Ejemplo n.º 1
 static function getContentAction()
     global $wgTitle, $haclgContLang, $haclgDisableACLTab, $wgUser;
     if ($wgUser->isAnon()) {
         return NULL;
     if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == HACL_NS_ACL) {
         // Display the link to article or category
         list($peType, $peName) = IACLDefinition::nameOfPE($wgTitle->getText());
         if ($peType == IACL::PE_PAGE || $peType == IACL::PE_CATEGORY) {
             $title = $peType == IACL::PE_PAGE ? Title::newFromText($peName) : Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_CATEGORY, $peName);
             return array('class' => false, 'text' => wfMsg("hacl_tab_" . IACL::$typeToName[$peType]), 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl());
     } elseif ($wgTitle->exists()) {
         // Display the link to category or page SD
         if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_CATEGORY) {
             $sd = IACLDefinition::nameOfSD(IACL::PE_CATEGORY, $wgTitle);
         } else {
             $sd = IACLDefinition::nameOfSD(IACL::PE_PAGE, $wgTitle);
         $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
         $sd = Title::newFromText($sd, HACL_NS_ACL);
         // Hide ACL tab if SD does not exist and $haclgDisableACLTab is true
         if (!$sd || !empty($haclgDisableACLTab) && !$sd->exists() && !$wgUser->getOption('showacltab')) {
             return NULL;
         return array('class' => $sd->exists() ? false : 'new', 'text' => wfMsg('hacl_tab_acl'), 'href' => $sd->getLocalUrl());
     return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Resolve protected element name by its ID
 public static function peNameForID($peType, $peID)
     $res = NULL;
     $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
     if ($peType == IACL::PE_NAMESPACE) {
         $res = iaclfCanonicalNsText($peID);
     } elseif ($peType == IACL::PE_RIGHT || $peType == IACL::PE_CATEGORY) {
         $t = Title::newFromId($peID);
         $res = $t ? $t->getText() : NULL;
     } elseif ($peType == IACL::PE_USER) {
         $u = User::newFromId($peID);
         $res = $u ? $u->getName() : NULL;
     } elseif ($peType == IACL::PE_GROUP) {
         $t = Title::newFromId($peID);
         $res = $t ? substr($t->getText(), 6) : NULL;
     } elseif ($peType == IACL::PE_SPECIAL) {
         $name = IACLStorage::get('SpecialPage')->specialsForIds($peID);
         $res = reset($name);
     } else {
         $t = Title::newFromId($peID);
         if ($t) {
             // Always use canonical namespace names
             $res = ($t->getNamespace() ? iaclfCanonicalNsText($t->getNamespace()) . ':' : '') . $t->getText();
     return $res;
 * Returns the article ID for a given article name. This function has a special
 * handling for Special pages, which do not have an article ID. IntraACL stores
 * special IDs for these pages. Their IDs are always negative while the IDs of
 * normal pages are positive.
 * @param string $articleName   Name of the article
 * @param int $defaultNS        The default namespace if no namespace is given in the name
 * @param boolean $force        True to force the namespace to be $defaultNS
 * @return int
 *         ID of the article:
 *         >0: ID of an article in a normal namespace
 *         =0: Name of the article is invalid
 *         <0: ID of a Special Page
function haclfArticleID($articleName, $defaultNS = NS_MAIN, $force = false)
    $t = $articleName;
    if (!is_object($t)) {
        $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
        $t = $force ? Title::makeTitleSafe($defaultNS, $articleName) : Title::newFromText($articleName, $defaultNS);
    if (!$t || $t->getInterwiki()) {
        return 0;
    if ($t->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL) {
        // Canonicalize special page titles
        list($base, $par) = SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias($t->getText());
        if (!$base) {
            // No such special page exists, just take the base text
            $base = $t->getBaseText();
        return -IACLStorage::get('SpecialPage')->idForSpecial($base);
    $id = $t->getArticleID();
    if ($id === 0) {
        $id = $t->getArticleID(Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE);
    return $id;
 function isFound($username, $title)
     $opts = $this->authCookie($username);
     if (!$title instanceof Title) {
         $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
         $title = Title::newFromText($title);
     $titleText = $title->getText();
     $search = preg_replace('!([/\\.\\(\\)\\!\\#\\-:])!', '', $titleText);
     $url = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Search')->getFullUrl(array('search' => $search, 'limit' => 10000, 'offset' => 0, 'redirs' => 1, 'ns' . $title->getNamespace() => 1));
     list($status, $content) = self::GET($url, $opts);
     preg_match('#<ul[^<>]*class=[\'"]?mw-search-results[^<>]*>(.*)</ul>#is', $content, $m);
