Ejemplo n.º 1
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.waitlist_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     $searchMap = array('a.waitlist_id', 'a.email', 'a.name', 'a.product_id', 'b.product_name', 'b.product_code');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('waitlist') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT *' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     $class = hikashop_get('class.product');
     foreach ($rows as $i => $element) {
         if ($element->product_type == 'variant') {
             $database->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('variant') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('characteristic') . ' AS b ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id WHERE a.variant_product_id=' . (int) $element->product_id . ' ORDER BY a.ordering');
             $element->characteristics = $database->loadObjectList();
             $parentProduct = $class->get((int) $element->product_parent_id);
             $class->checkVariant($element, $parentProduct);
             $rows[$i] = $element;
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'waitlist_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_waitlist_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_waitlist_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.currency_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . ".search")) {
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
     } else {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.currency_symbol', 'a.currency_code', 'a.currency_name', 'a.currency_id');
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $query = 'FROM ' . hikashop_table('currency') . ' AS a';
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $query .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.* ' . $query, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList('currency_id');
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $currencyClass->getCurrencies(null, $rows);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'currency_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT count(*) ' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_currency_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'confirm', 'check' => false, 'msg' => JText::_('UPDATE_RATES_WARNING'), 'icon' => 'upload', 'alt' => JText::_('UPDATE_RATES'), 'task' => 'update', 'display' => $manage && hikashop_level(2)), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_currency_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('currency', $currencyClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.characteristic_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.characteristic_value', 'a.characteristic_alias', 'a.characteristic_id');
     $filters = array('a.characteristic_parent_id=0');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(' LIKE ' . $searchVal . ' OR ', $searchMap) . ' LIKE ' . $searchVal;
     $extrafilters = array();
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeCharacteristicListing', array($this->paramBase, &$extrafilters, &$pageInfo, &$filters));
     $this->assignRef('extrafilters', $extrafilters);
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('characteristic') . ' AS a';
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $query .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'characteristic_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT count(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_characteristic_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_characteristic_view', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function leads()
     $this->paramBase = 'leads';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $fieldsClass = hikashop_get('class.field');
     $fields = $fieldsClass->getData('backend_listing', 'user', false);
     $this->assignRef('fields', $fields);
     $this->assignRef('fieldsClass', $fieldsClass);
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.user_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $user_id = hikashop_getCID('user_id');
     $userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
     $user = $userClass->get($user_id);
     $this->assignRef('user', $user);
     $filters = array('a.user_partner_id=' . $user_id, 'a.user_partner_paid=0');
     $searchMap = array('a.user_id', 'a.user_email', 'b.username', 'b.email', 'b.name');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $searchMap[] = 'a.' . $field->field_namekey;
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('user') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('users', false) . ' AS b ON a.user_cms_id=b.id ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*,b.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     $fieldsClass->handleZoneListing($fields, $rows);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'user_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function downloads()
     $user = hikashop_loadUser(true);
     if (hikashop_loadUser() == null) {
         return false;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $config = hikashop_config();
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     $order_statuses = explode(',', $config->get('order_status_for_download', 'shipped,confirmed'));
     foreach ($order_statuses as $k => $o) {
         $order_statuses[$k] = $db->Quote(trim($o));
     $download_time_limit = $config->get('download_time_limit', 0);
     $this->assignRef('download_time_limit', $download_time_limit);
     $paramBase = HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.' . $this->getName();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase . '.filter_order', 'filter_order', 'max_order_created', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase . '.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase . '.search', 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower($pageInfo->search);
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $oldValue = $app->getUserState($paramBase . '.list_limit');
     $searchMap = array('op.order_product_name', 'f.file_name');
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'f.file_name') {
             $order = ' ORDER BY f.file_name ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir . ', f.file_path ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
         } else {
             $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $filters = array('o.order_type = \'sale\'', 'o.order_status IN (' . implode(',', $order_statuses) . ')', 'f.file_ref_id > 0', 'f.file_type = \'file\'', 'o.order_user_id = ' . $user->user_id);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filter = '(' . implode(' LIKE ' . $searchVal . ' OR ', $searchMap) . ' LIKE ' . $searchVal . ')';
         $filters[] = $filter;
     $filters = implode(' AND ', $filters);
     if (empty($oldValue)) {
         $oldValue = $app->getCfg('list_limit');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if ($oldValue != $pageInfo->limit->value) {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
         $app->setUserState($paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
     $select = 'o.order_id, o.order_created, p.*, f.*, op.* ';
     $selectSum = ', MIN(o.order_created) as min_order_created, MAX(o.order_created) as max_order_created, SUM(op.order_product_quantity) as file_quantity ';
     $selectUniq = ', IF( REPLACE(LEFT(f.file_path, 1) , \'#\', \'@\') = \'@\', CONCAT(f.file_id, \'@\', o.order_id), f.file_id ) as uniq_id';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('order') . ' AS o ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('order_product') . ' AS op ON op.order_id = o.order_id ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS p ON op.product_id = p.product_id ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('file') . ' AS f ON (op.product_id = f.file_ref_id OR p.product_parent_id = f.file_ref_id) ' . ' WHERE ' . $filters;
     $groupBy = ' GROUP BY uniq_id ';
     $db->setQuery('SELECT ' . $select . $selectSum . $selectUniq . $query . $groupBy . $order, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $downloadData = $db->loadObjectList('uniq_id');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $downloadData = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $downloadData, 'order_id');
     $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) as all_results_count FROM (SELECT f.file_id ' . $selectUniq . $query . $groupBy . ') AS all_results');
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $db->loadResult('total');
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($downloadData);
     $file_ids = array();
     $order_ids = array();
     foreach ($downloadData as $k => $data) {
         if ((int) $data->order_id > 0) {
             $order_ids[(int) $data->order_id] = (int) $data->order_id;
         $downloadData[$k]->download_total = 0;
         $downloadData[$k]->downloads = array();
         $downloadData[$k]->orders = array();
         if (strpos($k, '@') === false) {
             $file_ids[] = $k;
     if (!empty($file_ids)) {
         $db->setQuery('SELECT ' . $select . $query . ' AND f.file_id IN (' . implode(',', $file_ids) . ')');
         $orders = $db->loadObjectList();
         foreach ($orders as $o) {
             if (isset($downloadData[$o->file_id])) {
                 $downloadData[$o->file_id]->orders[(int) $o->order_id] = $o;
                 $downloadData[$o->file_id]->orders[(int) $o->order_id]->file_qty = 0;
                 $downloadData[$o->file_id]->orders[(int) $o->order_id]->download_total = 0;
             $order_ids[(int) $o->order_id] = (int) $o->order_id;
     if (!empty($order_ids)) {
         $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('download') . ' WHERE order_id IN (' . implode(',', $order_ids) . ')');
         $downloads = $db->loadObjectList();
         foreach ($downloads as $download) {
             $uniq_id = $download->file_id . '@' . $download->order_id;
             if (isset($downloadData[$uniq_id])) {
                 $downloadData[$uniq_id]->download_total += (int) $download->download_number;
                 $downloadData[$uniq_id]->downloads[$download->file_pos] = $download;
             } else {
                 if (isset($downloadData[$download->file_id])) {
                     $downloadData[$download->file_id]->download_total += (int) $download->download_number;
                     if (isset($downloadData[$download->file_id]->orders[$download->order_id])) {
                         $downloadData[$download->file_id]->orders[$download->order_id]->download_total += (int) $download->download_number;
     $pagination = hikashop_get('helper.pagination', $pageInfo->elements->total, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $pagination->hikaSuffix = '';
     $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $this->assignRef('downloadData', $downloadData);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', '', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_status = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_status", 'filter_status', '', 'array');
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_end = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_end", 'filter_end', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_start", 'filter_start', '', 'string');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.tax_namekey', 'a.tax_rate');
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTaxListing', array($this->paramBase, &$this->extrafilters, &$pageInfo, &$filters));
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('tax') . ' AS a ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList('tax_namekey');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows);
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $filters = array('order_type=\'sale\'');
     if (is_array($pageInfo->filter->filter_status) && count($pageInfo->filter->filter_status) == 1) {
         $pageInfo->filter->filter_status = reset($pageInfo->filter->filter_status);
     switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_status) {
         case '':
             if (!is_array($pageInfo->filter->filter_status)) {
                 $filters[] = 'order_status = ' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->filter_status);
             if (!count($pageInfo->filter->filter_status) || in_array('', $pageInfo->filter->filter_status)) {
             $statuses = array();
             foreach ($pageInfo->filter->filter_status as $status) {
                 $statuses[] = $database->Quote($status);
             $filters[] = 'order_status IN (' . implode(',', $statuses) . ')';
     switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_start) {
         case '':
             switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_end) {
                 case '':
                     $filter_end = explode('-', $pageInfo->filter->filter_end);
                     $noHourDay = explode(' ', $filter_end[2]);
                     $filter_end[2] = $noHourDay[0];
                     $filter_end = hikashop_getTime(mktime(23, 59, 59, $filter_end[1], $filter_end[2], $filter_end[0]));
                     $filters[] = 'order_created <= ' . (int) $filter_end;
                     $pageInfo->filter->filter_end = (int) $filter_end;
             $filter_start = explode('-', $pageInfo->filter->filter_start);
             $noHourDay = explode(' ', $filter_start[2]);
             $filter_start[2] = $noHourDay[0];
             $filter_start = hikashop_getTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, $filter_start[1], $filter_start[2], $filter_start[0]));
             switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_end) {
                 case '':
                     $filters[] = 'order_created >= ' . hikashop_getTime((int) $filter_start);
                     $pageInfo->filter->filter_start = (int) $filter_start;
                     $filter_end = explode('-', $pageInfo->filter->filter_end);
                     $noHourDay = explode(' ', $filter_end[2]);
                     $filter_end[2] = $noHourDay[0];
                     $filter_end = hikashop_getTime(mktime(23, 59, 59, $filter_end[1], $filter_end[2], $filter_end[0]));
                     $filters[] = 'order_created >= ' . (int) $filter_start . ' AND order_created <= ' . (int) $filter_end;
                     $pageInfo->filter->filter_start = (int) $filter_start;
                     $pageInfo->filter->filter_end = (int) $filter_end;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $database->setQuery('SELECT order_tax_info, order_currency_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('order') . $filters);
     $orders_taxes = $database->loadObjectList();
     $config = hikashop_config();
     $main_currency = $config->get('main_currency');
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $currency_ids = array($main_currency => $main_currency);
     $currencies = array();
     if (count($orders_taxes)) {
         foreach ($orders_taxes as $k => $v) {
             $currency_ids[$v->order_currency_id] = $v->order_currency_id;
     $null = null;
     $currencies = $currencyClass->getCurrencies($currency_ids, $null);
     if (count($orders_taxes)) {
         foreach ($orders_taxes as $k => $v) {
             $orders_taxes[$k]->order_tax_info = unserialize($v->order_tax_info);
             $info =& $orders_taxes[$k]->order_tax_info;
             if (!$info) {
             foreach ($info as $k2 => $taxes_info) {
                 $tax_amount = $taxes_info->tax_amount + @$taxes_info->tax_amount_for_shipping + @$taxes_info->tax_amount_for_payment - @$taxes_info->tax_amount_for_coupon;
                 if (!isset($taxes_info->tax_rate)) {
                     $taxes_info->tax_rate = $rows[$taxes_info->tax_namekey]->tax_rate;
                 if ($taxes_info->tax_rate != 0) {
                     $info[$k2]->amount = round($tax_amount / $taxes_info->tax_rate, $currencyClass->getRounding($v->order_currency_id));
                 } else {
                     $info[$k2]->amount = 0;
                 $info[$k2]->tax_amount = round($tax_amount, $currencyClass->getRounding($v->order_currency_id));
                 if ($main_currency != $v->order_currency_id) {
                     $info[$k2]->tax_amount_main_currency = $currencyClass->convertUniquePrice($info[$k2]->tax_amount, $v->order_currency_id, $main_currency);
                     $info[$k2]->amount_main_currency = $currencyClass->convertUniquePrice($info[$k2]->amount, $v->order_currency_id, $main_currency);
                 } else {
                     $info[$k2]->tax_amount_main_currency = $info[$k2]->tax_amount;
                     $info[$k2]->amount_main_currency = $info[$k2]->amount;
     if ($pageInfo->elements->page) {
         foreach ($rows as $k => $tax) {
             $tax_amounts = array();
             $amounts = array();
             foreach ($currencies as $currency_id => $currency) {
                 $tax_amount = 0;
                 $amount = 0;
                 if (count($orders_taxes)) {
                     foreach ($orders_taxes as $order_taxes) {
                         if ($order_taxes->order_currency_id != $currency_id || !$order_taxes->order_tax_info) {
                         foreach ($order_taxes->order_tax_info as $order_tax) {
                             if ($order_tax->tax_namekey != $tax->tax_namekey) {
                             $tax_amount += $order_tax->tax_amount;
                             $amount += $order_tax->amount;
                 $tax_amounts[$currency_id] = $tax_amount;
                 $amounts[$currency_id] = $amount;
             $rows[$k]->tax_amounts = $tax_amounts;
             $rows[$k]->amounts = $amounts;
             $tax_amount_main_currency = 0;
             $amount_main_currency = 0;
             if (count($orders_taxes)) {
                 foreach ($orders_taxes as $order_taxes) {
                     if (!$order_taxes->order_tax_info) {
                     foreach ($order_taxes->order_tax_info as $order_tax) {
                         if ($order_tax->tax_namekey != $tax->tax_namekey) {
                         $tax_amount_main_currency += $order_tax->tax_amount_main_currency;
                         $amount_main_currency += $order_tax->amount_main_currency;
             $rows[$k]->tax_amount = $tax_amount_main_currency;
             $rows[$k]->amount = $amount_main_currency;
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $this->assignRef('currencies', $currencies);
     $this->assignRef('main_currency', $main_currency);
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
     $category = hikashop_get('type.categorysub');
     $category->type = 'status';
     $this->assignRef('category', $category);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $this->toolbar = array('addNew', 'editList', 'deleteList');
     $return = JRequest::getString('return', '');
     if (!empty($return)) {
         $this->toolbar[] = 'cancel';
     $this->assignRef('return', $return);
     $this->toolbar[] = '|';
     $this->toolbar[] = array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing');
     $this->toolbar[] = 'dashboard';
Ejemplo n.º 7
    function product_select()
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $config =& hikashop_config();
        $this->assignRef('config', $config);
        $this->paramBase .= "_product_select";
        $element = new stdClass();
        $element->order_id = JRequest::getInt('order_id');
        $this->assignRef('element', $element);
        $pageInfo = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.ordering', 'cmd');
        $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
        if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . ".search")) {
            $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
            $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
        } else {
            $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
        $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
        $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
        $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
        if (empty($pageInfo->limit->value)) {
            $pageInfo->limit->value = 500;
        $selectedType = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_type", 'filter_type', 0, 'int');
        $pageInfo->filter->filter_id = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_id", 'filter_id', 0, 'string');
        $pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_product_type", 'filter_product_type', 'main', 'word');
        $database = JFactory::getDBO();
        $filters = array();
        $searchMap = array('b.product_name', 'b.product_description', 'b.product_id', 'b.product_code');
        if (empty($pageInfo->filter->filter_id) || !is_numeric($pageInfo->filter->filter_id)) {
            $pageInfo->filter->filter_id = 'product';
            $class = hikashop_get('class.category');
        if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
            $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
            $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
        $order = '';
        if (!$selectedType) {
