function getHtml($ID) { $viewstate = ""; $eventvalidation = ""; $previouspage = ""; $id = checkinput(intval($ID), 255); $first = getn($viewstate, $eventvalidation, $id); preg_match('/<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="(.+?)"/is', $first, $matches); $viewstate = $matches[1]; preg_match('/<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="(.+?)"/is', $first, $matches); $eventvalidation = $matches[1]; preg_match('/<input type="hidden" name="__PREVIOUSPAGE" id="__PREVIOUSPAGE" value="(.+?)"/is', $first, $matches); $previouspage = $matches[1]; $result = getn($viewstate, $eventvalidation, $previouspage, $id); preg_match('/<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_HAWBSerachControl1_GridView2" width="100%">(.+?)<\\/table>/is', $result, $catch); $one = $catch[0]; preg_match_all('/<tr align="center"(.+?)<\\/tr>/is', $one, $last); $size = count($last[0]) - 1; preg_match_all('/<font color="#333333">(.+?)<\\/font></is', $last[0][$size], $detail); $two = "目前狀態: " . $detail[1][1] . " " . $detail[1][2]; return array($one, $two); }
<?php /************************************************************************/ /* File manager v3.oo */ /************************************************************************/ if (!isset($body)) { die('error: this is a pluggable module and cannot be used standalone.'); } $gfle = getn('fle'); $gpnt = getn('p'); // --------------------------------------- список -------------------------------------------- // if (!$act) { db_open('sqlite:thumb.sqlite3'); b('<script>'); b("\r\n"); b('var parent = ' . $gpnt . ';'); b("\r\n"); $file = 'm/' . $mod . '/file.js'; b(fread(fopen($file, 'rb'), filesize($file))); b("\r\n"); b('</script>'); b("\r\n"); $file = db_read(array('table' => 'file', 'col' => array('id', 'url', 'name', 'desc', 'size', 'width', 'height', 'mime', 'dtu', 'owner'), 'where' => '`p` = ' . $gpnt, 'order' => 'namei', 'key' => 'id')); if ($gpnt) { $parent_folder = db_read(array('table' => 'file', 'col' => 'p', 'where' => '`id` = ' . $gpnt)); } // ---- submenu ---- // if ($gpnt) { $submenu['Вверх;navigation-090-button'] = '?p=' . $parent_folder; } if (p('edit')) {
</div> <input type="checkbox" <?php getnc('BackgroundDisp'); ?> onchange="ToggleDisplay('background', this);" style="width:15px; border:none;"/> Display Background <br class="page"> <div id="background" class="section"> <h1>Character Background (Will not be displayed publically)</h1> <table> <tr><td> <textarea <?php getn('Background'); ?> cols="10" rows="50"><?php getv('Background'); ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
</tr> </table> <!-- Private notes will not be displayed unless we are in edit mode --> <?php if ($SHOWSAVE) { ?> <table id="notes"> <tr class="header"> <td> Private Notes <span>(Will not be displayed publically)</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><textarea <?php getn('PrivateNotes'); ?> cols="10" rows="5"><?php getv('PrivateNotes'); ?> </textarea></td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <div id="footer"> <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <TR> <TD>Last saved = <?php
$body = ''; $ajax = FALSE; include 'l/lib.php'; db_open(); // ---------------- parse request URI ---------------- // $uri_e = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $uri_e = explode('/', $uri_e[0]); $mod = 'default'; $act = ''; if (count($uri_e) == 4) { $mod = $uri_e[2]; } elseif (count($uri_e) == 5) { $mod = $uri_e[2]; $act = $uri_e[3]; } $arow = getn('row'); $acol = gets('col'); // ---- executing module ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // include 'm/' . $mod . '/embed.php'; // ---- echoeing output --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (!$ajax) { echo '<!DOCTYPE html>' . "\r\n" . '<html><head>'; echo '<title>'; //echo ($auth['type'] ? $config['page_title'] : 'Программа'); //$title_add = ''; // TMP //echo ($title_add?(' - '.$title_add):''); if ($title) { echo $title; } echo '</title>'; echo '<meta charset="UTF-8">';
<?php /************************************************************************/ /* cabinet v1.oo */ /************************************************************************/ if (!isset($body)) { die('error: this is a pluggable module and cannot be used standalone.'); } $grow = getn('row'); //include 'm/log/const.php'; // -------------------------------- Personal cabinet ------------------------------------ // if (!$act) { include 'l/lib_ua.php'; $sess = db_read(array('table' => 'sess', 'col' => array('id', 'ip', 'ua', 'date', 'datel'), 'where' => array('`user` = ' . $auth['id'], '`stat` = 0'), 'order' => '`datel` DESC', 'key' => 'id')); // ---- submenu ---- // $submenu['Выйти;lock'] = '/' . $mod . '/lof/'; //if (p()) $submenu['Regenerate icons;wrench-screwdriver'] = '/'.$mod.'/subicons/'; submenu(); // ---- end: submenu ---- // b('<p class="h1">Личный кабинет</p>'); if ($sess) { b('<p class="h2">Активные сессии</p>'); css_table(array(30, 100, 150, 150, 250, 18)); icona(array('cross-button')); b('<table class="lst f10">'); b('<tr>'); b('<td>id'); b('<td>ip'); b('<td>date'); b('<td>datel'); b('<td>ua');
/></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table id="notes"> <tr class="header"> <td> Other Notes <span>[ <a href="javascript:ShowNotes();">Show Printable Version</a> ]</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><textarea <?php getn('Notes'); ?> cols="10" rows="10"><?php getv('Notes'); ?> </textarea></td> </tr> </table> <div id="footer"> 3EProfiler™ Character Sheet, © 2003 by M. J. Eggertson. </div> <?php if ($SHOWSAVE) { ?>
<?php /************************************************************************/ /* page v1.oo */ /************************************************************************/ if (!isset($body)) { die('error: this is a pluggable module and cannot be used standalone.'); } $gpg = getn('pg'); // -------------------------------- pages ------------------------------------ // if (!$act) { $page = db_read(array('table' => 'page', 'col' => array('id', 'url', 'title'), 'key' => 'id')); // ---- submenu ---- // $submenu['Добавить;plus-button'] = '/' . $mod . '/pge/'; submenu(); // ---- end: submenu ---- // b('<p class="h1">Страницы</p>'); if ($page) { $icona = array(); $icona[] = 'pencil-button'; //$icona[] = 'table'; $icw = count($icona) * 18; //$icv = count($icona) *18; css_table(array(40, 100, 250, $icw)); icona($icona); b('<table class="lst">'); b('<tr>'); b('<td>id'); b('<td>url'); b('<td>title'); b('<td>Д.');