public function render($records) { $datas = array(); global $opac_url_base; global $opac_show_book_pics; global $opac_book_pics_url; global $opac_notice_affichage_class; if (!$opac_notice_affichage_class) { $opac_notice_affichage_class = "notice_affichage"; } if (is_array($records['records']) && count($records['records'])) { $query = "select notice_id,tit1,thumbnail_url,code from notices where notice_id in (" . implode(",", $records['records']) . ") order by field( notice_id, " . implode(",", $records['records']) . ")"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($opac_show_book_pics == '1' && ($opac_book_pics_url || $row->thumbnail_url)) { $code_chiffre = pmb_preg_replace('/-|\\.| /', '', $row->code); $url_image = $opac_book_pics_url; $url_image = $opac_url_base . "getimage.php?url_image=" . urlencode($url_image) . "¬icecode=!!noticecode!!&vigurl=" . urlencode($row->thumbnail_url); if ($row->thumbnail_url) { $url_vign = $row->thumbnail_url; } else { if ($code_chiffre) { $url_vign = str_replace("!!noticecode!!", $code_chiffre, $url_image); } else { $url_vign = get_url_icon("vide.png", 1); } } } $notice_class = new $opac_notice_affichage_class($row->notice_id, ""); $notice_class->do_header(); if ($this->parameters['used_template']) { $tpl = new notice_tpl_gen($this->parameters['used_template']); $content = $tpl->build_notice($row->notice_id); } else { $notice_class->do_isbd(); $content = $notice_class->notice_isbd; } $datas[] = array('id' => $row->notice_id, 'title' => $row->tit1, 'link' => $this->get_constructed_link("notice", $row->notice_id), 'vign' => $url_vign, 'header' => $notice_class->notice_header, 'content' => $content); } } } $datas = array('title' => $records['title'], 'records' => $datas); return parent::render($datas); }
/** * Affichage sous forme de tableau des exemplaires */ function construire_tableau() { global $_mimetypes_bymimetype_, $_mimetypes_byext_, $dbh, $charset, $opac_url_base; global $opac_visionneuse_allow; if (!$this->tableau_id) { $this->display = ""; } else { create_tableau_mimetype(); $url_docnum = ""; switch ($this->type_elt) { case DOCNUM_DMDE: $url_docnum = "/explnum_doc.php?explnumdoc_id="; $requete = "SELECT id_explnum_doc as explnum_id, explnum_doc_nomfichier as explnum_nom, explnum_doc_mimetype as explnum_mimetype,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t explnum_doc_url as explnum_url, explnum_doc_data as explnum_data, explnum_doc_extfichier as explnum_extfichier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM explnum_doc join explnum_doc_actions on id_explnum_doc=num_explnum_doc WHERE prive=0 and num_action in (" . implode(',', $this->tableau_id) . ")"; break; case DOCNUM_SUGG: $url_docnum = "/explnum_doc.php?explnumdoc_id="; $requete = "SELECT id_explnum_doc as explnum_id, explnum_doc_nomfichier as explnum_nom, explnum_doc_mimetype as explnum_mimetype,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t explnum_doc_url as explnum_url, explnum_doc_data as explnum_data, explnum_doc_extfichier as explnum_extfichier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM explnum_doc join explnum_doc_sugg on id_explnum_doc=num_explnum_doc WHERE num_suggestion in (" . implode(',', $this->tableau_id) . ")"; break; case DOCNUM_NOTI: default: // récupération des infos des explnum $requete = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t explnum_url, explnum_data, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier\n\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM explnum WHERE explnum_id in (" . implode(',', $this->tableau_id) . ")"; $url_docnum = "/doc_num.php?explnum_id="; break; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $i = 1; $allowed_mimetype = array(); if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { global $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype; $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } while ($expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($expl->explnum_notice) { $notice_aff = new notice_affichage($expl->explnum_notice, ''); $notice_aff->do_header_without_html(); $titre = $notice_aff->notice_header_without_html; } elseif ($expl->explnum_bulletin) { $titre = $this->get_header_bulletin($expl->explnum_bulletin); } if ($i == 1) { $ligne = "<div class='row'><div class='colonne3' >!!1!!</div><div class='colonne3' width='33%'>!!2!!</div><div class='colonne3' >!!3!!</div></div>"; } $alt = htmlentities($expl->explnum_nom . " - " . $expl->explnum_mimetype, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($expl->explnum_vignette) { $obj = "<img src='" . $opac_url_base . "/vig_num.php?explnum_id={$expl->explnum_id}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } else { // trouver l'icone correspondant au mime_type $obj = "<img src='" . get_url_icon('mimetype/' . icone_mimetype($expl->explnum_mimetype, $expl->explnum_extfichier), 1) . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } $lien = ""; if ($expl->explnum_notice) { $lien = "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $expl->explnum_notice; } elseif ($expl->explnum_bulletin) { $lien = "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $expl->explnum_bulletin; } $words_to_find = ""; if ($expl->explnum_mimetype == 'application/pdf' || $expl->explnum_mimetype == 'URL' && strpos($expl->explnum_nom, '.pdf') !== false) { $words_to_find = "#search=\"" . $this->termes_recherche . "\""; } $expl_liste_obj = "<div class='explnum-titre' style=\"margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\" ><a href='{$lien}'>{$titre}</a></div>"; $expl_liste_obj .= "<div style=\"text-align:center; word-wrap: break-word\">"; if ($allowed_mimetype && in_array($expl->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $link = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $expl->explnum_id . ");return false;\" alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; $expl_liste_obj .= $link; } else { $expl_liste_obj .= "<a href='" . $opac_url_base . $url_docnum . $expl->explnum_id . $words_to_find . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' target='_blank'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; } if ($_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]) { $explmime_nom = $_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]; } elseif ($_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]) { $explmime_nom = $_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]; } else { $explmime_nom = $expl->explnum_mimetype; } $expl_liste_obj .= htmlentities($expl->explnum_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "<div class='explnum_type'>" . htmlentities($explmime_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</div>"; $expl_liste_obj .= "</div>"; $ligne = str_replace("!!{$i}!!", $expl_liste_obj, $ligne); $i++; if ($i == 4) { $ligne_finale .= $ligne; $i = 1; } } if (!$ligne_finale) { $ligne_finale = $ligne; } elseif ($i != 1) { $ligne_finale .= $ligne; } $ligne_finale = str_replace('!!2!!', " ", $ligne_finale); $ligne_finale = str_replace('!!3!!', " ", $ligne_finale); $this->display = $ligne_finale; } }
function aff_bull_for_art_expl_num_vign_reduit($param) { // Affiche pour une notice une icone cliquable pour ouvrir le document numérique // $param[0] = Est-ce que l'on tient compte des droits (0 ou vide -> Non, 1 -> Oui) // $param[1] = Texte de l'info-bulle dans le cas ou il y a plusieurs documents numériques // Si vide c'est celui par défaut qui est utilisé // $param[2] = Url de l'image dans le cas ou il y a plusieurs documents numériques // Si vide c'est celui par défaut qui est utilisé // $param[3] = Texte de l'info-bulle dans le cas ou il n'y a qu'un document numérique // Si vide c'est celui par défaut qui est utilisé // $param[4] = Url de l'image dans le cas ou il n'y a qu'un document numérique // Si vide c'est celui par défaut qui est utilisé global $parser_environnement, $dbh, $opac_visionneuse_allow, $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype, $msg, $opac_url_base; if (!$parser_environnement['id_notice']) { return ""; } if (is_array($param) && count($param) && $param[0] == 1 && !explnum_test_rights($parser_environnement['id_notice'])) { return ""; } //on va chercher le bulletin de l'article $requete = "SELECT analysis_bulletin FROM analysis WHERE analysis_notice='" . $parser_environnement['id_notice'] . "'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $bulletin_id = $row->analysis_bulletin; } else { return ""; } $query = "SELECT explnum_id,explnum_mimetype,explnum_nom,explnum_nomfichier,explnum_url FROM explnum WHERE explnum_bulletin = '" . $bulletin_id . "'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $tab_explnum = array(); while ($explnum = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if (explnum_test_rights_per_id($explnum->explnum_id)) { $tab_explnum[] = $explnum; } } if (count($tab_explnum) > 1) { $info_bulle = $msg["info_docs_num_notice"]; if (is_array($param) && count($param) >= 2 && trim($param[1])) { $info_bulle = $param[1]; } $img_multip_doc = get_url_icon("globe_rouge.png"); if (is_array($param) && count($param) >= 3 && trim($param[2])) { $img_multip_doc = trim($param[2]); } return "<span class=\"expl_num_vign_reduit\" ><img src=\"" . $img_multip_doc . "\" alt=\"" . $info_bulle . "\" title=\"" . $info_bulle . "\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\"/></span>"; } elseif (count($tab_explnum) == 1) { $explnumrow = $tab_explnum[0]; $info_bulle = ""; if (is_array($param) && count($param) >= 4 && trim($param[3])) { $info_bulle = $param[3]; } else { if ($explnumrow->explnum_nomfichier) { if ($explnumrow->explnum_nom == $explnumrow->explnum_nomfichier) { $info_bulle = $msg["open_doc_num_notice"] . $explnumrow->explnum_nomfichier; } else { $info_bulle = $explnumrow->explnum_nom; } } elseif ($explnumrow->explnum_url) { if ($explnumrow->explnum_nom == $explnumrow->explnum_url) { $info_bulle = $msg["open_link_url_notice"] . $explnumrow->explnum_url; } else { $info_bulle = $explnumrow->explnum_nom; } } } $img_multip_doc = get_url_icon("globe_orange.png"); if (is_array($param) && count($param) >= 5 && trim($param[4])) { $img_multip_doc = trim($param[4]); } $allowed_mimetype = array(); if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } $ret = "<span class=\"expl_num_vign_reduit\" >"; if ($opac_visionneuse_allow && in_array($explnumrow->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $ret .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $explnumrow->explnum_id . ");return false;\" alt=\"" . $info_bulle . "\" title=\"" . $info_bulle . "\">"; } else { $ret .= "<a href=\"" . $opac_url_base . "doc_num.php?explnum_id=" . $explnumrow->explnum_id . "\" target=\"__LINK__\">"; } $ret .= "<img src=\"" . $img_multip_doc . "\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" hspace=\"3\" alt=\"" . $info_bulle . "\" title=\"" . $info_bulle . "\"></a></span>"; return $ret; } } return ""; }
$moyenne = number_format($loc->m, 1, ',', ''); $c_notice = new notice_affichage($noticeid, ""); $etoiles_moyenne = $c_notice->stars(); //liste des témoignages $requete = "select note,sujet,commentaire,DATE_FORMAT(dateajout,'" . $msg['format_date'] . "') as ladate,empr_login,empr_nom, empr_prenom\n\t\t\t\tfrom avis\n\t\t\t\tleft join empr on id_empr=num_empr\n\t\t\t\twhere valide=1 and num_notice='" . $noticeid . "'\n\t\t\t\torder by dateajout desc"; $r = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r)) { echo "<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='left'><b>" . $msg['avis_titre_tous'] . ":</b> " . $msg['avis_note'] . ": {$moyenne}</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='right'>{$etoiles_moyenne}</div> \n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"; $cpt_star = 4; while ($loc = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $etoiles = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= $loc->note; $i++) { $etoiles .= "<img border=0 src='" . get_url_icon('star.png') . "' align='absmiddle'>"; } for ($j = round($loc->note); $j <= $cpt_star; $j++) { $etoiles .= "<img border=0 src='" . get_url_icon('star_unlight.png') . "' align='absmiddle'>"; } echo "<hr /><div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='left'><b>{$loc->sujet}</b>, " . $loc->ladate; if ($opac_avis_show_writer == 1 && $loc->empr_nom) { echo " " . $msg['avis_de'] . " {$loc->empr_prenom} {$loc->empr_nom} "; } if ($opac_avis_show_writer == 2 && $loc->empr_login) { echo " " . $msg['avis_de'] . " {$loc->empr_login} "; } echo "</div><div class='right'>{$etoiles}</div>"; if ($charset != "utf-8") { $loc->commentaire = cp1252Toiso88591($loc->commentaire); } echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='row'>" . do_bbcode($loc->commentaire) . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"; } } else {