     if ($m) {
         preg_match_all('#<li>(.*?)</li>#is', $m[1], $list, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
         $all = array();
         if ($list[1]) {
             foreach ($list[1] as $link) {
                 preg_match('#<a[^<>]*>(.*?)</a\\s*>#is', $link, $m);
                 $link = trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($m[1])));
                 $all[] = $link;
                 if ($link == $titleText) {
                     return true;
     return false;
function haclAutocomplete($t, $n, $limit = 11, $add_checkboxes = false, $item_prefix = false)
    global $haclgContLang;
    if (!$limit) {
        $limit = 11;
    $a = array();
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
    // Users
    if ($t == 'user') {
        $r = $dbr->select('user', 'user_name, user_real_name', array('user_name LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes('%' . $n . '%') . ' OR user_real_name LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes('%' . $n . '%')), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'user_name', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
            $a[] = array($row[1] ? $row[0] . ' (' . $row[1] . ')' : $row[0], $row[0]);
    } elseif ($t == 'group') {
        $ip = 'hi_';
        $n = str_replace(' ', '_', $n);
        $r = $dbr->select('page', '*', array('page_namespace' => HACL_NS_ACL, 'page_title LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($haclgContLang->getPetPrefix(IACL::PE_GROUP) . '/%' . $n . '%')), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        foreach ($r as $group) {
            // TODO filter unreadable?
            $n = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($group->page_title, 6));
            $a[] = array($n, $n);
    } elseif ($t == 'page') {
        $ip = 'ti_';
        $n = str_replace(' ', '_', $n);
        $where = array();
        // Check if namespace is specified within $n
        $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
        $tt = Title::newFromText($n . 'X');
        if ($tt->getNamespace() != NS_MAIN) {
            $n = substr($tt->getDBkey(), 0, -1);
            $where['page_namespace'] = $tt->getNamespace();
        // Select page titles
        // FIXME: ??? CAST(page_title AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8)
        $where[] = 'page_title LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($n . '%');
        $r = $dbr->select('page', 'page_title, page_namespace', $where, __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_namespace, page_title', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
            $title = Title::newFromText($row[0], $row[1]);
            // Filter unreadable
            if ($title->userCan('read')) {
                // Use canonical titles
                $t = ($title->getNamespace() ? iaclfCanonicalNsText($title->getNamespace()) . ':' : '') . $title->getText();
                $a[] = array($title->getPrefixedText(), $t);
    } elseif ($t == 'namespace') {
        $ip = 'ti_';
        global $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames, $wgContLang, $haclgUnprotectableNamespaceIds;
        $ns = $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames;
        $ns[0] = 'Main';
        // Always unlimited
        $limit = count($ns) + 1;
        $n = mb_strtolower($n);
        $nl = mb_strlen($n);
        foreach ($ns as $k => $v) {
            $v = str_replace('_', ' ', $v);
            $name = str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($k));
            if (!$name) {
                $name = $v;
            if ($k >= 0 && (!$nl || mb_strtolower(mb_substr($v, 0, $nl)) == $n || mb_strtolower(mb_substr($name, 0, $nl)) == $n) && empty($haclgUnprotectableNamespaceIds[$k])) {
                $a[] = array($name, $v);
    } elseif ($t == 'category') {
        $ip = 'ti_';
        $n = str_replace(' ', '_', $n);
        $where = array('page_namespace' => NS_CATEGORY, 'page_title LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($n . '%'));
        $r = $dbr->select('page', 'page_title', $where, __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) {
            $title = Title::newFromText($row[0], NS_CATEGORY);
            // Filter unreadable
            if ($title->userCan('read')) {
                $title = $title->getText();
                $a[] = array($title, $title);
    } elseif ($t == 'sd') {
        $ip = 'ri_';
        $n = str_replace(' ', '_', $n);
        $r = $dbr->select('page', '*', array('page_namespace' => HACL_NS_ACL, 'page_title NOT LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($haclgContLang->getPetPrefix(IACL::PE_GROUP) . '/%'), 'page_title LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes('%' . $n . '%')), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_title', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        foreach ($r as $sd) {
            // TODO filter unreadable?
