Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Alerts user's friends when they write a new forum topic
 * @Param: the id of the topic
 * @author: Joe Hoyle
 * @version 1.0
function nm_alert_user_wrote_forum_topic($topicID)
    $userInfo = wp_get_current_user();
    $friendList = new userFriends();
    $friends = $friendList->get_friends($userInfo->ID);
    if (is_array($friends)) {
        $friends = nm_array_invert($friends);
        $alert = array();
        $alert['content'] = '<a href="' . getProfileLink($userInfo->ID) . '" title="View ' . nm_user_public_name($userInfo->ID) . 's profile">' . nm_user_public_name($userInfo->ID) . '</a> has written a new forum topic: <a href="' . get_topic_link($topicID) . '" title="View ' . get_topic_title($topicID) . '">' . get_topic_title($topicID) . '</a>.';
        $alert['type'] = 'forum';
        nm_add_alert($friends, $alert);
    return $topicID;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Plugin Name: Post Notification
 * Plugin Description: Sends an Notification email if there's a new post to an favorite topic. (Modified Version 1.4 with Post Content included in E-Mail)
 * Author: Thomas Klaiber
 * Author URI: http://thomasklaiber.com/
 * Plugin URI: http://thomasklaiber.com/bbpress/post-notification/
 * Version: 1.4
function notification_new_post($post_id = 0)
    global $bbdb, $bb_table_prefix, $topic_id, $bb_current_user;
    $all_users = notification_select_all_users();
    foreach ($all_users as $userdata) {
        if (notification_is_activated($userdata->ID)) {
            if (is_user_favorite($userdata->ID, $topic_id)) {
                //$topic = get_topic($topic_id);
                $message = __("Hello,\n\nA new post on \"%1\$s\" has been added by %2\$s at DHAnswers. \n\nMessage:\n\n%3\$s \n\n%4\$s ");
                mail($userdata->user_email, '[DHAnswers] New Post for Favorite Question', sprintf($message, get_topic_title($topic_id), get_user_name($bb_current_user->ID), strip_tags(get_post_text($post_id)), get_topic_link($topic_id)), 'From: ' . bb_get_option('name') . ' <' . bb_get_option('from_email') . '>');
Ejemplo n.º 3
function tweet_new_topic($topic_id, $topic_title)
    global $bb_post;
    if ($bb_post) {
        // post already exists
    } else {
        $t_title = get_topic_title($topic_id);
        $t_link = get_topic_link($topic_id);
        //shorten URL
        exec("curl http://is.gd/api.php?longurl=" . $t_link, $shorturl);
        $message = "New ? at DHAnswers: " . $t_title . " ({$shorturl['0']})";
        if (strlen($message) > 140) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, 139) . '…';
        // New Tweet using Twitter OAuth
        // TODO: check return status
    return $topic_title;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function get_socialit()
    global $socialit_plugopts, $bbdb, $public_tags, $socialit_is_mobile, $socialit_is_bot;
    $dont_get_si = false;
    $topic = get_topic(get_topic_id());
    if (class_exists('Support_Forum') && $topic) {
        //compatibility with Support Forum plugin for bbPress
        $support_forum = new Support_Forum();
        if ($support_forum->isActive() && in_array($topic->forum_id, $support_forum->enabled)) {
            if ($socialit_plugopts['sfpnonres'] == "no" && $support_forum->getTopicStatus() == "no" || $socialit_plugopts['sfpres'] == "no" && $support_forum->getTopicStatus() == "yes" || $socialit_plugopts['sfpnonsup'] == "no" && $support_forum->getTopicStatus() == "mu") {
                $dont_get_si = true;
    if ($socialit_plugopts['mobile-hide'] == 'yes' && ($socialit_is_mobile || $socialit_is_bot)) {
        $dont_get_si = true;
    if (bb_is_topic() && bb_get_topicmeta($topic->topic_id, 'hide_socialit') == true) {
        $dont_get_si = true;
    if (!$dont_get_si) {
        if (bb_is_topic()) {
            $perms = urlencode(get_topic_link());
            $title = get_topic_title();
            $feedperms = strtolower($perms);
            // Grab post tags for Twittley tags. If there aren't any, use default tags set in plugin options page
            $get_tags = bb_get_topic_tags(get_topic_id());
            if ($get_tags) {
                foreach ($get_tags as $tag) {
                    $keywords = $keywords . $tag->name . ',';
            $topic_id_ft = get_topic_id();
            //topic id for getting text
            $first_post = (int) $bbdb->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM {$bbdb->posts} WHERE topic_id = {$topic_id_ft} ORDER BY post_id ASC LIMIT 1");
            $socialit_content = get_post_text($first_post);
        } else {
            $perms = socialit_get_current_url();
            $title = bb_get_title();
            $feedperms = strtolower($perms);
            $socialit_content = bb_get_option('description');
        if (strlen($title) >= 80) {
