Ejemplo n.º 1
if (C_CHAT_BOOT) {
    $CondForQueryM = "(username='******' OR message='stripslashes(sprintf(L_ENTER_ROM, \"" . $U . "\"))' OR message='stripslashes(sprintf(L_ENTER_ROM_NOSOUND, \"" . $U . "\"))' OR ((username='******' OR username LIKE 'SYS top%' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******' OR username='******') AND address='{$U}'))";
    $DbLink->query("SELECT type,m_time,room FROM " . C_MSG_TBL . " WHERE " . $CondForQueryM . " ORDER BY m_time DESC LIMIT 1");
    list($m_type, $m_time, $m_room) = $DbLink->next_record();
    $CondForQueryU = "status!='a' AND status!='t' AND status!='m' AND username='******' AND username!='" . C_BOT_NAME . "' AND awaystat='0' AND (u_time > " . ($m_time + C_USR_DEL * 60) . " OR (status ='k' AND u_time <  " . (time() - 20) . "))" . $Hide . "";
    $DbLink->query("DELETE FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE " . $CondForQueryU . "");
    $CleanUsrTbl = $DbLink->affected_rows() > 0;
    if ($CleanUsrTbl) {
        // Ghost Control mod by Ciprian
        if (C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS != "") {
            $sghosts = "";
            $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
            $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
        if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in(stripslashes($U), $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($status == "a" || $status == "t") || C_HIDE_MODERS && $status == "m") {
        } else {
            $DbLink->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ('" . $m_type . "', '" . $m_room . "', 'SYS exit', '', " . time() . ", '', 'sprintf(L_BOOT_ROM, \"{$U}\")', '', '')");
        if (C_EN_STATS) {
            $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_away=seconds_away+({$curtime}-last_away), longest_away=IF({$curtime}-last_away < longest_away, longest_away, {$curtime}-last_away), last_away='' WHERE (stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_away,'%Y-%m-%d') OR stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d')) AND room='{$m_room}' AND username='******' AND last_away!='0'");
            $DbLink->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_in=seconds_in+({$curtime}-last_in), longest_in=IF({$curtime}-last_in < longest_in, longest_in, {$curtime}-last_in), last_in='' WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$m_room}' AND username='******' AND last_in!='0'");
        if ($DbLink) {
        $botpath = "botfb/" . $U;
        // file is in DIR "botfb" and called "username"
        if (file_exists($botpath)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
$Chat = new DB();
$Chat->query("SELECT room,username,u_time,status FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username != '" . C_BOT_NAME . "' AND (u_time<'" . (time() - 60) . "' OR (status = 'k' AND u_time<'" . (time() - 20) . "'))");
while (list($userroom, $userclosed, $usertime, $statusclosed) = $Chat->next_record()) {
    //		$when = date('r', $usertime + C_TMZ_OFFSET*60*60);
    $when = $usertime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60;
    $when = stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') ? '\\".utf_conv(WIN_DEFAULT,$Charset,strftime(L_LONG_DATETIME,' . $when . ')).\\"' : '\\".strftime(L_LONG_DATETIME,' . $when . ').\\"';
    $ChatM->query("SELECT type FROM " . C_MSG_TBL . " WHERE room = '" . $userroom . "' ORDER BY m_time DESC LIMIT 1");
    list($usertype) = $ChatM->next_record();
    $userclosed = addslashes($userclosed);
    // Ghost Control mod by Ciprian
    if (C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS != "") {
        $sghosts = "";
        $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
        $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
    if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($userclosed, $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($statusclosed == "a" || $statusclosed == "t") || C_HIDE_MODERS && $statusclosed == "m") {
    } else {
        $ChatM->query("INSERT INTO " . C_MSG_TBL . " VALUES ('" . $usertype . "', '" . $userroom . "', 'SYS exit', '', '" . time() . "', '', 'sprintf(L_CLOSED_ROM, \"(" . $when . ") " . $userclosed . "\")', '', '')");
    if (C_EN_STATS) {
        $ChatM->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_away=seconds_away+({$usertime}-last_away), longest_away=IF({$usertime}-last_away < longest_away, longest_away, {$usertime}-last_away), last_away='' WHERE (stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_away,'%Y-%m-%d') OR stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d')) AND room='{$userroom}' AND username='******' AND last_away!='0'");
        $ChatM->query("UPDATE " . C_STS_TBL . " SET seconds_in=seconds_in+({$usertime}-last_in), longest_in=IF({$usertime}-last_in < longest_in, longest_in, {$usertime}-last_in), last_in='' WHERE stat_date=FROM_UNIXTIME(last_in,'%Y-%m-%d') AND room='{$userroom}' AND username='******' AND last_in!='0'");
    $ChatM->query("DELETE FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " WHERE username='******'");
    $CleanUsrTbl = $ChatM->affected_rows() > 0;
    $highpath = "botfb/" . $userclosed;
    // file is in DIR "botfb" and called "username"
    if (file_exists($highpath)) {
    // checks to see if user file exists.
