function guifi_live_traceroute($device_id) { if (empty($device_id)) { $output = t('Target device not specified.'); } else { $gs = guifi_service_load(guifi_graphs_get_server($device_id, 'device')); $ipd = guifi_main_ip($device_id); $ipf = guifi_main_ip($gs->device_id); } $title = t('Live traceroute from %from (%ipf) to %dest (%ipd)', array('%ipd' => $ipd['ipv4'], '%dest' => guifi_get_hostname($device_id), '%ipf' => $ipf['ipv4'], '%from' => guifi_get_hostname($gs->device_id))); drupal_set_title($title); print theme('page', guifi_cnml_live('livetraceroute', $device_id, $ipd['ipv4'], $gs), FALSE); exit; }
function guifi_device_print_data($device) { $radios = db_query('SELECT * FROM {guifi_radios} WHERE id=%d ORDER BY id', $device['id']); $rows[] = array(t($device[type]), '<b>' . $device[nick] . '</b>'); if (count($device['funders'])) { $rows[] = array(count($device['funders']) == 1 ? t('Funder') : t('Funders'), implode(', ', guifi_funders_links($device['funders']))); } if (count($device['maintainers'])) { $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($device['maintainers']))); } // If radio, print model & firmware if ($device['type'] == 'radio') { $rows[] = array($device[manufacturer] . '-' . $device[model], $device[variable][firmware]); // going to list all device radios if (count($device['radios'])) { foreach ($device['radios'] as $radio_id => $radio) { if ($radio['fund_required'] == '') { $policy = t('n/d, ask to node contacts'); } else { if ($radio['fund_required'] == 'yes') { $policy = t('Fund: :fund :curr', array(':fund' => $radio['fund_amount'], ':curr' => $radio['fund_currency'])); } else { $policy = t($radio['fund_required']); } } $rowsr[] = array($radio['ssid'], $radio['mode'], $radio['protocol'], $radio['channel'], $radio['mac'], t($radio['clients_accepted']), $policy); } $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme('table', array(t('ssid'), t('mode'), t('protocol'), t('ch'), t('wireless mac'), t('clients'), t('connection policy')), $rowsr), 'colspan' => 2)); } } // If ADSL, print characteristics if ($device['type'] == 'ADSL' and $device['variable'] != '') { $bandwidth = guifi_bandwidth_types(); $rows[] = array(t('bandwidth'), $bandwidth[$device['variable']['download']] . '/' . $bandwidth[$device['variable']['upload']]); $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']); } // Others with modelDescr set if (isset($device['variable']['modelDescr'])) { switch ($device['type']) { case 'ups': $vDescr = t('Power: %power', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'])); break; case 'generator': $vDescr = t('Max Power: %power Watts', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'])); break; case 'battery': $vDescr = t('Power: %power/Ah, Quantity: %quantity', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'], '%quantity' => $device['variable']['units'])); break; case 'rack': $vDescr = t('Height: %height Us, Width: %width inches, Depth: %depth mm', array('%height' => $device['variable']['height'], '%width' => $device['variable']['width'], '%depth' => $device['variable']['depth'])); break; case 'breaker': $vDescr = t('Protection: %cbtype, Auto-reclose: %recloser', array('%cbtype' => $device['variable']['cbtype'], '%recloser' => $device['variable']['recloser'] ? t('Yes') : t('No'))); break; } $rows[] = array($device['variable']['modelDescr'], $vDescr); } // generic if ($device['type'] == 'generic' || 'confine' and !empty($device['variable']['mrtg_index'])) { $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']); } if ($device['graph_server'] > 0) { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $device['graph_server'])); } else { $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($device['id'], 'device'))); } $rows[] = array(t('graphs provided from'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($device['graph_server']), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2)); $ip = guifi_main_ip($device[id]); $rows[] = array(t('IP address & MAC'), $ip[ipv4] . '/' . $ip[maskbits] . ' ' . $device[mac]); $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $device['id'], 'format' => 'long'), $gs); if (!empty($ip[ipv4])) { $rows[] = array(t('status & availability'), array('data' => t($device[flag]) . $status_url, 'class' => $device['flag'])); } $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme_guifi_contacts($device), 'colspan' => 2)); return array_merge($rows); }
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone) { //SOME VARIABLES $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2); $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan'); $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask); switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) { case "38": // RouterStation $wireless_model = 'atheros'; $lan_iface = 'eth0'; $lan2_iface = 'eth1'; $packages = 'ar71xx/packages'; break; default: _outln_comment('model id not supported'); exit; } // SECTION FILES _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Wireless Settings')); print '<pre>'; function wds_add($dev, $radio, $radio_id) { $wds_links = array(); foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } } } $ifcount = 0; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; print 'uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].bssid' . $ifcount . '=' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '<br />'; $ifcount++; } else { $status = 'disabled'; print '# uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].bssidX=' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . ' # ' . t($wds['flag']) . '<br />'; } } } } } function wds_network($dev, $radio) { $ifcount = '0'; foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links = array(); $wds_links[] = $link; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; print ' ## wds_' . $hostname . ' uci delete network.wds_' . $hostname . ' uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '=interface uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ifname=ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wds' . $ifcount . ' uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.proto=static '; $ifcount++; } else { $status = 'disabled'; print ' ##### ' . t($wds['flag']) . ' #### ## wds_' . $hostname . ' # uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ifname=ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wdsX # uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.proto=none '; } } if ($status == 'active') { print 'uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . ' uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.netmask=' . $ipv4['netmask'] . ' '; } else { print '# uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . ' # uci set network.wds_' . $hostname . '.netmask=' . $ipv4['netmask'] . ' '; } } } } } } if (isset($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { $mode = 'apwds'; $ssid = $radio[ssid]; $channel = atheros_channel($radio); if ($channel <= 14) { $band = '11b'; } else { $band = '11a'; } if (empty($radio[antenna_mode])) { $radio[antenna_mode] = '1'; } else { if ($radio[antenna_mode] != 'Main') { $radio[antenna_mode] = '2'; } else { $radio[antenna_mode] = '1'; } } if ($radio_id == '0') { $wireless_iface = 'wifi0'; $network = 'wlanLan'; } else { $wireless_iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id; $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $wireless_model = 'atheros'; $txant = $radio[antenna_mode]; $rxant = $radio[antenna_mode]; print ' ## Radio: ' . $radio[ssid] . ' uci delete wireless.' . $wireless_iface . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '=wifi-device uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.type=' . $wireless_model . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.channel=' . $channel . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.disabled=0 uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.hwmode=' . $band . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.diversity=0 uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.txantenna=' . $txant . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.rxantenna=' . $rxant . ' uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.txpower=16 uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.regdomain=31 uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.country=724 uci set wireless.' . $wireless_iface . '.distance=2000 uci delete wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '] uci add wireless wifi-iface uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . ']=wifi-iface uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].device=' . $wireless_iface . ' uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].network=' . $network . ' uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].mode=' . $mode . ' uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . ']' . $radio[ssid] . ' uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[' . $radio_id . '].encryption=none '; wds_add($dev, $radio, $radio_id); } } print 'sleep 1</pre>'; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Network Settings')); print '<pre>'; function cable_network($dev) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { switch ($interface[interface_type]) { case 'vlan1': $iname = 'eth0:1'; break; case 'vlan2': $iname = 'eth1'; break; case 'vlan3': $iname = 'eth1:1'; break; default: $iname = $interface[interface_type]; break; } foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $network = guifi_get_hostname($link[device_id]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wLan/Lan') { print ' ## cable_' . $network . ' uci delete network.' . $network . ' uci set network.' . $network . '=interface uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iname . ' uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . ' uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . ' '; } } else { $status = 'disabled'; print ' ##### ' . t($link['flag']) . ' #### ## cable_' . $network . ' # uci set network.' . $network . '=interface # uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iname . ' # uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static # uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . ' # uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . ' '; } } } } } print ' uci set network.loopback=interface uci set network.loopback.ifname=lo uci set network.loopback.proto=static uci set network.loopback.ipaddr= uci set network.loopback.netmask= uci delete network.lan uci delete network.wan '; if (isset($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { if (isset($radio[interfaces])) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wds/p2p') { if (isset($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $iface = '"ath0 eth0"'; $network = 'wlanLan'; } else { $iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id; $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); // FILE NETWORK print ' uci delete network.' . $network . ' uci set network.' . $network . '=interface '; if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { print 'uci set network.' . $network . '.type=bridge '; } print 'uci set network.' . $network . '.ifname=' . $iface . ' uci set network.' . $network . '.proto=static uci set network.' . $network . '.ipaddr=' . $ipv4[ipv4] . ' uci set network.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . ' uci set network.' . $network . '.dns="' . $dns . '" '; } } } } } wds_network($dev, $radio); } } cable_network($dev); print 'sleep 1</pre>'; //FILE FIREWALL _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Firewall Settings')); print '<pre>'; print 'uci set firewall.@defaults[0]=defaults uci set firewall.@defaults[0].syn_flood=1 uci set firewall.@defaults[0].input=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@defaults[0].output=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@defaults[0].forward=ACCEPT '; print 'COUNTER=0 while [ $COUNTER -lt 64 ]; do uci delete firewall.@zone[0] > /dev/null 2>&1 let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done uci delete firewall.