            $short_title = urlencode(substr($title, 0, 80) . "[..]");
        } else {
            $short_title = urlencode($title);
        $title = urlencode($title);
        $site_name = bb_get_option('name');
        $socialit_content = urlencode(substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($socialit_content)), 0, 300));
        $socialit_content = socialit_change_plus_apos($socialit_content);
        $mail_subject = socialit_change_plus_apos($title);
        $post_summary = stripslashes($socialit_content);
        if (!empty($keywords)) {
            $d_tags = $keywords;
        } else {
            $d_tags = $socialit_plugopts['defaulttags'];
        $site_name = bb_get_option('name');
        $y_cat = $socialit_plugopts['ybuzzcat'];
        $y_med = $socialit_plugopts['ybuzzmed'];
        $t_cat = $socialit_plugopts['twittcat'];
        $short_url = socialit_get_fetch_url();
        $current_rss_link = socialit_get_current_rss_link();
        // Temporary fix for bug that breaks layout when using NextGen Gallery plugin
        if (strpos($post_summary, '[') || strpos($post_summary, ']')) {
            $post_summary = "";
        if (strpos($socialit_content, '[') || strpos($socialit_content, ']')) {
            $socialit_content = "";
        // select the background
        if (!isset($socialit_plugopts['bgimg-yes'])) {
            $bgchosen = '';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'sexy') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-sexy';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'caring') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-caring';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'care-old') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-caring-old';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'love') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-love';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'wealth') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-wealth';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['bgimg'] == 'enjoy') {
            $bgchosen = ' social-it-bg-enjoy';
        $style = $socialit_plugopts['autocenter'] ? '' : ' style="' . __($socialit_plugopts['xtrastyle']) . '"';
        $isfeed = bb_is_feed();
        if ($isfeed) {
            $style = '';
        // do not add inline styles to the feed.
        $expand = $socialit_plugopts['expand'] ? ' social-it-expand' : '';
        if ($socialit_plugopts['autocenter'] == 1) {
            $autocenter = ' social-it-center';
        } elseif ($socialit_plugopts['autocenter'] == 2) {
            $autocenter = ' social-it-spaced';
        } else {
            $autocenter = '';
        //write the menu
        $socials = "\n\n" . '<!-- Start Of Code Generated By Social It Plugin By www.gaut.am -->' . "\n" . '<div class="social-it' . $expand . $autocenter . $bgchosen . '"' . $style . '><ul class="socials">';
        foreach ($socialit_plugopts['bookmark'] as $name) {
            if ($name == 'socialit-twitter') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('post_by' => !empty($socialit_plugopts['twittid']) ? "(via+@" . $socialit_plugopts['twittid'] . ")" : '', 'short_title' => $short_title, 'fetch_url' => $short_url));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-mail') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('title' => $mail_subject, 'post_summary' => $post_summary, 'permalink' => $perms));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-diigo') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('socialit_teaser' => $socialit_content, 'permalink' => $perms, 'title' => $title));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-linkedin') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('post_summary' => $post_summary, 'site_name' => $site_name, 'permalink' => $perms, 'title' => $title));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-comfeed') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('permalink' => $current_rss_link));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-yahoobuzz') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('permalink' => $perms, 'title' => $title, 'yahooteaser' => $socialit_content, 'yahoocategory' => $y_cat, 'yahoomediatype' => $y_med));
            } elseif ($name == 'socialit-twittley') {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('permalink' => urlencode($perms), 'title' => $title, 'post_summary' => $post_summary, 'twitt_cat' => $t_cat, 'default_tags' => $d_tags));
            } else {
                $socials .= bookmark_list_item($name, array('post_summary' => $post_summary, 'permalink' => $perms, 'title' => $title));
        $socials .= '</ul><div style="clear:both;"></div></div><!-- End Of Code Generated By Social It Plugin By www.gaut.am -->' . "\n\n";
        return $socials;
