Ejemplo n.º 1

if ($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_isParent']) {
    $pid = $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_myUID'];
    $t = "Student Attendance";
    $b = "<FORM action=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . " method=POST name=studentClasses>";
    $sid = -1;
    if (isset($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_selected_student'])) {
        $sid = $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_selected_student'];
    $b .= "<center>" . make_selection_list(get_students_for_parent($pid), $sid, 'student_id', 'studentClasses', 'Student', 'on') . "</center>";
    if ($sid != -1) {
        $sql2 = "SELECT user_id,first_name,last_name from users where user_id=" . $sid;
        $result2 = $db->query($sql2);
        $colcount = 0;
        $row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc();
        $sname = $row2['first_name'] . " " . $row2['last_name'];
        $b .= "<div style=\"text-align:center\"><a href=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . "&s_id=" . $sid . ">" . $sname . "</a></div><br />";
        $loc = get_student_classes_for_attendance($sid);
        foreach ($loc as $cname => $info) {
            $att = array();
            $b .= "<div style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold\">" . $cname . "</div><br />";
            foreach ($info as $cid => $name_term) {
                if (isset($_POST['year'])) {
                    $att = array_merge($att, get_student_attendance($sid, $cid, $_POST['year']));
                    //$att = array_merge($att,get_student_attendance($sid,$cid, $name, $_POST['year']));
                    //$att = array_merge($att,getSMSStudentAttendance($sid,$cid, $_POST['year'],$_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'].'_myCenter']));
                } else {
                    $att = array_merge($att, get_student_attendance($sid, $cid, $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_current_school_year']));
                    //$att = array_merge($att,get_student_attendance($sid,$cid,$name, $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'].'_current_school_year']));
Ejemplo n.º 2
if ($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_isParent']) {
    $pid = $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_myUID'];
    $bc = "blue";
    $t = "Parent Homework Site";
    $b = "<FORM action=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?lev=" . $_GET['lev'] . "&cat=" . $_GET['cat'] . " method=POST name=studentHomework>";
    if (isset($_REQUEST['student'])) {
        $sid = $_REQUEST['student'];
    } else {
        $sid = -1;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['class_id'])) {
        $cid = $_REQUEST['class_id'];
    } else {
        $cid = -1;
    $b .= "<center>" . get_students_for_parent($pid, 'student', "studentHomework", $_REQUEST['student']) . "</center>";
    if ($_POST['student'] && check_parent2student($pid, $sid)) {
        $b .= "<center>" . make_selection_list(student_class_list($sid), $cid, 'class_id', 'studentHomework', 'Class', 'on') . "</center>";
        if ($_REQUEST['class_id']) {
            if (isset($_REQUEST['view'])) {
                // retrieve and display the assignment
                $sql = "SELECT assignment,date from homework where homework_id=" . $_REQUEST['assignment_num'];
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                list($y, $m, $d) = split("-", $row['date']);
                $b .= "<hr width=80%>";
                $b .= "HW for <b>" . date("l, F j, Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y)) . "</b>";
                $b .= "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 width=70%>";
                $b .= "<tr><td>";
                $b .= nl2br($row['assignment']);
                $b .= "</td></tr>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $sql1 = "SELECT users.user_id, users.first_name, users.last_name, users.email\n\t\tFROM users, user2center\n\t\tWHERE user2center.isParent='Y'\n\t\tAND user2center.isActive='Y'\n\t\tAND users.user_id=user2center.user_id\n\t\tAND users.weekly_progress='Y'\n        Group By users.user_id";
} else {
    /** for testing only **/
    $web .= "<h2>Testing Email System</h2>";
    $sql1 = "SELECT * from users where user_id=1";
//print $sql1."<br>";
$result1 = $db->query($sql1);
while ($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
    $pemail = $row1['email'];
    $pname = $row1['first_name'] . " " . $row1['last_name'];
    if ($testing || $printWeb) {
        $web .= "<h2>Working on Parent {" . $pname . "}</h2>\n";
    /** Get the list of students for each parent above **/
    $los = get_students_for_parent($row1['user_id']);
    foreach ($los as $sid => $sname) {
        /** Get the list of classes for each student above for current term **/
