Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Fucntion to display more videos page title 
  * @param unknown $type_name
  * @param unknown $typename
  * @return string
 function morePageTitle($type_name, $typename)
     $div = '';
     /** Check type name and get title for the more pages */
     switch ($type_name) {
         case 'Category':
             /** Get playlsit name based on playl id */
             $playlist_name = get_playlist_name(intval(absint($this->_playid)));
             /** Display playlist title in category page*/
             $div .= '<h2 class="titleouter" >' . $playlist_name . ' </h2>';
         case 'User':
             /** Get user name based on user id */
             $user_name = get_user_name(intval($this->_userid));
             /** Display user name in user videos page */
             $div .= '<h2 >' . $user_name . ' </h2>';
         case 'popular':
         case 'recent':
         case 'random':
         case 'featured':
             /** Get current more type and display as page title */
             $div .= '<h2 >' . $typename . ' ' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . ' </h2>';
     /** Return more page title */
     return $div;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function update_logo()
    global $cfg;
    if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] === 'upload_logo') {
        $file_type = $_FILES['logo_file']['type'];
        if (empty($_FILES['logo_file']['name'])) {
            set_page_message(tr('Upload file error!'));
        if (!($file_type === "image/gif" || $file_type === "image/jpeg" || $file_type === "image/pjpeg")) {
            set_page_message(tr('You can upload only images!'));
        } else {
            $fname = $_FILES['logo_file']['name'];
            $fsize = $_FILES['logo_file']['size'];
            $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
            $path1 = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/admin/layout.php') + 1);
            $path2 = substr($cfg['ROOT_TEMPLATE_PATH'], 0, strpos($cfg['ROOT_TEMPLATE_PATH'], '/tpl') + 1);
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES['logo_file']['tmp_name'], $path1 . "/themes/user_logos/" . get_user_name($user_id) . ".jpg");
            update_user_gui_props(get_user_name($user_id) . ".jpg", $user_id);
            set_page_message(tr('Your logo was successful uploaded!'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function _update()
     $id = $_POST["id"];
     $model = M("MailOrganize");
     $model = D("MailOrganize");
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (in_array('user_id', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->user_id = get_user_id();
     if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->user_name = get_user_name();
     $list = $model->add();
     if ($list !== false) {
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', get_return_url());
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function view_order()
     $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
     $list = M("GoodsOrder")->where("id =" . $id)->find();
     if ($list['is_delivery'] == 0) {
         $list['is_delivery_format'] = "否";
     } else {
         $list['is_delivery_format'] = "是";
     if ($list['order_status'] == 0) {
         $list['order_status_format'] = "未发货";
     } elseif ($list['order_status'] == 1) {
         $list['order_status_format'] = "已发货";
     } elseif ($list['order_status'] == 2) {
         $list['order_status_format'] = "无效订单";
     } elseif ($list['order_status'] == 3) {
         $list['order_status_format'] = "用户删除";
     $list['ex_time'] = to_date($list['ex_time'], "Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $list['delivery_time'] = to_date($list['delivery_time'], "Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $list['user_name'] = get_user_name($list['user_id']);
     $list['attr_format'] = unserialize($list['attr']);
     foreach ($list['attr_format'] as $kk => $vv) {
         $attr_str .= $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select name from " . DB_PREFIX . "goods_type_attr where id =" . $kk);
         $attr_str .= ":";
         $attr_str .= $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select name from " . DB_PREFIX . "goods_attr where id =" . $vv);
         $attr_str .= "  ";
     $list['attr_str'] = $attr_str;
     $this->assign('list', $list);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function _insert()
     $model = M('MailAccount');
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (in_array('id', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->id = get_user_id();
     if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->user_name = get_user_name();
     $email = $_POST['email'];
     $list = $model->add();
     if ($list !== false) {
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', get_return_url());
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function goods_user_go($uid = null, $gid = null, $num = null)
     $good_info = $gid;
     $gid = $good_info['id'];
     $uinfo = $uid;
     $uid = $uinfo['uid'];
     $gtitle = $good_info['title'];
     $utitle = get_user_name($uinfo);
     $paydb = System::load_app_class('pay', 'pay');
     $number = $num;
     $reg = $paydb->pay_user_go_shop($uid, $gid, $number);
     if ($reg) {
         $specify = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_goodspecify` where `gid` = '{$gid}' and `uid` = '{$uid}'");
         if ($specify) {
             $number = $specify['num'] + $number;
             $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_goodspecify` SET `num` = '{$number}' where `id` = '{$specify['id']}'");
         } else {
             $inster = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_goodspecify` (`uid`,`gid`,`num`,`utitle`,`gtitle`) VALUES ('{$uid}','{$gid}','{$number}','{$utitle}','{$gtitle}')");
             if (!$inster) {
     return $reg;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function _before_update(&$data, $options)
     $old_data = M("Crm")->find($data['id']);
     $diff = array_diff_assoc($data, $old_data);
     $diff = array_keys($diff);
     $desc = array('name' => '姓名', 'mobile_tel' => '手机', 'district' => '小区', 'need' => '客户需求', 'source' => '客户来源', 'age' => '年龄', 'work' => '职业');
     if (!empty($diff)) {
         foreach ($diff as $val) {