            $filters[] = 'a.category_id=' . (int) $pageInfo->filter->filter_id;
            $select = 'SELECT a.ordering, b.*';
        } else {
            $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category');
            $categoryClass->parentObject =& $this;
            $children = $categoryClass->getChildren((int) $pageInfo->filter->filter_id, true, array(), '', 0, 0);
            $filter = 'a.category_id IN (';
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                $filter .= $child->category_id . ',';
            $filters[] = $filter . (int) $pageInfo->filter->filter_id . ')';
            $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
        if ($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type == 'all') {
            if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
                $select .= ',' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' as sorting_column';
                $order = ' ORDER BY sorting_column ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
        } else {
            if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
                $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
        $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
        $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeProductListingLoad', array(&$filters, &$order, &$this, &$select, &$select2, &$a, &$b, &$on));
        if ($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type == 'all') {
            $query = '( ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters) . ' AND b.product_id IS NOT NULL )
						( ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_parent_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters) . ' AND b.product_parent_id IS NOT NULL ) ';
            $database->setQuery($query . $order, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
        } else {
            $filters[] = 'b.product_type = ' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type);
            if ($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type != 'variant') {
                $lf = 'a.product_id=b.product_id';
            } else {
                $lf = 'a.product_id=b.product_parent_id';
            $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b ON ' . $lf . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters);
            $database->setQuery($select . $query . $order, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
            $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'product_id');
        if ($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type == 'all') {
            $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $query . ') as u');
        } else {
            $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(b.product_id))' . $query);
        $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
        $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
        if ($pageInfo->elements->page) {
        if ($pageInfo->limit->value == 500) {
            $pageInfo->limit->value = 100;
        $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
        $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
        $childClass = hikashop_get('type.childdisplay');
        $childDisplay = $childClass->display('filter_type', $selectedType, false);
        $this->assignRef('childDisplay', $childDisplay);
        $productClass = hikashop_get('type.product');
        $this->assignRef('productType', $productClass);
        $breadcrumbClass = hikashop_get('type.breadcrumb');
        $breadCrumb = $breadcrumbClass->display('filter_id', $pageInfo->filter->filter_id, 'product');
        $this->assignRef('breadCrumb', $breadCrumb);
        $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
        $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
        $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
        $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
        $doOrdering = !$selectedType;
        if ($doOrdering && !(empty($pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type) || $pageInfo->filter->filter_product_type == 'main')) {
            $doOrdering = false;
        $this->assignRef('doOrdering', $doOrdering);
        if ($doOrdering) {
            $order = new stdClass();
            $order->ordering = false;
            $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
            $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
            $order->reverse = false;
            if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.ordering') {
                $order->ordering = true;
                if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
                    $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
                    $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
                    $order->reverse = true;
            $this->assignRef('order', $order);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.widget_ordering', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     $searchMap = array('a.widget_id', 'a.widget_name');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     hikashop_addACLFilters($filters, 'widget_access', 'a');
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('widget') . ' AS a ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'widget_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $order = new stdClass();
     $order->ordering = true;
     $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
     $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
     $order->reverse = false;
     if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.widget_ordering') {
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
             $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
             $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
             $order->reverse = true;
     $this->assignRef('order', $order);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_report_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $viewAccess = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_report_view', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('viewAccess', $viewAccess);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $viewAccess), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_report_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.category_ordering', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
     if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . ".search")) {
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
     } else {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->selectedType = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_type", 'filter_type', 0, 'int');
     $safeHtmlFilter =& JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1);
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_id = $safeHtmlFilter->clean(strip_tags($app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_id", 'filter_id', 0, 'string')));
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     $category_image = $config->get('category_image', 1);
     $class = hikashop_get('class.category');
     $type = '';
     $categories = false;
     $category_id = $pageInfo->filter->filter_id;
     if (is_numeric($pageInfo->filter->filter_id)) {
         $cat = $class->get($pageInfo->filter->filter_id);
         if (@$cat->category_type != 'root') {
             $type = @$cat->category_type;
     } else {
         $type = $pageInfo->filter->filter_id;
     if ($pageInfo->selectedType) {
         $childs = $class->getChildren((int) $category_id, true, array(), '', 0, 0);
         $cat_ids = array();
         foreach ($childs as $child) {
             $cat_ids[$child->category_id] = $child->category_id;
     } else {
         $cat_ids = array((int) $category_id);
     $parent_cat_ids = array();
     if (!empty($cat_ids)) {
         $parents = $class->getParents($cat_ids, true, array(), '', 0, 0);
         if (!empty($parents)) {
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 $parent_cat_ids[] = $parent->category_id;
     $categories = array('originals' => $cat_ids, 'parents' => $parent_cat_ids);
     $searchMap = array('a.category_name', 'a.category_description', 'a.category_id');
     $fieldsClass = hikashop_get('class.field');
     $fields = $fieldsClass->getData('backend_listing', 'category', false, $categories);
     $this->assignRef('fields', $fields);
     $this->assignRef('fieldsClass', $fieldsClass);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $searchMap[] = 'a.' . $field->field_namekey;
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     if ($type == 'tax' || $type == 'status') {
         $category_image = false;
     $this->assignRef('type', $type);
     $rows = $class->loadAllWithTrans($pageInfo->filter->filter_id, $pageInfo->selectedType, $filters, $order, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value, $category_image);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'category_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $class->query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     if ($category_image) {
         $image = hikashop_get('helper.image');
         $this->assignRef('image', $image);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $childClass = hikashop_get('type.childdisplay');
     $childDisplay = $childClass->display('filter_type', $pageInfo->selectedType, false);
     $this->assignRef('childDisplay', $childDisplay);
     $breadcrumbClass = hikashop_get('type.breadcrumb');
     $breadCrumb = $breadcrumbClass->display('filter_id', $pageInfo->filter->filter_id, $type);
     $this->assignRef('breadCrumb', $breadCrumb);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $order = new stdClass();
     $order->ordering = false;
     $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
     $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
     $order->reverse = false;
     if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.category_ordering') {
         $order->ordering = true;
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
             $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
             $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
             $order->reverse = true;
     $this->assignRef('order', $order);
     $this->assignRef('category_image', $category_image);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function listing($doexport = false, $export = '')
     $fieldsClass = hikashop_get('class.field');
     $data = new stdClass();
     $fields = $fieldsClass->getFields('backend_listing', $data, 'entry');
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'b.entry_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if (empty($pageInfo->limit->value)) {
         $pageInfo->limit->value = 500;
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_status = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.filter_status', 'filter_status', '', 'string');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . hikashop_table('field') . ' WHERE field_table = ' . $database->Quote('entry') . ' AND field_published = 1');
     $nb_entries = (int) $database->loadResult();
     if (empty($nb_entries) || $nb_entries == 0) {
     if (!empty($export)) {
         $filters[] = 'b.entry_id IN (' . implode(',', $export) . ')';
     switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_status) {
         case '':
             $filters[] = 'a.order_status = ' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->filter_status);
     $searchMap = array('a.order_id', 'b.entry_id');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $searchMap[] = 'b.' . $field->field_namekey;
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $id = hikashop_decode($pageInfo->search);
         $filter = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $filter .= " OR a.order_id LIKE '%" . hikashop_getEscaped($id, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = $filter;
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('entry') . ' AS b LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('order') . ' AS a ON b.order_id=a.order_id ' . $filters . $order;
     if ($doexport) {
         $database->setQuery('SELECT b.*' . $query);
     } else {
         $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*,b.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!$doexport) {
         if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
             $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'entry_id');
         $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
         $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
         $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
         $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
         hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
         $config =& hikashop_config();
         $displayNew = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_entry_manage', 'all'));
         if (empty($nb_entries) || $nb_entries == 0) {
             $displayNew = FALSE;
         $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'custom', 'task' => 'export', 'icon' => 'upload', 'alt' => JText::_('HIKA_EXPORT')), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $displayNew), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_entry_manage', 'all'))), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_entry_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
         $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_order_manage', 'all'));
         $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
         $this->assignRef('fields', $fields);
         $this->assignRef('fieldsClass', $fieldsClass);
         $fieldsClass->handleZoneListing($fields, $rows);
         $category = hikashop_get('type.categorysub');
         $category->type = 'status';
         $this->assignRef('category', $category);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function getTax($zone_id, $tax_category_id, $type = '')
     static $calculated = array();
     static $calculatedFullInfo = array();
     if (empty($tax_category_id)) {
         return 0;
     if (empty($zone_id)) {
         $zone_id = $this->mainTaxZone();
         if (empty($zone_id)) {
             return 0;
     if (empty($type)) {
         $type = $this->getTaxType();
     $taxPlans = array();
     while (empty($taxPlans) && !empty($tax_category_id)) {
         $key = $zone_id . '_' . $tax_category_id . '_' . $type;
         if (!isset($calculated[$key])) {
             $filter = '';
             switch ($type) {
                     $filter = '(taxation_type = ' . $this->database->Quote($type) . ' OR taxation_type LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($type, true) . '%\')';
                 case '':
                     $typeFilter = 'taxation_type = \'\'';
                     if (!empty($filter)) {
                         $typeFilter = '( ' . $typeFilter . ' OR ' . $filter . ' )';
             $filters = array('a.category_id = ' . (int) $tax_category_id, 'b.taxation_published=1', $typeFilter, 'b.taxation_date_start <= ' . time(), '(b.taxation_date_end = 0 OR b.taxation_date_end > ' . time() . ')');
             hikashop_addACLFilters($filters, 'taxation_access', 'b');
             $query = 'SELECT b.*,c.* FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS a ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('taxation') . ' AS b ON a.category_namekey=b.category_namekey ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('tax') . ' AS c ON b.tax_namekey=c.tax_namekey WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters) . ' ORDER BY b.taxation_id ASC';
             $taxPlans = $this->database->loadObjectList('taxation_id');
             if (empty($taxPlans)) {
                 $query = 'SELECT category_parent_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' WHERE category_id = ' . (int) $tax_category_id;
                 $category_parent_id = $this->database->loadResult();
                 if (!empty($category_parent_id)) {
                     $tax_category_id = $category_parent_id;
                 } else {
         } else {
     if (!isset($calculated[$key])) {
         $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('zone') . ' WHERE zone_id = ' . (int) $zone_id;
         $zone = $this->database->loadObject();
         $quotedTaxNamekeys = array();
         $this->taxRates = array();
         $tax = 0;
         if (!empty($taxPlans) && !empty($zone)) {
             $matches = array();
             $cumulative = false;
             $already = array($zone->zone_id => $zone);
             foreach ($taxPlans as $taxPlan) {
                 if (empty($taxPlan->zone_namekey)) {
                 $taxPlan->zone_namekey = explode(',', $taxPlan->zone_namekey);
                 foreach ($taxPlan->zone_namekey as $zone_namekey) {
                     $quotedTaxNamekeys[] = $this->database->Quote($zone_namekey);
                 if (in_array($zone->zone_namekey, $taxPlan->zone_namekey) && $this->_matchPostCode($taxPlan)) {
                     $taxPlan->zone_type = $zone->zone_type;
                     $matches[$taxPlan->taxation_id] = $taxPlan;
                     if (!empty($taxPlan->taxation_cumulative)) {
                         $cumulative = true;
             if (count($quotedTaxNamekeys) && (count($matches) == 0 || $cumulative)) {
                 $childs = array($this->database->Quote($zone->zone_namekey));
                 $this->_getParents($childs, $matches, $already, $quotedTaxNamekeys, $taxPlans);
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             $dispatcher->trigger('onHikashopGetTax', array(&$this, $zone_id, $tax_category_id, $type, &$matches, &$taxPlans));
             if (count($matches) != 0) {
                 $type = 'state';
                 $types = array('country', 'tax');
                 $found = false;
                 while (!$found) {
                     foreach ($matches as $match) {
                         if ($match->zone_type == $type) {
                             $tax += floatval(@$match->tax_rate);
                             $this->taxRates[] = $match;
                             if (empty($match->taxation_cumulative)) {
                                 $found = true;
                     if (!$found) {
                         if (empty($types)) {
                             $found = true;
                         $type = array_shift($types);
             } else {
                 foreach ($taxPlans as $taxPlan) {
                     if (!empty($taxPlan->zone_namekey)) {
                     if (!$this->_matchPostCode($taxPlan)) {
                     if ($taxPlan->taxation_cumulative) {
                         $this->taxRates[] = $taxPlan;
                         $tax += floatval(@$taxPlan->tax_rate);
                     } else {
                         $this->taxRates = array($taxPlan);
                         $tax = floatval(@$taxPlan->tax_rate);
         $calculated[$key] = $tax;
         $calculatedFullInfo[$key] = array();
         foreach ($this->taxRates as $k => $taxRate) {
             $calculatedFullInfo[$key][$k] = clone $taxRate;
     } else {
         $this->taxRates = array();
         foreach ($calculatedFullInfo[$key] as $k => $taxRate) {
             $this->taxRates[$k] = clone $taxRate;
     return $calculated[$key];
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function listing()
     $config = hikashop_config();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.vote_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     $searchMap = array('a.vote_id', 'a.vote_rating', 'a.vote_ref_id', 'a.vote_pseudo', 'a.vote_comment', 'a.vote_email', 'a.vote_user_id', 'a.vote_ip', 'a.vote_date');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters);
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('vote') . ' AS a ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($rows)) {
         foreach ($rows as $k => $v) {
             if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
                 $rows[$k]->vote_comment_short = mb_substr($v->vote_comment, 0, 51);
             } else {
                 $rows[$k]->vote_comment_short = substr($v->vote_comment, 0, 51);
             if ($rows[$k]->vote_type == 'vendor') {
                 $query2 = 'SELECT vendor_name FROM `#__hikamarket_vendor` WHERE vendor_id = ' . (int) $rows[$k]->vote_ref_id . '';
             } else {
                 $query2 = 'SELECT product_name FROM `#__hikashop_product` WHERE product_id = ' . (int) $rows[$k]->vote_ref_id . '';
             $rows[$k]->item_name = $database->loadResult();
             if ($rows[$k]->vote_pseudo == '0') {
                 $userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
                 $userInfos = $userClass->get($rows[$k]->vote_user_id);
                 if (!empty($userInfos)) {
                     $rows[$k]->username = $userInfos->username;
                     $rows[$k]->email = $userInfos->email;
     $pageInfo->enabled = $this->isEnabled();
     $pageInfo->manageProduct = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_product_manage', 'all'));