@forwarding[0] '; $icount = '0'; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $network = 'wlanLan'; } else { $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } print 'uci add firewall zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=' . $network . ' uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT '; $icount++; } } } } foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links = array(); $wds_links[] = $link; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print 'uci add firewall zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=wds_' . $hostname . ' uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT '; $icount++; } } } } } } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print 'uci add firewall zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . ']=zone uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].name=' . $hostname . ' uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].input=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].output=ACCEPT uci set firewall.@zone[' . $icount . '].forward=ACCEPT '; $icount++; } } } } print 'sleep 1</pre>'; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('DHCP Static Leases')); print '<pre>'; $dhcp_statics = array(); $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4); function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr) { if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) { $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id])); $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]); if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) { $max[3] = $curr[3]; } } $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]); $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]); // cable links foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') { $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]); if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } // ap/client links foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1; $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics); $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics; $counter = '0'; print 'COUNTER=0 while [ $COUNTER -lt 64 ]; do uci delete luci_ethers.@static_lease[0] > /dev/null 2>&1 let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done '; foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { print ' ## Device: ' . $static[2] . ' uci add luci_ethers static_lease uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . ']=static_lease uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . '].macaddr=' . $static[1] . ' uci set luci_ethers.@static_lease[' . $counter . '].ipaddr=' . $static[0] . ' '; $counter++; } print 'sleep 1</pre>'; // FILE DHCP _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('DHCP Settings')); print '<pre>'; print 'uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0]=dnsmasq uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domainneeded=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].boguspriv=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].filterwin2k=0 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].localise_queries=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].local=/lan/ uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain=lan uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].expandhosts=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].nonegcache=0 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].authoritative=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].readethers=1 uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].leasefile=/tmp/dhcp.leases uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile=/tmp/ '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $iface = 'wlanLan'; $network = 'wlanLan'; } else { $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $max = explode(".", $ipv4[ipv4]); foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { $totalstaticss = count($ipv4[links]); } } $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstaticss; $totalstaticss = '0'; print ' uci delete dhcp.lan uci delete dhcp.wan uci set dhcp.' . $network . '=dhcp uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.interface=' . $network . ' uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.leasetime=12h uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.start=' . ($max[3] + 2) . ' uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.limit=' . $limit . ' uci set dhcp.' . $network . '.netmask=' . $ipv4[netmask] . ' '; } } } } print 'sleep 1</pre>'; $wds_links = array(); foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } } } } } } foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_bgpd = '1'; } if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_ospfd = '1'; } } $cable_links = array(); foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'cable') { $cable_links[] = $link; } } } } foreach ($cable_links as $key => $cable) { if ($cable['routing'] == 'BGP') { $cable_bgpd = '1'; } if ($cable['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $cable_ospfd = '1'; } } // QUAGGA CONFIG FILES $file_zebra = ''; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf')); print '<pre>'; print 'true > /etc/quagga/zebra.conf'; print '</pre>'; // FILE OSPFD if ($wds_ospfd == '1' || $cable_ospfd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf')); print '<pre>'; print 'cat > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf << EOF ! interface br-lan ! router ospf ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' redistribute bgp '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); } if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } } foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4']; if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } } } print 'default-information originate ! EOF '; print 'sleep 1</pre>'; } // FILE BGPD if ($wds_bgpd == '1' || $cable_bgpd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf')); print '<pre>'; print 'cat > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf << EOF ! interface br-lan ! router bgp ' . $dev->id . ' bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); } print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } print 'redistribute ospf '; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4']; if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } } } foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } print 'EOF '; print 'sleep 1</pre>'; } //FILE OPKG $opkg_conf = ' src/gz snapshots' . $packages . ' dest root / dest ram /tmp lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists option overlay_root /jffs '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf')); openwrt_out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf'); }
function _add_cnml_node(&$CNML, $node, &$summary, $action) { global $devices; global $radios; global $interfaces; global $links; global $services; global $models; $nodesummary->ap = 0; $nodesummary->client = 0; $nodesummary->devices = 0; $nodesummary->services = 0; $nodesummary->links = 0; if ($action != 'zones') { // $nodeXML = $CNML->addChild('node',htmlspecialchars($node->body,ENT_QUOTES)); $nodeXML = $CNML->addChild('node'); foreach ($node as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'body': break; case 'id': $nodeXML->addAttribute('id', $value); break; case 'nick': $nodeXML->addAttribute('title', $value); break; case 'lat': $nodeXML->addAttribute('lat', $value); break; case 'lon': $nodeXML->addAttribute('lon', $value); break; case 'elevation': if ($value) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('antenna_elevation', $value); } break; case 'status_flag': $nodeXML->addAttribute('status', $value); break; case 'graph_server': $nodeXML->addAttribute('graph_server', $value); break; case 'timestamp_created': $nodeXML->addAttribute('created', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; case 'timestamp_changed': $nodeXML->addAttribute('updated', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; } } } } $summary->nodes++; if ($node->lon < $summary->minx) { $summary->minx = $node->lon; } if ($node->lat < $summary->miny) { $summary->miny = $node->lat; } if ($node->lon > $summary->maxx) { $summary->maxx = $node->lon; } if ($node->lat > $summary->maxy) { $summary->maxy = $node->lat; } // if report type = 'detail', going to list all node content // devices if (is_array($devices[$node->id])) { if (count($devices[$node->id])) { foreach ($devices[$node->id] as $id => $device) { if ($action == 'detail') { $deviceXML = $nodeXML->addChild('device', htmlspecialchars($device->comment, ENT_QUOTES)); foreach ($device as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'body': comment; case 'id': $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($value); $deviceXML->addAttribute('id', $value); $deviceXML->addAttribute('mainipv4', $main_ip[ipv4]); break; case 'nick': $deviceXML->addAttribute('title', $value); break; case 'type': $deviceXML->addAttribute('type', $value); break; case 'flag': $deviceXML->addAttribute('status', $value); break; case 'graph_server': $deviceXML->addAttribute('graph_server', $value); break; case 'timestamp_created': $deviceXML->addAttribute('created', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; case 'timestamp_changed': $deviceXML->addAttribute('updated', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; // case 'mainipv4': $deviceXML->addAttribute('mainipv4',guifi_main_ip(id)); break; } } } // TODO obtenir model_id i firmware del device o no de extra if (!empty($device->extra)) { $device->variable = unserialize($device->extra); if ($device->type == 'radio') { if (isset($device->variable['firmware'])) { $deviceXML->addAttribute('firmware', $device->variable['firmware']); } } if (isset($device->variable['model_id'])) { $model_name = $models[(int) $device->variable['model_id']]; $deviceXML->addAttribute('name', $model_name); } if (!empty($device->variable['mrtg_index'])) { $deviceXML->addAttribute('snmp_index', $device->variable['mrtg_index']); } } } $nodesummary->devices++; // device radios if (is_array($radios[$node->id][$device->id])) { if (count($radios[$node->id][$device->id])) { foreach ($radios[$node->id][$device->id] as $id => $radio) { if ($action == 'detail') { $radioXML = $deviceXML->addChild('radio', htmlspecialchars($radio->comment, ENT_QUOTES)); $radioXML->addAttribute('id', $radio->radiodev_counter); $radioXML->addAttribute('device_id', $device->id); foreach ($radio as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'radiodev_counter': case 'comment': break; case 'ssid': $radioXML->addAttribute('ssid', $value); break; case 'mode': $radioXML->addAttribute('mode', $value); break; case 'protocol': $radioXML->addAttribute('protocol', $value); break; case 'channel': $radioXML->addAttribute('channel', $value); break; case 'antenna_angle': $radioXML->addAttribute('antenna_angle', $value); break; case 'antenna_gain': $radioXML->addAttribute('antenna_gain', $value); break; case 'antenna_azimuth': $radioXML->addAttribute('antenna_azimuth', $value); break; case 'clients_accepted': $radioXML->addAttribute('clients_accepted', $value); break; } } } if (isset($device->variable['model_id'])) { // TODO resolve issue wlanX ( 1,2,3,4, etc.. ) incremental. if (in_array($model_name, array('Routerboard 112', 'Routerboard 133', 'Routerboard 133C', 'Routerboard 153', 'Routerboard 333', 'Routerboard 411', 'Routerboard 433', 'Routerboard 532', 'Routerboard 600', 'Routerboard 800', 'Supertrasto guifiBUS', 'Routerboard SXT 5HnD', 'Routerboard 493/G', 'OmniTIK Uxx-5HnD', 'Routerboard SXT Lite2', 'Routerboard SXT Lite5', 'Routerboard 2011', 'Routerboard Sextant'))) { switch ($device->variable['firmware']) { case 'RouterOSv2.9': case 'RouterOSv3.x': case 'RouterOSv4.0+': case 'RouterOSv4.7+': case 'RouterOSv5.x': case 'RouterOSv6.x': $radioXML->addAttribute('snmp_name', 'wlan' . (string) ($id + 1)); break; } } else { $snmp = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT snmp_id FROM guifi_configuracioUnSolclic WHERE id=%d', $device->usc_id)); list($modeap, $modesta) = explode("|", $snmp->snmp_id); if (empty($modesta)) { $modesta = $modeap; } if (eregi("^[0-9]+\$", $modeap)) { $snmp_iname = 'snmp_index'; } else { $snmp_iname = 'snmp_name'; } if (eregi("^[0-9]+\$", $modesta)) { $snmp_ciname = 'snmp_index'; } else { $snmp_ciname = 'snmp_name'; } if ($radio->mode == 'client') { $radioXML->addAttribute($snmp_ciname, $modesta); } else { $radioXML->addAttribute($snmp_iname, $modeap); } } } switch ($radio->mode) { case 'ap': $nodesummary->ap++; break; case 'client': $nodesummary->client++; break; } } // device radio interfaces if (is_array($interfaces[$device->id][$radio->radiodev_counter])) { if (count($interfaces[$device->id][$radio->radiodev_counter])) { foreach ($interfaces[$device->id][$radio->radiodev_counter] as $radio_interfaces) { foreach ($radio_interfaces as $interface) { if (!array_search($interface->interface_type, array('a' => 'wds/p2p', 'b' => 'wLan', 'c' => 'wLan/Lan', 'd' => 'Wan')) and !array_search($interface->interface_class, array('a' => 'wds/p2p'))) { continue; } if ($interface->interface_type == 'Wan' and $radio->mode != 'client') { continue; } if ($action == 'detail') { $interfaceXML = $radioXML->addChild('interface'); foreach ($interface as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('id', $interface->id); break; case 'mac': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('mac', $interface->mac); break; case 'ipv4': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('ipv4', $interface->ipv4); break; case 'netmask': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('mask', $interface->netmask); break; case 'interface_type': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('type', $interface->interface_type); break; } } } } // linked interfaces if (is_array($links[$device->id][$interface->id])) { if (count($links[$device->id][$interface->id])) { foreach ($links[$device->id][$interface->id] as $id => $link) { if (!array_search($link->link_type, array('a' => 'ap/client', 'b' => 'wds'))) { continue; } if ($link->ipv4_id != $interface->ipv4_id) { continue; } $nodesummary->links++; if ($action == 'detail') { $linkXML = $interfaceXML->addChild('link'); foreach ($link as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': $linkXML->addAttribute('id', $link->id); break; case 'linked_node_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_node_id', $link->linked_node_id); break; case 'linked_device_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_device_id', $link->linked_device_id); break; case 'linked_interface_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_interface_id', $link->linked_interface_id); break; case 'link_type': $linkXML->addAttribute('link_type', $link->link_type); break; case 'status': $linkXML->addAttribute('link_status', $link->status); break; } } } } } // foreach link } } //interface links } } // foreach radio interface } } // radio interfaces } // foreach radios } } // device radios // device interfaces if (is_array($interfaces[$device->id])) { if (count($interfaces[$device->id])) { foreach ($interfaces[$device->id] as $device_interfaces) { foreach ($device_interfaces as $counter_interfaces) { foreach ($counter_interfaces as $interface) { if (array_search($interface->interface_type, array('a' => 'wds/p2p', 'b' => 'wLan', 'c' => 'wlan/Lan')) and array_search($interface->interface_class, array('a' => 'wds/p2p'))) { continue; } if ($action == 'detail') { $interfaceXML = $deviceXML->addChild('interface'); foreach ($interface as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('id', $interface->id); break; case 'mac': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('mac', $interface->mac); break; case 'ipv4': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('ipv4', $interface->ipv4); break; case 'netmask': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('mask', $interface->netmask); break; case 'interface_type': $interfaceXML->addAttribute('type', $interface->interface_type); break; } } } } // linked interfaces if (is_array($links[$device->id][$interface->id])) { if (count($links[$device->id][$interface->id])) { foreach ($links[$device->id][$interface->id] as $id => $link) { if (array_search($link->link_type, array('a' => 'ap/client', 'b' => 'wds'))) { continue; } if ($link->ipv4_id != $interface->ipv4_id) { continue; } if ($action == 'detail') { $linkXML = $interfaceXML->addChild('link'); foreach ($link as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'id': $linkXML->addAttribute('id', $link->id); break; case 'linked_node_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_node_id', $link->linked_node_id); break; case 'linked_device_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_device_id', $link->linked_device_id); break; case 'linked_interface_id': $linkXML->addAttribute('linked_interface_id', $link->linked_interface_id); break; case 'link_type': $linkXML->addAttribute('link_type', $link->link_type); break; case 'status': $linkXML->addAttribute('link_status', $link->status); break; } } } } } // foreach link } } //interface links } } } // foreach interface } } //interface // services if (is_array($services[$device->id])) { if (count($services[$device->id])) { foreach ($services[$device->id] as $id => $service) { if ($action == 'detail') { $serviceXML = $deviceXML->addChild('service', htmlspecialchars($service->body, ENT_QUOTES)); foreach ($service as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'body': break; case 'id': $serviceXML->addAttribute('id', $value); break; case 'nick': $serviceXML->addAttribute('title', $value); break; case 'service_type': $serviceXML->addAttribute('type', $value); break; case 'status_flag': $serviceXML->addAttribute('status', $value); break; case 'timestamp_created': $serviceXML->addAttribute('created', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; case 'timestamp_changed': $serviceXML->addAttribute('updated', date('Ymd hi', $value)); break; } } } } $nodesummary->services++; } // foreach service } } // service } // foreach device } } // devices $summary->ap += $nodesummary->ap; $summary->client += $nodesummary->client; $summary->devices += $nodesummary->devices; $summary->links += $nodesummary->links; $summary->services += $nodesummary->services; if ($action != 'zones') { if ($nodesummary->ap) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('access_points', $nodesummary->ap); } if ($nodesummary->client) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('clients', $nodesummary->client); } if ($nodesummary->devices) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('devices', $nodesummary->devices); } if ($nodesummary->links) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('links', $nodesummary->links); } if ($nodesummary->services) { $nodeXML->addAttribute('services', $nodesummary->services); } } return; }
function guifi_domain_create_form($form_state, $node) { $ip = guifi_main_ip($node->device_id); if (guifi_domain_access('create', $node->sid)) { $form['text_add'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#value' => t('You are not allowed to create a domain on this service.'), '#weight' => 0); return $form; } if (empty($ip['ipv4'])) { $device = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT nick FROM {guifi_devices} WHERE id = %d', $node->device_id)); $url = url('guifi/device/' . $node->device_id); $form['text'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#value' => t('The server <a href=' . $url . '>' . $device->nick . '</a> does not have an IPv4 address, can not create a domain.')); return $form; } $form['domain_type'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select new domain type'), '#default_value' => 'none', '#options' => array('NULL' => 'none', 'master' => 'Master, ex:', 'delegation' => 'Delegation, ex:'), '#ahah' => array('path' => 'guifi/js/add-domain', 'wrapper' => 'select_type', 'effect' => 'fade')); $form['domain_type_form'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="select_type">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#type' => 'fieldset'); if ($form_state['values']['domain_type'] == 'master') { $form['domain_type_form']['sid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $node->id); $form['domain_type_form']['name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 64, '#maxlength' => 32, '#title' => t('Add a new domain'), '#description' => t('Insert domain name'), '#prefix' => '<table style="width: 0px"><tr><td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['type'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => 'master'); $form['domain_type_form']['ipv4'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $ip[ipv4]); $form['domain_type_form']['scope'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Scope'), '#options' => array('internal' => 'internal', 'external' => 'external'), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['management'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Management'), '#options' => array('automatic' => 'automatic', 'manual' => 'manual'), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['mname'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => '0'); $form['domain_type_form']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'guifi') . '/icons/add.png', '#attributes' => array('title' => t('add')), '#executes_submit_callback' => TRUE, '#submit' => array(guifi_domain_create_form_submit), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td></tr></table>'); } if ($form_state['values']['domain_type'] == 'delegation') { $ip = guifi_main_ip($node->device_id); $form['domain_type_form']['sid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $node->id); $form['domain_type_form']['name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Add a new delegated Domain Name'), '#description' => t('Just the hostname ( will be added before master domain.'), '#prefix' => '<table style="width: 0px"><tr><td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $domqry = db_query("\n SELECT *\n FROM {guifi_dns_domains}\n WHERE type = 'master'\n AND public = 'yes'\n ORDER BY name"); $values = array(); while ($type = db_fetch_object($domqry)) { $values[$type->name] = $type->name; } $form['domain_type_form']['mname'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#options' => $values, '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['scope'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Scope'), '#options' => array('internal' => 'internal', 'external' => 'external'), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['management'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Management'), '#options' => array('automatic' => 'automatic', 'manual' => 'manual'), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td>'); $form['domain_type_form']['type'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => 'delegation'); $form['domain_type_form']['ipv4'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $ip[ipv4]); $form['domain_type_form']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => drupal_get_path('module', 'guifi') . '/icons/add.png', '#attributes' => array('title' => t('add')), '#executes_submit_callback' => TRUE, '#submit' => array(guifi_domain_create_form_submit), '#prefix' => '<td>', '#suffix' => '</td></tr></table>'); } return $form; }
