Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function get_owner_object()
     if (empty($this->owner)) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($this->ownerobj)) {
         $this->ownerobj = get_user_for_display($this->get('owner'));
     return $this->ownerobj;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false)
     global $USER;
     $configdata = $instance->get('configdata');
     $view = $instance->get('view');
     $full = isset($configdata['full']) ? $configdata['full'] : false;
     $results = array();
     $smarty = smarty_core();
     $smarty->assign('view', $view);
     $viewownerdisplay = null;
     // Display all posts, from all blogs, owned by this user
     $tagsin = $tagsout = array();
     $results = self::get_blog_posts_in_block($instance, $tagsin, $tagsout);
     if ($tagsin || $tagsout) {
         $smarty->assign('blockid', $instance->get('id'));
         $smarty->assign('editing', $editing);
         if ($editing) {
             // Get list of blogs owned by this user to create the "Add new post" shortcut while editing
             $viewowner = $instance->get_view()->get('owner');
             if (!$viewowner || !($blogs = get_records_select_array('artefact', 'artefacttype = \'blog\' AND owner = ?', array($viewowner), 'title ASC', 'id, title'))) {
                 $blogs = array();
             $smarty->assign('tagselect', implode(', ', $tagsin));
             $smarty->assign('blogs', $blogs);
         // if posts are not found with the selected tag, notify the user
         if (!$results) {
             $smarty->assign('badtag', implode(', ', $tagsin));
             $smarty->assign('badnotag', implode(', ', $tagsout));
             return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
         // update the view_artefact table so journal entries are accessible when this is the only block on the page
         // referencing this journal
         $dataobject = array('view' => $view, 'block' => $instance->get('id'));
         require_once get_config('docroot') . 'lib/view.php';
         $viewobj = new View($view);
         require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/lib.php';
         safe_require('artefact', 'blog');
         safe_require('artefact', 'comment');
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $dataobject["artefact"] = $result->parent;
             $result->postedbyon = get_string('postedbyon', 'artefact.blog', display_default_name($result->owner), format_date(strtotime($result->ctime)));
             $result->displaydate = format_date(strtotime($result->ctime));
             $artefact = new ArtefactTypeBlogpost($result->id);
             // get comments for this post
             $result->commentcount = count_records_select('artefact_comment_comment', "onartefact = {$result->id} AND private = 0 AND deletedby IS NULL");
             $allowcomments = $artefact->get('allowcomments');
             if (empty($result->commentcount) && empty($allowcomments)) {
                 $result->commentcount = null;
             list($commentcount, $comments) = ArtefactTypeComment::get_artefact_comments_for_view($artefact, $viewobj, null, false);
             $result->comments = $comments;
             // get all tags for this post
             $taglist = get_records_array('artefact_tag', 'artefact', $result->id, "tag DESC");
             foreach ($taglist as $t) {
                 $result->taglist[] = $t->tag;
             if ($full) {
                 $rendered = $artefact->render_self(array('viewid' => $view, 'details' => true, 'blockid' => $instance->get('id')));
                 $result->html = $rendered['html'];
                 if (!empty($rendered['javascript'])) {
                     $result->html .= '<script type="application/javascript">' . $rendered['javascript'] . '</script>';
         // check if the user viewing the page is the owner of the selected tag
         $owner = $results[0]->owner;
         if ($USER->id != $owner) {
             $viewownerdisplay = get_user_for_display($owner);
         $smarty->assign('tagsin', $tagsin);
         $smarty->assign('tagsout', $tagsout);
     } else {
         if (!self::get_chooseable_tags()) {
             // error if block configuration fails
             $smarty->assign('configerror', get_string('notagsavailableerror', 'blocktype.blog/taggedposts'));
             return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
         } else {
             // error if block configuration fails
             $smarty->assign('configerror', get_string('configerror', 'blocktype.blog/taggedposts'));
             return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
     // add any needed links to the tags
     $tagstr = $tagomitstr = '';
     foreach ($tagsin as $key => $tag) {
         if ($key > 0) {
             $tagstr .= ', ';
         $tagstr .= $viewownerdisplay ? '"' . $tag . '"' : '"<a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'tags.php?tag=' . $tag . '&sort=name&type=text">' . $tag . '</a>"';
     if (!empty($tagsout)) {
         foreach ($tagsout as $key => $tag) {
             if ($key > 0) {