     $pageInfo->manageUser = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_user_manage', 'all'));
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'vote_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $order = new stdClass();
     $order->ordering = true;
     $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
     $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
     $order->reverse = false;
     if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.vote_ordering') {
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
             $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
             $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
             $order->reverse = true;
     $this->assignRef('order', $order);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_vote_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_vote_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function onSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     if (!defined('DS')) {
         define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     if (!(include_once rtrim(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, DS) . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_hikashop' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'helper.php')) {
         return array();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onSearchAreas()))) {
             return array();
     $limit = $this->params->def('search_limit', 50);
     $text = trim($text);
     if ($text == '') {
         return array();
     switch ($ordering) {
         case 'alpha':
             $order = 'a.product_name ASC';
         case 'newest':
             $order = 'a.product_modified DESC';
         case 'oldest':
             $order = 'a.product_created ASC';
         case 'popular':
             $order = 'a.product_hit DESC';
         case 'category':
             $order = 'a.product_name DESC';
     $trans = hikashop_get('helper.translation');
     $multi = $trans->isMulti();
     $trans_table = 'jf_content';
     if ($trans->falang) {
         $trans_table = 'falang_content';
     $rows = array();
     $filters = array('a.product_published=1');
     $variants = (int) $this->params->get('variants', '0');
     if (!$variants) {
         $filters[] = 'a.product_type=\'main\'';
     $out_of_stock = (int) $this->params->get('out_of_stock_display', '1');
     if (!$out_of_stock) {
         $filters[] = 'a.product_quantity!=0';
     hikashop_addACLFilters($filters, 'product_access', 'a');
     $leftjoin = '';
     $catFilters = array('category_published=1', 'category_type=\'product\'');
     hikashop_addACLFilters($catFilters, 'category_access');
     $db->setQuery('SELECT category_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $catFilters));
     if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
         $cats = $db->loadResultArray();
     } else {
         $cats = $db->loadColumn();
     if (!empty($cats)) {
         $filters[] = 'b.category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cats) . ')';
     if ($variants) {
         $leftjoin = ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS b ON a.product_parent_id=b.product_id OR a.product_id=b.product_id';
     } else {
         $leftjoin = ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id';
     $filters2 = array();
     if ($multi) {
         $registry = JFactory::getConfig();
         if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
             $code = $registry->getValue('config.jflang');
         } else {
             $code = $registry->get('language');
         $lg = $trans->getId($code);
         $filters2[] = "b.reference_table='hikashop_product'";
         $filters2[] = "b.published=1";
         $filters2[] = 'b.language_id=' . $lg;
     $fields = $this->params->get('fields', '');
     if (empty($fields)) {
         $fields = array('product_name', 'product_description');
     } else {
         $fields = explode(',', $fields);
     switch ($phrase) {
         case 'exact':
             $text = $db->Quote('%' . hikashop_getEscaped($text, true) . '%', false);
             $filters1 = array();
             foreach ($fields as $f) {
                 $filters1[] = "a." . $f . " LIKE " . $text;
             if ($multi) {
                 $filters2[] = "b.value LIKE " . $text;
         case 'all':
         case 'any':
             $words = explode(' ', $text);
             $wordFilters = array();
             $subWordFiltersX = array();
             $wordFilters2 = array();
             foreach ($words as $word) {
                 $word = $db->Quote('%' . hikashop_getEscaped($word, true) . '%', false);
                 foreach ($fields as $i => $f) {
                     $subWordFiltersX[$i][] = "a." . $f . " LIKE " . $word;
                 if ($multi) {
                     $wordFilters2[] = "b.value LIKE " . $word;
             foreach ($subWordFiltersX as $i => $subWordFilters) {
                 $wordFilters[$i] = '((' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $subWordFilters) . '))';
             $filters[] = '((' . implode(') OR (', $wordFilters) . '))';
             if ($multi) {
                 $filters2[] = '((' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $wordFilters2) . '))';
     $new_page = (int) $this->params->get('new_page', '1');
     $select = ' a.product_id AS id, a.product_name, a.product_alias, a.product_canonical, a.product_created AS created , a.product_description, "' . $new_page . '" AS browsernav';
     if ($variants) {
         $select .= ', a.product_type, a.product_parent_id';
     $count = 0;
     if ($multi && !empty($lg)) {
         $db->setQuery('SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1');
         $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table($trans_table, false) . ' AS b LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS a ON b.reference_id=a.product_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters2) . ' ORDER BY ' . $order;
         $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
         $rows = $db->loadObjectList("id");
         $count = count($rows);
         if ($count) {
             $limit = $limit - $count;
             $filters[] = 'a.product_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($rows)) . ')';
     if ($limit) {
         if (!empty($leftjoin)) {
             $select .= ', b.category_id as category_id';
         $db->setQuery('SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1');
         $filters = implode(' AND ', $filters);
         if (isset($filters1)) {
             $filters = '(' . $filters . ') AND (' . implode(' OR ', $filters1) . ')';
         $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS a ' . $leftjoin . ' WHERE ' . $filters . ' GROUP BY (a.product_id) ORDER BY ' . $order;
         $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
         $mainRows = $db->loadObjectList("id");
         if (!empty($mainRows)) {
             foreach ($mainRows as $k => $main) {
                 $rows[$k] = $main;
             $count = count($rows);
     if ($count) {
         if ($multi && !empty($lg)) {
             $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table($trans_table, false) . ' WHERE reference_table=\'hikashop_product\' AND language_id=\'' . $lg . '\' AND published=1 AND reference_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($rows)) . ')';
             $trans = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($trans as $item) {
                 foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                     if ($row->id == $item->reference_id) {
                         if ($item->reference_field == 'product_name') {
                             $row->product_name = $item->value;
                         } elseif ($item->reference_field == 'product_description') {
                             $row->product_description = $item->value;
                         } else {
                             $row->product_name = $item->value;
         $parent = '';
         $item_id = $this->params->get('item_id', '');
         $menuClass = hikashop_get('class.menus');
         $config =& hikashop_config();
         $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name', 'category_pathway');
         $menus = array();
         $Itemid = '';
         if (!empty($item_id)) {
             $Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $item_id;
             if ($this->params->get('full_path', 1)) {
                 $menuData = $menus[$item_id] = $menuClass->get($item_id);
                 if (!empty($menuData->hikashop_params['selectparentlisting'])) {
                     $parent = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . (int) $menuData->hikashop_params['selectparentlisting'];
         $itemids = array();
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $class = hikashop_get('class.product');
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
             $ids[$row->id] = $row->id;
             if (!empty($row->category_id)) {
                 if (empty($item_id)) {
                     if (!isset($itemids[$row->category_id])) {
                         $itemids[$row->category_id] = $menuClass->getItemidFromCategory($row->category_id);
                     $item_id = $itemids[$row->category_id];
                 if (!empty($item_id)) {
                     $Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $item_id;
                 if ($this->params->get('full_path', 1)) {
                     $parent = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . (int) $row->category_id;
                 if (!$this->params->get('item_id', '')) {
                     $item_id = '';
             $row->title = $row->product_name;
             $row->text = $row->product_description;
             if ($variants && $row->product_type == 'variant') {
                 $ids[$row->product_parent_id] = $row->product_parent_id;
                 static $mains = array();
                 if (!isset($mains[$row->product_parent_id])) {
                     $mains[$row->product_parent_id] = $class->get((int) $row->product_parent_id);
                 $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                 $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('variant') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('characteristic') . ' AS b ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id WHERE a.variant_product_id=' . (int) $row->id . ' ORDER BY a.ordering');
                 $row->characteristics = $db->loadObjectList();
                 $class->checkVariant($row, $mains[$row->product_parent_id]);
                 if (empty($row->title)) {
                     $row->title = $row->product_name;
                 if (empty($row->text)) {
                     $row->text = $mains[$row->product_parent_id]->product_description;
             if (empty($row->product_canonical)) {
                 $rows[$k]->href = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&name=' . $row->alias . '&cid=' . $row->id . $Itemid . $parent);
             } else {
                 $rows[$k]->href = $row->product_canonical;
             $rows[$k]->href = hikashop_cleanURL($rows[$k]->href);
             $rows[$k]->section = JText::_('PRODUCT');
         if (!empty($ids)) {
             $imageHelper = hikashop_get('helper.image');
             $height = (int) $config->get('thumbnail_y', '100');
             $width = (int) $config->get('thumbnail_x', '100');
             $image_options = array('default' => true, 'forcesize' => $config->get('image_force_size', true), 'scale' => $config->get('image_scale_mode', 'inside'));
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             $queryImage = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('file') . ' WHERE file_ref_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND file_type=\'product\' ORDER BY file_ref_id ASC, file_ordering DESC, file_id ASC';
             $images = $db->loadObjectList('file_ref_id');
             foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
                 foreach ($images as $k2 => $image) {
                     if ($k == $k2) {
                         $result = $imageHelper->getThumbnail(@$image->file_path, array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height), $image_options);
                         if ($result->success) {
                             $rows[$k]->image = $result->url;
                 if (!empty($rows[$k]->image)) {
                 if (!$variants) {
                 foreach ($images as $k2 => $image) {
                     if ($row->product_parent_id == $k2) {
                         $result = $imageHelper->getThumbnail(@$image->file_path, array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height), $image_options);
                         if ($result->success) {
                             $rows[$k]->image = $result->url;
     return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function activate()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $usersConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users');
     $userActivation = $usersConfig->get('useractivation');
     $allowUserRegistration = $usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration');
     if ($user->get('id')) {
         $app->redirect(hikashop_completeLink('checkout', false, true));
     if ($allowUserRegistration == '0' || $userActivation == '0') {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('Access Forbidden'));
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('com_user', JPATH_SITE);
     $activation = hikashop_getEscaped(JRequest::getVar('activation', '', '', 'alnum'));
     if (empty($activation)) {
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '<')) {
         $result = JUserHelper::activateUser($activation);
     } else {
         if (HIKASHOP_J30) {
             JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(HIKASHOP_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_users' . DS . 'models');
         } else {
             JModel::addIncludePath(HIKASHOP_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_users' . DS . 'models');
         $model = $this->getModel('Registration', 'UsersModel', array(), true);
         $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
         $language->load('com_users', JPATH_SITE, $language->getTag(), true);
         if ($model) {
             $result = $model->activate($activation);
     if (!$result) {
     } else {
         $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0);
         $class = hikashop_get('class.user');
         $user = $class->get($id);
         if ($id && file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_comprofiler' . DS . 'comprofiler.php') && $userActivation < 2) {
         $infos = JRequest::getVar('infos', '');
         global $Itemid;
         $url = '';
         if (!empty($Itemid)) {
             $url = '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
         if (!empty($infos) && function_exists('json_decode')) {
             $infos = json_decode(base64_decode($infos), true);
             if ($userActivation < 2 && !empty($infos['passwd']) && !empty($infos['username']) && $this->_doLogin($infos['username'], $infos['passwd'], false)) {
                 $page = JRequest::getString('page', 'checkout');
                 if ($page == 'checkout') {
                     $app->redirect(hikashop_completeLink('checkout' . $url, false, true));
                 } else {
                     JRequest::setVar('layout', 'activate');
                     return parent::display();
             } elseif ($userActivation >= 2) {
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '<')) {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_user&view=login' . $url;
         } else {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login' . $url;
         $app->redirect(JRoute::_($url, false));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function showcarts()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $config = hikashop_config();
     $menus = $app->getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     global $Itemid;
     if (empty($menu)) {
         if (!empty($Itemid)) {
             $menu = $menus->getItem($Itemid);
     if (is_object($menu) && is_object($menu->params)) {
         $cart_type = $menu->params->get('cart_type');
     if (!empty($cart_type)) {
         JRequest::setVar('cart_type', $cart_type);
     } else {
         $cart_type = JRequest::getString('cart_type', 'cart');
         if (!in_array($cart_type, array('cart', 'wishlist'))) {
             $cart_type = 'cart';
     $this->assignRef('cart_type', $cart_type);
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.cart_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $oldValue = $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . '.list_limit');
     if (empty($oldValue)) {
         $oldValue = $app->getCfg('list_limit');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if ($oldValue != $pageInfo->limit->value) {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.cart_id', 'a.cart_name', 'a.cart_type');
     if (hikashop_loadUser() == null) {
         global $Itemid;
         $url = '';
         if (!empty($Itemid)) {
             $url = '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
         if (!HIKASHOP_J16) {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_user&view=login' . $url;
         } else {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login' . $url;
         if ($config->get('enable_multicart', '0')) {
             $app->redirect(JRoute::_($url . '&return=' . urlencode(base64_encode(hikashop_currentUrl('', false))), false));
         } else {
             $app->redirect(JRoute::_($url . '&return=' . base64_encode(hikashop_completeLink('cart&task=showcart&cart_type=' . $cart_type . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid, false, false, true)), false));
         return false;
     $user = hikashop_loadUser(true);
     if (isset($user->user_cms_id)) {
         $user->id = $user->user_cms_id;
     } else {
         if (empty($user)) {
             $user = new stdClass();
         $user->id = 0;
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     if ($session->getId()) {
         $user->session = $session->getId();
     } else {
         $user->session = '';
     if (hikashop_loadUser() == null) {
         $filters = array('a.session_id=' . $database->Quote($user->session) . ' AND a.cart_type =' . $database->quote($cart_type));
     } else {
         $filters = array('(a.user_id=' . (int) $user->id . ' OR a.session_id=' . $database->Quote($user->session) . ') AND a.cart_type =' . $database->quote($cart_type));
     $groupBy = 'GROUP BY a.cart_id';
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = 'ORDER BY a.cart_id ASC';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filter = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
         $filters[] = $filter;
     $from = 'FROM ' . hikashop_table('cart') . ' AS a';
     $cartProduct = 'LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('cart_product') . ' AS b ON a.cart_id=b.cart_id';
     $where = 'WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ') AND a.cart_type =' . $database->quote($cart_type);
     $query = $from . ' ' . $where . ' ' . $groupBy . ' ' . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.* ' . $query);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $from . ' ' . $where);
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
     $module = hikashop_get('helper.module');
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $class = hikashop_get('class.cart');
     $productClass = hikashop_get('class.product');
     $main_currency = (int) $config->get('main_currency', 1);
     $currency_id = hikashop_getCurrency();
     if ($config->get('tax_zone_type', 'shipping') == 'billing') {
         $zone_id = hikashop_getZone('billing');
     } else {
         $zone_id = hikashop_getZone('shipping');
     $discount_before_tax = (int) $config->get('discount_before_tax', 0);
     $cids = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($row->cart_id != null) {
             $cids[] = $row->cart_id;
     $filters = '';
     $filters = array('a.cart_id IN(' . implode(",", $cids) . ')');
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY cart_id ASC';
     $product = ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id';
     $query = 'FROM ' . hikashop_table('cart_product') . ' AS a ' . $product . ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ') ' . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*,b.* ' . $query);
     if (!empty($cids)) {
         $products = $database->loadObjectList();
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($products as $row) {
             $ids[] = $row->product_id;
         $row_1 = 0;
         foreach ($products as $k => $row) {
             $currencyClass->getPrices($row, $ids, $currency_id, $main_currency, $zone_id, $discount_before_tax);
             if (!isset($row->prices[0]->price_value)) {
                 if (isset($row_1->prices[0])) {
                     $row->prices[0] = $row_1->prices[0];
             $products[$k]->hide = 0;
             if ($row->product_type == 'variant') {
