public function save_bz() { $this->tpl_name = ""; if ($_REQUEST["movie"]) { $video_info = get_video_id($_REQUEST["movie"]); if ($video_info['id']) { $video_data = get_video_data($video_info['id'], $video_info['type']); $_REQUEST["movie1"] = $video_info['id']; $_REQUEST["movie1_type"] = $video_info['type']; $_REQUEST["movie1_thumb"] = $video_data['b_thumbnail']; } } if ($_REQUEST["startup_name"]) { $_REQUEST["startup_id"] = ""; } if ($_REQUEST["s_id"] > 0) { $_REQUEST["id"] = $_REQUEST["s_id"]; } $_REQUEST["user_id_bz"] = $_SESSION["s"]["id"]; $_id = $this->Startup_service->add($_REQUEST); if ($_id) { $this->Startup_service->del_category($_id); if ($_REQUEST["market_1"]) { $this->Startup_service->add_category($_id, $_REQUEST["market_1"]); } if ($_REQUEST["market_2"]) { $this->Startup_service->add_category($_id, $_REQUEST["market_2"]); } if ($_REQUEST["market_3"]) { $this->Startup_service->add_category($_id, $_REQUEST["market_3"]); } $this->Startup_service->del_date($_id); if ($_REQUEST["founded"]) { $this->Startup_service->add_date($_id, $_REQUEST["founded"], 0); } for ($d = 1; $d < $_REQUEST["cnt_date"] + 1; $d++) { if ($_REQUEST["update_" . $d]) { $this->Startup_service->add_date($_id, $_REQUEST["update_" . $d], 1, $_REQUEST["update_des_" . $d]); } } $this->Startup_service->del_article($_id); for ($a = 1; $a < $_REQUEST["cnt_article"] + 1; $a++) { if ($_REQUEST["article_" . $a]) { $this->Startup_service->add_article($_id, $_REQUEST["article_" . $a], $_REQUEST["article_t_" . $a]); } } if ($_REQUEST["pic_1"]) { $img_temp_name = str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST['pic_1']); $ck = substr($img_temp_name, 0, 1); if ($ck == '/') { $img_temp_name = substr($img_temp_name, 1, strlen($img_temp_name) - 1); } $file_ext = explode('.', $img_temp_name); $file_ext = '.' . $file_ext[sizeof($file_ext) - 1]; $original_file = $this->settings->root_path . $img_temp_name; $copy_file = $this->settings->root_path . 'media/service/1_' . $_id . $file_ext; //그림 파일 update 폴더로 옮긴 후 임시파일 삭제 copy($original_file, $copy_file); unlink($original_file); $_pic = '/media/service/1_' . $_id . $file_ext; $this->Startup_service->add_picture($_id, $_pic); } $res["id"] = $_id; echo json_encode($res); } }
* The template for displaying all single posts and attachments * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Sixteen * @since Twenty Sixteen 1.0 */ get_header(); ?> <?php $obj = $post; $description = ''; $attachment = get_field('attachments', $post->ID); $video = get_field('video', $post->ID); $ext = pathinfo($attachment['url'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $vt = get_video_data($video); $slideshare = get_field('slideshare', $post->ID); $session = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'session'); $end_datetime = strtotime(get_field('end_date', $post->ID)); $initial_datetime = strtotime(get_field('initial_date', $post->ID)); // Find connected participants $connected = new WP_Query(array('connected_type' => 'presentations_to_participants', 'connected_items' => $post, 'nopaging' => true)); ?> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main"> <?php event_breadcrumb($post->ID); ?>
public function startup_add_step3() { if ($_REQUEST["id"]) { $ex = $this->Startup_service->get($_REQUEST["id"]); } $_id = $this->Startup_service->add($_REQUEST); if (!$_REQUEST["id"]) { $_REQUEST["id"] = $_id; } for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $_ord = 'img' . $i; if ($_REQUEST[$_ord]) { if (strpos($_REQUEST[$_ord], '/temp/')) { $img_temp_name = str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST[$_ord]); $ck = substr($img_temp_name, 0, 1); if ($ck == '/') { $img_temp_name = substr($img_temp_name, 1, strlen($img_temp_name) - 1); } $file_ext = explode('.', $img_temp_name); //$filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $file_ext = '.' . $file_ext[sizeof($file_ext) - 1]; $original_file = $this->settings->root_path . $img_temp_name; $copy_file = $this->settings->root_path . 'media/service/' . $i . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; $_REQUEST[$_ord] = '/media/service/' . $i . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; $_REQUEST[$_ord . "_thumb"] = '/media/service/thumb/' . $i . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; if ($ex[$_ord]) { unlink(substr($ex[$_ord], 1)); unlink(substr($ex[$_ord . "_thumb"], 1)); } //그림 파일 update 폴더로 옮긴 후 임시파일 삭제 copy($original_file, $copy_file); unlink($original_file); GD2_make_thumb_x(180, 'thumb/', $copy_file); } else { $_REQUEST[$_ord] = $ex[$_ord]; $_REQUEST[$_ord . "_thumb"] = $ex[$_ord . "_thumb"]; } } else { $_REQUEST[$_ord] = ''; $_REQUEST[$_ord . "_thumb"] = ''; if ($ex[$_ord]) { unlink(substr($ex[$_ord], 1)); unlink(substr($ex[$_ord . "_thumb"], 1)); } } } for ($k = 1; $k < 5; $k++) { $_o = "movie" . $k; if ($_REQUEST[$_o]) { $video_info = get_video_id($_REQUEST[$_o]); if ($video_info['id']) { $video_data = get_video_data($video_info['id'], $video_info['type']); $_REQUEST[$_o] = $video_info['id']; $_REQUEST[$_o . "_type"] = $video_info['type']; $_REQUEST[$_o . "_thumb"] = $video_data['b_thumbnail']; } else { $_REQUEST[$_o] = ''; $_REQUEST[$_o . "_type"] = ''; $_REQUEST[$_o . "_thumb"] = ''; } } } for ($j = 1; $j < 5; $j++) { $_or = "gr" . $j; if ($_REQUEST[$_or]) { if (strpos($_REQUEST[$_or], '/temp/')) { $img_temp_name = str_replace(" ", "", $_REQUEST[$_or]); $ck = substr($img_temp_name, 0, 1); if ($ck == '/') { $img_temp_name = substr($img_temp_name, 1, strlen($img_temp_name) - 1); } $file_ext = explode('.', $img_temp_name); //$filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $file_ext = '.' . $file_ext[sizeof($file_ext) - 1]; $original_file = $this->settings->root_path . $img_temp_name; $copy_file = $this->settings->root_path . 'media/service/' . $_or . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; $_REQUEST[$_or] = '/media/service/' . $_or . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; $_REQUEST[$_or . "_thumb"] = '/media/service/thumb/' . $_or . '_' . $_id . $file_ext; if ($ex[$_or]) { unlink(substr($ex[$_or], 1)); unlink(substr($ex[$_or . "_thumb"], 1)); } //그림 파일 update 폴더로 옮긴 후 임시파일 삭제 copy($original_file, $copy_file); unlink($original_file); GD2_make_thumb_x(180, 'thumb/', $copy_file); } else { $_REQUEST[$_or] = $ex[$_or]; $_REQUEST[$_or . "_thumb"] = $ex[$_or . "_thumb"]; } } else { $_REQUEST[$_or . '_title'] = ''; $_REQUEST[$_or . '_thumb'] = ''; $_REQUEST[$_or] = ''; if ($ex[$_or]) { unlink(substr($ex[$_or], 1)); unlink(substr($ex[$_or . "_thumb"], 1)); } } } $this->Startup_service->add($_REQUEST); $result["id"] = $_id; echo json_encode($result); $this->tpl_name = ""; }
function the_videos($videoCategorySlug = '', $videoHtml = 'default_video') { if (!$videoCategorySlug) { return; } $args = array('post_type' => 'video', 'youtube_video' => $videoCategorySlug, 'posts_per_page' => -1); $VIDEO_HTML = array('default_video' => 'default_video_html', 'about_video' => 'about_video_html', 'thumb_video' => 'thumb_video_html', 'main_video' => 'main_video_html', 'role_modeling_main_video' => 'role_modeling_main_video_html', 'founder_video' => 'founder_video_html'); $posts = get_posts($args); if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $youtubeId = get_youtube_id($post->ID); $videoData = array('thumbnail' => null, 'views' => null, 'text' => null, 'twitter-message' => null, 'permalink' => get_permalink($post->ID)); $videoData = array_merge($videoData, get_video_data($post->ID, $youtubeId)); if ($videoData['thumbnail']) { $VIDEO_HTML[$videoHtml]($videoData); } the_excerpt(); } } }
<?php $id = get_the_ID(); $youtubeId = get_youtube_id($id); $videoData = get_video_data($id, $youtubeId); ?> <div class="video-container" id="playerContainer" data-video-id="<?php echo $youtubeId; ?> "> <div id="player"></div> <section id="playerInfo" class="disabled"> <h2 class="title"><?php get_the_title($id); ?> </h2> <?php video_info_html($videoData); ?> </section> <?php get_template_part('social'); ?> </div> <?php social_include();