                 $tagomitstr .= ', ';
             $tagomitstr .= $viewownerdisplay ? '"' . $tag . '"' : '"<a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'tags.php?tag=' . $tag . '&sort=name&type=text">' . $tag . '</a>"';
     $blockheading = get_string('blockheadingtags', 'blocktype.blog/taggedposts', count($tagsin), $tagstr);
     $blockheading .= !empty($tagomitstr) ? get_string('blockheadingtagsomit', 'blocktype.blog/taggedposts', count($tagsout), $tagomitstr) : '';
     $blockheading .= $viewownerdisplay ? ' ' . get_string('by', 'artefact.blog') . ' <a href="' . profile_url($viewownerdisplay) . '">' . display_name($viewownerdisplay) . '</a>' : '';
     $smarty->assign('full', $full);
     $smarty->assign('results', $results);
     $smarty->assign('blockheading', $blockheading);
     return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false)
     global $USER;
     $configdata = $instance->get('configdata');
     $view = $instance->get('view');
     $limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? (int) $configdata['count'] : 10;
     $full = isset($configdata['full']) ? $configdata['full'] : false;
     $results = array();
     $smarty = smarty_core();
     $smarty->assign('view', $view);
     // Display all posts, from all blogs, owned by this user
     if (!empty($configdata['tagselect'])) {
         $tagselect = $configdata['tagselect'];
         $sql = 'SELECT a.title, p.title AS parenttitle, a.id, a.parent, a.owner, a.description, a.allowcomments, at.tag, a.ctime
             FROM {artefact} a
             JOIN {artefact} p ON a.parent = p.id
             JOIN {artefact_blog_blogpost} ab ON (ab.blogpost = a.id AND ab.published = 1)
             JOIN {artefact_tag} at ON (at.artefact = a.id)
             WHERE a.artefacttype = \'blogpost\'
             AND a.owner = (SELECT "owner" from {view} WHERE id = ?)
             AND at.tag = ?
             ORDER BY a.ctime DESC, a.id DESC
             LIMIT ?';
         $results = get_records_sql_array($sql, array($view, $tagselect, $limit));
         $smarty->assign('blockid', $instance->get('id'));
         $smarty->assign('editing', $editing);
         if ($editing) {
             // Get list of blogs owned by this user to create the "Add new post" shortcut while editing
             $viewowner = $instance->get_view()->get('owner');
             if (!$viewowner || !($blogs = get_records_select_array('artefact', 'artefacttype = \'blog\' AND owner = ?', array($viewowner), 'title ASC', 'id, title'))) {
                 $blogs = array();
             $smarty->assign('tagselect', $tagselect);
             $smarty->assign('blogs', $blogs);
         // if posts are not found with the selected tag, notify the user
         if (!$results) {
             $smarty->assign('badtag', $tagselect);
             return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
         // update the view_artefact table so journal entries are accessible when this is the only block on the page
         // referencing this journal
         $dataobject = array('view' => $view, 'block' => $instance->get('id'));
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $dataobject["artefact"] = $result->parent;
             ensure_record_exists('view_artefact', $dataobject, $dataobject);
             $result->postedbyon = get_string('postedbyon', 'artefact.blog', display_default_name($result->owner), format_date(strtotime($result->ctime)));
             $result->displaydate = format_date(strtotime($result->ctime));
             // get comment count for this post
             $result->commentcount = count_records_select('artefact_comment_comment', "onartefact = {$result->id} AND private = 0 AND deletedby IS NULL");
             // get all tags for this post
             $taglist = get_records_array('artefact_tag', 'artefact', $result->id, "tag DESC");
             foreach ($taglist as $t) {
                 $result->taglist[] = $t->tag;
         // check if the user viewing the page is the owner of the selected tag
         $owner = $results[0]->owner;
         if ($USER->id != $owner) {
             $viewowner = get_user_for_display($owner);
             $smarty->assign('viewowner', $viewowner);
         $smarty->assign('tag', $tagselect);
     } else {
         // error if block configuration fails
         $smarty->assign('configerror', true);
         return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
     $smarty->assign('full', $full);
     $smarty->assign('results', $results);
     return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:taggedposts:taggedposts.tpl');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Return profile icon url for a user.  Use this to quickly get a url
 * when you already have a bunch of user records with profileicon id &
 * email address.
 * Avoids reloading the 'no user photo' image for each user separately
 * when we know they have no profile icon, and avoids the redirect to
 * gravatar.
 * @param int|object|array $user A user ID, user object, or user data array. If an
 * object, should contain profileicon or email attributes, or a user ID.