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone) { //SOME VARIABLES $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2); $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan'); $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask); switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) { case "39": // Avila GW2348-4 $wireless_model = 'atheros'; $lan_iface = 'eth0'; $lan2_iface = 'eth1'; $packages = 'ixp4xx/packages'; break; default: _outln_comment('model id not supported'); exit; } // SECTION FILES _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless')); function wds_add($dev, $radio) { $wds_links = array(); foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } } } $ifcount = 0; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; print ' option \'wds_add' . $ifcount . '\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\'<br />'; $ifcount++; } else { $status = 'disabled'; print '# option \'wds_addX\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\'# ' . t($wds['flag']) . '<br />'; } } } } } function wds_network($dev, $radio) { $ifcount = '0'; foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links = array(); $wds_links[] = $link; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; print ' ## wds_' . $hostname . ' config \'interface\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' option \'ifname\' \'ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wds' . $ifcount . '\' option \'proto\' \'static\' '; $ifcount++; } else { $status = 'disabled'; print ' ##### ' . t($wds['flag']) . ' #### ## wds_' . $hostname . ' # config \'interface\' \'ath' . $radio[radiodev_counter] . '.wdsX\' # option \'proto\' \'none\' '; } } if ($status == 'active') { print ' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '\' '; } else { print '# option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\' # option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4['netmask'] . '\' '; } } } } } } function cable_network($dev) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { switch ($interface[interface_type]) { case 'vlan1': $iname = 'eth0:1'; break; case 'vlan2': $iname = 'eth1'; break; case 'vlan3': $iname = 'eth2'; break; default: $iname = $interface[interface_type]; break; } foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $network = guifi_get_hostname($link[device_id]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wLan/Lan') { print ' ## cable_' . $network . ' config \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\' option \'ifname\' \'' . $iname . '\' '; print ' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\' '; } } else { $status = 'disabled'; print ' ##### ' . t($link['flag']) . ' #### ## cable_' . $network . ' # config \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\' # option \'ifname\' \'' . $iname . '\' '; print '# option \'proto\' \'static\' # option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\' # option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\' '; } } } } } print '<pre> echo " '; if (isset($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { $mode = 'ap'; $ssid = $radio[ssid]; $channel = atheros_channel($radio); if ($channel < 14) { $band = '11b'; } else { $band = '11a'; } if (empty($radio[antenna_mode])) { $radio[antenna_mode] = '1'; } else { if ($radio[antenna_mode] != 'Main') { $radio[antenna_mode] = '2'; } else { $radio[antenna_mode] = '1'; } } if ($radio_id == '0') { $wireless_iface = 'wifi0'; $network = 'lan'; } else { $wireless_iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id; $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $wireless_model = 'atheros'; $txant = 'txantenna'; $rxant = 'rxantenna'; print ' ## Radio: ' . $radio[ssid] . ' config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\' option \'channel\' \'' . $channel . '\' option \'disabled\' \'0\' option \'hwmode\' \'' . $band . '\' option \'diversity\' \'0\' option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $radio[antenna_mode] . '\' option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $radio[antenna_mode] . '\' option \'txpower\' \'16\' config wifi-iface option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'network\' \'' . $network . '\' option \'agmode\' \'' . $mode . '\' option \'ssid\' \'' . $radio[ssid] . '\' option \'encryption\' \'none\' '; wds_add($dev, $radio); } } print ' " > /etc/config/wireless </pre> '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network')); print '<pre> echo " config interface loopback option \'ifname\' \'lo\' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'\' option \'netmask\' \'\' '; if (isset($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { if (isset($radio[interfaces])) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] != 'wds/p2p') { if (isset($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $iface = 'ath0 eth0'; $network = 'lan'; } else { $iface = 'wifi' . $radio_id; $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); // FILE NETWORK print ' config interface ' . $network . ' option \'ifname\' \'' . $iface . '\' '; if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { print ' option \'type\' \'bridge\' '; } print ' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $ipv4[ipv4] . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $ipv4[netmask] . '\' option \'dns\' \'' . $dns . '\' '; } } } } } wds_network($dev, $radio); } } cable_network($dev); print ' " > /etc/config/network </pre> '; $wds_links = array(); foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } } } } } } foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_bgpd = '1'; } if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_ospfd = '1'; } } $cable_links = array(); foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'cable') { $cable_links[] = $link; } } } } foreach ($cable_links as $key => $cable) { if ($cable['routing'] == 'BGP') { $cable_bgpd = '1'; } if ($cable['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $cable_ospfd = '1'; } } // QUAGGA CONFIG FILES $file_zebra = ''; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf')); _out_file($file_zebra, '/etc/quagga/zebra.conf'); // FILE OSPFD if ($wds_ospfd == '1' || $cable_ospfd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router ospf ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' redistribute bgp '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); } if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } } foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4']; if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } } } } print 'default-information originate ! " > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf</pre>'; } // FILE BGPD if ($wds_bgpd == '1' || $cable_bgpd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router bgp ' . $dev->id . ' bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { $network = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); } print ' network ' . $network[netid] . '/' . $network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } print 'redistribute ospf '; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $iplocal[] = $wds['interface']['ipv4']; if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $item = _ipcalc($ipv4[ipv4], $ipv4[netmask]); if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' network ' . $item[netid] . '/' . $item[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } } } } foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } print '" > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf</pre>'; } //FILE FIREWALL _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall')); print '<pre> echo " config defaults option \'syn_flood\' \'1\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $network = 'lan'; } else { $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } print ' config zone option \'name\' \'' . $network . '\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; } } } } if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $ifcount = 0; } } } } foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { print ' config zone option \'name\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; } } foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { print ' config zone option \'name\' \'' . $hostname . '\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; } } } } print '" > /etc/config/firewall</pre>'; //FILE OPKG $opkg_conf = ' src/gz snapshots' . $packages . ' dest root / dest ram /tmp lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists option overlay_root /jffs '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf')); _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf'); $dhcp_statics = array(); $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4); function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr) { if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) { $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id])); $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]); if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) { $max[3] = $curr[3]; } } $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]); $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]); // cable links foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') { $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]); if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } // ap/client links foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1; $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics); $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers')); print 'echo "'; foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { print '<pre> ## Device: ' . $static[2] . ' config \'static_lease\' option \'macaddr\' \'' . $static[1] . '\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $static[0] . '\' </pre>'; } print '" > /etc/config/luci_ethers<br />'; // FILE DHCP _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/dhcp')); print '<pre> echo " config \'dnsmasq\' option \'domainneeded\' \'1\' option \'boguspriv\' \'1\' option \'filterwin2k\' \'0\' option \'localise_queries\' \'1\' option \'local\' \'/lan/\' option \'domain\' \'lan\' option \'expandhosts\' \'1\' option \'nonegcache\' \'0\' option \'authoritative\' \'1\' option \'readethers\' \'1\' option \'leasefile\' \'/tmp/dhcp.leases\' option \'resolvfile\' \'/tmp/\' '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan' || $interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface[interface_type] == 'wLan/Lan') { $iface = 'lan'; $network = 'lan'; } else { $network = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $max = explode(".", $ipv4[ipv4]); foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { $totalstaticss = count($ipv4[links]); } } $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstaticss; $totalstaticss = '0'; print ' config \'dhcp\' \'' . $network . '\' option \'interface\' \'' . $network . '\' option \'leasetime\' \'12h\' option \'start\' \'' . ($max[3] + 2) . '\' option \'limit\' \'' . $limit . '\' '; } } } } print '" > /etc/config/dhcp<br /></pre>'; }
function theme_guifi_node_devices_list($node, $links = FALSE) { $id = $node->id; $rows = array(); $header = array('<h2>' . t('device') . '</h2>', t('type'), t('ip'), t('status'), array('data' => t('last available'), 'style' => 'text-align: right;'), t('unsolclic')); // Form for adding a new device $form = drupal_get_form('guifi_device_create_form', $node); $query = db_query("SELECT FROM {guifi_devices} d WHERE nid=%d", $id); while ($d = db_fetch_object($query)) { $device = guifi_device_load($d->id); // Edit and delete buttons if (guifi_device_access('update', $device['id'])) { $edit_device = l(guifi_img_icon('edit.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $device['id'] . '/edit', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('target' => '_blank', 'title' => t('edit device')))); $delete_device = l(guifi_img_icon('drop.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $device['id'] . '/delete', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('target' => '_blank', 'title' => t('delete device')))); } else { $edit_device = ''; $delete_device = ''; } // Traceroute button if (user_access('create guifi nodes')) { $traceroute = l(guifi_img_icon('discover-routes.png'), 'guifi/menu/ip/traceroute/' . $device['id'], array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('target' => '_blank', 'title' => t('trace routes, discover services from this device')))); } else { $traceroute = ''; } // Firmware text which links to unsolclic feature if ($device->variable['firmware'] != "n/d") { $unsolclic = l($device[variable]['firmware'], 'guifi/device/' . $device['id'] . '/view/unsolclic', array('attributes' => array('title' => t("Get radio configuration with singleclick")))); } // Get IP assigned to the device $ip = guifi_main_ip($device[id]); // Availability image $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $device['id'], 'format' => 'short')); // Device main attributes if (!empty($device['manufacturer'])) { $mDescr = $device['manufacturer'] . '-' . $device['model']; } else { $mDescr = ''; } $uCreated = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT FROM {users} u WHERE u.uid = %d', $device[user_created])); $deviceAttr = $device[id] . ' ' . $mDescr . ' ' . t('created by') . ': ' . $uCreated->name . ' ' . t('at') . ' ' . format_date($device[timestamp_created], 'small'); if (!empty($device[timestamp_changed])) { $uChanged = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT FROM {users} u WHERE u.uid = %d', $device[user_changed])); $deviceAttr .= ' ' . t('updated by') . ': ' . $uChanged->name . ' ' . t('at') . ' ' . format_date($device[timestamp_changed], 'small'); } // Groups all this data in an array for the theme() function $rows[] = array(l($device[nick], 'guifi/device/' . $device[id], array('attributes' => array('title' => $deviceAttr))), $device[type], array('data' => $ip[ipv4] . '/' . $ip[maskbits], 'align' => 'left'), empty($ip[ipv4]) ? ' ' : array('data' => t($device[flag]), 'class' => $device['flag']), empty($ip[ipv4]) ? ' ' : array('data' => $status_url, 'class' => $device['flag']), $unsolclic, $edit_device, $delete_device, empty($ip[ipv4]) ? ' ' : $traceroute); } // Creates the table with devices if any, otherwise just outputs the node has not devices if (count($rows)) { $output = '<h4>' . t('devices') . '</h4>' . theme('table', $header, $rows, array('class' => 'device-data')) . $form; } else { $output = theme('box', t('This node does not have any device'), $form); } // Again, it creates a table with the links, if they exist if ($links) { $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node->id)); drupal_set_title(t('devices @ %node', array('%node' => $node->title))); drupal_set_breadcrumb(guifi_node_ariadna($node)); $output .= theme_links(module_invoke_all('link', 'node', $node, FALSE)); print theme('page', $output, FALSE); return; } return $output; }
