Ejemplo n.º 1
function acclick()
    global $Pre;
    $conn = new mysql();
    $args = insql($_POST['args']);
    $ac = 2;
    $screenw = substr(insql($_POST['screenw']), 0, 6);
    $screenh = substr(insql($_POST['screenh']), 0, 6);
    $htmlw = substr(insql($_POST['htmlw']), 0, 6);
    $htmlh = substr(insql($_POST['htmlh']), 0, 6);
    $htmlurl = substr(insql($_POST['htmlurl']), 0, 255);
    $time = gnt();
    $gethost = substr(insql2(gethost()), 0, 20);
    $getlang = substr(insql2(getlang()), 0, 12);
    $getip = substr(insql2(getip()), 0, 15);
    $getport = substr(insql2(getport()), 0, 5);
    $getos = substr(insql2(getos()), 0, 20);
    $getb = getb();
    $getbn = substr(insql2($getb[0]), 0, 20);
    $bversion = substr(insql2($getb[1]), 0, 12);
    $agent = substr(insql2($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 0, 255);
    $referer = substr(insql2($_POST['referrer']), 0, 255);
    $piece = explode(' ', $args);
    $piece[0] = substr($piece[0], -14, 14);
    $piece[1] = substr($piece[1], -14, 14);
    $piece[2] = substr($piece[2], 0, 6);
    $piece[3] = substr($piece[3], 0, 6);
    $piece[4] = substr($piece[4], 0, 6);
    $piece[5] = substr($piece[5], 0, 6);
    $piece[6] = substr($piece[6], 0, 3);
    $piece[7] = substr($piece[7], 0, 4);
    $piece[8] = substr($piece[8], 0, 5);
    $piece[9] = substr($piece[9], 0, 2);
    $piece[10] = substr($piece[10], 0, 3);
    $piece[11] = substr($piece[11], 0, 4);
    $piece[12] = substr($piece[12], 0, 5);
    $piece[13] = substr($piece[13], 0, 3);
    $piece[14] = substr($piece[14], 0, 4);
    $piece[15] = substr($piece[15], 0, 1);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$Pre}niux_ams_counter (ac,screenw,screenh,bodyw,bodyh,gid,gwid,gwx,gwy,gww,gwh,gshow,gshow1,gshow2,gclick,gclick1,ashow,ashow1,aclick,aclick1,atyh,time,ip,port,os,lang,browse,version,host,url,referer,agent) VALUES ('{$ac}','{$screenw}','{$screenh}','{$htmlw}','{$htmlh}','{$piece['0']}','{$piece['1']}','{$piece['2']}','{$piece['3']}','{$piece['4']}','{$piece['5']}','{$piece['6']}','{$piece['7']}','{$piece['8']}','{$piece['9']}','{$piece['10']}','{$piece['11']}','{$piece['12']}','{$piece['13']}','{$piece['14']}','{$piece['15']}','{$time}','{$getip}','{$getport}','{$getos}','{$getlang}','{$getbn}','{$bversion}','{$gethost}','{$htmlurl}','{$referer}','{$agent}')";
 public function purchase()
     if (!isset($_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'])) {
     } else {
         $rule = ['goods_sn' => [], 'price' => ['egNum', null, true]];
         foreach ($rule as $k => $v) {
             $data[$k] = $_POST[$k];
         // 'attach' => json_encode(array('orderSn' => $isOrder['order_sn'])),
         //$openid = "o3SK1wKbW5HtmVMit2Ma__vX5bvQ";
         $openid = $_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'];
         //echo $openid;
         $data = array('orderSn' => $data['goods_sn'] . rand(1, 9999), 'price' => $data['price'], 'body' => '一元购支付', 'detail' => '一元购支付服务', 'notifyUrl' => gethost() . '/Api/Wechatpay/notifyUrl');
         $wechatPay = $this->H('Wechat')->wechatPay($data, $openid);
         //  var_dump($wechatPay);
         // exit();
         if (!$wechatPay) {
             $this->R('', 40001);
         $this->R(array('wechatPay' => $wechatPay));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * 微信支付
 public function purchase()
     if (!isset($_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'])) {
     } else {
         $rule = ['goods_sn' => [], 'price' => ['egNum', null, true], 'goods_id' => ['egNum', null, true], 'user_id' => ['egNum', null, true]];
         foreach ($rule as $k => $v) {
             $data[$k] = $_POST[$k];
         $goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
         $user_id = $data['user_id'];
         $num = $data['price'];
         $good = $this->table('goods')->where(['id' => $goods_id])->get(['limit_num', 'price'], true);
         if (!$good) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $status = $this->table('purchase')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'goods_id' => $goods_id])->get(['id'], false);