Ejemplo n.º 3
function display_connected($Private, $Full, $String1, $String2, $Charset, $gi)
    $List = "";
    global $ordquery, $DbLink, $DefaultDispChatRooms, $res_init, $disp_note, $L;
    if ($Private) {
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.username, u.latin1, u.room, u.r_time, u.ip, u.status, u.country_code, u.country_name FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " u ORDER BY {$ordquery}";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.username, u.latin1, u.room, u.r_time, u.ip, u.status, u.country_code, u.country_name FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " u, " . C_MSG_TBL . " m WHERE u.room = m.room AND m.type = 1 ORDER BY {$ordquery}";
    $NbUsers = $DbLink->num_rows();
    // Ghost Control mod by Ciprian
    if ($Full && $NbUsers >= 1) {
        $sghosts = "";
        $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
        $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
        if ($NbUsers == 1) {
            echo $String1 . "<br />";
        } else {
            echo $NbUsers . " " . NB_USERS_IN . "<br />";
        while (list($UserU, $Latin1U, $RoomU, $RTime, $IP, $StatusU, $COUNTRY_CODE, $COUNTRY_NAME) = $DbLink->next_record()) {
            if (is_array($DefaultDispChatRooms) && in_array($RoomU . " [R]", $DefaultDispChatRooms)) {
                $RoomU .= " [" . $res_init . "]";
                $disp_note = 1;
            if ($Latin1U) {
                $UserU = htmlentities($UserU);
            $ghost = 0;
            $superghost = 0;
            if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($UserU, $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_MODERS && $StatusU == "m" || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($StatusU == "a" || $StatusU == "t")) {
                if ($StatusU == "a" || $StatusU == "t") {
                    $superghost = 1;
                } else {
                    $ghost = 1;
            $user_not = $UserU;
            $UserU = user_status($UserU, $StatusU, $ghost, $superghost);
            $RTime = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $RTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
            if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && (strstr($L, "chinese") || strstr($L, "korean") || strstr($L, "japanese"))) {
                $RTime = str_replace(" ", "", $RTime);
            // GeoIP mode for country flags
            if (C_USE_FLAGS) {
                if ((!isset($COUNTRY_CODE) || $COUNTRY_CODE == "") && $user_not != C_BOT_NAME && $user_not != C_QUOTE_NAME) {
                    $COUNTRY_CODE = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, ltrim($IP, "p"));
                    if (empty($COUNTRY_CODE)) {
                        $COUNTRY_CODE = "LAN";
                        $COUNTRY_NAME = "Other/LAN";
                    if ($COUNTRY_CODE != "LAN") {
                    if ($PROXY || substr($IP, 0, 1) == "p") {
                        $COUNTRY_NAME .= " (Proxy Server)";
                $c_flag = "&nbsp;<img src=\"./plugins/countryflags/flags/" . strtolower($COUNTRY_CODE) . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" title=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;(" . $COUNTRY_CODE . ")";
            $List .= "<tr><td>" . $UserU . "</td><td>" . $RoomU . "</td><td>" . L_LURKING_4 . " " . $RTime . ($user_not != C_BOT_NAME && $user_not != C_QUOTE_NAME ? "</td><td>" . $IP . (isset($c_flag) ? $c_flag : "") : "");
            // GeoIP Country flags initialization
        echo $List;
    } elseif (!$Full) {
        echo $NbUsers . " " . $String1;
    } else {
        echo $String2;
     $c_flag = "&nbsp;<img src=\"./plugins/countryflags/flags/" . strtolower($COUNTRY_CODE) . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" title=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;(" . $COUNTRY_CODE . ")";
 if ($data[username] == "Guest") {
     $data[username] = L_LURKING_5;
 if ($status == "a" || $status == "t") {
     if (C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS != "") {
         $sghosts = "";
         $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
         $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
     $ghost = 0;
     $superghost = 0;