             $model->need = implode(",", $model->need);
             if (is_array($data[$val])) {
                 $new = implode(",", $data[$val]);
             } else {
                 $new = $data[$val];
             $comment .= $desc[$val] . ":" . $old_data[$val] . "->" . $new . " ;  ";
         $model = D("CrmLog");
         $log['user_id'] = get_user_id();
         $log['user_name'] = get_user_name();
         $log['create_time'] = time();
         $log['crm_id'] = $data['id'];
         $log['emp_no'] = get_emp_no();
         $log['comment'] = $comment;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function print_login_button()
    if (is_logged_in()) {
        echo '<a href="userprofile.php?userid=' . get_user_id() . '">' . get_user_name() . '</a> | <a href="./twitteroauth/clearsessions.php">Log out</a>';
    } else {
        echo '<a href="./twitteroauth/redirect.php">Sign in with Twitter</a>';
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function lottery_shop_json()
     if (!isset($_GET['gid'])) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => '1'));
     $gid = trim($_GET['gid']);
     $times = (int) System::load_sys_config('system', 'goods_end_time');
     if (!$times) {
         $times = 1;
     $db = System::load_sys_class('model');
     $gid = safe_replace($gid);
     $gid = str_ireplace("select", "", $gid);
     $gid = str_ireplace("union", "", $gid);
     $gid = str_ireplace("'", "", $gid);
     $gid = str_ireplace("%27", "", $gid);
     $gid = trim($gid, ',');
     if (!$gid) {
         $info = $db->GetOne("select qishu,xsjx_time,id,zongrenshu,thumb,title,q_uid,q_user,q_user_code,q_end_time from `@#_shoplist` where `q_showtime` = 'Y' order by `q_end_time` ASC");
     } else {
         $infos = $db->GetList("select  qishu,xsjx_time,id,zongrenshu,thumb,title,q_uid,q_user,q_user_code,q_end_time from `@#_shoplist` where `q_showtime` = 'Y' order by `q_end_time` ASC limit 0,4");
         $gid = @explode('_', $gid);
         $info = false;
         foreach ($infos as $infov) {
             if (!in_array($infov['id'], $gid)) {
                 $info = $infov;
     if (!$info) {
         echo json_encode(array("error" => '1'));
     if ($info['xsjx_time']) {
         $info['q_end_time'] = $info['q_end_time'] + $times;
     $user = unserialize($info['q_user']);
     $user = get_user_name($info['q_uid'], "username");
     $uid = $info['q_uid'];
     $upload = G_UPLOAD_PATH;
     $q_time = substr($info['q_end_time'], 0, 10);
     if ($q_time <= time()) {
         $db->Query("update `@#_shoplist` SET `q_showtime` = 'N' where `id` = '{$info['id']}' and `q_showtime` = 'Y' and `q_uid` is not null");
         echo json_encode(array("error" => '-1'));
     $user_shop_number = $db->GetOne("select sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` where `uid`= '{$uid}' and `shopid` = '{$info['id']}' and `shopqishu` = '{$info['qishu']}'");
     $user_shop_number = $user_shop_number['gonumber'];
     $times = $q_time - time();
     echo json_encode(array("error" => "0", "user_shop_number" => "{$user_shop_number}", "user" => "{$user}", "zongrenshu" => $info['zongrenshu'], "q_user_code" => $info['q_user_code'], "qishu" => $info['qishu'], "upload" => $upload, "thumb" => $info['thumb'], "id" => $info['id'], "uid" => "{$uid}", "title" => $info['title'], "user" => $user, "times" => $times));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function send_shop_code()
     if (!isset($_POST['send']) && !isset($_POST['uid']) && !isset($_POST['gid'])) {
     $uid = abs($_POST['uid']);
     $gid = abs($_POST['gid']);
     $db = System::load_sys_class("model");
     $sendinfo = $db->GetOne("SELECT id,send_type FROM `@#_send` WHERE `gid` = '{$gid}' and `uid` = '{$uid}'");
     if ($sendinfo) {
     $member = $db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE `uid` = '{$uid}'");
     if (!$member) {
     $info = $db->GetOne("SELECT id,q_user_code,q_end_time,title,q_user FROM `@#_shoplist` WHERE `id` = '{$gid}' and `q_uid` = '{$uid}'");
     if (!$info) {
     $username = get_user_name($member, 'username', 'all');
     $this->send_insert($uid, $gid, $username, $info['title'], '-1');
     $type = System::load_sys_config("send", "type");
     if (!$type) {
     $q_time = abs(substr($info['q_end_time'], 0, 10));
     while (time() < $q_time) {
     $ret_send = false;
     if ($type == '1') {
         if (!empty($member['email'])) {
             send_email_code($member['email'], $username, $uid, $info['q_user_code'], $info['title']);
             $ret_send = true;
     if ($type == '2') {
         if (!empty($member['mobile'])) {
             send_mobile_shop_code($member['mobile'], $uid, $info['q_user_code']);
             $ret_send = true;
     if ($type == '3') {
         if (!empty($member['email'])) {
             send_email_code($member['email'], $username, $uid, $info['q_user_code'], $info['title']);
             $ret_send = true;
         if (!empty($member['mobile'])) {
             send_mobile_shop_code($member['mobile'], $uid, $info['q_user_code']);
             $ret_send = true;
     if ($ret_send) {
         $this->send_insert($uid, $gid, $username, $info['title'], $type);
Ejemplo n.º 11
function whoami()
    if (check_login()) {
        echo "<p></p>";
        echo "Logged in as " . get_user_name();
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?logout\" id=\"logout\">logout</a>";
    } else {
        echo "<p></p>";
        echo "Not Logged in.";
        echo "<a href=\"login.php\">login</a>";
Ejemplo n.º 12
function thread_to_xml($thread, $link)
    global $state_chatting, $threadstate_to_string, $threadstate_key, $mibew_encoding, $operator, $settings, $can_viewthreads, $can_takeover, $mysqlprefix;
    $state = $threadstate_to_string[$thread['istate']];
    $result = "<thread id=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($thread['threadid'])) . "\" stateid=\"{$state}\"";
    if ($state == "closed") {
        return $result . "/>";
    $state = getstring($threadstate_key[$thread['istate']]);
    $nextagent = $thread['nextagent'] != 0 ? operator_by_id_($thread['nextagent'], $link) : null;
    $threadoperator = $nextagent ? get_operator_name($nextagent) : ($thread['agentName'] ? $thread['agentName'] : "-");
    if ($threadoperator == "-" && $thread['groupname']) {
        $threadoperator = "- " . $thread['groupname'] . " -";
