 function getDefaultConfig () {
     $config = array(
         "name" => '',
         "order" => '|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8',
         "visible" => '|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1',
         "aliases" => '||'._("Lebenslauf").'|'._("Schwerpunkte").'|'._("Lehrveranstaltungen").'|'
         "order" => '|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7',
         "visible" => '|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1',
         "aliases" => '||'._("Lebenslauf").'|'._("Schwerpunkte").'|'._("Lehrveranstaltungen").'|'
         "showcontact" => '1',
         "showimage" => 'right',
         "wholesite" => '0',
         "nameformat" => '',
         "dateformat" => '%d. %b. %Y',
         "language" => '',
         "studiplink" => 'top',
         "urlcss" => '',
         "title" => _("MitarbeiterInnen"),
         "copyright" => htmlReady($GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN']
                 . " ({$GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT']})"),
         "author" => ''
     get_default_generic_datafields($config, "user");
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Mapping function where to find what
  * @param type $object the object
  * @param type $function the called function
  * @return string output
 private static function map($object, $function)
      * If you want to add an object to the helper simply add to this array
     $mapping = array('User' => array('link' => function ($obj) {
         return URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/profile', array('username' => $obj->username));
     }, 'name' => function ($obj) {
         return htmlReady($obj->getFullname());
     }, 'avatar' => function ($obj) {
         return Avatar::getAvatar($obj->id, $obj->username)->getImageTag(Avatar::SMALL, array('title' => htmlReady($obj->getFullname('no_title'))));
     }), 'Course' => array('link' => function ($obj) {
         return URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php', array('auswahl' => $obj->id));
     }, 'name' => function ($obj) {
         return htmlReady($obj->name);
     }, 'avatar' => function ($obj) {
         return CourseAvatar::getAvatar($obj->id)->getImageTag($size = CourseAvatar::SMALL, array('title' => htmlReady($obj->name)));
      * Some php magic to call the right function if it exists
     if ($object && $mapping[get_class($object)]) {
         return $mapping[get_class($object)][$function]($object);
     return "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Highlights the given needle in given subject with the given format.
  * @param String $needle  Search for this string...
  * @param String $subject ...inside this string...
  * @param String $format  ...and replace it with this string (regexp
  *                        syntax)
  * @return String containing the subject with highlighted needle
 private function highlight($needle, $subject, $format = '<b>$0</b>')
     $needle = htmlReady($needle);
     $subject = htmlReady($subject);
     $regexp = '/' . preg_quote($needle, '/') . '/i';
     return preg_replace($regexp, $format, $subject);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This function is called before any output is generated or any other
  * actions are performed. Initializations happen here.
  * @param $action Name of the action to perform
  * @param $args   Arguments for the given action
 public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     $this->modules = array();
     // Set Navigation
     PageLayout::setTitle(_("Mehr Funktionen"));
     // Get current user.
     $this->username = Request::username('username', $GLOBALS['user']->username);
     $this->user_id = get_userid($this->username);
     $this->plugins = array();
     $blubber = PluginEngine::getPlugin('Blubber');
     // Add blubber to plugin list so status can be updated.
     if ($blubber) {
         $this->plugins[] = $blubber;
     // Get homepage plugins from database.
