</div> <!-- size --> <div class="fileinfo center"> <h3>size</h3> <?php if ($fields['filelocal'] == 1) { echo "<input " . readonly($edit_id) . "type=\"text\" readonly=\"readonly\" "; echo "value=\"" . getmegabyte($fields['audio_size']) . " MB\" />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"audio_size\" "; echo "value=\"" . getmegabyte($fields['audio_size']) . "\" />"; } else { echo "<input " . readonly($edit_id) . "type=\"text\" name=\"audio_size\""; echo "value=\"" . getmegabyte($fields['audio_size']) . " MB\" />"; } ?> </div> <!-- length --> <div class="fileinfo right"> <h3>duration</h3> <input <?php echo readonly($edit_id); ?> type="text" name="audio_length" value="<?php
function commentsize() { //returns the audio size on the comments list global $currentcomment; global $comments; return getmegabyte($comments[$currentcomment]['audio_size']); }
echo " <description>" . $mess . "</description>\n"; echo " <itunes:summary>" . $tunmess . "</itunes:summary>\n"; //bodytext echo " <content:encoded>" . html_to_xml($comfields['message_html']); //preparing some variables $audiourl = $settings['url'] . "/audio/" . $comfields['audio_file']; if (!filled($comfields['audio_file'])) { $audiothere = false; } else { $audiothere = true; } $tmp = ""; //do we have an audio file? link to it here! if ($audiothere) { $tmp .= "<p><a href=\"" . $audiourl . "\">File Download "; $tmp .= "(" . getminutes($comfields['audio_length']) . " min / " . getmegabyte($comfields['audio_size']) . " MB)</a>"; } echo trim(htmlspecialchars($tmp, ENT_QUOTES)); echo "</content:encoded>\n"; //date of publication echo " <pubDate>" . date("r", strtotime($comfields['posted'])) . "</pubDate>\n\n"; //do we add an enclosure? if ($audiothere) { echo " <enclosure url=\"" . $audiourl . "\" "; echo "length=\"" . $comfields['audio_size'] . "\" "; echo "type=\"" . mime_type($comfields['audio_type']) . "\" />\n"; echo " <itunes:duration>" . getitunesduration($comfields['audio_length']) . "</itunes:duration>\n"; } echo "</item>\n\n"; } }
<?php $temp = array("", ""); $temp[$settings['cgi']] = "checked=\"checked\""; ?> <input class="radio" name="cgi" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo $temp[1]; ?> />yes <input class="radio" name="cgi" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo $temp[0]; ?> />no </td> <td class="right"> Every PHP server has a size limit for browser uploads. Yours is <?php echo getmegabyte(uploadlimit()); ?> MB. Use CGI/Perl to exceed this limitation.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left">CGI script location:</td> <td class="center"> <?php $temp = array("", ""); $temp[$settings['cgi_local']] = "checked=\"checked\""; ?> <input class="radio" name="cgi_local" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo $temp[1]; ?> />on this server
} echo "\" />\n</form>\n"; } else { //okay, we use the classic php method for uploading! $soundsDir = "/opt/swara/web/posts"; $mp3_target = "/opt/swara/web/posts/web/{$update_id}.mp3"; echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?page=record2&do=browser"; if ($update) { echo "&id=" . $update_id; } $convertToWav1 = "/usr/local/bin/lame -b 32 {$mp3_target} {$soundsDir}/{$update_id}.wav"; $convertToWav2 = "/usr/bin/sox -V {$soundsDir}/{$update_id}.wav -r 8000 -c 1 {$soundsDir}/{$update_id}.raw"; exec($convertToWav1, $output = array()); exec($convertToWav2); echo "\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" onSubmit=\"return saythis('" . bla("alert_patience") . "')\">\n"; echo "<h2>" . bla("rec1_browser") . " <small>(<" . getmegabyte(uploadlimit()) . "MB)</small></h2>\n"; echo "<div class=\"data\">\n"; echo "<input button=\"hallo\" id=\"choosefile\" type=\"file\" name=\"fileupload\" size=\"20\" accept=\"audio/*\" />"; echo "</div>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . bla("but_getfile") . "\" />\n</form>"; } ?> </div> <?php if ($settings['ftp'] == 1) { echo "<!-- UPLOAD VIA FTP -->"; echo "\n\n<div class=\"method\">\n"; echo "<h2>" . bla("rec1_ftp") . "</h2>\n"; echo "<div class=\"data\">\n"; //not forget the id, if we are updating a file
