Ejemplo n.º 1
function import_cssrules($cssfile, $idcssfile, $idclient)
    global $css_warnings, $cfg_client;
    if (!file_exists($cssfile)) {
        return '1115';
    // css-file is missing
    $errstatus = false;
    // get validator object
    $validate = get_validator('css_validator');
    // get all lines and make a long string of it
    $rules_array = file($cssfile);
    // remove all html and c-style comments, all unneccessary whitespaces
    $rules = implode('   JB§BJ   ', $rules_array);
    $rules = preg_replace('/(<\\!\\-\\-)|(\\-\\->)/', '', $rules);
    $rules = preg_replace('/\\n|\\r/s', '', $rules);
    $rules = preg_replace('/(\\/\\*.*?\\*\\/)|([^:]\\/\\/.*?JB§BJ)|\\t/s', '', $rules);
    $rules = preg_replace('/((\\/\\/)$)|(JB§BJ)/', '', $rules);
    $rules = preg_replace('/\\s{2,}/s', ' ', $rules);
    // to do:
    // extract import-statements before rule-splitting
    // split the rules-string into an array of rules, use } as split-character
    $rules_array = explode('}', $rules);
    // create for all rules an db record
    foreach ($rules_array as $key => $value) {
        // split into name and elements
        $cssrule = explode("{", trim($value));
        $name = trim($cssrule[0]);
        $styles = trim($cssrule[1]);
        // normalize elements
        $styles = preg_replace('/ *?:/', ':', $styles);
        $styles = preg_replace('/: +/', ': ', $styles);
        $styles = preg_replace('/(( *?;) *)/', '; ', $styles);
        if (substr(trim($styles), -1) != ';') {
            $styles .= ';';
        // get ruletype and change rulename if neccessary
        $type = substr($name, 0, 1);
        switch ($type) {
            case '#':
            case '.':
            case '@':
            case ':':
                $name = substr($name, 1);
                $type = '';
        // ignore rules without names or styles - might be errors
        if (!$name || !$styles) {
        // check names and rules - mark possible errors with status 0
        // jb - 04.09.2004 - addes checks for vendor-specific-css-rules
        // if name is vendor-specific the rule will always be okay, i.e.
        // vendor-specific css-rules will be ignored by the validator
        // CSS2.1-Spec: 4.1.2
        $status = '1';
        if (!$validate->cssrule_vendor_specific($name)) {
            if (!$validate->cssrule_name($name) || !$validate->css_elements($styles, $cfg_client["css_checking"])) {
                $status = '0';
                $errstatus = true;
        // make db record and add rule to file, ignore errors while inserting ...
        // jb - 28.08.2004 - cms_addslashes hinzugefügt, wegen single quotes in CSS-Stilen
        $styles = cms_addslashes($styles);
        $id = insert_cssrule($idclient, $type, $name, '', $styles, $status, $css_warnings);
        if ($id) {
            add_cssrule_to_file($id, $idcssfile);
    // return import status
    return $errstatus ? '1117' : '1116';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function scan_files($iddirectory, $updatethumbs = 0)
     global $deb, $client, $cfg_client, $cms_db;
     // get validator object
     $validate = get_validator('upload');
     // scan files in directory
     $found_files_id = array();
     $this->edit_files = array();
     $currentdir = '';
     $scandir = '';
     // get scan dir
     $this->_get_scan_dir($iddirectory, $currentdir, $scandir);
     if (!is_dir($scandir)) {
         // error ... given name is no directory
         $this->db->delete_by_id_and_client('directory', 'iddirectory', $iddirectory, $client);
     } else {
         // do scan directory for files
         // set the all files in current directory to be scanned
         $current_iddirectory = $currentdir['iddirectory'];
         $sql = 'UPDATE ';
         $sql .= $cms_db['upl'] . ' ';
         $sql .= 'SET ';
         $sql .= ' status       = (status | 0x10), ';
         $sql .= ' lastmodified = lastmodified ';
         $sql .= 'WHERE ';
         $sql .= '     iddirectory = ' . $current_iddirectory;
         $sql .= ' AND idclient    = ' . $client;
         $sql .= ' AND (status & 0x04) = 0';
         $this->db->sql = $sql;
         $this->db->needReturn = false;
         // get dirs and files
         $handle = opendir($scandir);
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             if (strpos($file, $this->thumb_ext) === false && $file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                 // exclude thumbs and special dirs
                 // handle files
                 $onefile = $scandir . $file;
                 if (is_file($onefile)) {
                     $filetype = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1));
                     // check if forbidden filetype
                     $filetype_okay = empty($filetype) ? true : !strstr($this->cfg_client['upl_forbidden'], $filetype);
                     if ($validate->filename($file) && $filetype_okay) {