     $this->plugins = array_merge($this->plugins, PluginEngine::getPlugins('HomepagePlugin'));
     // Show info message if user is not on his own profile
     if ($this->user_id != $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
         $current_user = User::find($this->user_id);
         $message = sprintf(_('Daten von: %s %s (%s), Status: %s'), htmlReady($current_user->Vorname), htmlReady($current_user->Nachname), htmlReady($current_user->username), htmlReady($current_user->perms));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * get admin module links
  * returns links add or remove a module from course
  * @access public
  * @return string returns html-code
 function getAdminModuleLinks()
     global $connected_cms, $view, $search_key, $cms_select, $current_module;
     $output .= "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . URLHelper::getLink() . "\">\n";
     $output .= CSRFProtection::tokenTag();
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"view\" value=\"" . htmlReady($view) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"search_key\" value=\"" . htmlReady($search_key) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"cms_select\" value=\"" . htmlReady($cms_select) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_type\" value=\"" . htmlReady($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->getModuleType()) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_id\" value=\"" . htmlReady($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->getId()) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_system_type\" value=\"" . htmlReady($this->cms_type) . "\">\n";
     if ($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isConnected()) {
         $output .= "&nbsp;" . Button::create(_('Entfernen'), 'remove');
     } elseif ($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isAllowed(OPERATION_WRITE)) {
         $output .= "<div align=\"left\"><input type=\"CHECKBOX\" value=\"1\" name=\"write_permission\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\">";
         $output .= _("Mit Schreibrechten für alle Dozenten/Tutoren dieser Veranstaltung") . "<br>";
         $output .= "<input type=\"CHECKBOX\" value=\"1\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" name=\"write_permission_autor\">";
         $output .= _("Mit Schreibrechten für alle Teilnehmer dieser Veranstaltung") . "</div>";
         $output .= Button::create(_('Hinzufügen'), 'add') . "<br>";
     } else {
         $output .= "&nbsp;" . Button::create(_('Hinzufügen'), 'add');
     $output .= "</form>";
     return $output;
     //      $output .= parent::getAdminModuleLinks();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function getDefaultConfig () {
     $config = array(
         "name" => "",
         "order" => "|0|1",
         "visible" => "|1|1",
         "aliases" => "|"._("Datum")."|"._("Nachricht"),
         "width" => "|10%|90%",
         "widthpp" => "",
         "sort" => "|1|0",
         "wholesite" => "",
         "studiplink" => "top",
         "nameformat" => "",
         "dateformat" => "%d. %b. %Y",
         "language" => "",
         "urlcss" => "",
         "title" => _("News"),
         "nodatatext" => _("Keine aktuellen News"),
         "copyright" => htmlReady($GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN']
                 . " ({$GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT']})"),
         "author" => "",
         "showdateauthor" => "0",
         "notauthorlink" => ""
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function testHtmlReady()
     $pairs = array('abc' => 'abc', 'äöü' => 'äöü', '<' => '&lt;', '"' => '&quot;', "'" => '&#039;', '&amp;' => '&amp;amp;', '&#039;' => '&amp;#039;', '' => '', NULL => NULL);
     foreach ($pairs as $string => $expected) {
         $this->assertEquals($expected, htmlReady($string));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * helper_function for highlight($text, $highlight)
  * @param  string  $text
  * @param  array   $highlight
  * @return string
 static function do_highlight($text, $highlight)
     foreach ($highlight as $hl) {
         $text = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote(htmlReady($hl), '/') . '/i', '<span class="highlight">$0</span>', $text);
     return $text;
 function getDefaultConfig () {
     $config = array(
         "name" => "",
         "order" => "|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15",
         "visible" => "|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1",
         "aliases" => "|"._("Untertitel:")." |"._("Lehrende")." |"._("Veranstaltungsart:")
             ." |"._("Veranstaltungstyp:")." |"._("Beschreibung:")." |"._("Ort:")." |"._("Semester:")
             ." |"._("Zeiten:")." |"._("Veranstaltungsnummer:")." |"._("Teilnehmende:")
             ." |"._("Voraussetzungen:")." |"._("Lernorganisation:")." |"._("Leistungsnachweis:")
             ." |"._("Bereichseinordnung:")." |"._("Sonstiges:")." |"._("ECTS-Punkte:"),
         "aliaspredisc" => _("Vorbesprechung:") . " ",
         "aliasfirstmeeting" => _("Erster Termin:") . " ",
         "headlinerow" => "1",
         "rangepathlevel" => "1",
         "studipinfo" => "1",
         "studiplink" => "top",
         "studiplinktarget" => "admin",
         "wholesite" => "",
         "nameformat" => "",
         "urlcss" => "",
         "title" => _("Veranstaltungsdaten"),
         "language" => "",
         "copyright" => htmlReady($GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN']
                 . " ({$GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT']})"),
         "author" => ""
     get_default_generic_datafields($config, "sem");
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Returns the display/rendered value of this datafield
  * @param bool $entities Should html entities be encoded (defaults to true)
  * @return String containg the rendered value
 public function getDisplayValue($entities = true)
     if ($entities) {
         return htmlReady($this->getValue(), true, true);
     return $this->getValue();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function render($variables = array())
     $attributes = array();
     foreach ((array) $this->template_variables['attributes'] as $key => $value) {
         $attributes[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', htmlReady($key), htmlReady($value));
     $this->template_variables['attributes'] = implode(' ', $attributes) ?: '';
     return parent::render($variables);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Markup-rule for hashtags. Inserts links to blubber-globalstream for each tag.
