/** * * @param string $where * @return array 返回数据库查询后的数组: */ function pagination($where, $conn, $tbl_name) { require_once 'class/Config_commodity.php'; require_once 'class/DBpagination.php'; require_once 'class/DBcount.php'; require_once 'class/Info_user.php'; require_once 'class/Config_user.php'; require_once 'Include_picture.php'; //2.向数据库查询符合条件数,以计算显示分页数目 $dbcount = new DBcount($tbl_name, $where); $retval = $dbcount->excute($conn); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($retval, MYSQLI_NUM); $count = 1 + (int) (($row ? $row[0] : 0) / SIZE_EACH_PAGE); //3.计算当前页码; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; $page = $page > $count ? $count : $page; //4. 查询当前页的数据 $choosed_fields = array(Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::description, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::id, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::publisher, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::title, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::price, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::release_date, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::praise, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::leave_message_time, Config_commodity::table_name . '.' . Config_commodity::id); $DBpagination = new DBpagination($tbl_name, $where, $page, SIZE_EACH_PAGE, $choosed_fields); $reval = $DBpagination->excute($conn); //逐个配置 array 三级关联数组 供界面使用 $array = array(); while (($temp_database_row_array = mysqli_fetch_array($reval, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) != null) { $userinfo = Info_user::get_user_info_by_id($conn, $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::publisher]); $array[] = array('imgs' => get_commodity_pic($conn, $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::id]), 'description' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::description], 'title' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::title], 'price' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::price], 'url' => 'upload/default.jpg', 'name' => $userinfo[Config_user::log_name], 'time' => get_time($temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::release_date]), 'star_numbers' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::praise], 'message_numbers' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::leave_message_time], 'id' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_commodity::id]); } //5.释放资源 mysqli_free_result($reval); return array('page' => $page, 'array' => $array); }
public static function check_access_ip() { $blocked_time = db::scalar(self::Q_GET_IP, array('%ip' => ip2long(get_ip()))); if ($blocked_time > get_time()) { throw new Exception_wx(4030003, get_ip()); } }
function record($start_date, $end_date) { global $useradmin; $start = new DateTime($start_date); $end = new DateTime($end_date); $end = $end->modify('+1 day'); $interval = new DateInterval('P1D'); $period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end); //var_dump($period); foreach ($period as $date) { $index_date = $date->format('Y-m-d'); //echo $index_date; $unique_visitors = get_unique_visits($index_date); $visits = get_visits($index_date); $time = get_time($index_date); echo "<br/><br/>" . $index_date . "<br/><br/>"; echo "unique visitors:" . $unique_visitors . "<br/>"; echo "visits:" . $visits . "<br/>"; echo "total time:" . $time . "<br/>"; $selectSQL = "SELECT * FROM visitor_daily_report WHERE report_date='" . $index_date . "'"; if ($row_record = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query_or_die($selectSQL, $useradmin))) { echo "<br/>record already in database!<br/>"; } else { echo "<br/>inserting new record into database!<br/>"; $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO visitor_daily_report (report_date, visits, unique_visitors, total_time) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($index_date, "date"), GetSQLValueString($visits, "int"), GetSQLValueString($unique_visitors, "int"), GetSQLValueString($time, "int")); $result = mysql_query_or_die($insertSQL, $useradmin); } } }
/** * generate Purchase * * @param int purchase_id * @return int count of Incomings generated */ function JKY_generate_purchase($the_id) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM Purchases' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; $my_purchase = $db->fetchRow($sql); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM PurchaseLines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id; $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql); $my_count = 0; foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) { $my_incoming_id = get_next_id('Incomings'); $sql = 'INSERT Incomings' . ' SET id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ', updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ', updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', incoming_number = ' . $my_incoming_id . ', supplier_id = ' . $my_purchase['supplier_id'] . ', invoice_date ="' . $my_row['expected_date'] . '"' . ', invoice_weight = ' . $my_row['expected_weight']; log_sql('Incomings', 'INSERT', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Incomings', $my_incoming_id); $my_batchin_id = get_next_id('Batches'); $sql = 'INSERT Batches' . ' SET id = ' . $my_batchin_id . ', updated_by = ' . get_session('user_id') . ', updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', incoming_id = ' . $my_incoming_id . ', thread_id = ' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ', purchase_line_id = ' . $my_row['id']; log_sql('Batches', 'INSERT', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Batches', $my_batchin_id); $sql = 'UPDATE PurchaseLines' . ' SET batch_id = ' . $my_batchin_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id']; log_sql('PurchaseLines', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'PurchaseLines', $my_row['id']); $my_count++; } $sql = 'UPDATE Purchases' . ' SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; log_sql('Purchases', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Purchases', $the_id); return $my_count; }
