function inserthost($data)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $hostname = $data['hostname'];
    $contactnumber = $data['contactnumber'];
    $email = $data['email'];
    $check = "SELECT COUNT(1) as count_ FROM eventhostinfo WHERE hostemail = '{$email}'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($check))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $count = 0;
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
        $count = $row['count_'];
    if ($count >= 1) {
        echo "This Information already exists, Press Next to Continue";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO eventhostinfo(hostname,hostemail,contactnumber) VALUES('{$hostname}','{$email}','{$contactnumber}')";
        //die('There was an error running the query [' .$conn->error . ']\n');
        if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
            die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
        } else {
            echo "New Record Sucessfully inserted, Press Next to Continue";
function insertsavedevent($data)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $eventid = $data['EventId'];
    $username = $data['username'];
    $check = "SELECT COUNT(1) as number FROM savedevents WHERE eventid = {$eventid} and username='******'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($check))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
        $count = $row['number'];
    if ($count >= 1) {
        echo "Already saved";
    } else {
        echo "Inserting new Record";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO savedevents(eventid,username) VALUES({$eventid},'{$username}')";
        if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
            die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
function insertticketscart($data)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $eventid = $data['eventid'];
    $username = $data['username'];
    $nooftickets = $data['noofticketstaken'];
    $check = "SELECT COUNT(1) as number FROM ticketscart WHERE eventid = {$eventid} and username='******'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($check))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
        $count = $row['number'];
    if ($count >= 1) {
        echo "Updating the exsisting table";
        $update_ = "Update ticketscart set nooftickets=nooftickets+{$nooftickets} where eventid = {$eventid} and username='******' ";
        if (!($_result = $conn->query($update_))) {
            die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    } else {
        echo "Inserting new Record";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO ticketscart(eventid,username,nooftickets) VALUES({$eventid},'{$username}',{$nooftickets})";
        if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
            die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
function insertlocation($data)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $state = $data['state'];
    $city = $data['city'];
    $address = $data['address'];
    $zipcode = $data['zipcode'];
    $check = "SELECT COUNT(1) as number FROM location WHERE state = '{$state}' and city='{$city}' and address='{$address}' and zipcode='{$zipcode}'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($check))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
        $count = $row['number'];
    if ($count >= 1) {
        echo "Location Info is already there";
    } else {
        echo "Inserting new Record";
        $sql = "INSERT INTO location(state,city,address,zipcode) VALUES('{$state}','{$city}','{$address}','{$zipcode}')";
        if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
            die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
function getEventsNextMonth()
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $sql = "SELECT events.EventId,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.rating,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl,location.State,location.City,location.Address,location.Zipcode,categories.CategoryName,categories.Categoryid from events \ninner join location inner join categories on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid and events.LocationId=location.LocationId \n where YEAR(StartDateandTime) = YEAR(NOW()) AND MONTH(StartDateandTime) = MONTH(NOW())+1";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function userSavedEvents($username)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $query = "SELECT events.EventId,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.rating,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl,location.State,location.City,location.Address,location.Zipcode,categories.CategoryName,categories.Categoryid from events inner join location inner join categories inner join savedevents on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid and events.LocationId=location.LocationId and events.EventId=savedevents.eventid where savedevents.username='******'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($query))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function getNumberOfTicketsSoldForEvent($id)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $query = "SELECT sum(nooftickets) as Peoplegoing FROM `ticketscart` WHERE EventId={$id} GROUP by EventId";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($query))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function getEventsWeekEnd()