         $count = count($status);
         $total_num = $good['price'];
         $last_num = $total_num - $count;
         if ($num > $last_num) {
             $this->R('', 90003);
         if ($num > $good['limit_num']) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $code = $this->table('code')->where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_use' => 0])->get(['id'], true);
         if (!$code) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $limit = $this->table('purchase')->where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_on' => 1])->get(['id'], false);
         $count = count($limit);
         if ($count + $num > $good['limit_num']) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $openid = $_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'];
         $data = array('orderSn' => $data['goods_sn'] . rand(1, 9999), 'price' => $data['price'], 'attach' => json_encode(array('goods_sn' => $data['goods_sn'], 'price' => $data['price'])), 'body' => '一元购支付', 'detail' => '一元购支付服务', 'notifyUrl' => gethost() . '/Api/Callback/order');
         $wechatPay = $this->H('Wechat')->wechatPay($data, $openid);
         if (!$wechatPay) {
             $this->R('', 40001);
         $this->R(['wechatPay' => $wechatPay]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Adds an item to the XML feeds for the given entry ID.
 * The function uses the global array $items_added to avoid
 * adding the same entry twice.
 * @uses feedtemplate loads the item template for XML feeds.
 * @param int $uid
 * @param string $orgdate
 * @param string $title
 * @param string $introduction
 * @param string $body
 * @param string $user
 * @param string $category
function add_rss($uid, $orgdate, $title, $introduction, $body, $user, $category)
    global $db, $rss_items, $atom_items, $items_added, $Cfg, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Allow_RSS, $Paths, $Users;
    if (!$Allow_RSS) {
    // Checking if the item is already added to avoid duplication
    if (in_array($uid, $items_added)) {
    } else {
        $items_added[] = $uid;
    $link = make_fileurl($uid, "", "");
    if (!siteurl_isset()) {
        $weblog = gethost() . $Paths['pivot_url'];
        // we strip off the 'www.' part. It may not always result in a valid URL, but the
        // guid isn't supposed to be one anyhow. This prevents problems in readers, when
        // the feed is sometimes generated from www.example.org, and sometimes from example.org.
        $weblog = str_replace("www.", "", $weblog);
    } else {
        $weblog = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['siteurl'];
    $title = trim(unentify($db->entry['title']));
    $subtitle = trim(unentify($db->entry['subtitle']));
    // parse fields and remove scripting from the feed. Script in feed is bad..
    $introduction = parse_intro_or_body($db->entry['introduction']);
    $introduction = clean_rss_text($introduction);
    $body = parse_intro_or_body($db->entry['body']);
    $body = clean_rss_text($body);
    $tag = str_replace("_", "", strtolower(safe_string($Cfg['sitename'], TRUE))) . "," . date("Y") . ":" . str_replace("_", "", safe_string($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['name'], TRUE)) . "." . $uid;
    $lang = str_replace("_utf8", "", snippet_lang());
    $date = format_date($orgdate, "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . rss_offset();
    $date_rfc = format_date($orgdate, "%english_dname%, %day% %english_monname% %year% %hour24%:%minute%:00 ") . rss_offset("rfc822");
    if ($db->entry['edit_date'] != "") {
        $edit_date = format_date($db->entry['edit_date'], "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . rss_offset();
    } else {
        // if the entry was never edited, use the entrydate
        $edit_date = $date;
    $summary = unentify(strip_tags($introduction));
    $summary = trim(str_replace("&", "&", str_replace(" ", " ", $summary)));
    // Set content (Atom 1.0) and description (RSS 2.0) according to completeness settings
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full'] == 0) {
        // don't put anything in the content.