/** * return Piece from Pieces Return * * $.ajax({ method:'return', table:'Pieces', barcode:9...9, ...}; * * @return string '' */ function JKY_return_piece($the_data) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $my_barcode = get_data($the_data, 'barcode'); $my_inspected_by = get_data($the_data, 'inspected_by'); $my_weighed_by = get_data($the_data, 'weighed_by'); $my_remarks = get_data($the_data, 'remarks'); $my_checkin_weight = get_data($the_data, 'checkin_weight'); $my_checkin_location = get_data($the_data, 'checkin_location'); $sql = 'UPDATE Pieces' . ' SET ' . get_updated() . ', status="Check In"' . ', inspected_by= ' . $my_inspected_by . ', weighed_by= ' . $my_weighed_by . ', remarks=\'' . $my_remarks . '\'' . ', checkin_weight= ' . $my_checkin_weight . ', checkin_location=\'' . $my_checkin_location . '\'' . ', checkin_at=\'' . get_time() . '\'' . ' WHERE id =' . $my_barcode; log_sql('Pieces', 'update', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Pieces', $my_barcode); $my_order_id = get_table_value('Pieces', 'order_id', $my_barcode); $my_set = ', produced_at=\'' . get_time() . '\'' . ', produced_pieces = produced_pieces + 1'; if ($my_remarks != 'boa') { $my_set = ', rejected_pieces = rejected_pieces + 1'; } $my_field_name = $my_remarks == 'boa' ? 'produced_pieces' : 'rejected_pieces'; $sql = 'UPDATE Orders' . ' SET ' . get_updated() . $my_set . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_order_id; log_sql('Orders', 'update', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $my_order_id); return ''; }
public function addRecord() { $M = M('backup'); $M->backup_time = get_time(); $M->path = $this->config['path']; $M->desc = session('username'); $M->add(); $this->success('备份成功', U('Database/index')); }
/** * generate Order from OSAs * * @param int quotation_id * @return int count of Orders generated */ function JKY_generate_order($the_id) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM OSAs' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; $my_osa = $db->fetchRow($sql); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM OSA_Lines' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id; $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql); $my_count = 0; foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) { $my_osa_line_id = $my_row['id']; $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM OSA_Colors' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $my_osa_line_id; $my_colors = $db->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($my_colors as $my_color) { $my_order_id = get_next_id('Orders'); $sql = 'INSERT Orders' . ' SET id =' . $my_order_id . ', updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ', updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', order_number =' . $my_order_id . ', osa_line_id =' . $my_osa_line_id . ', osa_number =' . $my_osa['osa_number'] . ', ordered_at ="' . $my_osa['ordered_at'] . '"' . ', needed_at ="' . $my_osa['needed_at'] . '"' . ', quoted_units =' . $my_row['units'] . ', quoted_pieces =' . $my_color['quoted_pieces'] . ', quoted_weight =' . $my_color['quoted_weight'] . ', ordered_pieces =' . $my_color['ordered_pieces'] . ', ordered_weight =' . $my_color['ordered_weight']; if ($my_osa['customer_id']) { $sql .= ', customer_id=' . $my_osa['customer_id']; } if ($my_row['product_id']) { $sql .= ', product_id=' . $my_row['product_id']; } if ($my_color['color_id']) { $sql .= ', color_id=' . $my_color['color_id']; } if ($my_color['ftp_id']) { $sql .= ', ftp_id=' . $my_color['ftp_id']; } if ($my_color['machine_id']) { $sql .= ', machine_id=' . $my_color['machine_id']; } if ($my_color['partner_id']) { $sql .= ', partner_id=' . $my_color['partner_id']; } log_sql('Orders', 'INSERT', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $my_order_id); /* $sql= 'UPDATE OSA_lines' . ' SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_row['id'] ; log_sql('OSA_Lines', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'OSA_Lines', $my_row['id']); */ $my_count++; } } $sql = 'UPDATE OSAs' . ' SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; log_sql('OSAs', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'OSAs', $the_id); return $my_count; }
public function index() { if (session('?username') && session('userid')) { redirect(U('Index/index')); exit; } if ($this->isGet()) { if (session('errors') > 2) { $this->show_recaptcha(); } //如果为get请求并且错误尝试次数大于3,显示验证码 $this->display(); exit; } else { if ($this->isPost()) { session('errors', 0); if (session('errors') < 3 || $this->recaptcha_valiaute()) { //如果为post请求并且错误尝试次数小于4,则无需验证;否则需要对验证码进行验证 $username = htmlentities($this->_post('usernameoremail')); $password = htmlentities($this->_post('password')); $User = M('user'); $User->where("username='******' or email='%s' ", $username, $username)->find(); if (isset($User->password) && $User->password === md5Encrypt($password)) { session('username', $username); session('userid', $User->id); $M = M('log'); $M->update_user = session('userid'); $M->update_time = get_time(); $M->operate = 'login'; $M->ip = get_client_ip(); $M->status = '0'; $M->add(); $this->msg = 'success!'; redirect(U('Index/index')); exit; } else { if (session('errors') > 2) { $this->recaptcha = recaptcha_get_html($this->publickey, $error); } $this->msg = "Wrong username or email and password combine."; } } session('errors', session('errors') + 1); $this->errors = session('errors'); $this->username = $username; $this->display(); } else { if ($this->isAjax()) { exit; //Ajax cross domain attack } } } }
