function UpdateSql($data, $table, $where, $strict = false) { $f = ''; $field = array(); if ($strict) { $fieldrows = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_first("select * from " . tname($table)); $field = array_keys($fieldrows); } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if ($strict) { if (in_array($key, $field)) { $d = $i > 0 ? ',' : ''; $f .= $d . "`" . $key . "`=" . "'" . global_addslashes(trim($val)) . "'"; $i++; } } else { $d = $i > 0 ? ',' : ''; $f .= $d . "`" . $key . "`=" . "'" . global_addslashes(trim($val)) . "'"; $i++; } } $sql = "update " . tname($table) . " set "; $sql .= $f . " where 1 " . $where; return $sql; }
function login_action() { if (submitcheck('commit')) { $data['email'] = global_addslashes(trim($_POST['user_name'])); $data['pwd'] = md52($_POST['pwd']); $user = $this->user->GetOne('and email="' . $data['email'] . '" and pwd="' . $data['pwd'] . '" and usertype!="nulluser"'); if ($user) { if ($user['usertype'] == 'adminuser') { $GLOBALS['session']->set(array('adminid' => $user['uid'], 'username' => $user['email'])); exit('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--"index.php?con=admin","_top",""); //--> </SCRIPT>'); } else { $GLOBALS['session']->set(array('uid' => $user['uid'], 'username' => $user['email'])); sheader($_POST['referer'] ? $_POST['referer'] : 'index.php', 3, '登录成功'); } } else { sheader(url('user', 'login'), 3, '登录失败,请重新登录'); } } else { $referer = dreferer(); include template('login'); } }
function global_addslashes($string, $force = 1) { if ($force) { $string = stripslashes_deep($string); if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = global_addslashes($val, $force); } } else { $source = array('select', '`', 'where', 'and', 'update', 'insert', 'delete', '<script', '<?', '?>', 'or', 'eval'); $dst = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $string = str_replace($source, $dst, addslashes($string)); } } else { $string = stripslashes_deep($string); } return $string; }
<?php /* [Phpup.Net!] (C)2009-2011 This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $Id: getinfo.php 2010-08-24 10:42 $ */ error_reporting(0); define('IN_PROVERB', 1); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); define('BIDCMS_CLIENT_SESSION', 'proverb'); define('ROOT_PATH', str_replace('inc', '', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)))); include ROOT_PATH . '/data/'; header("Content-type:text/html;charset=" . $proverbcharset); include ROOT_PATH . '/data/cache/setting.php'; require ROOT_PATH . '/inc/session/session_operator_native.class.php'; $session = new session_operator_native(); $session->session_start(); include ROOT_PATH . '/inc/upyun.class.php'; include ROOT_PATH . '/inc/global.func.php'; $setting = $content; define('TPL_DIR', !empty($setting['site_template_dir']) ? $setting['site_template_dir'] : 'default'); $_REQUEST = global_addslashes($_REQUEST); $_GET = global_addslashes($_GET); $_POST = global_addslashes($_POST); require ROOT_PATH . '/inc/mysql.class.php'; //初始化数据连接 $db = new proverb_mysql(); $db->connect($proverbdbhost, $proverbdbuser, $proverbdbpw, $proverbdbname);
function showmessage($js = true) { if ($js) { echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('" . global_addslashes(str_replace("\n", '', $this->error)) . "');</script>"; exit; } else { echo nl2br($this->error); } }
function manageuser_action() { $ext = ''; $container = ''; if ($_REQUEST['username']) { $container .= ' and username like "%' . global_addslashes($_REQUEST['username']) . '%"'; $ext = '&username='******'username']; } $showpage = array('isshow' => 1, 'currentpage' => intval($_REQUEST['page']), 'pagesize' => 20, 'url' => 'index.php?con=' . $GLOBALS['setting']['adminpath'] . '&act=admin' . $ext, 'example' => 3); $user_mod = new common('admin'); $userlist = $user_mod->GetPage($showpage, $container); include ROOT_PATH . '/views/admin/manageuser.php'; }
function _autoInsertGroup($ids) { $container = $ids == -1 ? 'and id>0' : 'and id in (' . ($ids ? $ids : 0) . ')'; $data = $this->tempsite->GetPage(array('isshow' => 0), $container); set_time_limit(0); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $o = $v['oldprice'] > 0 ? $v['oldprice'] : 1; $data[$k]['discount'] = intval($v['nowprice'] * 100 / $v['oldprice']) / 10; $newtime = explode('+', $v['lasttime']); $startnewtime = explode('+', $v['starttime']); $data[$k]['grouptype'] = $grouptype; $data[$k]['cityname'] = $v['cityname'] ? $v['cityname'] : '其它'; $data[$k]['cityid'] = $v['cityname'] ? Pinyin($v['cityname']) : 'qita'; $lasttime = str_replace('日', '', str_replace('月', '-', str_replace('年', '-', trim($newtime[0])))); $lasttime = str_replace('秒', '', str_replace('分', ':', str_replace('时', ':', $lasttime))); $starttime = str_replace('日', '', str_replace('月', '-', str_replace('年', '-', trim($startnewtime[0])))); $starttime = str_replace('秒', '', str_replace('分', ':', str_replace('时', ':', $starttime))); $data[$k]['lasttime'] = strtotime($lasttime) > 0 ? strtotime($lasttime) : $lasttime; $data[$k]['starttime'] = strtotime($starttime) > 0 ? strtotime($starttime) : $starttime; $data[$k]['ispassed'] = $GLOBALS['setting']['site_allow_passed'] ? 1 : 0; if ($v['thumb']) { if ($GLOBALS['allowremote']) { $thumb = $this->curl->get($v['thumb']); if ($thumb) { $file = explode('.', $v['thumb']); $dir = 'data/upload/' . date('Y/m'); mkdir2(ROOT_PATH . '/' . $dir); $stuff = str_replace('/', '', $file[count($file) - 1]); if (!in_array(substr($stuff, 4), array('jpeg', 'png', 'jpg', 'gif'))) { $stuff = 'jpg'; } $file = md52(microtime()) . '.' . $stuff; writefile(ROOT_PATH . '/' . $dir . '/' . $file, $thumb); $data[$k]['thumb'] = $dir . '/' . $file; } else { $data[$k]['thumb'] = $v['thumb']; } } } } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $group = $this->group->GetOne('and subject="' . global_addslashes($v['subject']) . '" and siteid=' . $v['siteid']); if (!$group) { unset($v['id']); $this->group->InsertData($v); } } $this->tempsite->DeleteData('1 ' . $container); sleep(1); }
function global_addslashes($string, $force = 1) { if ($force) { $string = stripslashes_deep($string); if (is_array($string)) { foreach ($string as $key => $val) { $string[$key] = global_addslashes($val, $force); } } else { $string = addslashes($string); } } else { $string = stripslashes_deep($string); } return $string; }