        $content = "";
        $description = trim($introduction);
        if (strlen($body) > 5) {
            $description .= snippet_more();
            $summary .= ' ...';
    } else {
        // put the introduction and body in the content..
        $content = trim(str_replace(" ", " ", $introduction . $body));
        $description = trim($introduction . $body);
    $rss_item = feedtemplate('feed_rss_template.xml', 'item');
    $atom_item = feedtemplate('feed_atom_template.xml', 'item');
    // Handling viatitle special to avoid validation errors
    if (!empty($db->entry['viatitle'])) {
        $viatitle = 'title="' . $db->entry['viatitle'] . '"';
    } else {
        $viatitle = "";
    $from = array("%title%", "%subtitle%", "%link%", "%description%", "%summary%", "%author%", "%author-email%", "%author-nick%", "%guid%", "%date%", "%edit_date%", "%date_rfc%", "%category%", "%content%", "%tag%", "%lang%", "%vialink%", "%viatitle%");
    $to = array(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title)), htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($subtitle)), $link, RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($description), RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($summary), $user, $Users[$user]['email'], $Users[$user]['nick'], $uid . "@" . $weblog, $date, $edit_date, $date_rfc, htmlspecialchars(implode(", ", $category)), RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($content), $tag, $lang, $db->entry['vialink'], $viatitle);
    $rss_item = str_replace($from, $to, $rss_item);
    $atom_item = str_replace($from, $to, $atom_item);
    // We add the count($rss_items), because otherwise we can't have two items
    // that are posted at the same minute.
    $rss_items[$orgdate . "." . count($rss_items)] = $rss_item;
    $atom_items[$orgdate . "." . count($rss_items)] = $atom_item;
 function inoplog($caozuo, $caozuofile, $state, $user)
     $caozuo = insql2(substr($caozuo, 0, 200));
     $caozuofile = insql2(substr($caozuofile, 0, 200));
     $user = $user ? $user : '******';
     $user = htmlspecialchars(insql2(substr($user, 0, 200)));
     $time = gnt();
     $gethost = insql2(substr(gethost(), 0, 20));
     $getlang = insql2(substr(getlang(), 0, 12));
     $getip = insql2(substr(getip(), 0, 15));
     $getport = insql2(substr(getport(), 0, 5));
     $getos = insql2(substr(getos(), 0, 20));
     $getb = getb();
     $getbn = insql2(substr($getb[0], 0, 20));
     $bversion = insql2(substr($getb[1], 0, 12));
     $agent = insql2(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 255));
     $referer = insql2(substr(getreferer(), 0, 255));
     $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->Pre}niux_ams_oplog (username,caozuo,state,caozuofile,time,ip,port,os,browse,version,host,lang,referer,agent) VALUES ('{$user}','{$caozuo}','{$state}','{$caozuofile}','{$time}','{$getip}','{$getport}','{$getos}','{$getbn}','{$bversion}','{$gethost}','{$getlang}','{$referer}','{$agent}')";
     $this->uidRst($sql) or exit(mysql_error());
  * 微信支付
 public function purchase()
     if (!isset($_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'])) {
     } else {
         $rule = ['goods_sn' => [], 'price' => ['egNum', null, true], 'goods_id' => ['egNum', null, true], 'user_id' => ['egNum', null, true]];
         foreach ($rule as $k => $v) {
             $data[$k] = $_POST[$k];
         $goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
         $user_id = $data['user_id'];
         $num = $data['price'];
         $user = $this->table('user')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'id' => $user_id, 'is_froze' => 0])->get(['id'], true);