// RSS $std_header = str_replace("!!liens_rss!!", genere_link_rss(), $std_header); // l'image $logo_rss_si_rss est calculée par genere_link_rss() en global $liens_bas = str_replace("<!-- rss -->", $logo_rss_si_rss, $liens_bas); if ($opac_parse_html || $cms_active) { ob_start(); } print $std_header; if ($time_expired) { echo "<script>alert(\"" . sprintf($msg["session_expired"], round($opac_duration_session_auth / 60)) . "\");</script>"; } if ($opac_autolevel2) { $es = new search(); } require_once $base_path . '/includes/'; $link_to_print_search_result = "<span class=\"printSearchResult\">\n<a href='#' onClick=\"openPopUp('" . $base_path . "/print.php?lvl=search¤t_search=" . ($_SESSION['last_query'] + 0) . "','print',500,600,-2,-2,'scrollbars=yes,menubar=0'); w.focus(); return false;\">\n\t<img src='" . get_url_icon('print.gif') . "' border='0' align='bottom' alt=\"" . $msg["histo_print"] . "\" title=\"" . $msg["histo_print"] . "\"/>\n</a>\n</span>"; if ($opac_cart_allow && !$opac_cart_only_for_subscriber || $opac_cart_allow && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { $add_cart_link = "<span class=\"addCart\"><a href='cart_info.php?lvl={$lvl}&id={$id}' target='cart_info' title='" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "'>" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "</a></span>"; $add_cart_link_spe = "<span class=\"addCart\"><a href='cart_info.php?lvl={$lvl}&id={$id}!!spe!!' target='cart_info' title='" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "'>" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "</a></span>"; } $link_to_visionneuse = "\n<script type='text/javascript' >var oldAction;</script>\n<span class=\"open_visionneuse\"><a href='#' onclick=\"open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse);return false;\">" . $msg["result_to_phototeque"] . "</a></span>"; //cas général $sendToVisionneuseByPost = "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tfunction sendToVisionneuse(explnum_id){\n\t\tif (typeof(explnum_id)!= 'undefined') {\n\t\t\tif(!document.form_values.explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\tvar explnum =document.createElement('input');\n\t\t\t\texplnum.setAttribute('type','hidden');\n\t\t\t\texplnum.setAttribute('name','explnum_id');\n\t\t\t\tdocument.form_values.appendChild(explnum);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdocument.form_values.explnum_id.value = explnum_id;\n\t\t}\n\t\toldAction=document.form_values.action;\n\t\tdocument.form_values.action='visionneuse.php';\n\t\'visionneuse';\n\t\tdocument.form_values.submit();\t\n\t}\n</script>"; //cas des autorités $sendToVisionneuseByGet = "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tfunction sendToVisionneuse(explnum_id){\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = \"visionneuse.php?mode=!!mode!!&idautorite=!!idautorite!!\"+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? '&explnum_id='+explnum_id : \"\");\n\t}\n</script>"; //cas de notice display $sendToVisionneuseNoticeDisplay = "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tfunction sendToVisionneuse(explnum_id){\n\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t}\n</script>"; switch ($lvl) { case 'author_see': $author_type_aff = 0; if ($opac_congres_affichage_mode && $id) {
function bulletin_affichage($id, $type = "") { global $dbh, $msg; global $opac_show_exemplaires; $display = ""; $requete = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, bulletin_notice, mention_date, date_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_cb, date_format(date_date, '" . $msg["format_date_sql"] . "') as aff_date_date,num_notice FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_id='{$id}'"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $requete3 = "SELECT notice_id FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $obj["bulletin_notice"] . "' "; $res3 = @pmb_mysql_query($requete3, $dbh); while ($obj3 = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res3)) { $notice3 = new notice($obj3->notice_id); } $notice3->fetch_visibilite(); //on vient poser l'ancre des docnums... $req = "select explnum_id from explnum where explnum_bulletin = " . $obj["bulletin_id"]; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh) or die($req . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $nb_ex = pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat); $res_print = "<h3><img src=./images/icon_per.gif> " . $notice3->print_resume(1, $css) . "." . " <b>" . $obj["bulletin_numero"] . "</b>" . ($nb_ex ? " <a href='#docnum'>" . ($nb_ex > 1 ? "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_rouge.png") . "' />" : "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_orange.png") . "' />") . "</a>" : "") . "</h3>\n"; $num_notice = $obj['num_notice']; if ($obj['bulletin_titre']) { $res_print .= htmlentities($obj['bulletin_titre'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "<br />"; } if ($obj['mention_date']) { $res_print .= $msg['bull_mention_date'] . " " . $obj['mention_date'] . "\n"; } if ($obj['date_date']) { $res_print .= "<br />" . $msg['bull_date_date'] . " " . $obj['aff_date_date'] . " \n"; } if ($type != "visionneuse" && $nb_ex) { $res_print .= "<br /><a href='#docnum'>" . ($nb_ex > 1 ? "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_rouge.png") . "' />" : "<img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_orange.png") . "' />") . "</a>"; } if ($obj['bulletin_cb']) { $res_print .= "<br />" . $msg["code_start"] . " " . htmlentities($obj['bulletin_cb'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "\n"; $code_cb_bulletin = $obj['bulletin_cb']; } } do_image($res_print, $code_cb_bulletin, 0); if ($num_notice) { // Il y a une notice de bulletin $display .= $res_print; $opac_notices_depliable = 0; $seule = 1; //$display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice,0,0)) ; if ($type == "visionneuse") { $display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice, 1, 1, 0, "", 0, 1)); } else { $display .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice, 0, 1, 0, "", 0)); } } else { // construction des dépouillements $depouill = "<br /><h3>" . $msg['bull_dep'] . "</h3>"; $requete = "SELECT * FROM analysis, notices, notice_statut WHERE analysis_bulletin='{$id}' AND notice_id = analysis_notice AND statut = id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)" . ($_SESSION["user_code"] ? " or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)" : "") . ") "; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { if ($opac_notices_depliable) { $depouill .= $begin_result_liste; } if ($opac_cart_allow) { $depouill .= "<a href=\"cart_info.php?id=" . $id . "&lvl=analysis&header=" . rawurlencode(strip_tags($notice_header)) . "\" target=\"cart_info\" class=\"img_basket\" title='" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "'>" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "</a>"; } $depouill .= "<blockquote>"; while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $depouill .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($obj["analysis_notice"])); } $depouill .= "</blockquote>"; } else { $depouill = $msg["no_analysis"]; } $display .= $res_print; $display .= $depouill; if ($notice3->visu_expl && (!$notice3->visu_expl_abon || $notice3->visu_expl_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if (!$opac_resa_planning) { $resa_check = check_statut(0, $id); if ($resa_check) { $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idbulletin='{$id}'"; $nb_resa_encours = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa, $dbh), 0, 0); if ($nb_resa_encours) { $message_nbresa = str_replace("!!nbresa!!", $nb_resa_encours, $msg["resa_nb_deja_resa"]); } if ($_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_book && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_max_resa == 0 || $opac_max_resa > $nb_resa_encours) { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; } else { $ret_resa .= str_replace("!!nb_max_resa!!", $opac_max_resa, $msg["resa_nb_max_resa"]); } $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } elseif (!$_SESSION["user_code"] && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { // utilisateur pas connecté // préparation lien réservation sans être connecté $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } elseif ($fonction == 'notice_affichage_custom_bretagne') { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $reserver = "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=" . $this->notice_id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $reserver = "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_notice=" . $this->notice_id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $reservernbre = $message_nbresa; } else { $ret_resa = ""; } $display .= pmb_bidi($ret_resa); } } if ($opac_show_exemplaires) { if ($fonction == 'notice_affichage_custom_bretagne') { $display .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage_custom_bretagne::expl_list("m", 0, $id)); } else { $display .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage::expl_list("m", 0, $id)); } } } if ($type != "visionneuse" && $notice3->visu_explnum && (!$notice3->visu_explnum_abon || $notice3->visu_explnum_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if ($explnum = show_explnum_per_notice(0, $id, '')) { $display .= pmb_bidi("<a name='docnum'><h3>" . $msg["explnum"] . "</h3></a>" . $explnum); } } } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); $display .= notice_affichage::autres_lectures(0, $id); return $display; }
/** * Retourne l'URL calculée de l'image * @return string */ public function get_picture_url() { if (!$this->picture_url && ($this->get_code() || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { global $opac_show_book_pics, $opac_book_pics_url; global $opac_url_base; if ($opac_show_book_pics == '1' && ($opac_book_pics_url || $this->get_thumbnail_url())) { if ($this->get_thumbnail_url()) { $this->picture_url = $this->get_thumbnail_url(); } else { $code_chiffre = pmb_preg_replace('/-|\\.| /', '', $this->get_code()); $url_image = $opac_book_pics_url; $url_image = $opac_url_base . "getimage.php?url_image=" . urlencode($url_image) . "¬icecode=!!noticecode!!&vigurl=" . urlencode($this->get_thumbnail_url()); $this->picture_url = str_replace("!!noticecode!!", $code_chiffre, $url_image); } } } if (!$this->picture_url) { $this->picture_url = get_url_icon("no_image.jpg"); } return $this->picture_url; }
function genere_simple($depliable = 1, $what = 'ISBD') { global $msg, $charset; global $dbh; global $cart_aff_case_traitement; global $opac_url_base; global $opac_avis_allow; global $opac_allow_add_tag; global $opac_visionneuse_allow; global $allow_tag; // l'utilisateur a-t-il le droit d'ajouter un tag $this->notice_childs = $this->genere_notice_childs(); // preparation de la case a cocher pour traitement panier if ($cart_aff_case_traitement) { $case_a_cocher = "<input type='checkbox' value='!!id!!' name='notice[]'/> "; } else { $case_a_cocher = ""; } if ($this->cart_allowed) { if (isset($_SESSION["cart"]) && in_array($this->notice_id, $_SESSION["cart"])) { $basket = "<a href='#' class=\"img_basket_exist\" title=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket_exist'] . "\"><img src=\"" . get_url_icon('basket_exist.gif', 1) . "\" align='absmiddle' border='0' alt=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket_exist'] . "\" /></a>"; } else { $basket = "<a href=\"cart_info.php?id=" . $this->notice_id . "&header=" . rawurlencode($this->notice_header) . "\" target=\"cart_info\" title=\"" . $msg[notice_title_basket] . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon("basket_small_20x20.png", 1) . "' align='absmiddle' border='0' alt=\"" . $msg[notice_title_basket] . "\"></a>"; } } //Avis if ($opac_avis_allow && $opac_avis_allow != 2 || $_SESSION["user_code"] && $opac_avis_allow == 2) { $basket .= " <a href='#' onclick=\"open('avis.php?todo=liste¬iceid={$this->notice_id}','avis','width=520,height=290,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('avis.png', 1) . "' align='absmiddle' border='0' title=\"" . $msg[notice_title_avis] . "\" alt=\"" . $msg[notice_title_avis] . "\"></a>"; } //add tags if ($opac_allow_add_tag == 1 || $opac_allow_add_tag == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_tag) { $basket .= " <a href='#' onclick=\"open('addtags.php?noticeid={$this->notice_id}','ajouter_un_tag','width=350,height=150,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); return false;\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('tag.png', 1) . "'align='absmiddle' border='0' title=\"" . $msg[notice_title_tag] . "\" alt=\"" . $msg[notice_title_tag] . "\"></a>"; } if ($basket) { $basket = "<div>" . $basket . "</div>"; } if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == "s") { $icon = "icon_per_16x16.gif"; } elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == "a") { $icon = "icon_art_16x16.gif"; } else { $icon = "icon_" . $this->notice->typdoc . "_16x16.gif"; } $icon_is_new = ""; if (!$this->no_header && $this->notice->notice_is_new) { $icon_is_new = "icone_nouveautes.png"; } if (!$depliable && $this->notice->typdoc == "k") { $template = "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"el!!id!!Global\" class=\"notice-global-photo\">\n\t\t\t<div id=\"el!!id!!Parent\" class=\"notice-parent\">\n\n\t\t{$case_a_cocher}"; if ($icon) { $template .= "\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . get_url_icon($icon, 1) . "\" />"; } $template .= "\n \t\t<span class=\"notice-heada\">!!heada!!</span>"; if ($icon_is_new) { $info_bulle_icon_new = $msg["notice_is_new_gestion"]; $template .= " <img src=\"" . get_url_icon($icon_is_new, 1) . "\" alt='" . htmlentities($info_bulle_icon_new, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' title='" . htmlentities($info_bulle_icon_new, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'/>"; } $template .= "\n\t\t <center>!!DOCNUM1!!</center>\n\n \t\t</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div id=\"el!!id!!Child\" class=\"notice-child-photo\" style=\"margin-bottom:6px;\">" . $basket . "!!ISBD!!\n\n\t\t\t</div>\n\n\t\t\t</div>\n"; } else { $template = "\n\t\t\t<div id=\"el!!id!!Global\" class=\"notice-global-nophoto\">\n\n\t\t\t<div id=\"el!!id!!Parent\" class=\"notice-parent\">\n\n \t{$case_a_cocher}"; if ($icon) { $template .= "\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\"" . get_url_icon($icon, 1) . "\" />"; } $template .= "\n \t\t<span class=\"heada\">!!heada!!</span>"; if ($icon_is_new) { $info_bulle_icon_new = $msg["notice_is_new_gestion"]; $template .= " <img src=\"" . get_url_icon($icon_is_new, 1) . "\" alt='" . htmlentities($info_bulle_icon_new, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' title='" . htmlentities($info_bulle_icon_new, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'/>"; } $template .