            $n = str_replace('_', ' ', $sd->page_title);
            $a[] = array($n, $n);
    // No items
    if (!$a) {
        return '<div class="hacl_tt">' . wfMsg('hacl_autocomplete_no_' . $t . 's') . '</div>';
    // More than (limit-1) items => add '...' at the end of list
    $max = false;
    if (count($a) >= $limit) {
        $max = true;
    $i = 0;
    $html = '';
    $ip = $item_prefix ? $item_prefix . '_' : 'item';
    if ($add_checkboxes) {
        // This is used by Group Editor: display autocomplete list with checkboxes
        foreach ($a as $item) {
            $html .= '<div id="' . $ip . $i . '" class="hacl_ti" title="' . htmlspecialchars($item[1]) . '"><input style="cursor: pointer" type="checkbox" id="c' . $ip . $i . '" /> ' . htmlspecialchars($item[0]) . ' <span id="t' . $ip . $i . '"></span></div>';
    } else {
        // This is used by ACL Editor: simple autocomplete lists for editboxes
        foreach ($a as $item) {
            $html .= '<div id="' . $ip . $i . '" class="hacl_ti" title="' . htmlspecialchars($item[1]) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($item[0]) . '</div>';
    if ($max) {
        $html .= '<div class="hacl_tt">...</div>';
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Displays full graph of IntraACL rights using Graphviz, in SVG format.
  * Does not reflect the right override method - just displays which rights apply
  * to different protected elements.
  * SD -> (namespace = page cluster)
  * SD -> page
  * SD -> category -> each subcategory -> subcluster of a namespace
  * Included SD -> SD
 public function html_rightgraph(&$q)
     global $wgOut, $wgContLang;
     $patch = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
     // FIXME Special pages?
     // Select ALL SDs
     $titles = array();
     $defs = IACLDefinition::select(array('pe_type != ' . IACL::PE_GROUP));
     $cats = array();
     foreach ($defs as $def) {
         $titles[$def['key']] = $def['def_title'];
         if ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_CATEGORY) {
             $cats[] = $def['pe_title'];
         if ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_CATEGORY || $def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_PAGE) {
             $titles[$def['pe_id']] = $def['pe_title'];
     $cattitles = IACLStorage::get('Util')->getAllChildrenCategories($cats);
     $catkeys = array();
     // Fetch article IDs massively using LinkBatch
     $batch = new LinkBatch();
     foreach ($cattitles as $t) {
     foreach ($cattitles as $t) {
         $titles[$t->getArticleId()] = $t;
         $catkeys[$t->getDBkey()] = $t->getArticleId();
     $catlinks = IACLStorage::get('Util')->getCategoryLinks(array_keys($catkeys));
     // Draw security descriptors
     $nodes = array();
     $edges = array();
     $ns_first = array();
     $cluster = array();
     foreach ($defs as $def) {
         if ($def['pe_type'] != IACL::PE_PAGE) {
             $nodes['sd' . $def['key']] = $def;
             if ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_CATEGORY) {
                 $edges['sd' . $def['key']]['cat' . $def['pe_id']] = true;
                 $nodes['cat' . $def['pe_id']] = true;
                 $cluster['sd' . $def['key']] = "clusterns" . NS_CATEGORY;
         } else {
             $nodes['pg' . $def['pe_id']] = true;
             $edges['sd' . $def['key']]['pg' . $def['pe_id']] = true;
             if (!isset($ns_first[$titles[$def['pe_id']]->getNamespace()])) {
                 $ns_first[$titles[$def['pe_id']]->getNamespace()] = 'pg' . $def['pe_id'];
     // Group pages in category clusters within namespaces
     $cat_cluster = array();
     $cat_cluster[NS_CATEGORY][''] = array();
     foreach ($catlinks as $catkey => $cattitles) {
         $cattitle = $titles[$catkeys[$catkey]];
         $catid = $cattitle->getArticleId();
         foreach ($cattitles as $t) {
             $tns = $t->getNamespace();
             $tid = $t->getArticleId();
             if ($tns == NS_CATEGORY) {
                 $edges["cat{$catid}"]["cat{$tid}"] = true;