                 $l = --$k;
                 if (isset($products[$l])) {
                     if (!isset($products[$l]) || !is_object($products[$l])) {
                         $products[$l] = new stdClass();
                     $products[$l]->hide = 1;
             $row_1 = $row;
         $currentId = 0;
         $values = null;
         $price = 0;
         $price_with_tax = 0;
         $quantity = 0;
         $currency = hikashop_getCurrency();
         foreach ($products as $product) {
             if (isset($product->cart_id) && isset($product->product_id)) {
                 if ($product->cart_id != $currentId) {
                     $price = 0;
                     $price_with_tax = 0;
                     $quantity = 0;
                     $currentId = $product->cart_id;
                     if (isset($product->prices[0]->price_currency_id)) {
                         $currency = $product->prices[0]->price_currency_id;
                 if (isset($product->prices[0])) {
                     $price += $product->cart_product_quantity * $product->prices[0]->price_value;
                 if (isset($product->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax)) {
                     $price_with_tax += $product->cart_product_quantity * $product->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax;
                 if (!isset($product->prices[0]->price_value)) {
                     $variant = new stdClass();
                     $variant->product_parent_id = $product->product_parent_id;
                     $variant->quantity = $product->cart_product_quantity;
                 if (isset($variant) && isset($product->prices[0]) && $product->product_id == $variant->product_parent_id) {
                     $price += $variant->quantity * $product->prices[0]->price_value;
                     $price_with_tax += $variant->quantity * $product->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax;
                 $quantity += $product->cart_product_quantity;
                 if (!isset($values[$currentId])) {
                     $values[$currentId] = new stdClass();
                 $values[$currentId]->price = $price;
                 $values[$currentId]->price_with_tax = isset($price_with_tax) ? $price_with_tax : $price;
                 $values[$currentId]->quantity = $quantity;
                 $values[$currentId]->currency = $currency;
         $totalCart = 0;
         $limit = 0;
         foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
             if ($limit >= (int) $pageInfo->limit->start && $limit < (int) $pageInfo->limit->value && isset($values[$row->cart_id]) && $values[$row->cart_id] != null) {
                 $rows[$k]->price = $values[$row->cart_id]->price;
                 $rows[$k]->price_with_tax = $values[$row->cart_id]->price_with_tax;
                 $rows[$k]->quantity = $values[$row->cart_id]->quantity;
                 $rows[$k]->currency = $values[$row->cart_id]->currency;
             } else {
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = count($rows);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'cart_id');
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     if (!$pageInfo->elements->page) {
         if (hikashop_loadUser() != null) {
             $app = JFactory::getApplication();
             if ($cart_type == 'cart') {
             } else {
     $pagination = hikashop_get('helper.pagination', $pageInfo->elements->total, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $pagination->hikaSuffix = '';
     $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
     $this->assignRef('cart', $cart);
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     $this->assignRef('carts', $rows);
     if ($cart_type == 'cart') {
         $title = JText::_('CARTS');
     } else {
         $title = JText::_('WISHLISTS');
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array('(module = \'mod_hikashop\' OR module = \'mod_hikashop_cart\' OR module = \'mod_hikashop_wishlist\')');
     $searchMap = array('module', 'title');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('modules', false) . ' ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT *' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         $rows[$k]->hikashop_params = $config->get('params_' . $row->id);
         if (empty($rows[$k]->hikashop_params)) {
             $rows[$k]->hikashop_params = $config->get('default_params');
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_modules_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_modules_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function delete(&$elements)
     if (!is_array($elements)) {
         $elements = array($elements);
     foreach ($elements as $key => $val) {
         $elements[$key] = hikashop_getEscaped($val);
     if (empty($elements)) {
         return false;
     $this->database->setQuery('SELECT `field_namekey`,`field_id`,`field_table`,`field_type` FROM ' . hikashop_table('field') . '  WHERE `field_core` = 0 AND `field_id` IN (' . implode(',', $elements) . ')');
     $fieldsToDelete = $this->database->loadObjectList('field_id');
     if (empty($fieldsToDelete)) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         return false;
     $namekeys = array();
     foreach ($fieldsToDelete as $oneField) {
         if ($oneField->field_type == 'customtext') {
         if ($oneField->field_table == 'item') {
             $namekeys['cart_product'][] = $oneField->field_namekey;
             $namekeys['order_product'][] = $oneField->field_namekey;
         } elseif ($oneField->field_table != 'contact') {
             $namekeys[$oneField->field_table][] = $oneField->field_namekey;
     foreach ($namekeys as $table => $fields) {
         $this->database->setQuery('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->fieldTable($table) . ' DROP `' . implode('`, DROP `', $fields) . '`');
     $this->database->setQuery('DELETE FROM ' . hikashop_table('field') . ' WHERE `field_id` IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($fieldsToDelete)) . ')');
     $result = $this->database->query();
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     $affectedRows = $this->database->getAffectedRows();
     foreach ($namekeys as $table => $fields) {
         $orderClass = hikashop_get('helper.order');
         $orderClass->pkey = 'field_id';
         $orderClass->table = 'field';
         $orderClass->groupMap = 'field_table';
         $orderClass->groupVal = $table;
         $orderClass->orderingMap = 'field_ordering';
     return $affectedRows;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.badge_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . ".search")) {
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
     } else {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     $searchMap = array('a.badge_id', 'a.badge_name', 'a.badge_position');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('badge') . ' AS a' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'badge_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT count(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     if ($pageInfo->elements->page) {
         $types = array('product', 'category', 'discount');
         foreach ($types as $type) {
             $ids = array();
             $key = 'badge_' . $type . '_id';
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 if (empty($row->{$key})) {
                 $row->{$key} = explode(',', $row->{$key});
                 foreach ($row->{$key} as $v) {
                     if (is_numeric($v)) {
                         $ids[$v] = $v;
                     } else {
                         $ids[$v] = $database->Quote($v);
             if (!count($ids)) {
             $primary = $type . '_id';
             if ($type == 'discount') {
                 $name = $type . '_code';
             } else {
                 $name = $type . '_name';
             $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table($type) . ' WHERE ' . $primary . ' IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')';
             $elements = $database->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
                 if (empty($row->{$key})) {
                 $display = array();
                 foreach ($row->{$key} as $el) {
                     foreach ($elements as $element) {
                         if ($element->{$primary} == $el) {
                             $display[] = $element->{$name};
                             $found = true;
                 if (!count($display)) {
                     $display = array(JText::_(strtoupper($type) . '_NOT_FOUND'));
                 $rows[$k]->{$key} = implode(', ', $display);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $image = hikashop_get('helper.image');
     $this->assignRef('image', $image);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $order = new stdClass();
     $order->ordering = true;
     $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
     $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
     $order->reverse = false;
     if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.badge_ordering') {
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
             $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
             $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
             $order->reverse = true;
     $this->assignRef('order', $order);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_badge_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'check' => JText::_('HIKA_VALIDDELETEITEMS'), 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_badge_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function &getNameboxData($typeConfig, &$fullLoad, $mode, $value, $search, $options)
     $ret = array(0 => array(), 1 => array());
     $characteristics = null;
     if (isset($typeConfig['params']['value']) && $typeConfig['params']['value']) {
         if ((int) $options['url_params']['ID'] > 0) {
             $query = 'SELECT characteristic_value, characteristic_alias, characteristic_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('characteristic') . ' WHERE characteristic_parent_id = ' . (int) $options['url_params']['ID'];
             if (!empty($options['vendor'])) {
                 $query .= ' AND characteristic_vendor_id IN (0, ' . (int) $options['vendor'] . ')';
             if (!empty($search)) {
                 $query .= ' AND (characteristic_value LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($search) . '%\' OR characteristic_alias LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($search) . '%\')';
             $characteristics = $this->database->loadObjectList('characteristic_id');
         if (!empty($value)) {
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT characteristic_value, characteristic_alias, characteristic_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('characteristic') . ' WHERE characteristic_parent_id = 0';
         if (!empty($options['vendor'])) {
             $query .= ' AND characteristic_vendor_id IN (0, ' . (int) $options['vendor'] . ')';
         $characteristics = $this->database->loadObjectList('characteristic_id');
         if (!empty($value)) {
     if (!empty($characteristics)) {
         foreach ($characteristics as $k => $v) {
             $v->name = $v->characteristic_value;
             if (!empty($v->characteristic_alias) && $v->characteristic_value != $v->characteristic_alias) {
                 $v->name .= ' (' . $v->characteristic_alias . ')';
             $ret[0][$k] = $v;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 function selectcategory()
     $this->paramBase .= '_category';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.category_ordering', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $selectedType = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_type", 'filter_type', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_id = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_id", 'filter_id', 'product', 'string');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.category_name', 'a.category_description', 'a.category_id');
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $class = hikashop_get('class.category');
     $class->parentObject =& $this;
     $rows = $class->getChildren($pageInfo->filter->filter_id, $selectedType, $filters, $order, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value, false);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'category_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $class->query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $this->toolbar = array('addNew', 'editList', 'deleteList', '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $childClass = hikashop_get('type.childdisplay');
     $childDisplay = $childClass->display('filter_type', $selectedType, false);
     $this->assignRef('childDisplay', $childDisplay);
     $breadcrumbClass = hikashop_get('type.breadcrumb');
     $breadcrumb = $breadcrumbClass->display('filter_id', $pageInfo->filter->filter_id, 'product');
     $this->assignRef('breadCrumb', $breadcrumb);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $order = new stdClass();
     $order->ordering = false;
     $order->orderUp = 'orderup';
     $order->orderDown = 'orderdown';
     $order->reverse = false;
     if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.category_ordering') {
         $order->ordering = true;
         if ($pageInfo->filter->order->dir == 'desc') {
             $order->orderUp = 'orderdown';
             $order->orderDown = 'orderup';
             $order->reverse = true;
     $this->assignRef('order', $order);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
Ejemplo n.º 21
    function productDisplay()
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $editor_name = JRequest::getString('editor_name', 'jform_articletext');
        $pageInfo = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
        $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest("com_content.productbutton.search", 'search', '', 'string');
        $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
        $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.productbutton.limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
        $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.productbutton.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
        if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState('com_content.productbutton.search') || JRequest::getVar('limit') != $app->getUserState('com_content.productbutton.limit')) {
            $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
            $app->setUserState('com_content.productbutton.limitstart', 0);
        $Select = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('product');
        $Where = ' WHERE product_type=\'main\' AND product_access=\'all\' AND product_published=1 ';
        $orderBY = ' ORDER BY product_id ASC';
        $searchMap = array('product_name', 'product_code', 'product_id');
        $filters = array();
        if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
            $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
            $filter = '(' . implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}" . ')';
            $filters[] = $filter;
        if (is_array($filters) && count($filters)) {
            $filters = ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $filters);
        } else {
            $filters = '';
        $db->setQuery($Select . $Where . $filters . $orderBY, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
        $products = $db->loadObjectList();
        $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(product_id) FROM ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' WHERE product_type=\'main\' AND product_access=\'all\' AND product_published=1' . $filters);
        $nbrow = $db->loadResult();
        $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('price') . ' ORDER BY price_product_id ASC');
        $prices = $db->loadObjectList();
        if (HIKASHOP_J30) {
            $pagination = hikashop_get('helper.pagination', $nbrow, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
        } else {
            $pagination = new JPagination($nbrow, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
        $scriptV1 = "function insertTag(tag){ window.parent.jInsertEditorText(tag,'text'); return true;}";
        $scriptV2 = "function insertTag(tag){ window.parent.jInsertEditorText(tag,'" . str_replace(array('\\', '\''), array('\\\\', '\\\''), $editor_name) . "'); return true;}";
        if (!HIKASHOP_PHP5) {
            $doc =& JFactory::getDocument();
        } else {
            $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '<')) {
        } else {
        $config =& hikashop_config();
        $pricetaxType = hikashop_get('type.pricetax');
        $discountDisplayType = hikashop_get('type.discount_display');
	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
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			if (document.getElementById('price').checked) {
				document.getElementById('Priceopt').style.visibility = 'visible';
			else {
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	<form action="<?php 
        echo hikashop_currentURL();
" method="POST" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
		<table class="hikashop_no_border">
				<td width="100%">
        echo JText::_('FILTER');
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        echo hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search);
" class="inputbox" onchange="document.adminForm.submit();" />
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        echo JText::_('GO');
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        echo JText::_('RESET');
			<div id="productInsertOptions">
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        echo JText::_('HIKA_NAME');
				<input type="checkbox" name="description" id="description" value="1" checked/><?php 
        echo JText::_('PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION');
				<input type="checkbox" name="cart" id="cart" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['cart'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('HIKASHOP_CHECKOUT_CART');
				<input type="checkbox" name="quantity" id="quantityfield" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['quantityfield'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('HIKA_QUANTITY_FIELD');
				<input type="checkbox" name="picture" id="picture" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['picture'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('HIKA_IMAGE');
				<input type="checkbox" name="link" id="link" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['link'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('LINK_TO_PRODUCT_PAGE');
				<input type="checkbox" name="border" id="border" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['border'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('ITEM_BOX_BORDER');
				<input type="checkbox" name="badge" id="badge" value="1" <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['badge'])) {
            echo 'checked';
        echo JText::_('HIKA_BADGE');
				Menu ID : <input type="text" name="menuid" id="menuid"  <?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['menuid'])) {
            echo 'value="' . $_REQUEST['menuid'] . '"';
				<input type="checkbox" name="pricetax" id="pricetax" value="<?php 
        echo $config->get('price_with_tax');
" hidden/>
				<input type="checkbox" name="price" id="price" value="1" checked onclick="divhidder()"/><?php 
        echo JText::_('DISPLAY_PRICE');
				<div id="Priceopt">
				<tr id="show_discount_line">
					<td class="key" valign="top">
        echo JText::_('SHOW_DISCOUNTED_PRICE');
        $default_params = $config->get('default_params');
        echo $discountDisplayType->display('pricedisc', 3);
			<table class="adminlist table table-striped" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
						<th class="title titlenum">
        echo JText::_('HIKA_NUM');
						<th class="title titlebox">
							<input type="checkbox" name="checkAll" id="checkAll" value="" onclick="checkAllBox();"/>
						<th class="title">
        echo JText::_('HIKA_NAME');
						<th class="title">
        echo JText::_('PRODUCT_PRICE');
						<th class="title">
        echo JText::_('PRODUCT_QUANTITY');
						<th class="title">
        echo 'ID';
				<tbody id="ToCheck">
        $i = 0;
        $row = '';
        $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
        $currencies = new stdClass();
        $currency_symbol = '';
        foreach ($products as $product) {
            $row .= '<tr><td class="title titlenum">';
            $row .= $i;
            $row .= '</td><td class="title titlebox"><input type="checkbox" id="product_checkbox' . $product->product_id . '" name="' . $product->product_id;
            $row .= '" value=""/></td><td class="center">';
            $row .= $product->product_name;
            $row .= '</td><td class="center">';
            foreach ($prices as $price) {
                if ($price->price_product_id == $product->product_id) {
                    $row .= $price->price_value;