= "\n \t\t<br />\n\t \t</div>\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n<div id='el!!id!!Child' class='child' >" . $basket . "\n\t\t\t!!ISBD!!\n\t\t\t!!SUITE!!\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n</div>\n"; } $no_notice = $this->notice_id; if ($this->notice->typdoc == "k") { // Affichage du premier exemplaire numerique if ($no_notice) { // Traitement exemplaire numerique $requete = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_data, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier FROM explnum WHERE "; $requete .= "explnum_notice='{$no_notice}' "; $requete .= " order by explnum_id LIMIT 1"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die($requete . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $nb_ex = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); } if ($nb_ex) { // on recupere les donnees des exemplaires $i = 1; while ($expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $ligne = "!!1!!"; if ($link_expl) { $tlink = str_replace("!!explnum_id!!", $expl->explnum_id, $link_expl); $tlink = str_replace("!!notice_id!!", $expl->explnum_notice, $tlink); $tlink = str_replace("!!bulletin_id!!", $expl->explnum_bulletin, $tlink); } $alt = htmlentities($expl->explnum_nom . " - " . $expl->explnum_mimetype, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); global $prefix_url_image; if ($prefix_url_image) { $tmpprefix_url_image = $prefix_url_image; } else { $tmpprefix_url_image = "./"; } if ($expl->explnum_vignette) { $obj = "<img src='" . $tmpprefix_url_image . "vig_num.php?explnum_id={$expl->explnum_id}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } else { // trouver l'icone correspondant au mime_type $obj = "<img src='" . $tmpprefix_url_image . "images/mimetype/" . icone_mimetype($expl->explnum_mimetype, $expl->explnum_extfichier) . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } $expl_liste_obj = ""; if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $link = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t</script>"; $link .= "<a href='#' onclick=\"open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $expl->explnum_id . ");return false;\" alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; $expl_liste_obj .= $link; } else { $suite_url_explnum = "doc_num.php?explnum_id={$expl->explnum_id}{$words_to_find}"; $expl_liste_obj .= "<a href='index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id . "&mode_phototeque=1' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; } if ($_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]) { $explmime_nom = $_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]; } elseif ($_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]) { $explmime_nom = $_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]; } else { $explmime_nom = $expl->explnum_mimetype; } /* Pas besoin de l'affichage des titres ni format if ($tlink) { $expl_liste_obj .= "<a href='$tlink'>"; $expl_liste_obj .= htmlentities($expl->explnum_nom,ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."</a><div class='explnum_type'>".htmlentities($explmime_nom,ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."</div>"; } else { $expl_liste_obj .= htmlentities($expl->explnum_nom,ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."<div class='explnum_type'>".htmlentities($explmime_nom,ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."</div>"; } */ $expl_liste_obj .= ""; $ligne = str_replace("!!{$i}!!", $expl_liste_obj, $ligne); } $ligne_finale = $ligne; } $entry .= "{$ligne_finale}"; } // Si un document numerique, renvoi du doc num $entry dans le template, sinon vide if ($nb_ex) { $template = str_replace('!!DOCNUM1!!', $entry, $template); } else { $template = str_replace('!!DOCNUM1!!', "", $template); } // Serials : difference avec les monographies on affiche [periodique] et [article] devant l'ISBD if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 's') { $template = str_replace('!!ISBD!!', "<span class='fond-mere'>[" . $msg['isbd_type_perio'] . "]</span> <a href='index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id . "'><i>" . $msg["see_bull"] . "</i></a> !!ISBD!!", $template); } elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a') { $template = str_replace('!!ISBD!!', "<span class='fond-article'>[" . $msg['isbd_type_art'] . "]</span> !!ISBD!!", $template); } $this->result = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->notice_id, $template); $this->result = str_replace('!!heada!!', $this->notice_header, $this->result); if ($what == 'ISBD') { $this->do_image($this->notice_isbd, $depliable); $this->result = str_replace('!!ISBD!!', $this->notice_isbd, $this->result); } else { $this->do_image($this->notice_public, $depliable); $this->result = str_replace('!!ISBD!!', $this->notice_public, $this->result); } if ($this->affichage_resa_expl || $this->notice_childs) { $this->result = str_replace('!!SUITE!!', $this->notice_childs . $this->affichage_resa_expl, $this->result); } else { $this->result = str_replace('!!SUITE!!', '', $this->result); } }
$tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours!!", urlencode($page_en_cours), $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours1!!", $page_en_cours, $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!action_suppr_tris!!", "get_sort_content(1, sortSupprIds('cases_a_cocher','cases_suppr'));", $tmpStr); $display .= $tmpStr; $tmpStr = $sort->show_sel_form(); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours!!", urlencode($page_en_cours), $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours1!!", $page_en_cours, $tmpStr); $display .= $tmpStr; } else { $temp_tri = $_SESSION["nb_sortnotices"] - 1; $display .= "<script> document.location='./index.php?" . $page_en_cours . "&get_last_query=" . $_SESSION["last_query"] . "&sort=" . $temp_tri . "';</script>"; } } else { $display .= "<script> document.location='./index.php?" . $page_en_cours . "&get_last_query=" . $_SESSION["last_query"] . "';</script>"; } } else { $tmpStr = $sort->show_tris_form(); $tmpStr = str_replace("<!--bouton close-->", "<a href='#' onClick='parent.kill_sort_frame();return false;'><img src='" . get_url_icon('close.gif') . "' border='0' align='right'></a></div>", $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours!!", urlencode($page_en_cours), $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours1!!", $page_en_cours, $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!action_suppr_tris!!", "get_sort_content(1, sortSupprIds('cases_a_cocher','cases_suppr'));", $tmpStr); $display .= $tmpStr; $tmpStr = $sort->show_sel_form(); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours!!", urlencode($page_en_cours), $tmpStr); $tmpStr = str_replace("!!page_en_cours1!!", $page_en_cours, $tmpStr); $display .= $tmpStr; } break; } ajax_http_send_response($display); return;
/** * Fonction retournant les infos d'exemplaires numériques pour une notice ou un bulletin donné * @param int $explnum_id Identifiant du document numérique * @return string */ function show_explnum_per_id($explnum_id, $link_explnum = "") { global $dbh; global $charset; global $opac_url_base; global $opac_visionneuse_allow; global $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype; global $opac_explnum_order; global $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums; global $gestion_acces_active, $gestion_acces_empr_notice, $gestion_acces_empr_docnum; global $search_terms; if (!$explnum_id) { return ""; } global $_mimetypes_bymimetype_, $_mimetypes_byext_; create_tableau_mimetype(); // récupération des infos du document $query = "select explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier , explnum_docnum_statut FROM explnum WHERE explnum_id = " . $explnum_id; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { if ($explnum = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $docnum_visible = true; $id_for_right = $explnum->explnum_notice; if ($gestion_acces_active == 1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice == 1) { $ac = new acces(); $dom_2 = $ac->setDomain(2); $docnum_visible = $dom_2->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $id_for_right, 16); } else { $requete = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon FROM notices, notice_statut WHERE notice_id ='" . $id_for_right . "' and id_notice_statut=statut "; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); if (!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) { $docnum_visible = false; } if ($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $docnum_visible = false; } } else { $docnum_visible = false; } } if ($docnum_visible) { if ($gestion_acces_active == 1 && $gestion_acces_empr_docnum == 1) { $ac = new acces(); $dom_3 = $ac->setDomain(3); $docnum_visible = $dom_3->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $explnum->explnum_id, 16); } else { $requete = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon FROM explnum, explnum_statut WHERE explnum_id ='" . $explnum->explnum_id . "' and id_explnum_statut=explnum_docnum_statut "; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); if (!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) { $docnum_visible = false; } if ($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $docnum_visible = false; } } else { $docnum_visible = false; } } } if ($link_explnum) { $tlink = str_replace("!!explnum_id!!", $explnum->explnum_id, $link_explnum); $tlink = str_replace("!!notice_id!!", $explnum->explnum_notice, $tlink); $tlink = str_replace("!!bulletin_id!!", $explnum->explnum_bulletin, $tlink); } $alt = htmlentities($explnum->explnum_nom . " - " . $explnum->explnum_mimetype, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); // couleur de l'img en fonction du statut if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut) { $rqt_st = "SELECT * FROM explnum_statut WHERE id_explnum_statut='" . $expl->explnum_docnum_statut . "' "; $Query_statut = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_st, $dbh) or die($rqt_st . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $r_statut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($Query_statut); $class_img = " class='docnum_" . $r_statut->class_html . "' "; if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut > 1) { $txt = $r_statut->opac_libelle; } else { $txt = ""; } $statut_libelle_div = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id='zoom_statut_docnum" . $expl->explnum_id . "' style='border: 2px solid rgb(85, 85, 85); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); position: absolute; z-index: 2000; display: none;'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<b>{$txt}</b>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t"; } else { $class_img = " class='docnum_statutnot1' "; $txt = ""; } if ($explnum->explnum_vignette) { $obj = "<img src='" . $opac_url_base . "vig_num.php?explnum_id={$explnum->explnum_id}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } else { // trouver l'icone correspondant au mime_type $obj = "<img src='" . get_url_icon('mimetype/' . icone_mimetype($explnum->explnum_mimetype, $explnum->explnum_extfichier), 1) . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' border='0'>"; } $explnum_liste_obj = "<center>"; $obj .= "{$statut_libelle_div}\r\n\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onmouseout=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_statut_docnum" . $expl->explnum_id . "');'none'; \" onmouseover=\"z=document.getElementById('zoom_statut_docnum" . $expl->explnum_id . "');''; \">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='vignette_doc_num' ><img {$class_img} width='10' height='10' src='./images/spacer.gif'></div>\r\n\t\t\t\t</a>\r\n\t\t\t"; $words_to_find = ""; if ($explnum->explnum_mimetype == 'application/pdf' || $explnum->explnum_mimetype == 'URL' && strpos($explnum->explnum_nom, '.pdf') !== false) { if (is_array($search_terms)) { $words_to_find = "#search=\"" . trim(str_replace('*', '', implode(' ', $search_terms))) . "\""; } } //si l'affichage du lien vers les documents numériques est forcé et qu'on est pas connecté, on propose l'invite de connexion! if (!$docnum_visible && !$_SESSION['user_code'] && $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums) { if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } if ($allowed_mimetype && in_array($explnum->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $link = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction sendToVisionneuse_" . $explnum->explnum_id . "(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\topen_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $explnum->explnum_id . ");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&callback_func=sendToVisionneuse_" . $explnum->explnum_id . "');\" alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; $explnum_liste_obj .= $link; } else { $link = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&new_tab=1&callback_url=" . rawurlencode($opac_url_base . "doc_num.php?explnum_id=" . $explnum->explnum_id) . "')\" alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; $explnum_liste_obj .= $link; } } else { if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } if ($allowed_mimetype && in_array($explnum->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $link = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == 'undefined'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? 'explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='#' onclick=\"open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $explnum->explnum_id . ");return false;\" alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; $explnum_liste_obj .= $link; } else { $suite_url_explnum = "doc_num.php?explnum_id={$explnum->explnum_id}"; if (!$r_statut->explnum_download_opac) { $explnum_liste_obj .= $obj . "<br />"; } else { $explnum_liste_obj .= "<a href='" . $opac_url_base . $suite_url_explnum . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' target='_blank'>" . $obj . "</a><br />"; } } } if ($_mimetypes_byext_[$explnum->explnum_extfichier]["label"]) { $explnummime_nom = $_mimetypes_byext_[$explnum->explnum_extfichier]["label"]; } elseif ($_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$explnum->explnum_mimetype]["label"]) { $explnummime_nom = $_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$explnum->explnum_mimetype]["label"]; } else { $explnummime_nom = $explnum->explnum_mimetype; } if ($tlink) { $explnum_liste_obj .= "<a href='{$tlink}'>"; $explnum_liste_obj .= htmlentities($explnum->explnum_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a><div class='explnum_type'>" . htmlentities($explnummime_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</div>"; } else { $explnum_liste_obj .= htmlentities($explnum->explnum_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "<div class='explnum_type'>" . htmlentities($explnummime_nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</div>"; } $explnum_liste_obj .= "</center>"; } else { return ""; } } else { return ""; } return $explnum_liste_obj; }
