/** * Processes tags in the templates for the given view. * * @return string tag value, if tag has been processed. NULL, otherwise. */ function getTag($tag) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Local_ProductID': $value = $this->_ProductInfo['ID']; break; case 'Local_JSfuncProductFormSubmit': $value = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "function ProductFormSubmit_" . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . "()" . "{" . " document.forms['ProductForm_" . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . "'].submit();" . "};" . "</script>"; break; case 'Local_ProductStockWarnings': if (!modApiFunc('Session', 'is_set', 'StockDiscardedBy')) { $value = ''; } else { $stock_discarded_by = modApiFunc('Session', 'get', 'StockDiscardedBy'); modApiFunc('Session', 'un_set', 'StockDiscardedBy'); $value = $stock_discarded_by; //cz_getMsg($stock_discarded_by); } break; case 'Local_ProductFormStart': $skin = modApiFunc('Look_Feel', 'getCurrentSkin'); if ($skin == 'digiCenter' || $skin == 'foodCourt' || $skin == 'flowers') { if (empty($this->_product_form_action)) { $this->_product_form_action = getpageurl('CartContent'); } $redirect = modApiFunc('Configuration', 'getValue', SYSCONFIG_STORE_SHOW_CART); $script = $redirect ? $this->_product_form_action : $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $value = '<form action="' . $script . '" name="ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" id="product_addtocart_form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> '; } else { if (empty($this->_product_form_action)) { $this->_product_form_action = getpageurl('CartContent'); } $redirect = modApiFunc('Configuration', 'getValue', SYSCONFIG_STORE_SHOW_CART); $script = $redirect ? $this->_product_form_action : $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $value = '<form action="' . $script . '" name="ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" id="ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="asc_action" value="AddToCart" /> <input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function ProductFormSubmit_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '() { document.forms[\'ProductForm_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '\'].submit(); }; </script>'; } break; case 'Local_ProductFormEnd': $value = '</form>'; break; case 'Local_ProductAddToCart': $value = 'javascript: ProductFormSubmit_' . $this->_ProductInfo['ID'] . '();'; break; case 'ProductOptionsForm': $value = getOptionsChoice($this->_ProductInfo['ID']); break; case 'Local_FormQuantityFieldName': $value = 'quantity_in_cart'; break; case 'NextProductID': $value = $this->next_product_id; break; case 'PreviousProductID': $value = $this->previous_product_id; break; case 'Local_ProductQuantityOptions': $force_quantity = false; if (modApiFunc('Request', 'getValueByKey', 'presetCombination') != '') { list($type, $customer_id, $wl_id) = explode('_', modApiFunc('Request', 'getValueByKey', 'presetCombination')); if ($type == 'wl') { $wl_info = modApiFunc('Wishlist', 'getWishlistRecordCartData', $wl_id, $customer_id); if ($wl_info && @$wl_info['parent_entity'] == 'product' && @$wl_info['entity_id'] == $this->_ProductInfo['ID']) { $qty_in_cart = $wl_info['qty']; $force_quantity = true; } } } else { $qty_in_cart = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantity", $this->_ProductInfo['ID']); } $value = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantityOptions", $qty_in_cart, $this->_ProductInfo['ID'], false, false, $force_quantity); break; case 'Local_ProductSettingsJSON': $product_object = new CProductInfo($this->_ProductInfo['ID']); $options_settings = modApiFunc('Product_Options', 'getOptionsSettingsForEntity', 'product', $this->_ProductInfo['ID']); $settings = array('product_id' => (int) $this->_ProductInfo['ID'], 'sale_price' => (double) getValProductSalePrice(), 'list_price' => (double) getValProductListPrice(), 'currency_settings' => modApiFunc('Localization', 'getCurrencySettings'), 'aanic' => $options_settings['AANIC'], 'aanis' => $options_settings['AANIS'], 'labels' => array('comb_unavailable' => $options_settings['WRN_CI_CR'], 'inv_unavailable' => $options_settings['WRN_CI_INV'], 'comb_limit_stock' => $options_settings['WRN_CI_INV'], 'comb_out_of_stock' => $options_settings['WRN_CI_INV'])); $json = new Services_JSON(); $value = $json->encode($settings); break; case 'Local_ThumbnailSide': $pi_settings = modApiFunc('Product_Images', 'getSettings'); $value = $pi_settings['MAIN_IMAGE_SIDE']; break; case 'ProductColorSwatchImages': $value = getColorSwatchImages($this->_ProductInfo['ID']); break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'product') { //$value = getKeyIgnoreCase($tag, $this->_ProductInfo); // , default switch' . // , $this->_ProductInfo ( ), // getValProduct*, , // . . $product_object = new CProductInfo($this->_ProductInfo['ID']); $value = $product_object->getProductTagValue($tag); } break; } return $value; }