                    $currency = $currencyClass->getCurrencies($price->price_currency_id, $currencies);
                    foreach ($currency as $currrencie) {
                        if ($price->price_currency_id == $currrencie->currency_id) {
                            $currency_symbol = $currrencie->currency_symbol;
                    $row .= ' ' . $currency_symbol;
            $row .= '</td><td class="center">';
            if ($product->product_quantity > -1) {
                $row .= $product->product_quantity;
            } else {
                $row .= JText::_('UNLIMITED');
            $row .= '</td><td class="center">';
            $row .= $product->product_id;
            $row .= '</td></tr>';
        echo $row;
						<td colspan="7">
        echo $pagination->getListFooter();
        echo $pagination->getResultsCounter();
		<input type="hidden" name="product_insert" id="product_insert" value="" />
		<button class="btn" onclick="checkSelect(); insertTag(document.getElementById('product_insert').value); window.parent.SqueezeBox.close();"><?php 
        echo JText::_('HIKA_INSERT');
        global $Itemid;
		<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php 
        echo $Itemid;
        echo JHTML::_('form.token');
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function select_coupon()
     $badge = JRequest::getVar('badge', 'false');
     $this->assignRef('badge', $badge);
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.discount_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->filter->filter_type = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_type", 'filter_type', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if (empty($pageInfo->limit->value)) {
         $pageInfo->limit->value = 500;
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.discount_code', 'a.discount_id');
     $filters = array();
     if ($badge != 'false') {
         $filters[] = 'a.discount_type="discount"';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('discount') . ' AS a';
     if ($badge == 'false' && !empty($pageInfo->filter->filter_type)) {
         switch ($pageInfo->filter->filter_type) {
             case 'all':
                 $filters[] = 'a.discount_type = ' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->filter_type);
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $query .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'discount_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT count(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     if ($pageInfo->limit->value == 500) {
         $pageInfo->limit->value = 100;
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_discount_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'custom', 'icon' => 'copy', 'task' => 'copy', 'alt' => JText::_('HIKA_COPY'), 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_discount_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
     $discountType = hikashop_get('type.discount');
     $this->assignRef('filter_type', $discountType);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $currencyHelper = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyHelper);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 function onSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     if (!defined('DS')) {
         define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     if (!(include_once rtrim(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, DS) . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_hikashop' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'helper.php')) {
         return array();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $types = array();
     if (!empty($areas) && is_array($areas)) {
         $valid = array_keys($this->onSearchAreas());
         $use = array_intersect($areas, $valid);
         if (!$use) {
             return array();
         if (in_array('categories', $valid)) {
             $types[] = '\'product\'';
         if (in_array('manufacturers', $valid)) {
             $types[] = '\'manufacturer\'';
     } else {
         $types[] = '\'product\'';
         if (1 == (int) $this->params->get('manufacturers', '1')) {
             $types[] = '\'manufacturer\'';
     $limit = $this->params->def('search_limit', 50);
     $text = trim($text);
     if ($text == '') {
         return array();
     switch ($ordering) {
         case 'alpha':
             $order = 'a.category_name ASC';
         case 'newest':
             $order = 'a.category_modified DESC';
         case 'oldest':
             $order = 'a.category_created ASC';
         case 'category':
         case 'popular':
             $order = 'a.category_name DESC';
     $trans = hikashop_get('helper.translation');
     $multi = $trans->isMulti();
     $trans_table = 'jf_content';
     if ($trans->falang) {
         $trans_table = 'falang_content';
     $rows = array();
     $filters = array('a.category_published=1');
     if (count($types)) {
         $filters[] = 'a.category_type IN (' . implode(',', $types) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters[] = 'a.category_type NOT IN (\'status\',\'tax\')';
     hikashop_addACLFilters($filters, 'category_access', 'a');
     $filters2 = array();
     if ($multi) {
         $registry = JFactory::getConfig();
         if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
             $code = $registry->getValue('config.jflang');
         } else {
             $code = $registry->get('language');
         $myLang = $trans->getId($code);
         $filters2[] = "b.reference_table='hikashop_category'";
         $filters2[] = "b.published=1";
         $filters2[] = 'b.language_id=' . $myLang;
     switch ($phrase) {
         case 'exact':
             $text = $db->Quote('%' . hikashop_getEscaped($text, true) . '%', false);
             $filters1 = array();
             $filters1[] = "a.category_name LIKE " . $text;
             $filters1[] = "a.category_description LIKE " . $text;
             if ($multi) {
                 $filters2[] = "b.value LIKE " . $text;
         case 'all':
         case 'any':
             $words = explode(' ', $text);
             $wordFilters = array();
             $subWordFilters1 = array();
             $subWordFilters2 = array();
             $wordFilters2 = array();
             foreach ($words as $word) {
                 $word = $db->Quote('%' . hikashop_getEscaped($word, true) . '%', false);
                 $subWordFilters1[] = "a.category_name LIKE " . $word;
                 $subWordFilters2[] = "a.category_description LIKE " . $word;
                 if ($multi) {
                     $wordFilters2[] = "b.value LIKE " . $word;
             $wordFilters[0] = '((' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $subWordFilters1) . '))';
             $wordFilters[1] = '((' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $subWordFilters2) . '))';
             $filters[] = '((' . implode(') OR (', $wordFilters) . '))';
             if ($multi) {
                 $filters2[] = '((' . implode($phrase == 'all' ? ') AND (' : ') OR (', $wordFilters2) . '))';
     $new_page = (int) $this->params->get('new_page', '1');
     $select = ' a.category_type AS section, a.category_id AS id, a.category_name AS title, a.category_created AS created , a.category_description AS text, "' . $new_page . '" AS browsernav, a.category_canonical, a.category_alias';
     $count = 0;
     if ($multi && !empty($myLang)) {
         $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table($trans_table, false) . ' AS b LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS a ON b.reference_id=a.category_id WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters2) . ' ORDER BY ' . $order;
         $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
         $rows = $db->loadObjectList("id");
         $count = count($rows);
         if ($count) {
             $limit = $limit - $count;
             $ids = array_keys($rows);
             $filters[] = 'a.category_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')';
     if ($limit) {
         $filters = implode(' AND ', $filters);
         if (isset($filters1)) {
             $filters = '(' . $filters . ') AND (' . implode(' OR ', $filters1) . ')';
         $query = ' SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS a WHERE ' . $filters . ' ORDER BY ' . $order;
         $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
         $mainRows = $db->loadObjectList("id");
         if (!empty($mainRows)) {
             foreach ($mainRows as $k => $main) {
                 $rows[$k] = $main;
             $count = count($rows);
     if ($count) {
         if ($multi && !empty($myLang)) {
             $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table($trans_table, false) . ' WHERE reference_table=\'hikashop_category\' AND language_id=\'' . $myLang . '\' AND published=1 AND reference_id IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($rows)) . ')';
             $trans = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($trans as $item) {
                 foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                     if ($row->id == $item->reference_id) {
                         if ($item->reference_field == 'category_name') {
                             $row->title = $item->value;
                         } elseif ($item->reference_field == 'category_description') {
                             $row->text = $item->value;
         $item_id = $this->params->get('item_id', '');
         $menuClass = hikashop_get('class.menus');
         if (!empty($item_id)) {
             $item_id = $menuClass->loadAMenuItemId('category', 'listing', $item_id);
         $Itemid = "";
         if (!empty($item_id)) {
             $Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $item_id;
         $manu_item_id = $this->params->get('manu_item_id', '');
         if (!empty($manu_item_id)) {
             $manu_item_id = $menuClass->loadAMenuItemId('manufacturer', 'listing', $manu_item_id);
         $manu_Itemid = '';
         if (!empty($manu_item_id)) {
             $manu_Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $manu_item_id;
         $itemids = array();
         $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category');
         foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
             $row->category_name = $row->title;
             if (!empty($row->category_canonical)) {
                 $rows[$k]->href = $row->category_canonical;
             } else {
                 if (empty($manu_item_id) && !empty($row->id) && $row->section == 'manufacturer') {
                     if (!isset($itemids[$row->id])) {
                         $itemids[$row->id] = $menuClass->getItemidFromCategory($row->id, $row->section);
                     $manu_item_id = $itemids[$row->id];
                     if (!empty($manu_item_id)) {
                         $manu_Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $manu_item_id;
                     if (!$this->params->get('manu_item_id', '')) {
                         $manu_item_id = '';
                 } elseif (empty($item_id) && !empty($row->id) && $row->section != 'manufacturer') {
                     if (!isset($itemids[$row->id])) {
                         $itemids[$row->id] = $menuClass->getItemidFromCategory($row->id, 'category');
                     $item_id = $itemids[$row->id];
                     if (!empty($item_id)) {
                         $Itemid = '&Itemid=' . $item_id;
                     if (!$this->params->get('item_id', '')) {
                         $item_id = '';
                 if ($row->section == 'manufacturer') {
                     $rows[$k]->href = 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&name=' . $row->alias . '&cid=' . $row->id . $manu_Itemid;
                 } else {
                     $rows[$k]->href = 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&name=' . $row->alias . '&cid=' . $row->id . $Itemid;
             if ($row->section == 'manufacturer') {
                 $rows[$k]->section = JText::_('MANUFACTURERS');
             } else {
                 $rows[$k]->section = JText::_('PRODUCT_CATEGORY');
     return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function addFilter(&$filter, &$filters, &$select, &$select2, &$a, &$b, &$on, &$order, &$parent, $divName)
     static $i = 0;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $infoGet = array();
     $config = hikashop_config();
     static $pagination_reset = false;
     if (!$pagination_reset) {
         $new_filter = JRequest::getVar('filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, null);
         $new_filter_with_post = false;
         if (isset($_POST['filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey])) {
             $new_filter_with_post = true;
         $cid = JRequest::getInt("cid", 'itemid_' . JRequest::getInt("Itemid", 0));
         $oldValue = $app->getUserState('com_hikashop.' . $cid . '_filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, '');
         if (!is_null($new_filter) && $new_filter != $oldValue && (!$config->get('redirect_post', 0) || $new_filter_with_post)) {
             $module = hikashop_get('helper.module');
             $cid = JRequest::getInt("cid", $this->params->get('selectparentlisting'));
             if ($this->params->get('content_type') != 'product') {
                 foreach ($this->modules as $module) {
                     $main_div_name = 'hikashop_category_information_module_' . $module->id;
                     JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $main_div_name . '_' . $cid, 0);
                     JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $main_div_name, 0);
             } else {
                 JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . '_' . $cid, 0);
                 JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name'), 0);
             $pagination_reset = true;
     $cid = JRequest::getInt("cid", 'itemid_' . JRequest::getInt("Itemid", 0));
     if (JRequest::getVar('filtered') == 1 || $config->get('redirect_post', 0)) {
         $infoGet = JRequest::getVar('filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey);
         $app->setUserState('com_hikashop.' . $cid . '_filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, $infoGet);
     } else {
         $infoGet = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_hikashop.' . $cid . '_filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, 'filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, $infoGet, 'array');
     if (JRequest::getVar('reseted') == 1 || is_string($infoGet) && $infoGet == 'filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey || isset($infoGet[0]) && $infoGet[0] == 'filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey) {
         $app->setUserState('com_hikashop.' . $cid . '_filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey, '');
         return array();
     if (!empty($infoGet) && !is_array($infoGet)) {
         $infoGet = array($infoGet);
     if (isset($infoGet[0])) {
         $infoGet[0] = trim($infoGet[0]);
     if (!isset($infoGet) || empty($infoGet[0])) {
         return false;
     if ($filter->filter_type == 'instockcheckbox' && $infoGet[0] == 'in_stock') {
         $filters[] = ' b.product_quantity!=0 ';
     if ($filter->filter_type == 'text') {
         if ($filter->filter_name == $infoGet[0]) {
             return false;
         if (!empty($filter->filter_options['max_char']) && strlen($infoGet[0]) > $filter->filter_options['max_char']) {
             return false;
         if (empty($filter->filter_data) || $filter->filter_data[0] == 'all') {
             $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' LIMIT 1';
             $object = $database->loadObject();
             foreach ($object as $key => $obj) {
                 $searchField[] = $key;
         } else {
             $searchField = $filter->filter_data;
         $list = array();
         $translationFilters = array();
         $translationList = array();
         $fields = array();
         $searchProcessing = 'any';
         if (isset($filter->filter_options['searchProcessing'])) {
             $searchProcessing = $filter->filter_options['searchProcessing'];
         $terms = $infoGet[0];
         if ($searchProcessing == 'exact') {
             if (!empty($terms)) {
                 foreach ($searchField as $column) {
                     $list[] = ' b.' . $column . ' LIKE \'' . hikashop_getEscaped($terms, true) . '\'';
                     $fields[] = ' reference_field = \'' . $column . '\' ';
                 $translationList[] = 'value LIKE \'' . hikashop_getEscaped($terms, true) . '\'';
                 $filters[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $list) . ')';
                 $translationFilters = '(' . implode(' OR ', $translationList) . ')';
         } else {
             if (!isset($filter->filter_options['searchProcessing'])) {
                 $filter->filter_options['searchProcessing'] = 'any';
             if ($filter->filter_options['searchProcessing'] == 'operators') {
                 $searchProcessing = 'any';
                 if (preg_match('*. .*', $infoGet[0])) {
                     $searchProcessing = 'any';
                 if (preg_match('*.\\+.*', $infoGet[0])) {
                     $terms = str_replace('+', ' ', $terms);
                     $searchProcessing = 'every';
                 if (preg_match('#^(["\']).*\\1$#', $infoGet[0])) {
                     $searchProcessing = 'complete';
                     $terms = trim($terms, '"');
             if ($searchProcessing == 'complete') {
                 $terms = array($terms);
             } else {
                 $terms = explode(' ', $terms);
             if (@$searchProcessing != 'any') {
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     if (empty($term)) {
                     $array = array();
                     foreach ($searchField as $column) {
                         $array[] = ' b.' . $column . ' LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($term, true) . '%\' ';
                         $fields[] = ' reference_field = \'' . $column . '\' ';
                     $list[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $array) . ')';
                     $translationList[] = 'value LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($term, true) . '%\'';
                 $filters[] = '(' . implode(' AND ', $list) . ')';
                 $translationFilters = '(' . implode(' AND ', $translationList) . ')';
             } else {
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     if (empty($term)) {
                     foreach ($searchField as $column) {
                         $list[] = ' b.' . $column . ' LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($term, true) . '%\' ';
                         $fields[] = ' reference_field = \'' . $column . '\' ';
                     $translationList[] = 'value LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($term, true) . '%\'';
                 $filters[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $list) . ')';
                 $translationFilters = '(' . implode(' OR ', $translationList) . ')';
         $translationHelper = hikashop_get('helper.translation');
         if ($translationHelper->isMulti(true)) {
             $trans_table = 'jf_content';
             if ($translationHelper->falang) {
                 $trans_table = 'falang_content';
             $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT reference_id FROM ' . hikashop_table($trans_table, false) . ' WHERE reference_table=\'hikashop_product\' AND ' . $translationFilters . ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $fields) . ') AND published=1 ORDER BY reference_id ASC';
             if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
                 $translatedProducts = $database->loadResultArray();
             } else {
                 $translatedProducts = $database->loadColumn();
             if (!empty($translatedProducts)) {
                 $filters[] = '(' . array_pop($filters) . ' OR b.product_id IN (' . implode(',', $translatedProducts) . '))';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'category') {
         if (!($infoGet[0] == $filter->filter_namekey && count($infoGet) == 1)) {
             $categoriesList = '';
             foreach ($infoGet as $cat) {
                 if ($cat == $filter->filter_namekey || (int) $cat == 0) {
                 if (is_numeric($cat)) {
                     $categoriesList .= (int) $cat . ',';
                 } elseif (is_string($cat)) {
                     $cat = explode('::', $cat);
                     foreach ($cat as $selectedCategory) {
                         $categoriesList .= (int) $selectedCategory . ',';
             if (!empty($categoriesList)) {
                 $categoriesList = substr($categoriesList, 0, -1);
                 $table = 'a';
                 if ($a == '#__hikashop_product AS b') {
                     $table = 'b';
                 } elseif ($a[0] != '(' && strpos($a, ') AS b') && preg_match('#hikashop_product AS ([a-z0-9_]+)#i', $a, $matches)) {
                     $table = $matches[1];