function unsolclic_routeros($dev) { //Fixed testing mode $ospf_id = ''; $ospf_name = 'backbone'; // $ipd = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $ospf_routerid = $ipd['ipv4']; $defined_ips = array(); function bgp_peer($id, $ipv4, $disabled) { $peername = guifi_get_hostname($id); _outln('/ routing bgp peer'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=%s] do={/routing bgp peer remove $i;}', $peername)); _outln(sprintf('add name="%s" instance=default remote-address=%s remote-as=%s \\ ', $peername, $ipv4, $id)); _outln(sprintf('multihop=no route-reflect=no ttl=default in-filter=ebgp-in out-filter=ebgp-out disabled=%s', $disabled)); } function ospf_interface($iname, $netid, $maskbits, $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, $disabled) { _outln('/ routing ospf interface'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/routing ospf interface find interface=%s] do={/routing ospf interface remove $i;}', $iname)); _outln(sprintf('add interface=%s', $iname)); _outln('/ routing ospf network'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/routing ospf network find network=%s/%d] do={/routing ospf network remove $i;}', $netid, $maskbits)); _outln(sprintf('add network=%s/%d area=%s disabled=%s', $netid, $maskbits, $ospf_name, $disabled)); } // Check if there's any wLan/Lan interface defined on the device $wlanlan = false; foreach ($dev->radios as $ri) { $ii = $ri['interfaces']; foreach ($ii as $iii) { if ($iii['interface_type'] == 'wLan/Lan') { $wlanlan = true; } } } $node = node_load(array('nid' => $dev->nid)); $zone = node_load(array('nid' => $node->zone_id)); _outln(sprintf(':log info "Unsolclic for %d-%s going to be executed."', $dev->id, $dev->nick)); _outln_comment(); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv4.7+') { _outln_comment(t('Configuration for RouterOS 4.7 and newer 4.x')); } else { _outln_comment(t('Configuration for ' . $dev->variable['firmware'])); } _outln_comment(t('Device') . ': ' . $dev->id . '-' . $dev->nick); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Methods to upload/execute this script:')); _outln_comment(t('1.-As a script. Upload this output as a script either with:')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('a.Winbox (with Linux, wine required)')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('b.Terminal (telnet, ssh...)')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('Then execute the script with:')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('> /system script run script_name')); _outln_comment(t('2.-Imported file:')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('Save this output to a file, then upload it to the router')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('using ftp using a name like "script_name.rsc".')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('(note that extension ".rsc" is required)')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('Run the import file using the command:')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('> /import script_name')); _outln_comment(t('3.-Telnet cut&paste:')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('Open a terminal session, and cut&paste this output')); _outln_comment(' ' . t('directly on the terminal input.')); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Notes:')); _outln_comment(t('-routing-test package is required if you use RouterOSv2.9 , be sure you have it enabled at system packages')); _outln_comment(t('-wlans should be enabled manually, be sure to set the correct antenna (a or b)')); _outln_comment(t(' according in how did you connect the cable to the miniPCI. Keep the')); _outln_comment(t(' power at the minimum possible and check the channel.')); _outln_comment(t('-The script doesn\'t reset the router, you might have to do it manually')); _outln_comment(t('-You must have write access to the router')); _outln_comment(t('-MAC access (winbox, MAC telnet...) method is recommended')); _outln_comment(t(' (the script reconfigures some IP addresses, so communication can be lost)')); _outln_comment(t('-No changes are done in user passwords on the device')); _outln_comment(t('-A Read Only guest account with no password will be created to allow guest access')); _outln_comment(t(' to the router with no danger of damage but able to see the config.')); _outln_comment(t('-Be sure that all packages are activated.')); _outln_comment(t('-Don\'t run the script from telnet and being connected through an IP connection at')); _outln_comment(t(' the wLan/Lan interface: This interface will be destroyed during the script.')); _outln_comment(); _outln('/ system identity set name=' . $dev->nick); // DNS _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('DNS (client & server cache) zone: ' . $node->zone_id); list($primary_dns, $secondary_dns) = explode(' ', guifi_get_dns($zone, 2)); $dns[] .= $primary_dns; $dns[] .= $secondary_dns; if ($secondary_dns != null) { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv4.7+' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { _outln(sprintf('/ip dns set servers=%s,%s allow-remote-requests=yes', $primary_dns, $secondary_dns)); } else { _outln(sprintf('/ip dns set primary-dns=%s secondary-dns=%s allow-remote-requests=yes', $primary_dns, $secondary_dns)); } } else { if ($primary_dns != null) { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv4.7+' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { _outln(sprintf('/ip dns set servers=%s allow-remote-requests=yes', $primary_dns)); } else { _outln(sprintf('/ip dns set primary-dns=%s allow-remote-requests=yes', $primary_dns)); } } } _outln(':delay 1'); // NTP _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('NTP (client & server cache) zone: ' . $node->zone_id); list($primary_ntp, $secondary_ntp) = explode(' ', guifi_get_ntp($zone)); if ($secondary_ntp != null) { _outln(sprintf('/system ntp client set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp=%s secondary-ntp=%s', $primary_ntp, $secondary_ntp)); } else { if ($primary_ntp != null) { _outln(sprintf('/system ntp client set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp=%s', $primary_ntp)); } } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv2.9') { _outln(sprintf('/system ntp server set manycast=no enabled=yes')); } _outln(':delay 1'); // Bandwidth-server _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Bandwidth-server')); _outln('/ tool bandwidth-server set enabled=yes authenticate=no allocate-udp-ports-from=2000'); // SNMP _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('SNMP'); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { $community = 'trap-community=public'; _outln(sprintf('/snmp community set public addresses=')); } else { $community = ''; } _outln(sprintf('/snmp set contact="*****@*****.**" enabled=yes location="%s" %s', $node->nick, $community)); // User guest _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('Guest user'); _outln('/user'); _outln(':foreach i in [find group=read] do={/user remove $i;}'); _outln('add name="guest" group=read address= comment="" disabled=no'); // Graphing _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Graphing')); _outln(sprintf('/tool graphing interface add')); // LogServer if (!empty($dev->logserver)) { $ipd = array(); $ipd = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); _outln_comment(t('Ip for ServerLogs')); _outln('/system logging'); _outln(':foreach i in [/system logging find action=remote]'); _outln('do={/system logging remove $i }'); _outln(':foreach i in [/system logging action find name=guifi]'); _outln('do=[/system logging action remove $i]'); _outln('/system logging action add name=' . $dev->nick . ' target=remote remote=' . $dev->logserver . ':514 src-address=' . $ipd['ipv4']); _outln('/system logging add action=guifi_remot topics=critical'); _outln('/system logging add action=guifi_remot topics=account'); } if ($radio[mode] != 'client') { // Define wLan/Lan bridge (main interface) _outln_comment(t('Remove current wLan/Lan bridge if exists')); _outln(':foreach i in [/interface bridge find name=wLan/Lan] \\ '); _outln('do={:foreach i in [/interface bridge port find bridge=wLan/Lan] \\ '); _outln('do={/interface bridge port remove $i; \\ '); _outln(':foreach i in [/ip address find interface=wLan/Lan] \\ '); _outln('do={/ip address remove $i;};};'); _outln('/interface bridge remove $i;}'); // Construct bridge only if exists wlan/lan interface if ($wlanlan) { _outln_comment(t('Construct main bridge on wlan1 & ether1')); _outln('/ interface bridge'); _outln('add name="wLan/Lan"'); _outln('/ interface bridge port'); _outln('add interface=ether1 bridge=wLan/Lan'); _outln('add interface=wlan1 bridge=wLan/Lan'); } _outln(':delay 1'); } $firewall = false; // Going to setup wireless interfaces if (isset($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { switch ($radio[mode]) { case 'ap': $mode = 'ap-bridge'; $ssid = $radio['ssid']; $gain = $radio['antenna_gain']; if ($radio[channel] < 5000) { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { $band = '2ghz-b'; $chwidth = 'channel-width=20mhz'; } else { $band = '2.4ghz-b'; $chwidth = ''; } } else { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { $band = '5ghz-a'; $chwidth = 'channel-width=20mhz'; } else { $band = '5ghz'; $chwidth = ''; } } break; case 'client': case 'clientrouted': $mode = 'station'; $gain = $radio['antenna_gain']; foreach ($radio['interfaces'] as $interface) { foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $link) { $ssid = guifi_get_ap_ssid($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']); $protocol = guifi_get_ap_protocol($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']); $channel = guifi_get_ap_channel($link['interface']['device_id'], $link['interface']['radiodev_counter']); if ($protocol == '802.11b') { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { $band = '2ghz-b'; } else { $band = '2.4ghz-b'; } } if ($protocol == '802.11a') { if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv5.x' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'RouterOSv6.x') { $band = '5ghz-a'; } else { $band = '5ghz'; } } if ($protocol == '802.11n' and $channel > 5000) { $band = '5ghz-a/n'; } } } } $firewall = true; break; } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('Radio#: ' . $radio_id . ' ' . $radio[ssid]); _outln(sprintf('/interface wireless set wlan%d name="wlan%d" \\ ', $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 1)); _outln(sprintf(' radio-name="%s" mode=%s ssid="" \\ ', $radio[ssid], $mode, $ssid)); _outln(sprintf(' band="%s" ' . $chwidth . ' \\ ', $band)); _outln(sprintf(' frequency-mode=regulatory-domain country=spain antenna-gain=%s \\ ', $gain)); if ($radio['channel'] != 0 and $radio['channel'] != 5000) { // if not auto.. set channel if ($radio['channel'] < 20) { $incr = $radio['channel'] * 5; $radio['channel'] = 2407 + $incr; } _outln(sprintf(' frequency=%d \\ ', $radio['channel'])); } if ($band == '5ghz' || '5ghz-a' and $radio['channel'] == 5000 or $band == '2.4ghz-b' || '2ghz-b' and $radio['channel'] == 0) { _outln(' dfs-mode=radar-detect \\ '); } else { _outln(' dfs-mode=none \\ '); } if (empty($radio['antenna_mode'])) { _outln(sprintf(' wds-mode=static wds-default-bridge=none wds-default-cost=100 \\ ')); } else { if ($radio['antenna_mode'] != 'Main') { $radio['antenna_mode'] = 'ant-b'; } else { $radio['antenna_mode'] = 'ant-a'; } _outln(sprintf(' antenna-mode=%s wds-mode=static wds-default-bridge=none wds-default-cost=100 \\ ', $radio['antenna_mode'])); } _outln(' wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-ignore-ssid=yes hide-ssid=no'); if (isset($radio['interfaces'])) { foreach ($radio['interfaces'] as $interface_id => $interface) { _outln(':delay 1'); _outln_comment('Type: ' . $interface['interface_type']); if ($interface['interface_class'] == 'wds/p2p' || $interface['interface_type'] == 'wds/p2p') { _outln_comment(t('Remove all existing wds interfaces')); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/interface wireless wds find master-interface=wlan%s] \\ ', $radio_id + 1)); _outln('do={:foreach n in [/interface wireless wds get $i name] \\ '); _outln('do={:foreach inum in [/ip address find interface=$n] \\ '); _outln('do={/ip address remove $inum;};}; \\ '); _outln('/interface wireless wds remove $i;}'); if (isset($interface['ipv4'])) { foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if (isset($ipv4['links'])) { foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $link_id => $link) { if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { $disabled = 'no'; } else { $disabled = 'yes'; } $wdsname = 'wds_' . guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']); if ($link['interface']['mac'] == null) { $link['interface']['mac'] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } _outln('/ interface wireless wds'); _outln(sprintf('add name="%s" master-interface=wlan%d wds-address=%s disabled=%s', $wdsname, $radio_id + 1, $link['interface']['mac'], $disabled)); $item = _ipcalc($ipv4['ipv4'], $ipv4['netmask']); $ospf_zone = guifi_get_ospf_zone($zone); _outln(sprintf('/ ip address add address=%s/%d network=%s broadcast=%s interface=%s disabled=%s comment="%s"', $ipv4['ipv4'], $item['maskbits'], $item['netid'], $item['broadcast'], $wdsname, $disabled, $wdsname)); if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') { ospf_interface($wdsname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'no'); bgp_peer($link['device_id'], $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'], 'yes'); } else { ospf_interface($wdsname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'yes'); bgp_peer($link['device_id'], $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'], 'no'); } } } } } // each wds link (ipv4) } else { // wds // wLan, wLan/Lan, Hotspot or client // Defining all networks and IP addresses at the interface if (isset($interface['ipv4'])) { foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'wLan/Lan') { $iname = $interface['interface_type']; $ospf_routerid = $ipv4['ipv4']; } else { $iname = 'wlan' . ($radio_id + 1); } $item = _ipcalc($ipv4['ipv4'], $ipv4['netmask']); _outln('/ip address'); if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'Wan') { _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find interface=%s] do={remove $i}', $iname)); } _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find address="%s/%d"] do={remove $i}', $ipv4['ipv4'], $item['maskbits'])); _outln(sprintf('/ ip address add address=%s/%d network=%s broadcast=%s interface=%s disabled=no', $ipv4['ipv4'], $item['maskbits'], $item['netid'], $item['broadcast'], $iname)); $defined_ips[$ipv4['ipv4']] = $item; $ospf_zone = guifi_get_ospf_zone($zone); _outln('/ routing bgp network'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/routing bgp network find network=%s/%d] do={/routing bgp network remove $i;}', $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'])); _outln(sprintf('add network=%s/%d synchronize=no disabled=no', $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'])); if ($radio['mode'] != 'client') { ospf_interface($iname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'no'); } else { ospf_interface($iname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'yes'); } } } // HotSpot if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'HotSpot') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('HotSpot'); _outln('/interface wireless'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=hotspot%d] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 1)); _outln(sprintf('add name="hotspot%d" arp=enabled master-interface=wlan%d ssid="" disabled="no"', $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 1, variable_get("hotspot_ssid", "HotSpot"))); _outln('/ip address'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find address="192.168.%d.1/24"] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 100)); _outln(sprintf('/ip address add address=192.168.%d.1/24 interface=hotspot%d disabled=no', $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 1)); _outln('/ip pool'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=hs-pool-%d] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 100)); _outln(sprintf('add name="hs-pool-%d" ranges=192.168.%d.2-192.168.%d.254', $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 100)); _outln('/ip dhcp-server'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=hs-dhcp-%d] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 100)); _outln(sprintf('add name="hs-dhcp-%d" interface=hotspot%d lease-time=1h address-pool=hs-pool-%d bootp-support=static authoritative=after-2sec-delay disabled=no', $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 100)); _outln('/ip dhcp-server network'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find address="192.168.%d.0/24"] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 100)); _outln(sprintf('add address=192.168.%d.0/24 gateway=192.168.%d.1 comment=dhcp-%s', $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 100, $radio_id)); _outln('/ip hotspot profile'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=hsprof%d] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 1)); _outln(sprintf('add name="hsprof%d" hotspot-address=192.168.%d.1 dns-name="" html-directory=hotspot smtp-server= login-by=http-pap,trial split-user-domain=no trial-uptime=30m/1d trial-user-profile=default use-radius=no', $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 100)); _outln('/ip hotspot user profile'); _outln('set default name="default" advertise-url='); _outln('/ip hotspot'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [find name=hotspot%d] do={remove $i}', $radio_id + 1)); _outln(sprintf('add name="hotspot%d" interface=hotspot%d address-pool=hs-pool-%d profile=hsprof%d idle-timeout=5m keepalive-timeout=none addresses-per-mac=2 disabled=no', $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 1, $radio_id + 100, $radio_id + 1)); _outln_comment('end of HotSpot'); } // HotSpot _outln(':delay 1'); if (!preg_match("/(HotSpot|Wan)/", $interface['interface_type'])) { // Not link only (AP), setting DHCP if ($mode == 'ap-bridge') { $maxip = ip2long($item['netstart']) + 1; if ($maxip + 5 > ip2long($item['netend']) - 5) { $maxip = ip2long($item['netend']); $dhcp_disabled = 'yes'; } else { $maxip = $maxip + 5; $dhcp_disabled = 'no'; } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('DHCP'); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/ip pool find name=dhcp-%s] do={/ip pool remove $i;}', $iname)); _outln(sprintf('/ip pool add name=dhcp-%s ranges=%s-%s', $iname, long2ip($maxip), $item['netend'])); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/ip dhcp-server find name=dhcp-%s] do={/ip dhcp-server remove $i;}', $iname)); _outln(sprintf('/ip dhcp-server add name=dhcp-%s interface=%s address-pool=dhcp-%s disabled=%s', $iname, $iname, $iname, $dhcp_disabled)); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/ip dhcp-server network find address="%s/%d"] do={/ip dhcp-server network remove $i;}', $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'])); _outln(sprintf('/ip dhcp-server network add address=%s/%d gateway=%s comment=dhcp-%s', $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $item['netstart'], $iname)); $dhcp = array(); $dhcp[] = '/ip dhcp-server lease'; $dhcp[] = ':foreach i in [find comment=""] do={remove $i;}'; $dhcp[] = ':delay 1'; if (isset($ipv4['links'])) { foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $link_id => $link) { if (isset($link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'])) { if (ip2long($link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4']) >= $maxip) { $maxip = ip2long($link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4']) + 1; } } if ($link['interface']['mac'] == null) { $rmac = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff'; } else { $rmac = $link['interface']['mac']; } $dhcp[] = sprintf('add address=%s mac-address=%s client-id=%s server=dhcp-%s', $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'], $rmac, guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']), $iname); } } foreach ($dhcp as $outln) { _outln($outln); } } } } // wLan, wLan/Lan or client _outln_comment(); } } // foreach radio->interface _outln(':delay 1'); } } // foreach radio if ($firewall) { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('Device has firewall (setting up as CPE)'); // Setting gateway _outln(sprintf('/ip route add gateway=%s', $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'])); // Setting private network and DHCP _outln(':foreach i in [find address=""] do={remove $i}'); _outln('/ip address add address= network= broadcast= interface=ether1 comment="" disabled=no'); _outln(':delay 1'); _outln('/ip pool'); _outln(':foreach i in [find name=private] do={remove $i}'); _outln('add name="private" ranges='); _outln(':delay 1'); _outln('/ip dhcp-server'); _outln(':foreach i in [find name=private] do={remove $i}'); _outln('add name="private" interface=ether1 lease-time=3d address-pool=private bootp-support=static authoritative=after-2sec-delay disabled=no'); _outln(':delay 1'); _outln('/ip dhcp-server network'); _outln(':foreach i in [find] do={remove $i}'); if ($secondary_dns != null) { _outln(sprintf('add address= gateway= netmask=24 dns-server=%s,%s domain="" comment=""', $primary_dns, $secondary_dns)); } else { if ($primary_dns != null) { _outln(sprintf('add address= gateway= netmask=24 dns-server=%s domain="" comment=""', $primary_dns)); } } _outln(':delay 1'); // be sure that there is no dhcp client requests since having a static ip _outln('/ip dhcp-client'); _outln(':foreach i in [find] do={remove $i}'); _outln(':delay 1'); // NAT private network _outln('/ip firewall nat'); _outln(':foreach i in [find] do={remove $i}'); _outln(':delay 1'); _outln('add chain=srcnat out-interface=wlan1 action=masquerade comment="" disabled=no'); // Firewall enabled, allowing winbox, ssh and snmp _outln('/ip firewall filter'); _outln(':foreach i in [find] do={remove $i}'); _outln('add chain=input connection-state=established action=accept comment="Allow Established connections" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=udp action=accept comment="Allow UDP" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input src-address="" action=accept comment="Allow access to router from known network" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=22 action=accept comment="Allow remote ssh" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=udp dst-port=161 action=accept comment="Allow snmp" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=tcp dst-port=8291 action=accept comment="Allow remote winbox" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=icmp action=accept comment="Allow ping" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=forward connection-state=established action=accept comment="Allow already established connections" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=forward connection-state=related action=accept comment="Allow related connections" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=forward