($tax->name)) {
                // non-hierarchical
                $nonhierarchical .= '<p class="taxoinput"><label>' . esc_html($tax->label) . '<br />';
                $nonhierarchical .= '<input type="text" name="html_import[' . esc_attr($tax->name) . ']" 
							 	value="' . $value . '" /></label></p>';
            } else {
                // hierarchical
						 	<div class="taxochecklistbox">
                echo esc_html($tax->label);
<br />
					        <ul class="taxochecklist">
                if (!isset($options[$tax->name])) {
                    $selected = '';
                } else {
                    $selected = $options[$tax->name];
                wp_terms_checklist(0, array('descendants_and_self' => 0, 'selected_cats' => $selected, 'popular_cats' => false, 'walker' => new HTML_Import_Walker_Category_Checklist(), 'taxonomy' => $tax->name, 'checked_ontop' => false));
						</ul>  </div>
        echo '<br class="clear" />' . $nonhierarchical;
		<!-- TOOLS -->
		<div id="tabs-6">
    _e("Tools", 'import-html-pages');
			<table class="form-table ui-tabs-panel" id="tools">
		        <tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Regenerate <kbd>.htaccess</kbd> redirects", 'import-html-pages');
    printf(__('If you <a href="%s">changed your permalink structure</a> after you imported files, you can <a href="%s">regenerate the redirects</a>.', 'import-html-pages'), 'wp-admin/options-permalink.php', wp_nonce_url('admin.php?import=html&step=2', 'html_import_regenerate'));
				<tr valign="top">
			        <th scope="row"><?php 
    _e("Other helpful plugins", 'import-html-pages');
    printf(__('<a href="%s">Broken Link Checker</a> finds broken links and references to missing media files. Since the importer does not handle links or media files other than images, you should run this to see what else needs to be copied or updated from your old site.', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/broken-link-checker/');
    printf(__('<a href="%s">Search and Replace</a> helps you fix many broken links at once, if you have many links to the same files or if there is a pattern ( like <kbd>&lt;a href="../../files"&gt;</kbd> ) to your broken links.', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/search-and-replace/');
    printf(__('<a href="%s">Redirection</a> provides a nice admin interface for managing redirects. If you would rather not edit your <kbd>.htaccess</kbd> file, or if you just want to redirect one or two of your old pages, you can ignore the redirects generated by the importer. Instead, copy the post\'s old URL from the custom fields and paste it into Redirection\'s options.', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/redirection/');
    printf(__('<a href="%s">Add from Server</a> lets you import media files that are on your server but not part of the WordPress media library.', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/add-from-server/');
    printf(__('<a href="%s">Add Linked Images to Gallery</a> is helpful if you have imported data using other plugins and you would like to import linked images. However, it handles only images that are referenced with complete URLs; relative paths will not work.', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/add-linked-images-to-gallery-v01/');
    _e('Donate', 'import-html-pages');
    printf(__('If this importer has saved you hours of copying and pasting, a <a href="%s">donation toward future development</a> would be much appreciated!', 'import-html-pages'), 'http://stephanieleary.com/code/wordpress/html-import/');
	</div>	<!-- UI tabs wrapper -->	
			<p class="submit">
				<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Save settings', 'import-html-pages');
" />
    if (!$options['firstrun']) {
				<a href="admin.php?import=html" class="button-secondary">Import files</a>
	</div> <!-- .wrap -->
Ejemplo n.º 2
function html_import_set_defaults()
    $options = html_import_get_options();
    add_option('html_import', $options, '', 'no');