  * @param StudipFormat $markup
  * @param array $matches
  * @return string : marked-up text
 public static function markupHashtags($markup, $matches)
     if (self::$course_hashes) {
         $url = URLHelper::getLink("plugins.php/Blubber/streams/forum", array('hash' => $matches[2], 'cid' => self::$course_hashes));
     } else {
         $url = URLHelper::getLink("plugins.php/Blubber/streams/global", array('hash' => $matches[2]));
     return $matches[1] . '<a href="' . $url . '" class="hashtag">#' . htmlReady($matches[2]) . '</a>';
 function getColumnName($id, $print_view = false)
     $res_obj = ResourceObject::Factory($this->show_columns[$id]);
     if (!$print_view) {
         $ret = '<a class="tree" href="' . URLHelper::getLink('?show_object=' . $this->show_columns[$id] . '&view=' . (Request::option('view') == 'openobject_group_schedule' ? 'openobject_schedule' : 'view_schedule')) . '">' . htmlReady($res_obj->getName()) . '</a>' . ($res_obj->getSeats() ? '<br>(' . $res_obj->getSeats() . ')' : '');
     } else {
         $ret = '<span style="font-size:10pt;">' . htmlReady($res_obj->getName()) . '</span>';
     return $ret . chr(10);
 function getError($format = "clear")
     if ($format == "clear") {
         return $this->error_msg;
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->error_msg); ++$i) {
             $ret .= $this->error_msg[$i]['type'] . "§" . htmlReady($this->error_msg[$i]['msg']) . "§";
         return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @return  returns a HTML representation of this button.
 function __toString()
     // add "button" to attribute @class
     @($this->attributes["class"] .= " button");
     $attributes = array();
     foreach ($this->attributes as $k => $v) {
         $attributes[] = sprintf(' %s="%s"', $k, htmlReady($v));
     return sprintf('<button type="reset"%s>%s</button>', join('', $attributes), htmlReady($this->label));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function addContent($_content)
     if (is_object($_content)) {
     } elseif (is_scalar($_content)) {
         $this->addHTMLContent(htmlReady((string) $_content));
     } else {
     #      trigger_error("Parameter muss ein Scalar sein (Inhalt = ".
     #           ($_content === NULL ? "NULL": $_content)
     #           .", Typ = &lt;".$this->_name."&gt;)", E_USER_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Returns an overview of certain documents
 * @param Array $documents Ids of the documents in question
 * @param mixed $open      Array containing open states of documents
 * @return string Overview of documents as html, ready to be displayed
function show_documents($documents, $open = null)
    if (!is_array($documents)) {
    if (!is_null($open) && !is_array($open)) {
        $open = null;
    if (is_array($open)) {
        $ank = key($open);
    if (!empty($documents)) {
        $query = "SELECT {$GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']['full']} AS fullname, username, user_id,\n                         dokument_id, filename, filesize, downloads, protected, url, description,\n                         IF(IFNULL(name, '') = '', filename, name) AS t_name,\n                         GREATEST(a.chdate, a.mkdate) AS chdate\n                  FROM dokumente AS a\n                  LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)\n                  LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)\n                  WHERE dokument_id IN (?)\n                  ORDER BY a.chdate DESC";
        $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
        $documents = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    foreach ($documents as $index => $document) {
        $type = empty($document['url']) ? 0 : 6;
        $is_open = is_null($open) || $open[$document['dokument_id']] ? 'open' : 'close';
        $extension = getFileExtension($document['filename']);
        // Create icon
        $icon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', GetDownloadLink($document['dokument_id'], $document['filename'], $type), GetFileIcon($extension, true)->asImg());
        // Create open/close link
        $link = $is_open === 'open' ? URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('close' => $document['dokument_id'])) : URLHelper::getLink('#dok_anker', array('open' => $document['dokument_id']));
        // Create title including filesize and number of downloads
        $size = $document['filesize'] > 1024 * 1024 ? sprintf('%u MB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024 / 1024)) : sprintf('%u kB', round($document['filesize'] / 1024));
        $downloads = $document['downloads'] == 1 ? '1 ' . _('Download') : $document['downloads'] . ' ' . _('Downloads');
        $title = sprintf('<a href="%s"%s class="tree">%s</a> (%s / %s)', $link, $ank == $document['dokument_id'] ? ' name="dok_anker"' : '', htmlReady(mila($document['t_name'])), $size, $downloads);
        // Create additional information
        $addon = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a> %s', URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/profile', array('username' => $document['username'])), $document['fullname'], date('d.m.Y H:i', $document['chdate']));
        if ($document['protected']) {
            $addon = tooltipicon(_('Diese Datei ist urheberrechtlich geschützt!')) . ' ' . $addon;