src-address="" action=accept comment="Allow access to router from known network" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input protocol=tcp connection-state=invalid action=drop comment="" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=forward protocol=tcp connection-state=invalid action=drop comment="Drop invalid connections" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=forward action=drop comment="Drop anything else" disabled=no'); _outln('add chain=input action=drop comment="Drop anything else" disabled=no'); _outln(':delay 1'); // End of Unsolclic _outln_comment(); _outln(sprintf(':log info "Unsolclic for %d-%s executed."', $dev->id, $dev->nick)); _outln('/'); return; } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('Routed device'); // Now, defining other interfaces (if they aren't yet) _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Other cable connections')); if (isset($dev->interfaces)) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface_id => $interface) { switch ($interface[interface_type]) { case 'vlan': $iname = 'wLan/Lan'; break; case 'vlan2': $iname = 'ether2'; break; case 'vlan3': $iname = 'ether3'; break; case 'vlan4': $iname = 'wLan/Lan'; break; case 'Wan': $iname = 'wLan/Lan'; break; default: $iname = $interface['interface_type']; break; } $ospf_intrefaces[] = $iname; if (isset($interface['ipv4'])) { foreach ($interface['ipv4'] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { if (!isset($defined_ips[$ipv4['ipv4']])) { $disabled = 'yes'; if (isset($ipv4['links'])) { unset($comments); foreach ($ipv4['links'] as $link_id => $link) { if ($disabled = 'yes' and preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $link['flag'])) { $disabled = 'no'; } $comments[] = guifi_get_hostname($link['device_id']); $ospf_zone = guifi_get_ospf_zone($zone); $item = _ipcalc($ipv4['ipv4'], $ipv4['netmask']); if ($link['routing'] == 'OSPF') { ospf_interface($iname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'no'); bgp_peer($link['device_id'], $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'], 'yes'); } else { ospf_interface($iname, $item['netid'], $item['maskbits'], $ospf_name, $ospf_zone, $ospf_id, 'yes'); bgp_peer($link['device_id'], $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'], 'no'); } } } else { $disabled = 'no'; } $item = _ipcalc($ipv4['ipv4'], $ipv4['netmask']); _outln(sprintf(':foreach i in [/ip address find address="%s/%d"] do={/ip address remove $i;}', $ipv4['ipv4'], $item['maskbits'])); _outln(':delay 1'); _outln(sprintf('/ ip address add address=%s/%d network=%s broadcast=%s interface=%s disabled=%s comment="%s"', $ipv4['ipv4'], $item['maskbits'], $item['netid'], $item['broadcast'], $iname, $disabled, implode(',', $comments))); $defined_ips[$ipv4['ipv4']] = $item; } } } } } // NAT for internal addresses while being used inside the router _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('Internal addresses NAT')); _outln(':foreach i in [/ip firewall nat find src-address=""] do={/ip firewall nat remove $i;}'); _outln(':foreach i in [/ip firewall nat find src-address=""] do={/ip firewall nat remove $i;}'); _outln('/ip firewall nat'); switch ($dev->variable['firmware']) { case 'RouterOSv2.9': _outln(sprintf('add chain=srcnat src-address="" dst-address=! action=src-nat to-addresses=%s to-ports=0-65535 comment="" disabled=no', $ospf_routerid)); break; case 'RouterOSv3.x': case 'RouterOSv4.0+': case 'RouterOSv4.7+': case 'RouterOSv5.x': case 'RouterOSv6.x': _outln(sprintf('add chain=srcnat src-address="" dst-address=! action=src-nat to-addresses=%s comment="" disabled=no', $ospf_routerid)); break; } // BGP _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('BGP Routing')); _outln_comment(t('BGP & OSPF Filters')); _outln(':foreach i in [/routing filter find chain=ospf-in] do={/routing filter remove $i;}'); _outln(':foreach i in [/routing filter find chain=ospf-out] do={/routing filter remove $i;}'); _outln(':foreach i in [/routing filter find chain=ebgp-in] do={/routing filter remove $i;}'); _outln(':foreach i in [/routing filter find chain=ebgp-out] do={/routing filter remove $i;}'); _outln("/ routing filter"); _outln(sprintf('add chain=ebgp-in comment="0. Set ebgp-in preferred source." set-pref-src="%s" disabled=no', $ospf_routerid)); _outln('add action=discard chain=ebgp-in comment="1. Discard insert non 10.x routes from BGP peer" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix=! prefix-length=8-32'); _outln('add action=discard chain=ebgp-out comment="2. Discard send non 10.x routes to BGP peer" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix=! prefix-length=8-32'); _outln(sprintf('add action=accept chain=ospf-in comment="3. Accept insert 10.x routes from OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix= prefix-length=8-32 set-pref-src="%s"', $ospf_routerid)); _outln('add action=accept chain=ospf-in comment="4. Accept insert 172.x routes from OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix= prefix-length=8-32'); _outln('add action=discard chain=ospf-in comment="5. Discard insert non 10.x and 172.x from OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no'); _outln('add action=accept chain=ospf-out comment="6. Allow send 10.x routes to OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix= prefix-length=8-32'); _outln('add action=accept chain=ospf-out comment="7. Allow send 172.x routes to OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no prefix= prefix-length=8-32'); _outln('add action=discard chain=ospf-out comment="8. Discard send non 10.x and 172.x to OSPF neighbor" disabled=no invert-match=no'); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('BGP instance')); _outln("/ routing bgp instance"); _outln(sprintf('set default name="default" as=%d router-id=%s \\ ', $dev->id, $ospf_routerid)); switch ($dev->variable['firmware']) { case 'RouterOSv4.0+': case 'RouterOSv4.7+': case 'RouterOSv5.x': case 'RouterOSv6.x': _outln('redistribute-connected=no redistribute-static=no redistribute-rip=no \\ '); break; default: _outln('redistribute-connected=yes redistribute-static=yes redistribute-rip=yes \\ '); } _outln('redistribute-ospf=yes redistribute-other-bgp=yes out-filter=ebgp-out \\ '); _outln('client-to-client-reflection=yes comment="" disabled=no'); // OSPF _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('OSPF Routing')); switch ($dev->variable['firmware']) { case 'RouterOSv2.9': case 'RouterOSv3.x': _outln(sprintf('/routing ospf set router-id=%s distribute-default=never redistribute-connected=no \\ ', $ospf_routerid)); _outln(sprintf('redistribute-static=no redistribute-rip=no redistribute-bgp=as-type-1')); break; case 'RouterOSv4.0+': case 'RouterOSv4.7+': case 'RouterOSv5.x': case 'RouterOSv6.x': _outln(sprintf('/routing ospf instance set default name=default router-id=%s comment="" disabled=no distribute-default=never \\ ', $ospf_routerid)); _outln(sprintf('redistribute-bgp=as-type-1 redistribute-connected=no redistribute-other-ospf=no redistribute-rip=no redistribute-static=no in-filter=ospf-in out-filter=ospf-out')); break; } // End of Unsolclic _outln_comment(); _outln(sprintf(':log info "Unsolclic for %d-%s executed."', $dev->id, $dev->nick)); _outln('/'); }
function _guifi_user_queue_devices($u) { $query = db_query('SELECT ' . 'FROM {guifi_devices} d ' . 'WHERE d.nid=%d' . ' AND type="radio"', $u['nid']); $rows = array(); while ($d = db_fetch_array($query)) { $d = guifi_device_load($d['id']); $d['uid'] = $u['id']; if (guifi_device_access('update', $d['id'])) { $edit_device_icon = l(guifi_img_icon('edit.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $d['id'] . '/edit', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))) . l(guifi_img_icon('drop.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $d['id'] . '/delete', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))); } else { $edit_device_icon = ''; } if (user_access('administer guifi users')) { $edit_ok_icon = drupal_get_form('_guifi_user_queue_device_form', $d); } else { $edit_ok_icon = $d['flag']; if (count($d['radios']) == 1 and $d['radios'][0]['mode'] == 'client') { $edit_ok_icon .= ' ' . $d['radios'][0]['mac']; } } $ip = guifi_main_ip($d['id']); $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $d['id'], 'format' => 'short')); $rows[] = array($edit_device_icon . l($d['nick'], 'guifi/device/' . $d['id'], array('attributes' => array('target' => '_blank'))), array('data' => l($ip['ipv4'] . '/' . $ip['maskbits'], guifi_device_admin_url($d, $ip['ipv4']), array('attributes' => array('title' => t('Connect to the device on a new window'), 'target' => '_blank'))), 'align' => 'right'), array('data' => $edit_ok_icon, 'class' => $d['flag']), array('data' => $status_url, 'class' => $d['flag'])); } return $rows; }
function guifi_kamikaze_files($dev, $zone) { //SOME VARIABLES $lan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'wLan/Lan'); $wan = guifi_unsolclic_if($dev->id, 'Wan'); $dns = guifi_get_dns($zone, 2); $wireless_model = 0; $wireless_iface = 0; switch ($dev->variable['model_id']) { case "1": case "15": case "16": case "17": case "18": // WRT54Gv1-4, WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54S (BUFFALO), WRT54GL, WRT54GSv1-2, WRT54GSv4 $wireless_model = 'broadcom'; $wireless_iface = 'wl0'; $vlans = 'config switch eth0 option vlan0 \\"1 2 3 4 5*\\" option vlan1 \\"0 5\\" '; $lan_iface = 'eth0.0'; $wan_iface = 'eth0.1'; $txant = 'txant'; $rxant = 'rxant'; $packages = 'broadcom/packages'; break; default: _outln_comment('model id not supported'); exit; } if (empty($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode])) { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = 'Main'; } if ($dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] != 'Main') { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '1'; } else { $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] = '0'; } $wds_links = array(); $wds_str = ''; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { if ($interface['interface_type'] == 'wds/p2p') { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $key => $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'wds') { $wds_links[] = $link; } $iplocal[] = $ipv4; $iflocal[] = $interface; } } } } } if (count($wds_links) == 0) { return; } // SECTION FILES // FILE NETWORK $lan_network = _ipcalc($lan->ipv4, $lan->netmask); $file_network = ' ' . $vlans . ' config interface loopback option \'ifname\' \'lo\' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'\' option \'netmask\' \'\' config interface lan option \'ifname\' \'' . $lan_iface . '\' option \'type\' \'bridge\' option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $lan->ipv4 . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $lan->netmask . '\' option \'gateway\' \'\' option \'dns\' \'' . $dns . '\' config interface wan option \'ifname\' \'' . $wan_iface . '\' option \'proto\' \'none\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/network')); _out_file($file_network, '/etc/config/network'); // FILE WIRELESS $file_wireless = ' config \'wifi-device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'type\' \'' . $wireless_model . '\' option \'channel\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][channel] . '\' option \'disabled\' \'0\' option \'' . $txant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\' option \'' . $rxant . '\' \'' . $dev->radios[0][antenna_mode] . '\' config wifi-iface option \'device\' \'' . $wireless_iface . '\' option \'network\' \'lan\' option \'mode\' \'ap\' option \'ssid\' \'' . guifi_to_7bits($dev->radios[0][ssid]) . '\' option \'encryption \'none\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/wireless')); _out_file($file_wireless, '/etc/config/wireless'); // WDS Links $ifcount = 1; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { $hostname = guifi_get_hostname($wds['device_id']); if (preg_match("/(Working|Testing|Building)/", $wds['flag'])) { $status = 'active'; if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $bgpd = '1'; } if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $ospfd = '1'; } $ifcount++; $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'' . $wds['interface']['mac'] . '\''; $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'static\' option \'ifname\' \'wds0.' . ($key + 1) . '\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][ipv4] . '\' option \'netmask\' \'' . $iplocal[$key][netmask] . '\''; } else { $status = 'disabled'; $wds_won = 'option \'bssid\' \'00:00:00:00:00:00\''; $wds_non = 'option \'proto\' \'none\''; } $wds_network = 'config \'interface\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' ' . $wds_non . ' '; $wds_wireless = 'config \'wifi-iface\' option \'device\' \'wl0\' option \'network\' \'wds_' . $hostname . '\' option \'mode\' \'wds\' option \'encryption\' \'none\' ' . $wds_won . ' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('WDS ' . $hostname . ''); _outln_comment('Routing: ' . $wds['routing'] . ''); _outln_comment('Status: ' . $status . ''); print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_network . ' " >> /etc/config/network </pre>'; print '<pre>echo "' . $wds_wireless . ' " >> /etc/config/wireless </pre>'; } if (count($wds_links) >= 5) { return; } // QUAGGA CONFIG FILES $file_zebra = ''; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/zebra.conf')); _out_file($file_zebra, '/etc/quagga/zebra.conf'); // FILE OSPFD if ($ospfd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router ospf ospf router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' redistribute bgp network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'OSPF') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . ' area 0<br />'; } } print 'default-information originate ! " > /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf</pre>'; } // FILE BGPD if ($bgpd == '1') { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf')); print '<pre>mv /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf.bak echo " ! interface br-lan ! router bgp ' . $dev->id . ' bgp router-id ' . $lan->ipv4 . ' network ' . $lan_network[netid] . '/' . $lan_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; foreach ($wds_links as $key => $wds) { if ($wds['routing'] == 'BGP') { $wds_network = _ipcalc($iplocal[$key][ipv4], $iplocal[$key][netmask]); print ' network ' . $wds_network[netid] . '/' . $wds_network[maskbits] . '<br />'; } } print 'redistribute ospf '; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio_id => $radio) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface_id => $interface) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4_id => $ipv4) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link_id => $link) { if ($link['routing'] == 'BGP') { print 'neighbor ' . $link['interface']['ipv4']['ipv4'] . ' remote-as ' . $link['device_id'] . ' '; } } } } } print '" > /etc/quagga/bgpd.conf</pre>'; } //FILE FIREWALL $firewall = ' config defaults option \'syn_flood\' \'1\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' config zone option \'name\' \'lan\' option \'input\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'output\' \'ACCEPT\' option \'forward\' \'ACCEPT\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/firewall')); _out_file($firewall, '/etc/config/firewall'); //FILE OPKG $opkg_conf = ' src/gz guifi' . $packages . ' dest root / dest ram /tmp lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/opkg.conf')); _out_file($opkg_conf, '/etc/opkg.conf'); $dhcp_statics = array(); $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4); function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr) { if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) { $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id])); $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]); if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) { $max[3] = $curr[3]; } } $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]); $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]); // cable links if (!empty($dev->interfaces)) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') { $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]); if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } // ap/client links if (!empty($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { if (!empty($radio[interfaces])) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } } $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1; $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics); $first = explode(".", $item[netid]); $last = explode(".", $item[broadcast]); $limit = $last[3] - 1 - ($first[3] + 3) - $totalstatics; if ($statics == -1) { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers')); _outln_nvram('dhcp_start', $max[3] + 2); } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/luci_ethers')); print 'echo "'; foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { print '<pre> ## Device: ' . $static[2] . ' config \'static_lease\' option \'macaddr\' \'' . $static[1] . '\' option \'ipaddr\' \'' . $static[0] . '\' </pre>'; } print '" > /etc/config/luci_ethers<br />'; // FILE DHCP $file_dhcp = ' config \'dnsmasq\' option \'domainneeded\' \'1\' option \'boguspriv\' \'1\' option \'filterwin2k\' \'0\' option \'localise_queries\' \'1\' option \'local\' \'/lan/\' option \'domain\' \'lan\' option \'expandhosts\' \'1\' option \'nonegcache\' \'0\' option \'authoritative\' \'1\' option \'readethers\' \'1\' option \'leasefile\' \'/tmp/dhcp.leases\' option \'resolvfile\' \'/tmp/\' config \'dhcp\' \'lan\' option \'interface\' \'lan\' option \'leasetime\' \'12h\' option \'start\' \'' . ($max[3] + 2) . '\' option \'limit\' \'' . $limit . '\' '; _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(); _outln_comment(t('File /etc/config/dhcp')); _out_file($file_dhcp, '/etc/config/dhcp'); }
function guifi_unsolclic_dhcp($dev) { $dhcp_statics = array(); $max = explode(".", $dev->ipv4); function merge_static($link, &$dhcp_statics, &$max, &$curr) { if (empty($link['interface'][mac])) { $link['interface'][mac] = 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'; } $dhcp_statics[] = array($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][mac], guifi_get_hostname($link['interface'][device_id])); $curr = explode(".", $link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4]); if ($curr[3] > $max[3]) { $max[3] = $curr[3]; } } $main_ip = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); $item = _ipcalc_by_netbits($main_ip[ipv4], $main_ip[maskbits]); $max = explode(".", $main_ip[ipv4]); // cable links if (!empty($dev->interfaces)) { foreach ($dev->interfaces as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4] != '') { $item2 = _ipcalc($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4], $link['interface'][ipv4][netmask]); if ($item[netid] == $item2[netid]) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } // ap/client links if (!empty($dev->radios)) { foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { if (!empty($radio[interfaces])) { foreach ($radio[interfaces] as $interface) { if (!empty($interface[ipv4])) { foreach ($interface[ipv4] as $ipv4) { if (!empty($ipv4[links])) { foreach ($ipv4[links] as $link) { if ($link['link_type'] == 'ap/client' and !empty($link['interface'][ipv4][ipv4])) { merge_static($link, $dhcp_statics, $max, $cur); } } } } } } } } } $statics = count($dhcp_statics) - 1; $totalstatics = count($dhcp_statics); if ($statics == -1) { _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('DHCP'); _outln_nvram('dhcp_start', $max[3] + 5); return; } _outln_comment(); _outln_comment('DHCP'); if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Alchemy') { _out_nvram('dhcpd_statics'); for ($i = 0; $i < $statics; $i++) { _out(implode(" ", $dhcp_statics[$i])); } _out(implode(" ", $dhcp_statics[$statics]), '"'); } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-WRTv23' or $dev->variable['firmware'] == 'DD-guifi') { $staticText = ""; foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { $staticText .= $static[1] . "=" . $static[2] . "=" . $static[0] . " "; } _out('nvram set static_leases="' . $staticText, ' "'); _outln_nvram('static_leasenum', $totalstatics); } if ($dev->variable['firmware'] == 'Talisman') { _out_nvram('dhcp_statics'); foreach ($dhcp_statics as $static) { _out($static[1] . "-" . $static[0] . "-" . $static[2] . " "); } _out(null, '"'); } _outln_nvram('dhcp_start', $max[3] + 5); return; }
function unsolclic_qmp($dev) { $version = "v1.0.3"; // sed 's/<br \/>//g' // echo "<pre>"; // _outln_comment("<pre>"); _outln_comment("<style type=\"text/css\"> x {font-family:courier;} </style> <x>"); _outln_comment("qMp Guifi-oneclick " . $version); _outln_comment(" __ _ /\\/\\ _ __"); _outln_comment(" / _` |/ \\| '_ \\ "); _outln_comment("| (_| / /\\/\\ \\ |_) | "); _outln_comment(" \\__, \\/ \\/ .__/ "); _outln_comment(" |_| |_| "); _outln_comment(" quick MESH project </x> "); _outln_comment(""); _outln_comment("<b>Important:</b> You should have <b>'qmp-guifi'</b> package installed in your node."); _outln_comment(""); _outln_comment("To apply this configuration in your node, you can follow this instructions: "); _outln_comment("<a href='' target='_blank'></a> "); _outln_comment(""); // ONLY THE FIRST MESH IP FOUND IS GET // TO DO: Check if there are more than one MESH radios and/or interfaces // $mesh = "no"; $ipv4 = "-"; $netmask = "-"; $devmodel = "-"; foreach ($dev->radios as $radio) { if ($radio['mode'] == 'mesh') { $mesh = "yes"; $ipd = guifi_main_ip($dev->id); if ($ipd != '') { $ipv4 = $ipd['ipv4']; $netmask = $ipd['netmask']; $maskbits = $ipd['maskbits']; } else { $ipv4 = "-"; $netmask = "-"; $maskbits = "-"; } } } // GET ZONE NICK (MAYBE ID?) // $node = node_load(array('nid' => $dev->nid)); $zone = node_load(array('nid' => $node->zone_id)); $zonename = $zone->nick; _outln(); _outln("meshradio='" . $mesh . "'"); if ($mesh == 'yes') { _outln("nodename='" . $node->nick . "'"); // This is the node name _outln("latitude='" . $node->lat . "'"); _outln("longitude='" . $node->lon . "'"); _outln("devname='" . $dev->nick . "'"); // This is the device name with mesh radio _outln("devmodel='" . $dev->model . "'"); _outln("ipv4='" . $ipv4 . "'"); _outln("netmask='" . $netmask . "'"); _outln("zoneid='" . $zonename . "'"); } else { _outln(); _outln_comment(" <b>You don't have any Mesh radio!</b>"); _outln_comment(" If you want to use Guifi-oneclick, make sure you configure it properly."); _outln_comment(" You can follow the instructions in the wiki: <a href='./unsolclic' target='_self'>EN (not yet)</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>ES</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>CA</a>"); } // var_dump($node->nid['zone_id']); }
function _guifi_zone_availability_devices($nid) { $oneyearfromnow = time() - '31622400'; $qry = db_query('SELECT did, d.nick dnick, d.flag dflag, d.timestamp_changed changed ' . 'FROM {guifi_devices} d ' . 'WHERE d.type = "radio" ' . ' AND d.nid=%d ' . 'ORDER BY d.nick', $nid); $rows = array(); while ($d = db_fetch_array($qry)) { $dev = guifi_device_load($d['did']); if (guifi_device_access('update', $dev)) { $edit = l(guifi_img_icon('edit.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $d['did'] . '/edit', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('title' => t('edit device'), 'target' => '_blank'))) . l(guifi_img_icon('drop.png'), 'guifi/device/' . $d['did'] . '/delete', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('title' => t('delete device'), 'target' => '_blank'))); } else { $edit = NULL; } $ip = guifi_main_ip($d['did']); $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $d['did'], 'format' => 'long')); if (!empty($d['changed'])) { if ($d['changed'] < $oneyearfromnow) { $dchanged = array('data' => '<b><font color="#AA0000">' . format_date($d['changed'], 'custom', t('d/m/Y')) . '</font></b>'); } else { $dchanged = array('data' => format_date($d['changed'], 'custom', t('d/m/Y'))); } } else { $dchanged = array('data' => t('never changed')); } $rows[] = array(array('data' => $edit . l($d['dnick'], 'guifi/device/' . $d['did'])), array('data' => l($ip['ipv4'] . '/' . $ip['maskbits'], guifi_device_admin_url($d['did'], $ip['ipv4']), array('attributes' => array('title' => t('Connect to the device on a new window'), 'target' => '_blank'))), 'align' => 'right'), array('data' => $d['dflag'] . $status_url, 'class' => $d['dflag']), $dchanged); } guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_zone_availability_device()', $rows); return $rows; }