     if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($data[username], $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_MODERS && $data[status] == "m" || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($data[status] == "a" || $data[status] == "t")) {
         if ($data[status] == "a" || $data[status] == "t") {
             $superghost = 1;
         } else {
             $ghost = 1;
 $User = user_status($data[username], $data[status], $ghost, $superghost, $status);
 echo "<tr><td>" . $User . "</td>";
 echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $data[ip] . $c_flag . "</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"100%\">" . $data[browser] . "</td></tr>";
 // GeoIP Country flags initialization
function display_connected($Private, $Full, $NU, $String1, $String2, $DbLink, $Charset)
    global $L;
    $List = "";
    global $DefaultDispChatRooms, $res_init, $disp_note, $status;
    if ($NU > 0) {
        echo $String1;
        if ($Full) {
            // GeoIP mode for country flags
            if (C_USE_FLAGS && ($status == "a" || $status == "t" || $status == "m" || C_SHOW_FLAGS)) {
                if (!class_exists("GeoIP")) {
                    include "plugins/countryflags/geoip.inc";
                if (!isset($gi)) {
                    $gi = geoip_open("plugins/countryflags/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
            // Restricted rooms mod by Ciprian
            while (list($User, $Latin1, $Room, $RTime, $StatusU, $IP, $COUNTRY_CODE, $COUNTRY_NAME) = $DbLink->next_record()) {
                if (is_array($DefaultDispChatRooms) && in_array($Room . " [R]", $DefaultDispChatRooms)) {
                    $Room .= " [" . $res_init . "]";
                    $disp_note = 1;
                if ($Latin1) {
                    $User = htmlentities($User);
                if ($status == "a" || $status == "t") {
                    $ghost = 0;
                    $superghost = 0;
                    $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
                    $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
                    if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($User, $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_MODERS && $StatusU == "m" || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($StatusU == "a" || $StatusU == "t")) {
                        if ($StatusU == "a" || $StatusU == "t") {
                            $superghost = 1;
                        } else {
                            $ghost = 1;
                $user_not = $User;
                $User = user_status($User, $StatusU, $ghost, $superghost, $status);
                $RTime = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $RTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
                if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && (strstr($L, "chinese") || strstr($L, "korean") || strstr($L, "japanese"))) {
                    $RTime = str_replace(" ", "", $RTime);
                // GeoIP mode for country flags
                $show_ip = "";
                if (C_USE_FLAGS && ($status == "a" || $status == "t" || $status == "m" || C_SHOW_FLAGS) && $user_not != C_BOT_NAME) {
                    if (!isset($COUNTRY_CODE) || $COUNTRY_CODE == "") {
                        $COUNTRY_CODE = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, ltrim($IP, "p"));
                        // GeoIP mode for country flags
                        if (empty($COUNTRY_CODE)) {
                            $COUNTRY_CODE = "LAN";
                            $COUNTRY_NAME = "Other/LAN";
                        if ($COUNTRY_CODE != "LAN") {
                        if ($PROXY || substr($IP, 0, 1) == "p") {
                            $COUNTRY_NAME .= " (Proxy Server)";
                    $c_flag = "&nbsp;<img src=\"./plugins/countryflags/flags/" . strtolower($COUNTRY_CODE) . ".gif\" alt=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" title=\"" . $COUNTRY_NAME . "\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;(" . $COUNTRY_CODE . ")";
                    if ($status == "a" || $status == "t") {
                        $show_ip = "</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $IP . $c_flag;
                    } elseif (C_SHOW_FLAGS || $status == "m") {
                        $show_ip = "</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $c_flag;