echo "<input id=\"choosefile\" type=\"file\" name=\"file\" size=\"20\" accept=\"audio/*\" />\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"get file\" />\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"callback_script\" value=\"" . $settings['url'] . "/loudblog/index.php?page=record2&do=cgi"; if ($update_id != false) { echo "&id=" . $update_id; } echo "\" />\n</form>\n"; } else { //okay, we use the classic php method for uploading! echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?page=record2&do=browser"; if ($update_id != false) { echo "&id=" . $update_id; } echo "\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" onSubmit=\"return saythis('This may take some minutes. Start uploading now!')\">\n"; echo "<h2>Via Browser <small>(<" . getmegabyte(uploadlimit()) . "MB)</small></h2>\n"; echo "<div class=\"data\">\n"; echo "<input id=\"choosefile\" type=\"file\" name=\"fileupload\" size=\"20\" accept=\"audio/*\" />"; echo "</div>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"get file\" />\n</form>"; } ?> </div> <?php if ($settings['ftp'] == 1) { echo "<!-- UPLOAD VIA FTP -->"; echo "\n\n<div class=\"method\">\n"; echo "<h2>Upload via FTP</h2>\n"; echo "<div class=\"data\">\n"; //not forget the id, if we are updating a file
unset($linkrows[$j]); $tmp = ""; if ($j > 0) { $tmp = "\n\n <ul>\n\n"; //start loop for showing links foreach ($linkrows as $link) { $tmp .= " <li>\n<a href=\"{$link['url']}\" "; $tmp .= "title=\"{$link['description']}\">"; $tmp .= "{$link['title']}</a> – "; $tmp .= "{$link['description']}</a>\n </li>\n\n"; } $tmp .= " </ul>\n\n"; } //do we have an audio file? link to it here! if ($fields['audio_file'] != "") { $tmp .= "<p><a href=\"{$tempurl}\">Audio Download "; $tmp .= "(" . getmegabyte($fields['audio_size']) . " MB)</a>"; } echo trim(htmlspecialchars($tmp, ENT_QUOTES)); echo " </content:encoded>\n"; //date of publication echo " <pubDate>" . date("r", strtotime($fields['posted'])) . "</pubDate>\n\n"; //do we add an enclosure? if ($fields['audio_file'] != "") { echo " <enclosure url=\"{$tempurl}\" "; echo "length=\"{$fields['audio_size']}\" "; echo "type=\"" . mime_type($fields['audio_type']) . "\" />\n"; } echo "</item>\n\n"; } echo "\n\n</channel>\n\n</rss>";
<td class="center"> <?php $temp = array("", ""); $temp[$settings['cgi']] = "checked=\"checked\""; ?> <input class="radio" name="cgi" type="radio" value="1" <?php echo $temp[1] . "/>" . bla("yes"); ?> <input class="radio" name="cgi" type="radio" value="0" <?php echo $temp[0] . "/>" . bla("no"); ?> </td> <td class="right"> <?php echo bla("set_cgihelp1") . " " . getmegabyte(uploadlimit()) . bla("set_cgihelp2"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left"><?php echo bla("set_cgiloc"); ?> :</td> <td class="center"> <?php $temp = array("", ""); $temp[$settings['cgi_local']] = "checked=\"checked\""; ?> <input class="radio" name="cgi_local" type="radio" value="1" <?php
if ($showtable[$i]['audio_file'] != "") { echo "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">Listen to \n " . getmediatypename($showtable[$i]['audio_type']) . "</a>"; echo "</td>\n"; } } /* //a beautiful button for listening echo "<td>\n"; echo "<form method=\"get\""; echo "action=\"" . $link . "\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"listen\" />\n"; echo "</form>\n</td>\n"; */ //showing audio size in megabyte echo "<td>" . getmegabyte($showtable[$i]['audio_size']) . " MB</td>\n"; //the status radio buttons $temp = $showtable[$i]['status']; echo "<td>\n"; if ($temp == 1) { echo "<span style=\"color:#dd0067;\">draft</span>"; } if ($temp == 2) { echo "<span style=\"color:#090;\">finished</span>"; } if ($temp == 3) { echo "live"; } echo "</td>\n"; //a beautiful button for deleting echo "<td class=\"right\">\n";
function audiosize() { //returns the filesize of an audio-file (works within postings-loop) global $postings; global $currentid; return getmegabyte($postings[$currentid]['audio_size']); }