    if (!($thread['istate'] == $state_chatting && $thread['agentId'] != $operator['operatorid'] && !is_capable($can_takeover, $operator))) {
        $result .= " canopen=\"true\"";
    if ($thread['agentId'] != $operator['operatorid'] && $thread['nextagent'] != $operator['operatorid'] && is_capable($can_viewthreads, $operator)) {
        $result .= " canview=\"true\"";
    if ($settings['enableban'] == "1") {
        $result .= " canban=\"true\"";
    $banForThread = $settings['enableban'] == "1" ? ban_for_addr_($thread['remote'], $link) : false;
    if ($banForThread) {
        $result .= " ban=\"blocked\" banid=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($banForThread['banid'])) . "\"";
    $result .= " state=\"{$state}\" typing=\"" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($thread['userTyping'])) . "\">";
    $result .= "<name>";
    if ($banForThread) {
        $result .= safe_htmlspecialchars(getstring('chat.client.spam.prefix'));
    $result .= safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars(get_user_name($thread['userName'], $thread['remote'], $thread['userid']))) . "</name>";
    $result .= "<addr>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(get_user_addr($thread['remote'])) . "</addr>";
    $result .= "<agent>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($threadoperator)) . "</agent>";
    $result .= "<time>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($thread['unix_timestamp(dtmcreated)'])) . "000</time>";
    $result .= "<modified>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($thread['unix_timestamp(dtmmodified)'])) . "000</modified>";
    if ($banForThread) {
        $result .= "<reason>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($banForThread['comment'])) . "</reason>";
    $userAgent = get_useragent_version($thread['userAgent']);
    $result .= "<useragent>" . safe_htmlspecialchars($userAgent) . "</useragent>";
    if ($thread["shownmessageid"] != 0) {
        $query = "select tmessage from {$mysqlprefix}chatmessage where messageid = " . intval($thread["shownmessageid"]);
        $line = select_one_row($query, $link);
        if ($line) {
            $message = preg_replace("/[\r\n\t]+/", " ", $line["tmessage"]);
            $result .= "<message>" . safe_htmlspecialchars(safe_htmlspecialchars($message)) . "</message>";
    $result .= "</thread>";
    return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Plugin Name: Post Notification
 * Plugin Description: Sends an Notification email if there's a new post to an favorite topic. (Modified Version 1.4 with Post Content included in E-Mail)
 * Author: Thomas Klaiber
 * Author URI: http://thomasklaiber.com/
 * Plugin URI: http://thomasklaiber.com/bbpress/post-notification/
 * Version: 1.4
function notification_new_post($post_id = 0)
    global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix, $topic_id, $bb_current_user;
    $all_users = notification_select_all_users();
    foreach ($all_users as $userdata) {
        if (notification_is_activated($userdata->ID)) {
            if (is_user_favorite($userdata->ID, $topic_id)) {
                //$topic = get_topic($topic_id);
                $message = __("Hello,\n\nA new post on \"%1\$s\" has been added by %2\$s at DHAnswers. \n\nMessage:\n\n%3\$s \n\n%4\$s ");
                mail($userdata->user_email, '[DHAnswers] New Post for Favorite Question', sprintf($message, get_topic_title($topic_id), get_user_name($bb_current_user->ID), strip_tags(get_post_text($post_id)), get_topic_link($topic_id)), 'From: ' . bb_get_option('name') . ' <' . bb_get_option('from_email') . '>');
Ejemplo n.º 14
function getInfoHtml($uid)
    $avatar_width = 100;
    $avatar_height = 100;
    $avatar_class = "avatar";
    $config = new avatarupload_config();
    $avatar_img = "";
    if ($a = avatarupload_get_avatar($uid, 1, 1)) {
        $avatar_img = '<img src="' . $a[0] . '" width="' . $avatar_width . '" height="' . $avatar_height . '" alt="' . $a[4] . '" class="' . $class . '" />';
    $user_name = get_user_name($uid);
    $profile_link = get_user_profile_link($uid);
    $html = $avatar_img . '<div class="nombre_usuario"><b><a href="' . $profile_link . '">' . $user_name . '</a></b></div>';
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Get the currently logged in user name.
  * @return string
 public static function currentUserName()
     if (function_exists('\\get_user_name')) {
         $username = \get_user_name();
     if (empty($username)) {
         $username = \get_current_user();
     if (empty($username)) {
         $username = Request::header('php-auth-user');
     if (empty($username)) {
         $username = '******';
     return $username;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function index()
     $widget['jquery-ui'] = true;
     $this->assign("widget", $widget);
     $uid = get_user_id();
     $deptid = get_dept_id();
     $username = get_user_name();
     // 通用流程
     $this->flow = M('flow')->where('type = 98 and (user_id=' . $uid . ' or confirm like "%' . $deptid . '%" or confirm like "%' . $uid . '%")')->select();
     $this->task = M('task')->where('type = "lunwen" and (user_id=' . $uid . ' or executor like "%' . $username . '%")')->select();
     $this->shenbao = M('flow')->where('type = 46 and user_id=' . $uid)->select();
     $config = D("UserConfig")->get_config();
     $this->assign("home_sort", $config['home_sort']);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function index()
     $widget['jquery-ui'] = true;
     $this->assign("widget", $widget);
     $uid = get_user_id();
     $deptid = get_dept_id();
     $username = get_user_name();
     // 完成
     $where['type'] = array('in', '102,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117');
     $where['step'] = array('egt', '40');
     $this->flow = M('flow')->where($where)->order('id desc')->select();
     $where2['type'] = array('in', '102,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117');
     $where2['step'] = array('lt', '40');
     $this->todo = M('flow')->where($where2)->order('id desc')->select();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getUserBuyList()
     $member = $this->userinfo;
     $FIdx = safe_replace($this->segment(4));
     $EIdx = 10;
     $isCount = safe_replace($this->segment(6));
     $state = safe_replace($this->segment(7));
     if ($state == -1) {
         //参与云购的商品 全部...