        if (!empty($document['url'])) {
            $addon .= ' ' . Icon::create('link-extern', 'clickable', ['title' => _('Diese Datei wird von einem externen Server geladen!')])->asImg(16);
        // Attach created variables to document
        $documents[$index]['addon'] = $addon;
        $documents[$index]['extension'] = $extension;
        $documents[$index]['icon'] = $icon;
        $documents[$index]['is_open'] = $is_open;
        $documents[$index]['link'] = $link;
        $documents[$index]['title'] = $title;
        $documents[$index]['type'] = $type;
    $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('user_activities/files-details');
    $template->documents = $documents;
    return $template->render();
Ejemplo n.º 18
function get_highscore_list()
    $db = new DB_Seminar("SELECT murmeln_highscore.*,username FROM murmeln_highscore LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING(user_id) ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 20");
    $ret = '<ol>';
    $maxscore = 0;
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $ret .= '<li><b>' . $db->f('score') . '</b> - 
				' . ($db->f('username') ? '<a href="' . UrlHelper::getLink('about.php?username='******'username')) . '">' . htmlReady(get_fullname_from_uname($db->f('username'))) . '</a>' : htmlready($db->f('name'))) . '</li>';
        $maxscore = $db->f('score');
    $ret .= '</ol>';
    $db->query("DELETE FROM murmeln_highscore WHERE score < " . $maxscore);
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * get admin module links
  * returns links add or remove a module from course
  * @access public
  * @return string returns html-code
 function getAdminModuleLinks()
     global $connected_cms, $view, $search_key, $cms_select, $current_module;
     if (!$connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isDummy()) {
         $result = $connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->soap_client->getPath($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->getId());
     if ($result) {
         $output .= "<i>Pfad: " . htmlReady($result) . "</i><br><br>";
     $output .= "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" . URLHelper::getLink() . "\">\n";
     $output .= CSRFProtection::tokenTag();
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"view\" value=\"" . htmlReady($view) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"search_key\" value=\"" . htmlReady($search_key) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"cms_select\" value=\"" . htmlReady($cms_select) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_type\" value=\"" . htmlReady($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->getModuleType()) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_id\" value=\"" . htmlReady($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->getId()) . "\">\n";
     $output .= "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"module_system_type\" value=\"" . htmlReady($this->cms_type) . "\">\n";
     if ($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isConnected()) {
         $output .= "&nbsp;" . Button::create(_('Entfernen'), 'remove');
     } elseif ($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isAllowed(OPERATION_WRITE)) {
         $output .= "<div align=\"left\">";
         if ($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->isAllowed(OPERATION_COPY) and !in_array($connected_cms[$this->cms_type]->content_module[$current_module]->module_type, array("lm", "htlm", "sahs", "cat", "crs", "dbk"))) {
             $output .= "<input type=\"CHECKBOX\" name=\"copy_object\" value=\"1\">";
             $output .= _("Als Kopie anlegen") . "&nbsp;";
             $output .= Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive', ['title' => _('Wenn Sie diese Option wählen, wird eine identische Kopie als eigenständige Instanz des Lernmoduls erstellt. Anderenfalls wird ein Link zum Lernmodul gesetzt.')])->asImg();
             $output .= "<br>";
         $output .= "<input type=\"RADIO\" name=\"write_permission\" value=\"none\" checked>";
         $output .= _("Keine Schreibrechte") . "&nbsp;";
         $output .= Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive', ['title' => _('Nur der/die BesitzerIn des Lernmoduls hat Schreibzugriff für Inhalte und Struktur des Lernmoduls. Tutor/-innen und Lehrende können die Verknüpfung zur Veranstaltung wieder löschen.')])->asImg();
         $output .= "<br>";
         $output .= "<input type=\"RADIO\" name=\"write_permission\" value=\"dozent\">";
         $output .= _("Mit Schreibrechten für alle Lehrenden dieser Veranstaltung") . "&nbsp;";
         $output .= Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive', ['title' => _('Lehrende haben Schreibzugriff für Inhalte und Struktur des Lernmoduls. Tutor/-innen und Lehrende können die Verknüpfung zur Veranstaltung wieder löschen.')])->asImg();
         $output .= "<br>";
         $output .= "<input type=\"RADIO\" name=\"write_permission\" value=\"tutor\">";
         $output .= _("Mit Schreibrechten für alle Lehrenden und Tutor/-innen dieser Veranstaltung") . "&nbsp;";
         $output .= Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive', ['title' => _('Lehrende und Tutor/-innen haben Schreibzugriff für Inhalte und Struktur des Lernmoduls. Tutor/-innen und Lehrende können die Verknüpfung zur Veranstaltung wieder löschen.')])->asImg();