$current->do_public($short, $ex); if ($vignette) { $current->do_image($current->notice_public, false); } } else { $current->do_isbd($short, $ex); if ($vignette) { $current->do_image($current->notice_isbd, false); } } //Icone type de Document $icon = $icon_doc[$current->notice->niveau_biblio . $current->notice->typdoc]; $iconDoc = ""; if ($icon) { $info_bulle_icon = $biblio_doc[$current->notice->niveau_biblio] . " : " . $tdoc->table[$current->notice->typdoc]; $iconDoc = "<img src=\"" . get_url_icon($icon, 1) . "\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" align='top' />"; } if ($header) { $notice_aff .= "<h3>" . $iconDoc . $current->notice_header . "</h3>"; } if ($current->notice->niveau_biblio == 's') { $perio = "<span class='fond-mere'>[" . $msg['isbd_type_perio'] . $bulletins . "]</span> "; } elseif ($current->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a') { $perio = "<span class='fond-article'>[" . $msg['isbd_type_art'] . "]</span> "; } else { $perio = ""; } if ($type == 'PUBLIC') { $notice_aff .= $perio . $current->notice_public; } else { $notice_aff .= $perio . $current->notice_isbd;
} } } $message = sprintf($msg["cart_add_notices"], $n, $nbtotal); if ($na) { $message .= ", " . sprintf($msg["cart_already_in"], $na); } if (count($cart_) == $opac_max_cart_items) { $message .= ", " . $msg["cart_full"]; } return $message; } print "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\tvar msg_notice_title_basket_exist = '" . addslashes($msg["notice_title_basket_exist"]) . "';\n\t\t</script>"; print "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $include_path . "/javascript/cart.js'></script>"; $vide_cache = filemtime("./styles/" . $css . "/" . $css . ".css"); print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"./styles/" . $css . "/" . $css . ".css?" . $vide_cache . "\" />\n<span class='img_basket'><img src='" . get_url_icon("basket_small_20x20.png") . "' border='0' valign='center'/></span> "; $cart_ = $_SESSION["cart"]; if (!count($cart_)) { $cart_ = array(); } $id = stripslashes($id); // attention id peut etre du type es123 (recherche externe) $location += 0; if ($id && !$lvl) { if (count($cart_) < $opac_max_cart_items) { $as = array_search($id, $cart_); $notice_header = htmlentities(substr(strip_tags(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($header, ENT_QUOTES))), 0, 45), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if ($notice_header != $header) { $notice_header .= "..."; } if ($as !== null && $as !== false) {
function print_resume($level = 2, $css = '') { global $css, $msg; if (!$this->id) { return; } // adaptation par rapport au niveau de détail souhaité switch ($level) { // case x : case 2: default: global $publisher_level2_display; $publisher_display = $publisher_level2_display; break; } $print = $publisher_display; // remplacement des champs statiques $print = str_replace("!!id!!", $this->id, $print); $print = str_replace("!!name!!", $this->name, $print); $print = str_replace("!!adr1!!", $this->adr1, $print); $print = str_replace("!!adr2!!", $this->adr2, $print); $print = str_replace("!!cp!!", $this->cp, $print); $print = str_replace("!!ville!!", $this->ville, $print); $print = str_replace("!!pays!!", $this->pays, $print); if ($this->web) { $print = str_replace("!!site_web!!", "<a href='{$this->web}' target='_blank' type='external_url_autor'><img src='" . get_url_icon("globe.gif") . "' border='0' /></a>", $print); } else { $print = str_replace("!!site_web!!", "", $print); } $print = str_replace("!!isbd!!", $this->isbd_entry, $print); $print = str_replace("!!aut_comment!!", $this->ed_comment, $print); if (preg_match("#!!colls!!#", $print)) { global $dbh; $query = "select collection_id, collection_name from collections where collection_parent='" . $this->id . "' order by index_coll"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $remplacement = $msg[publishers_collections] . "\n<ul>\n"; while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $remplacement .= "<li><a href='index.php?lvl=coll_see&id=" . $obj->collection_id . "'>" . $obj->collection_name . "</a></li>\n"; } pmb_mysql_free_result($result); $remplacement .= "</ul><div class='row'></div>\n"; } else { $remplacement = ""; } $print = str_replace("!!colls!!", $remplacement, $print); } if (preg_match("#!!address!!#", $print)) { if ($this->adr1 != "" && $this->cp != "" && $this->ville != "") { $remplacement = $this->adr1; if ($this->adr2 != "") { $remplacement .= "<br />\n" . $this->adr2; } $remplacement .= "<br />\n" . $this->cp . " " . $this->ville; if ($this->pays != "") { $remplacement .= "<br />\n" . $this->pays; } } else { $remplacement = ""; } $print = str_replace("!!address!!", $remplacement, $print); } return $print; }
function affiche_public_bannette($bannettes = "", $aff_notices_nb = 0, $mode_aff_notice = AFF_BAN_NOTICES_BOTH, $depliable = AFF_BAN_NOTICES_DEPLIABLES_OUI, $link_to_bannette = "", $liens_opac = array(), $date_diff = '', $htmldiv_id = "bannette-container", $htmldiv_class = "bannette-container", $htmldiv_zindex = "") { global $dbh; global $msg, $charset; global $opac_notice_affichage_class; global $affiche_bannette_tpl; // récupération des bannettes global $id_empr; global $opac_websubscribe_show; global $id_empr; if ($bannettes) { $clause = " and id_bannette in ({$bannettes}) "; } //Récupération des infos des bannettes $requete = "select distinct id_bannette,comment_public, date_format(date_last_envoi, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_date_last_envoi from bannettes where proprio_bannette = 0 {$clause} order by date_last_envoi DESC "; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $tableau_bannettes = array(); while ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $requete = "select count(1) as compte from bannette_contenu where num_bannette='{$r->id_bannette}'"; $resnb = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $nb = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resnb); if ($nb->compte) { $tableau_bannettes[] = array('id_bannette' => $r->id_bannette, 'comment_public' => $r->comment_public, 'aff_date_last_envoi' => $r->aff_date_last_envoi, 'nb_contenu' => $nb->compte); } } if (!sizeof($tableau_bannettes)) { return ""; } // préparation du div comme il faut $retour_aff = "<div id='{$htmldiv_id}' class='{$htmldiv_class}'"; if ($htmldiv_zindex) { $retour_aff .= " zindex='{$htmldiv_zindex}' "; } $retour_aff .= " >"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tableau_bannettes); $i++) { $aff_banette = ""; $id_bannette = $tableau_bannettes[$i]['id_bannette']; $comment_public = $tableau_bannettes[$i]['comment_public']; $aff_date_last_envoi = $tableau_bannettes[$i]['aff_date_last_envoi']; $aff_banette .= "\n<div class='bannette-titre'><h1>"; $aff_banette .= "<a href='cart_info.php?lvl=dsi&id={$id_bannette}' target='cart_info' title=\"" . $msg[notice_title_basket] . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon("basket_small_20x20.png") . "' border='0' alt=\"" . $msg[notice_title_basket] . "\"></a>"; if ($link_to_bannette) { $aff_banette .= "<a href=\"" . str_replace("!!id_bannette!!", $id_bannette, $link_to_bannette) . "\">"; } if ($date_diff) { $aff_banette .= htmlentities($comment_public . " - " . formatdate($date_diff), ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } else { $aff_banette .= htmlentities($comment_public . " - " . $aff_date_last_envoi, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } if ($link_to_bannette) { $aff_banette .= "</a>"; } //TODO if ($_SESSION['user_code']) { $aff_banette .= "\n\t\t\t<form name='bannette_subscription' method='post' action='./empr.php?tab=dsi&lvl=bannette_gerer'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='enregistrer' value='PUB'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='lvl' value='bannette_gerer'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='bannette_abon[" . $id_bannette . "]' value='1' />"; $query = "select num_bannette from bannette_abon where num_empr = " . $id_empr; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $aff_banette .= "\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='bannette_abon[" . $row->num_bannette . "]' value='1' />"; } } $aff_banette .= "\n\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' class='bouton' value=\"" . $msg['bannette_abonn'] . "\"/>\n\t\t\t</form>"; } else { if ($opac_websubscribe_show == 2) { $aff_banette .= "\n\t\t\t<form name='bannette_subscription' method='post' action='./do_resa.php'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='enregistrer' value='PUB'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='lvl' value='bannette_gerer'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='new_connexion' value='1' /> \n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='tab' value='dsi'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='bannette_abon[" . $id_bannette . "]' value='1' />"; $aff_banette .= "\n\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' class='bouton' value=\"" . $msg['bannette_abonn'] . "\"/>\n\t\t\t</form>"; } } $aff_banette .= "</h1></div><hr/>"; $notices = array(); notices_bannette($id_bannette, $notices, $date_diff); if ($aff_notices_nb > 0) { $limite_notices = min($aff_notices_nb, count($notices)); } elseif ($aff_notices_nb < 0) { $limite_notices = min($aff_notices_nb, count($notices)); } else { $limite_notices = count($notices); } reset($notices); $limit = 0; if ($limite_notices) { $aff_banette .= "<div id='etagere-notice-list_!!id_bannette!!'>"; } while ((list($idnotice, $niveau_biblio) = each($notices)) && $limit < $limite_notices) { $limit++; $notice = new $opac_notice_affichage_class($idnotice, $liens_opac, 1); // si notice visible if ($notice->visu_notice) { $notice->do_header(); switch ($mode_aff_notice) { case AFF_BAN_NOTICES_REDUIT: $aff_banette .= "<div class='etagere-titre-reduit'>" . $notice->notice_header_with_link . "</div>"; break; case AFF_BAN_NOTICES_ISBD: $notice->do_isbd(); $notice->genere_simple($depliable, 'ISBD'); $aff_banette .= $notice->result; break; case AFF_BAN_NOTICES_PUBLIC: $notice->do_public(); $notice->genere_simple($depliable, 'PUBLIC'); $aff_banette .= $notice->result; break; case AFF_BAN_NOTICES_BOTH: $notice->do_isbd(); $notice->do_public(); $notice->genere_double($depliable, 'PUBLIC'); $aff_banette .= $notice->result; break; default: $notice->do_isbd(); $notice->do_public(); $notice->genere_double($depliable, 'autre'); $aff_banette .= $notice->result; break; } } } if ($limite_notices && $limite_notices < count($notices)) { $aff_banette .= "<br />..."; } if ($limite_notices) { $aff_banette .= "</div>"; } $req = "select distinct date_diff_arc from dsi_archive where num_banette_arc='" . $id_bannette . "' order by date_diff_arc desc"; $res_arc = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh); $first = 0; $diff_list = ""; while ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res_arc)) { if (!$first) { $libelle = $msg["dsi_archive_last"]; } else { $libelle = sprintf($msg["dsi_archive_other"], formatdate($r->date_diff_arc)); } if ($pair_impair == 'even') { $pair_impair = 'odd'; } else { $pair_impair = 'even'; } $tr_javascript = " onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='{$pair_impair}'\" onmousedown=\"document.location='{$link_to_bannette}&date_diff=" . $r->date_diff_arc . "';\" "; $diff = "<tr style='cursor: pointer' class='{$pair_impair}' {$tr_javascript}><td>" . $libelle . "</td></tr>"; $first = 1; $diff_list .= $diff; } $tpl = $affiche_bannette_tpl; $tpl = str_replace("!!historique!!", $diff_list, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("!!diffusion!!", $aff_banette, $tpl); $tpl = str_replace("!!id_bannette!!", $id_bannette, $tpl); $retour_aff .= $tpl; } // fermeture du DIV $retour_aff .= "</div><!-- fin id='{$htmldiv_id}' class='{$htmldiv_class}' -->"; return $retour_aff; }