中的评论:<?php } else { ?> 中发表评论:<?php } echo $lt["content"]; ?> </p> <span><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i', $lt["create_time"]); ?> </span> </div> <div class="yf-list-center yf-list-other"> <a href="<?php echo getpageurl($lt['type'], $lt['infoid'], $lt["id"]); ?> ">查看评论</a> </div> <div class="yf-list-center yf-list-del" data-type="UserMessage" data-id="<?php echo $lt["id"]; ?> "> <span title="删除">×</span> </div> </div><?php } } ?> <?php if (empty($list)) {
/** * Shows onchange action for the language select box */ function showOnChangeAction() { if (empty($this->_index_url)) { $this->_index_url = getpageurl('index'); } return "document.location='" . $this->_index_url . "?asc_action=ChangeLanguage&lng=' + this.value + '&returnURL=' + getReturnURL(this.value)"; }
/** * Processes tags in the templates for the given view. * * @return string tag value, if tag has been processed. NULL, otherwise. */ function getTag($tag, $arg_list = array()) { global $application; $value = null; switch ($tag) { case 'Local_Items': $skin = modApiFunc('Look_Feel', 'getCurrentSkin'); if ($skin == 'digiCenter' || $skin == 'foodCourt' || $skin == 'flowers') { $value = $this->getProductsList(); } else { $value = $this->getDefaultProductsList(); } break; case 'Local_Columns': $value = $this->columns; break; case 'Local_ItemCount': $value = $this->getProductsListCount(); break; # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior case 'PaginatorLine': $value = getPaginatorLine($this->getPagName(), $this->getBlockName(), $this->getPagParam()); break; # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior # override the PaginatorRows tag behavior case 'PaginatorDropdown': $value = getPaginatorDropdown($this->getPagName(), $this->getBlockName()); break; case 'CategoryName': $catobj =& $application->getInstance('CCategoryInfo', $this->pl_tag_settings->filter->category_id); $value = $catobj->getCategoryTagValue('name'); break; case 'ProductOptionsForm': $value = getOptionsChoice($this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); break; case 'RelatedProducts': $value = getRelatedProducts($this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); break; case 'Local_JSfuncProductFormSubmit': $value = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "function ProductFormSubmit_" . $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID') . "()" . "{" . " document.forms['ProductForm_" . $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID') . "'].submit();" . "};" . "</script>"; break; case 'Local_ProductFormStart': if (empty($this->_product_form_action)) { $this->_product_form_action = getpageurl('CartContent'); } $buy_link = $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('BuyLink'); $redirect = modApiFunc('Configuration', 'getValue', SYSCONFIG_STORE_SHOW_CART); $script = $redirect ? $this->_product_form_action : $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $pid = $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID'); $value = '<form action="' . $script . '" name="ProductForm_' . $pid . '" id="ProductForm_' . $pid . '" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="asc_action" value="AddToCart" /> <input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="' . $pid . '" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function ProductFormSubmit_' . $pid . '() { document.forms[\'ProductForm_' . $pid . '\'].submit(); }; </script>'; break; case 'Local_ProductFormEnd': $value = '</form>'; break; case 'Local_ProductAddToCart': $value = 'javascript: ProductFormSubmit_' . $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID') . '();'; break; case 'ProductDetailedImages': $value = getProductDetailedImages($this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); break; case 'Local_FormQuantityFieldName': $value = 'quantity_in_cart'; break; case 'Local_ProductQuantityOptions': $qty_in_cart = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantity", $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); $value = modApiFunc("Cart", "getProductQuantityOptions", $qty_in_cart, $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); break; case 'Local_Thumbnail': break; case 'Local_ThumbnailSide': $pi_settings = modApiFunc('Product_Images', 'getSettings'); $value = $pi_settings['MAIN_IMAGE_SIDE']; break; case 'ProductColorSwatchImages': $value = getColorSwatchImages($this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue('ID')); break; default: list($entity, $tag) = getTagName($tag); if ($entity == 'product' && is_object($this->_Product_Info)) { $value = $this->_Product_Info->getProductTagValue($tag); } break; } return $value; }