         if (!$user) {
             $this->R('', 90008);
         $good = $this->table('goods')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'id' => $goods_id])->get(['limit_num', 'price'], true);
         if (!$good) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $status = $this->table('purchase')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'goods_id' => $goods_id])->get(['id'], false);
         $count = count($status);
         $total_num = $good['price'];
         $last_num = $total_num - $count;
         if ($num > $last_num) {
             $this->R('', 90003);
         if ($num > $good['limit_num']) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $code = $this->table('code')->where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_use' => 0, 'is_get' => 0])->get(['id'], true);
         if (!$code) {
             $this->R('', 90003);
         $limit = $this->table('purchase')->where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_on' => 1])->get(['id'], false);
         $count = count($limit);
         if ($count + $num > $good['limit_num']) {
             $this->R('', 90001);
         $codestock = $this->table('code')->where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_use' => 0, 'is_get' => 0])->get(['id'], false);
         if (!$codestock) {
             $this->R('', 70009);
         if ($num > count($codestock)) {
             $this->R('', 90003);
         $dropcode = $this->table('code')->where(['goods_id' => $goods_id, 'is_use' => 0, 'is_get' => $user_id])->update(['is_get' => 0]);
         if (!$dropcode) {
             $this->R('', 40001);
         $codenum = $this->table('code')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'is_use' => 0, 'is_get' => 0, 'goods_id' => $goods_id])->order("rand()")->limit($num)->get(['code'], false);
         $count = count($codenum);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             $getcode = $this->table('code')->where(['is_on' => 1, 'code' => $codenum[$i]['code'], 'goods_id' => $goods_id])->update(['is_get' => $user_id, 'update_time' => time()]);
             if (!$getcode) {
                 $this->R('', 40001);
         $openid = $_SESSION['userInfo']['openid'];
         $data = array('orderSn' => $data['goods_sn'] . rand(1, 9999), 'price' => $data['price'] * 100, 'attach' => json_encode(array('goods_sn' => $data['goods_sn'], 'price' => $data['price'])), 'body' => '一元购支付', 'detail' => '一元购支付服务', 'notifyUrl' => gethost() . '/Api/Callback/order');
         $wechatPay = $this->H('Wechat')->wechatPay($data, $openid);
         if (!$wechatPay) {
             $this->R('', 40001);
         $this->R(['wechatPay' => $wechatPay]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
} else {
    $ping_weblogs = explode('|', urldecode($Pivot_Vars['weblogs']));
echo "<p>Now sending update-pings. This might take a while, so please be patient.<br />";
foreach ($ping_weblogs as $ping_weblog) {
    echo "<hr size='1' noshade='noshade' />";
    $ping_weblog = weblog_from_para($ping_weblog);
    $title = $Weblogs[$ping_weblog]['name'];
    $Current_weblog = $ping_weblog;
    $file = $Weblogs[$ping_weblog]['front_filename'];
    $logpath = $Weblogs[$ping_weblog]['front_path'];
    if (siteurl_isset()) {
        $url = $Weblogs[$ping_weblog]['siteurl'];
    } else {
        $url = $Paths['pivot_url'] . $logpath . $file;
        $url = gethost() . fixpath($url);
    $url = str_replace("/index.php", "/", $url);
    $url = str_replace("/index.html", "/", $url);
    $servers = explode("\n", $Cfg['ping_urls']);