         $shoplist = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' GROUP BY shopid ");
         $shoplistall['listItems'] = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' GROUP BY shopid order by a.time desc limit {$FIdx},{$EIdx} ");
     } elseif ($state == 1) {
         //参与云购的商品 进行中...
         $shoplist = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' and b.q_end_time is null GROUP BY shopid  ");
         $shoplistall['listItems'] = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' and b.q_end_time is null GROUP BY shopid order by a.time desc limit {$FIdx},{$EIdx} ");
     } else {
         //参与云购的商品 已揭晓...
         $shoplist = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' and b.q_end_time is not null GROUP BY shopid ");
         $shoplistall['listItems'] = $this->db->GetList("select *,sum(gonumber) as gonumber from `@#_member_go_record` a left join `@#_shoplist` b on a.shopid=b.id where a.uid='{$member['uid']}' and b.q_end_time is not null GROUP BY shopid order by a.time desc limit {$FIdx},{$EIdx} ");
     if (!empty($shoplistall['listItems'])) {
         $shoplistall['code'] = 0;
         $shoplistall['count'] = count($shoplistall['listItems']);
         foreach ($shoplistall['listItems'] as $key => $val) {
             $shoplistall['listItems'][$key]['q_user'] = get_user_name($val['q_uid']);
             $shoplistall['listItems'][$key]['q_end_time'] = microt($val['q_end_time']);
             if ($val['q_end_time'] != '') {
                 $shoplistall['listItems'][$key]['codeState'] = 3;
             } elseif ($val['shenyurenshu'] == 0) {
                 $shoplistall['listItems'][$key]['codeState'] = 2;
             } else {
                 $shoplistall['listItems'][$key]['codeState'] = 1;
     } else {
         $shoplistall['code'] = 1;
     $shoplistall['count'] = count($shoplist);
     echo json_encode($shoplistall);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function detail()
     $member = $this->userinfo;
     $sd_id = abs(intval($this->segment(4)));
     $shaidan = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_shaidan` where `sd_id`='{$sd_id}'");
     $goods = $this->db->GetOne("select sid from `@#_shoplist` where `id` = '{$shaidan['sd_shopid']}'");
     $goods = $this->db->GetOne("select id,qishu,money,q_uid,maxqishu,thumb,title from `@#_shoplist` where `sid` = '{$goods['sid']}' order by `qishu` DESC");
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $sdhf_syzm = _getcookie("checkcode");
         $sdhf_pyzm = isset($_POST['sdhf_code']) ? strtoupper($_POST['sdhf_code']) : '';
         $sdhf_id = $shaidan['sd_id'];
         $sdhf_userid = $member['uid'];
         $sdhf_content = $_POST['sdhf_content'];
         $sdhf_time = time();
         $sdhf_username = _htmtocode(get_user_name($member));
         $sdhf_img = _htmtocode($member['img']);
         if (empty($sdhf_content)) {
         if (empty($sdhf_pyzm)) {
         if ($sdhf_syzm != md5($sdhf_pyzm)) {
         $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_shaidan_hueifu`(`sdhf_id`,`sdhf_userid`,`sdhf_content`,`sdhf_time`,`sdhf_username`,`sdhf_img`)VALUES\n\t\t\t('{$sdhf_id}','{$sdhf_userid}','{$sdhf_content}','{$sdhf_time}','{$sdhf_username}','{$sdhf_img}')");
         $sd_ping = $shaidan['sd_ping'] + 1;
         $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shaidan` SET sd_ping='{$sd_ping}' where sd_id='{$shaidan['sd_id']}'");
         _message("评论成功", WEB_PATH . "/go/shaidan/detail/" . $sd_id);
     $shaidannew = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan` order by `sd_id` DESC limit 5");
     $shaidan_hueifu = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan_hueifu` where `sdhf_id`='{$sd_id}' LIMIT 10");
     foreach ($shaidan_hueifu as $k => $v) {
         $shaidan_hueifu[$k]['sdhf_content'] = _htmtocode($shaidan_hueifu[$k]['sdhf_content']);
     if (!$shaidan) {
     $substr = substr($shaidan['sd_photolist'], 0, -1);
     $sd_photolist = explode(";", $substr);
     $title = $shaidan['sd_title'] . "_" . _cfg("web_name");
     $keywords = $shaidan['sd_title'];
     $description = $shaidan['sd_title'];
     include templates("index", "detail");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function shaidanajax()
     $parm = htmlspecialchars($this->segment(4));
     $p = htmlspecialchars($this->segment(5)) ? htmlspecialchars($this->segment(5)) : 1;
     $end = 10;
     $star = ($p - 1) * $end;
     if ($parm == 'new') {
         $sel = '`sd_time`';
     } else {
         if ($parm == 'renqi') {
             $sel = '`sd_zhan`';
         } else {
             if ($parm == 'pinglun') {
                 $sel = '`sd_ping`';
     $count = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan` order by {$sel} DESC");
     $shaidan = $this->db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan` order by {$sel} DESC limit {$star},{$end}");
     foreach ($shaidan as $sd) {
         $user[] = get_user_name($sd['sd_userid']);
         $time[] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $sd['sd_time']);
         $member = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_member` where `uid`='{$sd['sd_userid']}'");
         $pic[] = $member['img'];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($shaidan); $i++) {
         $shaidan[$i]['user'] = $user[$i];
         $shaidan[$i]['time'] = $time[$i];
         $shaidan[$i]['pic'] = $pic[$i];
     $pagex = ceil(count($count) / $end);
     if ($p <= $pagex) {
         $shaidan[0]['page'] = $p + 1;
     if ($pagex > 0) {
         $shaidan[0]['sum'] = $pagex;
     } else {
         if ($pagex == 0) {
             $shaidan[0]['sum'] = $pagex;
     echo json_encode($shaidan);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Update user data
 * @param int $userId Customer unique identifier
 * @return void
function admin_updateUserData($userId)
    iMSCP_Events_Aggregator::getInstance()->dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onBeforeEditUser, array('userId' => $userId));