function topic_title($id = 0)
    echo apply_filters('topic_title', get_topic_title($id), get_topic_id($id));
Ejemplo n.º 6
            } else {
                printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Post</a> on <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a> by %4$s'), esc_attr(add_query_arg('view', 'all', get_post_link())), get_topic_link($bb_post->topic_id), get_topic_title($bb_post->topic_id), get_post_author());
        } elseif ('topic' == $object['type']) {
            global $topic;
            $topic = $object['data'];
            if ($topic->topic_poster) {
                printf(__('Topic titled <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> started by <a href="%3$s">%4$s</a>'), esc_attr(add_query_arg('view', 'all', get_topic_link())), get_topic_title($topic->topic_id), get_user_profile_link($topic->topic_poster), get_topic_author($topic->topic_id));
            } else {
                printf(__('Topic titled <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> started by %3$s'), esc_attr(add_query_arg('view', 'all', get_topic_link())), get_topic_title($topic->topic_id), get_topic_author($topic->topic_id));
    remove_filter('get_topic_where', 'bb_no_where');
} else {
    _e('No moderated posts or topics&#8230; you must have very well behaved members.');
Ejemplo n.º 7
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($topics as $topic) {
         $posts[] = bb_get_first_post($topic->topic_id);
     $title = esc_html(sprintf(__('%1$s &raquo; View: %2$s'), bb_get_option('name'), $bb_views[$feed_id]['title']));
     $link = get_view_link($feed_id);
     $link_self = bb_get_view_rss_link($feed_id);
 case 'topic':
     if (!($topic = get_topic($feed_id))) {
     if (!($posts = get_thread($feed_id, 0, 1))) {
     $title = esc_html(sprintf(__('%1$s &raquo; Topic: %2$s'), bb_get_option('name'), get_topic_title()));
     $link = get_topic_link($feed_id);
     $link_self = get_topic_rss_link($feed_id);
 case 'profile':
     if (bb_get_option('mod_rewrite') === 'slugs') {
         $user = bb_get_user_by_nicename($feed_id);
     } else {
         $user = bb_get_user($feed_id);
     if (!$user) {
     if (!($posts = get_user_favorites($user->ID))) {
Ejemplo n.º 8


if ($topic_title) {
<p role="main">
	<label for="topic"><?php 
<br />
		<input name="topic" type="text" id="topic" size="50" maxlength="80" tabindex="31" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(get_topic_title());
" />

	<label for="post_content"><?php 
<br />
		<textarea name="post_content" cols="50" rows="8" tabindex="32" id="post_content"><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 9
function bb_attachments($post_id = 0)
    global $bb_attachments_on_page;
    if (isset($bb_attachments_on_page)) {
    } else {
        $bb_attachments_on_page = true;
    // only insert once per page -> pre
    if ($post_id == 0) {
        if (isset($_GET['bb_attachments'])) {
            $post_id = intval($_GET['bb_attachments']);
        } else {
            global $bb_post;
            $post_id = $bb_post->post_id;
    if ($post_id) {
        $bb_post = bb_get_post($post_id);
        if (bb_attachments_location() != 'edit.php') {
            echo "<h3 class='bbcrumb'><a href='" . bb_get_option('uri') . "'>" . bb_get_option('name') . "</a> &raquo; <a href='" . get_topic_link() . "'>" . get_topic_title($bb_post->topic_id) . "</a> &raquo; <a href='" . get_post_link($bb_post->post_id) . "'>" . __('Post') . " {$bb_post->post_position}</a> &raquo;  " . __('Attachments') . "</h3>";
        echo "<div class='indent'>";
        if (isset($_FILES['bb_attachments'])) {
            bb_attachments_process_post(intval($_GET['bb_attachments']), 1);
            echo "<br />";
        echo bb_attachments_post_attachments($post_id);
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<br />";
        echo "</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected function _get_topic()
     return get_topic_title($this->_get_topic_id());
Ejemplo n.º 11
if ($topic_title) {
<br />

  <input name="topic" type="text" id="topic" size="50" maxlength="80"  value="<?php 
    echo attribute_escape(get_topic_title());
" />
<br />
  <textarea name="post_content" cols="50" rows="8" id="post_content"><?php 
echo apply_filters('edit_text', get_post_text());
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 12
            global $bb_post;
            $bb_post = $object['data'];
            printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Post</a> on <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a> by <a href="%4$s">%5$s</a>'), esc_attr(add_query_arg('view', 'all', get_post_link())), get_topic_link($bb_post->topic_id), get_topic_title($bb_post->topic_id), get_user_profile_link($bb_post->poster_id), get_post_author());
        } elseif ('topic' == $object['type']) {
