function get_chart_content($chart, $user, $published = false, $debug = false) { if (!function_exists('unique_scripts')) { function unique_scripts($scripts) { $exist = array(); $out = array(); foreach ($scripts as $s) { $src = is_array($s) ? $s['src'] : $s; if (isset($exist[$src])) { continue; } $exist[$src] = true; $out[] = is_array($s) ? $s : array('src' => $s); } return $out; } } $theme_css = array(); $theme_js = array(); $protocol = get_current_protocol(); $next_theme_id = $chart->getTheme(); $locale = DatawrapperSession::getLanguage(); if ($chart->getLanguage() != '') { $locale = $chart->getLanguage(); } $static_path = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['static_path']; $abs = $protocol . '://' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain']; if ($static_path == 'static/') { $static_path = $abs . $static_path; } while (!empty($next_theme_id)) { $theme = DatawrapperTheme::get($next_theme_id); // $theme_static_path = str_replace('/static/', $static_path . '/', $theme['__static_path']); $theme_static_path = $theme['__static_path']; $theme_js[] = $theme_static_path . $next_theme_id . '.js'; if ($theme['hasStyles']) { $theme_css[] = $theme_static_path . $next_theme_id . '.css'; } $next_theme_id = $theme['extends']; } $abs = $protocol . '://' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['domain']; $debug = $GLOBALS['dw_config']['debug'] == true || $debug; $culture = str_replace('_', '-', $locale); if ($published && !empty($GLOBALS['dw_config']['asset_domain'])) { $base_js = array('//' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['asset_domain'] . '/globalize.min.js', '//' . $GLOBALS['dw_config']['asset_domain'] . '/cultures/globalize.culture.' . $culture . '.js', '//', '//'); } else { // use "local" assets $base_js = array($abs . '/static/vendor/globalize/globalize.min.js', $abs . '/static/vendor/globalize/cultures/globalize.culture.' . $culture . '.js', $abs . '/static/vendor/underscore/underscore-min.js', $abs . '/static/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js'); } $vis_js = array(); $vis_css = array(); $next_vis_id = $chart->getType(); $vis_libs = array(); $vis_libs_cdn = array(); $vis_libs_local = array(); $vis_locale = array(); // visualizations may define localized strings, e.g. "other" while (!empty($next_vis_id)) { $vis = DatawrapperVisualization::get($next_vis_id); // $vis_static_path = str_replace('/static/', $static_path . '/', $vis['__static_path']); $vis_static_path = $vis['__static_path']; $vjs = array(); if (!empty($vis['libraries'])) { foreach (array_reverse($vis['libraries']) as $script) { if (!is_array($script)) { $script = array("local" => $script, "cdn" => false); } if (!empty($script['cdn'])) { $script['src'] = $script['cdn']; $vis_libs_cdn[] = $script; } // at first we check if the library lives in ./lib of the vis module if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'www' . $vis['__static_path'] . $script['local'])) { $u = $vis_static_path . $script['local']; } else { if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'www/static/vendor/' . $script['local'])) { $u = '/static/vendor/' . $script['local']; } else { print ROOT_PATH . 'www' . $vis['__static_path'] . $script['local']; die("could not find required library " . $script["local"]); } } $script['src'] = $u; $vis_libs[] = $script; if (empty($url['cdn'])) { $vis_libs_local[] = $script; } } } if (!empty($vis['locale']) && is_array($vis['locale'])) { foreach ($vis['locale'] as $term => $translations) { if (!isset($vis_locale[$term])) { $vis_locale[$term] = $translations; } } } $vjs[] = $vis_static_path . $vis['id'] . '.js'; $vis_js = array_merge($vis_js, array_reverse($vjs)); if ($vis['hasCSS']) { $vis_css[] = $vis_static_path . $vis['id'] . '.css'; } $next_vis_id = !empty($vis['extends']) ? $vis['extends'] : null; } $stylesheets = array_merge(array('/static/css/chart.base.css'), $vis_css, array_reverse($theme_css)); $the_vis = DatawrapperVisualization::get($chart->getType()); $the_vis['locale'] = $vis_locale; $the_theme = DatawrapperTheme::get($chart->getTheme()); $l10n__domain = $the_theme['__static_path']; $the_vis_js = get_vis_js($the_vis, array_merge(array_reverse($vis_js), $vis_libs_local)); $the_theme_js = get_theme_js($the_theme, array_reverse($theme_js)); $the_chart_js = get_chart_js(); if ($published) { $scripts = array_merge($base_js, $vis_libs_cdn, array('/lib/' . $the_vis_js[0], '/lib/' . $the_theme_js[0], '/lib/' . $the_chart_js[0])); $stylesheets = array($chart->getID() . '.all.css'); // NOTE: replace `/static/` by `assets/` in the `__static_path` value, // since vis assets are handle by DatawrapperVisualization $replace_in = $the_vis['__static_path']; $replace_by = 'assets/'; $replace = '/static/'; $the_vis['__static_path'] = substr_replace($replace_in, $replace_by, strrpos($replace_in, $replace), strlen($replace)); // length $the_theme['__static_path'] = ''; } else { $scripts = unique_scripts(array_merge($base_js, array($static_path . '/js/dw-2.0' . ($debug ? '' : '.min') . '.js'), array_reverse($theme_js), array_reverse($vis_js), array_reverse($vis_libs), array($static_path . '/js/dw/chart.base.js'))); } $cfg = $GLOBALS['dw_config']; $published_urls = DatawrapperHooks::execute(DatawrapperHooks::GET_PUBLISHED_URL, $chart); if (empty($published_urls)) { $chart_url = $protocol . '://' . $cfg['chart_domain'] . '/' . $chart->getID() . '/'; } else { $chart_url = $published_urls[0]; // ignore urls except from the first one } $page = array('chartData' => $chart->loadData(), 'chart' => $chart, 'lang' => strtolower(substr($locale, 0, 2)), 'metricPrefix' => get_metric_prefix($locale), 'l10n__domain' => $l10n__domain, 'origin' => !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '', 'DW_DOMAIN' => $protocol . '://' . $cfg['domain'] . '/', 'DW_CHART_DATA' => $protocol . '://' . $cfg['domain'] . '/chart/' . $chart->getID() . '/data.csv', 'ASSET_PATH' => $published ? '' : $the_theme['__static_path'], 'published' => $published, 'chartUrl' => $chart_url, 'embedCode' => '<iframe src="' . $chart_url . '" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen width="' . $chart->getMetadata('publish.embed-width') . '" height="' . $chart->getMetadata('publish.embed-height') . '"></iframe>', 'chartUrlFs' => strpos($chart_url, '.html') > 0 ? str_replace('index.html', 'fs.html', $chart_url) : $chart_url . '?fs=1', 'stylesheets' => $stylesheets, 'scripts' => $scripts, 'visualization' => $the_vis, 'theme' => $the_theme, 'chartLocale' => str_replace('_', '-', $locale), 'vis_js' => $the_vis_js, 'theme_js' => $the_theme_js, 'chart_js' => $the_chart_js); return $page; }
function get_theme_js($file, $wrap = true) { return get_theme_js($file, $wrap); }