    $fname = isset($_POST['fname']) ? clean_input($_POST['fname']) : '';
    $lname = isset($_POST['lname']) ? clean_input($_POST['lname']) : '';
    $firm = isset($_POST['firm']) ? clean_input($_POST['firm']) : '';
    $gender = isset($_POST['gender']) ? clean_input($_POST['gender']) : '';
    $zip = isset($_POST['zip']) ? clean_input($_POST['zip']) : '';
    $city = isset($_POST['city']) ? clean_input($_POST['city']) : '';
    $state = isset($_POST['state']) ? clean_input($_POST['state']) : '';
    $country = isset($_POST['country']) ? clean_input($_POST['country']) : '';
    $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? clean_input($_POST['email']) : '';
    $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? clean_input($_POST['phone']) : '';
    $fax = isset($_POST['fax']) ? clean_input($_POST['fax']) : '';
    $street1 = isset($_POST['street1']) ? clean_input($_POST['street1']) : '';
    $street2 = isset($_POST['street2']) ? clean_input($_POST['street2']) : '';
    $userName = get_user_name($userId);
    if (empty($_POST['password'])) {
        $query = "\n\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t`admin`\n\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t`fname` = ?, `lname` = ?, `firm` = ?, `zip` = ?, `city` = ?, `state` = ?, `country` = ?, `email` = ?,\n\t\t\t\t`phone` = ?, `fax` = ?, `street1` = ?, `street2` = ?, `gender` = ?\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`admin_id` = ?\n\t\t";
        exec_query($query, array($fname, $lname, $firm, $zip, $city, $state, $country, $email, $phone, $fax, $street1, $street2, $gender, $userId));
    } else {
        $query = "\n\t\t\tUPDATE\n\t\t\t\t`admin`\n\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t`admin_pass` = ?, `fname` = ?, `lname` = ?, `firm` = ?, `zip` = ?, `city` = ?, `state` = ?,\n\t\t\t\t`country` = ?, `email` = ?, `phone` = ?, `fax` = ?, `street1` = ?, `street2` = ?, `gender` = ?\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t`admin_id` = ?\n\t\t";
        exec_query($query, array(cryptPasswordWithSalt($_POST['password']), $fname, $lname, $firm, $zip, $city, $state, $country, $email, $phone, $fax, $street1, $street2, $gender, $userId));
        $query = "DELETE FROM `login` WHERE `user_name` = ?";
        $stmt = exec_query($query, $userName);
        if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
            set_page_message(tr('User session successfully killed for password change.'), 'success');
    iMSCP_Events_Aggregator::getInstance()->dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onAfterEditUser, array('userId' => $userId));
    if (isset($_POST['send_data']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
        $query = 'SELECT `admin_type` FROM `admin` WHERE `admin_id` = ?';
        $stmt = exec_query($query, $userId);
        if ($stmt->fields['admin_type'] == 'admin') {
            $admin_type = tr('Administrator');
        } elseif ($stmt->fields['admin_type'] == 'reseller') {
            $admin_type = tr('Reseller');
        } else {
            $admin_type = tr('Customer');
        send_add_user_auto_msg($userId, $userName, $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['fname'], $_POST['lname'], $admin_type);
        set_page_message(tr('Login data successfully sent to %s.', $userName), 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function index()
     $widget['jquery-ui'] = true;
     $this->assign("widget", $widget);
     $uid = get_user_id();
     $deptid = get_dept_id();
     $username = get_user_name();
     // 通用流程
     $this->flow = M('flow')->where('type = 96 and (user_id=' . $uid . ' or confirm like "%' . $deptid . '%" or confirm like "%' . $uid . '%")')->select();
     $this->task = M('task')->where('type = "chengguo" and (user_id=' . $uid . ' or executor like "%' . $username . '%")')->select();
     $this->shenbao = M('flow')->where('type = 44 and user_id=' . $uid)->select();
     $config = D("UserConfig")->get_config();
     $this->assign("home_sort", $config['home_sort']);
     $flow = M('flow')->select();
     $emp_no = get_emp_no();
     $uid = get_user_id();
     //订教材  流程图
     $flow = M('task')->where('name = "科研成果"')->select();
     if (!empty($flow)) {
         $this->isfa = 1;
         $this->taskId = $flow[0]['id'];
         $taskFrom = $flow[0]['user_id'];
         $taskId = $flow[0]['id'];
         $taskStatus = M('task_log')->where('task_id = "' . $taskId . '" and executor =' . $uid)->find();
         if ($taskStatus['status'] == 4 or $taskFrom == $taskStatus['assigner']) {
             $this->iszhuan = 1;
             //第二步, 已转交 OR 发起人!=分配人 说明任务已被转交
         if ($taskStatus['status'] == 3) {
             $this->iszhuan = 1;
             $this->iswan = 1;
             //第三步, 完成
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function log()
     $widget['jquery-ui'] = true;
     $this->assign("widget", $widget);
     $uid = get_user_id();
     $deptid = get_dept_id();
     $username = get_user_name();
     $tasks1 = M('task_log')->where('task_type=103 and status <3 and step =1')->getField('task_id id', 'task_id');
     $where['id'] = array('in', $tasks1);
     $this->task = M('task')->where($where)->order("id desc")->limit(50)->select();
     $tasks = M('task_log')->where('task_type=103 and status =3 and step =2')->getField('task_id id', 'task_id');
     $where_done['id'] = array('in', $tasks);
     $this->task_done = M('task')->where($where_done)->limit(50)->select();
     $config = D("UserConfig")->get_config();
     $this->assign("home_sort", $config['home_sort']);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function init()
     $db = System::load_sys_class("model");
     $version = System::load_sys_config('version');
     $v_time = $version['release'];
     $v_version = $version['version'];
     $ret = $db->GetOne("Describe `@#_shaidan_hueifu` sdhf_username");
     if (!$ret) {
     $hflist = $db->GetList("select * from `@#_shaidan_hueifu` where `sdhf_img` is null or `sdhf_img` = ''");