public function update($id, array $data, $log = true) { $data['updated_at'] = get_time(); if (is_session('user_id')) { $data['updated_by'] = get_session('user_id'); } $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $id); parent::update($data, $where); if ($log) { log_sql($this->_name, $id, 'updated', $data); set_session('notice', 'current record saved'); } }
/** * 导入记录信息 * * @param string $pid * @param string $location * @param string $toplocation * @param string $cookies * @param unknown $data */ public function __construct($pid = "", $location = "", $toplocation = "", $cookies = "", $data = array()) { $this->pid = $pid; $this->location = $location; $this->toplocation = $toplocation; $this->cookies = $cookies; $this->data = is_array($data) ? $data : array(); $this->dbh = $GLOBALS['pmx_dbh']; $this->ip = get_ip(); $this->time = get_time(); $this->HTTP_ACCEPT = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] : ""; $this->HTTP_REFERER = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : ""; $this->HTTP_USER_AGENT = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] : ""; }
/** * generate CheckOut from Planning Orders * * @param int order_id * @return int count of CheckOuts generated */ function JKY_generate_checkout($the_id) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM Orders' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; $my_order = $db->fetchRow($sql); $sql = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM OrdThreads' . ' WHERE parent_id = ' . $the_id; $my_rows = $db->fetchAll($sql); /* $my_needed_at = $my_order['needed_at']; if ($my_needed_at == null) { $my_needed_at = get_time(); } */ $my_checkout_id = get_next_id('CheckOuts'); $sql = 'INSERT CheckOuts' . ' SET id =' . $my_checkout_id . ', updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ', updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', number =' . $my_checkout_id . ', requested_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', requested_weight =' . $my_order['ordered_weight']; if ($my_order['machine_id']) { $sql .= ', machine_id=' . $my_order['machine_id']; } if ($my_order['partner_id']) { $sql .= ', partner_id=' . $my_order['partner_id']; } log_sql('CheckOuts', 'INSERT', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'CheckOuts', $my_checkout_id); $my_count = 0; foreach ($my_rows as $my_row) { $my_ord_thread_id = $my_row['id']; $my_batch = db_get_row('Batches', 'id=' . $my_row['batchin_id']); $my_ordered_weight = $my_row['ordered_weight']; $my_ordered_boxes = ceil((double) $my_ordered_weight / (double) $my_batch['average_weight']); $my_batchout_id = get_next_id('BatchOuts'); $sql = 'INSERT BatchOuts' . ' SET id =' . $my_batchout_id . ', updated_by =' . get_session('user_id') . ', updated_at ="' . get_time() . '"' . ', checkout_id =' . $my_checkout_id . ', thread_id =' . $my_row['thread_id'] . ', batchin_id =' . $my_row['batchin_id'] . ', order_thread_id =' . $my_ord_thread_id . ', batch ="' . $my_batch['batch'] . '"' . ', unit_price =' . $my_batch['unit_price'] . ', average_weight =' . $my_batch['average_weight'] . ', requested_weight =' . $my_ordered_weight . ', requested_boxes =' . $my_ordered_boxes; log_sql('BatchOuts', 'INSERT', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'BatchOuts', $my_batchout_id); $sql = 'UPDATE OrdThreads' . ' SET batchout_id = ' . $my_batchout_id . ' WHERE id = ' . $my_ord_thread_id; log_sql('OrdThreads', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'OrdThreads', $my_ord_thread_id); $my_count++; } $sql = 'UPDATE Orders' . ' SET status = "Active"' . ' WHERE id = ' . $the_id; log_sql('Orders', 'UPDATE', $sql); $db->query($sql); insert_changes($db, 'Orders', $the_id); return $my_count; }
function show_recette($r) { global $PANIER; ?> <a id="recette-<?php echo $r['id']; ?> " class="recette-el" href="recette-<?php echo $r['id'] . '-' . txt2url($r['titre']); ?> .html" style="background: url(images/<?php echo $r['id']; ?> .jpg) no-repeat center center; background-size: 100%;"> <div class="infos"> <div class="details fltr"><?php echo '<img src="style/time11.png" alt="" /> ' . get_time($r['duree']) . ' <img src="style/pers11.png" alt="Pour " /> ' . $r['personnes']; ?> </div> <div class="stars"><div class="stars_full" style="width: <?php echo $r['note'] / 2 * 12; ?> px"></div></div> <div class="titre"><?php echo $r['titre']; ?> </div> </div> <div class="cart"><?php if (isset($PANIER[$r['id']])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $PANIER[$r['id']]; $i++) { ?> <img src="style/ok25.png" alt="ok" onclick="return rem(<?php echo $r['id']; ?> ,this)" /><?php } } ?> <img class="cart-add" src="style/add25.png" alt="+" onclick="return add(<?php echo $r['id']; ?> )" /> </div> <img src="style/transp.png" class="transp" /> </a><?php }
function get_leave_message($commodity_id, $conn) { require_once 'class/Config_leave_message.php'; require_once 'class/DBpagination.php'; require_once 'class/Info_user.php'; require_once 'class/Config_user.php'; $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 1; $dbtraerser = new DBpagination(Config_leave_message::tbl_name, ' where ' . Config_leave_message::commodity_id . ' = ' . "'" . $commodity_id . "'", $page, MESSAGE_EACH_PAGE, array(Config_leave_message::content, Config_leave_message::time, Config_leave_message::talker)); $retval = $dbtraerser->excute($conn); $array_message = array(); while (($temp_database_row_array = mysqli_fetch_array($retval, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) != null) { $temp_user = Info_user::get_user_avatar_and_logname($conn, $temp_database_row_array[Config_leave_message::talker]); $array_message[] = array('description' => $temp_database_row_array[Config_leave_message::content], 'time' => get_time($temp_database_row_array[Config_leave_message::time]), 'nickname' => $temp_user[Config_user::log_name], 'img' => 'upload/avatar.png'); } mysqli_free_result($retval); return $array_message; }