                 $on .= ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . ' ON ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . '.product_id=' . $table . '.product_id AND ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . '.category_id IN (' . $categoriesList . ')';
     if (($filter->filter_data == 'information' || $filter->filter_data == 'price') && $filter->filter_type != 'cursor') {
         $limit = array();
         $type = $filter->filter_options['product_information'];
         if ($filter->filter_data == 'price') {
             $type = 'price';
         $case = '( ' . $this->getUnitSelect($filter, $type, $i) . ' )';
         $copyGet = $infoGet[0];
         $result = explode(',', $copyGet);
         if (!($result[0] == $infoGet[0])) {
             foreach ($result as $key => $res) {
                 $infoGet[(int) $key] = (int) $res;
         foreach ($infoGet as $slice) {
             $values = explode('::', $slice);
             if (empty($values[0])) {
                 $limit[] = ' ' . $case . ' <= ' . (int) $values[1] . ' ';
             } else {
                 if (empty($values[1])) {
                     $limit[] = ' ' . $case . ' >= ' . (int) $values[0] . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $limit[] = ' ' . $case . ' BETWEEN ' . (int) $values[0] . ' AND ' . (int) $values[1] . ' ';
         $filters[] = ' (' . implode('OR', $limit) . ') ';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'characteristic') {
         if ($infoGet[0] != $filter->filter_namekey && (int) $infoGet[0] != 0 || count($infoGet) > 1) {
             $charList = array();
             foreach ($infoGet as $charac) {
                 $charac = explode('::', $charac);
                 foreach ($charac as $selectedValue) {
                     $charList[] = (int) $selectedValue;
             if (strpos($on, ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS c ON b.product_id=c.product_parent_id') === false) {
                 $on .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS c ON b.product_id=c.product_parent_id';
             $on .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('variant') . ' AS ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . ' ON ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . '.variant_product_id=c.product_id';
             $filters[] = ' ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . '.variant_characteristic_id IN (' . implode(',', $charList) . ') ';
             $filters[] = ' c.product_quantity!=0 ';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'quantity' && !($infoGet[0] == $filter->filter_namekey && count($infoGet) == 1)) {
         $filters[] = ' b.product_quantity!=0 ';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'custom_field') {
         if (empty($filter->filter_value)) {
             if (!($infoGet[0] == $filter->filter_namekey && count($infoGet) == 1)) {
                 $fieldsList = array();
                 foreach ($infoGet as $field) {
                     if (!empty($field) && $field != $filter->filter_namekey && $field != ' ' && $field != $filter->filter_namekey && $field != 'none') {
                         $selectedValues = explode('::', $field);
                         foreach ($selectedValues as $oneValue) {
                             $fieldCondition = '( b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' =  ' . $database->Quote($oneValue);
                             $fieldCondition .= 'OR b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' LIKE \'' . hikashop_getEscaped($oneValue, true) . ',%\'';
                             $fieldCondition .= 'OR b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' LIKE \'%,' . hikashop_getEscaped($oneValue, true) . '\'';
                             $fieldCondition .= 'OR b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' LIKE \'%,' . hikashop_getEscaped($oneValue, true) . ',%\' )';
                             $fieldsList[] = $fieldCondition;
                 if (!empty($fieldsList)) {
                     $fieldsList = '(' . implode(' OR ', $fieldsList) . ')';
                     $filters[] = $fieldsList;
         } else {
             foreach ($infoGet as $slice) {
                 $values = explode('::', $slice);
                 if (empty($values[0])) {
                     $limit[] = ' b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' <= ' . (int) $values[1] . ' ';
                 } else {
                     if (empty($values[1])) {
                         $limit[] = ' b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' >= ' . (int) $values[0] . ' ';
                     } else {
                         $limit[] = ' b.' . $filter->filter_options['custom_field'] . ' BETWEEN ' . (int) $values[0] . ' AND ' . (int) $values[1] . ' ';
             $filters[] = ' (' . implode('OR', $limit) . ') ';
     $infos = explode('--', $infoGet[0]);
     $sort_by_price = false;
     if (isset($filter->filter_options['sort_by'])) {
         if (!is_array($filter->filter_options['sort_by'])) {
             $temp = $filter->filter_options['sort_by'];
             $filter->filter_options['sort_by'] = array();
             $filter->filter_options['sort_by'][] = $temp;
         foreach ($filter->filter_options['sort_by'] as $sort_by) {
             if ($sort_by == "price") {
                 $sort_by_price = true;
     if (isset($infos[1]) && ($filter->filter_data == 'sort' && $sort_by_price && ($infos[1] == 'lth' || $infos[1] == 'htl')) || $filter->filter_data == 'price') {
         $subfilters = array();
         $where = '';
         hikashop_addACLFilters($subfilters, 'price_access', 'price' . $i, 2, true);
         $subfilters[] = 'product' . $i . '.product_type=\'main\'';
         $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $subfilters);
         $subquery = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('product') . ' AS product' . $i . ' LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('price') . ' AS price' . $i . ' ON product' . $i . '.product_id=price' . $i . '.price_product_id ' . $where . ' GROUP BY product' . $i . '.product_id ORDER BY price' . $i . '.price_min_quantity ASC';
         $a = '(' . $subquery . ') AS b';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'sort' && isset($infoGet[0]) && $infoGet[0] != 'none') {
         $type = $infos[0];
         $case = $this->getUnitSelect($filter, $type, $i);
         if (!empty($case)) {
             $select2 .= ' ,' . $case . ' as product_' . $type . '_normalized';
             if ($infos[1] == 'lth') {
                 $order = ' ORDER BY product_' . $type . '_normalized*1 ASC';
             } else {
                 $order = ' ORDER BY product_' . $type . '_normalized*1 DESC';
         } else {
             if ($infos[1] == 'lth') {
                 $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $type . ' ASC';
             } else {
                 $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $type . ' DESC';
     if ($filter->filter_data == 'manufacturers') {
         if (!(in_array($infoGet[0], array($filter->filter_namekey, 0)) && count($infoGet) == 1)) {
             $manufacturerList = '';
             foreach ($infoGet as $manufacturer_id) {
                 $manufacturerList .= (int) $manufacturer_id . ',';
             $manufacturerList = substr($manufacturerList, 0, -1);
             $on .= ' INNER JOIN  ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . ' ON ' . $filter->filter_namekey . $i . '.category_id=b.product_manufacturer_id AND b.product_manufacturer_id IN (' . $manufacturerList . ') ';
     if ($filter->filter_type == 'cursor') {
         if (empty($infoGet[0])) {
             return false;
         $infoGet = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($parent->paramBase . 'filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey . '_values', 'filter_' . $filter->filter_namekey . '_values', $infoGet, 'array');
         if (is_array($infoGet)) {
             $data =& $infoGet[0];
         } else {
             $data =& $infoGet;
         $values = explode(' - ', $data);
         if (count($values) != 2 || $values[0] == $filter->filter_options['cursor_min'] && $values[1] == $filter->filter_options['cursor_max']) {
             return false;
         if (in_array($filter->filter_data, array('weight', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'surface', 'volume', 'price'))) {
             $type = $filter->filter_data;
             $column = $this->getUnitSelect($filter, $type, $i);
             if ($filter->filter_data == 'price') {
                 $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
                 $rounding = $currencyClass->getRounding(hikashop_getCurrency());
                 $typeClass = new hikashopFilterTypeClass();
                 $column = 'round(' . $column . ',' . $rounding . ')';
             $limit = ' ( ' . $column . ' ) BETWEEN ' . (double) $values[0] . ' AND ' . (double) $values[1] . ' ';
         } else {
             if (strpos($filter->filter_data, 'b.') !== 0) {
                 $filter->filter_data = 'b.' . $filter->filter_data;
             $limit = ' ' . $filter->filter_data . ' BETWEEN ' . (double) $values[0] . ' AND ' . (double) $values[1] . ' ';
         $filters[] = $limit;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $enabled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'hikashopmassaction');
     if (!$enabled) {
         if (HIKASHOP_J25) {
             $query = 'UPDATE ' . hikashop_table('extensions', false) . ' SET enabled = 1 WHERE type = "plugin" AND element = "hikashopmassaction" AND folder = "system";';
         } else {
             $query = 'UPDATE ' . hikashop_table('plugins', false) . ' SET published = 1 WHERE element = "hikashopmassaction" AND folder = "system";';
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $success = $db->query();
         if ($success) {
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.massaction_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $selectedType = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".massaction_table", 'massaction_table', '', 'string');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($selectedType)) {
         $filters[] = 'a.massaction_table=' . $database->Quote($selectedType);
     $searchMap = array('a.massaction_id', 'a.massaction_name', 'a.massaction_description', 'a.massaction_table');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('massaction') . ' AS a ' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'massaction_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $table = hikashop_get('type.masstable');
     $this->assignRef('tabletype', $table);
     $this->assignRef('selectedType', $selectedType);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_massaction_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'custom', 'icon' => 'copy', 'alt' => JText::_('HIKA_COPY'), 'task' => 'copy', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_massaction_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.cart_modified', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $popup = JRequest::getString('tmpl') === 'component';
     $this->assignRef('popup', $popup);
     if (JRequest::getString('cart_type', 'cart') == 'cart') {
         $filters = array('a.cart_type=\'cart\'');
     } else {
         $filters = array('a.cart_type=\'wishlist\'');
     $searchMap = array('a.cart_id', 'a.user_id', 'a.cart_name', 'a.cart_coupon', 'a.cart_type');
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $groupBy = 'GROUP BY a.cart_id';
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters);
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $from = 'FROM ' . hikashop_table('cart') . ' AS a';
     $cartProduct = 'JOIN ' . hikashop_table('cart_product') . ' AS b ON a.cart_id=b.cart_id';
     $query = $from . ' ' . $cartProduct . ' ' . $filters . ' ' . $groupBy . ' ' . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*, b.* ' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'cart_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $from . ' ' . $cartProduct . ' ' . $filters . ' ' . $groupBy);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $productClass = hikashop_get('class.product');
     $main_currency = (int) $config->get('main_currency', 1);
     $currency_id = hikashop_getCurrency();
     if ($config->get('tax_zone_type', 'shipping') == 'billing') {
         $zone_id = hikashop_getZone('billing');
     } else {
         $zone_id = hikashop_getZone('shipping');
     $discount_before_tax = (int) $config->get('discount_before_tax', 0);
     $cartClass = hikashop_get('class.cart');
     foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         if ($row->cart_id != null) {
             $cartClass->cart = new stdClass();
             $cartClass->cart->cart_id = (int) $row->cart_id;
             $cartClass->cart->cart_type = JRequest::getString('cart_type', 'cart');
             $rows[$k]->full_cart = $cartClass->loadFullCart(false, true, true);
             $rows[$k]->price = isset($rows[$k]->full_cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value) ? $rows[$k]->full_cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value : 0;
             $rows[$k]->quantity = isset($rows[$k]->full_cart->number_of_items) ? $rows[$k]->full_cart->number_of_items : 0;
             $rows[$k]->currency = isset($rows[$k]->full_cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_currency_id) ? $rows[$k]->full_cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_currency_id : $config->get('main_currency', 1);
     $cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
     $this->assignRef('cart', $cart);
     $this->assignRef('carts', $rows);
     $pageInfo->elements->total = count($rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $manageUser = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_user_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manageUser', $manageUser);
     $pageInfo->manageUser = $manageUser;
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_wishlist_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_wishlist_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
Ejemplo n.º 27
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     $module = hikashop_get('helper.module');
     $this->paramBase .= '_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name');
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $filters = array('b.product_published=1');
     $category_selected = '';
     $select = '';
     $is_synchronized = false;
     $table = 'b';
     $defaultParams = $config->get('default_params');
     if (empty($defaultParams['add_to_wishlist'])) {
         $defaultParams['add_to_wishlist'] = 0;
     $params = array('price_display_type' => 'inherit', 'random' => '-1', 'limit' => '', 'product_synchronize' => 4, 'div_item_layout_type' => 'inherit', 'columns' => '', 'margin' => '', 'text_center' => '-1', 'border_visible' => '-1', 'link_to_product_page' => '-1', 'show_price' => '-1', 'add_to_cart' => '-1', 'add_to_wishlist' => '-1', 'layout_type' => 'inherit', 'display_badges' => '-1', 'show_discount' => '3', 'show_quantity_field' => '-1');
     $data = $this->params->get('data', new stdClass());
     $moduleData = $this->params->get('hikashopmodule');
     if (isset($data->hk_product) && is_object($data->hk_product)) {
         if (!empty($data->hk_product->category)) {
             $this->params->set('selectparentlisting', (int) $data->hk_product->category);
     } elseif (isset($moduleData) && is_object($moduleData)) {
         foreach ($moduleData as $k => $v) {
             $this->params->set($k, $v);
     } else {
         if (HIKASHOP_J30) {
             $this->params->set('content_synchronize', '1');
         $this->params->set('recently_viewed', '0');
     foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
         if ($this->params->get($k, $v) == $v) {
             $this->params->set($k, @$defaultParams[$k]);
     if ($this->params->get('product_order', 'inherit') == 'inherit') {
         if (!isset($defaultParams['product_order']) || $defaultParams['product_order'] == '' || $defaultParams['product_order'] == 'inherit') {
             $defaultParams['product_order'] = 'ordering';
         $this->params->set('product_order', $defaultParams['product_order']);
     if ($this->params->get('order_dir', 'inherit') == 'inherit' || $this->params->get('order_dir', 'inherit') == '') {
         $this->params->set('order_dir', @$defaultParams['order_dir']);
         if ($this->params->get('order_dir', 'inherit') == 'inherit' || $this->params->get('order_dir', 'inherit') == '') {
             $this->params->set('order_dir', 'ASC');
     if ($this->params->get('show_quantity_field', '0') == '1') {
         $this->params->set('show_quantity_field', 1);
     if ((int) $this->params->get('limit') == 0) {
         $this->params->set('limit', 1);
     if ($this->params->get('product_order', 'ordering') == 'ordering') {
         $table = 'a';
     $this->loadRef(array('fieldsClass' => 'class.field', 'quantityDisplayType' => 'type.quantitydisplay', 'badgeClass' => 'class.badge', 'currencyClass' => 'class.currency', 'toggleHelper' => 'helper.toggle', 'imageHelper' => 'helper.image'));
     $this->currencyHelper = $this->currencyClass;
     $this->toggleClass = $this->toggleHelper;
     $this->image = $this->imageHelper;
     $this->classbadge = $this->badgeClass;
     if (!empty($this->module)) {
         $pageInfo->search = '';
         $force_recently_viewed = false;
         $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $this->params->get('order_dir', 'ASC');
         $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $table . '.' . $this->params->get('product_order', 'ordering');
         $synchro = $this->params->get('content_synchronize');
         if ($this->params->get('recently_viewed', '-1') == '-1') {
             $this->params->set('recently_viewed', @$defaultParams['recently_viewed']);
         $recently_viewed = (int) $this->params->get('recently_viewed', 0);
         if ($synchro) {
             if (JRequest::getString('option', '') == HIKASHOP_COMPONENT && JRequest::getString('ctrl', 'category') == 'product') {
                 $product_synchronize = (int) $this->params->get('product_synchronize', 0);
                 if ($product_synchronize) {
                     $product_id = hikashop_getCID('product_id');
                     if (!empty($product_id)) {
                         $pageInfo->filter->cid = $this->params->get('selectparentlisting');
                         if ($product_synchronize == 2) {
                             $filters[] = 'a.product_related_type=\'related\'';
                             $filters[] = 'a.product_id=' . $product_id;
                             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
                             $b = hikashop_table('product_related') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ';
                             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
                             $on = ' ON a.product_related_id=b.product_id';
                             if ($this->params->get('product_order') == 'ordering') {
                                 $pageInfo->filter->order->value = 'a.product_related_ordering';
                         } elseif ($product_synchronize == 3) {
                             $query = "SELECT product_manufacturer_id FROM " . hikashop_table('product') . ' WHERE product_id=' . $product_id . ' OR product_parent_id=' . $product_id;
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_manufacturer_id =' . (int) $database->loadResult();
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_id!=' . $product_id;
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_parent_id!=' . $product_id;
                             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
                             $b = '';
                             $on = '';
                             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
                             $pageInfo->filter->order->value = '';
                         } elseif ($product_synchronize == 4) {
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_parent_id=' . $product_id;
                             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
                             $b = '';
                             $on = '';
                             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
                             $this->type = 'variant';
                         } else {
                             $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name', 'category_pathway');
                             $pathway = JRequest::getInt($pathway_sef_name, 0);
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_id!=' . $product_id;
                             $filters[] = 'b.product_parent_id!=' . $product_id;
                             if (empty($pathway)) {
                                 $query = "SELECT a.category_id FROM " . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS a INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS b ON a.category_id=b.category_id WHERE b.category_published=1 AND a.product_id=' . $product_id . ' ORDER BY a.product_category_id ASC';