                $List .= "<tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $User . "</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $Room . "</td><td nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . L_LURKING_4 . " " . $RTime . $show_ip;
                // GeoIP Country flags initialization
            echo $List;
            // GeoIP mode for country flags
            #			if(isset($gi) && $gi != "") geoip_close($gi);
            #			if(isset($gi6) && $gi6 != "") geoip_close($gi6);
    } else {
        echo $String2;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function display_connected($Private, $Full, $String1, $String2, $Charset)
    $List = "";
    global $ordquery, $DbLink, $DefaultDispChatRooms, $res_init, $disp_note, $L;
    if ($Private) {
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.username, u.latin1, u.room, u.r_time, u.ip, u.status FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " u ORDER BY {$ordquery}";
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT u.username, u.latin1, u.room, u.r_time, u.ip, u.status FROM " . C_USR_TBL . " u, " . C_MSG_TBL . " m WHERE u.room = m.room AND m.type = 1 ORDER BY {$ordquery}";
    $NbUsers = $DbLink->num_rows();
    // Ghost Control mod by Ciprian
    if ($NbUsers == 1) {
        if ($Full) {
            $sghosts = "";
            $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
            $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
            echo $String1 . "<br />";
            while (list($UserU, $Latin1U, $RoomU, $RTime, $IP, $Status) = $DbLink->next_record()) {
                if (is_array($DefaultDispChatRooms) && in_array($RoomU . " [R]", $DefaultDispChatRooms)) {
                    $RoomU .= " [" . $res_init . "]";
                    $disp_note = 1;
                if ($Latin1) {
                    $UserU = htmlentities($UserU);
                $ghost = 0;
                $superghost = 0;
                if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($UserU, $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_MODERS && $Status == "m" || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($Status == "a" || $Status == "t")) {
                    if ($Status == "a" || $Status == "t") {
                        $superghost = 1;
                    } else {
                        $ghost = 1;
                $UserU = user_status($UserU, $Status, $ghost, $superghost);
                $RTime = strftime(L_SHORT_DATETIME, $RTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
                if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && (strstr($L, "chinese") || strstr($L, "korean") || strstr($L, "japanese"))) {
                    $RTime = str_replace(" ", "", $RTime);
                $List .= "<tr><td>" . $UserU . "</td><td>" . $RoomU . "</td><td>" . L_LURKING_4 . " " . $RTime . "</td><td>" . $IP;
            echo $List;
        } else {
            echo $NbUsers . " " . $String1;
    } elseif ($NbUsers > 1) {
        if ($Full) {
            $sghosts = "";
            $sghosts = str_replace("'", "", C_SPECIAL_GHOSTS);
            $sghosts = str_replace(" AND username != ", ",", $sghosts);
            echo $NbUsers . " " . NB_USERS_IN . "<br />";
            while (list($UserU, $Latin1U, $RoomU, $RTime, $IP, $Status) = $DbLink->next_record()) {
                if (is_array($DefaultDispChatRooms) && in_array($RoomU . " [R]", $DefaultDispChatRooms)) {
                    $RoomU .= " [" . $res_init . "]";
                    $disp_note = 1;
                if ($Latin1U) {
                    $UserU = htmlentities($UserU);
                $ghost = 0;
                $superghost = 0;
                if ($sghosts != "" && ghosts_in($UserU, $sghosts, $Charset) || C_HIDE_MODERS && $Status == "m" || C_HIDE_ADMINS && ($Status == "a" || $Status == "t")) {
                    if ($Status == "a" || $Status == "t") {
                        $superghost = 1;
                    } else {
                        $ghost = 1;
                $UserU = user_status($UserU, $Status, $ghost, $superghost);
                $RTime = date("d-M, H:i:s", $RTime + C_TMZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
                $List .= "<tr><td>" . $UserU . "</td><td>" . $RoomU . "</td><td>" . L_LURKING_4 . " " . $RTime . "</td><td>" . $IP . "";
            echo $List;
        } else {
            echo $NbUsers . " " . $String1;
    } else {
        echo $String2;