function show_buy_html($commodity_id, $conn) { require_once 'class/Config_commodity.php'; require_once 'class/DBtraverser.php'; $where = ' where ' . Config_commodity::id . ' = ' . "'" . $commodity_id . "'"; $DBtraverser = new DBtraverser(Config_commodity::table_name, $where); $result = $DBtraverser->excute($conn); $array_commofity_info = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if ($array_commofity_info) { require_once 'Include_picture.php'; require_once 'class/Info_user.php'; require_once 'class/Config_user.php'; $acceptor_info_array = Info_user::get_user_info_by_id($conn, $_SESSION['CURRENT_LOGIN_ID']); $publisher_info_array = Info_user::get_user_info_by_id($conn, $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::publisher]); $commodity_array_for_display = array('nickname' => $acceptor_info_array[Config_user::log_name], 'acceptor_phone' => $acceptor_info_array[Config_user::phone_number], 'publisher_name' => $publisher_info_array[Config_user::log_name], 'publisher_phone' => $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::communication_number], 'title' => $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::title], 'time' => get_time($array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::release_date]), 'price' => $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::price], 'description' => $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::description], 'description_img' => get_one_commodity_pic($conn, $array_commofity_info[Config_commodity::id]), 'img' => 'upload/avatar.png', 'id' => $commodity_id); return $commodity_array_for_display; } }
function show_welcome($nick) { $location = get_location($nick); if ($location === False) { return; } $time = get_time($location); if ($time == "") { return; } $arr = convert_google_location_time($time); $data = process_weather($location, $nick, True); if ($data === False) { return; } if ($data["tempC"] === False or $data["tempF"] === False) { return; } privmsg("welcome {$nick}: " . trim($arr["location"]) . ", " . $data["tempC"] . "/" . $data["tempF"] . ", " . date("g:i a", $arr["timestamp"]) . " " . $arr["timezone"] . ", " . date("l, j F Y", $arr["timestamp"])); }
public static function set($key, $content, $time, $position = 'pages') { switch ($position) { case 'pages': $cache_file = APPPATH . "cache/{$key}.cch"; break; case 'styles': $cache_file = FCPATH . "modules/styles/cache/{$key}.css"; break; case 'scripts': $cache_file = FCPATH . "modules/scripts/cache/{$key}.js"; break; default: return NULL; } $h = fopen($cache_file, 'w'); fwrite($h, $content); fclose($h); touch($cache_file, get_time() + $time); return TRUE; }
public function regenerate_secret_key() { $id = $this->_user->get_id(); if (!$id or $this->_user->is_visitor()) { return FALSE; } $sc =& $this->_special_chars; $salt0 = uniqid('wx__'); $salt1 = $sc[array_rand($sc)]; $salt2 = $sc[array_rand($sc)]; $salt3 = $sc[array_rand($sc)]; $session_id = Session::get_sid(); $lifetime = get_time() + config('session', 'lifetime_secret_key'); $raw_data = array($salt0, $id, time(), $session_id, $lifetime, $salt1, $salt2 . $salt1, $salt2 . $salt1 . $salt3); shuffle($raw_data); $non_format_key = md5(implode(uniqid(), $raw_data)); //Заменяем повторяющиеся символы в коде на спец символы $length = strlen($non_format_key); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $test_char = $non_format_key[$i]; for ($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) { if ($i == $j) { continue; } if ($test_char == $non_format_key[$j]) { if (!is_numeric($non_format_key[$j]) and mt_rand(0, 100) >= 50) { $non_format_key[$j] = ucfirst($non_format_key[$j]); continue; } $key = array_rand($sc); $non_format_key[$j] = $sc[$key]; } } } $secret_key = $non_format_key; $secret_data = array('secret_key' => $secret_key); Session::set_server_data($secret_data); db::simple_query(self::Q_UPDATE_USER_KEY, array('%user_id' => $id, '%secret_key' => $secret_key)); return $secret_data['secret_key']; }
function uploaded_file_info() { if (isset($_SESSION['url'])) { //Is it a URL? if (filter_var($_SESSION['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) == TRUE) { //Note this should have already been sanitised, so this is an additional (uneccesary?) check $testing_file_name = htmlentities($_SESSION['url']); } } elseif (isset($_SESSION['uploadedfilepath'])) { //Has it been either uploaded or pasted if (strstr($_SESSION['uploadedfilepath'], "paste")) { //Pasted code is saved with the filename like pasted.time() $testing_file_name = "Pasted code"; } else { //Filename of type basename_time().xml $testing_file_name = basename($_SESSION['uploadedfilepath']); $extension = explode(".", $testing_file_name); $extension = end($extension); $testing_file_name = explode("_", $testing_file_name); array_pop($testing_file_name); $testing_file_name = implode("_", $testing_file_name) . "." . $extension; } } //Finally only display the HTML if we have a file if (isset($_SESSION['uploadedfilepath'])) { $day_time = get_time(basename($_SESSION['uploadedfilepath'])); $day = $day_time[1]; $time = $day_time[0]; $today = date("z"); if ($today == $day) { $day = "Today"; } elseif ($today - $day == 1) { $day = "Yesterday"; } else { $day = $today - $day . " days ago"; } return '<div class="alert alert-info"><strong>Testing:</strong> ' . $testing_file_name . '<br/><strong>Uploaded:</strong> ' . $day . ' at ' . $time . ' GMT</div>'; } }
