Ejemplo n.º 1
function section_invite_dispForm($team, $player, $link, $days)
    global $invite_durations;
    echo '<center><form method=post><font size=+1>Sending an invitation to ' . playerLink($player->id, $player->callsign) . ' to join your team, ' . teamLink($team->name, $team->id, false) . '</font><br>';
    echo '<BR><TABLE><TR><TD><HR><p>This invitation will allow ' . playerLink($id, $player->callsign) . ' to join your team, even if it is closed.<BR>Please select when this invitation should expire:   
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name=days>';
    foreach ($invite_durations as $val => $text) {
        htmlOption($val, $text, $days);
    echo '</select><p><hr><p>

  Enter a few words which will be attached to your invitation (mandatory):<br>
  <textarea cols=50 rows=6 name=f_invite>' . $f_invite . '</textarea>
  <center><p><TABLE align=center><TR><TD>' . htmlFormButton("Invite", 'f_ok_x') . '</td><TD width=10></td><TD>' . htmlURLbutton("Cancel", 'playerinfo', "id={$id}", CLRBUT) . '</td></tr></table>';
    echo '<input type=hidden name=link value=' . $link . '>
  <input type=hidden name=id value=' . $player->id . '>
  </center></form></center>     </td></tr></table>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
function section_players_doSelectForm($sort, $include)
    echo '<TABLE align=center class=insetForm><TR><TD>';
    echo "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD>\n  <form action=\"index.php\" name=none>\n  <input type=hidden name=link value=players>\n  SORT:&nbsp;</td><TD>\n  <select name=sort>";
    htmlOption('callsign', 'Callsign', $sort);
    htmlOption('team', 'Team', $sort);
    htmlOption('country', 'Country', $sort);
    htmlOption('joined', 'Date Joined', $sort);
    echo "</select></td><TD width=12></td><td>\n  Include:&nbsp; \n  </td><TD>\n  <select name=include>";
    htmlOption(3, 'ALL Players', $include);
    htmlOption(1, 'TEAMLESS Players', $include);
    htmlOption(2, 'TEAM Members', $include);
    echo '</select></td><td width=12></td><TD>' . htmlFormButSmall('Show Me', '') . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
function section_entermatch_editForm($mid, $teama, $teamb, $scorea, $scoreb, $dte, $tme, $mlen)
    // enter form follows ....
    echo "<center><TABLE width=200><TR><TD align=center>\n    <TABLE cellpadding=5><TR><TD align=center>TEAM</td><TD>Score</td></tr>\n      <form method=post action=\"index.php\"><TR><TD>\n      <input type=hidden name=link value=editmatch>\n      <input type=hidden name=state value=1>\n      <input type=hidden name=mid value={$mid}>";
    echo snFormInit();
    section_entermatch_htmlTeamSelect('teama', $teama);
    echo "</td><TD><input size=3 maxlength=3 value=\"{$scorea}\" name=scorea></td></tr><TR><TD>";
    section_entermatch_htmlTeamSelect("teamb", $teamb);
    echo "</td><TD><input size=3 maxlength=3 value=\"{$scoreb}\" name=scoreb></td></tr></table>";
    if ($dte == '') {
        $dte = gmdate('Y-m-d');
    if ($tme == '') {
        $tme = gmdate('H:i:s');
    echo "<BR><HR>\n      <TABLE><TR><TD align=right>\n      <nobr>DATE: <input type=text name=dte size=10 maxlength=10 value=\"{$dte}\"></nobr>\n      <p>\n    <nobr>TIME: <input type=text name=tme size=10 maxlength=8 value=\"{$tme}\"></nobr>\n    </td><TD>&nbsp;</td><TD valign=top><nobr>Actual date/time of match (GMT).</nobr><BR>Chronological ";
    $mlens = section_entermatch_durations();
    if (count($mlens) == 1) {
        print "<input type=hidden name=mlen value=" . $mlens[0] . ">";
    } else {
        print "<p> <nobr>LENGTH: ";
        print "<select name=\"mlen\">";
        foreach ($mlens as $duration) {
            htmlOption($duration, "{$duration} mins", $mlen);
        print "</select>";
    echo "</td><TD>&nbsp;</td><TD valign=top><nobr>Actual date/time of match (GMT).</nobr><BR>Chronological \n        order of matches can affect team rankings!";
    echo '</td></tr></table><TR><TD align=center><HR><TABLE align=center><TR><TD>';
    if ($mid) {
        echo htmlFormButton('&nbsp;EDIT&nbsp;', '') . '</td>';
        if (isFuncAllowed('delete_match')) {
            echo '<TD width=8></td><TD>' . htmlFormButton('DELETE', 'del') . '</td>';
    } else {
        echo htmlFormButton('Enter', '') . '</td>';
    echo '<TD width=8></td><TD>' . htmlFormReset('Reset') . '

Ejemplo n.º 4
function section_news_doSelectForm($link, $num)
    echo "<TABLE align=center class=insetForm><TR><TD>\n  <form action=\"index.php\" name=selarts>\n  <input type=hidden name=link value={$link}>\n  </td><TD>\n  <select name=numarts onChange=\"selarts.submit();\">";
    htmlOption(15, '15 Articles', $num);
    htmlOption(50, '50 Articles', $num);
    htmlOption(1000, 'ALL Articles', $num);
    echo '</td></tr></table></form>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
function section_fights_doForm($teamid, $numdays, $detail)
    echo '<TABLE align=center class=insetForm><TR><TD>';
    echo "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR valign=middle><TD>\n  <form action=\"index.php\" name=none>\n  <input type=hidden name=link value=fights>\n  <input type=hidden name=id value={$teamid}>\n  Period:&nbsp;</td><TD>\n  <select name=days>";
    htmlOption(15, '15 days', $numdays);
    htmlOption(30, '30 days', $numdays);
    htmlOption(60, '60 days', $numdays);
    htmlOption(90, '90 days', $numdays);
    htmlOption(182, '6 months', $numdays);
    htmlOption(365, '1 year', $numdays);
    htmlOption(0, 'ALL', $numdays);
    echo "</select><BR>\n  </td><TD width=15></td>";
    if (isFuncAllowed('match_detail')) {
        echo "<TD>Detail:&nbsp;</td><TD>\n    <select name=det>";
        htmlOption(0, 'none', $detail);
        htmlOption(2, 'some', $detail);
        htmlOption(5, 'all', $detail);
        echo "</select><BR>\n    </td><TD width=15></td>";
    echo '<TD align=left>' . htmlFormButSmall('Show me', '') . '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form>';