Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get the abbreviation or name of state.
  * @param string $abbr_or_name - can be abbreviation or name of a state.
  * @param boolean $abbrev - return the abbreviation or name?
  * @return boolean|string
 function get_state($abbr_or_name, $abbrev = true)
     $states = get_state_array();
     // Need to pass something.
     if (empty($abbr_or_name)) {
         return false;
     // The user passed an abbreviation.
     if (array_key_exists($abbr_or_name, $states)) {
         return $abbrev ? $abbr_or_name : $states[$abbr_or_name];
         // The user passed the name.
     } else {
         foreach ($states as $key => $value) {
             if (strcasecmp($abbr_or_name, $value) == 0) {
                 return $abbrev ? $key : $value;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Discover a new status sensor on a device - called from discover_sensor()
 * This function adds a status sensor to a device, if it does not already exist.
 * Data on the sensor is updated if it has changed, and an event is logged with regards to the changes.
 * @param array $device        Device array status sensor is being discovered on
 * @param string $oid          SNMP OID of status sensor
 * @param string $index        SNMP index of status sensor
 * @param string $type         Type of status sensor (used as key in $config['status_states'])
 * @param string $status_descr Description of status sensor
 * @param string $value        Current value of status sensor
 * @param array $options       Options
 * @param string $poller_type  Type of poller being used (SNMP, Agent, etc) - Used to check valid sensors per poller type
 * @return bool
function discover_status($device, $oid, $index, $type, $status_descr, $value = NULL, $options = array(), $poller_type = 'snmp')
    global $config;
    // Init main
    $param_main = array('oid' => 'status_oid', 'status_descr' => 'status_descr');
    // Check state value
    $status_state = array();
    //if ($value !== NULL)
    $state_array = get_state_array($type, $value, $poller_type);
    $state = $state_array['value'];
    if ($state === FALSE) {
        print_debug("Skipped by unknown state value: {$value}, {$status_descr} ");
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        if ($state_array['event'] == 'ignore') {
            print_debug("Skipped by ignored state value: " . $config['status_states'][$type][$state]['name'] . ", {$status_descr} ");
            return FALSE;
    $value = $state;
    $status_state['status_event'] = $state_array['event'];
    $status_state['status_name'] = $state_array['name'];
    // Init optional
    $param_opt = array('entPhysicalIndex', 'entPhysicalClass', 'entPhysicalIndex_measured', 'measured_class', 'measured_entity');
    foreach ($param_opt as $key) {
        ${$key} = $options[$key] ? $options[$key] : NULL;
    print_debug("Discover status: " . $device['hostname'] . ", {$oid}, {$index}, {$type}, {$status_descr}, {$value}, {$poller_type}, {$entPhysicalIndex}, {$entPhysicalClass}");
    // Check sensor ignore filters
    foreach ($config['ignore_sensor'] as $bi) {
        if (strcasecmp($bi, $status_descr) == 0) {
            print_debug("Skipped by equals: {$bi}, {$status_descr} ");
            return FALSE;
    foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_string'] as $bi) {
        if (stripos($status_descr, $bi) !== FALSE) {
            print_debug("Skipped by strpos: {$bi}, {$status_descr} ");
            return FALSE;
    foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_regexp'] as $bi) {
        if (preg_match($bi, $status_descr) > 0) {
            print_debug("Skipped by regexp: {$bi}, {$status_descr} ");
            return FALSE;
    $where = ' WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `status_type` = ? AND `status_index` = ? AND `poller_type`= ?';
    $params = array($device['device_id'], $type, $index, $poller_type);
    if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `status`' . $where, $params) == '0') {
        $status_insert = array('poller_type' => $poller_type, 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'status_index' => $index, 'status_type' => $type);
        foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) {
            $status_insert[$column] = ${$key};
        foreach ($param_opt as $key) {
            if (is_null(${$key})) {
                ${$key} = array('NULL');
            // If param null, convert to array(NULL)
            $status_insert[$key] = ${$key};
        $status_id = dbInsert($status_insert, 'status');