                                 if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
                                     $pageInfo->filter->cid = $database->loadResultArray();
                                 } else {
                                     $pageInfo->filter->cid = $database->loadColumn();
                             } else {
                                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = array($pathway);
             } elseif (JRequest::getString('option', '') == HIKASHOP_COMPONENT && JRequest::getString('ctrl', 'category') == 'category') {
                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = JRequest::getInt("cid", $this->params->get('selectparentlisting'));
                 $is_synchronized = true;
             } else {
                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = $this->params->get('selectparentlisting');
         } elseif ($recently_viewed) {
             $force_recently_viewed = true;
         } else {
             $pageInfo->filter->cid = $this->params->get('selectparentlisting');
         if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->cid) && !is_array($pageInfo->filter->cid)) {
             $category_selected = '_' . $pageInfo->filter->cid;
             $this->paramBase .= $category_selected;
         $pageInfo->filter->price_display_type = $this->params->get('price_display_type');
         if (JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0)) {
             $oldValue = $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . '.list_limit');
             if (empty($oldValue)) {
                 $oldValue = $this->params->get('limit');
             if ($config->get('redirect_post', 0)) {
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected])) {
                     $pageInfo->limit->value = JRequest::getInt('limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected);
                 } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['limit']) && (empty($this->module) || JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0))) {
                     $pageInfo->limit->value = JRequest::getInt('limit');
                 } else {
                     $pageInfo->limit->value = $this->params->get('limit');
             } else {
                 $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, $this->params->get('limit'), 'int');
             if ($oldValue != $pageInfo->limit->value) {
                 JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, 0);
                 JRequest::setVar('limitstart', 0);
         } else {
             $pageInfo->limit->value = $this->params->get('limit');
             $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
         if ($pageInfo->limit->value < 0) {
             $pageInfo->limit->value = 1;
         if ($force_recently_viewed) {
             $i = $pageInfo->limit->value;
             if (!empty($_SESSION['hikashop_viewed_products'])) {
                 $viewed_products_ids = $_SESSION['hikashop_viewed_products'];
                 if (JRequest::getString('option', '') == HIKASHOP_COMPONENT && JRequest::getString('ctrl', 'category') == 'product') {
                     $product_id = hikashop_getCID('product_id');
                     if (isset($viewed_products_ids[$product_id])) {
                 $ids_for_the_query = array();
                 for ($i = $pageInfo->limit->value; $i > 0 && count($viewed_products_ids); $i--) {
                     $ids_for_the_query[] = array_shift($viewed_products_ids);
                 if (count($ids_for_the_query)) {
                     $filters[] = 'b.product_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids_for_the_query) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $filters[] = 'b.product_id=0';
             } else {
                 $filters[] = 'b.product_id=0';
             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
             $b = '';
             $on = '';
             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
             if ($this->params->get('product_order') == 'ordering') {
                 $pageInfo->filter->order->value = 'b.product_id';
     } else {
         $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
         $pageInfo->filter->cid = JRequest::getInt("cid", $this->params->get('selectparentlisting'));
         if ($config->get('show_feed_link', 1) == 1) {
             if ($config->get('hikarss_format') != 'none') {
                 $doc_title = $config->get('hikarss_name', '');
                 if (empty($doc_title)) {
                     $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category');
                     $catData = $categoryClass->get($pageInfo->filter->cid);
                     if ($catData) {
                         $doc_title = $catData->category_name;
                 if ($config->get('hikarss_format') != 'both') {
                     $link = '&format=feed&limitstart=';
                     $attribs = array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => $doc_title . ' RSS 2.0');
                     $doc->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link . '&type=' . $config->get('hikarss_format')), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);
                 } else {
                     $link = '&format=feed&limitstart=';
                     $attribs = array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => $doc_title . ' RSS 2.0');
                     $doc->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link . '&type=rss'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);
                     $attribs = array('type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => $doc_title . ' Atom 1.0');
                     $doc->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link . '&type=atom'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);
         $category_selected = '_' . $pageInfo->filter->cid;
         $this->paramBase .= $category_selected;
         if (empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
             $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $table . '.' . $this->params->get('product_order', 'ordering');
         $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $this->params->get('order_dir', 'ASC');
         $oldValue = $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . '.list_limit');
         if (empty($oldValue)) {
             $oldValue = $this->params->get('limit');
         if ($config->get('redirect_post', 0)) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected])) {
                 $pageInfo->limit->value = JRequest::getInt('limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected);
             } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['limit']) && (empty($this->module) || JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0))) {
                 $pageInfo->limit->value = JRequest::getInt('limit');
             } else {
                 $pageInfo->limit->value = $this->params->get('limit');
             $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', $pageInfo->limit->value);
         } else {
             $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, $this->params->get('limit'), 'int');
         if ($oldValue != $pageInfo->limit->value) {
             JRequest::setVar('limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, 0);
             JRequest::setVar('limitstart', 0);
         $pageInfo->filter->price_display_type = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.price_display_type', 'price_display_type_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, $this->params->get('price_display_type'), 'word');
     $this->assignRef('category_selected', $category_selected);
     $pageInfo->currency_id = hikashop_getCurrency();
     $pageInfo->zone_id = hikashop_getZone(null);
     $this->params->set('show_price_weight', (int) $config->get('show_price_weight', 0));
     if (hikashop_level(2)) {
         $this->params->set('show_compare', (int) $config->get('show_compare', 0));
     } else {
         $this->params->set('show_compare', 0);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->cid)) {
         $acl_filters = array();
         hikashop_addACLFilters($acl_filters, 'category_access');
         if (!empty($acl_filters)) {
             if (!is_array($pageInfo->filter->cid)) {
                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = array($database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->cid));
             $acl_filters[] = 'category_id IN (' . implode(',', $pageInfo->filter->cid) . ')';
             $query = 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $acl_filters);
             if (!HIKASHOP_J25) {
                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = $database->loadResultArray();
             } else {
                 $pageInfo->filter->cid = $database->loadColumn();
     if (empty($pageInfo->filter->cid)) {
         $query = 'SELECT category_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' WHERE category_type=\'product\' AND category_parent_id=0 LIMIT 1';
         $pageInfo->filter->cid = $database->loadResult();
     $searchMap = array('b.product_name', 'b.product_description', 'b.product_id', 'b.product_code');
     $filters[] = 'b.product_type = ' . $database->Quote($this->type);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     if (!is_array($pageInfo->filter->cid)) {
         $pageInfo->filter->cid = array((int) $pageInfo->filter->cid);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     if (hikashop_level(2)) {
     $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category');
     $element = $categoryClass->get(reset($pageInfo->filter->cid), true);
     $this->assignRef('element', $element);
     if (empty($select)) {
         $parentCategories = implode(',', $pageInfo->filter->cid);
         $catName = 'a.category_id';
         $type = 'product';
         if (!empty($element->category_type) && $element->category_type == 'manufacturer') {
             if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'a.ordering' || $pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'b.ordering') {
                 $pageInfo->filter->order->value = 'b.product_name';
             $type = 'manufacturer';
             $catName = 'b.product_manufacturer_id';
             $b = '';
             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
             $on = '';
             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
         } else {
             if ($pageInfo->filter->order->value == 'b.ordering') {
                 $pageInfo->filter->order->value = 'a.ordering';
             $b = hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ';
             $a = hikashop_table('product') . ' AS b';
             $on = ' ON a.product_id=b.product_id';
             $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT b.*';
         if ($this->params->get('filter_type', 2) == 2) {
             $defaultParams = $config->get('default_params');
             $this->params->set('filter_type', $defaultParams['filter_type']);
         if (!$this->params->get('filter_type')) {
             if (!empty($parentCategories) && $parentCategories != '0') {
                 $filters[] = $catName . ' IN (' . $parentCategories . ')';
         } else {
             $categoryClass->parentObject =& $this;
             $categoryClass->type = $type;
             $children = $categoryClass->getChildren($pageInfo->filter->cid, true, array(), '', 0, 0);
             $filter = $catName . ' IN (';
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 $filter .= $child->category_id . ',';
             $filters[] = $filter . $parentCategories . ')';
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if ($this->params->get('add_to_cart', '-1') == '-1') {
         $defaultParams = $config->get('default_params');
         $this->params->set('add_to_cart', $defaultParams['add_to_cart']);
     if ($this->params->get('add_to_cart')) {
         $cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
         $this->assignRef('cart', $cart);
         $catalogue = (int) $config->get('catalogue', 0);
         $this->params->set('catalogue', $catalogue);
     if ($this->params->get('show_out_of_stock', '-1') == '-1') {
         $this->params->set('show_out_of_stock', @$config->get('show_out_of_stock'));
     if ($this->params->get('show_out_of_stock') != '1') {
         $filters[] = 'b.product_quantity!=0';
     hikashop_addACLFilters($filters, 'product_access', 'b');
     if ($this->params->get('random')) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY RAND()';
     $select2 = '';
     if (hikashop_level(2) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0) && JRequest::getVar('task', 'listing') != 'show') {
         foreach ($this->filters as $uniqueFitler) {
             $this->filterClass->addFilter($uniqueFitler, $filters, $select, $select2, $a, $b, $on, $order, $this, $this->params->get('main_div_name'));
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeProductListingLoad', array(&$filters, &$order, &$this, &$select, &$select2, &$a, &$b, &$on));
     $translationFilter = '';
     if (isset($filters['translation'])) {
         $translationFilter = ' OR ' . $filters['translation'] . ' ';
     if (preg_match('#(.*)(a|b)\\.(product_name|product_code) ?(ASC|DESC)(.*)#i', $order, $match)) {
         $translationHelper = hikashop_get('helper.translation');
         if ($translationHelper->isMulti()) {
             $trans_table = 'jf_content';
             if ($translationHelper->falang) {
                 $trans_table = 'falang_content';
             $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
             $language_id = (int) $translationHelper->getId($language->getTag());
             $on .= ' LEFT JOIN #__' . $trans_table . ' AS trans_table ON trans_table.reference_table=\'hikashop_product\' AND trans_table.language_id=' . $language_id . ' AND trans_table.reference_field=\'' . $match[3] . '\' AND ' . $match[2] . '.product_id=trans_table.reference_id';
             $order = $match[1] . 'trans_table.value ' . $match[4] . ', ' . $match[2] . '.' . $match[3] . ' ' . $match[4] . $match[5];
     $query = $select2 . ' FROM ' . $b . $a . $on . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $filters) . $translationFilter . $order;
     if (hikashop_level(2) && JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0) && JRequest::getVar('task', 'listing') != 'show') {
         $config->set('hikashopListingQuery', $query);
         $this->assignRef('listingQuery', $query);
     if (!isset($pageInfo->limit->start)) {
         if ($config->get('redirect_post', 0)) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected])) {
                 $pageInfo->limit->start = JRequest::getInt('limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected);
             } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['limitstart']) && (empty($this->module) || JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0))) {
                 $pageInfo->limit->start = JRequest::getInt('limitstart');
             } else {
                 $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
         } else {
             if (JRequest::getInt('limitstart')) {
                 $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', JRequest::getInt('limitstart'));
             $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected, 0, 'int');
     $this->checkBackButtonRedirect($this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected);
     $database->setQuery($select . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($rows)) {
         $ids = array();
         $productClass = hikashop_get('class.product');
         foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
             if (!is_null($row->product_id)) {
                 $ids[] = $row->product_id;
         if (empty($ids)) {
             $ids = array(0);
         $queryImage = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('file') . ' WHERE file_ref_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND file_type=\'product\' ORDER BY file_ref_id ASC, file_ordering ASC, file_id ASC';
         $images = $database->loadObjectList();
         foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
             if (!empty($images)) {
                 foreach ($images as $image) {
                     if ($row->product_id != $image->file_ref_id) {
                     if (!isset($row->file_ref_id)) {
                         foreach (get_object_vars($image) as $key => $name) {
                             $rows[$k]->{$key} = $name;
                     } else {
                         if (empty($row->images)) {
                             $row->images = array();
                         $row->images[] = $image;
             if (!isset($rows[$k]->file_name)) {
                 $rows[$k]->file_name = $row->product_name;
         $database->setQuery('SELECT variant_product_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('variant') . ' WHERE variant_product_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')');
         $variants = $database->loadObjectList();
         if (!empty($variants)) {
             foreach ($rows as $k => $product) {
                 foreach ($variants as $variant) {
                     if ($product->product_id == $variant->variant_product_id) {
                         $rows[$k]->has_options = true;
         $database->setQuery('SELECT product_id FROM ' . hikashop_table('product_related') . ' WHERE product_related_type = ' . $database->quote('options') . ' AND product_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')');
         $options = $database->loadObjectList();
         if (!empty($options)) {
             foreach ($rows as $k => $product) {
                 foreach ($options as $option) {
                     if ($product->product_id == $option->product_id) {
                         $rows[$k]->has_options = true;
         $this->currencyClass->getListingPrices($rows, $pageInfo->zone_id, $pageInfo->currency_id, $pageInfo->filter->price_display_type);
         if ($this->params->get('filter_type') == 3) {
             $all_categories = array();
             $q = 'SELECT product_category.product_id, category.* ' . ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' as product_category ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS category ON product_category.category_id = category.category_id ' . ' INNER JOIN ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS main_category ON (category.category_left >= main_category.category_left AND category.category_right <= main_category.category_right AND category.category_depth >= main_category.category_depth) ' . ' WHERE product_category.product_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND main_category.category_id IN (' . implode(',', $pageInfo->filter->cid) . ')';
             $product_categories = $database->loadObjectList();
             $categories = array();
             foreach ($product_categories as $product_category) {
                 if (empty($categories[$product_category->category_id])) {
                     $categories[$product_category->category_id] = array('category' => $product_category, 'products' => array());
                 $categories[$product_category->category_id]['products'][] = $product_category->product_id;
             $sortedCategories = array();
             $this->_sortCategories($categories, $sortedCategories);
             $this->assignRef('categories', $sortedCategories);
         $catQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('product_category') . ' AS b ON a.category_id = b.category_id WHERE b.product_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ');';
         $categories = $database->loadObjectList();
         if (!empty($categories)) {
             foreach ($rows as $k => $product) {
                 $rows[$k]->categories = array();
                 foreach ($categories as $category) {
                     if ($product->product_id == $category->product_id) {
                         $rows[$k]->categories[(int) $category->category_id] = $category;
         if ($this->params->get('display_badges', 1)) {
             foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
         if (hikashop_level(2) && $this->params->get('display_custom_item_fields', 0)) {
             $itemFields = $this->fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp', $rows, 'item', 'checkout&task=state');
             if (!empty($itemFields)) {
                 $cats = $this->fieldsClass->getCategories('item', $rows);
                 $item_keys = array('field_categories', 'field_products');
                 foreach ($itemFields as &$itemField) {
                     foreach ($item_keys as $k) {
                         if (is_string($itemField->{$k}) && strpos($itemField->{$k}, ',') !== false) {
                             $itemField->{$k} = explode(',', trim($itemField->{$k}, ','));
                         } else {
                             if (!is_array($itemField->{$k}) && !empty($itemField->{$k})) {
                                 $itemField->{$k} = array((int) $itemField->{$k});
                     $item_cats = array();
                     if (!empty($itemField->field_with_sub_categories)) {