         $output .= "<br>";
         $output .= "<input type=\"RADIO\" name=\"write_permission\" value=\"autor\">";
         $output .= _("Mit Schreibrechten für alle Personen dieser Veranstaltung") . "&nbsp;";
         $output .= Icon::create('info-circle', 'inactive', ['title' => _('Lehrende, Tutor/-innen und Teilnehmer/-innen haben Schreibzugriff für Inhalte und Struktur des Lernmoduls. Tutor/-innen und Lehrende können die Verknüpfung zur Veranstaltung wieder löschen.')])->asImg();
         $output .= "</div>";
         $output .= "</div><br>" . Button::create(_('Hinzufügen'), 'add') . "<br>";
     } else {
         $output .= "&nbsp;" . Button::create(_('Hinzufügen'), 'add');
     $output .= "</form>";
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @return  returns a HTML representation of this hyperlink.
 function __toString()
     // add "button" to attribute @class
     @($this->attributes["class"] .= " button");
     // add tabindex of zero to make buttons accesible when tabbing
     if (!isset($this->attributes['tabindex'])) {
         $this->attributes['tabindex'] = '0';
     $attributes = array();
     foreach ($this->attributes as $k => $v) {
         $attributes[] = sprintf(' %s="%s"', $k, htmlReady($v));
     // TODO: URLHelper...?!
     return sprintf('<a%s>%s</a>', join('', $attributes), htmlReady($this->label));
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * createEvaluationHeader: generate the head of an evaluation (title and base text)
  * @param   the evaluation
  * @returns a table row
 function createEvaluationHeader($eval, $votedNow, $votedEarlier)
     $br = new HTMpty("br");
     $tr = new HTM("tr");
     $td = new HTM("td");
     $td->attr("class", "table_row_even");
     $table2 = new HTM("table");
     $table2->attr("width", "100%");
     $tr2 = new HTM("tr");
     $td2 = new HTM("td");
     $td2->attr("width", "90%");
     $td2->attr("valign", "top");
     if ($eval->isError()) {
         $td2->html(EvalCommon::createErrorReport($eval, _("Fehler")));
     $span = new HTM("span");
     $span->attr("class", "eval_title");
     if ($votedNow) {
         $message = new HTML('div');
         $message->_content = array((string) MessageBox::success(_("Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme.")));
     } elseif ($votedEarlier) {
         $message = new HTML('div');
         $message->_content = array((string) MessageBox::info(_("Sie haben an dieser Evaluation bereits teilgenommen.")));
     } else {
     $td2 = new HTM("td");
     $td2->attr("width", "250");
     $td2->attr("valign", "top");
     $td2->html(EvalShow::createInfoBox($eval, $votedNow || $votedEarlier));
     return $tr;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Sets up the controller
  * @param String $action Which action shall be invoked
  * @param Array $args Arguments passed to the action method
 public function before_filter(&$action, &$args)
     // Abwärtskompatibilität, erst ab 1.1 bekannt
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['ALLOW_CHANGE_NAME'])) {
     parent::before_filter($action, $args);
     // Ensure user is logged in
     $GLOBALS['auth']->login_if($action !== 'logout' && $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid'] === 'nobody');
     // extract username
     $username = Request::username('username', $GLOBALS['user']->username);
     $user = User::findByUsername($username);
     if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_profile_perm('user', $user->user_id)) {
         $username = $GLOBALS['user']->username;
     } else {
         $username = $user->username;
         URLHelper::addLinkParam('username', $username);
     $this->about = new about($username, null);
     if (!$this->about->check) {
         $this->reportErrorWithDetails(_('Zugriff verweigert.'), array(_("Wahrscheinlich ist Ihre Session abgelaufen. Bitte " . "nutzen Sie in diesem Fall den untenstehenden Link, " . "um zurück zur Anmeldung zu gelangen.\n\n" . "Eine andere Ursache kann der Versuch des Zugriffs " . "auf Userdaten, die Sie nicht bearbeiten dürfen, sein. " . "Nutzen Sie den untenstehenden Link, um zurück auf " . "die Startseite zu gelangen."), sprintf(_('%s Hier%s geht es wieder zur Anmeldung beziehungsweise Startseite.'), '<a href="index.php">', '</a>')));
     $this->user = User::findByUsername($username);
     $this->restricted = $GLOBALS['perm']->get_profile_perm($this->user->user_id) !== 'user' && $username !== $GLOBALS['user']->username;
     $this->config = UserConfig::get($this->user->user_id);
     $this->validator = new email_validation_class();
     # Klasse zum Ueberpruefen der Eingaben
     $this->validator->timeout = 10;
     // Default auth plugin to standard
     if (!$this->user->auth_plugin) {
         $this->user->auth_plugin = 'standard';
     // Show info message if user is not on his own profile
     if ($username != $GLOBALS['user']->username) {
         $message = sprintf(_('Daten von: %s %s (%s), Status: %s'), htmlReady($this->user->Vorname), htmlReady($this->user->Nachname), $username, $this->user->perms);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Adding Stud.IP formatted code to the current page of the pdf.