        // Insert initial state for status sensor
        $status_state['status_id'] = $status_id;
        $status_state['status_value'] = $value;
        $status_state['status_polled'] = array('NOW()');
        dbInsert($status_state, 'status-state');
        print_debug("( {$status_id} inserted )");
        echo '+';
        log_event("Status added: {$class} {$type} {$index} {$status_descr}", $device, 'status', $status_id);
    } else {
        $status_entry = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `status`' . $where, $params);
        $update = array();
        foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) {
            if (${$key} != $status_entry[$column]) {
                $update[$column] = ${$key};
        foreach ($param_opt as $key) {
            if (${$key} != $status_entry[$key]) {
                $update[$key] = ${$key};
        if (count($update)) {
            $updated = dbUpdate($update, 'status', '`status_id` = ?', array($status_entry['status_id']));
            echo 'U';
            log_event("Status updated: {$type} {$index} {$status_descr}", $device, 'status', $status_entry['status_id']);
        } else {
            echo '.';
    $GLOBALS['valid']['status'][$type][$index] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function poll_status($device)
    global $config, $agent_sensors, $ipmi_sensors, $graphs, $oid_cache;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `status`";
    $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `status-state` USING(`status_id`)";
    $sql .= " WHERE `device_id` = ?";
    foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, array($device['device_id'])) as $status_db) {
        //print_cli_heading("Status: ".$status_db['status_descr']. "(".$status_db['poller_type'].")", 3);
        print_debug("Checking (" . $status_db['poller_type'] . ") " . $status_db['status_descr'] . " ");
        // $status_poll = $status_db;    // Cache non-humanized status array for use as new status state
        if ($status_db['poller_type'] == "snmp") {
            // Check if a specific poller file exists for this status, else collect via SNMP.
            $file = $config['install_dir'] . "/includes/polling/status/" . $status_db['status_type'] . ".inc.php";
            if (is_file($file)) {
                include $file;
            } else {
                // Take value from $oid_cache if we have it, else snmp_get it
                if (is_numeric($oid_cache[$status_db['status_oid']])) {
                    print_debug("value taken from oid_cache");
                    $status_value = $oid_cache[$status_db['status_oid']];
                } else {
                    $status_value = snmp_get($device, $status_db['status_oid'], "-OUqnv", "SNMPv2-MIB");
                $status_value = snmp_fix_numeric($status_value);
        } else {
            if ($status_db['poller_type'] == "agent") {
                if (isset($agent_sensors['state'])) {
                    $status_value = $agent_sensors['state'][$status_db['status_type']][$status_db['status_index']]['current'];
                } else {
                    print_warning("No agent status data available.");
            } else {
                if ($status_db['poller_type'] == "ipmi") {
                    if (isset($ipmi_sensors['state'])) {
                        $status_value = $ipmi_sensors['state'][$status_db['status_type']][$status_db['status_index']]['current'];
                    } else {
                        print_warning("No IPMI status data available.");
                } else {
                    print_warning("Unknown status poller type.");
        $status_polled_time = time();
        // Store polled time for current status
        // Write new value and humanize (for alert checks)
        $state_array = get_state_array($status_db['status_type'], $status_value, $status_db['poller_type']);
        $status_poll['status_value'] = $state_array['value'];
        $status_poll['status_name'] = $state_array['name'];
        if ($status_db['status_ignore'] || $status_db['status_disable']) {
            $status_poll['status_event'] = 'ignore';
        } else {
            $status_poll['status_event'] = $state_array['event'];
        // If last change never set, use current time
        if (empty($status_db['status_last_change'])) {
            $status_db['status_last_change'] = $status_polled_time;
        if ($status_poll['status_event'] != $status_db['status_event']) {
            // Status event changed, log and set status_last_change