                         foreach ($itemField->field_categories as $c) {
                             $item_cats[] = $c;
                             foreach ($cats['children'] as $k => $v) {
                                 if (in_array($c, $v)) {
                                     $item_cats[] = $k;
                     foreach ($rows as &$row) {
                         if (!isset($row->itemFields)) {
                             $row->itemFields = array();
                         if (!empty($itemField->field_products) && in_array((int) $row->product_id, $itemField->field_products)) {
                             $row->itemFields[$itemField->field_namekey] =& $itemField;
                         if (!empty($itemField->field_categories)) {
                             $prod_cats = array_keys($row->categories);
                             if (empty($item_cats)) {
                                 $tmp = array_intersect($itemField->field_categories, $prod_cats);
                             } else {
                                 $tmp = array_intersect($item_cats, $prod_cats);
                             if (!empty($tmp)) {
                                 $row->itemFields[$itemField->field_namekey] =& $itemField;
                 $null = array();
                 $this->fieldsClass->addJS($null, $null, $null);
                 foreach ($rows as &$row) {
                     if (empty($row->itemFields)) {
                     $this->fieldsClass->jsToggle($row->itemFields, $row, 0);
                     $extraFields = array('item' => &$row->itemFields);
                     $requiredFields = array();
                     $validMessages = array();
                     $values = array('item' => $row);
                     $this->fieldsClass->checkFieldsForJS($extraFields, $requiredFields, $validMessages, $values);
                     $this->fieldsClass->addJS($requiredFields, $validMessages, array('item'));
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT b.product_id )' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     global $Itemid;
     $menus = $app->getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     if (empty($menu)) {
         if (!empty($Itemid)) {
             $menu = $menus->getItem($Itemid);
     $url_itemid = '';
     if (!empty($Itemid)) {
         $url_itemid = '&Itemid=' . (int) $Itemid;
     if (isset($data->hk_product)) {
         $this->modules = '';
     $pagination = hikashop_get('helper.pagination', $pageInfo->elements->total, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $pagination->hikaSuffix = '_' . $this->params->get('main_div_name') . $category_selected;
     $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
     if (empty($this->module)) {
         $fields = $this->fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp', $element, 'category', 'checkout&task=state');
         $this->assignRef('fields', $fields);
         $title = $this->params->get('page_title');
         if (empty($title)) {
             $title = $this->params->get('title');
         $use_module = $this->params->get('use_module_name');
         if (empty($use_module) && !empty($element->category_name)) {
             $title = $element->category_name;
         if (!empty($element->category_page_title)) {
             $page_title = $element->category_page_title;
         } else {
             $page_title = $title;
         $this->params->set('page_title', $title);
         $document = JFactory::getDocument();
         if (!empty($element->category_keywords)) {
             $document->setMetadata('keywords', $element->category_keywords);
         if (!empty($element->category_meta_description)) {
             $document->setMetadata('description', $element->category_meta_description);
         if (!$this->params->get('random')) {
             $this->params->set('show_limit', 1);
         $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name', 'category_pathway');
         if (empty($menu)) {
             $categoryClass = hikashop_get('class.category');
             $pathway = $app->getPathway();
             $category_pathway = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . JRequest::getVar('menu_main_category');
             $categories = $categoryClass->getParents(reset($pageInfo->filter->cid));
             $one = true;
             if (!empty($categories)) {
                 foreach ($categories as $category) {
                     if ($one) {
                         $one = false;
                     } else {
                         $pathway->addItem($category->category_name, hikashop_completeLink('category&task=listing&cid=' . (int) $category->category_id . '&name=' . $category->alias));
         } else {
             $category_pathway = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . reset($pageInfo->filter->cid);
     } else {
         $main = JRequest::getVar('hikashop_front_end_main', 0);
         if ($main) {
             if (!empty($product_id)) {
                 $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name', 'category_pathway');
                 $related_sef_name = $config->get('related_sef_name', 'related_product');
                 $category_pathway = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . JRequest::getInt($pathway_sef_name, 0) . '&' . $related_sef_name . '=' . $product_id;
             if (!$this->params->get('random')) {
                 $this->params->set('show_limit', 1);
         $module_item_id = $this->params->get('itemid');
         if (!empty($module_item_id)) {
             $url_itemid = '&Itemid=' . (int) $module_item_id;
         if (empty($category_pathway) && !empty($menu) && strpos($menu->link, 'option=' . HIKASHOP_COMPONENT) !== false && (strpos($menu->link, 'view=category') !== false || strpos($menu->link, 'view=') === false) && !JRequest::getInt('no_cid', 0)) {
             $pathway_sef_name = $config->get('pathway_sef_name', 'category_pathway');
             $category_pathway = '&' . $pathway_sef_name . '=' . reset($pageInfo->filter->cid);
     $this->assignRef('itemid', $url_itemid);
     if ($config->get('simplified_breadcrumbs', 1)) {
         $category_pathway = '';
     $this->assignRef('category_pathway', $category_pathway);
     $url = $this->init(true);
     $this->assignRef('redirect_url', $url);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.zone_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word');
     $selectedType = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_type", 'filter_type', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if (JRequest::getVar('search') != $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . ".search")) {
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
     } else {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     if (empty($pageInfo->limit->value)) {
         $pageInfo->limit->value = 500;
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.zone_code_3', 'a.zone_code_2', 'a.zone_name_english', 'a.zone_name', 'a.zone_id');
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->search, true) . '%\'';
         $filters[] = implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}";
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('zone') . ' AS a';
     if (!empty($selectedType)) {
         $filters[] = 'a.zone_type = ' . $database->Quote($selectedType);
         if ($selectedType == 'state') {
             $selectedCountry = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_country", 'filter_country', 0, 'int');
             if ($selectedCountry) {
                 $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('zone') . ' AS c LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('zone_link') . ' AS b ON c.zone_namekey=b.zone_parent_namekey LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('zone') . ' AS a ON b.zone_child_namekey=a.zone_namekey';
                 $filters[] = 'c.zone_id = ' . $database->Quote($selectedCountry);
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $query .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.*' . $query, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'zone_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT count(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     if ($pageInfo->limit->value == 500) {
         $pageInfo->limit->value = 100;
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_zone_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'publishList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'unpublishList', 'display' => $manage), '|', array('name' => 'custom', 'icon' => 'copy', 'alt' => JText::_('HIKA_COPY'), 'task' => 'copy', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_zone_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');
     $filters = new stdClass();
     $zoneType = hikashop_get('type.zone');
     $filters->type = $zoneType->display('filter_type', $selectedType);
     if ($selectedType == 'state') {
         $countryType = hikashop_get('type.country');
         $filters->country = $countryType->display('filter_country', $selectedCountry);
     } else {
         $filters->country = '';
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('filters', $filters);
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.order_created', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->search = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".search", 'search', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->search = JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search));
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $oldValue = $app->getUserState($this->paramBase . '.list_limit');
     if (empty($oldValue)) {
         $oldValue = $app->getCfg('list_limit');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     if ($oldValue != $pageInfo->limit->value) {
         $pageInfo->limit->start = 0;
         $app->setUserState($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 0);
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $searchMap = array('a.order_id', 'a.order_status', 'a.order_number');
     $filters = array();
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $searchVal = '\'%' . hikashop_getEscaped(JString::strtolower(trim($pageInfo->search)), true) . '%\'';
         $filter = '(' . implode(" LIKE {$searchVal} OR ", $searchMap) . " LIKE {$searchVal}" . ')';
         $filters[] = $filter;
     if (is_array($filters) && count($filters)) {
         $filters = ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $filters);
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = 'FROM ' . hikashop_table('order') . ' AS a WHERE a.order_type = ' . $database->Quote('sale') . ' AND a.order_user_id=' . (int) hikashop_loadUser() . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT a.* ' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->search)) {
         $rows = hikashop_search($pageInfo->search, $rows, 'order_id');
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $currencyClass = hikashop_get('class.currency');
     $this->assignRef('currencyHelper', $currencyClass);
     if (!$pageInfo->elements->page) {
     $pagination = hikashop_get('helper.pagination', $pageInfo->elements->total, $pageInfo->limit->start, $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $pagination->hikaSuffix = '';
     $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $string = '';
     $params = new HikaParameter($string);
     $params->set('show_quantity_field', 0);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     if (hikashop_level(1) && $config->get('allow_payment_button', 1)) {
         $unpaid_statuses = explode(',', $config->get('order_unpaid_statuses', 'created'));
         if (!empty($rows)) {
             foreach ($rows as $k => $order) {
                 if (in_array($order->order_status, $unpaid_statuses)) {
                     $rows[$k]->show_payment_button = true;
         $payment_change = $config->get('allow_payment_change', 1);
         $this->assignRef('payment_change', $payment_change);
         $pluginsPayment = hikashop_get('type.plugins');
         $pluginsPayment->type = 'payment';
         $this->assignRef('payment', $pluginsPayment);
     if ($config->get('cancellable_order_status', '') != '') {
         $cancellable_order_status = explode(',', $config->get('cancellable_order_status', ''));
         foreach ($rows as $k => $order) {
             if (in_array($order->order_status, $cancellable_order_status)) {
                 $rows[$k]->show_cancel_button = true;
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     $cart = hikashop_get('helper.cart');
     $this->assignRef('cart', $cart);
     $category = hikashop_get('type.categorysub');
     $category->type = 'status';
     $this->assignRef('order_statuses', $category);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function listing()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $pageInfo = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->limit = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->filter->order->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order", 'filter_order', 'a.taxation_id', 'cmd');
     $pageInfo->filter->order->dir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . ".filter_order_Dir", 'filter_order_Dir', 'desc', 'word');
     $pageInfo->limit->value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.list_limit', 'limit', $app->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');
     $pageInfo->limit->start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->paramBase . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_start = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.taxation_date_start', 'taxation_date_start', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_end = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.taxation_date_end', 'taxation_date_end', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->tax_namekey = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.tax_namekey', 'tax_namekey', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->taxation_type = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.taxation_type', 'taxation_type', '', 'string');
     $pageInfo->filter->taxation_site_id = $app->getUserStateFromRequest(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT . '.taxation_site_id', 'taxation_site_id', '', 'string');
     $database = JFactory::getDBO();
     $filters = array();
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_start)) {
         $filters[] = '(' . hikashop_getTime($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_start) . '<=a.taxation_date_start' . ' OR ' . hikashop_getTime($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_start) . '<=a.taxation_date_end' . ' OR a.taxation_date_end=0' . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_end)) {
         $filters[] = '(' . 'a.taxation_date_start<=' . hikashop_getTime($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_end) . ' OR (a.taxation_date_start<=a.taxation_date_end AND a.taxation_date_end<=' . hikashop_getTime($pageInfo->filter->taxation_date_end) . ')' . ' OR a.taxation_date_start=0' . ')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->tax_namekey)) {
         $filters[] = 'a.tax_namekey=' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->tax_namekey);
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->taxation_type)) {
         $filters[] = '(a.taxation_type=' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->taxation_type) . ' OR taxation_type LIKE \'%' . hikashop_getEscaped($pageInfo->filter->taxation_type, true) . '%\')';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->taxation_site_id) && $pageInfo->filter->taxation_site_id != '[unselected]') {
         $filters[] = 'a.taxation_site_id=' . $database->Quote($pageInfo->filter->taxation_site_id);
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeTaxationListing', array($this->paramBase, &$this->extrafilters, &$pageInfo, &$filters));
     $order = '';
     if (!empty($pageInfo->filter->order->value)) {
         $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->value . ' ' . $pageInfo->filter->order->dir;
     if (!empty($filters)) {
         $filters = ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $filters) . ')';
     } else {
         $filters = '';
     $query = ' FROM ' . hikashop_table('taxation') . ' AS a LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('tax') . ' AS b ON a.tax_namekey=b.tax_namekey LEFT JOIN ' . hikashop_table('category') . ' AS c ON a.category_namekey=c.category_namekey AND a.category_namekey!=\'\' AND c.category_type=\'tax\'' . $filters . $order;
     $database->setQuery('SELECT b.*,c.*,a.*' . $query, (int) $pageInfo->limit->start, (int) $pageInfo->limit->value);
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     $database->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*)' . $query);
     $pageInfo->elements = new stdClass();
     $pageInfo->elements->total = $database->loadResult();
     $pageInfo->elements->page = count($rows);
     $config =& hikashop_config();
     $this->assignRef('config', $config);
     if ($pageInfo->elements->page) {
         $zones = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (empty($row->zone_namekey)) {
             $tax_zones = explode(',', $row->zone_namekey);
             foreach ($tax_zones as $zone) {
                 if (!empty($zone)) {
                     $zones[] = $database->Quote($zone);
         if (count($zones)) {
             $database->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_zone WHERE zone_namekey IN (' . implode(',', $zones) . ');');
             $zones = $database->loadObjectList('zone_namekey');
             foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
                 if (empty($row->zone_namekey)) {
                 $tax_zones = explode(',', $row->zone_namekey);
                 $rows[$k]->zone_namekey = array();
                 foreach ($tax_zones as $zone) {
                     if (empty($zone)) {
                     if (isset($zones[$zone])) {
                         $rows[$k]->zone_namekey[] = $zones[$zone];
                     } else {
                         $rows[$k]->zone_namekey[] = $zone;
         foreach ($rows as $k => $row) {
             $restrictions = array();
             if (!empty($row->zone_namekey)) {
                 $zones = array();
                 foreach ($row->zone_namekey as $zone) {
                     if (is_string($zone)) {
                         $zones[] = $zone;
                     if (hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_zone_manage', 'all'))) {
                         $zones[] = $zone->zone_name_english . '<a href="' . hikashop_completeLink('zone&task=edit&zone_id=' . $zone->zone_id) . '"><img class="hikashop_go" src="' . HIKASHOP_IMAGES . 'go.png" alt="go" /></a>';
                     } else {
                         $zones[] = $zone->zone_name_english;
                 if (count($zones)) {
                     $restrictions['ZONE'] = implode(', ', $zones);
             if (!empty($row->taxation_post_code)) {
                 $restrictions['POST_CODE'] = $row->taxation_post_code;
             if (!empty($row->taxation_type)) {
                 $row->taxation_type = explode(',', strtoupper(trim($row->taxation_type, ',')));
                 $types = array();
                 foreach ($row->taxation_type as $type) {
                     $types[] = JText::_($type);
                 $restrictions['CUSTOMER_TYPE'] = implode(', ', $types);
             if (!empty($row->taxation_date_start)) {
                 $restrictions['START_DATE'] = hikashop_getDate($row->taxation_date_start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');
             if (!empty($row->taxation_end_start)) {
                 $restrictions['END_DATE'] = hikashop_getDate($row->taxation_end_start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');
             $rows[$k]->restrictions = $restrictions;
     $toggleClass = hikashop_get('helper.toggle');
     $this->assignRef('toggleClass', $toggleClass);
     $this->assignRef('rows', $rows);
     $this->assignRef('pageInfo', $pageInfo);
     $taxType = hikashop_get('type.tax');
     $this->assignRef('taxType', $taxType);
     $ratesType = hikashop_get('type.rates');
     $this->assignRef('ratesType', $ratesType);
     hikashop_setTitle(JText::_($this->nameListing), $this->icon, $this->ctrl);
     $manage = hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_taxation_manage', 'all'));
     $this->assignRef('manage', $manage);
     $this->toolbar = array(array('name' => 'link', 'icon' => 'edit', 'alt' => JText::_('MANAGE_TAX_CATEGORIES'), 'url' => hikashop_completeLink('category&filter_id=tax'), 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'link', 'icon' => 'edit', 'alt' => JText::_('MANAGE_RATES'), 'url' => hikashop_completeLink('tax&return=taxation'), 'display' => $manage), array('name' => '|', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'addNew', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'editList', 'display' => $manage), array('name' => 'deleteList', 'display' => hikashop_isAllowed($config->get('acl_taxation_delete', 'all'))), '|', array('name' => 'pophelp', 'target' => $this->ctrl . '-listing'), 'dashboard');