                 if (!isset($nodes["cat{$tid}"])) {
                     $nodes["cat{$tid}"] = true;
             } elseif (isset($nodes["pg{$tid}"])) {
                 if (!isset($cluster["pg{$tid}"])) {
                     $cluster["pg{$tid}"] = 'clustercat' . $tns . '_' . $catid;
                     if (!isset($cat_cluster[$tns][$catid])) {
                         $cat_cluster[$tns][$catid] = array();
                         $edges["cat{$catid}"]["pg{$tid}"] = 'lhead=clustercat' . $tns . '_' . $catid;
                 } else {
                     $edges["cat{$catid}"]["pg{$tid}"] = true;
     // Set namespace clusters for non-grouped nodes
     foreach ($nodes as $n => &$attr) {
         if (substr($n, 0, 2) == 'pg' && !isset($cluster[$n])) {
             $cluster[$n] = 'clusterns' . $titles[substr($n, 2)]->getNamespace();
         } elseif (substr($n, 0, 3) == 'cat') {
             $cluster[$n] = 'clusterns' . NS_CATEGORY;
             if (!isset($ns_first[NS_CATEGORY])) {
                 $ns_first[NS_CATEGORY] = $n;
     // prevent reference bugs
     // Group SDs in the same clusters as their PEs and draw namespace SD edges
     $sdbyid = array();
     foreach ($defs as $def) {
         if ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_PAGE) {
             $cluster['sd' . $def['key']] = $cluster['pg' . $def['pe_id']];
             $sdbyid[$def['key']] = $def;
         } elseif ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_NAMESPACE) {
             $cluster['sd' . $def['key']] = '';
             if (isset($ns_first[$def['pe_id']])) {
                 $k = $ns_first[$def['pe_id']];
             } else {
                 $k = 'etc' . $def['pe_id'];
                 $nodes[$k] = array('label' => '...', 'shape' => 'circle', 'href' => Title::newFromText('Special:Allpages')->getFullUrl(array('namespace' => $def['pe_id'])), 'tooltip' => "Click to see all pages in namespace " . $wgContLang->getNsText($def['pe_id']));
                 $cluster[$k] = "clusterns" . $def['pe_id'];
                 $ns_first[$def['pe_id']] = $k;
             $edges['sd' . $def['key']][$k] = "lhead=clusterns" . $def['pe_id'];
         } elseif ($def['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_RIGHT) {
             $cluster['sd' . $def['key']] = '';
     // Draw right hierarchy
     $hier = array();
     foreach ($defs as $def) {
         foreach ($def['rules'] as $rules) {
             foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                 if ($rule['child_type'] != IACL::PE_USER && $rule['child_type'] != IACL::PE_GROUP && $rule['child_type'] != IACL::PE_ALL_USERS && $rule['child_type'] != IACL::PE_REG_USERS && $rule['actions'] & IACL::ACTION_INCLUDE_SD) {
                     $parent = $rule['pe_type'] . '-' . $rule['pe_id'];
                     // get_key
                     $child = $rule['child_type'] . '-' . $rule['child_id'];
                     // get_key
                     if (isset($sdbyid[$child]) && $sdbyid[$child]['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_PAGE) {
                         $nodes['sd' . $child] = $sdbyid[$child];
                     if (isset($sdbyid[$parent]) && $sdbyid[$parent]['pe_type'] == IACL::PE_PAGE) {
                         $nodes['sd' . $parent] = $sdbyid[$parent];
                     if (isset($nodes['sd' . $child]) && isset($nodes['sd' . $parent])) {
                         $edges['sd' . $child]['sd' . $parent] = true;
     foreach ($cluster as $k => $cl) {
         if (isset($nodes[$k])) {
             if (preg_match('/clustercat(\\d+)_(\\d+)/', $cl, $m)) {
                 $cat_cluster[$m[1]][$m[2]][] = $k;
             } elseif (preg_match('/clusterns(\\d+)/', $cl, $m)) {
                 $cat_cluster[$m[1]][''][] = $k;
             } elseif ($cl === '') {
                 $cat_cluster[''][''][] = $k;
     // Set node attributes
     $shapes = array('sd' => 'note', 'pg' => 'ellipse', 'cat' => 'folder');
     $colors = array('sd' . IACL::PE_PAGE => '#ffd0d0', 'sd' . IACL::PE_CATEGORY => '#ffff80', 'sd' . IACL::PE_RIGHT => '#90ff90', 'sd' . IACL::PE_NAMESPACE => '#c0c0ff', 'cat' => '#ffe0c0');