 * @param int $maxwidth
 * @param int $maxheight
 * @return bool|string The URL of the image or FALSE if none was found
function profile_icon_url($user, $maxwidth = 40, $maxheight = 40)
    // Getting icon when feedback is done by anonymous user
    if (empty($user)) {
        return anonymous_icon_url($maxwidth, $maxheight);
    $user = get_user_for_display($user);
    // If we were originally passed a $user that was lacking profileicon and email,
    // get_user_for_display() usually won't have found it for us. So we should try
    // to fill that in now, and then cache it for later calls.
    if (!isset($user->profileicon) && !isset($user->email)) {
        if (!isset($user->id) || !is_numeric($user->id)) {
            // No data. We'll just show the anonymous icon, but log a warning message for the devs.
            log_debug("profile_icon_url was passed a user object without a numeric id, a profileicon, or an email address. This is probably a coding error.");
        } else {
            $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $user->id, null, null, null, null, 'id, profileicon, email');
            // Cache this for subsequent calls
            $user = get_user_for_display($user);
    // Available sizes of the 'no_userphoto' image:
    $allowedsizes = array(16, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, 100);
    if ($maxwidth != $maxheight || !in_array($maxwidth, $allowedsizes)) {
        log_warn('profile_icon_url: maxwidth, maxheight should be equal and in (' . join(', ', $allowedsizes) . ')');
    $thumb = get_config('wwwroot') . 'thumb.php';
    $sizeparams = 'maxwidth=' . $maxwidth . '&maxheight=' . $maxheight;
    if (!empty($user->profileicon)) {
        return $thumb . '?type=profileiconbyid&' . $sizeparams . '&id=' . $user->profileicon;
    return anonymous_icon_url($maxwidth, $maxheight, !empty($user->email) ? $user->email : null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * creates a result-array with the number, limit, offset and notification-type(s)
 * of the returned htmlrepresentation of the notifications in the outbox, as well
 * as the html representation itself. The return array has the following format:
 * array (
 *   'count' => '17',
 *   'limit' => 10,
 *   'offset' => 0,
 *   'type' => 'all',
 *   'html' => '//html ...
 *   'pagination' => '// html
 *   'pagination_js' => '// javascript
 * )
 * @global User $USER
 * @param type $type
 * @param type $limit
 * @param type $offset
 * @return array
function activitylistout_html($type = 'all', $limit = 10, $offset = 0)
    global $USER;
    $userid = $USER->get('id');
    $typesql = '';
    if ($type != 'all') {
        // Treat as comma-separated list of activity type names
        $types = split(',', preg_replace('/[^a-z,]+/', '', $type));
        if ($types) {
            $typesql = ' at.name IN (' . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $types)) . ')';
            if (in_array('adminmessages', $types)) {
                $typesql = '(' . $typesql . ' OR at.admin = 1)';
            $typesql = ' AND ' . $typesql;
    $notificationtargetcolumn = 'from';
    $notificationtargetrole = 'sender';
    $msgidquery = "\n        (\n        SELECT a.id, a.ctime, 'notification_internal_activity' AS msgtable\n        FROM {notification_internal_activity} AS a\n        INNER JOIN {activity_type} AS at ON a.type = at.id\n        WHERE a." . $notificationtargetcolumn . " = ?\n        " . $typesql . "\n        AND at.name != 'newpost'\n        )\n        UNION\n        (\n        SELECT a.id, a.ctime, 'module_multirecipient_notification' AS msgtable\n        FROM {module_multirecipient_notification} AS a\n        INNER JOIN {module_multirecipient_userrelation} AS b\n            ON a.id = b.notification\n        INNER JOIN {activity_type} AS at ON a.type = at.id\n        WHERE b.usr = ?\n        AND b.deleted = '0'\n        AND b.role = '" . $notificationtargetrole . "'\n        " . $typesql . "\n        )";
    $countquery = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $msgidquery . ') AS dummytable';
    $count = count_records_sql($countquery, array($userid, $userid));
    $pagination = build_pagination(array('id' => 'activitylist_pagination', 'url' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'module/multirecipientnotification/outbox.php?type=' . hsc($type), 'jsonscript' => 'module/multirecipientnotification/indexout.json.php', 'datatable' => 'activitylist', 'count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'jumplinks' => 6, 'numbersincludeprevnext' => 2, 'setlimit' => true));
    $result = array('count' => $count, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'type' => $type, 'html' => '', 'pagination' => $pagination['html'], 'pagination_js' => $pagination['javascript']);
    if ($count < 1) {
        return $result;
    $records = array();
    $msgidquery .= "\n    ORDER BY ctime DESC";
    $msgidrecords = get_records_sql_array($msgidquery, array($userid, $userid), $offset, $limit);
    if (!is_array($msgidrecords)) {