     foreach ($hflist as $key => $val) {
         $user = $db->GetOne("select uid,username,email,mobile,img from `@#_member` where `uid` = '{$val['sdhf_userid']}'");
         $username = get_user_name($user);
         $db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shaidan_hueifu` SET `sdhf_img` = '{$user['img']}',`sdhf_username` = '{$username}' where `id` = '{$val['id']}'");
     _message("数据库升级成功", G_WEB_PATH);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function index()
     $widget['jquery-ui'] = true;
     $this->assign("widget", $widget);
     $uid = get_user_id();
     $deptid = get_dept_id();
     $username = get_user_name();
     // 流程提交记录
     $where['type'] = array("in", "104,105,106,107,108,109");
     $this->flow = M('flow')->where($where)->select();
     //	$this->flow=M('flow')->where('type = 92 and (user_id='.$uid.' or confirm like "%'.$deptid.'%" or confirm like "%'.$uid.'%")')->select();
     $this->task = M('task')->where('type = "shiyanshi" and (user_id=' . $uid . ' or executor like "%' . $username . '%")')->select();
     $this->shenbao = M('flow')->where('type = 40')->select();
     // and user_id='.$uid
     $config = D("UserConfig")->get_config();
     $this->assign("home_sort", $config['home_sort']);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function _insert()
     $model = M('UserConfig');
     if (false === $model->create()) {
     if (in_array('id', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->id = get_user_id();
     if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) {
         $model->user_name = get_user_name();
     $list = $model->add();
     if ($list !== false) {
         $this->assign('jumpUrl', get_return_url());
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 27
function print_settings_page()
    $uid = get_user_id();
    $username = get_user_name();
    //check of otp auth has been enabled on account
    $otp_auth_enabled = user_getotpauth($uid);
    //retrieves otp_enabled flag from user table
    print "<h1>Welcome, {$username}, to the account settings page</h1>";
    print " (<a href='logout.php'>logout</a> | <a href='settings.php'>account settings</a>)";
    print "<h3>Your preferences</h3>";
    print "<hr size=1 noshade>";
    print "<form action='settings.php' method='post'>";
    print "<a href='gen_otp_list.php'>Generate new otp list</a><br/><br/>";
    if ($otp_auth_enabled) {
        print "<input type='checkbox' name='require_otp' checked>Require OTP login";
    } else {
        print "<input type='checkbox' name='require_otp'>Require OTP login";
    print "<br/>";
    print "<br/>";
    print "<input type='submit' name='update' value='update'>";
    print "</form>";
Ejemplo n.º 28
 function savedeal()
     $is_ajax = intval($_REQUEST['is_ajax']);
     if (!$GLOBALS['user_info']) {
         showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['PLEASE_LOGIN_FIRST'], $is_ajax);
     $t = trim($_REQUEST['t']);
     if (!in_array($t, array("save", "publish"))) {
         showErr($GLOBALS['lang']['ERROR_TITLE'], $is_ajax);
     if ($t == "save") {
         $data['is_delete'] = 2;
     } else {
         $data['is_delete'] = 0;
     $data['name'] = strim($_REQUEST['borrowtitle']);
     if (empty($data['name'])) {
         showErr("请输入借款标题", $is_ajax);
     $data['publish_wait'] = 1;
     $icon_type = strim($_REQUEST['imgtype']);
     if ($icon_type == "") {
         showErr("请选择借款图片类型", $is_ajax);
     $icon_type_arr = array('upload' => 1, 'userImg' => 2, 'systemImg' => 3);
     $data['icon_type'] = $icon_type_arr[$icon_type];
     if (intval($data['icon_type']) == 0) {
         showErr("请选择借款图片类型", $is_ajax);
     switch ($data['icon_type']) {
         case 1:
             if (strim($_REQUEST['icon']) == '') {
                 showErr("请上传图片", $is_ajax);
             } else {
                 $data['icon'] = replace_public(strim($_REQUEST['icon']));
         case 2:
             $data['icon'] = replace_public(get_user_avatar($GLOBALS['user_info']['id'], 'big'));
         case 3:
             if (intval($_REQUEST['systemimgpath']) == 0) {
                 showErr("请选择系统图片", $is_ajax);
             } else {
                 $data['icon'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT icon FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_loan_type WHERE id=" . intval($_REQUEST['systemimgpath']));
     $data['type_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['borrowtype']);
     if ($data['type_id'] == 0) {
         showErr("请选择借款用途", $is_ajax);
     $data['borrow_amount'] = floatval($_REQUEST['borrowamount']);
     if ($data['borrow_amount'] < (int) trim(app_conf('MIN_BORROW_QUOTA')) || $data['borrow_amount'] > (int) trim(app_conf('MAX_BORROW_QUOTA')) || $data['borrow_amount'] % 50 != 0) {
         showErr("请正确输入借款金额", $is_ajax);
     if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT is_quota FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal_loan_type WHERE id=" . $data['type_id']) == 1) {
         if (intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['quota']) != 0) {
             $can_use_quota = get_can_use_quota($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
             if ($data['borrow_amount'] > intval($can_use_quota)) {
                 showErr("输入借款的借款金额超过您的可用额度<br>您当前可用额度为:" . $can_use_quota, $is_ajax);
     $data['repay_time'] = intval($_REQUEST['repaytime']);
     if ($data['repay_time'] == 0) {
         showErr("借款期限", $is_ajax);
     $data['rate'] = floatval($_REQUEST['apr']);
     $data['repay_time_type'] = intval($_REQUEST['repaytime_type']);
     $level_list = load_auto_cache("level");
     $min_rate = 0;
     $max_rate = 0;
     $is_rate_lock = false;
     foreach ($level_list['repaytime_list'][$GLOBALS['user_info']['level_id']] as $kkk => $vvv) {
         if ($data['repay_time_type'] == 1) {
             if ($data['repay_time'] == intval($vvv[0]) && $vvv[1] == $data['repay_time_type']) {