     foreach ($nodes as $n => $r) {
         if (is_array($r)) {
         preg_match('/([a-z]+)(\\d+(?:-\\d+)?)/', $n, $m);
         $type = $m[1];
         $id = $m[2];
         $nodes[$n] = array('shape' => $shapes[$type], 'label' => $titles[$id]->getPrefixedText(), 'href' => $titles[$id]->getFullUrl());
         if ($type != 'pg') {
             $type2 = $type;
             if ($type2 == 'sd') {
                 $type2 .= $r['pe_type'];
             if (isset($colors[$type2])) {
                 $nodes[$n]['fillcolor'] = $colors[$type2];
             $nodes[$n]['style'] = 'filled';
     if ($nodes) {
         // Draw clusters
         $graph = '';
         $ns_first[''] = '';
         foreach ($ns_first as $ns => $first) {
             if ($ns !== '') {
                 $graph .= "subgraph clusterns{$ns} {\n";
                 $graph .= "graph [label=\"Namespace " . ($ns ? $wgContLang->getNsText($ns) : 'Main') . "\", href=\"" . Title::newFromText('Special:Allpages')->getFullUrl(array('namespace' => $ns)) . "\"];\n";
             if (isset($cat_cluster[$ns])) {
                 foreach ($cat_cluster[$ns] as $cat => $ks) {
                     if ($cat !== '') {
                         $graph .= "subgraph clustercat{$ns}_{$cat} {\n";
                         $graph .= 'graph [label="' . $titles[$cat]->getPrefixedText() . '", href="' . $titles[$cat]->getFullUrl() . '"];' . "\n";
                     foreach ($ks as $nodename) {
                         $graph .= "\"{$nodename}\" [" . self::attrstring($nodes[$nodename]) . "];\n";
                     if ($cat !== '') {
                         $graph .= "}\n";
             if ($ns !== '') {
                 $graph .= "}\n";
         // Draw edges
         foreach ($edges as $from => $to) {
             if (isset($nodes[$from])) {
                 foreach ($to as $id => $attr) {
                     if ($attr !== true) {
                         $attr .= ', ';
                     } else {
                         $attr = '';
                     $attr .= self::attrstring(array('href' => $nodes[$from]['href'], 'tooltip' => $nodes[$from]['label']));
                     $graph .= "\"{$from}\" -> \"{$id}\" [{$attr}];\n";
         // Render the graph
         $graph = "<graphviz>\ndigraph G {\nedge [penwidth=2 color=blue];\nsplines=polyline;\n" . "overlap=false;\nranksep=2;\nrankdir=LR;\ncompound=true;\n{$graph}\n}\n</graphviz>\n";
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected static function checkProtectPageRight($pageID, $userID)
     $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
     $title = Title::newFromId($pageID);
     return IACLDefinition::userCan($userID, IACL::PE_NAMESPACE, $title->getNamespace(), IACL::ACTION_PROTECT_PAGES) > 0 || IACLDefinition::userCan($userID, IACL::PE_CATEGORY, IACLStorage::get('Util')->getParentCategoryIDs($pageID), IACL::ACTION_PROTECT_PAGES) > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Checks if the current user can perform the given $action on the articles with 
 * the given $titleNames.
 * @param string $titleName
 * 		Comma separated list of article names
 * @param string $action
 * 		Name of the action
 * @return bool
 * 		A JSON encoded array of results:
 * 		array(
 * 			array(titlename, allowed or not: true/false),
 * 			...
 * 		)
function smwf_om_userCanMultiple($titleNames, $action)
    // Special handling if the extension HaloACL is present
    global $wgUser;
    $titleNames = split(',', $titleNames);
    if (defined('HACL_HALOACL_VERSION')) {
        $etc = haclfDisableTitlePatch();
    $results = array();
    foreach ($titleNames as $t) {
        $result = true;
        $title = Title::newFromText(trim($t));
        wfRunHooks('userCan', array($title, $wgUser, $action, &$result));
        if (isset($result) && $result == false) {
            $results[] = array($t, "false");
        } else {
            $results[] = array($t, "true");
    if (defined('HACL_HALOACL_VERSION')) {
    return json_encode($results);