  * Remember to call addPage first.
  * @param string $content Stud.IP formatted code
 public function addContent($content)
     preg_match_all("#\\[comment(=.*)?\\](.*)\\[/comment\\]#msU", $content, $matches);
     if (count($matches[0])) {
         $endnote .= "<br><br>" . _("Kommentare") . "<hr>";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
             $endnote .= $i + 1 . ") " . htmlReady(substr($matches[1][$i], 1)) . ": " . htmlReady($matches[2][$i]) . "<br>";
     $content = preg_replace("#\\[comment(=.*)?\\](.*)\\[/comment\\]#emsU", '$this->addEndnote("//1", "//2")', $content);
     $content = formatReady($content, true, true, true, null);
     $content = str_replace("<table", "<table border=\"1\"", $content);
     // Since TCPDF cannot handle missing images at all, the content needs
     // to be cleaned from those (see tickets #2957, #3329 and #3688)
     $content = preg_replace_callback('/<img[^>]+src="(.*?)"[^>]*>/', function ($match) {
         $url = $match[1];
         // Detect possible html entities in url and remove them
         if (strpos($url, '&amp;') !== false) {
             $url = html_entity_decode($url);
         // Handle optional media proxy
         if (Config::GetInstance()->LOAD_EXTERNAL_MEDIA) {
             $parsed = parse_url($url);
             // Detect media proxy
             if (strpos($parsed['path'], 'media_proxy') !== false && strpos($parsed['query'], 'url=') !== false) {
                 // Remove media proxy
                 parse_str($parsed['query'], $parameters);
                 $url = $parameters['url'];
         // Fetch headers from url, handle possible redirects
         do {
             $headers = get_headers($url, true);
             list(, $status) = explode(' ', $headers[0]);
             $url = $header['Location'] ?: $header['location'] ?: $url;
         } while (in_array($status, array(300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307)));
         $status = $status ?: 404;
         // Replace image with link on error (and not internal), otherwise return sainitized
         // url
         return (!is_internal_url($url) || $status == 404) && $status >= 400 ? sprintf('[<a href="%s">%s</a>]', $url, basename($url)) : str_replace($match[1], $url, $match[0]);
     }, $content);
     $this->writeHTML($content . $endnote);
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Administration page for help content
 function admin_overview_action()
     // check permission
     if (!$GLOBALS['auth']->is_authenticated() || $GLOBALS['user']->id === 'nobody') {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     // initialize
     PageLayout::setTitle(_('Verwalten von Hilfe-Texten'));
     // set navigation
     if (Request::get('help_content_filter') == 'set') {
         $this->help_content_searchterm = Request::option('help_content_filter_term');
     if (Request::submitted('reset_filter')) {
         $this->help_content_searchterm = '';
     if (Request::submitted('apply_help_content_filter')) {
         if (Request::get('help_content_searchterm') and strlen(trim(Request::get('help_content_searchterm'))) < 3) {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein.')));
         if (strlen(trim(Request::get('help_content_searchterm'))) >= 3) {
             $this->help_content_searchterm = htmlReady(Request::get('help_content_searchterm'));
             $this->filter_text = sprintf(_('Angezeigt werden Hilfe-Texte zum Suchbegriff "%s".'), $this->help_content_searchterm);
     // load help content
     $this->help_contents = HelpContent::GetContentByFilter($this->help_content_searchterm);
     // save settings
     if (Request::submitted('save_help_content_settings')) {
         foreach ($this->help_contents as $help_content_id => $help_content) {
             // set status as chosen
             if (Request::get('help_content_status_' . $help_content_id) == '1' and !$this->help_contents[$help_content_id]->visible) {
                 $this->help_contents[$help_content_id]->visible = 1;
             } elseif (Request::get('help_content_status_' . $help_content_id) != '1' and $this->help_contents[$help_content_id]->visible) {