                 $min_rate = $vvv[2];
                 $max_rate = $vvv[3];
         } else {
             if ($data['repay_time'] <= intval($vvv[0]) && intval($vvv[1]) == $data['repay_time_type'] && $is_rate_lock == false) {
                 $min_rate = $vvv[2];
                 $max_rate = $vvv[3];
                 $is_rate_lock = true;
             } elseif ($data['repay_time'] > intval($vvv[0]) && intval($vvv[1]) == $data['repay_time_type']) {
                 $min_rate = $vvv[2];
                 $max_rate = $vvv[3];
     if (floatval($data['rate']) <= 0 || floatval($data['rate']) > $max_rate || floatval($data['rate']) < $min_rate) {
         showErr("请正确输入借款利率", $is_ajax);
     $data['enddate'] = intval($_REQUEST['enddate']);
     $data['description'] = replace_public(btrim($_REQUEST['borrowdesc']));
     $data['description'] = valid_tag($data['description']);
     if (trim($data['description']) == '') {
         showErr("请输入项目描述", $is_ajax);
     $user_view_info = $GLOBALS['user_info']['view_info'];
     $user_view_info = unserialize($user_view_info);
     $new_view_info_arr = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= intval($_REQUEST['file_upload_count']); $i++) {
         $img_info = array();
         $img = replace_public(strim($_REQUEST['file_' . $i]));
         if ($img != "") {
             $img_info['name'] = strim($_REQUEST['file_name_' . $i]);
             $img_info['img'] = $img;
             $img_info['is_user'] = 1;
             $user_view_info[] = $img_info;
             $ss = $user_view_info;
             $key = key($ss);
             $new_view_info_arr[$key] = $img_info;
     $datas['view_info'] = serialize($user_view_info);
     $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "user", $datas, "UPDATE", "id=" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $data['view_info'] = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST['file_key'] as $k => $v) {
         if (isset($user_view_info[$v])) {
             $data['view_info'][$v] = $user_view_info[$v];
     foreach ($new_view_info_arr as $k => $v) {
         $data['view_info'][$k] = $v;
     $data['view_info'] = serialize($data['view_info']);
     $data['remark_1'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_1']));
     $data['remark_1'] = valid_tag($data['remark_1']);
     $data['remark_2'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_2']));
     $data['remark_2'] = valid_tag($data['remark_2']);
     $data['remark_3'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_3']));
     $data['remark_3'] = valid_tag($data['remark_3']);
     $data['remark_4'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_4']));
     $data['remark_4'] = valid_tag($data['remark_4']);
     $data['remark_5'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_5']));
     $data['remark_5'] = valid_tag($data['remark_5']);
     $data['remark_6'] = strim(replace_public($_REQUEST['remark_6']));
     $data['remark_6'] = valid_tag($data['remark_6']);
     //$data['voffice'] = intval($_REQUEST['voffice']);
     //$data['vposition'] = intval($_REQUEST['vposition']);
     $data['voffice'] = 1;
     $data['vposition'] = 1;
     $data['is_effect'] = 1;
     $data['deal_status'] = 0;
     $data['agency_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['agency_id']);
     $data['agency_status'] = 1;
     $data['warrant'] = intval($_REQUEST['warrant']);
     $data['guarantor_margin_amt'] = floatval($_REQUEST['guarantor_margin_amt']);
     $data['guarantor_pro_fit_amt'] = floatval($_REQUEST['guarantor_pro_fit_amt']);
     $data['user_id'] = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     $data['loantype'] = intval($_REQUEST['loantype']);
     if ($data['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
         $data['loantype'] = 2;
     if ($data['repay_time_type'] == 0) {
         $true_repay_time = 1;
     } else {
         $true_repay_time = $data['repay_time'];
     if ($data['warrant'] == 1) {
         $data['guarantor_amt'] = $data['borrow_amount'];
     } elseif ($data['warrant'] == 2) {
         if ($data['loantype'] == 0) {
             $data['guarantor_amt'] = pl_it_formula($data['borrow_amount'], $data['rate'] / 12 / 100, $true_repay_time) * $true_repay_time;
         } elseif ($data['loantype'] == 1) {
             $data['guarantor_amt'] = av_it_formula($data['borrow_amount'], $data['rate'] / 12 / 100) * $true_repay_time + $data['borrow_amount'];
         } elseif ($data['loantype'] == 2) {
             $data['guarantor_amt'] = $data['borrow_amount'] * $data['rate'] / 12 / 100 * $true_repay_time + $data['borrow_amount'];
     $data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
     $module = "INSERT";
     $jumpurl = url("index", "borrow#steptwo");
     $condition = "";
     $deal_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "deal WHERE ((is_delete=2 or is_delete=3) or (is_delete=0 and publish_wait=1)) AND user_id=" . $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
     if ($deal_id > 0) {
         $module = "UPDATE";
         if ($t == "save") {
             $jumpurl = url("index", "borrow#stepone");
         $condition = "id = {$deal_id}";
     } else {
         if ($t == "save") {
             $jumpurl = url("index", "borrow#stepone");
     $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal", $data, $module, $condition);
     if ($module == "INSERT") {
         $deal_id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
     require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/deal.php';
     $deal = get_deal($deal_id);
     if ($t != "save" && trim(app_conf('CUSTOM_SERVICE')) != '' && ($GLOBALS['user_info']['idcardpassed'] == 0 || $GLOBALS['user_info']['incomepassed'] == 0 || $GLOBALS['user_info']['creditpassed'] == 0 || $GLOBALS['user_info']['workpassed'] == 0)) {
         $ulist = explode(",", trim(app_conf('CUSTOM_SERVICE')));
         $ulist = array_filter($ulist);
         if ($ulist) {