        $msgidrecords = array();
    foreach ($msgidrecords as $msgidrecord) {
        if ($msgidrecord->msgtable == 'notification_internal_activity') {
            $recordsarray = get_records_sql_array("SELECT a.*, at.name AS type, at.plugintype, at.pluginname\n                                      FROM {notification_internal_activity} a\n                                      INNER JOIN {activity_type} at ON a.type = at.id\n                                      WHERE a.id = ?", array($msgidrecord->id));
            if (1 !== count($recordsarray)) {
                log_warn('inconsistent message-id in notification_internal_activity, id: ' . $msgidrecord->id);
            $record = $recordsarray[0];
            $record->self = false;
            $record->canreplyall = false;
            $record->canreply = false;
            $record->startnewthread = true;
            // read out receiver name
            if (isset($record->usr)) {
                $tousrarray = array('display' => display_name($record->usr), 'link' => null);
                if (!get_user($record->usr)->deleted) {
                    $tousrarray['link'] = profile_url($record->usr);
                    $record->canreply = true;
                $record->tousr = array($tousrarray);
                $record->self = $record->from == $USER->get('id');
            } else {
                $record->tousr = array(array('display' => get_string('system'), 'link' => null));
                $record->self = true;
            // read out sender name
            if (isset($record->from)) {
                $record->fromusr = $record->from;
            } else {
                // we're in the outbox, so basically, this should hold for all messages
                $record->fromusr = $USER->get('id');
            $record->date = format_date(strtotime($record->ctime), 'strfdaymonthyearshort');
            $section = empty($record->plugintype) ? 'activity' : "{$record->plugintype}.{$record->pluginname}";
            $record->strtype = get_string('type' . $record->type, $section);
            $record->message = format_notification_whitespace($record->message);
            // used to identify notification as internal for json-calls
            $record->table = 'notification_internal_activity';
            $records[] = $record;
        } else {
            if ($msgidrecord->msgtable === 'module_multirecipient_notification') {
                $record = get_message_mr($userid, $msgidrecord->id);
                if (null === $record) {
                $record->strtype = $record->type;
                $record->date = format_date(strtotime($record->ctime), 'strfdaymonthyearshort');
                // We fill $record->tousr with an array per userentry, that holds the
                // display name of the user and the link to the users profile, if
                // applicable - we don't link to deleted users. Those will be summed
                // up in a single entry at the end of the list
                $deletedcount = 0;
                $record->self = false;
                $record->canreply = false;
                $record->canreplyall = false;
                $record->startnewthread = false;
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($record->userids); $i++) {
                    $tousr = get_user($record->userids[$i]);
                    if ($tousr->deleted) {
                    } else {
                        $record->tousr[] = array('username' => display_username(get_user_for_display($record->userids[$i])), 'display' => display_name($record->userids[$i]), 'link' => profile_url($record->userids[$i]));
                if ($deletedcount > 0) {
                    $record->tousr[] = array('username' => $deletedcount . ' ' . get_string('deleteduser', 'module.multirecipientnotification'), 'display' => $deletedcount . ' ' . get_string('deleteduser', 'module.multirecipientnotification'), 'link' => null);
                if ($deletedcount < count($record->userids)) {
                    if (count($record->userids) - $deletedcount == 1) {
                        $record->canreply = true;
                        $record->self = $record->fromid == $USER->get('id');
                    } else {
                        $record->canreplyall = true;
                if (isset($record->fromid)) {
                    $record->fromusr = $record->fromid;
                } else {
                    $record->fromusr = 0;
                $record->message = format_notification_whitespace($record->message);
                // used to identify notification as from this plugin for json-calls
                $record->table = 'module_multirecipient_notification';
                $records[] = $record;
    $smarty = smarty_core();
    $smarty->assign('data', $records);
    $smarty->assign('USER', $USER);
    $smarty->assign('maxnamestrlength', PluginModuleMultirecipientnotification::MAX_USERNAME_IN_LIST_LENGTH);
    $result['html'] = $smarty->fetch('module:multirecipientnotification:activitylistout.tpl');
    return $result;