        /** let the function handle the current term by checking class.term_id and term.start&end **/
        $loc = get_student_classes_for_term($sid);
        $web .= "<h4>Working on Student {" . $sname . " (" . $sid . ")}</h4>\n";
        $web .= displayArray2($loc);
        foreach ($loc as $cid => $cname) {
            /** Retrieve the report for each of the classes above **/
            //$web .= displayArray2($row2);
            $result2 = get_class_info($cid);
            $web .= "<hr>Working on Class {" . $cname . "}<br />\n";
            $row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc();
            $className = $row2['course_name'];
            $tid = $row2['user_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 4

if ($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_isParent']) {
    $pid = $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_myUID'];
    $bc = "blue";
    // default box color
    $print_button = "";
    $t = "Student List";
    $los = get_students_for_parent($pid);
    $sid = -1;
    if (isset($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_selected_student'])) {
        $sid = $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_selected_student'];
        if (!array_key_exists($sid, $los)) {
            $sid = -1;
    $b = "<FORM action=index.php?lev=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_lev'] . "&cat=" . $_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_cat'] . " method=POST name=students>";
    $b .= "<center>" . make_selection_list($los, $sid, 'student_id', 'students', 'Student', 'on') . "</center></form>";
    $b .= "<br /></form>";
    $body = "<center>" . $b . "</center>";
    $main .= make_box($t, $body, $bc);
    if ($sid != -1) {
        include 'multiClassProgress_report.php';
        $report = $b;
        $main .= make_box($t, $report);
} else {
    $main .= login_error();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        $sql2 = "SELECT student_id from parent2student where parent_id=" . $_POST['parentid'];
        $result2 = $db->query($sql2);
        $stud_array = array();
        while ($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()) {
            array_push($stud_array, $row2['student_id']);
        $t = "Parent -> Students";
        $b .= "\n\t\t\t<br />\n\t\t\t<center>\n\t\t\t<TABLE width=350 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 bgcolor=white>\n\t\t\t<TR><TH colspan=2>Parent to Student Link</TH></TR>";
        // get parents name...
        $sql = "SELECT first_name, last_name from users where user_id=" . $_POST['parentid'];
        $result = $db->query($sql);
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        $b .= "\n            <TR><TH colspan=2>Linking to Parent : " . $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'] . "</TH></TR>\n            </table>";
                        now for the new way of adding/removing students.  Use a selection list with "Add" button
                        Then use checkboxes next to names and a remove button.  Keep the copy from
        $paired = get_students_for_parent($_POST['parentid']);
        $list = get_users_for_center($_SESSION[$_CONF['sess_name'] . '_adminCenterID'], 'isStudent', 'Y', 'users.last_name, users.first_name');
        $studentList = make_selection_list($list, $selected, 'student_id', 'studentSelectList', 'Student', 'off');
        $b .= "\n            <div id=pairedStudentsDiv><h2>Current List</h2>\n            <table id=\"pairedTable\" background=white cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3>\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th colspan=2>\n                        <form id=studentSelectList name=studentSelectList action\"\" method=post>" . $studentList . "<input type=submit name=pairStudent id=pairStudent value=Add />\n                        <input type=hidden name=parentid id=parentid value=" . $_POST['parentid'] . " />\n                        </form>\n                    </th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody id=\"pairedTableBody\">\n            <form id=studentListForm name=studentListForm action=\"\" method=post>";
        foreach ($paired as $id => $name) {
            $b .= "\n                <tr><td><input type=checkbox id=s_" . $id . " name=s_" . $id . " class=studentCheckbox></td><td>" . $name . "</td></tr>";
        $b .= "\n            </tbody>\n            <tfoot>\n            <tr>\n                <td colspan=2>\n                    <input type=submit id=unPairStudent name=unPairStudent value=Remove />\n                    <input type=hidden name=parentid id=parentid value=" . $_POST['parentid'] . " />\n                </td>\n            </tr>\n            </tfoot>\n            </table>\n            </form>\n            </div>\n            ";
        $b .= "\n            </center>";
    $main .= make_box($t, $b);
} else {
    $main .= login_error();