/** * Session Constructor * * The constructor runs the session routines automatically * whenever the class is instantiated. */ function __construct() { // Set all the session preferences, which can either be set // manually via the $params array above or via the config file foreach (array('sess_encrypt_cookie', 'sess_expiration', 'sess_expire_on_close', 'sess_match_ip', 'sess_match_useragent', 'sess_cookie_name', 'cookie_path', 'cookie_domain', 'cookie_secure', 'sess_time_to_update', 'time_reference', 'cookie_prefix', 'encryption_key') as $key) { $this->{$key} = isset($params[$key]) ? $params[$key] : config_item($key); } if ($this->encryption_key == '') { show_error(ld_msg('session_msg_001')); } // Do we need encryption? If so, load the encryption class if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE) { $this->ENC =& load_class('Encryption'); } // Set the "now" time. Can either be GMT or server time, based on the // config prefs. We use this to set the "last activity" time $this->now = get_time(); // Set the session length. If the session expiration is // set to zero we'll set the expiration two years from now. if ($this->sess_expiration == 0) { $this->sess_expiration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2; } // Set the cookie name $this->sess_cookie_name = $this->cookie_prefix . $this->sess_cookie_name; // Run the Session routine. If a session doesn't exist we'll // create a new one. If it does, we'll update it. if (!$this->sess_read()) { $this->sess_create(); } else { $this->sess_update(); } // Delete 'old' flashdata (from last request) $this->_flashdata_sweep(); // Mark all new flashdata as old (data will be deleted before next request) $this->_flashdata_mark(); // Delete expired sessions if necessary $this->_sess_gc(); }
/** * 根据时间统计各应用系统短信发送量 * * @param string $appId 应用系统ID * @param int $year 年份 * @param int $month 月份 * @param int $day 日期 * * ~~ * 默认为当前前一天或者前一小时的时间 * ~~ * * @return array $daily */ public function statistics($appId = '', $year = 0, $month = 0, $day = 0) { $conditions = []; // 获取前一天的年月日 list($years, $months, $days) = get_time(2); // 根据条件构造查询条件 if (!empty($appId)) { $conditions['app_id'] = strval($appId); } if ($year == 0) { $year = $years; } $conditions['year'] = $year; if ($month == 0) { $month = $months; } $conditions['month'] = $month; if ($day == 0) { $day = $days; } $conditions['day'] = $day; $daily = self::find()->select(['app_id', 'SUM(total) total', 'year', 'month', 'day'])->where($conditions)->groupBy(['app_id'])->asArray()->all(); return $daily; }
/** * Show the edit match form */ function loadEditMatchForm() { global $db, $_pre; if (!isset($_GET['m_id'])) { system_messages(0, 'No match given'); return; } if ($_GET['m_id'] == 'none') { system_messages(0, 'Please select a match to edit'); return; } $match_id = $_GET['m_id']; settype($match_id, 'integer'); $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_pre}matches WHERE id={$match_id} ORDER BY start_time DESC"; $db->setQuery($query); if ($db->foundRows == 0) { system_messages(0, 'No such match!'); return; } $row = $db->fetch_assoc(); ?> <span class="dark10">Editing CodeZone match <?php echo "{$match_id} .::. {$row['title']}"; ?> </span><br /> <form class='admin-panel-form' name='global-conf' method='POST' action='index.php?a=su&a1=edit-match-details'> <table class='admin-panel-forms-table' cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0"> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Match Name</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="edm-title" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo $row['title']; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Match duration (sec)</span></td><td><input type="text" name="edm-duration" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo $row['duration']; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Start date (yyyy-mm-dd)</span></td><td><input type="text" name="edm-start_date" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo get_date($row['start_time']); ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Start time (hh:mm:ss)</span></td><td><input type="text" name="edm-start_time" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo get_time($row['start_time']); ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Difficulty</span></td><td><input type="text" name="edm-difficulty" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo $row['difficulty']; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Match points</span></td><td><input type="text" name="edm-match_points" class="admin-panel-text-input" value="<?php echo $row['match_points']; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Ranked match</span></td><td>Yes <input type="radio" name="edm-ranked_match" value="1" <?php if ($row['match_ranked'] == 1) { echo "checked='true'"; } ?> /> No <input type="radio" name="edm-ranked_match" value="0" <?php if ($row['match_ranked'] == 0) { echo "checked='true'"; } ?> /></td></tr> <tr><td class='form-field-label'><span class='form-field-label-text'>Analysis <i>(Allowed tags are: <p>,<a>,<strong>,<i>,<br>. To highlight code blocks enclose the code in a div tag with class code_block e.g <div class="code_block"><pre>echo CONSTANT;</pre></div></i></span></td><td><textarea name="edm-analysis" class="admin-panel-textarea" style="width:400px;" rows="15" cols="45"><?php echo stripslashes($row['analysis']); ?> </textarea></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="hidden" name="adm" value="<?php echo base64_encode('su'); ?