                 $this->help_contents[$help_content_id]->visible = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * add user by importUsers
  * adds new user and sets role-id
  * @access public
  * @param array user_data user-data
  * @param string role_id global role-id for new user
  * @return string user-id
 function addUser($user_data, $role_id)
     foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) {
         $user_data[$key] = htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($user_data[$key]));
     $usr_xml = "<Users>\n<User>\n<UDFDefinitions></UDFDefinitions>\n<Login>" . $user_data["login"] . "</Login>\n<Password Type=\"PLAIN\">" . $user_data["passwd"] . "</Password>\n<Firstname>" . $user_data["firstname"] . "</Firstname>\n<Lastname>" . $user_data["lastname"] . "</Lastname>\n<Title>" . $user_data["title"] . "</Title>\n<Gender>" . $user_data["gender"] . "</Gender>\n<Email>" . $user_data["email"] . "</Email>\n<Street>" . $user_data["street"] . "</Street>\n<PhoneHome>" . $user_data["phone_home"] . "</PhoneHome>\n<Role Id=\"" . $role_id . "\" Type=\"Global\"/>\n<Active>true</Active>\n<TimeLimitUnlimited>" . $user_data["time_limit_unlimited"] . "</TimeLimitUnlimited>\n<TimeLimitMessage>0</TimeLimitMessage>\n<ApproveDate>" . $user_data["approve_date"] . "</ApproveDate>\n<AgreeDate>" . $user_data["agree_date"] . "</AgreeDate>";
     if ($user_data["user_skin"] != "" or $user_data["user_style"] != "") {
         $usr_xml .= "<Look Skin=\"" . $user_data["user_skin"] . "\" Style=\"" . $user_data["user_style"] . "\"/>";
     $usr_xml .= "<AuthMode type=\"" . $user_data["auth_mode"] . "\"/>\n<ExternalAccount>" . $user_data["external_account"] . "</ExternalAccount>\n</User>\n</Users>";
     $param = array('sid' => $this->getSID(), 'folder_id' => -1, 'usr_xml' => $usr_xml, 'conflict_role' => 1, 'send_account_mail' => 0);
     $result = $this->call('importUsers', $param);
     $s = simplexml_load_string(studip_utf8encode($result));
     if ((string) $s->rows->row->column[3] == "successful") {
         return (string) $s->rows->row->column[0];
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function getDefaultConfig () {
     $config = array(
         "name" => "",
         "semstart" => "",
         "semrange" => "",
         "semswitch" => "",
         "wholesite" => "",
         "nameformat" => "",
         "language" => "",
         "urlcss" => "",
         "copyright" => htmlReady($GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN']
                 . " ({$GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT']})"),
         "author" => '',
         "defaultadr" => '0'
     return $config;
 function getDefaultConfig () {
     global $SEM_TYPE, $SEM_CLASS;
     $config = array();
     foreach ($SEM_CLASS as $class_index => $class) {
         foreach ($SEM_TYPE as $type_index => $type) {
             if ($type["class"] == $class_index) {
                 $config["class_$class_index"] .= "|" . htmlReady($type["name"])
                         . " ({$class['name']})";
     foreach ($SEM_TYPE as $type_index => $foo) {
         $config['order'] .= "|$type_index";
         $config['visibility'] .= "|1";
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function profile_action()
     PageLayout::addHeadElement("script", array('src' => $this->assets_url . "/javascripts/autoresize.jquery.min.js"), "");
     PageLayout::addHeadElement("script", array('src' => $this->assets_url . "/javascripts/blubberforum.js"), "");
     PageLayout::addHeadElement("script", array('src' => $this->assets_url . "/javascripts/formdata.js"), "");
     if (Request::get("extern")) {
         $this->user = BlubberExternalContact::find(Request::get("user_id"));
     } else {
         $this->user = new BlubberUser(Request::get("user_id"));
     PageLayout::setTitle(htmlReady($this->user->getName()) . " - Blubber");
     PageLayout::addHeadElement("link", array('rel' => "alternate", 'type' => "application/atom+xml", 'href' => PluginEngine::getLink($this->plugin, array(), "forum/feed/" . $this->user->getId()), 'title' => "Blubber von " . get_fullname($user_id)));