    echo "<p>url: {$url}<br /></p>";
    foreach ($servers as $server) {
        $server = trim($server);
        if (strlen($server) > 3) {
            pingWeblogs($title, $url, $server);
echo "<p><br /><b><a href='#' onclick='self.close();'>done</a></b></p>";
Ejemplo n.º 8

 *  全局网站配置文件
return ['IS_DB_DEBUG' => true, "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_READ" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_OLD" => array("host" => "", 'user' => '', "password" => "", "dbName" => ""), 'MEMCACHE_CONFIG' => array(array('host' => '', 'port' => '11211')), 'REDIS_CONFIG' => array('host' => '', 'port' => '', 'auth' => '', 'connectType' => 'connect'), 'WEIXIN_CONFIG' => array('token' => 'OneTrade', 'encodingaeskey' => 'Pf9NScKaiTMiQkyfUv9GS0TP8Mo5Adb49evr5wGFssa', 'appid' => 'wx500d53069de27d71', 'appsecret' => '03aa662e61dd43ecb190ab853e581edc'), 'WEIXIN_PAY_CONFIG' => array('appid' => 'wx500d53069de27d71', 'mchid' => '1282518701', 'key' => 'SKINTALKyangmaimai20151212linlin', 'NOTIFY_URL' => gethost() . '/pay/notify.php', 'CURL_TIMEOUT' => 30), 'ALIPAY_CONFIG' => array('partner' => '20********50', 'key' => '9t***********ie', 'sign_type' => strtoupper('MD5'), 'input_charset' => strtolower('utf-8'), 'cacert' => getcwd() . '\\cacert.pem', 'transport' => 'http'), 'ALIPAY' => array('account_name' => '支付宝名字名字名字', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'notify_url' => 'http://www.xxx.com/Pay/notifyurl', 'return_url' => 'http://www.xxx.com/Pay/returnurl', 'successpage' => 'User/myorder?ordtype=payed', 'errorpage' => 'User/myorder?ordtype=unpay'), 'MSM_URL' => '', 'MSM_ACCOUNT' => 'AA@GZAA', 'MSM_PWD' => 'Tea9936@'];
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * The screen that lets users add a bookmarklet.
function u_marklet_screen()
    global $config_array, $Paths;
    PageHeader(lang('userbar', 'userinfo'), 1);
    PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'userinfo') . ' &raquo; ' . lang('bookmarklets', 'bm_add'));
    // A quick hack to make sure the raquo's are encoded when using UTF-8
    $withlinktitle = lang('bookmarklets', 'bm_withlink');
    $nolinktitle = lang('bookmarklets', 'bm_nolink');
    $withlinktitle = str_replace("&raquo;", "&#187;", str_replace("»", "&#187;", $withlinktitle));
    $nolinktitle = str_replace("&raquo;", "&#187;", str_replace("»", "&#187;", $nolinktitle));
    $url = gethost() . $Paths['pivot_url'] . "index.php?menu=entries&amp;func=new_entry";
    $withlink = sprintf("javascript:bm=document.selection?document.selection.createRange().text:document.getSelection();void(open('%s&url='+escape(location.href)+'&i='+escape(bm)+'&t='+escape(document.title), 'new_log_entry', 'resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=790, height=480, location=yes, status=yes'));", $url);
    $nolink = sprintf("javascript:void(open('%s','new_log_entry', 'resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, width=790, height=480, location=yes, status=yes'));", $url);
    $main_funcs = array(array($withlinktitle, $withlink, lang('bookmarklets', 'bm_withlink_desc')), array($nolinktitle, $nolink, lang('bookmarklets', 'bm_nolink_desc')));
    echo "<p>" . lang('bookmarklets', 'bookmarklets_info');
    echo "<ul><li>" . lang('bookmarklets', 'bookmarklets_info_1') . "</li>";
    echo "<li>" . lang('bookmarklets', 'bookmarklets_info_2') . "</li></ul></p>";
Ejemplo n.º 10

 *  全局网站配置文件