                         // not a forbidden filetype
                         // prüfe ob file existiert:
                         // ja: aktualisiere datensatz
                         // nein: ermittle filetype und lege die datei an
                         $filesize = filesize($onefile);
                         $filetime = filemtime($onefile);
                         $newfile = $this->get_file($file, $client, $current_iddirectory);
                         if (empty($newfile)) {
                             $filetype_id = $this->get_filetype_id($filetype, true);
                             $status = $currentdir['status'] | $this->tmp_filetypedata[$filetype]['status'];
                             $idfile = $this->insert_file((int) $client, $file, (int) $current_iddirectory, (int) $filetype_id, (int) ($status & 0xef), '', '', $filetime, $filesize);
                             $this->edit_files[] = $idfile;
                             // add new file to editlist
                         } else {
                             if ($filesize != $newfile['filesize'] || $filetime != $newfile['created'] || !empty($updatethumbs)) {
                                 if (!empty($updatethumbs)) {
                                     switch ($newfile['idfiletype']) {
                                         case 3:
                                         case 4:
                                         case 12:
                                         case 13:
                                             $filesize = -2;
                                 $this->update_file($newfile['idupl'], '', $file, '', '', 0xef & $newfile['status'], '', '', $filesize, $filetime);
                             $found_files_id[] = $newfile['idupl'];
                     } else {
                         // jb_todo: forbidden file type ?? collect ??
                         // jb_todo: filename not valid  ?? collect ??
                         $this->error_files[] = $onefile;
         // delete all scanned marks of found files
         $this->db->needReturn = false;
         if (count($found_files_id) > 0) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ';
             $sql .= $cms_db['upl'] . ' ';
             $sql .= 'SET ';
             $sql .= ' status       = (status & 0xEF), ';
             $sql .= ' lastmodified = lastmodified ';
             $sql .= 'WHERE ';
             $sql .= '     idupl in (' . implode(',', $found_files_id) . ') ';
             $sql .= ' AND idclient = ' . $client;
             $this->db->sql = $sql;
         // delete scannfile mark of current dir
         $sql = 'UPDATE ';
         $sql .= $cms_db['directory'] . ' ';
         $sql .= 'SET ';
         $sql .= ' status       = (status & 0xDF), ';
         $sql .= ' lastmodified = lastmodified ';
         $sql .= 'WHERE ';
         $sql .= '     iddirectory = ' . $current_iddirectory;
         $sql .= ' AND idclient    = ' . $client;
         $this->db->sql = $sql;
     return count($found_files_id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function testAnnotationRaw()
     $val = get_validator();
     $errors = $val->validateArray(['test' => rand(5, 99), 'foo' => 'something'], 'Class1');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($errors['test']->getMessage(), 'invalid') > 0);
     $this->assertEquals(count($errors), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function upl_editdir()
    global $fm, $client, $newdirname, $newdirdescription, $dirname, $dirdescription, $iddirectory, $cms_gruppenids, $cms_gruppenrechte, $cms_gruppenrechtegeerbt, $cms_gruppenrechteueberschreiben;
    // rechte prüfen für edit directory
    if (!$fm->perm->have_perm(3, 'folder', $iddirectory)) {
        return '1701';
    // get validator object
    $validate = get_validator('upload');
    // check if the required values are set
    if (empty($newdirname)) {
        return '1405';
    // requirements
    if (!$validate->filepath($newdirname)) {
        return '1406';
    // bad chars in dirname
    // check if the new dirname can be used
    $rename_done = $fm->rename_directory_fs($newdirname, $iddirectory);
    if ($rename_done) {
        // so far no error conditions ... update db record
        // get status settings
        $status = 0;
        $tmp = $fm->tmp_directorydata[$iddirectory];
        $olddirname = $tmp['dirname'];
        $newdir = substr($tmp['dirname'], 0, strlen($tmp['dirname']) - strlen($tmp['name']) - 1) . $newdirname . '/';
        $fm->update_directory($iddirectory, $client, $newdirname, $newdir, $newdirdescription, (int) $parentid, (int) $status);
        $fm->change_child_dirname($olddirname, $client, $newdir);
    // check if user rights have to be set
    if ($fm->perm->have_perm(6, 'folder', $idupl)) {
        $fm->perm->set_group_rights('folder', $iddirectory, $cms_gruppenids, $cms_gruppenrechte, $cms_gruppenrechtegeerbt, $cms_gruppenrechteueberschreiben, '', 4294967295.0, '0');
    return $fm->errno;