> " /><input type="hidden" name="f" value="<?php echo base64_encode('edit_match'); ?> " /><input type="hidden" name="m_id" value="<?php echo base64_encode($match_id); ?> " /></td><td><input type="submit" name="save" class="admin-panel-submit-button" value="save" /> <input type="submit" name='delete_match' class="admin-panel-submit-button" value='Delete this match?' class="admin-panel-submit-button" onclick="return confirm('WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this match? this action cannot be reversed!!');" /></td></tr> </table> </form> <br /> <br /> <?php $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$_pre}{$row['match_table_name']} WHERE 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $tmp_row = $db->fetch_assoc(); $st_total_registered = $tmp_row['COUNT(*)']; //Total users registered for the match $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_pre}user_match_log WHERE match_id={$row['id']} AND participated=1"; $db->setQuery($query); $st_total_participated = $db->foundRows; $query = "SELECT SUM(downloads_count) FROM {$_pre}{$row['match_table_name']} WHERE 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $tmp_row = $db->fetch_assoc(); $st_downloads = $tmp_row['SUM(downloads_count)']; $query = "SELECT SUM(submissions) FROM {$_pre}{$row['match_table_name']} WHERE 1"; $db->setQuery($query); $tmp_row = $db->fetch_assoc(); $st_submissions = $tmp_row['SUM(submissions)']; ?> <span class="navy10">Match Statistics</span> <ul> <li><span class="form-field-label-text">Total Registered Users for this match: </span><span class="green10"><?php echo $st_total_registered; ?> </span></li> <li><span class="form-field-label-text">Total Registered Users who participated: </span><span class="green10"><?php echo $st_total_participated; ?> </span></li> <li><span class="form-field-label-text">Total Registered Users who did not participate: </span><span class="green10"><?php echo $st_total_registered - $st_total_participated < 0 ? 0 : $st_total_registered - $st_total_participated; ?> </span></li> <li><span class="form-field-label-text">Total Input file downloads: </span><span class="green10"><?php echo $st_downloads; ?> </span></li> <li><span class="form-field-label-text">Total Submissions: </span><span class="green10"><?php echo $st_submissions; ?> </span></li> </ul> <button id="show_problem_st" class="admin-panel-button" value="hidden" onclick="showProblemToggle('<?php echo $row['match_table_name']; ?> ','<?php echo $row['problem_sheet']; ?> ');">Show/Hide problem sheet</button> <button class="admin-panel-button" onclick="downloadSheet('<?php echo $row['match_table_name']; ?> ','<?php echo $row['input_sheet']; ?> ','input');">Download input sheet</button> <button class="admin-panel-button" onclick="downloadSheet('<?php echo $row['match_table_name']; ?> ','<?php echo $row['answer_sheet']; ?> ','answer');">Download answer sheet</button> <div id="problem_statement_view"></div><!--render problem statement here--> <iframe id="sheet_download" src="" style="display: none;" /><!--Frame whose src is changed by JS to trigger download--> <?php }
{ return zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $t); } function format_time2($t) { return format_time($t); } break; } $table->setHeader($header); $intervals = array(); for ($t = $from; $t <= $to; $t++) { if (($start = get_time($t)) > time()) { break; } if (($end = get_time($t + 1)) > time()) { $end = time(); } $intervals[] = array('from' => $start, 'to' => $end); } $sla = API::Service()->getSla(array('serviceids' => $service['serviceid'], 'intervals' => $intervals)); $sla = reset($sla); foreach ($sla['sla'] as $intervalSla) { $ok = new CSpan(sprintf('%dd %dh %dm', $intervalSla['okTime'] / SEC_PER_DAY, $intervalSla['okTime'] % SEC_PER_DAY / SEC_PER_HOUR, $intervalSla['okTime'] % SEC_PER_HOUR / SEC_PER_MIN), 'off'); $problems = new CSpan(sprintf('%dd %dh %dm', $intervalSla['problemTime'] / SEC_PER_DAY, $intervalSla['problemTime'] % SEC_PER_DAY / SEC_PER_HOUR, $intervalSla['problemTime'] % SEC_PER_HOUR / SEC_PER_MIN), 'on'); $downtime = sprintf('%dd %dh %dm', $intervalSla['downtimeTime'] / SEC_PER_DAY, $intervalSla['downtimeTime'] % SEC_PER_DAY / SEC_PER_HOUR, $intervalSla['downtimeTime'] % SEC_PER_HOUR / SEC_PER_MIN); $percentage = new CSpan(sprintf('%2.4f', $intervalSla['sla']), $intervalSla['sla'] >= $service['goodsla'] ? 'off' : 'on'); $table->addRow(array(format_time($intervalSla['from']), format_time2($intervalSla['to']), $ok, $problems, $downtime, $service['showsla'] ? $percentage : '-', $service['showsla'] ? new CSpan($service['goodsla']) : '-')); } $table->show(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
private function _orderStatusCache($msg) { $table_name = "paynow"; $condition = array('reference' => $msg["reference"]); $data = array('status' => $msg["status"], 'pollurl' => $msg["pollurl"], 'paynowreference' => $msg["paynowreference"], 'amount' => $msg["amount"], 'date_of_payment' => get_time()); $this->app_model->update($table_name, $data, $condition); //$this->_notifyCustomerViaEmail($this->session->userdata('transaction')); //$this->cart->destroy(); //--$this->session->userdata('transaction') = ""; //$this->session->unset_userdata('transaction'); //$this->load->view('paynow/thankyou'); }