/** * @return string les script js utile pour le comparateur */ public static function get_compare_wrapper() { global $base_path; global $msg; $script = "\n\t\t\tfunction valid_facettes_compare(){\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tvar form = document.facettes_multi;\n\t\t\t\tif(form.elements.length>0){\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tvar form_values_compare_input_array=new Array();\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(var i=0; i<form.elements.length;i++){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(form.elements[i].name=='check_facette[]' && form.elements[i].checked){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//on transforme les case à coché en element du tableau des facettes\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//on ajoute dans le tableau des facettes\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar value=form.elements[i].value;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar jsonArray=JSON.parse(value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//On ajoute dans le formulaire de postage général\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar form_values_compare_input=document.createElement('input');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values_compare_input.setAttribute('name','check_facette_compare[]');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values_compare_input.setAttribute('type','hidden');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values_compare_input.setAttribute('value',value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values_compare_input_array.push(form_values_compare_input);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tvar post=false;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar form_values=document.form_values;\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(var i=0;i<form_values_compare_input_array.length;i++) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values.appendChild(form_values_compare_input_array[i]);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(var i=0; i<form_values.elements.length;i++){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(form_values.elements[i].name=='check_facette_compare[]' && form_values.elements[i].value!=''){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('filtre_compare_facette').value='compare';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('filtre_compare_form_values').value='compare';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values.submit();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpost=true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(post=false){\n\t\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $msg['facette_compare_not_selected'] . "');\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $msg['facette_compare_not_selected'] . "');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfunction valid_compare(){\n\t\t\t\tvar form_values=document.form_values;\n\t\t\t\tvar post=false;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tfor(var i=0; i<form_values.elements.length;i++){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(form_values.elements[i].name=='check_facette_compare[]' && form_values.elements[i].value!=''){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('filtre_compare_facette').value='compare';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('filtre_compare_form_values').value='compare';\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values.submit();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpost=true;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(post=false){\n\t\t\t\t\talert('" . $msg['facette_compare_not_selected'] . "');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfunction remove_compare_facette(value){\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tvar jsonArray = JSON.parse(value);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t//on supprime l'élement du tableau des facettes\n\t\t\t\telem=document.getElementById('compare_facette_'+jsonArray[4]);\n\t\t\t\telem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t//on supprime l'élément du formulaire général aussi\n\t\t\t\tvar form_values=document.form_values;\n\t\t\t\tfor(var i in form_values.elements){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(form_values.elements[i] && form_values.elements[i].value && form_values.elements[i].name=='check_facette_compare[]'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform_values_json_array=JSON.parse(form_values.elements[i].value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(form_values_json_array[4]==jsonArray[4]){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telem=form_values.elements[i];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvar post=true;\n\t\t\t\tfor(var i in form_values.elements){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(form_values.elements[i] && form_values.elements[i].value && form_values.elements[i].name=='check_facette_compare[]'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalid_facettes_compare();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpost=false;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif(post){\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.location.href='{$base_path}/index.php?lvl=more_results&get_last_query=1&reinit_compare=1';\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tfunction group_by(groupBy){\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tvar jsonArray=JSON.parse(groupBy);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t//on vide les elements group_by\n\t\t\t\tvar group_by_elements=document.getElementsByName('check_facette_groupby[]');\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tvar nodes_to_remove;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tfor(var i in group_by_elements){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(group_by_elements[i].nodeName=='INPUT'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(group_by_elements[i].getAttribute('id')!='facette_groupby_'+jsonArray[3]){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(group_by_elements[i].parentNode.getAttribute('name')!='form_values' && group_by_elements[i].parentNode.getAttribute('name')!='cart_values'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar group_by_elements_img=group_by_elements[i].previousElementSibling.firstChild;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup_by_elements_img.setAttribute('src','" . get_url_icon('group_by_grey.png') . "');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgroup_by_elements[i].setAttribute('value','');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnodes_to_remove=[i=[group_by_elements[i],group_by_elements[i].parentNode]];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif(nodes_to_remove && nodes_to_remove.length>0){\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(var i in nodes_to_remove){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnodes_to_remove[i][1].removeChild(nodes_to_remove[i][0]);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\telement=document.getElementById('facette_groupby_'+jsonArray[3]);\n\t\t\t\tvar img=element.previousElementSibling.firstChild;\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tvar table_groupby=document.getElementById('facette_groupby');\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif(element.getAttribute('value')==''){\n\t\t\t\t\telement.setAttribute('value',JSON.stringify(groupBy));\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t//On ajoute dans le formulaire de postage général\n\t\t\t\t\tvar form_values=document.form_values;\n\t\t\t\t\tvar form_values_groupby_input=document.createElement('input');\n\t\t\t\t\tform_values_groupby_input.setAttribute('name','check_facette_groupby[]');\n\t\t\t\t\tform_values_groupby_input.setAttribute('type','hidden');\n\t\t\t\t\tform_values_groupby_input.setAttribute('value',groupBy);\n\t\t\t\t\tform_values.appendChild(form_values_groupby_input);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvalid_facettes_compare();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t"; return $script; }
} $notice3->fetch_visibilite(); if (!$icon) { $icon = "icon_per.gif"; } $icon = $icon_doc["b" . $typdocchapeau]; $num_notice = $obj['num_notice']; //carrousel pour la navigation if ($opac_show_bulletin_nav) { $res_print = do_carroussel($obj); } else { $res_print = ""; } if ($opac_notices_format != AFF_ETA_NOTICES_TEMPLATE_DJANGO) { //$res_print .= "<h3><img src=./images/$icon /> ".$notice3->print_resume(1,$css)."."." <b>".$obj["bulletin_numero"]."</b>".($nb_docnum ? " <a href='#docnum'>".($nb_docnum > 1 ? "<img src='./images/globe_rouge.png' />" : "<img src='./images/globe_orange.png' />")."</a>" : "")."</h3>\n"; $res_print .= "<h3><img src='" . get_url_icon($icon) . "' /> " . $notice3->print_resume(1, $css) . "." . " <b>" . $obj["bulletin_numero"] . "</b>"; if ($res_print_link) { $res_print .= $res_print_link; } if ($res_print_docnum) { $res_print .= $res_print_docnum . "</h3>\n"; } else { $res_print .= "</h3>\n"; } if ($obj['bulletin_titre']) { $res_print .= htmlentities($obj['bulletin_titre'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "<br />"; } if ($obj['mention_date']) { $res_print .= $msg['bull_mention_date'] . " " . $obj['mention_date'] . "\n"; } if ($obj['date_date']) {
function show_docnum_table($docnum_tab = array()) { global $charset; create_tableau_mimetype(); $display = ""; if ($docnum_tab) { $nb_doc = 0; $display .= "<table>\r\n\t\t\t<tbody>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($docnum_tab); $i++) { $nb_doc++; if ($nb_doc == 1) { $display .= "<tr>"; } $alt = htmlentities($docnum_tab[$i]['explnum_doc_nomfichier'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . ' - ' . htmlentities($docnum_tab[$i]['explnum_doc_mimetype'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $display .= "<td class='docnum' style='width:25%;border:1px solid #CCCCCC;padding : 5px 5px'>\r\n\t\t\t\t<a target='_blank' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' href=\"./explnum_doc.php?explnumdoc_id=" . $docnum_tab[$i]['id_explnum_doc'] . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<img src='" . get_url_icon('mimetype/' . icone_mimetype($docnum_tab[$i]['explnum_doc_mimetype'], $docnum_tab[$i]['explnum_doc_extfichier'])) . "' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}' >\r\n\t\t\t\t</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br />\r\n\t\t\t\t<div class='explnum_type'>" . $docnum_tab[$i]['explnum_doc_mimetype'] . "</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t"; if ($nb_doc == 4) { $display .= "</tr>"; $nb_doc = 0; } } $display .= "</tbody></table>"; } return $display; }
function get_bulletin_list_func($id) { global $charset, $dbh, $msg, $css; global $opac_visionneuse_allow, $icon_doc, $opac_cart_allow, $opac_max_resa; global $begin_result_liste, $notice_header, $opac_resa_planning; global $opac_show_exemplaires, $fonction, $opac_resa_popup, $opac_resa, $popup_resa, $allow_book; global $opac_perio_a2z_show_bulletin_notice; $resultat_aff = ""; $libelle = $msg[270]; $largeur = 500; $requete = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, bulletin_notice, mention_date, date_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_cb, date_format(date_date, '" . $msg["format_date_sql"] . "') as aff_date_date,num_notice FROM bulletins WHERE bulletin_id='{$id}'"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { //on cherches des documents numériques $req = "select explnum_id from explnum where explnum_bulletin = " . $obj["bulletin_id"]; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh) or die($req . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $nb_ex = pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat); //on met le nécessaire pour la visionneuse if ($opac_visionneuse_allow && $nb_ex) { $resultat_aff .= "\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\tfunction sendToVisionneuse(explnum_id){\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('visionneuseIframe').src = 'visionneuse.php?mode=perio_bulletin&idperio=" . $obj['bulletin_notice'] . "'+(typeof(explnum_id) != 'undefined' ? '&explnum_id='+explnum_id+\"\" : '\\'');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t</script>"; } $typdocchapeau = "a"; $icon = ""; $requete3 = "SELECT notice_id,typdoc FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $obj["bulletin_notice"] . "' "; $res3 = @pmb_mysql_query($requete3, $dbh); while ($obj3 = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res3)) { $notice3 = new notice($obj3->notice_id); $typdocchapeau = $obj3->typdoc; } $notice3->fetch_visibilite(); if (!$icon) { $icon = "icon_per.gif"; } $icon = $icon_doc["b" . $typdocchapeau]; $res_print .= "<h3><img src='" . get_url_icon($icon) . "' /> " . $notice3->print_resume(1, $css) . "." . " <b>" . $obj["bulletin_numero"] . "</b></h3>\n"; $num_notice = $obj['num_notice']; if ($obj['date_date']) { $res_print .= $msg['bull_date_date'] . " " . $obj['aff_date_date'] . " \n"; } if ($obj['bulletin_cb']) { $res_print .= "<br />" . $msg["code_start"] . " " . htmlentities($obj['bulletin_cb'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "\n"; $code_cb_bulletin = $obj['bulletin_cb']; } } do_image($res_print, $code_cb_bulletin, 0); if ($opac_perio_a2z_show_bulletin_notice && $num_notice) { // Il y a une notice de bulletin $resultat_aff .= $res_print; global $opac_notices_depliable; global $seule; $memo_opac_notices_depliable = $opac_notices_depliable; $memo_seule = $seule; $opac_notices_depliable = 0; $seule = 1; $resultat_aff .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($num_notice, 0, 0)); $opac_notices_depliable = $memo_opac_notices_depliable; $seule = $memo_seule; } else { // construction des dépouillements $requete = "SELECT * FROM analysis, notices, notice_statut WHERE analysis_bulletin='{$id}' AND notice_id = analysis_notice AND statut = id_notice_statut and ((notice_visible_opac=1 and notice_visible_opac_abon=0)" . ($_SESSION["user_code"] ? " or (notice_visible_opac_abon=1 and notice_visible_opac=1)" : "") . ") "; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { $depouill = "<h3>" . $msg['bull_dep'] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_notices_depliable) { $depouill .= $begin_result_liste; } if ($opac_cart_allow) { $depouill .