return ['IS_DB_DEBUG' => true, "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_READ" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'oneBuy', "password" => "hanzikeji_oneBuy1124", "dbName" => "oneBuy"), "DB_OLD" => array("host" => "", 'user' => '', "password" => "", "dbName" => ""), 'MEMCACHE_CONFIG' => array(array('host' => '', 'port' => '11211')), 'REDIS_CONFIG' => array('host' => '', 'port' => '', 'auth' => '', 'connectType' => 'connect'), 'WEIXIN_CONFIG' => array('token' => 'OneTrade', 'encodingaeskey' => 'UbobcIF5nFgcqwXAFoytFa6EufA5kyB0vFzIPDThHR4', 'appid' => 'wxe50a5528b729b1aa', 'appsecret' => '5db67c37c90211bf57d07af54455a02a'), 'WEIXIN_PAY_CONFIG' => array('appid' => 'wxe50a5528b729b1aa', 'mchid' => '1299677801', 'key' => 'SKINTALKyangmaimai20151212linlin', 'SSLCERT_PATH' => '/disk2/ftp/buy/www/cert/apiclient_cert.pem', 'SSLKEY_PATH' => '/disk2/ftp/buy/www/cert/apiclient_key.pem', 'NOTIFY_URL' => gethost() . '/Api/Callback/order', 'CURL_TIMEOUT' => 30), 'ALIPAY_CONFIG' => array('partner' => '20********50', 'key' => '9t***********ie', 'sign_type' => strtoupper('MD5'), 'input_charset' => strtolower('utf-8'), 'cacert' => getcwd() . '\\cacert.pem', 'transport' => 'http'), 'ALIPAY' => array('account_name' => '支付宝名字名字名字', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'notify_url' => 'http://www.xxx.com/Pay/notifyurl', 'return_url' => 'http://www.xxx.com/Pay/returnurl', 'successpage' => 'User/myorder?ordtype=payed', 'errorpage' => 'User/myorder?ordtype=unpay'), 'MSM_URL' => '', 'MSM_ACCOUNT' => 'AA@GZAA', 'MSM_PWD' => 'Tea9936@'];
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Inserts RDF-code on entrypages (in the entrypage template) for trackback
 * autodiscovery.
 * Several blog authoring tools can use the RDF to detect the trackback URL for the entry.
function snippet_trackautodiscovery()
    global $db;
    $rdf = "<!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\r\nxmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\"\r\nxmlns:trackback=\"http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/\"><rdf:Description\r\nrdf:about=\"%url%\"\r\ndc:identifier=\"%url%\"\r\ndc:title=\"%title%\"\r\ntrackback:ping=\"%tb-url%\"/></rdf:RDF> -->";
    $url = gethost() . make_filelink($db->entry['code'], "", "", "");
    $tb_url = snippet_pivot_url() . 'tb.php?tb_id=' . $db->entry['code'];
    $rdf = str_replace("%url%", $url, $rdf);
    $rdf = str_replace("%title%", $db->entry['title'], $rdf);
    $rdf = str_replace("%tb-url%", $tb_url, $rdf);
    return $rdf;
Ejemplo n.º 12

 *  全局网站配置文件
return ['IS_DB_DEBUG' => false, "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'xxxxx', "password" => "xxxxx", "dbName" => "xxxxx"), "DB_MASTER" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'xxxxx', "password" => "xxxxx", "dbName" => "xxxxx"), "DB_READ" => array("host" => "", 'user' => 'xxxxx', "password" => "xxxxx", "dbName" => "xxxxx"), "DB_OLD" => array("host" => "", 'user' => '', "password" => "", "dbName" => ""), 'MEMCACHE_CONFIG' => array(array('host' => '', 'port' => '13562')), 'REDIS_CONFIG' => array('host' => '', 'port' => '', 'auth' => '', 'connectType' => 'connect'), 'WEIXIN_CONFIG' => array('token' => 'xxxxxxxx', 'encodingaeskey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'appid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'appsecret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'), 'WEIXIN_PAY_CONFIG' => array('appid' => 'xxxxxxx', 'mchid' => 'xxxxxx', 'key' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'SSLCERT_PATH' => '/disk2/ftp/buy/www/cert/apiclient_cert.pem', 'SSLKEY_PATH' => '/disk2/ftp/buy/www/cert/apiclient_key.pem', 'NOTIFY_URL' => gethost() . '/Api/Callback/order', 'CURL_TIMEOUT' => 30), 'MSM_URL' => '', 'MSM_ACCOUNT' => 'ytyg@GZAA', 'MSM_PWD' => 'YYG-Hz2-X3W-pJ9'];