$installVarList = array(); foreach ($languageVarList as $var) { $installVarList[$var] = $var; } // generate english file // - get vars from english install lang file // - merge the two // - generate new language file $_lang = array(); $englishLangFile = get_path('rootSys') . 'claroline/lang/english/install.lang.php'; if (file_exists($englishLangFile)) { include $englishLangFile; } $completeInstallVarList = array_merge($installVarList, $_lang); $output = '<?php' . "\n"; foreach ($completeInstallVarList as $key => $value) { $output .= build_translation_line_file($key, $value); } $output .= '?>'; // write to file file_put_contents($englishLangFile, $output); echo "<p>Total variables: " . $total_var_count . "</p>"; // end time $endtime = get_time(); $totaltime = $endtime - $starttime; echo "<p><em>Execution time: {$totaltime}</em></p>\n"; } else { echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?cmd=generate">' . 'Generate it, it will overwrite previous /lang/english/install.lang.php file' . '</a>'; } // display footer include get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/claro_init_footer.inc.php';
$result_mode = "connect"; $mistakes = intval($_POST['num_of_mistakes']); $pairs = intval($_POST['num_of_pairs']); $score = (1 - round($mistakes / $pairs, 2)) * 100; $set_id = intval($_POST['set_id']); $time = get_time(intval($_POST['time'])); } elseif (isset($_POST['num_of_tries']) && $_POST['time'] && $_POST['set_id']) { $result_mode = "outline"; $num_of_tries = intval($_POST['num_of_tries']); $tries = ""; if ($num_of_tries == 1) { $tries = "try"; } else { $tries = "tries"; } $time = get_time(intval($_POST['time'])); $set_id = intval($_POST['set_id']); } else { header('Location: index.php'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Learn - home</title> <?php require 'includes/head.php'; ?> </head> <body id="learn"> <nav>
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../lib/IronWorkerWrapper.php'; $num_emails = $_REQUEST['num_emails']; $name = "emailWorker.php"; $start = get_time(); queue_worker($iw, $name, $num_emails); $worker_time = get_time() - $start; $details = array("worker" => $worker_time); echo json_encode($details); function get_time() { return (double) array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); } function queue_worker($iw, $name, $num_emails) { ob_start(); $tmpdir = $_SERVER['TMP_DIR']; if (empty($tmpdir)) { $tmpdir = dirname(__FILE__); } $zipName = $tmpdir . "/{$name}.zip"; $file = IronWorker::zipDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../workers", $zipName, true); $res = $iw->postCode('emailWorker.php', $zipName, $name); $tasks = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_emails / 10; $i++) { $payload = array('num_emails' => 10); $task_id = $iw->postTask($name, $payload); } do { $details = $iw->getTaskDetails($task_id);
/** * 批量统计每天各应用系统的邮件发送量 */ public function actionEmailBatchDaily() { $time = time(); $date = date('Ymd', $time); // 年月日 list($year, $month, $day) = get_time(2); $rows = []; $appIds = ''; try { $serviceBinding = new ServiceBinding(); $hourStat = new EmailStatHour(); $dayStat = new EmailStatDay(); // 获取所有的AppID $appIdAll = $serviceBinding->getAllAppId(self::SERVICEID); // 各应用系统每日邮件发送总量统计 $daily = $hourStat->statistics(); if (empty($appIdAll) && arr_null($daily)) { $this->stdout("不存在绑定服务的第三方应用系统!!!", Console::FG_RED); $this->_fileLogger->writeOne("不存在绑定服务的第三方应用系统!!!", Logger::LEVEL_INFO, 'console\\controllers\\EmailController::email-batch-daily'); // 目标数据不存在 exit(6); } if (!arr_null($daily)) { // 构造params foreach ($daily as $k => $val) { $appIda[] = $val['app_id']; $appIds .= $val['app_id'] . ","; $rows[] = [$val['app_id'] . '' . $date, $val['app_id'], intval($val['year']), intval($val['month']), intval($val['day']), intval($val['total']), $time, $time]; } // 存在appIdAll不存在$appIda($daily)中的appId $appDiffs = array_diff($appIdAll, $appIda); if (!empty($appDiff)) { foreach ($appDiffs as $appDiff) { $appIds .= $appDiff . ','; $rows[] = [$appDiff . "" . $date, $appDiff, $year, $month, $day, 0, $time, $time]; } } $appIds = rtrim($appIds, ','); } else { foreach ($appIdAll as $appId) { $appIds .= $appId . ','; $rows[] = [$appId . "" . $date, $appId, $year, $month, $day, 0, $time, $time]; } $appIds = rtrim($appIds, ','); } $result = $dayStat->batchInsertStat($rows); if (!$result) { $this->stdout("应用ID为{$appIds},时间为{$year}年{$month}月{$day}日,统计失败!!!\r\n", Console::FG_RED); $this->_fileLogger->writeOne("应用ID为{$appIds},时间为{$year}年{$month}月{$day}日,统计失败!!!", Logger::LEVEL_INFO, 'console\\controllers\\EmailController::email-batch-daily'); // 数据库操作失败 exit(3); } // TODO:: 是否能删除 $this->stdout("应用ID为{$appIds},时间为{$year}年{$month}月{$day},统计成功!!!\r\n", Console::FG_GREEN); $this->_fileLogger->writeOne("应用ID为{$appIds},时间为{$year}年{$month}月{$day}日,统计成功!!!", Logger::LEVEL_INFO, 'console\\controllers\\EmailController::email-batch-daily'); exit(0); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $code = $ex->getCode(); if ($code == 23000) { $this->stdout("应用中存在已经被备份(主键重复)~~\r\n", Console::FG_GREEN); } else { $this->stdout("系统出错,请稍后重试~~\r\n", Console::FG_GREEN); } $this->_fileLogger->writeOne($ex->getMessage(), Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'console\\controllers\\EmailController::email-batch-daily'); // 1表示异常退出 exit(1); } }