= "<a href=\"cart_info.php?id=" . $id . "&lvl=analysis&header=" . rawurlencode(strip_tags($notice_header)) . "\" target=\"cart_info\" class=\"img_basket\" title='" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "'>" . $msg["cart_add_result_in"] . "</a>"; } $depouill .= "<blockquote>"; while ($obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $depouill .= pmb_bidi(aff_notice($obj["analysis_notice"])); } $depouill .= "</blockquote>"; } $resultat_aff .= $res_print; $resultat_aff .= $depouill; if ($notice3->visu_expl && (!$notice3->visu_expl_abon || $notice3->visu_expl_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if (!$opac_resa_planning) { $resa_check = check_statut(0, $id); if ($resa_check) { $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idbulletin='{$id}'"; $nb_resa_encours = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa, $dbh), 0, 0); if ($nb_resa_encours) { $message_nbresa = str_replace("!!nbresa!!", $nb_resa_encours, $msg["resa_nb_deja_resa"]); } if ($_SESSION["user_code"] && $allow_book && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_max_resa == 0 || $opac_max_resa > $nb_resa_encours) { if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; } else { $ret_resa .= str_replace("!!nb_max_resa!!", $opac_max_resa, $msg["resa_nb_max_resa"]); } $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } elseif (!$_SESSION["user_code"] && $opac_resa && !$popup_resa) { // utilisateur pas connecté // préparation lien réservation sans être connecté $ret_resa .= "<h3>" . $msg["bulletin_display_resa"] . "</h3>"; if ($opac_resa_popup) { $ret_resa .= "<a href='#' onClick=\"if(confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')){'./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup','doresa','scrollbars=yes,width=500,height=600,menubar=0,resizable=yes'); w.focus(); return false;}else return false;\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } else { $ret_resa .= "<a href='./do_resa.php?lvl=resa&id_bulletin=" . $id . "&oresa=popup' onClick=\"return confirm('" . $msg["confirm_resa"] . "')\" id=\"bt_resa\">" . $msg["bulletin_display_place_resa"] . "</a>"; } $ret_resa .= $message_nbresa; $ret_resa .= "<br />"; } else { $ret_resa = ""; } $resultat_aff .= pmb_bidi($ret_resa); } } if ($opac_show_exemplaires) { if ($fonction == 'notice_affichage_custom_bretagne') { $resultat_aff .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage_custom_bretagne::expl_list("m", 0, $id)); } else { $resultat_aff .= pmb_bidi(notice_affichage::expl_list("m", 0, $id, 0)); } } } if ($notice3->visu_explnum && (!$notice3->visu_explnum_abon || $notice3->visu_explnum_abon && $_SESSION["user_code"])) { if ($explnum = show_explnum_per_notice(0, $id, '')) { $resultat_aff .= pmb_bidi("<a name='docnum'><h3>" . $msg["explnum"] . "</h3></a>" . $explnum); } } } pmb_mysql_free_result($res); $resultat_aff .= notice_affichage::autres_lectures(0, $id); return $resultat_aff; }
static function show_list_actions($actions, $id_demande, $last_modified = 0, $allow_expand = true) { global $form_liste_action, $dbh, $msg, $pmb_gestion_devise, $charset, $pmb_type_audit, $ck_vue, $form_see_docnum; $liste = ""; if (sizeof($actions)) { $parity = 1; foreach ($actions as $id_action => $action) { if ($parity % 2) { $pair_impair = "even"; } else { $pair_impair = "odd"; } $parity += 1; $tr_javascript = "onmouseover=\"this.className='surbrillance'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='" . $pair_impair . "'\" "; //On ouvre la derniere conversation if ($last_modified == $action->id_action) { $form_liste_action = str_replace('!!last_modified!!', $last_modified, $form_liste_action); } // affichage en gras si nouveauté pour l'opac du côté des notes ou des actions + icone $style = ""; if ($action->actions_read_opac == 1) { $style = " style='cursor: pointer; font-weight:bold;width:100%;height:30px;margin:5px;border-radius: 6px;'"; } else { $style = " style='cursor: pointer;width:100%;margin:5px;border-radius: 6px;'"; } if ($allow_expand) { $onclick = "onclick=\"expand_note('note" . $action->id_action . "','{$action->id_action}', true); return false;\""; } else { $onclick = "onclick=\"document.location='./empr.php?tab=request&lvl=list_dmde&sub=open_demande&iddemande={$id_demande}&last_modified={$action->id_action}'\""; } $liste .= "<div {$onclick} class='form-list-actions " . $pair_impair . "' " . $tr_javascript . $style . " >"; $liste .= "<div style=\"float:left;padding-top: 6px;\">"; if ($action->actions_read_opac == 1) { $liste .= "<img hspace=\"3\" border=\"0\" " . $onclick . " title=\"\" id=\"read" . $action->id_action . "Img1\" name=\"imRead\" class=\"img_plus\" src=\"" . get_url_icon('notification_empty.png') . "\" style='display:none;margin:0 5px'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img style=\"margin:0 5px\" hspace=\"3\" border=\"0\" " . $onclick . " title=\"\" id=\"read" . $action->id_action . "Img2\" name=\"imRead\" class=\"img_plus\" src=\"" . get_url_icon('notification_new.png') . "\">"; } else { $liste .= "<img style=\";margin:0 5px\" hspace=\"3\" border=\"0\" " . $onclick . " title=\"\" id=\"read" . $action->id_action . "Img1\" name=\"imRead\" class=\"img_plus\" src=\"" . get_url_icon('notification_empty.png') . "\" >\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img hspace=\"3\" border=\"0\" " . $onclick . " title=\"\" id=\"read" . $action->id_action . "Img2\" name=\"imRead\" class=\"img_plus\" src=\"" . get_url_icon('notification_new.png') . "\" style='display:none;margin:0 5px'>"; } foreach ($action->workflow->getTypeList() as $id => $value) { if ($value['id'] == $action->type_action && $value['image']) { $liste .= "<img hspace=\"3\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . $value['comment'] . "\" src=\"./images/" . $value['image'] . "\" style=\"height:16px;margin:0 5px\" />"; } } $liste .= "</div>"; $liste .= "<p style=\"padding-top: 8px;\">#" . $action->getCreateur($action->actions_num_user, $action->actions_type_user) . " : <i>" . htmlentities($action->sujet_action, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</i> " . htmlentities($action->detail_action, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</p>"; $liste .= "</div>"; if ($allow_expand) { //Le détail de l'action, contient les notes $liste .= "<div id=\"note" . $action->id_action . "Child\" style=\"display:none\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<div id=\"note" . $action->id_action . "ChildTd\">"; $liste .= "</div>"; $liste .= self::show_action_docnum($action); $liste .= "</div>"; } } } else { $liste .= "<div>" . $msg['demandes_action_liste_vide'] . "</div>"; } if (!$last_modified) { $form_liste_action = str_replace('!!last_modified!!', '', $form_liste_action); } $form_liste_action = str_replace('!!iddemande!!', $id_demande, $form_liste_action); $form_liste_action = str_replace('!!liste_action!!', $liste, $form_liste_action); if ($allow_expand) { $script = "\n\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('last_modified').value!=0){\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.onload(expand_note('note'+document.getElementById('last_modified').value,document.getElementById('last_modified').value, true));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t"; } $form_liste_action = str_replace('!!script_expand!!', $script, $form_liste_action); return $form_liste_action; }
function page_navigator() { $last_page = ceil($this->n_total / $this->n_per_page) - 1; $url_page = $this->url_for_term_search . "?" . $this->search_term_name . "=" . rawurlencode($this->search_term) . "&" . $this->search_term_origin_name . "=" . rawurlencode($this->search_term_origin); if ($this->offset != 0) { $navig .= "<a href=\"{$url_page}&page=0" . "&nbresultterme=" . $this->n_total . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('first.gif') . "' border='0'/></a>"; } else { $navig .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('first-grey.gif') . "' border='0'/>"; } if ($this->offset != 0) { $navig .= "<a href=\"{$url_page}&page=" . ($this->page - 1) . "&nbresultterme=" . $this->n_total . "&" . $this->base_query . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('prev.gif') . "' border='0'/></a>"; } else { $navig .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('prev-grey.gif') . "' border='0'/>"; } $navig .= " (" . ($this->offset + 1) . "-" . min($this->offset + $this->n_per_page, $this->n_total) . ")/" . $this->n_total . " "; if ($this->offset + $this->n_per_page + 1 < $this->n_total) { $navig .= "<a href=\"{$url_page}&page=" . ($this->page + 1) . "&nbresultterme=" . $this->n_total . "&" . $this->base_query . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('next.gif') . "' border='0'/></a>"; } else { $navig .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('next-grey.gif') . "' border=0/>"; } if ($this->offset + $this->n_per_page + 1 < $this->n_total) { $navig .= "<a href=\"{$url_page}&page={$last_page}" . "&nbresultterme=" . $this->n_total . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('last.gif') . "' border='0'/></a>"; } else { $navig .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('last-grey.gif') . "' border='0'/>"; } return $navig; }
function val_resolve_empr($field, $value) { global $charset, $pmb_perso_sep, $opac_url_base, $use_opac_url_base; $without = ""; $options = $field[OPTIONS][0]; $values = format_output($field, $value); $ret = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { $val = explode("|", $values[$i]); if (count($val) > 1) { $id = $val[0]; foreach ($options[RESOLVE] as $res) { if ($res[ID] == $val[1]) { $label = $res[LABEL]; $url = $res[value]; break; } } $link = str_replace("!!id!!", $id, $url); if ($ret != "") { $ret .= " / "; } //$ret.= "<a href='$link' target='_blank'>".htmlentities($link,ENT_QUOTES,$charset)."</a>"; if (!$use_opac_url_base) { $ret .= htmlentities($label, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " : {$id} <a href='{$link}' target='_blank'><img align='center' src='" . get_url_icon("globe.gif") . "' alt='{$link}' title='link'/></a>"; } else { $ret .= htmlentities($label, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " : {$id} <a href='{$link}' target='_blank'><img align='center' src='" . get_url_icon("globe.gif", 1) . "' alt='{$link}' title='link'/></a>"; } if ($without) { $without .= $pmb_perso_sep; } $without .= $link; } else { if ($without) { $without .= $pmb_perso_sep; } $without .= implode($pmb_perso_sep, $value); } } return array("ishtml" => true, "value" => $ret, "withoutHTML" => $without); }
/** * Génère le formulaire pour les listes publiques */ function generate_publiclist() { global $liste_lecture_public, $charset, $msg, $opac_url_base; $rqt = "select id_liste, nom_liste, description, confidential, read_only, empr_login, empr_nom, empr_prenom, if(etat is null,0,etat) as etat\n\t\t\t\tfrom opac_liste_lecture op\n\t\t\t\tleft join empr e on e.id_empr=op.num_empr \n\t\t\t\tleft join abo_liste_lecture abo on (abo.num_liste=id_liste and abo.num_empr='" . $this->num_empr . "')\n\t\t\t\twhere public=1 \n\t\t\t\tand op.num_empr !='" . $this->num_empr . "' \n\t\t\t\torder by nom_liste"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { //Si on a aucune liste partagée dispo $affichage_liste .= "<div class='row'><label>" . $msg['list_lecture_no_publiclist'] . "</label></div>"; $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!inscrire_btn!!', '', $liste_lecture_public); $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!desinscrire_btn!!', '', $liste_lecture_public); $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!public_list!!', $affichage_liste, $liste_lecture_public); $this->display = $liste_lecture_public; return; } $affichage_liste .= "<script src='./includes/javascript/liste_lecture.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n\t\t\t\t<script src='./includes/javascript/http_request.js' type='text/javascript'></script>"; while ($liste = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $font = ''; $font_end = ''; $check = ''; $nblistes = array(); if ($liste->etat == 2) { $font = "<font color=\"green\">"; $font_end = "</font>"; $check = 'checked'; } //Ajout de script pour la gestion de la confidentialité et l'ajax $confidential = false; $icone = ""; $disable = ""; $ajax = ""; $title = ""; if ($liste->confidential && !$liste->etat) { $ajax = "onclick=\"make_mail_form('" . $liste->id_liste . "')\" style=\"cursor:pointer\""; $disable = 'disabled'; $icone = "lock.png"; $title = $msg['list_lecture_confidential']; $confidential = true; } elseif ($liste->confidential && $liste->etat == 1) { $ajax = "onclick=\"demandeEnCours();\""; $disable = 'disabled'; $icone = "hourglass.png"; $title = $msg['list_lecture_encours_demande']; $confidential = true; } elseif ($liste->confidential) { $icone = "lock_open.png"; $title = $msg['list_lecture_accessible']; } if ($liste->description) { $div_description = "<div id='desc{$liste->id_liste}' class='listedescription'>{$liste->description}</div>"; $div_action = " onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('desc{$liste->id_liste}').style.visibility='hidden';\" onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('desc{$liste->id_liste}').style.visibility='visible';\""; } $affichage_liste .= "<div id='liste_{$liste->id_liste}' {$ajax}>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' id='cb{$liste->id_liste}' name='list_ck[]' value='{$liste->id_liste}' {$check} {$disable} />"; $titre_liste = " ( {$liste->empr_prenom} {$liste->empr_nom} )"; if ($liste->read_only) { $img_ro = " <span><img border=0 align='top' src='" . get_url_icon('b_no_edit.png', 1) . "' title=\"" . $msg['list_lecture_readonly'] . "\" id='img_ro_{$liste->id_liste}' /></span>"; } else { $img_ro = ""; } if ($confidential) { $affichage_liste .= " <span><a {$div_action} href='#' onclick='return false;'>" . htmlentities($liste->nom_liste, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>{$font}<label for='cb{$liste->id_liste}' >" . htmlentities($titre_liste, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label>{$font_end}</span>{$div_description}"; } else { $affichage_liste .= " <span><a {$div_action} href='./index.php?lvl=show_list&sub=consultation&id_liste={$liste->id_liste}'>" . htmlentities($liste->nom_liste, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</a>{$font}<label for='cb{$liste->id_liste}' >" . htmlentities($titre_liste, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " </label>{$font_end}</span>{$div_description}"; } if ($icone) { $affichage_liste .= "<span><img border=0 align='top' src='" . get_url_icon($icone, 1) . "' title=\"{$title}\" id='img_confi_{$liste->id_liste}' /></span>"; } $affichage_liste .= $img_ro; $affichage_liste .= "</div>"; $affichage_liste .= "<div id='maillist_{$liste->id_liste}'></div>"; $nblistes[] = $liste->id_liste; } $btn_insc = "<input type='submit' class='bouton' name='acces_btn' value=\"{$msg['list_lecture_acces']}\" onclick='this.form.lvl.value=\"public_list\"; this.form.act.value=\"get_acces\";' />"; $btn_desins = "<input type='submit' class='bouton' name='no_acces_btn' value=\"{$msg['list_lecture_quit_acces']}\" onclick='this.form.lvl.value=\"public_list\"; this.form.act.value=\"suppr_acces\";' />"; $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!inscrire_btn!!', $btn_insc, $liste_lecture_public); $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!desinscrire_btn!!', $btn_desins, $liste_lecture_public); $liste_lecture_public = str_replace('!!public_list!!', $affichage_liste, $liste_lecture_public); $this->display = $liste_lecture_public; }