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $sql = "SELECT events.EventId,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.rating,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl,location.State,location.City,location.Address,location.Zipcode,categories.CategoryName,categories.Categoryid from events inner join location inner join categories on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid and events.LocationId=location.LocationId WHERE DAYOFWEEK(StartDateandTime) = 7\nor DAYOFWEEK(StartDateandTime) = 1 or (DATE_FORMAT(StartDateandTime, '%T') > '17:30:00' AND DAYOFWEEK(StartDateandTime) = 6)";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function getEventsInfo($id)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $sql = "SELECT events.EventId,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.rating,events.VedioUrl,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl,location.State,location.City,location.Address,location.Zipcode,categories.CategoryName,categories.Categoryid,eventhostinfo.HostName,eventhostinfo.HostEmail,eventhostinfo.ContactNumber from events inner join location inner join categories INNER join eventhostinfo on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid and events.LocationId=location.LocationId and events.HostId=eventhostinfo.HostId where events.EventId=" . $id;
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function getCategories()
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM categories";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function getEventsFromCategories($categoryid)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $sql = "SELECT events.EventId,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.rating,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl,location.State,location.City,location.Address,location.Zipcode,categories.CategoryName,categories.Categoryid from events inner join location inner join categories on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid and events.LocationId=location.LocationId where events.Categoryid={$categoryid}";
    $query = "SELECT categories.CategoryName,events.EventId,events.Description,events.EventName,events.StartDateandTime,events.EndDateandTime,events.EventPrice,events.MaxCapacity,events.LogoImageUrl FROM `events` inner join categories on events.Categoryid=categories.Categoryid";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
    echo json_encode($return_arr);
function insertevent($data)
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $state = $data['state'];
    $city = $data['city'];
    $address = $data['address'];
    $zipcode = $data['zipcode'];
    $eventname = $data['eventname'];
    $eventprice = $data['eventprice'];
    $maxcapacity = $data['maxcapacity'];
    $logourl = $data['logourl'];
    $vediourl = $data['vediourl'];
    $category = $data['category'];
    $rating = $data['rating'];
    $hostname = $data['hostname'];
    $contactnumber = $data['contactnumber'];
    $email = $data['email'];
    $startdateandtime = $data['startdateandtime'];
    $enddateandtime = $data['enddateandtime'];
    echo "Getting Categoryid";
    $categoryid = "SELECT Categoryid as categoryid FROM categories WHERE CategoryName='{$category}'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($categoryid))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr = array();
    $category_id = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr, $row);
        $category_id = $row['categoryid'];
    echo "Getting Locationid";
    $locationid = "SELECT LocationId as locid FROM location WHERE State='{$state}' and City='{$city}' and Address='{$address}' and Zipcode='{$zipcode}'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($locationid))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $return_arr_ = array();
    $location_id = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($return_arr_, $row);
        $location_id = $row['locid'];
    echo "Getting Hostid";
    $hostid = "SELECT HostId as hosid FROM eventhostinfo WHERE HostName='{$hostname}' and HostEmail='{$email}' and ContactNumber='{$contactnumber}'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($hostid))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
    $_return_arr = array();
    $host_id = 0;
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        array_push($_return_arr, $row);
        $host_id = $row['hosid'];
    $des = "aaaaaa";
    echo "Inserting  Record";
    $sql = "INSERT INTO events(EventName,Categoryid,LocationId,StartDateandTime,EndDateandTime,LogoImageUrl,EventPrice,IsFree,HostId,MaxCapacity,Rating,IsSelected,VedioUrl,Description) VALUES('{$eventname}',{$category_id},{$location_id},'{$startdateandtime}','{$enddateandtime}','{$logourl}',{$eventprice},0,{$host_id},{$maxcapacity},{$rating},0,'{$vediourl}','{$des}')";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
Ejemplo n.º 13
    	if(!$result = $conn->query($sql)){
    		die('There was an error running the query [' .$conn->error . ']\n');
$app->post('/events/saved/delete/post/', function () use($app) {
    echo 'This is a POST route';
    $json = $app->request->getBody();
    $data = json_decode($json, true);
    echo $data['EventId'];
    echo $data['username'];
    $conn = geteventDB();
    $eventid = $data['EventId'];
    $username = $data['username'];
    $sql = "DELETE FROM savedevents WHERE savedevents.eventid={$eventid} and savedevents.username='******'";
    if (!($result = $conn->query($sql))) {
        die('There was an error running the query [' . $conn->error . ']\\n');
// PUT route
$app->put('/put', function () {
    echo 'This is a PUT route';
// PATCH route
$app->patch('/patch', function () {