            global $topic;
            $topic = $object['data'];
            printf(__('Topic titled <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> started by <a href="%3$s">%4$s</a>'), esc_attr(add_query_arg('view', 'all', get_topic_link())), get_topic_title(), get_user_profile_link($topic->topic_poster), get_topic_author());
    remove_filter('get_topic_where', 'bb_no_where');
} else {
    _e('No moderated posts or topics&#8230; you must have very well behaved members.');
Ejemplo n.º 13
    foreach ($relevant as $topic) {
        $bb_post = bb_get_first_post($topic);
			<a class="result" href="<?php 
        echo bb_show_topic_context($q, get_topic_title());
			<span class="freshness"><?php 
        printf(__('By <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> on %3$s'), get_user_profile_link($topic->topic_poster), get_topic_author(), bb_datetime_format_i18n(get_topic_start_time(array('format' => 'timestamp'))));
        echo bb_show_context($q, $bb_post->post_text);
Ejemplo n.º 14
                $fromUser = $_SESSION["authid"];
            } else {
                $fromUser = 0;
            $tpl->set("NAME", get_n($fromUser));
            $tpl->set("BEITRAG", get_topic_title($topicId));
            $tpl->set("PID", $postId);
            $tpl->set("TID", $topicId);
            sendpm($fromUser, 1, $tpl->get("pm_betreff"), $tpl->get("pm_content"), 0);
            // weiterleitung
            wd("index.php?forum-showposts-" . $topicId, $tpl->get("weiterleitung"));
        } else {
            // An die Mods schicken
            foreach ($getmodids as $userid) {
                if (isset($_SESSION["authid"])) {
                    $fromUser = $_SESSION["authid"];
                } else {
                    $fromUser = 0;
                $tpl->set("NAME", get_n($fromUser));
                $tpl->set("BEITRAG", get_topic_title($topicId));
                $tpl->set("PID", $postId);
                $tpl->set("TID", $topicId);
                sendpm($fromUser, $userid, $tpl->get("pm_betreff"), $tpl->get("pm_content"), 0);
                // weiterleitung
                wd("index.php?forum-showposts-" . $topicId, $tpl->get("weiterleitung"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
             bb_die('Could not update posts table');
         if (isset($_POST['after_split_to_old'])) {
             insert_post('after_split_to_old', $topic_id, $forum_id, '', $new_topic_id, trim($_POST['subject']));
         if (isset($_POST['after_split_to_new'])) {
             insert_post('after_split_to_new', $new_topic_id, $new_forum_id, $forum_id, $new_topic_id, '', $topic_id);
         sync('topic', array($topic_id, $new_topic_id));
         sync('forum', array($forum_id, $new_forum_id));
         $message = $lang['TOPIC_SPLIT'] . '<br /><br /><a href="' . "viewtopic.php?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$topic_id}&amp;sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['TOPIC_SPLIT_OLD'] . '</a>';
         $message .= ' &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="' . "viewtopic.php?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "={$new_topic_id}&amp;sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['TOPIC_SPLIT_NEW'] . '</a>';
         // Log action
         $log_action->mod('mod_topic_split', array('forum_id' => $forum_id, 'forum_id_new' => $new_forum_id, 'topic_id' => $topic_id, 'topic_title' => get_topic_title($topic_id), 'topic_id_new' => $new_topic_id, 'topic_title_new' => htmlCHR($_POST['subject'])));
 } elseif ($post_id_sql && $delete_posts) {
     if (!$is_auth['auth_delete']) {
         bb_die(sprintf($lang['SORRY_AUTH_DELETE'], $is_auth['auth_delete_type']));
     // Delete posts
     $result = post_delete(explode(',', $post_id_sql));
     $msg = $result ? $lang['DELETE_POSTS_SUCCESFULLY'] : 'No posts were removed';
 } else {
     $sql = "SELECT u.username, p.*, pt.post_text, p.post_username\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . BB_POSTS . " p, " . BB_USERS . " u, " . BB_POSTS_TEXT . " pt\n\t\t\t\tWHERE p.topic_id = {$topic_id}\n\t\t\t\t\tAND p.poster_id = u.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND p.post_id = pt.post_id\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY p.post_time ASC";
     if (!($result = DB()->sql_query($sql))) {
         bb_die('Could not get topic / post information');
Ejemplo n.º 16
function mass_edit_list_posts()
    global $bb_posts, $bb_post;
    if ($bb_posts) {
        foreach ($bb_posts as $bb_post) {
		<div class="threadauthor">
</strong><br />
		<div class="threadpost">
			<div class="post"><?php 
			<div class="poststuff">
            printf(__('Posted: %1$s in <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>'), bb_get_post_time(), get_topic_link($bb_post->topic_id), get_topic_title($bb_post->topic_id));
 IP: <?php 