function show_docnum_to_attach() { global $dbh, $form_liste_docnum, $msg, $charset, $base_path, $pmb_indexation_docnum_default; $req = "select id_explnum_doc as id, explnum_doc_nomfichier as nom, num_explnum, \n\t\t\tconcat(explnum_index_sew,'',explnum_index_wew) as indexer\n\t\t\tfrom explnum_doc \n\t\t\tjoin explnum_doc_actions on (id_explnum_doc=num_explnum_doc and rapport=1)\n\t\t\tjoin demandes_actions on num_action=id_action\n\t\t\tleft join explnum on explnum_id=num_explnum\n\t\t\twhere num_demande='" . $this->id_demande . "'"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req, $dbh); $liste = ""; if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($doc = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($doc->num_explnum) { $check = 'checked'; } if ($pmb_indexation_docnum_default || $doc->indexer) { $check_index = 'checked'; } $liste .= "\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<div class='row'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne3'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='chk[{$doc->id}]' value='{$doc->id}' name='chk[]' {$check} /><label for='chk[{$doc->id}]' class='etiquette'>" . htmlentities($doc->nom, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"{$base_path}/explnum_doc.php?explnumdoc_id=" . $doc->id . "'\" target=\"_LINK_\"><img src='" . get_url_icon("globe_orange.png") . "' /></a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne3'>\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' id='ck_index[{$doc->id}]' value='{$doc->id}' name='ck_index[]' {$check_index}/><label for='ck_index[{$doc->id}]' class='etiquette'>" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_docnum_indexer'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</label> \t\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='row'></div>"; $check = ""; $check_index = ""; } $btn_attach = "<input type='submit' class='bouton' value='" . $msg['demandes_attach_checked_docnum'] . "' onClick='this.form.act.value=\"save_attach\" ; return verifChk();' />"; $form_liste_docnum = str_replace('!!btn_attach!!', $btn_attach, $form_liste_docnum); } else { $liste = htmlentities($msg['demandes_no_docnum'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $form_liste_docnum = str_replace('!!btn_attach!!', '', $form_liste_docnum); } $form_liste_docnum = str_replace('!!liste_docnum!!', $liste, $form_liste_docnum); $form_liste_docnum = str_replace('!!iddemande!!', $this->id_demande, $form_liste_docnum); print $form_liste_docnum; }
$dbh = connection_mysql(); //Sessions !! Attention, ce doit être impérativement le premier include (à cause des cookies) require_once $base_path . "/includes/"; require_once $base_path . "includes/"; require_once "./includes/"; require_once $base_path . '/includes/templates/common.tpl.php'; // récupération localisation require_once './includes/'; // si paramétrage authentification particulière et pour la re-authentification ntlm if (file_exists($base_path . '/includes/')) { require_once $base_path . '/includes/'; } print "\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\"\n \"\">\n<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"fr\" >\n<head>\n\t<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . $charset . "\" />\n\t<meta name=\"author\" content=\"PMB Group\" />"; if ($charset == 'utf-8') { print utf8_encode("\t<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"OPAC, web, libray, opensource, catalog, catalogue, bibliothèque, médiathèque, pmb, phpmybibli\" />"); } else { print "\t<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"OPAC, web, libray, opensource, catalog, catalogue, bibliothèque, médiathèque, pmb, phpmybibli\" />"; } print "\t<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Recherches simples dans l'OPAC de PMB\" />\n\t<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"all\" />\n\t<title>pmb : opac</title>\n\t<script>\n\tfunction div_show(name) {\n\t\tvar z=document.getElementById(name);\n\t\tif (\"none\") {\n\t\t\\"block\"; }\n\t\telse {\"none\"; }\n\t\t}\n\t</script>\n\t" . link_styles($css) . "\n</head>\n\n<body onload=\"window.defaultStatus='pmb : opac';\" id=\"help_popup\" class='popup'>\n<div id='help-container'>\n<p align=right style=\"margin-top:4px;\"><a name='top' ></a><a href='#' onclick=\"self.close();return false\" title=\"" . $msg[search_close] . "\" alt=\"" . $msg[search_close] . "\"><img src=\"" . get_url_icon('close.gif') . "\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"></a></p>\n\n"; if (file_exists("includes/messages/" . $lang . "/doc_" . $whatis . "_subst.txt")) { $aide = file_get_contents("includes/messages/" . $lang . "/doc_" . $whatis . "_subst.txt"); } elseif (file_exists("includes/messages/" . $lang . "/doc_" . $whatis . ".txt")) { $aide = file_get_contents("includes/messages/" . $lang . "/doc_" . $whatis . ".txt"); } if ($charset == 'utf-8') { print utf8_encode($aide); } else { print $aide; } print "\n<p align=\"right\"><a href='#top' title=\"" . $msg[search_up] . "\" alt=\"" . $msg[search_up] . "\"><img src=\"images/up.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\"></a></p>\n</div>\n<script>self.focus();</script>"; print "</body></html>";
static function show_dialog($notes, $num_action, $num_demande, $redirect_to = 'demandes_actions-show_consultation_form') { global $form_dialog_note, $dbh, $msg, $charset, $id_empr; $form_dialog_note = str_replace('!!redirectto!!', $redirect_to, $form_dialog_note); $form_dialog_note = str_replace('!!idaction!!', $num_action, $form_dialog_note); $form_dialog_note = str_replace('!!iddemande!!', $num_demande, $form_dialog_note); $dialog = ''; if (sizeof($notes)) { foreach ($notes as $idNote => $note) { //Utilisateur ou lecteur ? if ($note->notes_type_user === "1") { $side = 'note_opac'; } elseif ($note->notes_type_user === "0") { $side = 'note_gest'; } $dialog .= '<div class="' . $side . '" id="note_' . $note->id_note . '">'; $dialog .= '<div class="btn_note">'; if ($note->prive) { $dialog .= "<input type='image' src='" . get_url_icon('interdit.gif') . "' alt='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_privacy'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' title='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_privacy'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' onclick='return false;'/>"; } if ($note->rapport) { $dialog .= "<input type='image' src='" . get_url_icon('info.gif') . "' alt='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_rapport'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' title='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_rapport'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' onclick='return false;'/>"; } if ($note->notes_read_opac) { $dialog .= "<input type='image' src='" . get_url_icon('notification_new.png') . "' alt='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_vue'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' title='" . htmlentities($msg['demandes_note_vue'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' onclick='return false;'/>"; } $dialog .= ' </div>'; $dialog .= "<div>"; $dialog .= '<div class="entete_note">' . $note->createur_note . ' ' . $msg['381'] . ' ' . formatdate($note->date_note) . '</div>'; $dialog .= '<p>' . $note->contenu . '</p>'; $dialog .= '</div>'; $dialog .= '</div>'; demandes_notes::note_read($note->id_note, true, "_opac"); } $dialog .= '<a name="fin"></a>'; } // Annulation de l'alerte sur l'action dépliée après lecture des nouvelles notes si c'est la personne à laquelle est affectée l'action qui la lit demandes_actions::action_read($num_action, true, "_opac"); // Mise à jour de la demande dont est issue l'action demandes_actions::action_majParentEnfant($num_action, $num_demande, "_opac"); $form_dialog_note = str_replace('!!dialog!!', $dialog, $form_dialog_note); return $form_dialog_note; }
function printnavbar_onclick($page, $nbrpages, $url, $action = '') { global $script_test_form; global $msg; $precedente = $page - 1; $suivante = $page + 1; // affichage de la barre de navigation $print = "<div class=\"navbar\">\n"; $print .= "<form name='form' onsubmit=\"document.getElementById('page').value=document.getElementById('navbar_input_page').value;{$action}\">\n"; // first if ($page != 1) { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('first.gif') . "' alt='first' border='0' title='" . $msg["first_page"] . "' onclick=\"document.getElementById('page').value=1;{$action}\">\n"; } else { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('first-grey.gif') . "' alt='first'>\n"; } // prev if ($precedente >= 1) { $printurl = str_replace("!!page!!", "{$precedente}", $url); $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('prev.gif') . "' alt='previous' border='0' title='" . $msg["prec_page"] . "' onclick=\"document.getElementById('page').value={$precedente};{$action}\">\n"; } else { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('prev-grey.gif') . "' alt='previous'>\n"; } // page courante if ($nbrpages > 1) { $print .= "page <input type='text' class='numero_page' name='page' id='navbar_input_page' value='{$page}' size='" . strlen("{$nbrpages}") . "'>/{$nbrpages}\n"; } else { $print .= "page {$page}/{$nbrpages}\n"; } // next if ($suivante <= $nbrpages) { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('next.gif') . "' alt='next' border='0' title='" . $msg["next_page"] . "' onclick=\"document.getElementById('page').value={$suivante};{$action}\">\n"; } else { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('next-grey.gif') . "' alt='next'>\n"; } // last if ($page != $nbrpages) { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('last.gif') . "' alt='last' border='0' title='" . $msg["last_page"] . "' onclick=\"document.getElementById('page').value={$nbrpages};{$action}\">\n"; } else { $print .= "<img src='" . get_url_icon('last-grey.gif') . "' alt='last'>\n"; } $print .= "</form>\n"; $print .= "</div>\n"; return $print; }
function get_onglet($onglet_sel = '1_1') { global $dbh, $msg, $charset, $base_path; global $a2z_perio_display, $onglet_a2z, $a2z_perio, $a2z_tpl_ajax; global $filtre_select; $myArray = explode("_", $onglet_sel); $onglet_sel = $myArray[0]; $ongletSub_sel = $myArray[1]; $form = $a2z_tpl_ajax; $form_list = ""; if (count($this->onglets_sub_contens[$onglet_sel])) { foreach ($this->onglets_sub_contens[$onglet_sel] as $onglet_num => $onglet) { if ($onglet_num == $ongletSub_sel) { // onglet actif $line = str_replace('!!onglet_class!!', "isbd_public_active", $line); // liste des périodiques $perio_list = ""; $view = 0; $perio_id_list = ""; if (is_array($onglet["id"])) { //tri de la liste par titre $serials_ids = implode(",", $onglet["id"]); foreach ($onglet["id"] as $id_brute) { if (pmb_substr($id_brute, 0, 2) == "es") { //notice externe if ($filtre_select != 2) { // si cataloguée, on ne l'affiche pas. sauf si on filtre par fonds externe ($filtre_select!=2) if ($this->get_doublon_ex($this->extract_external_id($id_brute))) { continue; } } $requete = "SELECT source_id FROM external_count WHERE rid=" . addslashes($this->extract_external_id($id_brute)); $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); $source_id = pmb_mysql_result($myQuery, 0, 0); $query = "select ufield,value from entrepot_source_{$source_id} where recid='" . addslashes($this->extract_external_id($id_brute)) . "' and ((ufield='200' and usubfield='a') or (ufield='461' and usubfield='t') or (ufield='bl') or (ufield='hl')) "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($result) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $infos[$row->ufield] = $row->value; } switch ($infos['bl'] . $infos['hl']) { case "a2": case "s2": $tit1 = $infos['461']; break; default: $tit1 = $infos['200']; break; } $perio = $a2z_perio; $perio = str_replace('!!id!!', $id_brute, $perio); $perio = str_replace('!!perio_title!!', $tit1, $perio); $perio = str_replace('!!abt_actif!!', $this->get_external_icon($id_brute), $perio); $perio_list .= $perio; if (!$view) { $view++; $form = str_replace('!!perio_display!!', $this->get_perio($id_brute), $form); } } } else { $query = "select notice_id,tit1 from notices where notice_id ={$id_brute}"; //print $query."<br>"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($result) { if ($notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $perio = $a2z_perio; $perio = str_replace('!!id!!', $notice->notice_id, $perio); $perio = str_replace('!!perio_title!!', $notice->tit1, $perio); $req = "select abt_id from abts_abts where num_notice=" . $notice->notice_id . " and date_fin >= CURDATE() "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($req); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { $perio = str_replace('!!abt_actif!!', "<img src='" . get_url_icon('check.png') . "'>", $perio); } else { $perio = str_replace('!!abt_actif!!', "", $perio); } $perio_list .= $perio; if (!$view) { $view++; $form = str_replace('!!perio_display!!', $this->get_perio($notice->notice_id), $form); } } } } } } } $form_list .= $line; } } else { $perio_list = $msg["a2z_abt_actif_filter_no_result"]; $form = str_replace('!!perio_display!!', "", $form); } $form = str_replace('!!perio_id_list!!', $perio_id_list, $form); $form = str_replace('!!a2z_perio_list!!', $perio_list, $form); return $form; }