             $uuid = $ulist[array_rand($ulist)];
             if ($uuid > 0) {
                 $content = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . "用户您好,请尽快上传必要信用认证材料(包括身份证认证、工作认证、收入认证、信用报告认证)。另外,多上传一些可选信用认证,有助于您提高借款额度,也有利于出借人更多的了解您的情况,以便让您更快的筹集到所需的资金。请您点击'我要贷款',之后点击相应的审核项目,进入后,可先阅读该项信用认证所需材料及要求,然后按要求上传资料即可。 如果您有任何问题请您拨打客服电话 " . app_conf('SHOP_TEL') . " 或给客服邮箱发邮件 " . app_conf("REPLY_ADDRESS") . " 我们会及时给您回复。";
                 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'app/Lib/message.php';
                 $message['title'] = $content;
                 $message['content'] = htmlspecialchars(addslashes(valid_str($content)));
                 $message['title'] = valid_str($message['title']);
                 $message['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                 $message['rel_table'] = "deal";
                 $message['rel_id'] = $deal_id;
                 $message['user_id'] = $uuid;
                 $message['is_effect'] = 1;
                 $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "message", $message);
                 insert_topic("message", $message['rel_id'], $message['user_id'], get_user_name($message['user_id'], false), $GLOBALS['user_info']['id']);
                 if ($deal['user_id'] != $message['user_id']) {
                     $msg_conf = get_user_msg_conf($deal['user_id']);
                     if ($msg_conf['sms_asked'] == 1) {
                         $notices['shop_title'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                         $notices['shop_tel'] = app_conf('SHOP_TEL');
                         $notices['shop_address'] = app_conf("REPLY_ADDRESS");
                         /*{$notice.shop_title}用户您好,请尽快上传必要信用认证材料(包括身份证认证、工作认证、收入认证、信用报告认证)。另外,多上传一些可选信用认证,有助于您提高借款额度,也有利于出借人更多的了解您的情况,以便让您更快的筹集到所需的资金。请您点击'我要贷款',之后点击相应的审核项目,进入后,可先阅读该项信用认证所需材料及要求,然后按要求上传资料即可。 如果您有任何问题请您拨打客服电话{$notice.shop_tel}或给客服邮箱发邮件{$notice.shop_address}我们会及时给您回复。*/
                         $notices['url'] = "“<a href=\"" . $deal_info['url'] . "\">" . $deal_info['name'] . "</a>”";
                         $notices['user_name'] = get_user_name($message['user_id']);
                         $notices['money'] = $user_load_data['true_repay_money'] + $user_load_data['impose_money'];
                         $tmpl_content = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_WORDS_MSG'", false);
                         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notices);
                         $contents = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content['content']);
                         send_user_msg("", $contents, 0, $deal['user_id'], TIME_UTC, 0, true, 13, $message['rel_id']);
                     if ($msg_conf['mail_asked'] == 1 && app_conf('MAIL_ON') == 1) {
                         $tmpl = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "msg_template where name = 'TPL_MAIL_DEAL_MSG'");
                         $tmpl_content = $tmpl['content'];
                         $notice['user_name'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['user_name'];
                         $notice['msg_user_name'] = get_user_name($message['user_id'], false);
                         $notice['deal_name'] = $deal['name'];
                         $notice['deal_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "deal", array("id" => $deal['id']));
                         $notice['message'] = $message['content'];
                         $notice['site_name'] = app_conf("SHOP_TITLE");
                         $notice['site_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT;
                         $notice['help_url'] = SITE_DOMAIN . url("index", "helpcenter");
                         $GLOBALS['tmpl']->assign("notice", $notice);
                         $msg = $GLOBALS['tmpl']->fetch("str:" . $tmpl_content);
                         $msg_data['dest'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['email'];
                         $msg_data['send_type'] = 1;
                         $msg_data['title'] = get_user_name($message['user_id'], false) . "给您的标留言!";
                         $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($msg);
                         $msg_data['send_time'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['is_send'] = 0;
                         $msg_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                         $msg_data['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user_info']['id'];
                         $msg_data['is_html'] = $tmpl['is_html'];
                         $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data);
     if ($is_ajax == 1) {
         showSuccess($GLOBALS['lang']['SUCCESS_TITLE'], $is_ajax, $jumpurl);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 29
<div class="header-title lr10">
<div class="bk10"></div>
<div class="table-list lr10">
$shopid = $record['shopid'];
$shop = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_shoplist` where `id`='{$shopid}'");
$qishu = array();
if (!$shop['q_uid']) {
    $qishu['ren'] = '还未开奖';
    $qishu['ma'] = '还未开奖';
} else {
    $qishu['ren'] = get_user_name($user);
    $qishu['ma'] = $shop['q_user_code'];
		<div class="dingdan_content">
			<h3 style="clear:both;display:block; line-height:30px;"><?php 
echo $shop['title'];
			<li><b class="api_b">剩余次数:</b><?php 
echo $shop['shenyurenshu'];
 人次	</li>		
			<li><b class="api_b">总需次数:</b><?php 
echo $shop['zongrenshu'];
Ejemplo n.º 30
      <div class="spacer"></div>

      <span id="error" class="small"></span>
      <input id="prev" type="button" value="Prev" onclick="prevStep();" />
      <input id="next" type="button" value="Next" onclick="nextStep();" />    
      <div class="spacer"></div>
if (check_login()) {
    echo "<p></p>";
    echo "Logged in as " . get_user_name();
    echo "<a href=\"index.php?logout\" id=\"logout\">logout</a>";
  <div id="output"></div>
  <div id="footer"><?php 
echo get_footer();