function affecte_cb($cb, $id_resa = 0) { global $dbh; global $pmb_utiliser_calendrier, $pmb_location_reservation, $pmb_transferts_actif, $transferts_choix_lieu_opac, $deflt_docs_location; // chercher s'il s'agit d'une notice ou d'un bulletin $rqt = "SELECT expl_notice, expl_bulletin FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_cb='" . $cb . "' "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); $nb = pmb_mysql_num_rows($res); if (!$nb) { return 0; } $obj = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); if ($id_resa == 0) { if ($pmb_transferts_actif == "1") { switch ($transferts_choix_lieu_opac) { case "1": //retrait de la resa sur lieu choisi par le lecteur $where = " AND resa_loc_retrait=" . $deflt_docs_location; break; case "2": //retrait de la resa sur lieu fixé $where = " AND resa_loc_retrait=" . $deflt_docs_location; break; case "3": //retrait de la resa sur lieu exemplaire if (!$pmb_location_reservation) { $from = " ,exemplaires "; $where = " AND expl_cb='{$cb}' and expl_location=" . $deflt_docs_location; } else { $where = " and expl_location=" . $deflt_docs_location; } break; default: //retrait de la resa sur lieu lecteur if (!$pmb_location_reservation) { $from = " ,empr "; } $where = " AND resa_idempr=id_empr and empr_location=" . $deflt_docs_location; break; } //switch $transferts_choix_lieu_opac } if ($pmb_location_reservation) { $from_loc_resa = " ,empr, resa_loc, exemplaires "; $sql_loc_resa = " and resa_idempr=id_empr and empr_location=resa_emprloc and resa_loc='{$deflt_docs_location}' "; $sql_loc_resa .= " and expl_location=resa_loc AND expl_cb='{$cb}' "; } // chercher le premier (par ordre de rang, donc de date de début de résa, non validé $rqt = "SELECT id_resa, resa_idempr, resa_loc_retrait, resa_date_fin, resa_planning_id_resa\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM resa {$from} {$from_loc_resa}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE resa_idnotice='" . $obj->expl_notice . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND resa_idbulletin='" . $obj->expl_bulletin . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND resa_cb=''\n\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\t\t{$sql_loc_resa}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY resa_date "; } else { //on sait de quelle resa on parle ... $rqt = "SELECT id_resa, resa_idempr,resa_loc_retrait, resa_date_fin, resa_planning_id_resa FROM resa WHERE id_resa='" . $id_resa . "'"; } $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if (!pmb_mysql_num_rows($res)) { return 0; } $obj_resa = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res); /* $rqt_loc_retrait=""; if($pmb_transferts_actif) { $rqt = "SELECT empr_location FROM resa INNER JOIN empr ON resa_idempr = id_empr WHERE id_resa=".$obj_resa->id_resa; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); $empr_location = pmb_mysql_result($res,0) ; if($obj_resa->resa_loc_retrait==$deflt_docs_location || $empr_location==$deflt_docs_location) { $rqt_loc_retrait.= ", resa_loc_retrait='$deflt2docs_location' " ; } else return 0 ; } */ if ($obj_resa->resa_date_fin == '0000-00-00' || $obj_resa->resa_planning_id_resa == 0) { $nb_days = get_time($obj_resa->resa_idempr, $obj->expl_notice, $obj->expl_bulletin); $rqt_date = "select date_add(sysdate(), INTERVAL '{$nb_days}' DAY) as date_fin "; $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date); $res = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate); $date_fin = $res->date_fin; } else { $date_fin = $obj_resa->resa_date_fin; } if ($pmb_utiliser_calendrier) { $rqt_date = "select date_ouverture from ouvertures where ouvert=1 and num_location={$deflt_docs_location} and to_days(date_ouverture)>=to_days('{$date_fin}') order by date_ouverture "; $resultatdate = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_date); $res = @pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultatdate); if ($res->date_ouverture) { $date_fin = $res->date_ouverture; } } // mettre resa_cb à jour pour cette resa $rqt = "update resa set resa_cb='" . $cb . "' "; $rqt .= ", resa_date_debut=sysdate() "; $rqt .= ", resa_date_fin='{$date_fin}', resa_loc_retrait='{$deflt_docs_location}' "; $rqt .= " where id_resa='" . $obj_resa->id_resa . "' "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error() . " <br />{$rqt}"); $rqt = "delete from resa_ranger where resa_cb='" . $cb . "' "; $res = pmb_mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); return $obj_resa->id_resa; }
$bcc .= $content["bcc"][$i]; } if ($bcc != '') { echo '<tr><td valign="top"><b>Bcc:</b> </td><td>'; echo htmlspecialchars($bcc); echo '</td></tr>'; } } ?> <tr> <td><b><?php echo $strDate; ?> : </b></td> <td><?php echo date($_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['date_format'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['time_format'], get_time($content['udate'])); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($account['type'] == "imap" && !$print) { echo '<tr><td nowrap><b>' . $ml_folder . ': </b></td><td>'; if ($email->get_all_folders($account['id'], true) > 0) { $dropbox = new dropbox(); $dropbox->add_value('INBOX', $ml_inbox); while ($email->next_record()) { if (!($email->f('attributes') & LATT_NOSELECT)) { $dropbox->add_value($email->f('name'), str_replace('INBOX' . $email->f('delimiter'), '', $email->f('name'))); } } $dropbox->print_dropbox('move_to_mailbox', $mailbox, 'onchange="javascript:move_mail()"');
} $graph_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/{$fbid}/"; $execution_time['totalstart'] = get_time(); $execution_time['start'] = get_time(); $param->fbid = $fbid; $param->token = $token; $param->graph_url = $graph_url; $param->limit = 25; $param->offset = 0; //me/statuses echo 'processing fb statuses...'; $param->connection = 'statuses'; $param->table_name = 'statuses_raw_data'; get_statuses($param); echo "done<br/>"; $execution_time['end'] = get_time(); $totaltime = $execution_time['end'] - $execution_time['start']; echo "<br/>totaltime : {$totaltime}"; logme("Facebook ID:{$fbid}"); logme("Total Execution Time: {$totaltime}"); logme("============================================================================"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MY STATUS UPDATES function get_graphapi_data($graph_url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $graph_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $data = @json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); return $data;