/** * affiche un selecteur des tris disponibles */ static function show_tris_selector() { global $msg, $opac_default_sort_list; $sortArray = explode(" ", $opac_default_sort_list); //Mode Ajax if ($sortArray[0] == 0) { $tris_selector = "<span class=\"espaceResultSearch\"> </span><script type='text/javascript' src='./includes/javascript/select.js'></script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar ajax_get_sort=new http_request();\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction get_sort_content(del_sort, ids) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar url = './ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=sort&sub=get_sort&raz_sort='+(typeof(del_sort) != 'undefined' ? del_sort : '')+'&suppr_ids='+(typeof(ids) != 'undefined' ? ids : '')+'&page_en_cours=!!page_en_cours!!';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ajax_get_sort.request(url,0,'',1,show_sort_content,0,0);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction show_sort_content(response) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('frame_notice_preview').innerHTML=ajax_get_sort.get_text();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar tags = document.getElementById('frame_notice_preview').getElementsByTagName('script');\n\t\t\t\t\t \t\tfor(var i=0;i<tags.length;i++){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.eval(tags[i].text);\n\t\t\t\t\t \t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction kill_sort_frame() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar sort_view=document.getElementById('frame_notice_preview');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (sort_view)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsort_view.parentNode.removeChild(sort_view);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"triSelector\"><a onClick='show_layer(); get_sort_content();' alt=\"" . $msg['tris_dispos'] . "\" title=\"" . $msg['tris_dispos'] . "\" style='cursor : pointer;'><img src='" . get_url_icon('orderby_az.gif') . "' align='bottom' hspace='3' border='0' id='sort_icon'></a></span>"; } elseif ($sortArray[0] == 1) { global $sort; if (!isset($sort)) { $sort = $_SESSION["last_sortnotices"]; } if ($sort != "") { $sel_sort = $sort; } else { $sel_sort = -1; } // creation du tableau de la liste des tris enregistrés $tris_selector = "<span class=\"espaceResultSearch\"> </span><span class=\"triSelector\"><select name='tri_selector' id='tri_selector' onChange='applySort(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)'>"; //affichage des enregistrements de tris possibles $sort = new sort('notices', 'session'); $sort->dSort->initParcoursTris($sort); $tris_selector .= "<option value=''>" . $sort->descriptionTriParId("default") . "</option>"; while ($result = $sort->dSort->parcoursTriSuivant()) { $tris_selector .= "<option value='" . $result['id_tri'] . "' " . ($sel_sort == $result['id_tri'] ? "selected='selected'" : "") . ">"; $tris_selector .= $result['nom_tri']; //$tris_selector .= addslashes($result['nom_tri']); $tris_selector .= "</option>"; } $tris_selector .= "<option value='custom'>" . $msg['tris_dispos'] . "</option>"; $tris_selector .= "</select></span>\n\t\t\t<script>\n\t\t\tfunction applySort(value){\n\t\t\t\tif (value=='custom') {\n\t\t\t\t\tmaPage='index.php?lvl=sort&page_en_cours=!!page_en_cours!!';\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tmaPage='index.php?!!page_en_cours1!!&get_last_query=1&sort='+value;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tdocument.location = maPage;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t</script><span class=\"espaceResultSearch\"> </span>"; } else { $tris_selector = "<span class=\"espaceResultSearch\"> </span><span class=\"triSelector\"><a href='index.php?lvl=sort&page_en_cours=!!page_en_cours!!' alt=\"" . $msg['tris_dispos'] . "\" title=\"" . $msg['tris_dispos'] . "\"><img src='" . get_url_icon('orderby_az.gif') . "' align='bottom' hspace='3' border='0' id='sort_icon'></a></span>"; } return $tris_selector; }
function get_primaldatafrom($obj) { global $charset; $this->id = $obj->collection_id; $this->name = $obj->collection_name; $this->parent = $obj->collection_parent; $this->issn = $obj->collection_issn; $this->collection_web = $obj->collection_web; $this->comment = $obj->collection_comment; if ($obj->collection_web) { $this->collection_web_link = " <a href='{$obj->collection_web}' target=_blank title='" . htmlentities($obj->collection_web, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' alt='" . htmlentities($obj->collection_web, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "' type='external_url_autor' ><img src='" . get_url_icon("globe.gif") . "' border=0 /></a>"; } else { $this->collection_web_link = ""; } }
/** * Retourne les infos de documents numériques associés à la notice * @return array */ public function get_explnums_datas() { if (!isset($this->explnums_datas)) { global $dbh; global $charset; global $opac_url_base; global $opac_visionneuse_allow; global $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype; global $opac_explnum_order; global $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums; global $gestion_acces_active, $gestion_acces_empr_notice, $gestion_acces_empr_docnum; $this->explnums_datas = array('nb_explnums' => 0, 'explnums' => array(), 'visionneuse_script' => ' <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof(sendToVisionneuse) == "undefined"){ var sendToVisionneuse = function (explnum_id){ document.getElementById("visionneuseIframe").src = "visionneuse.php?"+(typeof(explnum_id) != "undefined" ? "explnum_id="+explnum_id : ""); } } </script>'); global $_mimetypes_bymimetype_, $_mimetypes_byext_; if (!count($_mimetypes_bymimetype_)) { create_tableau_mimetype(); } $this->get_bul_info(); // récupération du nombre d'exemplaires $query = "SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier, explnum_docnum_statut FROM explnum WHERE "; if ($this->get_niveau_biblio() != 'b') { $query .= "explnum_notice='" . $this->id . "' "; } else { $query .= "explnum_bulletin='" . $this->parent['bulletin_id'] . "' or explnum_notice='" . $this->id . "' "; } $query .= "union SELECT explnum_id, explnum_notice, explnum_bulletin, explnum_nom, explnum_mimetype, explnum_url, explnum_vignette, explnum_nomfichier, explnum_extfichier, explnum_docnum_statut\n\t\t\tFROM explnum, bulletins\n\t\t\tWHERE bulletin_id = explnum_bulletin\n\t\t\tAND bulletins.num_notice='" . $this->id . "'"; if ($opac_explnum_order) { $query .= " order by " . $opac_explnum_order; } else { $query .= " order by explnum_mimetype, explnum_nom, explnum_id "; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $nb_explnums = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); $docnum_visible = true; if ($gestion_acces_active == 1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice == 1) { $docnum_visible = $this->dom_2->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $this->id, 16); } else { $query = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon FROM notices, notice_statut WHERE notice_id ='" . $this->id . "' and id_notice_statut=statut "; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); if (!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) { $docnum_visible = false; } if ($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $docnum_visible = false; } } else { $docnum_visible = false; } } if ($nb_explnums && ($docnum_visible || $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums)) { // on récupère les données des exemplaires global $search_terms; while ($expl = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { // couleur de l'img en fonction du statut if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut) { $rqt_st = "SELECT * FROM explnum_statut WHERE id_explnum_statut='" . $expl->explnum_docnum_statut . "' "; $Query_statut = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_st, $dbh) or die($rqt_st . " " . pmb_mysql_error()); $r_statut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($Query_statut); $explnum_class = 'docnum_' . $r_statut->class_html; if ($expl->explnum_docnum_statut > 1) { $explnum_opac_label = $r_statut->opac_libelle; } else { $explnum_opac_label = ''; } } else { $explnum_class = 'docnum_statutnot1'; $explnum_opac_label = ''; } $explnum_docnum_visible = true; $explnum_docnum_consult = true; if ($gestion_acces_active == 1 && $gestion_acces_empr_docnum == 1) { $explnum_docnum_visible = $this->dom_3->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $expl->explnum_id, 16); $explnum_docnum_consult = $this->dom_3->getRights($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $expl->explnum_id, 4); } else { $requete = "SELECT explnum_visible_opac, explnum_visible_opac_abon, explnum_consult_opac, explnum_consult_opac_abon FROM explnum, explnum_statut WHERE explnum_id ='" . $expl->explnum_id . "' and id_explnum_statut=explnum_docnum_statut "; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $statut_temp = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); if (!$statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac) { $explnum_docnum_visible = false; } if (!$statut_temp->explnum_consult_opac) { $explnum_docnum_consult = false; } if ($statut_temp->explnum_visible_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $explnum_docnum_visible = false; } if ($statut_temp->explnum_consult_opac_abon && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { $explnum_docnum_consult = false; } } else { $explnum_docnum_visible = false; } } if ($explnum_docnum_visible || $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums) { $this->explnums_datas['nb_explnums']++; $explnum_datas = array('id' => $expl->explnum_id, 'name' => $expl->explnum_nom, 'mimetype' => $expl->explnum_mimetype, 'url' => $expl->explnum_url, 'filename' => $expl->explnum_nomfichier, 'extension' => $expl->explnum_extfichier, 'statut' => $expl->explnum_docnum_statut, 'consultation' => $explnum_docnum_consult); if ($expl->explnum_vignette) { $explnum_datas['thumbnail_url'] = $opac_url_base . 'vig_num.php?explnum_id=' . $expl->explnum_id; } else { // trouver l'icone correspondant au mime_type $explnum_datas['thumbnail_url'] = get_url_icon('mimetype/' . icone_mimetype($expl->explnum_mimetype, $expl->explnum_extfichier), 1); } $words_to_find = ""; if ($expl->explnum_mimetype == 'application/pdf' || $expl->explnum_mimetype == 'URL' && strpos($expl->explnum_nom, '.pdf') !== false) { if (is_array($search_terms)) { $words_to_find = "#search=\"" . trim(str_replace('*', '', implode(' ', $search_terms))) . "\""; } } $explnum_datas['access_datas'] = array('script' => '', 'href' => '#', 'onclick' => ''); //si l'affichage du lien vers les documents numériques est forcé et qu'on est pas connecté, on propose l'invite de connexion! if (!$explnum_docnum_visible && $opac_show_links_invisible_docnums && !$_SESSION['id_empr_session']) { if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } if ($allowed_mimetype && in_array($expl->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $explnum_datas['access_datas']['script'] = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfunction sendToVisionneuse_" . $expl->explnum_id . "(){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\topen_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $expl->explnum_id . ");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>"; $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&callback_func=sendToVisionneuse_" . $expl->explnum_id . "');"; } else { $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "auth_popup('./ajax.php?module=ajax&categ=auth&new_tab=1&callback_url=" . rawurlencode($opac_url_base . "doc_num.php?explnum_id=" . $expl->explnum_id) . "')"; } } else { if ($opac_visionneuse_allow) { $allowed_mimetype = explode(",", str_replace("'", "", $opac_photo_filtre_mimetype)); } if ($allowed_mimetype && in_array($expl->explnum_mimetype, $allowed_mimetype)) { $explnum_datas['access_datas']['onclick'] = "open_visionneuse(sendToVisionneuse," . $expl->explnum_id . ");return false;"; } else { $explnum_datas['access_datas']['href'] = $opac_url_base . 'doc_num.php?explnum_id=' . $expl->explnum_id; } } if ($_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]) { $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $_mimetypes_byext_[$expl->explnum_extfichier]["label"]; } elseif ($_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]) { $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $_mimetypes_bymimetype_[$expl->explnum_mimetype]["label"]; } else { $explnum_datas['mimetype_label'] = $expl->explnum_mimetype; } $this->explnums_datas['explnums'][] = $explnum_datas; } } } } return $this->explnums_datas; }