            $status_poll['status_last_change'] = $status_polled_time;
            if ($status_poll['status_event'] == 'ignore') {
                print_message("[%ystatus Ignored%n]", 'color');
            } else {
                if ($status_db['status_event'] != '') {
                    // If old state not empty and new state not equals to new state
                    $msg = 'Status ';
                    switch ($status_poll['status_event']) {
                        case 'alert':
                            // New state alerted
                            $msg .= "Alert: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $status_db['status_descr'] . " entered ALERT state: " . $status_poll['status_name'] . " (previous: " . $status_db['status_name'] . ")";
                            log_event($msg, $device, 'status', $status_db['status_id'], 'warning');
                        case 'warning':
                            // New state warned
                            $msg .= "Warning: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $status_db['status_descr'] . " entered WARNING state: " . $status_poll['status_name'] . " (previous: " . $status_db['status_name'] . ")";
                            log_event($msg, $device, 'status', $status_db['status_id']);
                        case 'ok':
                            // New state ok
                            $msg .= "Ok: " . $device['hostname'] . " " . $status_db['status_descr'] . " entered OK state: " . $status_poll['status_name'] . " (previous: " . $status_db['status_name'] . ")";
                            log_event($msg, $device, 'status', $status_db['status_id'], 'warning');
        } else {
            // If status not changed, leave old last_change
            $status_poll['status_last_change'] = $status_db['status_last_change'];
        if (OBS_DEBUG > 1) {
        // Send statistics array via AMQP/JSON if AMQP is enabled globally and for the ports module
        if ($config['amqp']['enable'] == TRUE && $config['amqp']['modules']['status']) {
            $json_data = array('value' => $status_value);
            messagebus_send(array('attribs' => array('t' => time(), 'device' => $device['hostname'], 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'e_type' => 'status', 'e_type' => $status_db['status_type'], 'e_index' => $status_db['status_index']), 'data' => $json_data));
        // Update StatsD/Carbon
        if ($config['statsd']['enable'] == TRUE) {
            StatsD::gauge(str_replace(".", "_", $device['hostname']) . '.' . 'status' . '.' . $status_db['status_class'] . '.' . $status_db['status_type'] . '.' . $status_db['status_index'], $status_value);
        // Update RRD - FIXME - can't convert to NG because filename is dynamic! new function should return index instead of filename.
        $rrd_file = get_status_rrd($device, $status_db);
        rrdtool_create($device, $rrd_file, "DS:status:GAUGE:600:-20000:U");
        rrdtool_update($device, $rrd_file, "N:{$status_value}");
        // Enable graph
        $graphs[$sensor_db['status']] = TRUE;
        // Check alerts
        $metrics = array();
        $metrics['status_value'] = $status_value;
        $metrics['status_name'] = $status_poll['status_name'];
        $metrics['status_name_uptime'] = $status_polled_time - $status_poll['status_last_change'];
        $metrics['status_event'] = $status_poll['status_event'];
        //print_cli_data("Event (State)", $status_poll['status_event'] ." (".$status_poll['status_name'].")", 3);
        $GLOBALS['table_rows'][] = array($status_db['status_descr'], $status_db['status_type'], $status_db['status_index'], $status_db['poller_type'], $status_poll['status_name'], $status_poll['status_event'], format_unixtime($status_poll['status_last_change']));
        check_entity('status', $status_db, $metrics);
        // Update SQL State
        if (is_numeric($status_db['status_polled'])) {
            dbUpdate(array('status_value' => $status_value, 'status_name' => $status_poll['status_name'], 'status_event' => $status_poll['status_event'], 'status_last_change' => $status_poll['status_last_change'], 'status_polled' => $status_polled_time), 'status-state', '`status_id` = ?', array($status_db['status_id']));
        } else {
            dbInsert(array('status_id' => $status_db['status_id'], 'status_value' => $status_value, 'status_name' => $status_poll['status_name'], 'status_event' => $status_poll['status_event'], 'status_last_change' => $status_poll['status_last_change'], 'status_polled' => $status_polled_time), 'status-state');