function display_log($entries, $name)
    global $Db;
    $output = "<table class=\"fancy {$name}\" style=\"font-size:80%\">";
    $output .= "<tr><th colspan=7 style=\"font-size:120%\">{$name}</th></tr>";
    $output .= "<tr><th>date</th><th>destroyed</th><th>victim</th>";
    if (CORP_MODE) {
        $output .= "<th>final blow</th>";
    $output .= "<th>system</th><th>corp</th><th>alliance</th><th>#P</th></tr>";
    $alt = " class=\"main\"";
    foreach ($entries as $kill) {
        if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") {
            $alt = " class=\"alt\"";
        } else {
            $alt = " class=\"main\"";
        $output .= "<tr style=\"cursor: pointer;\" {$alt} onclick=\"document.location='" . FULL_URL . "&view=kills&kill=" . $kill["killID"] . "';\">";
        $output .= "<th scope=\"row\">" . force_nowrap($kill['killTime']) . "</th>";
        $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap($Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $kill->victim['shipTypeID'])) . "</td>";
        $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap(getcharname($kill)) . "</td>";
        if (CORP_MODE) {
            $killer = $kill->xpath("/eveapi/result/rowset[@name='kills']/row[@killID=" . $kill["killID"] . "]/rowset[@name='attackers']/row[@finalBlow=1]");
            if ((string) $killer[0]["characterName"] == "") {
                $killer = $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $killer[0]['shipTypeID']);
            } else {
                $killer = (string) $killer[0]["characterName"];
            $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap($killer) . "</td>";
        $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap($Db->getNameFromSystemId((int) $kill['solarSystemID'])) . "</td>";
        $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap($kill->victim['corporationName']) . "</td>";
        $output .= "<td>" . force_nowrap($kill->victim['allianceName']) . "</td>";
        $output .= "<td>" . count($kill->xpath("/eveapi/result/rowset[@name='kills']/row[@killID='" . $kill['killID'] . "']/rowset[@name='attackers']/*")) . "</td>";
        $output .= "</tr>\n";
    $output .= "</table>\n";
    return $output;
function generate_kill($kill)
    global $Db;
    @($oldTz = date_default_timezone_get());
    $killtime = strtotime((string) $kill["killTime"]);
    if ($oldTz) {
    $ret = "";
    $ret .= date("Y.m.d H:i", $killtime) . "\n";
    $ret .= "\n";
    $ret .= "Victim: " . getcharname($kill) . "\n";
    $ret .= "Corp: " . $kill->victim["corporationName"] . "\n";
    $ret .= "Alliance: " . ($kill->victim["allianceName"] == "" ? "NONE" : $kill->victim["allianceName"]) . "\n";
    $ret .= "Faction: " . ($kill->victim["factionName"] == "" ? "NONE" : $kill->victim["factionName"]) . "\n";
    $ret .= "Destroyed: " . $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $kill->victim['shipTypeID']) . "\n";
    $ret .= "System: " . $Db->getNameFromSystemId((int) $kill['solarSystemID']) . "\n";
    $ret .= "Security: " . $Db->getSystemSecurity((int) $kill['solarSystemID']) . "\n";
    $dmgtot = 0;
    $attackers = array();
    $dmg = array();
    foreach ($kill->rowset[0]->row as $attacker) {
        if ((int) $attacker["characterID"] == 0) {
            $attckr = "Name: " . ($attacker["shipTypeID"] != 0 ? $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $attacker['shipTypeID']) : "Unknown") . " / " . $attacker["corporationName"] . ($attacker["finalBlow"] == 1 ? " (laid the final blow)" : "") . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Damage Done: " . $attacker["damageDone"] . "\n";
        } else {
            $attckr = "Name: " . $attacker["characterName"] . ($attacker["finalBlow"] == 1 ? " (laid the final blow)" : "") . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Security: " . number_format((double) $attacker["securityStatus"], 1) . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Corp: " . $attacker["corporationName"] . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Alliance: " . ($attacker["allianceName"] == "" ? "NONE" : $attacker["allianceName"]) . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Faction: " . ($attacker["factionName"] == "" ? "NONE" : $attacker["factionName"]) . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Ship: " . ($attacker["shipTypeID"] != 0 ? $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $attacker['shipTypeID']) : "Unknown") . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Weapon: " . ($attacker["weaponTypeID"] != 0 ? $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $attacker['weaponTypeID']) : "Unknown") . "\n";
            $attckr .= "Damage Done: " . $attacker["damageDone"] . "\n";
        $attckr .= "\n";
        $key = (string) $attacker["characterID"] . (string) $attacker["shipTypeID"] . (string) $attacker["corporationID"];
        $attackers[$key] = $attckr;
        $dmg[$key] = (int) $attacker["damageDone"];
        $dmgtot += (int) $attacker["damageDone"];
    $ret .= "Damage Taken: {$dmgtot}\n";
    $ret .= "\nInvolved parties:\n\n";
    foreach ($dmg as $attacker => $d) {
        $ret .= $attackers[$attacker];
    $dropped = "";
    $destroyed = "";
    $flags = array(5 => "Cargo", 87 => "Drone Bay", 89 => "Installed Implant");
    foreach ($kill->rowset[1]->row as $item) {
        $qDropped = (int) $item["qtyDropped"];
        $qDestryd = (int) $item["qtyDestroyed"];
        $type = $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $item['typeID']);
        if (strpos($type, " Blueprint") !== false) {
            if (isset($item["singleton"]) && (int) $item["singleton"] == 2) {
                // Value is 2 if the item is a blueprint copy, 0 for all other items, including blueprint originals.
                $type .= " (Copy)";
            } else {
                $type .= " (Original)";
        $flag = (int) $item['flag'];
        if ($qDropped > 0) {
            $dropped .= $type;
            if ($qDropped > 1) {
                $dropped .= ", Qty: {$qDropped}";
            if (isset($flags[$flag])) {
                $dropped .= " (" . $flags[$flag] . ")";
            $dropped .= "\n";
        if ($qDestryd > 0) {
            $destroyed .= $type;
            if ($qDestryd > 1) {
                $destroyed .= ", Qty: {$qDestryd}";
            if (isset($flags[$flag])) {
                $destroyed .= " (" . $flags[$flag] . ")";
            $destroyed .= "\n";
        if ($item->rowset) {
            foreach ($item->rowset->row as $item) {
                $qDropped = (int) $item["qtyDropped"];
                $qDestryd = (int) $item["qtyDestroyed"];
                $type = $Db->getNameFromTypeId((int) $item['typeID']);
                if ($qDropped > 0) {
                    $dropped .= $type . ($qDropped > 1 ? ", Qty: {$qDropped}" : "") . " (In Container)\n";
                if ($qDestryd > 0) {
                    $destroyed .= $type . ($qDestryd > 1 ? ", Qty: {$qDestryd}" : "") . " (In Container)\n";
    if ($destroyed != "") {
        $ret .= "Destroyed items:\n\n{$destroyed}\n";
    if ($dropped != "") {
        $ret .= "Dropped items:\n\n{$dropped}\n";
    return $ret;