     $this->threads = ForumPosting::getThreads(array('user_id' => $this->user->getId(), 'limit' => $this->max_threads + 1));
     $this->more_threads = count($this->threads) > $this->max_threads;
     $this->course_id = $_SESSION['SessionSeminar'];
     if ($this->more_threads) {
         $this->threads = array_slice($this->threads, 0, $this->max_threads);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function __construct($label, $id, $language = null)
     $language = $language ?: $GLOBALS['user']->preferred_language;
     try {
         $query = "SELECT content\n                      FROM help_content\n                      WHERE content_id = :id AND language = :language\n                      ORDER BY version DESC\n                      LIMIT 1";
         $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
         $statement->bindValue(':id', $id);
         $statement->bindValue(':language', $language);
         $text = $statement->fetchColumn() ?: sprintf('Unknown help id "%s"', $id);
         $content = sprintf('<strong>%s</strong><p>%s</p>', htmlReady($label), formatReady($text));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($GLOBALS['user']->perms === 'root') {
             $content = 'DB-Error: please migrate';
         } else {
             $content = '';
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Entry point of the controller that displays the start page of Stud.IP
  * @param string $action
  * @param string $widgetId
  * @return void
 function index_action($action = false, $widgetId = null)
     $this->left = WidgetHelper::getUserWidgets($GLOBALS['user']->id, 0);
     $this->right = WidgetHelper::getUserWidgets($GLOBALS['user']->id, 1);
     if (!(count($this->left) + count($this->right))) {
         $this->left = WidgetHelper::getUserWidgets($GLOBALS['user']->id, 0);
         $this->right = WidgetHelper::getUserWidgets($GLOBALS['user']->id, 1);
     $sidebar = Sidebar::get();
     $sidebar->setTitle(_("Meine Startseite"));
     $nav = new NavigationWidget();
     foreach (array_merge($this->left, $this->right) as $widget) {
         $nav->addLink($widget->getPluginName(), $this->url_for('start#widget-' . $widget->widget_id));
     // Show action to add widget only if not all widgets have already been added.
     $actions = new ActionsWidget();
     if (WidgetHelper::getAvailableWidgets($GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
         $actions->addLink(_('Neues Widget hinzufügen'), $this->url_for('start/add'), Icon::create('add', 'clickable'))->asDialog();
     $actions->addLink(_('Standard wiederherstellen'), $this->url_for('start/reset'), Icon::create('accept', 'clickable'));
     // Root may set initial positions
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) {
         $settings = new ActionsWidget();
         $settings->addElement(new WidgetElement(_('Standard-Startseite bearbeiten:')));
         foreach ($GLOBALS['perm']->permissions as $permission => $useless) {
             $settings->addElement(new LinkElement(ucfirst($permission), $this->url_for('start/edit_defaults/' . $permission), Icon::create('link-intern', 'clickable'), array('data-dialog' => '')));
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->get_perm() == 'user') {
         PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_('Sie haben noch nicht auf Ihre Bestätigungsmail geantwortet.'), array(_('Bitte holen Sie dies nach, um Stud.IP Funktionen wie das Belegen von Veranstaltungen nutzen zu können.'), sprintf(_('Bei Problemen wenden Sie sich an: %s'), '<a href="mailto:' . $GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT'] . '">' . $GLOBALS['UNI_CONTACT'] . '</a>'))));
         PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_('Haben Sie die Bestätigungsmail an Ihre Adresse "%s" nicht erhalten?'), htmlReady($GLOBALS['user']->Email)), array(Studip\LinkButton::create(_('Bestätigungsmail erneut verschicken'), $this->url_for('start/resend_validation_mail')) . ' ' . Studip\LinkButton::create(_('Email-Adresse ändern'), $this->url_for('start/edit_mail_address'), array('data-dialog' => "size=auto", 'title' => _('Email-Adresse'))))));